xt780g3h1b41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h1b41/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-11-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 2001 2001 2001-11-07 2020 true xt780g3h1b41 section xt780g3h1b41 W

What they said

Go flux

If these students could
"McFly" through
time, here's where
they would go.

“World War
II. the
Empire or
the birth of

- Jacob Redford,

“I would go
to Egypt
because it
would be
- Chassldy Lord,

disorder freshman

“To the

start of

because of
the clothes,
and music.”

- Jason Thomas,
theatre junior

“To the
sit-in at the
Building. I
would get
instead of
walking out."
- Alysia Robben,

foreign language
information senior

Compiled by:
Casey Hamilton

What a nice day for
picniclting or fishing in
the parlt.

Kent not; y


News tips-1‘
Call 257-1915 or e-mail


November 7. IDOI






Celebrating 30 years of independence

The Internet: Forget anonymity, online postings
allow students to attach names to evaluations

By Casey Hamilton


Students who want to give
grades to instructors now have
the option of doing so online.

A new wave of Web sites of
fers students the opportunity to
rate classes they take based on the
difficulty of exams. types of ques
tions on exams. number of exams.
amount of notes and overall value
of the course.

One Web site. www.teacherre-
view.com. lets students turn the
tables and give their professors a
letter grade.

“I think it is a good idea. espe-
cially for freshmen since they
may not know what professor
they want to take." said Kirk
Eblehar. a mechanical engineer
ing freshman.

Another Web site. wwwl’ro
l~‘eval.com. gives information
about everything from a profes
sor‘s attendance policy to the
number of quizzes given in class.

Each category is either given
a positive or negative rating.

While these Web sites give
students the opportunity to let
others know what professors may
give the fewest quizzes. they also
give professors feedback on their
teaching style,

"(‘oiiiiiieiits are important.
You have a good idea of how they
are responding." said Kevin
Donohue. a fortiier engineering
department chairman "it's really
better off for the students who are
somewhat intimidated to talk to
their professors "

Since some students learn
better in larger classes arid others

Wildcats play upbeat \ A
game; defeat Nike “a” -
Elite by more than 20 1 i
points at the first
game of the season i 8



learn better by taking notes.
sounding offon these Web sites al
lows students to learn at which
classes they can excel

“lf yoti like a certain teaching
style. you may itot want to take a
class that you need if the teacher
sounds like one you may not
like." said Abney liigon. a mer-
chandising sophoiitore.

Because most students are fa-
miliar with filling out evalua»
tions in class. the idea of doing
them online is new. But it's Slipr
ported by l'K professors who en
courage students to post their

"I've seen some of the sites
tlilllill'. and they don't have much
traffic." said Debby Keen. a com
puter science professor "My Web
page has a link to where students
can say what they feel about itiy
class ”

Although these Websites of?
fer a way for students to learn

more about professors. none of

them are universitysanctioned.

Students donate time
to army's salvation

The gift of giving:
Charity funds lacking,
programs may be out

By Marti Boxley

The recent surge in dona-
tions for Sept. 11 victims‘ funds
has led many charities to consid-
er the possibility of a winter of
reduced giving.

There are a number of agen-
cies in the greater Lexington
area that need help. said Eliza-
beth Bates. UK's assistant direc-
tor of activities and program co-
ordinator for the Emerging
Leaders Institute. which per-
formed a volunteer project at the
Salvation Army Saturday.

“Service is not just needed
when there is a disaster or a hol-
iday.” Bates said.

The lack of funds for chart
ties has already been felt locally.

“We have noticed an imme-
diate drop-off with things out
there right now," said Col. W.
Howard Burr. the Salvation
Army area coordinator for
Fayette. Jessamine and Scott

But he said he is confident
people will continue to give.

“We believe that we will
raise just as much this Christ
mas as last year." Burr said.
“We are going to meet the need
no matter what."

But Burr said he is more
concerned that people's needs
will be greater this year.

There was a 25 percent in-
crease in need last year from the
year before. and he said he ex-
pects the increase this year will
be at least that much. if not

Last year the Salvation
Army was short on funds and
cut back on items like vehicle re-
glacement and property repairs.

ut Burr said such actions could
only be done one year at a time.

If donations are low again
this year, programs would have
to be cut, he said.

Even though the effects
would be harmful. the Salvation
Army will still continue. Burr
said he is more concerned for
smaller charity groups that may
not be able to cut expenditures.
which maymrce them to close.

He eMages all people to
continue giving to charity

., .-




cweecrivu time lg»



..._“‘.’_”-f” 2

MARK eoxm 1 mm sun

Chad Clark. a finance sophomore. Elizabeth Dorsett and Sarah Bryant, both
undeclared sophomores, and members of Uit's Emerging Leaders institute,
volunteer Saturday at the Salvation Army on West Main Street.

On Saturday. UK's Emerg-
ing Leaders Institute answered
his charge.

Members of the group
helped the Salvation Army by
raking leaves. serving food and
painting donation bells.

Chad Clark. a finance sopho-
more. said people should not be
discouraged if they don't have
money to give.

"Donating your time is as
good as anything else." Clark
said. “Nothing you can do is

Another group member said
that while the events of New
York demand everyone's atten-
tion. people in Lexington should
not be forgotten.

“There are people suffering
in Lexington and we need to
think about them too.“ said Bill
abeth Dorsett. an undeclared
sophomore. "Now more than



ever we need our community to
pitch together and help those
who are hurting. We need to re-
member the poor."

Dorsett said students should
be major contributors.

“it's definitely up to us to
make the difference." she said.

Ways to five

Charitable organizations around

° American Red Cross - Blue-
grass chapter -14SO Newtown Pike
— 253-1331

- iiope Center - 360 W. Loudon
Ave. — 252-7881

0 Lexington Salvation Army -
722 W. Main St. - 252-7706

° United Way of the Bluegrass —
101 E. lfine St. - 233-4460


Vent your frustrations online

For students who base their
class schedule on more than one
(if two persons opinions. the uni
versity does their own official
evaluation of professors before
each semester ends.

The university procedure
takes into account the number of
students who are enrolled in
each class. whether it is part of
the l'niversity Studies program
and what the students comment
ed about on the iii-class evaliia

“It definitely is a piece of the
puzzle." l)onohuo said

While students give iii class
evaluations anonymously. filling
out evaluations over the Web
gives students the opportunity to
attach their names to their coiii
ments if they wish

(me professor said the .iddi
tion of the name makes the com-
ments more credible in her eyes

"We put more weight on ll
when we see someone's name at
tacht-d to it." Keen said

Grade your teachers

Students from all over the
United States can rate their
professors' performance at
www.teacherreview.com and

The Web sites can be accessed
by all people

Professors renewed on
Profeval include the following:

- Clark, Stephen

' Donahue, Kevin

- Enochs. Edgar

° Gillette, Robert

- Holmes. Jim

- Keen, Debby

- Kingsbury. Paul

° Morgan, Fred

- Scott. John

0 Skaggs, Bruce

- Weckman, Randy

Results of UK's teacher evalua-
tions from the fall 1994 semester
to the present can be viewed at


Future odyssey 2001:
at the speed of light

Forget the past: Princeton professor says
time travel possible, but only to the future

”loo light years. (iott said. A
light year is the distance light
travels in a year

"When you arrived at
Earth. you would have aged
only about to years. while the
Earth aged lboo years. You‘d be
in thi- ftiturc." tiott said.

A l'K professor agrees with
limits lit‘lit‘fs.

"He has shown theoretical-
ly it tan be done. but in prac~
Vice. 1 don't know." said Suketu
Bhavsai. a professor of physics
and astroiiotity

()ott also said traveling
through space at great speeds
could allow Visiting the future.
whether this limits feelings on time rav»
could happen o! go beyond hlx book‘s text ..
Will iiikt‘ H \U- be has also thought about
PW (‘lVililr’illon Gott where in llltli‘ he would go if
and an under- eve-r given the chance
standing of quantum gravity“ “1 “(Mid go about 2oo.ooo
the Louisville name said jams :n the tuttli‘t‘ and look at

(lott‘s ideas are l');isl'tl on the human race ifthey had
Albert Einstein's theory of reia survived and see what was
tivity and are elaborated on in happening." he said.
his new book. Timw Trm‘c/ in
Einstein ‘s ['Iiii‘ersc.

"Einstein‘s Theory of Reta
tivity states that time travel is
possible This would allow us to
travel into lllt‘ future."

Traveling into the future
would be possible it humans
could speed through space at a
speed close to the speed of light.
300.000 kiii sec. for a distance of

By Christina Cornelison

't - ~54 he

You don't need a Delorean.

A Princeton professors ri-
search may i‘eseitiblt- Hack to
the Future. but his findings
could prove what some have
simply imagined.

.1. Richard tiott. an astro
physics professor. speaks at l'K
tonight oii the M
possibility of 3
time travel

"This is
physics that
we know
works. but

Quantum leap

Professor J. Richard Gott will
speak on the possibility of time
travel at 8 pm. tonight at the
William T. Young Library. He will
also be signing his new book at
7 pm. Friday at Joseph-Beth


JESSE LENS l rinvtistm

Epicenter of aging

Actor Lauren Bacall humor: Nicli Clooney at the UK Sanders-Bren
Center on Aging Foundation's annual dinner Tuesday night. Cacaii
spoke for 35 minutes about her career. relationships and lamity.







Winter cheer: Residence Life
sponsoring holiday event

By Hye-Kyung than

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Celebrating the holiday glee

Winter Holidays Around the World will open at
5 pm, Thursday. The event is free and open to the
public. Call Cris Ayala at 3232215 tor more information.



CeIEbrating The Low-down

made D1111
Quixutv 11

what he
read made
him mad."

- George
Bernard Shaw
lrish-born British
playwright and
founder of
Fabian Society

Wildcat Relief Fund donates thousands
l.11‘..\'l!\'(;'l‘().\' 11111 1111111111" 1‘111s1-1l 111111111411
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2 trats suspended for offensive acts

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Law allowing assisted suicide questioned
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Key interest rate at its lowest in years
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Compiled from wire reports



.g g _

E . 1i i
Sometimes it's
hard being Brad
Pitt. "My week
consists five
days out of the
seven I've got at
least three cars 01
paparazzi on me
that I've got to
either lose or
says in the
December Issue of
Vanity Fair.
”That‘s why we all
end up hiding and
communes or
because 11's work
when you go out
there in public.
You can't just go
to the doctor, sit
in a waiting room
and read a mag-
azine. You can't
go to the airport
and wait for your
flight. because
you get mauled.
So there are
these little
shortcuts." But
Pitt says it's also
easy to let to the
power of celebrity
get out of hand.
"We are treated
as special. We get
away with things
that other people
can't. And you
start to believe
the lie that you
are special! that
you're better than
other people, You
start demanding
that kind of
treatment, Most

01 the time 1 fight ’

it because I know
I'm gorng to get
older and 11’s
gorng to go away,
but at times I
succumb to it,"
the 37-year-old
actor said.



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 Patrick Avery
Scene Editor
Phone: 251-i9i5 I Email. kernelad®yahoocom



Writing ability drives band

By Chad liaod

Anders Parker is the sole
musician behind the hand \'ar~

Since the release of their
first album in 1096. Varnaline
has dwindled from three mem-
bers to one. leaving Parker with
the liberty to control all aspects
of his music.

Parker. now 5&3. comes from
LaGrange. Ny. where Parker
first became involved with uni
sic while playing II saxophone
in elementary school

During high school his inu
sical focus shifted toward
drums. and some time after
that he began playing guitar

“Music was the only thing
that I really loved.” Parker

Following his parents ad
Vice to do something he loved.

i’I Iikei hegI In puisiug II ( arree
as a music i; In

With diverse talent and
taste in music. Parker draws in
spiration and influence from
such music legends as REM.
Neil Young. liuke Ellington and
lioh livlan.

His approach to song writ
ing is hoth delicate and skillful.

as he tries to distance himself

from most modern hands be
cause of their lack of quality

Parker‘s song writing IIhili
ties. along with his strong musi
cIIi hase and commitment to
quality. give Varnaline its
unique sound

\‘arnaline's latest allium.
brings in (1 Northern Ker. is pur

posely dense and goes in a lot of

directions. Parker said.

The album is a potent inusi
cal accomplishment for Parker.
who \illll he is still discovering

his audienc e and getting the
mud out to h Ins

He said the relationship
with his audience is one that is
often made mostly through
ioiiring. something Parker has
become accustomed to after
years of experience.

Parker didn‘t seem discour
aged with his apparent lack of
fame in fact. he confesses that
he doesn't really want to he fa
mous at all. saving his motivar
tioii and inspiration exists in
the music he creates.

Varnaline‘s lack of fame
keeps things less complicated
for Parker. allowing him to "do
things II ceitain way."

llis lack of submersion in
the music industry allows him
to do things that he wants to do.
and most importantly make
the music the way he wants to
make it


Varnaline will perform at
9:30 pm. Friday, Nov. 9 at
Lynaqh's. Jay Farrar is the
headlining act.

After participating in three Son
Volt and tour Uncle iupelo records.
Jay Farrar decided to no at it
alone. His latest album
SEBASTOPOL came out on Sept. 25.

Farrar has contributed to
albums for Bruce Springsteen and
Gram Parsons and has performed
on the popular radio show
“Mountain Stage."

Farrar will also perform on
Nov. to at the Phoenix Hill Tavern
in Louisville.

More information about Farrar
can be found at

"MOS rm

The legend continues

Pianist lavali Pm, auditor of the late mm
mm Permian, iota: violbtist Kart Mm Md
cellist ZIIill Bailey at 8 pm. Saturday. Nov. to at
Clinton. mated with the OlIlabm City Orchestra
following the Alfred P. Mama Fadaral Mia.
film, Everyone Say: I love You.


Get me the
out: of here!

(We understand completely.)

800.777.01 12






The Office of undergraduate Education is
launching a journal dedicated to undergraduate
students! The journal will accept reports of all
forms of creativity and scholarship by

undergraduate students.


All UK undergraduate students are
eligible to enter. Contest entries must include
the submitter's name, student ID number, local
address, telephone number, and
e—mail address, together with the proposed
journal name.

Entries must be received by Wednesday, Nov.
8th. Send your entry, for the "Name the Journal"
contest, to the journal editor
by e—mail or snail mail:

m mt a Tamar
Amos m WT! 81m
13 Ham am 0195








He has a year to finish his course
with Independent Study!

Stu y


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Deadline: Nm. 1:). 200i



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\Iuclcnt (lentcr. Room lll‘l

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Who’s your favorite


















'41 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 2001 | xeurucxv KERNEI.


Dwight Yoakam

Dwight Voakam will perlorm at
8 pm. Friday. Nov. 9 at Rupp
Arena. Reserved tickets cost
$25 - 550.

Bars, clubs, venues:

AlA ...................................... 231-7263
Kitty 0' Shea's..., .. ...255-3078
Cheapsrde Bar and Grill....254-0046
Kamakazies ....................... 255-8863
Blue Max..... ....... 226-0335
Two Keys...


Rupp Aren

Lexington Opera.

Actors' Guild ....... 233-0663
Club 141 .............. 233-4262

Cincinnati venues
(513 area code):
Bogart's .......

The Crown... 421-4111
Sudsy Malones ................ 771-3550

Ripley’s .............................. 861-6800
Playhouse in the Park ....... 345-2242

Louisville venues
(502 area code):

Kentucky Center for the
Arts ........... 00-775-7777

Toy Tiger... ....458-2020
Kentucky Opera ........ .584-7777
Louisville Gardens

Actor’s Theatre .....

Headliners Music Hal

Ticketmaster ....................... 361-3100

Movie theaters:
South Park.
Woodhill .....


Bluegrass group Nickel Creek will perlorm at 8 pm. Tuesday, Nov. 13 at the Kentucky Theatre. Tickets cost $25. The group has received two Grammy
and two Country Music Association award nominations.


Phil Lesh & Friends. 7:30 p.nr. Loursvrllis retails-Merchant. cs '11. no .1 ”"5111: Nov.
Palace lheatre. Reserved tickets cost "’ I(“’l‘v'l"‘.l.‘ll‘",‘l “ “fl", M “NH/“(l
S38 50 Q“ l“‘l\ For»? Jr ”11) S [\H

For the week of Nov. 7 - Nov. 13 ocscssosssrs



Aerosmith will perform with
TheCuItat?:30p.m. WEDNESDAY
Saturday, Nov. 10 at Rupp Man or Astro-Man? w/ Black-Eyed

Arena. Tickets cost 535- Snakes 5; irr Headliners Musrc Hall.

$68.50. t: 'é‘sr ll li§l1“!K111§f $1.0

Traii‘e' Bride w/ The Damn Rathers.

GOT ART? 1 r .r‘ Lyiragli s. lrrketscostSS,

if you have an entertainment 7 \

listing that you vvish to put on 3'“ larrrs l“? l" l‘ ”l H’Qh 0“ Rose
the ‘On Tap’ page, please rs- *' h‘ ‘ 3"

mail kernelarteyahoocom, lax

to 323-1906 or call 257-1915. T H U R S D A Y

Please lNCIUde “"19. date, (“669 Leo Kottke. 8 pin Kentucky Theatre.

and price. 'rr km 1 rist $23 50

Ray's Musrc Exchange. 10 pm

'."‘rl.j‘ K in I?“ r (“I $4


11110 ring 3011 ualiiy
rlilllOll'H-lO-ll rice.





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Perlman/Nikkanen/Bailey Trio. H p m Lonestar w/ Blake Shelton i. Jamie WOW Theatre.

Singletary CPanTCODCt‘TlHdll.§ltl(l(’ill O'Neal. 1 i0 11 m ’11th NW l'o

Student Center .......
Mike Keneally 8. Beer For Dolphins.

10 p.m.Lynagh's.Ticketscost$111 Dreamint llllril‘ w on Nos 1‘
'i11]l‘1c("s 2"»- '1' L‘s-l; . nu? ,t

UK Bookstore ............... 257-2947

Bastards of Mercy w/ Altered
Wildcat Textbooks .............. 225-7771

Statesmen.10 pin, “'0“ 0” ROW Paul K E. the Prayers w/ Garland
IMP” (N 33' Buckeye. ir‘ is it l‘ only 1...; ”.1; Mat

fill R 7'.l' llr Nllt' ’ "c. {1",

Gloria Bills w/ The Limit. 10 pm. High on

Rose Tickets (mt $3. Britney Spears w/OTown. 7 ii iii 1min:

Center, Cincinnati Tickets cost

F RID A Y $39.50 » $75.00
JaY Farrarw/ Anders Parker. 9:30 pm S U N D A Y

Lynagh's. we“ (05‘ 512' Lexington Philharmonic Brass Quintet.
3:30 pm [(1 & ired’s Desert Mriirri
Ian Hunter w/ John Eddy. 9 pm. me“ (my $8

Headliners Musrc Hall, Loursvrlle sill/v 14's.tcierrrrr- ;._ 'rr'to‘ .‘li'lilr‘ w

Tickets cost $15 M O N D A Y Miidvavni-i'mrreWu [we ' p . ' .mJu
Poe. 8 Dill. Boqartx, Cincinnati in lu-l- M‘m 1'” "W l" 7 l”. ""l 2574915.

.. . . i.'i ullirr .csxs .. Sic,
Inner Vision Collisron w/ Kuchr Guru. cost $15 :3]; :k ("i ,
10 pm. High on Rose. Tickets cost $3. ‘ y

Greenwheel. 8 p m. Boqarts, Cincrnnatr The New Kentucky String Ticklers. Compiled by Dr. Ian Editor imily
Tickets cost $8 10 pm. Lynagh’s. Tickets cost Si. Rosendall



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tissues“ -

In Shallow Hal, Gwyneth Paltrow dons a “lot suit" to play 300-pounrl Rosmary. Jack Black, pictured above. plays Hal, a shallow man
who is given the ability to see a woman's inner beauty. At Lexington Green and Woodhill.



Written and directed by Davrd Mamet. this film
portrays the lies and betrayals of people
involved wrth crime, .loe Moore (Gene Hackman)
finds himself broke, committing hrs crime crew
to the standard "last big Job." Also starring
Danny DeVito, Rebecca Pidoeon and Sam
Rockwell. At Man 0' War

The One
Jet Li stars. in this scienre-tirtion thriller t‘IITPTI'
ed by James Wong (fiiia/ Destinationi. Also star-
ring Delroy Undo and Carla Gugiiio At Lexington
Green and Man 0' War.

Thirteen Ghosts
A race for money in an olrl, haunted house
propels this film. The 0er owner collected l3
ghosts and the Greedy people ran only see them
through a pair of special glasses. Is this a plot or
a second grade "scary" story7 Starring Shannon
Elizabeth and Matthew Lillard At Man 0' War.

A man in a mental institution claims to be an
alien. The doctor set to convrnce him that he is a
normal person only ends up doubting his own
beliefs. Starring Kevrn Spacey and Jeff Bridges.
At Lexington Green and Wondhrll.

Domestic Disturbance
John Travolta stars as a divorced dad who dis-
covers his son's stepfather is a slimy man. Vince

((l‘slllt‘I lt


Your" whitest teeth. by tonight.

I Fred Arnold lll, DMD


Vaughn plays the slurry man who in turn tries to
kill Travolta. Also starring Terr Polo and Steve
Buscemi. At lexrngton Green and Man 0' War.

From Hell

It’s looks as though this film was designed pri-
marily for a Johnny Depp/Heather Graham sex
scene. Depp plays Inspector Abberline who goes
looking for a deadly evrl force. He ends up falling
fora streetwalker who lS in danger of death. At
Man 0‘ War

Riding in Cars with Boys

Drew Barrymore stars as Beverly D'Onotrio, a
girl who tinds herself lS-years-old and pregnant.
She mac'ses the drug'addicted father (Steve
Zahni and ' res to raise her child and make the
marriage work. At Lexington Green and

Man 0' War.


Billy Bob Thornton and Bruce Willis star in this
true story about fugitives escaping to Mexico.
The men fall in love wrth the woman (Cate
Blanchettl who tags along. The nation begins to
think they are holding her hostage, At Woodhill.

Down From The Mountain

This bluegrass film was made by filmmaker DA.
Penebaker (Don’t Look Back) as a companion
piece to the 0 Brother, Where Art Thou sound-
track. Ralph Stanley is one of the many legends

featured onstage as well as backstage. At the
Kentucky Theatre.

Training Day

Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington star as
cops, Washington being the veteran and Hawke
the rookie, in this drama directed by Antorne
Fuqua. Also star