xt783b5w705w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt783b5w705w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1913-03-may15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1913-03-may15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1913-03-may15-ec. 1913 1913-03-may15-ec. 2011 true xt783b5w705w section xt783b5w705w 

      The Axqcutive Commitree of "e Staze Univeroicy met in the

President's office on Thursday, 1ay 15th, 1913, for tdie purpose of

making a new budget for the ensuing year. Tijeore were present

2essrs. C .S. Niohos,     Cl.a. 2Ay,  .Ca. Sol, C.. Terrell and

2ywel 3.oviee.

      Upon .notion made, seconded end unaniaouly *asioed, the

fofliwing .resolution =as aidopted: 1ie recooamend that -tUe resolution

heretoore passed .r Xef.erimce to .'-iseB .knbifld be now set aside.

      Upon motion wade, seconded and unanimusly carried,

24-tep .Eiarnh Cirn ws. Ln'e d AlseasTant 0rofessor in iocderr Ianguagv*,

and her salary to begin neex.t         at 0be0.t  i

      Upon oo ,,;;an kmide, nevionded -.i nd2 tanivtoW4y ca'ried,

Willia:ini S3nyder .b *ai electedl ' ull-i .r-esesor in cbax D)ep.ri'ent.

:*'f P4l3i-ei and1 hiS an.Ia.xb w beg-jin at ~, ,350)U.

      44pQn Irltion =;4e, seconded and unanimously carried, itWas

decided ttmt .-;x'ofesaox 14iox .camison be not-Ified of iis- transfer

to anothe r dpart.ient -and his saa&ry fixed at '1100.

      It wa- ordered 'by unrinilaous vote SUt there be lmde a separa.

tion of Athe 1)irectdrseiip o  J' Pt~aioal ~duc& ion gor , en nan for

Women so as to makd two (ojistinct depart.nents. 'efat the ireaident

be authorized to enploy a Director of xhysioul j~ducation for Aen,

to begin with a salgary of $15A00.

       le. lywel Diviee W11 'n fiad mac ot O a suat;emen iaakirag toa't-

atively the budget for-nexr. yepr, presented sa;ae, and after die.

oussing t-u-ne question to sotue extent and noie Modifications Buga

gested, it O     directed taat Txie budget be presented at the next

meeting of this CoFwittea.


       Upon smotion, the committee adjourned to treez at 2 O'clock

on Monday, June 2nd., 1913.