xt783b5w7186 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w7186/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1918-04-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1918 1918 1918-04-18 2012 true xt783b5w7186 section xt783b5w7186 1

University of Kentucky




Toasted Marshmallows
a Full Moon to

and Hostess House For Soldiers
Is Latest Plan of




Lieutenant Clarkson, a hero of the
battle of the Somme, will be the chief
speaker at the chapel exercises tomorrow, which will be under the
auspices of the University Red Cross,
and designated as Red Cross day.
Fifty girls in the uniform of Red
Cross nurses will occupy the rostrum.

Friday will be "lossless" night according to reports, when the entire
University, including students, professors, officials and faculty wives will
gather on the lawn of Patterson Hall
for an evening of fun and frolic, where
nothing will be lacking, engineered by
the social committees of the Y. M.
and Y. W. C. A.

No. 26



The Wildcats cross bats with the
University of Tennessee Friday and
The Volunteers have played a game
with the Pittsburg Pirates who defeated them 13 to 0. Beyond that, no
dope is available except that two of
the best men of last year's team are
playing this year.
Calloway, short
atoP( and Luck firBt bafle are the
and both are touted as experts
in their positions.
The Wildcats are in top form and
are only awaltlng the tIme when Mc
Clellan's glass arm will get back to
its top form. He will start Friday's
game if his arm will permit. Jim
Park says his infield is doing all he
wants them to do, and he expects
some remarkable fielding in the Tennessee games.





Lewis W. Herndon Killed in Special Engineering TrainThe Defense of
ing Will Be Given





Kentucky gave another son to the
Contracts have been made between
Hun war god, and the University add- the University of Kentucky, thru
ed a second gold star to its service President McVey, and the War Deflag, when Lewis W. Herndon, Irving-ton- , partment of the United States, whereKy., of the Sixth Regiment, U. S. by the University has agreed to furengineers, was killed in action while nish all facilities necessary for the
his regiment was attached to the Brit- training of engineers for the army,
and on May 7, 400 drafted men of the
ish forces.
young Herndon national army will be sent to the UniTho the University auxiliary has
It is believed that
for two months'
fell in the battle of Peronne in which versity
A light moon has been ordered for been organized but a short time, its
three regiments of U. S. engineers training in motor truck driving, radio
the occasion. Japanese lanterns will work has been worthy of mention.
were attached to the British forces. an delectrical work, etc.
assist the inconstant lunar beams, and Already twenty hospital garments are
This contract was immediately fol
A letter written a month ago to rela
of surgical
bonfires, before which luscious
tives, and received last week stated lowed by one between President Mc
may be toasted, will add to dressings have been made at the class
which meets every Saturday night at CATS TAKES EASY GAME that the regiment, of which he was a Vey and Ed. A. Tipton, president of
the brightness of the festivities.
member, had been moved into a the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breed"Stunts," which will rival anything Patterson Hall, and plans are now
on foot for a Hostess House to be
French town and had been engaged ers' Association, whereby the offer of
presented amateur night, will furnish
conducted by the Red Cross and Y. FROM WESLEYAN MONDAY in constructing barracks for the Brit- Mr. Tipton, giving the use of the
amusement for the crowd. Professor
ish soldiers until it was called up to grounds and buildings of the associaParquhar, authority on dramatic prob- W. C. A. for the 400 soldiers who are
to be stationed here.
some de- tion for quartering the men, was acthe front to reconstruct
lems, is in charge of a faculty feacepted.
McClellan is Still Out On stroyed bridges.
Probably the greatest work has
ture. Wellington Patrick, secretary to
The notification from the War DeAccount of Bad
Mr. Herndon was a student in the
the President, will present another. been done by the Ways and Means
partment that the University has been
College of Mechanical and Electrical
The "Old Dormites," under the direc- Committee which has Miss Marie Col
Engineering in 1916 and 1917, and selected as the site for the special
tion of Charles Planck, will put on lins as its chairman. A steadily growPROPPS IS STAR MAN would have been a member of the training of the 400 men came Satursomething original.
Patterson Hall ing fund gained by selling sandwiches
day, terminating the conference bepresent Junior class. Herndon acted
stunt is in charge of Mrs. F. O. Mayes. at noon and chapel hours, by conductThe Wildcats crossed bats with
tween visiting officers from the War
sergeant for the battalion
The Mechanicals and Ags. will also be ing a refreshment table at dances, and Kentucky Wesleyan Monday and came as color
Department and Captani Royden.
a Red Cross dance, is still expanding. back with both bats and a score of 16 last year. He was a member of Kaprepresented.
Royden to Command
pa Sigma fraternity, and a man well
The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity to 3 to their credit.
Any group or organization wanting
It has been announced that Captain
by his associates.
Kentucky's batteries were Lasley liked
H. N. Royden, captain United States
to put on a stunt of any kind, should has commissioned the Red Cross girls
Herndon, tho not 2i until March,
to make its service flag, which is to and Downing with Dempsey and
Army, will be the commanding ofhand in their names to Miss Eliza
1918, volunteered for service in May
Spurrier, chairman of the stunt com be in the shape of the fraternity Thomas. The game was not bare of
ficer of the increment and that four
The latest money makIng interesting features. Wildcats at the 1917. He was in training in Washing commissioned officers of the line to
mittee. A prize will be awarded for!shleldton, D. C, thru the summer, and was
cam-)bwent their way in peace, two of
serve as captain adjutant, quartermas
the cleverest stunt. The Judges for scheme is a Red Cross
sent to France in December. It is
ter, summary court duty officer, and
contest are, Dr. John J. Tigert, paIgn whIch ls soon to be Inaugurated-- . them getting three hits each. These
regiment was in the
officer of the field, will accompany
PmfQnr Vnnni, rjrhnn ' r0an x n ' Every student, professor and friend. were proDDg and Greger. Cambron believed that his
Jnath of the bie German drive which the men. These, with the officers of
OL lne
university la uaiuju iu aavo and Konn eacn got tW0 . .. OUt Of.
uegan uiree wbbrs ugu. n 1a iu
from cigarette wrappings, three times ud
the student battalion enrolled in the
No meeting of the week is complete
first student of the University to fall Reserve Officers' Training Corps,
anriv nfianrlnf cum aio fnr Hip T?firt
The star of the game was Propps
without a patriotic feature, and the
Sidney Smith, in whose
; Cross collection.
They are urged to according to Coach Park He had one in battle.
make up the personnel of the staff.
associations have been particularly
memory the first gold star was placed
Series of Courses Offered
fortunate in their choice of a speaker, wrlte home for more tInfo11' and t0 put out to his credit and five assists. on the University service flag, was
Captain Royden, with the assistance
He refused to ' miss a chance and
President McVey, who will make a get me smau stores 10 buvo it iui
off a torpedo boat in a storm of Dean F.
Paul Anderson, College of
nnnpd tin manv - errnunrler in a' washed
short patriotic address. It was at a them
une Keu uross nopes 10 aau- ao r
Mechanical Engineering, Is arranging
says . last fall.
Coach Park
handsome style.
Joint party of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. materially 10 ua ireuaury ,
uum 4.
While here in school young Hem-- ! a series of courses for the men. The
ho is greatly satisfied with his infield
A. last fall that Doctor McVey made
don lived with his aunt, Mrs. J. L. following courses will probably be
source. A box will be put outside the
and thinks it is Improving dally.
his first public appearance before tho
Malin, 122 Forest avenue. Mrs. Malin given:
Main Building where the tinfoil may
Since McClellan's arm ls still troubody. He has been much in
was notified of her nephew's death
Course for telegraph operators and
bling him, Lasley started and held his
demand as a speaker since his coming, be
last Thursday by the Adjutant Gen- for radio and buzzer operators to be
opponents to one run in six innings,
and this is one of tho few times of
eral in Washington.
attended by 100 men.
and that run was made on an error, j
tho year that tho students will have OLD GLORY FLYING
Course in emergency tralninK for
Downing finished the game and alan opportunity to hear him speak on a
NOW CHASING "SUBS" lowed two runs, both of which wero UNION CONTEST WON motor truck drivers and chaffeurs to
patriotic subject.
BY DABNEY TUESDAY be held for 210 men.
made on errors.
It Is positively guaranteed by the
Lieutenant John I. Bryan, 1895, faCourse in carpenters to bo attended
Kentucky's lineup follows:
committee In charge that "no one will mous in his day as a
on the
Ed Dabney, a Junior lawyer, won by 40 men.
Propps 3b, Gregg lb, Zerfoss ss, tho Union Literary Society annual
have to talk to some one they don't University football team, is "someCourse for thirty blacksmiths and
want to talk to." There will be marsh where chasing submarines."
A let- Cambron 2b, Kolm If, Mlsrach rf, oratorical contest last Tuesday night a course for twenty electricians.
mallows, sticks and bon fires in plen- ter recently received by the Univer- Muth cf, Dempsey and Thomas c, Las- in chapel.
Captain Royden has divided the
ty for everybody. It will bo neither sity gives some interesting accounts ley and Downing p. Hall and Bastin
The other speakers and their sub- soldiers' working hours into two
Lasley struck out jects were: H. K. Smith, "William;" periods of four hours each. The first
a manless, girlless, foodless, lightless, of the effective processes employed iu were substituted.
eight men and Downing three.
funless, nor heatless party.
J. P. Barnes, "The American Youth'" period of four continuous hours will
this fascinating pastime.
Lieutenant Bryan was graduated
and E. E. Hardin, "Procrastacy."
be devoted to special training in one
In case of rain the ardor of the hosts
Edward Dabney. the winner, will of the courses mentioned above, and
and hostesses will not be dampened, from the College of Mechanical and
Charles the second period will be divided into
sneak in chupel against
for the party will be transferred to Electrical Engineering in tho class of
Nineteen football "K" sweaters have piunck, the winner of tho Patterson
1895 and immediately afterward took
for lectures, military tacthe Recreation Hall of Patterson Hall
exercises, athletics,
The stunts will be given Just the the examination for U. S. Revenuo arrived and will be given to the mem- Literary Society's contest, to decide tics, setting-uand practice in the use of the gun and
same, and the only thing that will be Cutter Service standing fifth for the bers of the team winning them on ap- on the man to represent the
of ten vacancies In a list plication at the office of the Director sity May 27, In the Kentucky inter-o- f bayonet. The second period will prob--blchanged is the refreshments.
twenty-fiv- e
come in the afternoon, the first
collegiate contest.
of Athletics.
(Continued on Page Five.)











half-bac- k



hour devoted to n lecture pertaining
to special Instruction
In Individual
training, the second hour for nthlo-tics- ,
Plattsburg, Now York, will again
and I ho two hours following, to
bo tho scene of groat military actlv- Infantry drill, Instruction as to the
'ot In tho summer of 11)18. Altho
nchool of the squad and soldier nnd
summer trnlnlng
other military niancuvcis.
Work is Past the Experi- amps have all been nbnndonod since
Quartered at Fair Grounds.
mental Stairc Says
tho declaration of war, private Inltla- The men will bo quartered In the
ivo ncting upon the suggestion of
Floral Hall of the Fair Grounds, in
Leonard Wood led to
the batting sheds nnd paddocks, while
NECESSARY IN GRADES ho establishment Inst year of tho
me imcnens and tutiincr rooms nro
This has now asJunior I'attsburg.
nlieady established In the compartMcNenl James, professor of agriculsumed national proportions and has
for feed- tural education In the
University, definitely aligned Itself In its program
ing the increment
nro now being spoke in chnpel Tuesday
on "Vocn- - with tho nillltnry efforts of tho colmade and they will be announced tfnnnl E(lucaUon;.
leges nnd universities of the country.
later. It Is probable the men will bo
Professor .Tnmes reviewed the pro Tho Honorary President is President
on the Fair Grounds nnd fed
gross of vocational training within the Edmund J. James of the University of
In" the Mess Hall of the University,
Inst deende and the change of opinion 'Hnols; the Advisory Hoard consists
which necessarily must be enlarged.
f twentv-fivcollouo and university
The President in speaking of the which has gradually come about
It. Ho declared that Interest
representing leading instl
offer made by Mr. Tipton, said
secondary nMons in nil pnrts of tho country,
"Tv proffer of the grounds is the " uu" KU"J,UU
of the
actual doing headed by representatives
first of a series of patriotic acts that vocnt,0,,nl training-t- he
oE tho worl(,'s workVrmy nnd Navy In the persons of
the citizens of Lexington will make
Tillman, Superintendent of tho
Tne fiv3 factors which have, in tho
for tho soldiers. Mr. Tipton's act. is
one of great importance and helpful- - nast according to Professor James, T. S. Military Academy nt West Point,
rCir dmiral George B. Ransom.
ness, since It gives the right start to helped to train men and women, are
!'o direct management is under the
this training work at its inception, and he home, school, church, vocation,
the University authorities are much and the neighborhood. The vocational control of an executive staff, of which
p'eased and gratified to have the ad- - education which used to be gotten In the President is Professor Edward
vantage such grounds give to the work the home in clothing and feeding the Capps, of Princeton University, and
of training.
family, he said, must now be given in 'he Managing Director is General Ed"When the University was first re- - the schools, as housewives no longer ward C. O'Brien, U. S. Minister to
quested by the Department in Janu- - spin, weave, card wool and cotton, Uruguay and Paraguay under Presiary to provide these courses of in- - or can and preserve fruits to any great dent Roosevelt. Colonel Ira L. Reoves
struction, they replied that they could extent.
Cnited States Army in active service,
care for 190 at one time, but at the
In speaking of the manner in which President of Norwich University but
urgent request of Mr. K. V. Carman
vocational education has been vindl- - "ii leave of absence during the period
on his recent inspection trip the num- pf the war, is the Director of
cated in thlg country wJthln the ,agt
ber to be assigned was increased to ten years professor
courses at the Junior Plattsburg
Jameg gaid that
w. mis additional training will tax f)ie
Military Training Camp.
work wn h
the capacity of the institution to the
The training is similar as far as
Homes for cripples, the blind, and oth- Hmit and a number of additional In
or unfortunates, and among the ne lossible to that of the regular U. S.
structors must be provided to take -- roes and
Indians, has brought it out Military and Naval camps, combined
care of these courses.
vlth practical special features which
i the experimental stage. He mini
"The University requires for inmized the importance of the vocation- - ;ave come into prominence in conpurposes a considerable
il training given in agricultural col nection with modern warfare, such as
number of discarded automobiles and
loges and mechanical art schools, be "eroplane ground work, hydroplane,
especially their engines. If any pacause of the comparatively small num motor boats, topography, military aptriotic citizen has an automobile of
ber of boys and girls who attend them plications of civil, mechanical and
this kind for which he has no further
nnd emphasized the necessity of such anitary engineering; as well as tho
use, notice should be sent to Dean
4udy of the science of farming and
work in secondary schools.
F. P. Anderson at the University, wfio
All the technica1
The organization of the work in vo- food conservation.
will be glad to send and get It and
'is'ruction in military and naval
use it for this training. It makes no cational education in Kentucky unTionce is under tho direction of offi
Act giving Fed- difference of how old a make the ma der the
cers of the regular U. S. Army and
G"al aia was also explained by Profes
chine was originally, as it is desired
Navy, recommended by the Departfor use in classroom training."
(sor James.
ments in Washington. The Command- The President has announced that
ant will be a regular army officer of
the University will not close before!
SAVE YOUR TINFOIL , hih rank, and West Point and Ann-- j
June G, as previously stated, and de-- j
apolls discipline and ideals will
sires to say that courses will continue
as before. No students will be
R , contemplated that the
Since the Junior Plattsburg is estabfected by the arrival of the men, al- - numbep
of men gent Q
institutim lished for young men under draft ago.
tho the seniors in the Mechanical De- - , be
approximately 400.
the training will not be intensive, as
partment will probably serve as in
"The University agrees:
In the old Plattsburg.
Special attenstructors to the men.
"a. To conduct the courses so far tion will be given to organized athInstructors to Assist.
as possible In conformity with the letics for tho periods of recreation,
Arrangements are being made with
syllabi, manuals and instructions gov- under the direction of Mr. Fred T.
Professor Cover to train any musierning these courses to be issued by Dawson of the Athletic Department of
cians that may be found among tho
the War Department or by the Federal Princeton.
The general entertain"Four Hundred," and Professor Cover
Hoard for Vocational Education, and
ments, as well as the informal life of
is having fond visions of an inspirapproved by the War Department.
the camp will be under the direction
ing band, augmented by some fifty
"b. To furnish or cause to be fur- - of Rev. Ralph B. Pomeroy of the Genpieces. Any musicians found amonK
tho increment will be given special nished 8Uch Sllltab,e work rooms and eral Theological Seminary of Nev
classroom space and equipment, in Yprk. The Musical Director is Mr.
power, heat and light and Felix Lamond of tho Trinity Church,
S. A. Boles, Director of Athletics, eluding
has been authorized to prepare gym- such working tools, materials, sup- New York. Provision has been mndo
nasium classes for tho men, and J. E. plies and appliances as may bo neces- for six hundred (GOO) cadets.
sary for the instruction above 'reJohnson will have charge of their recferred to. All equipment which may
bo delivered to the institution by tho
Clauses of Contract.
War Dopartmnot for use In InstrucLiterary
Society has
Following aro tho first two clauses
tion shall be receipted for by tho in- changed its time of meeting
from Satof tho contract signed by President
stitution, which shall assume respon- urday to Friday night
at 7 :!.". Tho
McVey and Greenville Clarke, Major,
sibility therefor."
meetings will be held in the usnr.l
U. S. R., secretary of the committee
A te,egram reC,Ved Mnday
from. hull on the third floor of tho Gy,i
on education and special
War Doimrt,l,ent
ouncoB Uielr uIllUn,
An especIalIy uttractlvQ
"Tho institution agrees to furnish'
ntention of sending ten trucks to bo
series of programs hus been arranged
trado "'l technical Instruction for a
Mpeii as models in tho study of truck
und it is hoped that inany who have
period of months beginning May 7 and
driving. These trucks will bo thoroly
not ulready attended a Htorary socle-oxtendlng int later than August 1.1
overhauled, torn down, reset, and used
to men of tho United States Army,
this year will reform and join the
who may bo assigned to it for such in long trips across country. It is Patterson.
instruction, by the War Department in t'obable that u rifle rungo will bo ar
tho courses of training sp8?iflcd ranged on tho Kentucky river.








; ci;J cn
Tny.rr. LaJran;e, fonnor- Dig league ball Is not so wonderful
If that is tho way they play ,y n student nnd English profssso
after all,
it. This Is the criticism made of tho i tl o University and winner of a
Oiant-Indln- n
game played on Stoll Uhonds scholarship, has enlisted in

a iand far war service, according
Field Saturday, April 13, by students
nccustomed to seeing pure pop In their o word received by his parents, Mr.
uid Mrs. P. I). Taylor.
own team.
Accepting tho Uhonds scho.arshlp,
Tho all tho stars were here with a
young Taylor wont to England, studyfew exceptions, there was a lassitude
on tho part of tho players that detract- ing nt Oxford University for awhile.
ed from tho Interest of tho game and While there ho volunteered for
Cross ambulnnco work In Frnnco. HJn
left tho impression that it was incsd
poor while In the servan exhibition game and not a "rsnl'y hcnlth became
to England. Ho
truly" contest. Fans were a bit di3- ice nnd ho returned
worked as practical farmer on the Cx- nppoInted ,n ,10t 8eelng the ,,est p,ch.
University farm to regain h's
ers of tho two teams. Hoth mnimtrnrs ford
and has now been accepted as
gecmo,l (o nrofer their SCCOlld Stl'lllg health
nhysically fit for military duty. Mr.
men nnd the box stars were kept beTaylor is well remembered by his forhind the clouds.
mer college associates in Lexington.
Each team wanted to do a little for
the spectators and had a star or two
pull off something snappy as per ex NEW COMMITTEE MADE
ample, Jack Miller with his long swat
President McVey has appointed a
over the Red Man's head, and Trls
composed of Wellington
- committee
Speaker's sensational field catch. LexPeak' and H- C Curtls
Ington is humbly grateful for the prlv- - PatrIck' Dto take care of the purchase and ex
liege of seeing big league teams In
action and will remember them kindly. change of all typewriting machines
The purpose of
A cordial invitation
is extended to and related matters.
this committee Is to centralize the
the teams to see the Wildcats defeat
exchange and repair of this
Tennessee here next Friday and Sat- purchase,
equipment in order that more effecturday, where they may get an idea
arrangements may be had
of how hard to play, if not how to ive business
with business concerns from whom



the purchase

of such equipment






Cordially Invites The Students of the
University of Kentucky
to a


Saturday Evening, April 20th.


High Class Tailoring
Moderate Prices
White Carnation

We Fit You

ing Co.
145 W. Main St.



White Lily
Yellow Lily





Get them From

Member of A. N. A,

M. of D.

106 N. UPPER 8T.









Classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
It is the aim of this school to teach dancing as it
should be, advocating at all times proper
positions and decorous actions

Piano, Saxophone, Violin, Trap Drum









Next Year's Athletics May
Not Suffer From the

T. R. Nunan,

Second Lieutenant
was a recent visitor
at tho University. Lieutenant Nunan
was graduated in tho class of 191G and
was with tho Armstrong Cork and In
sulatlon Company of Pittsburgh, until
last May, when ho entered tho first
training camp at Fort Benjamin liar
rlson. Since receiving his commis
sion he has been stationed at, Camp
Zachary Taylor. Major Albert Smith,
309th Engineers, 84th Division, ac
cpmpanied Lieutenant Nunan. They
were looking for graduates of this
year's class to Join the 309th Engl
309th Engineers,



ahead of
TO get Weevil:

Broadcast one

Three Years' Drill Required
For Men Attending

Centro Collcgo Cento says that tho
entire track team has been wiped out
by tho war's demand for men.



dred pounds of

Nitrate of Soda

SENIOR IS TOO YOUNG Sweet Co ed "What do you think of
before plantBill's now mustache?"
Only enrolled members of the
'Nothor "Oh, it tickles mo imCotton,
Officers' Training Corps Unit, mensely."
numbering twenty-ono- ,
at tho University, and seniors or others who havo
Chem. Prof. "We will now take
completed their three years' drill are poison."
eligible for attendance nt the summer
Soph.- - "Go ahead."
"The College
For information writ to
training camp. This means that the Chronicle," of Northwestern Unlver- sophomores and freshmen of the Uni- slty.
versity will not be permitted to at2f Madfcea) Avawie, New Yerk
tend the camp.
The Donkey's Joke.
Captain Royden received Monday When the donkey saw
W. B.
the zebra,
from H. P. McCain, Adjutant General
He began to switch his tall;
of the Army, Washington, an order "Well, I
never!" was his comment;
concerning the camp training for
The Closest Shop to University
"There's a mule that's been in Jail."
members of the advanced course and
"The Holycad," of the Michigan
selected members, senior division, Re Agricultural College.
serve Officers' Training Corps Units



ing your

or use

Seniors this year must nrrnngo to
take a post graduate course next year,
because there is going to bo ono of the
doggonedcst football teams wearing
Wildcat colors In 1018, that anyone
will ever havo a chanco to sco again.
The offlco Noah, who Insists on
talking about the good old days when
was here, has almost ad
mitted that wo will havo a team equal
to any heretofore produced, and that
A letter has been received
is quite an admission for him. In
truth, one would almost dislike even Mechanical Hall from Frank M.
to go to war and leave bucIi a team Wilkes, class of 1908, now Captain,
playing behind. To prove our asser Signal Corps, Commanding Headquar
tlons, let us look at a few of this ters, U. S. Signal Corps Radio School,
College Park,
last season's players.
There's Riddle, with the spirit of Wilkes for several years was manager
The order authorizes the holding of
Safety First
Glover's Shampoo
"Doc" Rodes and "Rabbit" Curry in of the Missouri Public Utlities Com training camps for the
further prac
Dentist (to patient who Is opening 153 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.
his heels. No prophecy is needed for pany at Poplar Bluff, Missouri, and tical instruction of
members of the his purse) "No, don't bother to pay
him. Shanklin and Walker, little de was at the first officers' training camp advanced course, Reserve
Officers' me in advance."
mons, are to be here. Qus Oay will at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Since re Training Corps
units, during the Patient "I'm not I was only countprobably be In to play near big Pul-le- ceivlng his commission he has been
Hair Cut
month of June, the exact date and ing my money before you give me
Both the Downings, trained be in charge of the first Government location to be announced
Geo. T. Martin Barber Shop
hind the plow and pitchfork, will be Radio School established.
The order reads:
Basement Opp. rhoenlx Hotel
He writes to the University, urging
there with their beef for the line.
"Attendance at the camps will be
Dishman, Heber, Murphree, Bastin, graduates of the engineering depart
limited to:
Beit of Service
Baugh, Boone oh, there will be no ment to take this training as the
Raymond Rodgers, B. S., of the class
Members of the advanced
lack of "men." The only ones we will United States is especially in need of
lose will be "Brit," a truly great loss, electrical engineers in Radio Signal course, Reserve Officers Training of 192.1, who has been serving as an
electrician in the Navy at Pratt In
Captain Wilkes ex Corps units and
Jimmie Hedges, and Dempsey, all val- Corps work.
For any kind of dental service call on
Such other selected members stltute, Broklyn, N. Y.f and United
pressed his pleasure that the Univer
iant men and strong.
Daddy Boles is optimistic and has sity or Kentucky was to conduct a of senior divisions, R. O. T. C. units, Electrical School, N. Y. Navy Yards
already taken on some of the best Radio School. Captain Wilkes stated who have received military instruc will take the competitive examination
teams in the South for Wildcat menus. that Walter C. Kiesel, another meiu- - tion equivalent to the basic course for appointment to the United States Office hours, 8 . ro. to 6 p. m. Phone 864-Tennessee, Sewanee, Alabama,
her of the class of 1908, had taken the and one year of the advanced course Navy. Rodgers visited the University
prescribed by General Orders No. 49, Saturday.
are on the list again. Centre Signal Corps Radio training.
War Department, 1916.
will feel the fangs of revenge, Miami
Howard Payne Ingels, clas sof 1905,
"4. All members of R. O. T. C. units
comes in for a dose, and numerous has recently been appointed secretary
others that will All out a
of the War Industries Board and Sec authorized to attend such camps who
retary of the Price Fixing Committee have not already done so, will be re
Basketball will have its interesting of this board. This is a rare distinc quired in advance to agree in writing
Pleasingly Priced.
lights next year, too, if all this year's tion for one so young as Mr. Ingels, in accordance with the requirements
players return. No one doubts that and in his position, he will have an of paragraph 46, General Orders No.
the Wildcats of this year were as good unusual opportunity to become ac- 49, War Department, 1916, to attend
Patronize Our Advertisers
as any team in the State. Centre quainted with the manufacturing in such camps, and also to accept at the
option of the Government such trans
was able to defeat them only after dustries of this country.
portation as the Government may proplaying a perfect game at Louisville,
while the Wildcats seemed tempor
A card, dated March 20, has been vide, or mileage at the rate of 3
arily to have lost all idea of the game, received from E. K. Robertson, class cents a mile from the colleges,
We Cater to the
Thomas, Shanklin, Bastin, Dishman of 1917, who Is now In France. Mr. schools or homes to such camp as
Office Phoenix Hotel Barber
University and College
are all freshmen and have years be- Robertson is corporal, Meterological they may be directed to attend, and
Hours by appointPatronB.
fore them to become sensations. Service, Aviation
ment. Phone 1988-- x
Signal mileage at the rate of 3 cents a mile
Marsh, Glickman, Campbell and
Corps, American Expeditionary Forces, from such camps after completion of
are in the same class with the France. He states that the trip over course of same to their homes