xt780g3h1k62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h1k62/data/mets.xml Pickett, L. L. (Leander Lycurgus), 1859-1928 Bryant, John R. (Hymn writer) Knapp, Martin Wells, 1853-1901 1899 [200] pages, 21 cm. Call Number: M2198 .T32 1899 Provenance: Louisville Free Public Library scores (documents for music) M2198 .T32 1899 English Pickett Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English Hymns -- Juvenile Revival hymns Sunday school music Tears and Triumphs Combined: for Revivals, Sunday-schools and the Home, ©1899 text Tears and Triumphs Combined: for Revivals, Sunday-schools and the Home, ©1899 1899 1899 2024 true xt780g3h1k62 section xt780g3h1k62  



Not to be Taken from the Buiiding

Ask at the desk for other material on the
subject for home reading

Assistants are pleased to help you.

Form 149 IUM 7-19-43n—Mayes






W“ magnum-um“) q

“assumnmumwmm a»: 1'“ Ln:
'KWMSImMan/cmflmaun “‘1‘."— . _ ‘





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13:51,? a. 111: "M21

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n E‘mKtl‘ F 111 KING CO 1.01:- .13 1.115.191. 4
I BOA 3'21), 91333.0 1‘» per 11:”; $4.11» per Dun-n: Single, i208 mantra. l:x‘¢‘-pmd,
. I M" (JAN. 3-; 1.10:; per 100: ‘,-‘.J per D0711»); Smgle,'01.ts. Ire-31:5.
: - Copyright, 15V ’. by M. W. 1.1app 1 111141,. P17 c“tet
‘ ' ‘ ‘1.. . ‘V l ‘v' » .. v” .
, "7‘!"§ll'l’~':d m Rmunfi and Snap-d mm s. State whi In‘l'fld gum 13..
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«. .
' $‘r7-‘f;..r \. ,_‘,”.
l . .- .l :J.‘
. ‘ ,'

Leaves i from the Tree of Life.

r1../h;-y~ - ”'7. «
" 12‘ x" 1.2-1;

REV. 1. L. PICKET‘I'. Cloth, 3-12 pp; $1.00.

This is a volume of real value to students of the Bible. It contains
seventy-six chapters. Such subjects as the following are scripturally
preeented: ' ' ‘ ' V ‘ , '

What God is to Us. The Touch-stone—A Sermon.
Regeneration. ' Holiness. { -
* TheHoly Spirit (two chapters). Entire Sanctificatlon.
giving (three chapters)- . Spiritual Joy.
Missions (three chapters). ’ I Romans, Seventh Chapter.
Apostasy (three chapters). V Tobacco Using.
Drunkenness. Romanism.
Woman‘s Ministry. . Shouting.

The Beatitudes (seven chapters).

Besides the work of .the author there are helpful chapters by Revs.

( Win. AMcDonald, editor Cfin’stz'alz Witness, W. B. Godbey, C. C. Cary,
' A. 3. Jarrell, B. Refiassaway, W. C. Dunlap, C. J. Oxley.

This bobk has. been pronounced a spiritual gold mine by some lovers
of the Word of God. One brother actually made a public apology to
the author for having neglected the study of the volume for some tim
after its purchase, saying that when he did take it'up he found it so help»
ful he felt ashamed of himself for neglecting it so long. '


FRUITS. “These Bible readings are the fruits of an earnestness that breathes
in every line, a diligence that spared no labor or pains in their preparation, and an

evangelical fervor that is felt all along by the responsive reader.”-

CLEAR. “it is Clear, pointed and full of valuable information for the careful
student. ”-- Central lily/50.13:.

“’8 only give these as a sample of the testimonials. Get the hook
for yOurself and enjoy its rich, helpful pages. »


The Book and Its Theme, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
A special study of the Bible. ’ 9'

The DangerSignal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
A rousing book on Romanism.

Pickett-Smith Debate (paper, 50 cents), . . . . . . . . . 1.00
A discussion on sanctification.

Our King Cometh (paper, 10_ cents), . . . . . . .4 . . 25
The nearness’of Christ’s return. » » ,

A Plea farthe‘Holine‘ss M0vement, . . . . . _. . . . 25.

TheHolyDay,..........;......... lo


V : '1 ' LOUISVILLE, KY. ‘

‘ kayo-“Wu . — .'





 1%; ’55” am fiampthmbiDed

For Revivals, Sunday-Schools
W and the.Hpme.

3 .
. ..
\ M a V" 7
first; 93:33: ~ -
{V 1 n”
,‘U.L1U;', t > . .
i. . .T”, ‘ - -* -_.‘ '. '
~ .or3¥,.é_a:¢j..,, _°




“ leey Mat saw in tears shall reap injoy.”—-Ps. 126 :5



Louisville,Ky. Grccnvillc,Tex. Lebanon, Mo.



t, W

Vfivwnnfi'wfi‘fl'fif‘ 55"“;1} 1,3) .,.

j, 1: 1‘?“



.. ”~r_“‘:’.. _

HERE has been agréat :demand for the “ Tears and Triumphs,”
their combinedsale having already passed 200, 000. Re-
cently quite» an extensive callihas sprung up for the cream of both
books to be issued 1n one.” Throwing out duplicates and dropping


a few pieces of least: merit" we here present the singers of Zion a i?

spiritual and musical feast, which we trust will both delight and
profit them. Let the singing be accompanied with much prayer
and fervent desire to serve the King before whom we must all
soon stand.

We would recommend the trial of at least the following Nos.
as a sample of the book: 10, 27, 32, 89, 95, 103, 117, 121, 126..

From part II. Nos. 4, 18, 21, 63, 84, 89, 110, 121, 141, 168,
177, 191.

If helped on your way to heaven by these songs kindly aid
us in their circulation.

Yours in Titus 2: 13, 14,
Wilmore, Ky.

Cincinnati, 0.


Our friends will note in this edition changes at Nos. 121 in Part1, and 3, 135, 145 and 191 of
Part II. My Bro. Charlie Tillman gave me the permission to use these pieces in both the orig
inal books, but declared the Combined a new book, and required me to pay him for their
mntinued use or take them out. I preferred taking them out. Hence the changes at this time.

March 10, 1899. L. L. PICKETT.







 and T011;

a cream of ;~

:5 and drag-i

1gers of Z:
1th delight
1 much p.12
1 we 111111;,


121,126. g

121, 1411,},

gs kindly:


lmore, Ki



Na. 1.

Tears and Triumph-s.

T0 Him by whose help this and all other songs of ours 1m this book have been



yo u




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@353- -LL-,z:g: gram ._-fi_-fi . 1-11%

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‘ 1 . # fl 1I [ M :1 y 1
— #— —. Ad~~z—|'- "(a * ‘A‘n— 1 }*I‘~d—#fl!E—~Y—l**—i—~~i—~
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' Ag#— 7 7—1:" "i—" i“. . i’y’ ”"v“*i— — Vfi— ~—j



written, this song is especially dedicated. [—1








”fifi" 'fi“‘+i ’1'”. V""' :‘i,,;.__ " 7:;fi:|; '_"""‘M'I’T;—'-";—_}!l:j
i i - a v P v f V
1 Tears of con-tri -tion by souls led a— stray,’l‘riumphs of mer - cy o’er
' Tears of (le—spon-(leu -cy, sor-row,and grief, Triumphs tllro’Je - -
2 Tears of re - gret o—ver tem-pers with-in, Triumphs that Je-sus can
' {Tears o - ver weakness and doubting and fear, Triumphs of faith





j;:1:::l2;w,¢, [:1 ”5:5:E: C:E:BCC:'E:E:
Wisfi A; 1 my, ,M W- __.-V#_,flm M

’\ ”'——'#‘—_—_'_-—i¥g' CIIORI'S.

l 2
7:j":i'::h::§3§ Egg“? r‘ A 1" h




sins wash’d a—way. sus who giv—eth re-lief. Tears or glad triumphs for
cleanse from all sin. in the promis—es clear.



A /‘\
4- 11— 4— 4— —o— 44L; — _ -9—
@32;EEEE£E§|F‘El:?:_+T_:Q£ Te: Firs—*Lefiifitfifll
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—5«— , .
. . V. . n
and for me, Sol) — blue: or shout-lug, \Vlnch shall it he!



£vo- —a—



_g_ .


1894. by L. L. Pickett.

3 Tears that poor sinners their Saviour should spurn,
Triumphs when penitent, glad they return.
Tears for professors who holiness fight, ,
Triumphs when conquered they own that it 's right.
4 Tears over sowing and waiting,r so long,
Triumphs o’er harvest and reaper’s glad song.
Tears when stern censures unjustly befall,
Triumphs that Jesus then knoweth it all.

Tears of Gethsemane, anguish, and blood,
Triumphs o’er hopes resurrected of God.
Tears at dark Calvary; self there must die,
Triumphs as power comes down from on high.
6 Tears over caskets, the dying; and dead,
Triumphs through words which our Saviour has said.
Tears over partings, when friends come to die,
’ Triumphs o’er union, so sweet in the sky.
Tears of despair at the great Judgment Day,
Triumphs of saints as the earth fades away.
Tears then forever in anguish and night,
Or triumphs with Jesus in mansions of light.



l ,A‘

3) ’91, .



Na. :2. Gleave ’19 the

Rev. J. H. MARTIN.



1:- M. \[1 [\1'11511- By per.




Do 3011 121113.: to be.
Be thou pa—tient in





Hi.» sr-r-vice.

)Ieekh’ to

1 V1



1 VV ouldwupleaseand 11011- 01' Je- 511$? Fol-1011 111111111 1111 31111 112);
- 1 V‘Vouldwu 111111113 lmeand fa 401'? Be His ser— . .‘
' 1 2 \V'ouldyouhaxe a friendin .9 «>115, 1‘0 <11pp01't3011in )‘0111 way?
1 {01111 111111213310111 Lord and \{1lb't‘r, 111m roceix e, . . _ .
1 withJe- $115 111111 :1 crown of life >2 — mire:

- .--_7_2;_,-



_ va11t2,faithf111,1crue. (‘leavetothe Saviour (1213' by (1113'. Temptedhy

' and levee-hey. Du-typerfor1n,a11dcouragedisplay. . . . _
‘ t1 2 11(1 en—dnre.

Re A‘“ —o.1\\\/—\ 1,.

_:~Q1_ O .21..d --d; dip Uni:““_'1‘;‘_
@f:1:: ::2 £5; 2 Iii—1:22 :2 2‘ 12:13:15“ :g:;:

._::1 in. :":C”” +1 2.2: 2
1 V V




go seekHimin 1)1':1y’r;



Cleave to 11112


2-v - ‘1'}; - where.


1 sin,










‘ 0‘ -o- L" 31'? 1 1
@4211 f: 1 ‘ » 2.2 - 1——






Copyrigh; 1835,1JVRHVI. McIntosh

Na. 3. Is my Name Written Theie?

E 2 1.11111, 1111 sins the) 1111211111113,





Like the sands of the sea
But Thy blood. 1) my Saviour.
Is sufficient 1111 11111;
For I 11) pi oinise is “Iitten,
In biigiit letteis 1112111110113,
“ ’lhonzh 50:11 sins 1.22113 s1: 1119*
I will 1111111 '1: them 1 1:11 snow.”
3 Oh! that beautiful citx
VV’ith its 1112111 11121301111311,
With its 1111111111211 1112111119,
In 1111112 51111111121115 of “hite,
VVheIe 11012111 thin” (ometh
I‘o despoil “11:11 is fair
Where the 1111511215 :11 e \\ etching;—
Is my name written there?


1 Lord, I care not for riches
Neither silv er nor gold;
I would make sure of heav en,
I would enter the fold.
In the book of Thv kin‘rdom,
VV ith its pages so fair
Tell me, Jesus my Sm ionr,
Is my name w1 itten theIe?
















Ch0.-—Is my name w ritten there
On the pznre white 111111 fair. "
In the book of Thy kingdom,
Is my name written there?









4 \t 1
:1 1:1 all 31:11", 1 '

you in my 1,.

'n of lily 1-1‘1’:

,vl I!
' llfl}: "I111;

‘ A J.

aflnflfi, 1' 1



1_., +1
"If"? 3i

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3110 7

1ll1193 33%‘33’1‘331
111,1 111" Ill!” 13:13

am? 353:!) ' m
“133$ £718ng3”




r 111913-13 1’


No- 4.




. In




all lllY tlm’ts in











all my wan- In





13— To

(‘umu rs.


l 1:33:12" "i”

lg—jfi ‘5: 3:5: 5.. 5*‘l5_,5 ;5_r;
1 1 v v
+1, -a‘~—»—a‘—]laal—1~a\ a». »-——

flail :3 3:33;




all mv (lcedsjn

2. \th‘ wand ringlhro theshadesal nizlll.,()r “éleJ-lllf" in
i. 'l‘ho’ slrongtemp— —1a- lions I should meet,’1‘ho waxesof trou — ble ’round me beat;

o—oaita—qn ‘:f :1:

r— —+~EV:L~__J_


l fl
J:;' _{:._.l


:Lll my momentmuul my (l:L_\'s,l\'Iy dearest Lord,
\Vhen battl’ing for the good and rightffly dearest Lord, I would be Thine.
'I‘lu-o [’ll quickly turn my feet ;My dearest Lord, I would he Thine.



I:TT i

9 aio~+in~—— o

,J.._J’ Jfl_l__v J


T‘l—‘_“l“* 4747—1"—
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; 1 * '32
1 Would be jllhme.
J NO. R. BRYANT. By per.
,flofl _‘ 13J J_lfl:_1‘ ‘ l fi'fi fil:
”1:1:1: ‘il a, l —“*dr—
Fiji: e 1: La—o—o—l

all my praise ;




the nmrningbright;


0:1 i‘a»»—~



[ would be Thine.

- -'-




”‘23 '1— "' ‘ " wt::‘w __'
-3 w a." J; la: :5 35::
.——+++—v___- lwvr _—~_—.__
{ would he ’ll‘lnnol would be 'llll110,;\n(l in 'I‘ll)’ glo - ry (‘V—(‘I‘ shine;
I _ _ _ _ fl _ _ _ l
ld a~ 41— + 1+ —’ ' ' 14‘ 1‘1 l
1&3 ,3‘?fl: “3:8: flfl flflfl flfl flflfl :fi: :'; fl ': :':
31:1: 11 1+: 111—312;: 23c— . _+ E is» E—fi—li-al
1 1 + Q a I? y l . £4: I




Copyright, pmperty of 1130. R. Brysat.







110. 5 ' head- 1118 11) the Rack.






‘ '1‘ fTTT’i
1 »—-a‘— ga— g; ~
.4 y a ‘ "UT ’0“? £—

t1) S11'~i1)1 11' 111‘ 5111111315 when faint anddepress’d, With 1111111- -i—fo1dt1i- 3.13 and
.When ’1. 11111111111111 Sa-t tan the Spir- -it to grieve, The se1'1ice ofChrist my Re-
.When judgments () Lord are a.- bout 111 thelmlchAnd mer- it- edveageanee de-
:1 7119 :1 5 :1111111011 1111111151 be few God to appear, By f1ee grace supported I ’11
At; 1101113 11ith the ransnm d and Je- 5.11:5 I long To dwell and e — ter—nal - 13:




































‘ _,_. 1. -1_-.!_L 11. -1- .1 #;‘_L 4;...
’ .3 EM 1“ 'T-‘T: FT , 1 1 . . 1
: —A‘—"TT VT :1 E: E’ , g _ _:i
‘ r‘ 6 '7‘ r‘ ‘ g r‘ 2

Mb T A ' 333:1:
‘ ji‘ 1 {‘41 fl; fiTT—fiT—§C4TT .

' # .-_a_j__:_1}‘—_1Txifl;flf: ;_:: -
“ "" 'fiTd‘ i"? i‘


1sor-1'0Ws oppres‘dJ ’11 how at. Thy feet and with con - fidence cry,
deen1—er,t01ea1e.1’ll c1aim 1111’ 1e - 111- tion, to Je - 3113 I ’11 fly,
scends from T111- hand, 0’ 11111110111111 111th the sight forprotec tion I ’11 fiy,
stand with-0111; fear,The man date 0- hex:b - 11:12; ,the or - de- :11 try
join in the song 0f prais~inv and bless-111g whilea- ges r011 by,




























T41. 4.#_ 31,
, :hflIgSEAi—Ltfi 5! 3:LT: . a .41
] —b¢—/—1~——LL———v¢—»/ 91 ‘ 6 I
:8: . CHORUS.Repeat.
Tar: ‘ #T‘J‘E LA 7‘ TR’ 3 ‘N ~f_l 1 1 1
1L 3; a' 1:23__ 4-1-,‘w ' V ELL! 1 1 1 L 1
e " 1. __ 1 = 1 ,,._;_.11—._;1_,.j_4_16____1_._j
u 1 a i - ____ T _ T’iT‘irT ‘_ T TT.TpT’T.T T‘ UT
7 ' 7 ' a v y " '6 ' 1‘51
“Lead me to the Rock thatis high-er than I.” 0 lead me, O
The Rock of sal-va - tion that ’s high-er than I.
Hide me in theRock thatis high-er than I.
Standing on theRockthatis high-er thanl. ‘ 1-
» Je - sus theRock thatis high-01‘ than I. 0 lead me’saviour’lead‘o ! .'
h ~ 1 .3 15,
@9E7 Q:— "T _:A3} TA-T AT ::A+A :!: ADEEE’ Lfl:fi: *
} #:EHE _I:i V F‘:?.:41,_T::




. 1,- 15—7 1.,
Leadme to the Rock that is high- er than I.
_ 19.8.





44—0 iv —.
v a a 1'

lead me, Lead me to the Rock, Lead me to the Rock,
Ieadme,Saviour,1ead, ‘





073mm, 1894, by L. L meme.


L. L. Pm:



Vice of Christ:
*r - ii-rd Wilma

grace suppfii ,
ii and e-Ier-is


:on - fidenteir
ie - 5115 ii?"
cc - tiou ii. i"
Ir- (le-ai it
a - ges r011 ‘










No. 8.— $inging Before the limo".

Arr. by Rev. L. L. PICKETT.





And i)
The saints whomeet {t



“A - round the throne of
the joys of

ing—E"? ”— - —~ —




i i

L T‘ ’i i V i
gfifi'géfs‘g ; ; E:



4 I i





G odin heav’nPHis children safe - ly dwell;
that blest home l\'o p0 - et’s tongue L0mrit.‘
- round that throne 1n garments pure and white;


2' {Have wash’d their robes in Je - sus’ blood,And conquer’d by [(hnit.

V2 3
I J r I-
I i l J I

can tell.

his might.







‘d - _' i _ _ SJ
4_g“"_€,.: l-fl—pfi-rE—FF—“F—rQ—Tr‘nirz
. Rite—”H: k—ir'b’ eli— 'Q i
I : truth a r1 r ‘- -. T







Sit-ting up-on



4.; 141,1


Copyright, 1896, by L. L. Pickett, Wilmore,

3 All those who worthy prove below
Shall reign With Him above,
Who saves us from our sins and stains

Through His redeeming

4 But none can walk yon golden streets,
Or sing those heavenly songs,

But those who trust alone

To right their sins and wrongs.


i; i


We are go - ingto sing

Sit - ting lip-0n His throne;

lye-fore the King,

throne, Sit - ting up - on His throne, We are




go - ing to sing be-{ore the King, Sit—ting upon His throne, And we’ll serve Him ever — more.



5 0 let us oonsecrate our all
To God’s beloved Son.
We’ll live by faitlr— whate’er befall,

love. Until the crown 15 won.

6 The ransomed host now beckonus
To joni that sweet-vowed chon‘;
But we must first be born again,

in Him . _
And feel the Spirlt’s fire.









lie. 7.




He Shall [Feed His Flesh.







. 1
[Who 1

A. L h I
If *”%_fiTfF;%4‘ *‘_
@315 '4‘ jit‘ré‘fi;il’;:£:g*’;€g*§3

1. He shall feed Hisflockiike a shep- -herd,
2. He shall feed His ilecklike a shep- -,herd





~ .
tr" ‘ ‘N
.2-.— :1 ._
7-0 —j E31; w;v__‘!;i_ =45“ :1
He shall lead themwith His hand;
He shall gath- er all His own

3. He shall feed His ilecklike a. Shep—herd, Wherethe streams of glad-ness flow;













He shallkeep them safe in His king-dam, Lead them to

He shall lead them ten—der- 1y ev - er

4— 4- 1L0-


I II— 11— n.


~O- -0- -'--'~ A
,——— 44— .‘A— [It—ILL! gLA—I—V—p—Eo’ifi
e Qatari. :e FZF— e Eli-HI 3:3 L L 91%
ii”"“: #‘i"! ”g '7‘??1'#Lvi 1'7”; " WLVC:
{L l. l. _h l 1 1 a _ ‘ h
I v 1 . s. 1‘ ”W JA-i—JJ— 3:4- IJ—i— M— :12
_ ‘ __—j__ _ ;__1A _ _ _.
5 H3," 515343.;— If a: at 4:22: 1-1.1.55: - as; : -
V _ . ‘/ l _ l‘l
He shall fold the lambsm HIS hes-0m, By His strength they dai—ly stand :

His Fa—ther’s throne.

And His mer - cy they shallknew.



WISE: TE: ‘1: E165:





L :F— ~fliZ: ;/E>
IEEI V _LL:i—l V—V— V V4V_L:V-i_—V—r

‘ L K






__' __



He shall feed . . His flock
Feed His flock, like


like a s ep



"7‘7 -



. them day by side

guard them day by

day; .
day, day by day.

By His





: '1 I l l V
tide them . Hewill lead

8 - vil e’ er be- tide them





Copyrighted, 1894, by .1110. R. Brynnt.

a shepherd feed His flock,

By His side

. them day by
He will lead them day by day, day by day.




herd, He shall guard
He shall


e -Vil be-






day .

V T‘


.. ~ .fifim—vm .... N. .A-~..M.~; — :


um; . \

,4... .. w-.. u, VWMW...M~.....N ~







iglad-nes 1:

iti-iy 511‘};
11115 $11112.
e1 shim-:6.


Jew»?! "


Na. 8. Sweet $abbaih hag ef Rest.

W01 (15 and Music by L L. I’ICKETT.
{Dedicated to the Railroad men of the norld, who are robbed of their Sabbaths My
heartless (3‘0) para ions and godless Sunday traveleis )

:-_l ::_1\:j 5:: _ 1

A. i ‘ j |
_ L: :3' : '1—3‘:§:33[§ 3—3_¥ E31 3: I
1. My heart e’er turns w ith Joy to thee,Sweet Sabbathr day of rest!
2. When 1a - bors tire and toils oppress,Sweet Sabbath day of rest!
3. A typethon art of heav’niy b1iss,Sweet Sabbath day of rest!













‘1 4; 41 . o-_ 1 +1- +1- 4- l 1-4

[@g::7 i—E._i‘“fi # fi‘—SI:E1 —:E -::rtE_-_: ,__

" 3T:;.:'._ _ 33—: 7 ,# 4:: __ ‘:i:;: ._:,:._i #1:: 3:1,:

:5 ,1, ,-,_8 ‘— ’ C— 7, 7, i ,5. ’3‘ :V: C:—":— V ___
§;::::51J:.:i’f:§‘v:j.~ '5 . j C: '_

$12—53} 3 3:11:13 3333:" 333%! 37737-33333"—


When from earth‘ 8 cares and teiis I flee, Sweet Sabbath day of lest!
Thy peace shalt calm this (1011- -in}r breast Sweet Sabbath da3 of rest!
Peace of that wmid will bring to this, Sweet Sabbath day of rest!


~11~ 1~ 1 1-3. 3 #- —o— A

@g:::fi :LC‘Q:C :EC: 3:3:Cf :CiEEC: Q~~

,,_,,-:_:. : l1': ‘3 C t— ‘3 i:C__1__t;1_t~_L_







fl 4!!
J 1

‘13: 113:7 4:131:73: t? : 7EJE11‘::~, J :E::_‘ 373,174
’ __





Sweet Sab-bathdty of 1est Sweet Sabbath day of rest!
C- -Q- C- _Q Q- . -1- ,_ -,












- - g-
@1— :CC,CC:1: C C _C: :::C: C: 5::{:
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7 1 1 77* 7 7 7 (wt-
1 eff—*1":
—— 74:54:! . o ‘1
v 3 ‘ v
Thou ’lt lift the bur-Lien, save and bless,Sweet Sabbath day 01' rest!
I , , .
Copyright, 1594. by Lfiickett.
4 Refreshing to the mind and son], 5 And when earth’s weary race is
Sweet Sabbath day of rest! o’er,
A balm which makes the wounded Sweet Sabbath day of rest!
whole, We ’11 share thy joys for evermore,

Sweet Sabbath day of rest! Sweet Sabbath day of rest!



\ .'
N60 90
Rev. J. A. SAWYER and -L. L. I’.

n+1) .
"7 b 1:751 a
-‘-‘ - ’ — ——-«— *fl—fl-vi ~

' —8 .__J tpl7i7i7t— ..

I come dear Lor,d with



My ma —11y sins on
07 glo - ry to my

1‘ s I; l 1;
777—77?! 1,1111; 7777114776177:
I give up all, my Lord, 101 Thee, 1’111t1ust-ing in Je

@1111: E:E:E— 15:11: E: 1:;

thfll—M w—tL—u—i— 12: 1531;” —

’l’m Wasting in Jesus" New.

Rev. L. L. PICKE'I‘T.
l L l\

07- ‘v

-——k a—r-a—a—HV—— a—
O— 71—1——-o# c—r- —_


$115 new;
sus now;

ach -1110' hea1t I’m trust- -ing in Je


Him I lay, 1’ m tiust 111g in Je sus now;
Sav-iour K111g,1’m trust-111g i11 Je sus 110w;

-9- 41-1 A 41- — — —#- 3:4























0, lead

His prais- es 110w 1 g1

flit? 11 _ __1 1_.__
,L ~_+__1‘ i1: 9%.;ICE Erik—£1-15 < T
-..: n: 151 1 1r 11111111111._ ~ '1“ ‘
» ’ 1 . 1 1 o— E21111,1-1, . ova—a—w— - 7—01—
__11L_1_11 -11 I L 1 1-, 1
p p i i F: U i- v
V l. - . . V
0, give me now the bet - tei' part, I’m trust-111g 1n Je — sus now.

For-ev - er Thine a—lone to be, I’m trust-111g _i11 Je- sus now.
me, Lor,(l the 11211 -1ow way, I’ 111 trust-111g 1n Je — sus 110w.

lad - 1y sing, 1’ 111 trust—111g in Je — sus 110w.

-91 4 -o— . . -" "‘ ALL








» :1:—1—E1“*E:=E1









Thy pre-ciousblood is all my plea, I’m trust-ing in Je- sus





1:: t =' A 1‘ 2‘- -F~ -P- -P-- #1 ~
1— 71~—1—~-7I:E1:, E—bfi—‘E-EEF‘:




D 1 111

E7 —?L~FM 4—:E: . 1;: ;:‘—IE_1“T ‘ 1::
1 1 LL? 1 E 1 1,111
.F V—g—y—F—fiv— ocum

if 1 1

V 1

i h 1 1
_1 18 i 1L 1 ,_ v. i
~—li—l’—l‘ 4 viii—E17 1i - I-~—«i: 4‘ afii—lLaM 47451 31‘
_.1— rrrrr 1* —- ~~~ 111.1 . — 11 —— :1— 017—01:
—' 111,1 ~o 1,;_ a 17'— :_v::’:i’+~ :j; _o. -o__









Hal—1e — lu — jah! now it cleans-e111 me,



\ \ i F

+1 m1 1#, _1‘ L___1_11~__ 1- __

L“ _1g:1_‘3~~— 4— 11 J "’ 1 S: fl:;‘::1 "ti—fi‘:.:ffi‘“ :1 — ‘

I!“ . : Lon—'70 11 7 oir#a#a_~_:—a_ I 3:;457: 7:77—o::
1 ,. , 1 11___ 11.111 1,1_1,' 1. __

I’m trust—ing in Je — sus now.
















Copyright, 1896, bylL. L. Pickett, \I‘Vilmore, Ky.


I’m t1usting in Jesus now;

I’m trusting in Jesus now.

I’m trusting in Jesus now;

I’m trusting in Jesus 110w.


5 His glory I will here p1oelaim,

O, bless His g1eat His holy name,

6 0, come, dear f11end accept His love,

And soon with Him we ’11 1eign abov,e



7 By g1aee hestoVV ed I’m born again
1’ m trusting in Jesus now; ‘
Within my soul my I ord (loth 1eign,
I’m ti usting in Jesus 110w.

8 His blood doth every stain remove,
1’ n1 trusting in Jesus no“:
0 glorious gift of perfect love;
1 m t1 usting in Jesus 110w.

; —o— ~o~ _ _;< ~_1_. -11- _'__ _'_ A
111111& ,D . _ 1 1 "‘7'”? “n
::1:::1:1E*g* 7—1,: 1'— ' 1" ‘ ‘1 H
1 l1 , “w 5~w—rw*v-LO:;O-”









 _1_5.5_.5_5.5.555; 1 .

1. § No. 10. Where is my hard?



































































.1. 1 .
31.11113“ L. L. 1’. Rev. L. L. PICKETT.
7:53, 017 . J __
::H~E A a” 1 :fi—V—fi 535%? 3 :15:
~15 541 15:31 1E--:;1-- 5, 1
73:- Z: 1:: 1. I’V' e wander d 111 dmknessl.’ 111 the v al-ley s of, sin; -—\ f 111' from my Saviour
g: WE Us 2. My heart feels the burdens and sonows of guilt \-ud _V et on Mount Calvary 5
7 1:13 A: ‘1 3. I hope in His goodness for mer-cy at lastdiut strong 3113 the fettels
1L??? i 4. O hark E’tis my Saviour' such accents of by 1. I11 tones soft and tender,
55: 2551 1 A:
-55‘551 !, __g55g55,15p5 p, g 41:- : p-¢_15g5p no: 1 p_
75 777 7 7 ' 7 :' 7 77-7 7577:5717; 5I7 7‘ 77I7-77I_7 37:: 5 7 7
“T” 1» O ' . 1— ‘ r- ,
D'vyv #77 ; » ~19 55-
w! /- 77—77T77 \
*7, .55..
. EH.
7—1511 flaiflj‘ 5, ,_{._5
7—77 “ a” 5—5“ 3 if? Li :3
V a 55555 :—
.!13— 51:1 115.! 77i7 77 77'7 ; 77
fi- 531 1' ma-uy years I have been. The storms rage around 111e,a11d I shrink back with
a ‘- 53' hr
i- 11;; 1:: Je -sus’1ife.blood VV as spilt; I kan- that He sufii 1 ’d on the thl 10o -cursed
J. 45 '3 sin a-r roundme has cast; Stiii doubt, fem and darkness fettm hope, life and
:54»? ouriuy; flow 11 from a-bm (3.111: of- fers mepm‘domaud I know He doth
4""7’77 p
7177’ " —E::* é’¢—' g,::~-ré—x‘ ,5 5
7 fihjéib’ 55 53.12”}; 7 75:5;
1 \ L: -5: / LIFE—E:
L” 1;»;
74$ " b -' = > ' 5 “mi—- .1
___:'5 .55‘:_. . . _ 1 i _ {.5 : .55___~5_ 5,_ _
12-311117 fibfid $1: fittg5 , #;;_"g' I ‘_ 3-3
» g:— 5.77:3: 5:54 9 5 5.5-55 - 5 5:915: r:
_ l. 15B V V F
:5:E fear, The ter—rms of judpment seem to be drawing near. \\ here 13 my Lord?
fig tree But 0,0311 His IIIGIC)’ reach a reb- el like me? \Vhere IS my Lord?
”7’77” ' trust. I’m crush 'dneath the hu1den,m1d I lie in the dust. Where IS my Lord?
h save; He free-1y forgives me and I fear not the game. new is my Lord,
J/‘V/ - a - -1 - - r .
’55:»: TQ— . Q — Q_o— —o Q~ 5955,_,_ Q
9:331? @597? $753331 . 5?:3. . #3 t9:1m 5 5:3
155.11 5—19? 9* --.:.a._r_5 5a-'*i~55_:-~w 5 “f: 5:2” 5' 55
. T: V F V
1 116's???” “‘7‘ >
1. +7.;
52:? . 5
V77 1" i , , , ,

i ; E1—3.Where 18 my Lord? I’m out 111 the dark11ess,Where,O where 1s my Lord?
I'mismgm 4. Hele 1:5 my Loflrd; I n1 safe 1n H1s bosom,Here, 0 here 1s my Lord.
@7me , 'I’fl' :;;5.’5!'_ Q5555: if; E :; - 7,;5-5515Q _5_'5$‘_ $9 5555
email)“ I7 5::75757 7 (77;: 5715;79:75

kg: :7 ’i‘ ”’ ”3"“i5‘9::Ei‘75t ,1:[::,‘¢ '37:: iii—7 ‘ ‘32: E7 ‘
figmfilflfig [7 I I 7777‘—
3535”» ., Copyright, 13915, by Rev. L. L. Pickett.
2M5“; 7





Rev. E. S. UFFORD.

‘T’hraW Out the 111111411119.


Rev. E. S. 1111110111).














2‘ 1‘3 ‘1
n? #112




' 1 'l 1 1 1 ‘1
0 :0 :é__ a #A1._:g” 1 V A .1 -
géi 223”“; F, iii ::,%:1£— f 1 1 z z 1

1. Throw out the Life- Lliner {1- cross the dark wave, There 1%
.Throw out the Life-11111011 1thhaudqu1ekaud stlong, Whv do 1011 t 11 -1‘1*, 1111
:2}. Throw out the L1fe-L1ne to danger-1111 51ht111en, Sink-111;: 1115111<11115111111ere
Soon will this sea—son of res- ene be

1.- 11- -1-

:Efifia-“E ELI—Er— ET firgféizjtm . 21:: iii:

:1 brother 11‘ 110 111

oer, Soonne 5112111510 to the

-n- a. E ,p- 11‘.

o~—D '

":1— e— L











..-..——..—.‘~.-___.__..,.....__. .. _.

broth- er, so

we’ve 1101 - er been, - Winds of te1111)- t: 1 -tio11 111111 1111 — 1011501": 11'oe,
fair E-1en shore; Then 111 the (1:11k hour of (11111111111111 it he,
—0- —o— —o- 54- - -, - —o- .1— £11,;“f 7


some one should save; Some- bod - _1"
10110 ? See,

y—~_——1 C.

' :3— 3:9:3:

BEE 11

0 who then 11111 dare
11:14. - ten to- day,

1 §_ _J_
“1: 1—4—4
s‘-bloth 01‘

he is sink-1110, O







_ __- 13V:;i‘::;ii_:ji:i: ‘: :5,

1 _‘_»—L_.

1 1
I 1 1



14—1—1: V
411”, ::E:: __

( 1101:15.




To throw out the Life—Line,his per - 11 to share?’1‘hr0w out the Life-Line!
And out with the life-boat, a - 11'a1',the11. :1. - 11'211'.
\Vill soon 11111‘1 them out 11'1101‘0‘11111 dark 11'11-t11 3 flow.



'L4”“d':j1't‘:V; _ '1 F'
3:1: :761— ::1’,,x% ,;;'_
: *c’Av—' 1,5



That Je- s11s11'111thro11'm1t the. Life-Linoto thee.
-o ,
2{E fi—j ESE}: e 1
- 1__1_i g




'—-C 0——


1 1
g ' H t: —*



A f.‘
__1}__1-,V ‘ ;:J__AL_J








throw out the Life-Line ! Someone is drift-1113.1:

1-1 1341:1213???

21 - 11'211' ;

Throw out the




_ ._.- E. 1- _
3“ 11:1 1-111: 13:41::
_,1__1._¢_ +1__, mV_




L1fe-L1ne!thro11‘0nt theL11e-L1ne! Someone is


Used by per. Biglow & Main Co.






> . P“
sum—111:1“ to -> day.

g- .











;;’ 1 «1 $0111


 1,. (“WW ”MW (— ,'


if???“ ' Na. 12. His Mather’s 'Faae.











€35th “ I think said one little boy “that the plettiest thing in the world is a red and white
it“ hhd ” ‘ 1” said 211111tl11:1'."ihi11k it s a pony.’ The third tenderly said — ‘I think the
prettiest thing in all the world is just my mother 5 face.”
Rev. M. W. KNAPP. Rev. L. L. I’ICKETT.
r—- ,M*
J ’ , f ' i 1 ‘4' 2 7
1 32- 5 5-, 1: ’_” i“; -_:q:: : ,, 1—",5: * '\ -r’1;;‘h
1 b ,5 1 , W _ V57 ,5 v-7, ‘ -, 1 w ' _
i EQ:8 jjiv 1 ,4" S1"! , -4. , 555,! 7:, V ,541, ,d..,.,_,!_, I ‘ ‘_‘ Ill
g _-_ vg; , UM .,. Hwa 5, f” , ovm 0 05—07— ~07}
a \‘I
1. j The limurrshloomin b11111 — 1;} Each fills its giv — (-11 place;
\But 110111311111 half so prv-ciuus As his ownhmthor’s face.
i 2 { 'lhestar:.1—bmoshnwhntrhtlv And lightthe‘i amt—ed space;
\ Buthrirrht *1'1111111 tin-i1 Shill- 51112 He sees his motl1-1-r‘sfacc.
:0- . ’5 /.\ _
. :2, : H;- i g 1 Ht'gsgz-et
Iii ihclm; @139 (I _ '15 .W F ,,; 1—:4:;V5:;: E,-- 5-3,,t 5 % 55_w _l
s-ieis _, *5 41 L}: t ' L L5 1! 1 1'4 L312; 4 :fi? :
‘: V 1 V 1 vi 1 ‘1‘

01mm 8

:er T —i“‘ 1‘_ f , "-4 :5 “SE::L
3" 53‘ 1553 "3:3; 3:; T3341 :13: ‘3‘:,‘:’;1:3
—: “a fl —0 4 i 4"








The rich — (‘st child—hood bless—i112 “7115111100111“ from Hoa‘v’n a -








I h 5 ~ ~ 4 h N - .
5225;451; " 7!. ii 7 :i ‘ 1 #1.; f.) 4:1
342;; ii is r 321 a: :13 3:113: 31:39:";i;+f;:‘5i§*

:_, V‘ —0— 4rd—

hm'o, Ex~1zuptil1r-Go1l whogaveit, Is a faith—fulmother's love.

\ a
7”7'7 W




Copyright 139}, by L. L. Pickett.

:’ The rainbow hues are lovely, 5 God help him her to honor

H 11, spam tar. hi arm Vb 3th grace, And never to disgrace
M“ But luvclim light 15 Gleaming Or bring one tear m‘ sorrow

1 if" F rum his awn mother’s face. 'To his sweet ninther‘s face.
I" .1.
1315 ii" :5 « 4 Scum glow with admiration, 5 6 And when at last in Heaven
> AS works of art thm’ trace; His 90111 shall find its place,
L ’7 1 Art trimnphs all arr shadows, I think that, next to Jesus

g); Beside his mother’s face. He ’11 prize his mather‘s face.



lie. 13. ' Wendreas have
“ God so loved the world.” John iii: 16.

Mrs. M. STOCKTON. fWM. G. FISCHER. Hyper.“










1 K &
1 ‘17 .1 1‘1—7—1M“: 3+ _, 33 -33- __ 3
1 — i- 7 «~41 ”; ~10: 1-33..-."433 {16— 1; —’1—a—:;E
g *124*g'r—:3:£:: 3::$;_g ’33:: 4_4—__ 3:3:
L; 1. _’h \ I 1

1 1. God 101' d the world of sin - ners 1031; \nd rn-ined by the fall; Sal—1341011 fell at

1 2. E’ en now bv faith I claim Him mine Theris-en Son of God: Redemption by His

I 3. L01ehr1ngs the glorious iel ress in A nd to His saints makes known ’“he blessed rest from










L3 {313: \30 7 W g: 313::it—1'E.‘ LA 31¢;E‘3E
@132}— fi 1 U 1fl‘j‘F—l - SEE;:C_Z:; 1?Ij§:f_i:5











high — est cost. He of-iers free to all. Oh.‘t 11'115101'e.’t11'as wondrouslovelThe
death I find, And cleansing thro‘ the blood.
in — bred sin, Thro‘iaith in Christa — lone.





3? "33:3:- 1 ‘
1 -—;_\‘—’"" r _1 ’ ,3: :
1 ‘32:; 219’ E '_:;f:fi;i:;;fiflrq-i a










W 4-
d ' 1
lo1e of God to me, It brot m1 Sa1i0ur from a— bo1e To die on Cal-1a -ry.
'34,.-.C33._34. a — 1“ 71510 , ’3 —§
@612:C C: :1' f: f CCCXCE: 135’"? C EC 3 '1".”i ::fl
=~——_12:Fi:gi,7i;iiée—J :12 1::2 1—":31 v~_"’
1 . 4 1’1111
4 Believing souls, rejoicing go; 5 0f victory now 0 er Satan 8 power
"There shall to you be given I et all the ransomed sing.y
A glorious foreta‘ste. here below, And triumph in the dying hour
Of endless life 111 heaven. "l‘lnomrh Christ the 110111 our King.

Ne. 14. Tllhellalf has Dever been Field.


1 I know I love Thee better, Lord, And