xt780g3h189v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h189v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1988 1988 1988-10-24 2020 true xt780g3h189v section xt780g3h189v  


Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCII. Not 53

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since i 9 ,1 t.


Monday, Octobe' ’24, 1988


WRFL to show computer system at convention this week

Staff Writer

A computer system used by UK student
radio station to decrease paperwork
WRFL-FM, Will be featured at the (.‘ollege
Media Journal convention in New York
this week

College radio representatives. record
companies. and artists will participate in
seminars. panels. exhibitions. and show
cases at the convention

”At the convention we're going to have a
booth with Apple (‘oniputers and we're
going to exhibit “traffic control" which is a
music tracking system that makes it pOSSI'
ble to keep track of. and sort all music.
public service announcements. and grant



“This is the first time that we k
existing data base specifically

announcements played on the air,“ said
Mark Beaty. WRFL program director

"We have taken a commercially avail
able data base and adapted it to iit our
needs." lleatv said “This is the first tmie
tliat we know oi ainorie adapting an eXist
mg data base specificalh for music track
mg "

“We called everywhere to try to imd
someone who did what we wanted to do

s mall

should not affect
Coldstream Farm

H) JIM “Ill'l‘l‘l
Assik'iate liditoi

The regional mail that Preston and \nita
Madden plan to lillliti on their fftilttilltt'L‘,
l’lace tarni will not .iiieci t'K‘s piai.» ioi
development oi (‘oldstreani Faint. accord
mgiocit) andi lll\t‘i'sli:. oiiicials

Lexmgton Mayor Siottv lizieslcr said
last ”lillit that iiecaiise oi the timing of the
('oldstreain proiect out the other dew-l
opnients l'K is planning on 7h. site coin
paringt it to the Madden s mail would in-
likt‘i'tlltipiti‘lltfl applesaridoringes

‘l reaii} don't think 1 will ha\i
affect whatsoever ” Hat-sli-r
will he a lot inori .it t‘tiidstrea ii that) just
a mall And were also '.iiklttL‘. ahoiit i‘olds
tream being .l long range plan

The ['i'han (iiillii) Government ap
proved a fth eiiaiigi iniiisda\ night that
will allow ”it \laddens to «Jo ahead with
plans ior inn ‘aitiest rzzall in the Lexington
area The on or the th'H-liltiltli’tii is .it the
intersection s. and Han o
War Boiile' s l

l'K's pla" iiir «inelpprnent oi its i'ol'ts
treani Fiif‘i', properH located between
Georgi-ton»: Hoad \ewtown i’iki
south oi titi i‘it‘l‘v‘l'ltiilt oi interstates
and 64 iii'iiides a t‘r-gionai mall. re
search i'iItIilHlliitL‘ education
center. a boarding school tacilitv tor Ken
tricky high school students and retirement
housing ior l'K ‘iilllitltlh

Tilt‘ Miliiilt'tis hopi- itirtll]1p[('!(‘ their pl‘tt
jt‘t‘i t)_\‘ tali l‘N‘.’ l'K s protect is .i J“ ‘M-ai

“l don't think the market demand is
there right now for two regional malls
said l‘K \‘ice t'hancellor ior \dmnnstraton
Jack Blanion But our plan is a long
range plan We intend to take it heiore the
council and we intend to get it approved

Blanton said I'K will he read\ 'o take its
proposal lieiore the l rban i'oiintx i‘ouncii
in about three months To proceed with


said There

interstate 1"»


iai iiities a

plans tor i‘oldstreain i'K must get appro
val ior an iiitercliaiittt to provide access to
the mail The i'oiini i] must then approve a
laiidiise proposal to keep with the Mini

l‘hi- i'iiiiipi‘eiii-ii~ii.i i’lar. is a ll\t‘)i';lr
plan which .ii is ..-. a growth giiideline tor

the plan was i’Llillilli‘ii earlier this )(‘ttl‘
hf. a _'.3 member . oniniittee it proudcs til'
ioirna'ion about what areas ill the Lesing
tori area are the best ti't' 'teielopiiient and
growth llanihurel Marc and t‘oldstreani
.i.i~ri- both pointed out in the plan .is --iti-s

'l‘he i'onipi'ehensii»~ l’i.in suggests ir‘i
tei'ia that :vttll should consider for dew-l
opinent Hat-sler it‘s a *silflLIt'sltitlt
"‘s lliii ’ili‘ itt'A

\lueh of the opposition to the \ladden's
mail was that i' .iiii take ii-t.i:iers
‘oiners own} ti'oiri titi\‘.'ttitl‘.'.tt and
the areas other ~iioppiiiit Hunters
Niall ,it lit‘\llluiiititil't‘i"t

lint ltlanton said the \Iadden‘s mall .niil
i'oidstreani ,xill iiiii-ient His
tumor and tulip the iix s i't'ii'llhfl‘s
hurt them

'Yoihe got to distmiiliish between a li‘
eional mail and the mailer mails ltian
ton said The sniailer malls .iri- ioi’ peo
ple iii illL‘ -ii it‘\,tllL’l||ll .nid i-‘avette
t‘oiirit‘. \ regional ‘litlli .\oiild .iitixict «iis
toniers 'roni \shiand Harlan l'inmiili-

iil nor are amt. I'here has

i't‘ilttittdi -tioppers to


ind- is
illllt‘ oi

ith" the

i‘fli'l' tii


great decline

i‘vn cite i 'iiimi\

i’resideot li:i\ iii

Hiantoii said i lil\i'l'\tl\
ltoselle lll.‘l\ .isk ttint. 'o proiide
on t'oldstreain at the i K Hoard oi
ees meeting on 'i'iiesda\

'l‘lie iact oi the matter is is that we are
going to proceed with our iaiidiise plan
Wanton -.nd \nd

nail on toids

as we time been

that calls tor a
treani Farm

and lilllt
now of anyone adapting an .L‘i‘ani,
for music tracking."

Mark Beaty,

program director

and no station does this. clip ”(mi "l‘he lit-at) sai

only people who didn't tr} to talk us out oi
it were the people at ('al'l'ei'li and \ll’l
so I knew it was a good idea

All of \Htl’l. s disc Jockeys must be able
to type in words per ininiiie and learn to
periorn basic data Hill“)

The l).J.s record information about each
record the) play which includes the artist.
the album title the still): title the ioriiiat


tattoi‘ .

ftecorded mtoriiiation, winch
ii} the Federal i'oiiiniiiiinatiois i
sion. had been recoi tied in t .iii'I
”We would be i‘ltiiiliL‘ ip
thing like t-t‘i'iio
il.\ l




tllli titi'i‘ ‘il. 'li-

IL’iqdlil ii
pit" w it

ipposed to :i, 'ttii
.‘.i'f. "

'l'hc inioriiiatioii li'iill iw.
iised ii} the progianamtia .
o etaiuate
.‘.lli('l1 tieips the shot it. .s~
ihanges h} i'ttlkilig. a’ in
tieing pla_\ed at tern...»
that isheaigieiniesiwi -

tutti. v\\'t n

the si.,steiii also i,» ii-e;

i, 17m; it



tackles in as am ,.

- :w


’-\ l<\lil€\ l2l"l~\ l'\
4.,“ \\i-.i..i



: i‘. tail 5‘ i-y"'~_ .JI‘LVH',
‘H" "1‘ Mt“ iti'l‘t‘ ”was, itifiii'niii-i- \p
.‘lii.l‘. .:ti imam Hm- vii ,_: ”H

‘ me in-

tiiiilili‘l' 'nlitll‘t'

Littiiitiess .it , pip

flii' .i'i‘i' i‘
Horii ii
'iiors emptied the tailor \id i/lll'ki‘is . ’l
their math .iitei
.,\._., ttieio-oi’tiia liiitidous. i“ to


culprits ‘i‘i'h
and i ’i'ts i iii‘ltillli' the 1 \ti st-

.ltl olnilHltDHCH \ ii'tiii‘\




l~ti i.iitiiii‘t'i‘ t'i’itit‘



Cats finally win the big one,




.a'ds t iittiti.



Wilkinson briefed by Roselle on allegations agaii sit i911!"

Associated Press

(iov Wallace Wilkinson has been briefed
on the Ni‘AA's allegations against l'Ks
basketball program and oi the l'niiersitv‘s
ongoing investigation

The governor said his miormation came
during a recent meeting with (K l’resi
dent David Roselle ltosellc released the
allegations pliidlt‘l} in summary ioriii last

l'K has until liec 1;! to respond to the

lengthy allegations.

Asked how he telt about the allegations,
which haw gained nationwide [)lliilli‘lM.
Wilkinson s‘aid'

'l‘rn like all the other people til the with
nionwealili l iliiiik were waiting Io
what the iiixesiigaiioii is going to reveal
and what the tacis he I still iirnilv he
lieie were innocent until proxen illllll\ in
someone and i see no L’Jllil _\et pro\en as
tar as any one is concerned

Wilkinson. whose comments


came Fri

day in an riterview atter tie addressed a : :et
Kentutki \ssociation iiincheon 't

Lesiiigton. said lioseiles ttl‘lt‘llllLl
iourtesv ‘o me on the Head parameters It!

i in“
‘~‘v&l\ ii ‘ii'




what'shapiw-iiing isi ‘zvzzi

He said ttoseiie . ssiireii itiiil that l K
titilllti iii till i\t'i\itl‘tii_‘ 'lt.il 'iti'} t"
is i \in'i li-il iii lilt‘lll

r tithtlslt
nip ti,” hi
posed to do .illll l'ie ‘iltnl i~
iiovernor ~tlL‘L‘t'sllitlls igss
itiiselleatioiii tiiei oniiniiiiti; [ii‘otic i

Bernie \ondertieide | Ks director at tirlllll \ii
public relations. said ‘-.\ilkinsoii and ltose

still} tie made to it.“

.isI~ i


.ni '\'iil

i i



A i‘it i t

it\ . "

't‘i-siiiiiaii ltil\i'tii‘llit‘iii|’i i w 'n'

Investigator rebukes myths from realm of the supernatural

haunted itiit \icki-il toiind the e\pianatioii one .:.:ii

li)'l‘1)\.l\ “II. I'
Staff Writer

Joe Nickell is a skeptic when it comes to
ghosts. but he has spent the last 13 \ears
investigating them

Nickell. a l'K proiessor. was the tea
lured speaker Frida} at a noon gallery s‘e
ries presentation "liiiesiigatmg the Super
natural "

He has written two books and ilth'Stlr
gated “countless” cases ot incidents that
other people hav e iioi been able to explain

"After lii years of searching.' \ickell

said. "i haw not ioiiiid a haunted house or
a person with special powers

\ickcll teaches technical writing at [K
and has worked with police on homicide
cases. iorgeries and historic ni_vsteries

Nicki-ll said that his interest in the su
pernatural began when he worked as a
stage magician

"I worked with people that tried to make
others believe the} had suix'rnatural pow
ers." he said "I knew iroin experience
that these were iust tricks ”

tine oi the lust cases oi the siiix-riiatural
that Nickell investigated concerned ti
(house in ’l‘oronto that was suppos idl)

oi iaienighi noises iillfi strange sightings tit-gin.
iobesnnplc \ti

"l‘hc \lacken/ie house is now a national ’lii‘lti
historic shrine. he said It was said that
a caretakers witc saw a tigure standing at
the toot oi a bed. then it disappeared The
caretaker heard iooiialls on the steps and
no one was there 'l‘wo sets oi caretakers op.
ieit because oi this lie

Nickell investigated a printing building
located iii inches .iwa) iroin the \lackeii
lic house

"l‘he late night irew in the other build
mg was making the noise. he said \o


«i '.\







50’ 55‘

Tomorrow: Sunny 8- cool





.spett -.

I-iisi‘s «st it‘

"ill ttiei \‘t'Ii i u:

the t at t'itikt‘i s \i 111'

'ianied \lai \ l‘ieesei i't i Mi
lhc woman was t-eiicxio'

L‘iii'sI \


[15)tlllliilulhih ..iii .1 iivpiiopoaipa
iiaiioii iii a wakingdii an.
Illlt' i iieiaket \

A iii' A as

tios'. taii eiit‘ . on

i: 'tli‘ ciios. ...

wounln than-gone hack to s.eciv

\liki'ii 'i . s
‘tt'tiiit til '

’itii flit


" mwptim



Hockey team splits two

games with Georgia


Kernel (‘liecklist shows
what's hot. w hat's‘ not.

Y: ‘ i
_ _. _s-___--, _.._J






;,\;‘«Av_ .1‘ '.



 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. October 24.1888


information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The

publication date.

Information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with editorial privi—
iegealiowedtor thesakeolciarllyotexpression. ForstudentorganizationsorUni—
versity departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the





oConcerts: OctubatestiUK Tuba and Euphonlum
Recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 74900

-orner Study Abroad lnlormation Session: pro
grams in Germany and Austria (bring lunch; drinks
provided) Free. Bradley Hall 207; Noon; Cali 7-8139

~Other College Bowl. Free. Old Student Center
Theater 7pm Calla-1512

-Religious Feedback on Bishop‘s Pastoral on
Women Free Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4.
‘7 30pm «."aii255-8566


oExhlbits (through 11/21); Laura Naylor. Stephanie
Savlc. Mary Sldles and Ray Weeks: painting. draw-
ings. etc; Free; ArtsPlaoe; 4930 pm Mon-Fri. 10
a.m.-2 pm. Sat; Cali 2552951

-Concerts: Junior High School Choral Workshop;
Free; Concert Hall; 7 p.m.; Call 74929

-Concerts: UK Chamber Percussion Ensemble:
Free; Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 74929

. Movies: School Daze; $1 95; Worsham Theatre; 8
p.m.; Call 78867

oConcerts: Piano Department Recital; Free; SCFA
Recital Hall; 12:30 p.m.; Call 74900

oOther- Fayette County .AJnlOi High School String
Workshop; Free. SCFA Concert Hall; 9 a.m.6 p.m.;
Call 74900

~Other: String Workshop Program; Free; SCFA
Concert Hall; 7 p.m.; Call 74900

. Seminars; Dr. Jesse Sisken, UK. "Calcium Regula-
tion in Serum-Stimulated Normal and Transiormed
Cells"; MN 463; 4 p.m.; Call 7-7060

-Other: College Bowl; Free; Old Student Center
Theatre; 7 pm. Call 81512




'MOVieS (through 1029) One Flew Over the
Cuckoos Nest Si 95 Worsham Theatre. 730 pm.
Call 78867

- Movres (through 10 29) Rosemary's Baby. 51 95;
Worsham theatre 10 p m . Call 7-8867

°Other Food for Thought “Nutrition in the Fast
Lane Free Student Center 231. Noon. Call 73383

~Concerts Fayette County High School String
Workshop Free SCFA Concert Hall 9 a.m6 pm.
Call 7 4900

-Concerts String Workshop Program Free. SCFA
Concert Hall. 7 30 p m . Call 74900

-Seminars Mr Kenneth Grels. UK. "The Bulk Flow
or Membranes from the Endoplasmic Reticulum to
the Cell Surface". MN 463. 4 pm. Call 7-7060

vSeminar Computer images of Galaxies" by
Bruce Elmegreen. lBM-Yorktown Heights. NY. Free;
P0118 west boardroom. 4 p m. Call 7-8737

oOther College Bowl Free. Old Student Center
Theatre 7 pm Call 81512

~Religious Bioethics Roundtable. Free. Newman
Center Room 8 7 30pm Call 254-5577


~0ther: AFT 01 Lunch; Free; UK Art Museum; N00”;
Call 7-5716

-Theatre (through 1030): Miss Julie by August
Strindberg. directed by Charles Oates; $4. $5; Briggs
Theatre. FA; 8 p.m.; Call 71385

oOther KW 111: Video Conrerence Tor Keyboard
Teachers. S25 public. 315 UK students and senior
citizens. SCFA Recital Hall; 830 a.m.6 p.m.; Call 7.

0Concerts; University Artist Series: Peter Serkin.
piano and Young Uck Kim. violin; 516 public. 59 UK
students and senior citizens. Concert Hall; 8 pm.
Call 74929

oReligious: Christian Student Fellowship Bible
Study; Free; 502 Columbia Avenue; 7 pm. Call

00ther. Coors Light Comedy Commandos spon—
sored by Student Activities Board; Free; Student
Center Ballroom. 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OOther Boyd Hall Haunted House (proceeds to
United Way) $2. Boyd Hall. 8 pm midnight; Cali 8-

-Religious ”Decision Point - Bible Study". Free;
508 Columbia Avenue; 8 p.m.; Call 254-3714

0 Meetings: Psi—Chi Psychology Honorary Meeting;
Free; Student Center 231; 5 pm; Call 254-2711

-Other; College Bowl. Free; Old Student Center
Theatre; 7 pm; Call 8-1512

~0ther Role of UNO in SoMng the Problems or
World Hunger (UN Celebration Day); Free; Maloney
Bldg 209; 730 pm. Call 7-3680

OOther; Walt Disney World Spring 1989 Internship
Program Presentation; Free; Student Center 245; 7-9
pm . Cali 7-3632

0 Lecture Kevin Matthews at the Charleston Gaz~
zette talks on Leonard Peltler Free; CB 102; 7 pm.

- Seminar “Starting a Group/Utilizing University Re
sources". Free; Student Center 203; 2-3 pm.

rAcademics UK Media Education Television
Courses (advanced registration through 11123); Call



oSports (through 10 301- UK Women‘s Tennis All-
American; Myrtle Beach. SC. Cali 7-3838

-Other- Gallery Series "Eliza Obenchaln Ken-
tucky‘s Forgotten Regional Writer" — Bonnie Jean
Cox; Free- Real Gallery: Noon; Call 78634

'Other (through 1030) Parents Weekend; UK
Campus. Cali 7-8867

-Concerts UK Symphony Orchestra Concert,
Free. SCFA Concert Hall. 8 pm. Call 7-4929

0 Seminars Thomas Teirnan. Wright State Universr.
ty' ‘Uirratrace Analytical Methods for Measuring
Env Chem Free. CP 137. 4pm.Cail 7-7060

rSports UK Mens and Women's Swim Team vs
Marshall UniverSity. Away. Call 73838

- Concerts, Tokubetsu Enso Concertrlexington Tal-
enl Education Assoaation Free. SCFA Recital Hall
7 30 p m . call 74900

~Concerts UK Sympan Orchestra. Free; SCFA
Concert Hall, 8 p in Call 74900

-Other College Bowl Free; Old Student Center
Theatre. 4 pm . Call 8-1512

' Other Halloween Costume Party. Free; Newman
Center Rooms 3 and 4 8 p m . Call 255-8566



. Movies One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 51 95
Worsnam Theatre 7 p m . Call 78867

-Concerts Center Sunday Series Thomas Hart
Benton The Origins or Country Music (lecture). Free.
SCFA Recrtal Hall, 3 p m . Call 74929

- Other Oktoberiest — North Campus Courtyard

oSports UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs Georgia
State S3 Lexington ice Center. 10 am. Call 269-

-Sports UK Women’s Golf Florida international-
Miami; Miami. Call 78838

-Other Thomas Hart Benton The Origins oi Coun—
try Music. Free. Center tor the Arts. Noon to 5 pm.
Call 7-5716

~0ther (through 12/4): Art Museum Thomas Hart
Benton The Origins or Country Music. Free. Art Mu»
seum. Through Dec 4; Call 74929

-Concerts Faculty Recital Phyllis Jenness. violin.
iucren Stark. piano. Free Recital Hall 8 pm Call 7-

0Lecture- Richard G Atvey or the UK English De-
partment (laiiowed by musical pertorma'ices).
Free; Art Museum. 3pm.. Call 7-5716



- Sports: Wildcat Football vs. Southern lliinois; Free
with UKlD; Commonwealth Stadium; 7:30 p.m.; Cali

rSports Wildcat Football vs. Southern Illinois —
Parents Weekend; Free with UK“). Commonwealth
Stadium; 7:30 pm .Caii 7-3838

~Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs. Georgia
State; S3. Lexington ice Center; Midnight; Call 269-

- Sports: UK Rifle Team vs Jacksonville State; Jack-
sonville; Call 7-3838

-Sports: UK Soccer Team vs Asbury College.
Away. 2 pm. Call 266-7447



~Sports UK Cross Country SEC. Tuscaloosa. AL.
Call 73838

tOther 5A8 Visual Arts committee presents Tom
Bluemlein exhibit Free; Rasdall Gallery. 10 a.m.-5
p.m.; Call 7-8867





special events




-Academics . 10 27 UK Media Education Television Courses (ad-
vanced registration through 11 23) Call 7 3330

'Other 1024 Study Abroad lritorrnatlon Session programs in
Germany and Austria (bring lunch drinks provided). Free. Bradley
Hall 207 Noon. Call 78139

-Other . 10 24 College Bowl Free. Old Student Center Iheater. 7
Dm.COii 871512

~Other 10 25 Fayette County Mnlor High School String
Workshop Free. SCFA Concert Hall. 9 a m 6 p m . Call 74900

00ther - 10'25 String Workshop Program Free. SCFA Concert Hall,
7pm . Cali 7 4900

OOther , 10 25 College Bowl Free Old Student Center Theatre, 7
pm.CallB 1512

-0ther 1026 Food tor Thought Nutrition in the Fast Lane". Free.
StudentCenter 23‘ Noon Call] 3383

rOthet 10 26 College Bowl Free Old Student Center Theatre 7
Dm.Cal|8 1512

-0iner , 1027 Art at Lunch Free UK Art Museum. Noon. Call 7

«Other 10 27 KW ill Video Conterence tor Keyboard Teachers.
525 public 515 UK students and senior Cl'llefis SCFA Recital Hall
8 30a m -6 pm ,Call 74929

00ther — 10:27 Coors Light Comedy Commandos sponsored by
Student Activities Board Free Student Center Ballroom B pm Call
7 8867

~Other 1027 Boyd Hall Haunted House (proceeds to United
Way) 52 Boyd Hall 8pm midnight Call 8-8407

-Other - TO 27 College Bowl Free Old Student Center Theatre 7
0"“ CollB 1512

-Other - 10 27 Role oi UNO in Soivtng the Problems or World Hun
ger (UN Celebration Dayr Free Maloney Bldg 209 7 30 pm Call
7 3680

-Other 10 27 Walt Disney World Spring 1989 internship Program
Presentation Free Student Center 245 7 90m Call 7-3632

~Otrier Gallery Series 10 2B Eliza Ooenchain Kentuckys Forgot.
ten Regional Writer Bonnie Jean Cox Free Peal Gallery Noon Call
7 8634

-0lher 10 28 10 30 Parents Weekend. UK Campus. Cali 7-8867

~Other , i0 28 College Bowl Free Old Studert Center Theatre 4

-Other , ‘028 Halloween Costume Party Free Newman Center
Rooms 3 and 4. 8 p rn Call 255 8566

-Other 10 3O Oktobertest - North Campus Courtyard

-Other , ‘10 30 Thomas Hart Benton The Origins 0! Country Mustc
Free Center tor the Arts Noon loSpm Call 7 5716

-0ther 10 3O 12 4 Art Museum Thomas Hart Benton The Origins
or Country Music Free Art Museum Through Dec 4 Call 7 4929

~0iher 10 31 SAB VISUOI Arts :ommrtlee presents Tom Biuemiem
exhibit Free Rasdall Gallery ‘0 am 5 pm Call 7 8867

~Religious TO 24 Feedback 31 Bishops Pastoral on Women
Free Newmar Center Rooms 3f1'idd ‘ 30 p m Call 255-8566

oReiigious ‘026 BIOGTT‘IIL,’- Ricndtable Free Newman Center
Room 8 730 pm Call 254 557‘

-Reiigious TO 27 Cirrisiiar Student Teiiowsnip Bible Study Free
502 Columbia Avenue 7 p m (3311233 0313

oReilgious , ‘0 27 Decision P'un' Bible Study
lumbla Avenue 8 D '9 7.11'254 'i 7 4

Free 508 CD







~Concerts 1O 24 Octubatest UK Tuba and Euphoniurr‘ Recital
Free SCFA Pecrtali-lall 8 p m Call 7 4900

tConcerts 10 25 Junior High School Choral Workshop Free Con
cert Hall 7 p m Call 7 4929

rConcerts 10 25 UK Chamber Percussion Ensemble Free Recrlal
Haii B p M Call 7 4920

rConcerts 10 25 Plano Department Recrtal Free SCFA Recrtal
Hall 12 300m Call 7 4°00

-Concerts - 10 26 Fayette County High School String Workshop
Free SCFA Concert Hall 9 a m n p m Cali 7 4900

rConcerts TO 26 String Workshop Program Free SCFA Concert
Hall 7 300m Call 7 4900

IConcerts 1O 27 University Artis‘ Series Peter Serkin piano and
Young Uck Kim violin 516 oubllC 59 UK students and senior citizens
Concert Hall 8 p m Cali 7402c

-Concerts 10 28 UK Symphony Orchestra Concert Free SCFA
Concert Hall 8 p m Call 7.4029

-Concerts 10 28 Tokubersu Fnso Concert Lexington Talent Edu
cation Assocwition Free SCFA Recital Hall 7 30pm call 74900

'Concerts 1028 UK Symphony Orchestra Free SCFA Concert
Hall 8 pm Call 74900

-Concerts 10 30 Center Sunday Series Thomas Hart Benton The
Origins or Country Musir (lecture) Free SCFA Recital Hall 3 pm Call

-Concerts 10 30 Faculty Recrtal Phyllis Jenness violin Lucren
Stark piano Free PeCitolHoll Bpm Call 74929

oExnibits 10 25 11 1 Laura Nayior Stephanie Savic Mary Slates
and Ray Weeks painting arawmgs etc Free ArrsPlace. 49 30 pm
Mon.Fri loam 20m Sat Call2552951
rMovies 10 25 SchooiDdze 5195 Worsham Theatre 8pm.Call
7 8867

~Moyies 10 26-10 29 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. $195.
Worsham Theatre 7 30 pm Call 78867

-Movies 10 26 10 29 Rosemary’s Baby 5195. Worsham Ttieatrt
10pm C0117 8867

rMovies 10 30 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest $195:
Worsham Theatre 7 p m . Cali 7-8867

”Moire 10 I7 10 30 Miss Julie by August Strincberg. directed
by Charles Oates $4 $5 Briggs Theatre FA 8pm Call 71385



6&4 51322: 1

‘ I







-Lecture - 10 27 Kevin Matthews or the Charleston Gave". tutu
onLeonard Poitier Free C8102 7 pm Cdi 2584332

‘Laclute 10 30 Richard G Alvey or the UK English Department
iroiiowed by musicoi pertormnces) Free Art Museun. 3 pm. Call
7 5716

- Meetings i0 27 PMrChl Psychology Honorary Mooring n... Stu-
dent (,enter 2315pm Cali254 2711

Gammon-1025 Di Jesse Slstren 11 Calcium Recitation in
Serum Stimulated Normal and Translorrnea Cells" MN 463. 4 pm.
Call 7 7060

OSernlnars - 1026 M Kenneth Greis. W “The M FiowotMerrF
Drones tram the Endoplasmic Reticuitn to the Cell Suriace". MN 463.
4 pm Call 7 7060

- Seminar 10 26 Computer images or Galaxies“ by Bruce Elme-
qoon 10M Yorktown Wis NY Free POT 18 w." DOUG room. 4
pm Call 7 8737

0 Seminar 10 27 Starting a Grow Utlilllng Untyersity MIC."
Free. StuaenlCenier 203 2 3pm

'Sominarl 10 28 Thomas Teirnan Wriqit State University "We
trace Analytical Methods ror Measuring Env Chem " Free, CF 137 4
pm C087 7060



weekly events






-Olher mo Club Meeting. Free. Alurnnl Gym. 5630 pm. Call

~Other Cycling Club Ride. Free. Seaton — front. 230 pm. Cal

o0ther “Cornerstone Music Practice" no talent required — lust en-
ergy. Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 7300 M. Call 254-3714

-Rellgious Wordilp Service a casual time or singing and worship.
Free. 508001urribiaAverkie;9p.m.Call 2543714

-Reiigious- Penance Service, Free. Newman Center ' Main. 7 30
p m .Cali 255-8566

-Rellgiousv Feedback on the Bishop's Pastoral on Women. Free.
Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4. 7 30 p m Call 2558566


-Other Campus Aerobics Free. K-House 4 30-5 30 p m Call 254-

-Reiiglous: Tuesday Night Together- lniorrnai Worship Free. 429
Columbia Avenue. 7 30 p m. Cali 7-3989

rReliglous Genesis 11. Free. Newman Center 7-9 pm Call 272

rfleilglous Rite of Christian initiation or Adults (RCiA) Free. New
man Center. 730 pm. Call 2558566

-Other (through 10(27) Aerobics Free Newman Center Room 3.
550-7 p.m.; Cali 2656920

~0ther- Game Night Free. Student Center Game Room. 7 30 p in
Call 76636

~Other SAB indoor Recreation Committee Meeting. Free Student
Center Game Room; 7-8 pm, Call 76636

-Other Bridge Lessons and Games Free Student Center Game
Room. 7 30-10pm Call 76636

-Other UK Fenc1ng Club - beginners welcome equipment pro
vided. Free.Alumnl Gym. 7 30-930 prn . Call 8-5564

OMeetlngs UK Cycling Club Meeting Free Seaton 207 8 pm
Call 233 7438


°Reilglous Student Faith Sharing Free Newman Center 9 pm

-Other Judo Club Meeting Free Alumni Gym 56 30 pm Call

0 Other ADAD. Free Student Center 205. 7 p m _ Cali 7-6636

~Reiigious Holy Eucharist Free St Augustines Chapel 5 30 p m

~Olher Call at Cthulhu’Roie Playing, Free Student Center 205 9
ll 30 p m Student Center Game Room. Call 76636

~0ther Table Tennis Meeting Free Search Squash Room 7 30 10
p m . Call 76636

oReilgrous Bioethics Roundtabie Free Newman Center Room 8
7 30pm Call 2545577

-Other Role Playing . ADBLD
Game Room 7 30 p m Cain-6636

Advanced Free Student Center


-Othet Campus Aerobics Free K House 4 3O 5 30 p M Call 254

- Religious D 8 1 Grill - Devotion and lunch Si 429 Columbia Ave
nue1215prn Call 73989

-Religious Christian Student Fellowship Bible Study Free 502 So
lumbia Avenue 7 p m Call 233-0313

-Other Chess Club Free Student Center Game Room 7 30 pm
Call 7-6636

-Other Cornerstone Drama Practice no talent required rust
interest Free 508 Columbia Avenue 6 30 p rri Ca11254 3714

- Religious Decision Point Bible Study Free 508 Columbia Ave
nue.8prn 03112543714 ,

oRellg-ous Myth and syrnboi Free Newman Center Room 3 and 4
7 30pm C011254-5577

~0ther ADBLD Free Student Center 205 7 1‘ 300 m Cali 7 6630

~0ther UK Fencmg Club beginners welcome eaurpment pro
vided Free Alumni Gym 7 3O 9 30 p m Call 8 5564


-Other UK Cycling Club Ride Free Seatan , iron! 2 30 pm Cali

233 7438


-Reiigious Sunday Obligation Masses Free Newman Center 6
pm Coll255-8566

00ther ADBD Varients Free Student Center Game Room 10
urn-30m Cain-6636

-Other Star Trek‘Roie Playing Free Student Center 205 7 ‘1 30
pm COIN-6636


-Reiiglous Collegiate Worship Service Free 502 Columbia Ave
hue 110m Cali233-0313

-Other Sunday Obligation Masses Free Newman Center 8 TO
11 30. 5 and 9 30. Call 2558566

rReiigtous Hory Eucharist Free St Augustine‘s Chapel 1030 am

rReligious Holy Fuchanst Free St Augustines Chapel 530 pm


nOther Judo Club Meeting Free Alumni Gym 56 30 pm Call

-Othor UK Cycling Club Ride Free Seaton

- Other Cornerstone Music Practice no talent required , lust en
ergy Free 508 Columbia Avenue 7 30pm Call 2543714

- Religious Worship Service a casual time or singing and worship
Free 508 Columbia Avenue 9pm Call 254-3714

tront 230 pm Call






ISports - 1028-10130 UK Women‘s Tennis Ail-American; Myrtle
bachSCCal 773838

riporrs , 10728 UK Men‘s and women‘s Swim learn yr. Marshall
m Away;Ccfl 7-3838

oSports - 10129 Wildcat Footbol vs Southern lllnois. Free with
uni). Corryrioriweolihsroaim. 7 30 pm . ca 73838

.borts -10/29 Wildcat Footbd vs. Southern 1” - Parents
Weekend; Free with UKID. Commonwealth stoaum. 7 30 pm. Cd 7

~3aorts - 1029 1K Coot Cats loo Mooney vs. George State 53.
Lexington ice Center. mica 269-4873

oM- 10129 1! Tillie Town v; Jacksonyae State. mksonvle.
Cal 7.3838

-borts - 1029 1! Soccer learn vs Aabury Congo. Away. 2 pm.

~bom - 10,00 Ll Cool Cat! ice Nockey VI George Start $3.
ielingtoniceC'rter 100m,.Ca 2694873

0% - 10130' W m1 @001 Florida WWW/m;
MamiCaI 7.3838

abort: -lOr31 llCrouCountanC TuscaloosaALCal 7-3438









Claiborne happy to get wet
after Cats dry out Georgia

Continued from Page I

eluding 192 yards rushing. More
important than that, the UK
punting team did not allow a punt

Georgia came into Common-
wealth Stadium averaging more
300 yards a game rushing, tops in
the SEC. UK's defense also held
Georgia star tailback and Heisman
candidate Tim Worley to 99 yards
rushing. Worley entered the game
averaging more than 126 yards a
game rushing.

“()ur defense played an outstand»
ing game. No it‘s, and's. or hut's
about it," Claiborne said.

“Kentucky‘s defense was every-
thing we expected it to he and even
more," Dooley said.

The UK offense was led by junior
tailback Alfred ltawls who ran for
128 yards on only 15 carries.
Rawls, a Georgia native. is a for-
mer Bulldog signee. so this game
meant more to him than to the av
erage UK player

"This game definitely
something extra to me."

Rawls's personal goal all week
was to show the people from
Georgia what the) missed out on
and have a great game

“I knew all week that was his

Raw ls


Prepare for
Wednesday, Oct. 26
t3 pm,

TEB Auditorium



23, 000


most of




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forget to
ask about



Have your
president call


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personal goal." UK senior quar-
terback Glenn Fohr said.

“Rawls's performance was
super. His yards after contact, his
broken tackles were great," (‘lair
borne said “If he gets outside. he‘s
got the speed to beat some people. ”

Rawls attributed his success to
the U K offensive line

Georgia took the opening kick-off
and ran the ball right at UK all the
way down to the UK 26 yard line
when the defense stopped the Dogs
to force a field goal attempt.
Georgia sophomore kicker John
Kasay‘s kick went vvide left

UK got on the board first when
senior tailback Ivy Joe Hunter
went over the goal line from two
yards out wrth 39 seconds remain»
ing in the first quarter. Ken \Vlli
lis's point after was good to give
the (,‘ats a 7-0 lead.

The l-lplay drive featured both
the run and the pass. but it was
liawls's 20'yard run to the two that
set the stage,

“it was a busted pla_\. but I Just
tried to get tlll i could." ltimls

After Georgia linebacker Morris
Lewis intercepted an errant Fohr

pass at the Georgia lT_Hll'(l line,

the Bulldogs were :ilile to take ad

vantage and put some points on the
score board.

When the drive stalled at the [K
itiyard line. Dooley once again
called on Kasey to kick a field
goal. This time he did with 4'09 fett
in the half to put l'K ahead. 7-.l.

t'K received the openning kick
off, but was stuffed on three plays
by an aggressne Bulldog defense
that moved the ['K ottense hack
se\ en _\ards.

The Georgia offense was gneii
great field position~ following a .Ja)
'l‘esar punt. at the [K itifitil‘tl line
After an incomplete pass on first
down. Worie} went off right tackle
hroke several tackles and ruinhied
all the \\a} down to the r) )ai'd tine
until l'K lint-hacker Handy llollc
ran knocked lllllt out «it hounds to
\.t‘.t‘ a touchdown

The [K goal line ifeteiise ~~lltl
ennerl. but on fourth and goal tronr
the Hard line \Soiic} was tlhlt' to
lump oxer the llflt‘ and into the mid
mm- to give the Dogs the lead 'Allli
il it tell in the third quarto-r \\.tti
l'\il.\t‘\ >ptitiilrtlit'1‘ twitch "i‘trr ,
to T lead

:\ft('t’ tut! i'\cl1(itlL’i“-- ’ll the 'iillt
"rii'nmei‘s started r-r" .. 'i
troth sides ot the frail

Ilmu‘e'IggK lttlll K4”. f'

“I iasn’t rubbing
it in—Ijust \ ranted
Eddie to know
the score of
last night’s garlic."


Gearr‘pn '

other t'erxi
:vt‘lllifi titd
”\M‘ Ylt't‘l
'tiriil what!

firi\i' Tr.
