xt780g3h158m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h158m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The 1998 Fall Newspaper Contest text The 1998 Fall Newspaper Contest 1998 1998 2019 true xt780g3h158m section xt780g3h158m i I
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Page 2 - 1998 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest l ;
TVAEAW TY NF:\\'S, Kelley \Varnick Third Place = KENTUN (‘Ul'NTY (‘UtiNTY SI'N. Lilly Adkins l '
. “ ‘lpkl‘V : Hne gets the impression from read- Rlit‘t)Rl)ER, Tom Embrey These two papers on these particu»
' ' g l in}:. the story that the public outcry (treat lede. (treat way to tell equal- lar stories have an eerie resem»
“' a ' " is going to be useless I hope that is ly important stories in one. blance, particularly in the persis~ '
i ‘ 13.88 I not the case and l hope that if the tence of the reporters to get to the 1
. ,___________ ciitiiit\ officials do not do a study of (‘ategoryfi-BES’I‘SI’OR’I‘S FEATURE bottom of all the cases. All stories 3
Category 1 _ BEST EDITORIAL this company and this kind of iiiiir First Place - HERALD NE\VS. must have brought a sense of relief . ‘
First Place GALLATIN (‘Ul'NTY iii;_‘. the paper \\ ill or did EDMONTON. (‘lay Scott and safety when concluded. '.
_\'1{\\'5_K,.;i,,\ Warnick Third Place ('(tl'NTY (‘llRUNL This story shouts basketball. loye Second Place — GALLATIN (‘()l’N— ‘ ‘
A positn {. spin H” what might (‘1.F. John Rutyxell for basketball. and Kentucky as its TY NEWS. Kelley Warnick
become memlwus The up.“ ”1 J There were other stories entered writerintended. Huge story that transforms a i l
tourist tax to ”HM-H the MM W”, into this category which had Second Place « BEREA (‘ITIZEN. region of Kentucky. Ramitications :l ;
munity h.” WNW” t“ he ‘1 “KW“. L’i'cater impact on a large number Iianna Estridge are many. life changes necessary. :1 l:
t'ul one and often ht't'tiiiies ”M, “I“ of people But this sweet and sor— (loud to see girls' basketball at the an economy improves. :- i;
ment which makes a controwrsial i‘ii\\ftil short story thrusts some— high school level written about, and l if
prflpwul 1p Editorial 4“,”. 1,, ”h, liody else s tragedy into your own lucky to find Ms. I’atton who also Category 12 - BEST STORY SERIES :: ll
point li\'t'> inst as meaningttilly or more takes it seriously. Nicely written First Place - TODD (‘OUNTY 5' l3
Second pip-t, (FNTRAI. ('lTY so than the loss ol'lantltill income. with an eye to the future of wom- STANDARD, Mike Finch ' it
TIMES .-\R(}l'.\‘_ Richard 1‘ en's basketball. A gifted writer, who deserves bet- §§ '
Deayers (‘ategory :t-BES’I‘ FEATURE STORY Third Place — KENTON COUNTY ter editing, has told a wonderful '2
Soundlv has,” U“ tact and theory Hf" First Place » (‘()I'NTY (‘HRONI— RECORDER, Karen Meiman story about a town's football team S
education Spending ”Hm“? (,n (‘1,E. John Butwell And you can't start earlier than from genesis to the present, By 2; i
bricks and mm” ”M.” “suits in It‘s pist too bad for every writer in this. The story about 9=year~old doing so, he has written a heartfelt ‘il ,
better pdmmhm Larger {1355 512,. this weekly mass that John Heather tells a lot about how far history of the town. The. writing =2} '
proves dammpmdi pmmg. well Butwell writes every week. He society and journalism have come grips the reader. 3
made takes the mundane in this instance in just five to 10 years. Second Place - HICKAIAN COURI- l ,
Third pin“. _ BEREA FITIZEN. and fleshes out a story that ER, John O'Neal Jones/Cherry 'l
Danna 1.1%er becomes the most important and Category 9 - BEST ENTERPRISE Pyron 3 ‘
(‘ttUL'lit Mn tlit liot‘iis ”1' J tlilt'iiitiid. "titisliyiiitf IliliiLr lt reader (llti that ()R ANALYTICAL STORY Truly a wonderful SCFIOS. Just look. :
this editorial looks at all sides pro “Wk First Place ‘ COUNTY CHRONI— ing at the other headlines on page ‘3
xiding aii exct llent oasis tor eyerv Sl'fltll‘l HWY“ [TERRA (‘I'I‘IZEN‘ (‘LE.John BUtWC” and then finding this little gem "I
one inyoixetl to tise as point of ref ll-HHH l‘i‘lrltlfs’“ Again ”110th” W0“ written article puts everything into perspective. {l
..n.n\,.\\p, H ,11\,.1i\_\1,,,ht,,.wn Well written miracle baby story. A by John ButWell, beautifully illus— More newspapers should do this 33 ‘
llv noralil~ .‘tlention lilt‘KMAN ‘l‘ "\ ‘3 ‘illl‘l‘llim faith. ”lNll‘fi‘l ”HINT Anyone Wh” reads this kind ofthing. I hope it is alive and 5
ct iI'RHfl: John tiN.‘1l,I..n‘ \ genius and low- The writer bruigs story and then travels the finished well toda_V- '
.tli . t tht s= ilenients together with road will feel different about the Third Place . Fl_’liT()N LEADER. '
(‘ategory g . BEST spur \[\\'_\‘ 'li st iitinieiitili/inzi any ot it tlrl\'t' than the one who doesn't. Amy l,orton .. l
STURY 'l'lzir l l’i e i: Fl 'lfl‘t l.\' l,l‘i.-\lll‘il\'. Second l’liict' » KT‘ZNTUN (‘Ul'NTy A huge story with one outcome pos .‘i T
Ftrs' i" ._ l" 'l ‘.\”l ‘3' i‘lllli lVl \fnl l» s'“: H ltlflitiltlIl‘ilt. lhéllll‘ (iltt‘l'l sibly tlestructiye to a lat‘ilc hoptila '
lizli 3;}: ., .3 g; g. , _ \ .. : 2- ii :i sti l‘. t . \ no.1 l= - 'l‘lie lit‘i'liii‘illijJ of what could lit' an 1].,” Ti“. “mm has n cowl group ot‘ I"
3' 's‘ ‘ :‘ :‘: ' :'. .. ' 1' -' ’wl '1 'il 1." tli‘i'lth' 1H\“-'\'ll;’=1”l\"' St‘rlt‘n born hats and understands ramifica Iii
‘ i‘ ' TY. ‘ " 1-» ' '1’ .- "l” "i ”315””3 =‘\("-'“l"m=“ llkl‘ ”1W" tioiis llo\\e\er. thr writing is list- i
n i. = .‘ .r ‘ , - ‘ ., (.iiecoi'i B-liiis’l't‘till'NlN it iiitersettioiis lll\'t this one are all less. lead> were not always the iii
» _;. ~' - . ' ' '. .' 'i. .= i .' l’ : l't '7 \“l'Y lilllCHNi “'iiliii'itwll across tin-country point oral.” particularly the last ;i
- " > ' . " ' ~: : " " .1 l l‘ r ‘l‘laiil l’l it" lil‘iN'lVHN (,()[.N,[.Y two More peoiile and faces would 5
‘ " i . . " ' 5 ii - ’ “'1 iii ‘illlil ’Ni lil‘ililllil’l‘ili. lll-Hl‘di'H‘il have sliai‘iiened the series .‘\ \“j... '
‘ : . . if’li ‘ iiifi " =3 =1 list .i ‘l'i' i‘i‘l' Mimi l’l'l-Wli‘ ill it'llt'l'iil i‘ll‘l bar on one taiiiily would li.i\e i
\V‘: it , E‘ r: l' .. lilli\wl\i l'llll‘lfii state it".é‘l.\ li.l\'t' seeped to the enhanced inmmn_\1(p. ‘;
‘r. ' = , 'l't \. :t a i: county leyti e\'er\\\'liere iii the .
I * ' :5: ~ g- g‘ " , :. (H I' t “l til '4‘ iii‘nti .‘iiilllil‘j'yy‘l hope you keep going on (‘ategot’y 13. BEST BUSINESS “
~~ . 4- ~ , - '- ' l w” " l “‘ ll!“ *l"-~ ()RAGRIBUSINESS s'roin .
:‘f ' " ' izr : " a i -.z : .irz' ' First i’lace- KENTHN (‘til'NTY :,
It . ~ 'L' ', . ‘_ 'T ‘.i tiéltt‘gtil'} I‘D-”EST Rl‘i(i()l{l)l‘iI\) l)l;ilit'(itlt‘tl 1 }
_, ;. .‘ . '. . , I: .r ~§ (.itegot'y t; . Iii-5| Sl’tilt'lifi INVI‘IS'I'IGA'TIVI‘ISTURYUR SERIES \Vt-ll iat‘kat'r'tl serious and mum 4. t
., _. . - ., . i. 4,. _ ._ coil .\1\ l'irst l’lact KlCN'l‘th ('til'fx'TY I . if. 7 . . . ..
_. , ~.- ,~ :. :: -.: ., . . i. ' ~ i' . liiil‘lflitm' cot _\"l'\' itiii‘oitiiiait. lliaiit'fiiit't/ ::.',ff,t::,i,,xviitafili.1,,i,i,‘,i.,:,(,|:ii:i”:n if: i
.; .. t'lll/E-L‘» 'l‘ :n lgaili 'l‘horoiizili .iilll ('Hii\'iiit'iii;_' In a m)”,};,_\.tm;_m)‘dmy””hwwunhy '
h r: l’.: lg} 21: =‘-,' l :iE ';'i“\,‘ to .z‘; i» iti.’ «ii .iinalttiral news state that has more than its share (Mimi; hp]; and possible solutions i‘
id'ii liili ‘il l’. 1'. i’: ‘T Y'- -':‘l="\l=211,' ili’ t'illiil\t' til \kcllai‘i laiiiilii-s this series of - - i ,, ~ - , . i 7
i = . it. =~ .~. : s :. l l’le . l"¥‘l,'l' if .V K I I I
i i g v ‘:I ”Lin '\\li?i["1t \ int: Mix» v _ \iiswl’t'hlll, g‘iii\\iil tun-i ll n! -' ?;.;§..1l*.if 1.1g 9
up", .., .l ‘ '- ,0 l Atit'ill l|i;.:l .tik'i‘kj i‘étm‘ " ‘me . m I i
new“! iiidll ti ‘, , _ l‘ l ' .m‘ ~:: Ill: gull wi‘cm‘ 2: trial i‘iz \illwf.’ “ ” " . I!
hum IV {mull . ‘ mun tridxliitlh k'iii‘vlick‘lhk'Hl F 'I ‘ l
wau‘vll l‘ “ill ' i ‘i~ ix ‘y-ml‘iiwu lllwuyil 1.1km: l‘ i: I“ I _ '
l‘.L‘.irl\ in ~ ‘ ' :’ tiltixlu ~I\'[‘ \\ ‘lllr‘ “'7' i- ’\\|l‘£.i'\v! "' " I‘ l
“1,“! t m _ i" 1””) with lH|l\ Immul thy “all lit-ilhll} .. H M ‘
I i\()l]|ir!\i Li 1 ', l'm :uxc llzt- pmtlitc ml ‘Hi'tfili II I " _ I WI ' ' , relrz:::1'z:d;iayi
lin- ., Ira 1:! in, ; H» mm hitlllillfl hm gum ~n lwr lung? «'1 ,. ' feelgoodthatlran
* «at Him ,~, -~: ‘ ,. I " " “ ‘ do that Heel good
ncvg l* ’M I l l 1» “mph- '\lillthl itxpc I MM‘llI .rl-UI P nil A‘I' ' ,. ' I' i ,' It I A. thatHanperform
lrnni huh-4' wizu'ex mil lllt.‘ HAW ml lulw lilX'rlXt ti 1,1,1: ,‘ I j I . .. ~ lhalsrrvrre"
v pllunnlx t 'l i} n'f v ‘z'lmnxx ’l |l\)|I\.‘illli\ ticpciul mi din my .t "h - t .m , 0,, A
‘ Hm" 'wl. :' 'ht-iv uni] lluclx ax ”it‘ll L'll'l‘ll‘jvlllt‘lli it t
that \, l:_:ulim' l.““ > ' H n lire weight ilnllh inc mt rcim'ti . , ~/_
rultl :h'. (i, - 4 l x , l mi um 2 rim mam lcv drum m’l Above: The Cadiz Record won top honors in the Best Feature / 7
. \H‘t‘i‘ ht'nt"'(it'li l1‘L'IHW l"l‘\!“”<" Story category with this entry. Below: The London Laurel
i . I News-Journal captured first place in the Ongoing/Extended 2’
‘ The 8'9 Sandy News SI'ame‘gd the governor S proposal to Coverage Story category for the paper's coverage of a local -, _
1 Increase the legal hauling limit for trucks by 36,000 pounds girl who won the Miss Kentucky pageant. \\ /
i and the editorial, above, caught the attention of the judges \\ ‘
who awarded it first place. Below: The LaRue County Herald " f\
3 News finished first in the Best Feature Picture category in 3;)“
Weekly Class 2. " ' _ _. —__.______.___... .. '
Vida- ,-_,,,, 7—.» "_._,,___amrm ,A" VVV._A,BV,V__AW¥ a , , I ‘ " /
I I ~- VS London - Laurel ~ ; /
l l ____ _ ,wafi, A, . ' ,
‘ q .‘ F4 " ‘
)u I nal “'3'“ ' l
I' _ 1 I
. ‘ I .'p/ — ' .
LW .33...- M f
. .Q I ' 1’
5 . I
. I I MISS Kentucky j i
I ' , - \ l‘flarshall “gamer": fmmh turner—up ‘al ‘- I /
- ) ‘ - W '
., \‘l " ' a
«b V—‘1 I v . I1 -
I. ,\ '
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1 Whatta-melonl! l
: Two-yolr-old Kelley menn mod to mac DOhtnd thin watermelor dullng a plcnlr iov —J
f ufluo Mint-botany otochool
I l J
, .3

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Page 6 - 1998 KPA Faii Newspaper Contest
[61,“:“w H 7' 7 i ii Punks 'l‘iiirii l’i.iL'(~ i'NliifV ('(ii'N'l‘Y struighti’nrwurti rvpurting St‘l’Vt‘S
L “ ‘I‘Il‘l" i iiwnwmii .\i~‘iliiwii -ii“..\'>.\.\ii.\'if .\i>\’(H'.\'i‘IC. Mii‘iim-i Hunks :m impnrtunt [)lliiii(‘ intvn-st.
| o i3 ii 'i'ii\,\i .im; i‘i.i~ii'r\\ih|ii (inmi }).Hi\ iLfi‘ ‘t ».\ \i-TWS. ijizfx'i‘l'iu: ., \' . i'\'" v timid [Hicknfliu ms I()g<'ii1('i‘\\'i'ii. .-
t..,.\. p ,1}.K.\ ‘t‘.11\";-' ,‘ M I, i“ i. \‘t‘im i‘,ii'~‘l iliit‘w; Mitt-ix (—1) . i\ Iiinrough ('M'i-rngv (m :m ll)i[)iil" i.
\'.\i “in :1 ‘1' . \' ‘i". \t ‘ :rgv‘r‘r [Iii-«ix tw ‘-“.Y'iii' it“ i)i\i)i‘,i\.-iii('( iii‘iSiHiii‘iii . mm tuima
.\i \t =t;~. ‘: :‘_ - » . . '5 1' "i . ‘   ‘fwil ‘Iviiiiiiv w! it'ii" ii‘iliiiii‘. \pnrt stun: (mini Spwmd i’ini'i' . JESSAMINIC E
“:an 7“ ~.:;- 1 _ . t .1: i, ». .tt; i :wttzti iiiiU iHi,\ .lii iit;\:ti'i't ' ' ‘ ,. . . JiH'R-NAL. Run-(iv i’utrli'k -
ii" -\\=,_ i ' t. .. ,. . m .- i m; "'1.". iimiv ‘ it i';i\_‘. tzi‘ >i‘iii‘iixi i'iti‘1" i \iii.\ i iii .\ i\ .\ii'('.|(ii)(\ll1ln mtvrtxsting suium'tv
‘l ’7 Hi 4 ‘ .. ' 1;“ ' ' "x wuvxmii“. mm: M .\ii\ ( ii‘.\'i it Mit'iizivi ii;liii{\ Strung writing. i’mimiiiy («mid llSi‘ ‘
\ ‘1‘; 11;“ I I, i ..' .   . . .‘ i!iz“.’ii]\lii\i tutti ti'ii'l‘\iilitj.‘. Hiiii‘(‘ tippnsing \'1p\\‘pt)ints_
.,_“1..\\';’ i; ‘2 .» iv: ‘ > , : ' i' i'.\'IH.\' (‘Hif‘i'i‘Y ’i‘ifiriti i’i.iu .\ii‘ S'i‘ifix’iJNii 'I‘iiird i’iucv - MT S'i‘i‘lix’iJNi;
‘ J V ‘i \i W" H ' Ki: “-i :t wi ii.i.’li\?= .‘xiiVi ii '.\'i‘i“.. Viixii'i Mllvgi'nw' .\i)\'(i(‘;\TIC l)(‘;1l)n;i:\](l_\(_'li‘
‘11  iii. ’ ' . 3‘. : :.:v 'i; it -» 44- 12'! (L w: ‘wiitt .xz‘ iil|'\' iwmn iii-VJ i‘iitiipi‘i'iii-ti,\i\w t'nxi-tzigv (m :i iwt
i, \, . '1 v:.:.»‘ V . ,.v~ f v 'v iiiii‘,‘ i: .i gtw~ i\*~ili' Siliit‘i'\ .‘nniwaimt ii‘um im'k
\ it i . ':. ‘ II .» i‘iw- 'n‘ i." ii :L-‘ixiii‘ .\i":i‘ii"!i .\.\'iiiii(>‘i).\{ ni'nppusmif\'iii\\'pniiit>‘ _
pitt’t-fii‘fi ' t ' ' ' =1 "“‘t iirtfit‘l .\\ii"‘\\ir\‘.i)iil\\viiii'
‘4“ ‘ , . . t : ~ (um-gory 13- BES’I‘BL’SINESHUR
. _ ' . ' ~. » .- i‘, i .‘ii.\.\fl\. Iiii.\t«~ ('ulvgury n . iii-:51 ENTERPRISE AURIBl'SlNESS STORY
:: . t ~ . ‘ i; \i i‘ i’ HRANALYI‘H‘AI.S'I‘URY i-‘irst Pilii'i‘ ANDERSON NEWS.
.\‘\, .‘ K ' ‘4‘“ ‘ i it .1 Knit: i’ii'~t i’iwr' iI.\i-{iiiii).\'iii'i{(; .i;iiil(‘i’)llni:iiii
. I, H . . . ; :2 i: 'i ‘4! .I“i pimtm iiiiii\l‘ iii‘Iii;\i.i). immimii 'i‘ui'nt-i‘ iivmiiinr- :imi (imp HHHit' rvmiing
\J} 115.5 » i i . ~~ '2 r : it mp» . miix uttit iiii' 'I‘iwi‘uiigii<‘niii'.i;1v\\'tti1wtimitim'u— stnryv :1 miist. (i(i()(i phutn.
I ' ' i ., i. .t :. w' p.24. iiii-\"'.it‘\ vlfiii im'ntzitmn tn stippui't Iiit‘ unniysn. (‘riminni-(i agribusiiivss/t-(iucaitinn
('utvg'nn -_» _ “1‘; xtmt \i' \‘\\ g'wi ‘ :i-ia-~- 'r- y iiitt ti :m-st-iit Aim «prinkimi with gumi (pintiw and iucui- it‘itvn-st into 21 (‘2isv~t u mma IiH‘ I‘(‘[)()i'i(‘!‘. Maui and iniurmzitiw- stuijv.
:«t p, ' . \_. ii= i: r it. .‘xir Mini: HLIDHAM trw Svmnti i’incv ‘ LEBANON EN FER»
.2 tr :.. i". ;:- . 1" ii.'\ ii 2 -i’~ .iv? Swami i’igm- RUNNI‘] (‘UI'NTY I’RISIC. (‘hzu‘it's PM!”
3,. ,‘, \ ,. . . . . ii a v .i at: u .‘xi'l‘ S'i‘iii’t- iii'li'iii-{iiiiiL Km.“ Kil‘iliidii 'I‘nugii t'iiilii'i‘ i‘m' svcumi. Mu;r «in
7‘ : : :I‘U: “L"IH Ti”. 'i‘ m MHMHXHm .\'irr iiiil o \[iidiiiiili’ ti‘u- (ii‘ldii\ mi imnt i'lilliii imvv mmiv thv (iii'i'vw t
, 2' .ii: ifili‘mi‘iviili l:\‘~iii (inn; mm isv i'lH'i' iii'i‘l'. An (‘M'i‘iit'ni story? Ni-mi i
‘V ‘__.. ~ ‘.l||“.:1ii'f~ 3 i115! ('Hl.l'.\l.\ 'i'iitt‘ti iith'i’ i'iiit'iiiN' \Viii'i‘iiifY in srw Iillii'l' wi'tiiis quality in \\('(‘i'\ i
”A...“ : :- - ' i’. .i‘\'\.\_\ii.\'i€ .iiii'ii .\'i‘.\\‘.\'.iiii'ii.\{.\i ’ii'wnt ix'nm'kltw ili‘>. i
"r I . : . .’ g .\ i il< 1 i' "'2 i. 5‘3.th i~ .I‘ \‘iiiii .i“ .i t‘nt'k (inmi 'i‘iiir‘ri i’im'i- VASICY (‘Ui'N'i‘Y
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