xt780g3h1k0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h1k0j/data/mets.xml  France  1799-09-29 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie de Meymat, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Septidi 7 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [29 September 1799] text Le Publiciste, Septidi 7 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [29 September 1799] 1799 1799-09-29 2023 true xt780g3h1k0j section xt780g3h1k0j     


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11115 11‘.\'11‘x:1111h‘10, 1111? 12.110 'dmui-brigada :1 yais 11115111011
5:1er 111111101113 ('1) axnere dc N‘ovi, 0.11111101121111. (1111-1111108



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51101 .3 1160111115 31 la Cour dc Russia, 1111151 ({11’1‘1 [0115 11:5
, '05 étrangvrs , ([210 SM] souvm'nin :1 mil. amrédé , sous
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area 111 7‘fi/1111’;[1'1/11sfruucr‘fs'z’.

Les pléniputmzLiLirts s1)11'_~.~,ig11~s . 1'11 111.11 11 1111 1171115-
0311; 211-11111 sigm‘ H11}0111’1|‘h=11, 511111, var-c1111: 111's arti
Icsquels demexn‘elont secrets, mm 11
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Art. 1”. L013 du 11. ré dc p115}: aver I‘Empfrc , Ia 1'éixx1lvliri:1e
{1712101156 demandera 5; ins's‘lcm pmn‘ 1111'“ 51:11 (31113 an dun 11c
\Vrutemberg, & 1111c l’un sécularisc en 9 11119111 (11101511115 ‘prim‘i—
panés ec1‘11-5115111111es‘;& sur 1 (hwnaxzrh- (‘10 S. A. S. , 111 I‘uf-puhlique
fruuqai 2 consent 11 cc que 1131111 1 gr: d’Ohwkflrge-n. 4111113111111111 (I11 ri~
denmt 1E1'é1‘1n" de Strasbuul‘g. 181111151: dc ."1 .imlxrn‘ 3-: L1 px‘t'wfité
pducmrc 1J’iil‘nvzuweu , soicut 111111511115 1111111 rcmpiir 1e \‘LEU. du.
prisent 11111.13.

11. 1,11- (Ln; de H’nflembrrg s’nlwlige spr3r§.1lcmom 1‘1 payer cc 1111‘”.
peut dm‘rzir 13930111101101“an, i qwhpm 11111111113 or wit . aux ha-
111111115 1111 11:151 {1111‘ 1111 cé111'*s,1“\‘ £1 1‘131111'10111 .cr 111111; 11: 11131111 ([1: 111111
zlnntt‘s 12:5 1711,1114“ 1‘1:1‘< "; dama- su 1‘21119” [1'11 31'11111'1'1: , R hour 11? :1'1111-lfi
il 11 conniiué 114%; 111141: 1 11111111 419s131:11111-"71-310115 puH‘xcs qui 3' $1111,
siiuls, 01111-12 11:11:11.1.“ 9. 1151-1151 -c1;‘:.11‘1:‘1C111 1} 211:1’111'1k'1‘, 5111‘ 11*;
l‘chnaiS 111:;1c1’1‘i‘1111rcs 11'1' 1x11111r’c111V «i (1111“ ' :1 [11111411185
due 1.111113.- 111111 ‘ ' 1,. 3 (111113 ls: 1<~1 Hui 1-5 . 11(1qu 11 In
république tranquise , 1:11 (11111111111111«111111‘111; 1’ 4.11 31 h’ pmu- 11:11111’111-
térfit \‘iagur dc; snlnmcs \‘91‘5179‘1 ‘1211‘; 1’1111w 11.- 11: r1111 prinrc.

111. L1- d111’ 1111 \‘1‘1111131111111‘3 551111‘30 1 . 0:1 .511 111111111" 11(- mcmhra
de l’Empirc gormnniqno. i1 11112011111 p.11 sun 511111712 51 1:: 115910,
tomqnc 19 111.511? 116; 11.11; £1 171111111110 911110 111 111111111ch flangzisc,
l’cmpex‘Pm' 31' 11311113110 y wm [191113,

1“. A Ce qur‘ mus 165 ten’ihdAw 11'1'1101111'111541r: I'L‘mpiro grrmzh
nique. 51111133 sm- 1'11 rive gaucl‘m (1111111111. Ci Hus 61 i1: Lam’s dc
1'c ileuve, 51110111 113‘ is :1 1:1 1"};‘z11111qun 1'12 mix-1‘:

:1". A 1:13 (11-0 11:3 (liilbz‘cus 1"1111)‘ 1111:1110 51112111 d1‘gagés do tout
110:1 :11: 1131111111 cm’c‘m I'Junpix‘e g'cnnunhiwv; .
5”. A. to (111.11 suit 510111111111" 1111 numhx'z‘ 1l prim-Enauh's (INN-
simtiqum 51:1 114 rive (110111-- 1111 R‘zin , 511151: 1. 1’ 1111‘ 11r1!1‘-mm:1g(‘r
183 princes: 15.1125 (11:: pusseuinns 1111'1'15 51: 1101110111111 11"11111- sur la
riva gauchv. .

I'V. Le dun dc \K-“1111cm15crg decimnt vh'n- 51 prfxp'filn'lé (111 110mm
harmn‘iv 1°); 111112111‘111‘51176 aw-r [:1 1111‘. 11311131? 11‘: 1:1‘11110, .s't—ngr;o
d’ubscn‘cr pour les gnomes 111111105 qlli'PUMllolLHl. s’chvcr c1111 1:11..



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1‘ q11111q11’a11tre pui-sonrs que re 3011, 111 111-115 exaste neutraHté. 81
31 111: 1'11111'11ir coutr'mis 1111(1111 ("111111 079111 niscccnrs, i1 quelquc 1111‘s
84 5.11115 11111111111c [11-3'11‘1W .c (c 51111. .

V. I) 115 1.111115 ' .(‘5 11.11 pnurmimll ‘ctre 511511111135 1‘11’nve1nr
51 1:1 1‘1-1):1‘1.211;uz: 1~ :55 1111111105 11011119111 11115;“ 5k 5511111111“
(1'1115 105 11.15 13.0 » . S. 11’ (1:1(' 111? '\\'"1‘11'temb131'g. y 1111-1111111 111115
1121 [111510.11 111111111105 11110551111. 11 1e1=rs (11115111110115: (111115 y 11115111111»
r0111: um: (115(1p111gn 95.1111: . (X 5y Cumporlemnt (:11 {(1111 (111111111:
(111115 1111 pays 1115111111 1" (11111.

V1. 11115 11:5 11111111111151; '1 pourrnrt 5111111~ 1'1." {11111155 (121115 111.3
(51:11; (le S. A. S. 1111 [1111154111. 11111111125 1311111111111;11111111111115, 50111111
51111-1 (1111.1 1111‘. 311 131.11111'1 : 1.1'1 1. [21111131112115 10559111111. c1111lr1: cux:
191115 1111-113 , s 11511.11113111 (1” 1-1‘ 1111 "111111511116; , leur sc1‘111111’1'111l11s.
01 1135 p111 TC 1111115 1 1. (:1: 1:11,- v:111le~ : 11 leur sera 1111511110 11.011
(118,1.‘501‘, (11-: 19111113; 1\; 11(11101111u (11111:. 1651:1615 de 5. A. S. 01111::
s'cu 1‘0111‘01‘.

ViI. 11 est cxpmsm’mcnt 1‘011“en11 qne 10115 165 (1111111911115 (11115
(1111 punrrnicnt s’I-luvcr mum 1111156115 111:1191115 11.1115 [(25 1711-115 (111
due (10 “71111611111015, serum jugés par 1::1D1111t diplumuliquc (1C 111
rel-1111111111119. 1111119111512.

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1111‘) 11111111n11cs 1111135 110‘; [11111111111118 & 511151120111185 111131 Ccdv £1 121
IH111111111111.‘ 11111151150 11111 1!: 11‘ '1 118 111* j11111‘.

[Kalflaru' .c ("11161117 13 :11) mes-.1 1111‘ 110.111c1', 2111111 51111 ev'mu-
111011 1111111112 (‘l’ 91.11911: 1111 10111 Le 11111 “‘65! p.15 (0111111111: aux dispu—
811111115 (111 1111: 1.1 11111113.

X. 111:5 c111111‘10111111115 (1111 y smut 511111111395 sernnt :11'11121111'65 en
antler, 54:11 1115 (111101510115 11111 p‘Hil'I'UiL‘ilr 511111 (1111101111115~ 11c gm}
1 [1 51-1.: 011 111111c 11.11.13 111.11 01113111111113” 111’ 11111.01” 111' 11.1
:1 (111.111‘1-1 1111 1"""1‘1 1 \c11,1151111.11 1- 1111111151111, j11<1111'111.1:1g1111-
- 111-» 111. 1211111 111).; (11* 11"1‘; (111-:1‘ 171111111119.

112-1113 111: 1111»: 1351‘ 111.119 (*172111711111 aux V1110; 1111—
. {‘1' 11111.11 1.151311.

l“.11l £1 l’..1'15. - 2.1 11'11-1'1111111112, an 51 (1e 1a 1‘I'111111111111e 1'.z111r;111.sc,
une If; 13111-45111.

71:1, (11111111135 1711111110131", C11AP.L.:S, “no;
11:: '1‘.'1.1:1.1.\'. ,\1:'1'11; ‘. :-1:1.

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A H 1,} 1. 1‘; 1‘1 1’1 1;.

L115 1111111111119115 111-5 1111-19115 11113511211115 111111 s’nmncr‘nl,

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(111-1111 , 1'1'1-2111 111:1 , 511711 1111111131 1111 11111“

1-:111111111. 1‘1!?11(' 1‘1 {11'1‘111‘111' 1115 111‘1111iiz1:1:; 1111 mi (11‘

P111550, (11:1 111'.1<1111111111 111-1111111111 1111.11 [111:5111111111161111131035
111311» 11 1-51 1111;111:1111211115111111 11111: 111‘. :11111'11111'111z1‘5 511111 C1)li1l‘(‘
1:1 1'1131'111111'; :1. 51 1:111:111111111111111(1.31:12111151111111) 31191'1'1- (11‘,
.141 11.111 111- 1111:11111‘ ' 11 . .11‘ 1111311111111) 111111‘0 1-11111—
111 1111- . 3: 1:1'111'1'11151- .’ :111 111-11 11'1'1’11111‘1111(:1-1 1111.1) 1,1111
1‘11'1-1115111'111111111111511111(11-1111“:111(11‘ , 1.1.1(1111'1115111111113l11111111§5
11.111 11:15 111111-142 111:1'. 1, 111511111150 ‘ 5111‘111‘011a111115 11:11 110115
31'11 11111211115 (11‘ 1.1111113.

L11 1111‘11 1'111‘1111'1111151151 1101‘1'111111' (1C 851 1011111110 1111’“ 1'111111
(11‘ 11:111'1: 111111‘; 11105 11111 111111171‘11‘13‘111c. 111*5111‘111'1‘8 511111 (1111111115
1121111111111,i11511111111125.1115111115, 111111111115 (411111115115 8(111‘1111'531 111111-
(:1101'1111 111'1‘11111'1‘ 5191111. 1111111, , (311 1111 111111., (151 5111‘ 11? 111111
(1(' 144111111 , 131' 11-51-11'151-5 1'z'511‘1‘111111111115 ch (51.11 mm llllC 1:1
111.1f11111‘ 1111151 1111'11111'1‘1'11 (111110 5111110.

11:1 1'1'111'1', (111 11111 1111's (111 11111111101 (11111111—

(1111'1111-111 :111 111-11111, \10111 (11: memoir (11: 5:1 1111111151? 11111.1

(ad-x101 11:11" ,
P11115111” 311:111111'0 1111 (1.10 11V. 5101']. , (11ml, 41111‘1-5 541 1111111, 1|
(11111, 11111-1111311:1111cu11 do 112' 1311111115 11110 1011112 Vingm'c (1c
101,1 11\'. 511111.

(11 11111132111111 111111.13 1195mm!) ([111 1111111, (Tnvoir 111111 on
11111‘:111111' , 5,1151 1'111'1‘111111: 111'11c15111111-111, (111 111-11116: CH111'1111 011
1.1 11.11.11 :11111'111111 , 501:5 111111111111111111111111.11111 (111 (1111: (1.111111 7
101:7:1. 11‘ 1131311” 11171! , (1’1111111'1-1‘ 1111 (11‘11):11'11111‘111(11:l ; 1111511111
(Ex-11 1'_1 1_11|111-‘,111:1' 111111111'111131‘ 31 1111.51) (11' 1‘1 ‘.11111-11(‘1' 11.1 1:1
111:11'1'11'11..111111“.:1~‘.1\ 111111115 (11‘ l)1115 (1111:111‘1‘11=.'1111:1:', &‘ 11111
{11151111111 .111 1:1 1111111111111 111 111115 111111111111 111155111113 11'11111111'111
11111-11011511u1'11 1.115 111'1l\ :11-‘-(';1H\. 1.41 11151111: 1111111,- 1'51 (-11—-
Cui‘C 1‘011111111111111111 PM (11:11:. cumbws 11111 s’y 50111 (101111155




on 1655 8: on 1675 , 6c dans la premier dcsqucls mourut 1g
111111011X (111111.11 r1‘1‘01‘1111.

Dos 1101111011115 111115 rficnntos 1101111115 11115 11111115 , 3111101166111
1111’1111 a 111111.11 (11-115 1115 111150115 (16 Séringuputmu 111115101115
111111711115 (111311.15 (111.1111 610.1011 111111.15. (1)11 11 (51.11111 1105 (1111.
91111111105 (111115 10111115 1115 \‘11105 (11' 1’111110. 51 1:] 11111010553 (11?
13(11'11131111113111 avoid 11-1111 (111011111 11111-111110 [111115,1 11011‘0 (11111.10
(111111 11111111111, 1::11‘‘ CHC 11’111'1111 111115 (1.1111111111‘ denx juurs (13


171: [mum/5100111: , l1: :1.


1.511111 gauche (11: 1’411‘111111-1 (105 .‘1'111'5, (‘11111111111111119 ’pm‘ 10.
8111111111! 1,)11111-51110, :1 1111;; 13111111, & 5213111100 1115 '1‘111-1-1
111‘ 30 11110111101 85: 11> 1‘ 01111111111130”1211111, 1105 11111111115 53
511111 (1111111111195 110 011111 1111113115 111: (11111111, (11' 110115 111111511115,
' :11111‘111‘5 50 511111 11111011111111.

C\' 1,1111 11111 (:13011115011111111‘5. 311511

1111;11'11111'1215 (11‘ '1‘. 111 , (111.7111 (11111111 11." 1:1 V1110 11 1111; 9111' 0:11.

1.15 113111111115 11151111‘11111115 11111101111115.111511114111‘; (111 11.951 11.11—

115111131 105 (:1111111111'1111,11111".115:1111111111111111‘1'111111‘1x 11t1x1('1*1111111

(1e 111 011111111110. ()11 1112 [1111113111 11215 51 131111? 11) siege (161111111.
11111111311111, {c 1“. 7‘11/11/(11711'111'1'3.

1.9 941101111 {11141111110211101 a 1311. (111111.11111111', 11.1‘ 11‘ {5131114131
1311:1111111, 11:11:17,111, 1:11.111 1111110 111111115 1111 c111111111'1'131‘, (11‘ (111110
11:11'13, 1311 11111110115 111's law‘s (10 1111111111111 111: 1:0 111111111515.

11 1‘11 11111- [111711110111- .‘1511-111111111‘. (1115 111111;:1c11u15 1111111113111.

. 1

“HUN—11101" par—111117.511! 111 1111194111 (‘1'1111'111 , (111115 1111111111.: 11

11 :1 11911111:1 1,11;1:1(113 : 11w 51‘1311111111 11551-1111111111 (11111 3.111;~ .111_

1111101111111111. (111 Cl'.‘11|11 111.10 11- 13111111119111? 110 111115511 1011111:

1'1'11115111111110, 5’11 (‘51 11:11, (31111111111 011 1’1155111'11, ([111: 111.1151:c_

111111111111 1’11: 110 (2111111)!c 13115 :111—(10151 (1c cunt millc écus (‘11

1:11‘1‘1112111011 5111‘ 1:1 111:1(11‘. '
L115 1111‘13111101‘95 11-11115 (1135 {mos vimn‘enl (111 1x11111111: :

1115 1111.1111111151'é1é5' . 111:115 1101) g:1.11?1‘.'111.‘111171:l 1'1-11111'.11‘.5 5111‘

111111111115 (1110 1.1511111 (11* 111 1111 5011111111. (111 (111(11111111‘1'.

111m 1115 1311155115 11111111111115 0111. élé v11111111-s, & 1.1111 (111.11.

‘Iilu 101115 [911115 $0111 (115111165 aux 11135111125 (11‘, 1’111'1110'1: (111111111.

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g1'1115115, CY *5 {1:115:1115 (11111115 (11? 1:1 101111} (‘11 111:1551‘. 1111.135

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C1-Hr'p111co. 1’111510111‘5 1'zig11110115 :11111'11‘1111-115 511111 0111:0111 111111:
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11111115 51‘1‘1111! 19.111115 5111' 1:1 rive gauche (111 1111111, cuire ('1:

11-91111: & 11131111151!

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111111 111111 1135 11111111115 unfr'uisvs 11’11111 11111411 0111111117 1511111111: 1.1

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1.9111119111111119, ' 1111 11 11 11111111ué 8c 111100 1011195 105 11116110115 (11‘.
1’1-1111131111 &’ 1‘1'111'13 Z111'11'11.

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—-—11' 051 11111111 11191' 1111 11119010110 1111 111119191 119 111‘58711‘118
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1) 11111100 11125 1111511115

11259. 11'1'. 10111111115 1031111'111'
5111! 1111513 11011: 1101 111‘1‘01‘ 111 1‘011ub11'11a0
5; 111's 13.125595.

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- 1.)0 grands 1'111111g1'1111111s \‘191111
burr-mu 111's r1'111111111s 9211511911115

9111211911191” 5,1111'11'11111'95; 111115 9111115 0111'. 0.0 1:1)1-g01'111's. 11


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€0.151I11115.111111191; 1 1)1I.1S111.'1'11111s 11 11111.11; ,13'1‘1.1'111'>:1'1)1111s
c.11151'1'1'0 1e C1111y0n L111"1)11.'1, Sc (10% 1111111111113 11.111.1111'5,
1111111 19.: 311015 511111 11: 9110.1'011 1»'1.11121'1\'1' ,
111.110 1111:: 0111151111115 , 84 10 c110y011 Jacob, 11111. 11 0'10 01111130
1111111111125 1'1 \'1-11150,011 1’1011111111 3c 011105111110.

11111 01011 11-11111-111—

—— 119 1:1'011-11 S1 '11111011 9:21 1101111119. 59019. 9.110 {.19111'1'111 1111
111'I 'si1-1‘1' 111‘ '.11 g1:9111‘,1'11.”1 111199 L111 1:' 11'1'1'11 110115801111.
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119, 111's 81.1111311011111195 1101.1 1'1-11111)1111110.11Va s 090111101111:

1'1 1‘ 110 .10111111'1.



—— Le 131101'01'1 Alcxa1‘111‘0 , 01111 11111111110—0111011111110111', 931
11111111111101191119111 111'11211'1'0 1111151011 110 111 3110110 1'1-1 101.11—
1111'113:-111011L 1111 011113100 1.111111111811.



—— 1.11 HOIIVPHC 1111n111'1s11'11. -11 91'1111‘11'9 1101a S'?11‘.9.11110..—
‘111115 11.11110 111 111uz110111111|113 111.! 511191.11- '.11'1‘1'11:1113591119111.

—-— 1 2 r11:"1110 1'1f101'1 \'112111 110 195 9.1—
1-11'1-115 131111059 31‘ 13011111111 1111115 101115 10110110115 11'111111111115—
111112115 1193 1105111093 011115.


111111111 1'9111113g1'1'1'


—— 111' {51111131115 31111101, 1311:111‘na‘111111111 11101150110 d0 1'a1'1'u1'9
111'. 11111'1 , 1'51 111‘1‘1V1' ."1 1’:11'1s

—1I.1);1:'1)11 (1111'. 19 111'111911)111 11101'1’1‘0 111‘ "1 g'191‘1‘9 501:1

1119111111 1101'10' 5111' 19 P111111, $111110 105 11 11'1111‘1.'5 (1151:151V 05 111:—

91111‘0 1'111'r11111111‘ 13: ‘11)191'111.
—-51 1011 911 9.1011 1195 119130111195 11111 SP 11159111 1)19n 1115‘.—

1.1111, 111-11

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g1'11'111' 1111 1111111 , 11-1111‘ 11' 1")1111111: 1111 1'01 110 1"1'11550 , 81' 1'1111
1011111'11, 10 grand 110111 111'. 1105111.

—1195 011111 \ nisrmunx 110 1115110 051)11g11o1s 531115 110 Roche-
1011 , 91111. 01111'1'1‘. .'111 17191011

— 1.'131-1111111311‘9 110 In 1111111119,, 11331113111119, :11'1111 910
(10011111, 1).'11‘ 1111 13111111011 119 {31119119, 1:; 1111111111119, 1113 391‘1'11' 119—-
51111111118, 1'1 111 511111: 1113 1'11191'111111‘ 1111 V:11'.~.s:':1:1 [c 1/1../111'/l.>,./
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111213'111011 1101111159 1'1 11111'11. “'."1211111'11111‘ , 111-01.;110 1::211111111
d11::l111's 11111195, 1":1111 111'11'11'1111111'111 éix‘arwv: 1'1 1‘9 1111111. '1 —
1":11 1 1191' 1111-111; 111.115 393 91111911115 1'11 1111111191001 1) 1:11 111'1'1'1'1'
11111011111101111119/11111‘1111111111111'99 51'1".11',1's , 8111.111! '11.:11'1'1'
111111! 11\'1)1911'1 9M1“? 111911 111':


11111111111 & 19 1)11!1'1.11151111' 111V111
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51111 la rdvision 110 00110 111111510 5011101160. LC 11'1b1111111 1.10


0111.511110n 051 511131 110 son affairc, & 11 n’y a p‘ur. 11° 1102110
111111 11311111011111- 911121 50115 11911111 1115:1100 1111'111'1 11 11:;1'11. L115
1111 1111 1'1111'1.‘ 11.11'111111- 11 ions-1°91 11s.

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11111111111 11151111131 1111'501.1 2 .1) ,651’1.
(:11 bUHS, 111U111L' CU l)l';1]lf"l"'11'13.

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0110111111111: 111 01"11' 121191191191 .)11 1111111‘ 11”



1191111 1711119 , 31 19s
1111111191115 11'111111'1‘911111'0'1 11115 511115 111111-111 1111.1: 1'011101'1111'0 en
50111 111110 par 111110111 11.1117211113.
— L0 1:110y0n P1111919,1)‘.‘1)1'1'559111‘ 011 111- 111-0 & 011 11
111111119. , 1'1110111110911911111101: , 119111. 111' 111:1:1111'. 11 511011:
11111111111? 1)111'1.11:111113191119111. 1'1 1'0111119, 1111 51111111111- . 111' 10111111-
111911 8(1191’111‘11111'513: 1 01191511111011111'1 111111111 11-»; 11111261'i:1;~:g

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1'1 1111111101 1111 1):1'.2
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951111111510. 1.311 59:11 )1-11‘.— -'1_' , '9, 01:11'1'11 .1115. '1' 111- 5110-3

111019519111 11 1111;. 11' 111111111111111111'111.01111111;1.=11.0,110'111'11111-14-
11111' 511 01111110 11V ('1‘ 1 11151111011011.

-— Dos 111311011131115 011111109111110' 11'


110%.“ 1919219
151111111 1)1"0s (11:- Sarrchom'g {3101111110 ,1 111111.115 11110

10111010111 (10 111'1'111'1‘ 001111 110 V10. .

—( 1111111111111 '1'1118' '1111'15 , 1111195 111011“ 1: "11'11- 111115101115 V0311-
g9111s 5111" 11111111111 (lg-811111 31111591110 "1111 1’11-‘1 ,
195111'1' 10 01'110

1'111'1-111 11:11:1-


SI111'13 1115111191: <111' 1135 1110111110 .11 ‘ 1:1:1111'1,
' - ' ‘ . 1‘ T. .
1111111111 11110 1b 11011111105 11 95.1.0110 , 115 111's

r11110 , 111171111 110 1)111 105 111191111110.


11111111011 51 1.01-

—11 0311510 1111115 111 01-1101'11111 11111)11_\'9 111' Pa1111gny , 1‘1 1111
111.1'1'111111911'0 & 1101111 d'Anxen'v , 1I11 11911911 (1111175171114 0:1
1" '.1' 110115. 11 9311911111211 111111511'51111'111115 . 011 11 119 .‘11‘1‘. 1'11 («110
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8.: ans , ('51 1191111 110 181‘1-"113 , {1' .'1 "1,1300 1101110115 11111sout
1111115 111 1011119 110 ccux 110 111 111110101159.

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51711111191113, V11'11110n1 11'1'11‘9 9111'01'1'5 1'1 ‘111'111' 1:111' 11' 1‘01 11'1'13-
111111119, 1)11111' _V 5111\1‘0 105 191: ‘2'.)115 111:5 111:”111115 00"1'111'1'51
411111119111 111:1119111'1110111 11301111" 1'1'11111..'.:.~'1' _. 1‘: .1 11:11111'1'11115‘
'95 11111-.)1'111)1‘11b105 Chefs—d'muvre 1111:;- 1103'51'110 10 11111500 1111

—- 1’11111 I“. 11 ré0110mcnt 1011110 595 '110r15 1111\ 111111111910:
111111015. L 1111:1513 (1111111 1‘0111111' 11 179. 511191 .
1110 19. 1‘01 119. 01111911111011 5011111011115 0111115 1111115 51-5 91:115.
'11 951 111111111111'11151'. 1111111110 11119 1:01 11011-5 11'11111111-111'
purl 119 1011111910111 119 11115510 11 11111‘11 11:15 119 511119 , 81 :10

9111111150111 1111'1110 r1011 1111 551511-1110 P11111111110 (10 111 00111' 119

111.;1111' 111911-3119.

1111- 111

-—« Lo C110VCH F111? 1,11'1‘ 11111115119111"[11.1119991191111‘11‘.11~
1111111111 1101101111: 19 , 111181111111111‘ C\' (11119311 511 1191111551011. 011
,11'11111101m”; 5011 51:01:1'559111‘ 19, 91110911 11111.1-1'1‘ 111'01'1"110 1.,
'1-—111'V ant 110501191 5011011111191

-— 1‘51 1'011 911 11"."111 1:111:1/1‘119111‘ .11 90:11‘ 111' Vi-Nuw, 19s
~1911‘1 9111110191115 110 1115.10 81 11.\119111113111-, 11111'1'5 5'1'11'1:
'.')111‘1'1‘11's 5111‘ 1195 0111015 111‘ 111 1)'111..' 11111119 11111301121190, 56

(1 1111 11111‘ V9111'1'01'1 11111119 3; 1'1 \111'111'5.

-— 119111115 111 1111111110 11" ‘1011 101111:

11111109. 11 1111119.


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.15 (Wm: 11911119011) 1)"11s 111‘ 1111-111-01'1111'111 ; 11‘ "'11\11- 10 $95
1'1“ ‘5 . 01.1 11 ('11 11111. 111011110111031 1111551 111115 111011011531 pins




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Runnm ,1 [.3 v.1 l‘mclidwr, £111 7.

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3:. ‘_ 4h ' I. 1.1[11I.‘*, v'l ‘ 21 9:11.13 Emu-c 8;!»‘1‘u"§1~m~'.
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11:11:1\l.’* 1w I 511,0, :1111111. «*t.‘ (I 3311111205 p.11' In; 111«'-1*:111IC11S:1:11.111.
il .11. 1.31.1 [5.1112 mm I1'111111i111>11w111cu1 .2u1111'ulc ail, en 1.: pvojct dc
54-1. . Par: '11 r’n,
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av. “111%. 1112.1 (In .u.ii.:., qua 4.).1'1 than: 11, .Iunt 5.10 i. .,I1.H11I .
rm! :..;ju:1 11. dcu. 111-115 ’ . ", [111:5 Ihunci' (111’1111 plus “mud
11.1:11E11v9, 11111;; '1‘ (Ir Ia .‘..1;11).:1.1r? (In, 1’11-113; 11.11: Ix: [1113:4119
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d 1171‘ 1.13.:111101ités 34 (I0:-

ci'coyons (I11 (Itinu 30:11011‘1 du Got-5,
(ii-:1 so :«1111 oppnsés avoc '

1’15112-111' :111\' Iniigmds. .
LI.) 31-5 (10111101135 5011112111 , 1111);:

.135 (111 111inish-1'C (305

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BIL-‘71 (ID I11 commission (111i I’avnil. préscxzié , pm.
vets :11’E1rI/r5; S: purliculim‘c111c11t pour cqui rvIzuiz" arm
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pews" ’ill’II 113‘s), pus mile ([110 I0 corps; llngSILICII' ICE; {ICC-211'!-
531;);13‘1111131'5: II 11’)" :1 point d‘incmn'énivnl 51 [CS 65'“.sz 31'1‘
(Irmr. IF

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{lll 17-1.
51111111103 1m svmni Imughém,

. , '. , .
121.110. 50¢. 311111111105 «Ir’nmevs [11111011119111

' . . 1 - .\- ‘ 15‘
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611“. «I1- I’nl-Huic (I..- cu» Iz-gunons, & 11C [1:11.1'1‘011. 21m 411*;-


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6.’111[Iv1115 13::L‘6'5