xt780g3h1571 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h1571/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1966 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1966 Vol.32 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, January 1966 Vol.32 No.4 1966 1966 2019 true xt780g3h1571 section xt780g3h1571 = ”,1.“ 51...“ r 1
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Jubhshed In the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers
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The Kentucky Press Association recognizes 1
the fundamental importance of the implied 1 1
{rust imposed on newspapers and dissemina- 1:
[ion of public information. It stands for 1
truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the 1
presentation of news, as set forth in the , 1
Canons of Journalism. It advocates strict 1
ethical standards in its advertising column. 1 .
It opposes the publication of propaganda 1
under the guise of news. It affirms the ob- . . . 1
ligation of a newspaper to frank, honest and KPA 0 IC r And E 1' V C m m H 1
fearless editorial expressions. It respects 8 S xecu I e O I ee 1
equality of opinion and the right of every 1
WWW” t0 7"”“C'im‘tio” 1” the constit‘“ ' ~ ‘ ww 1
a more 1 tional guarantee of Freedom of the Pres-9- , «I; .1
is taken ‘ 11 believes in the newspaper a vital med- . v , . . 1
‘d In HS 1 mmmunity development and progress. 1 _ 5,. 315.711;”(«i‘Z/fz/r,’1'35r15-"z5 .
1 1 r ”Wei?” ‘t‘fimv‘? ' . x ”:2 we“ "gzfiwfi?
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incerely SChOOI 05 J our ”0"an ‘ ' 2i. , 1,1, .. ' ,
help to mversn‘y of Kentucky is . % ~ . 10 3;, .11 .11 ‘ 1 ’ g, 4 v .
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’ Henry Stone Templin Ogles Portnzann ' 1
Wilson Fisher Abrams Boone Van Caron Davis Bell 1 1
. S chanleerg Crawford I'loskins 5 1
(Norris and DeRosett absent) . 1
I 1 ‘

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L LL L‘ L L ‘ L3 Ghona| News 9 Member n gued . el‘lc‘dn Civil g” to free 0 Med Pllet.” publication’ t at the e" ' dency qt
LL LLLL LL L LLL LL National AssociafZOFSr A550ciation c‘dSe 01E] asking the leEl‘tieS Uns'peech’ SO {111' 113‘ Of this Pan]. L finnuai 11
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'L L L L ‘LL ‘ E “It ' Shton CeSs of . Asht n ’ tie c . Y 11nd L em 1 e
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LL 1 .L' L LL {L L G'L‘Dlin, XII-02g“? Centrwl . (m L] ‘llcuit Com-3t as Convictel . L 11(10 that ut Lea-901111;] d July, “n Lreasurer
LL L L LL L chtor R P Hamid ‘1)"6'5'1'11913 ‘ Guy 1 . Larges of of Kelltu "k C 1“ the by “Ctr the (Lefe ( y> Could 0t of offi
LLL L L L L LL 141011de R 01111121111] S "Lauder, Lox" 112111010118» publishing “(I y in 1963 01‘ in ‘1‘” milh'ce. flndilnt as m . C01]. r I Ce;
LL LL LL LL U’Sm‘l‘imn, :éfieturll-Mflnuhmgton 133211111 chielfmmphlet th 1t 1; fA‘Llse LInLd “9119 11 GCkless $51?)th is, he k othated I 6'; eCte(
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nal , 11th s , Tm e230“. H., 1911131 1 1*e1 L . ”65 t1. m-k OC- emoL-
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L L . ’ rump ‘ ’Or ’1' .’ (Item-L Th “ ‘ he lCe C1~ t1 . . ’ offe. to L ran.
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:L ., L ‘L L ‘ “Sim - 10113 0 . "L s ‘ 1'8 1n; . ”m
L L L L L L Geo entucky Press 5 to 132.57 the ACLU :Llll)1~eme Colllt Lifepmtect his st;1d 46 SBLS ‘Itmggggh gstand
L. »L LL L: rge M \ . erVice . ’ DRJVe] ‘4‘“ act 1 ' de— ' ‘e and ‘ ' L-S ail
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L L L L L L (On Will erazd_N as the Of P1111“ 6 char T ‘ “’1ng 11 .DO Cur” pr .
‘ L L 5’ First V‘ 8‘03 Hard- 06111 news L “0 ()ffi ~ ge 1. 111Chin L ”ed 21 . eSlden
L L, , ed -pa . cm . L Lave . , e at ,- 11 ad f . L L
L L L L L William T McLean 6::_P7'esl'dgnt lnsbmg 1116thg 7 the ACLUp81 .CO_O“’Her LLSL SO anmjtdied that t] $2.76; the ad 51101 A La,.
L L L L L . Davis S My News Vi. . . Were tru s31d ASht , 5 con- . ' “it per Le $276 \LL 011M Th ‘
L L L V' LI ’ “and v- > Calh0 Ct1011 V- e and t1 OHS st (”St $3‘3c Week f ms a “film 6 ‘
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L L L LOrid:1 R arm, Se ad, Edd . A reedoh Onstltufi . L0H- t] a, on pro . me, the - L ‘ Part
L L L _ . Garrison Acretary‘Treg yV1He 11d, the AC] of the Dr 0nd] gnu» 11611 Storeg tP61 advice . :016 man. _n V OL
L L , SfiSta WTer Was I] . ‘LU ~. . e55. , r - )ill'ri' L O 1‘ . . a Glt 61' C1 lembe1~«
. L ‘ ghuh'man ,Brourd 0f Dir "t Treasurer the leiluilvlldenCG thqts‘lld’ “Since t] ilt 51:11'51‘36k1‘ng £01m“ them frolnoiig lAegistra’t“
' L L L YnthiL ’ 0mm eCtOI‘S to L ‘ 1 9t \V‘ L t a Sin 1 161.8 - 21c Vertis 7 Or l'efu ) LVa - L
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L L 0 . ‘ hn Eston : _ - . eled . py of e o] - L
L L giddlghoE/qurice KDLICIIG’ séntglerlnocrat g forbldden iLLt the COHVicthO1 published Ne‘Vsp‘lpe )VIOuhly 2m €13 gEHCked
L L ' L ‘ 0; N' ,, ' ‘ en 0 -E~ ’ Xpre . l‘usi D co . Sitp - ‘ 1‘5 Sh (me -
L L 1Wson L llts 0 , 9’, D . tho, 551011» 0n 0 nstlt L 14th L Ould . . u
L gel; BranflifilngS; Jaln-CEEEInghaniulllj)r News, A In its I‘L11L n the field of H65 their rigpgmd advise :TLVICVCL/ their LOCLLL St. Mat
L L )llrg. O . . W11. ’ L Ogrgss p . 111g th 66 (f . S and K 21 V6 - ' LlSed
L L ‘ ’ ffzc .. 1 ls, \ , .Pedls ’ e K ) Slm'L . l‘es . , It1561‘s of th.
. L 615 ex_0fll’c' Llessen—- of h' . 5dld Asht entuCky C h: 11‘“ tYpoS pon‘SIbllities ’ L hands
L 10. t1 ls IGfeL-en On had (I d . ‘Olll't of dve happe ,- A11 knoV . (L 111 case h on
7 ‘6 Sheriff w CBS t0 the p‘],m1tted 50m guards it Lned,’ but in S V. It shouldn’t V bffld “til
. el‘e false, an; Ice Chief 2mg your mercfiometimes dOeSplte of 311 Sam L LY Kent
that While h ‘1“ OFFERdntS that their. Again, adV’ise Lors' on
6 t0 Sell, to Sell “0t :1? are Simply 18:13 VS

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its about the news. La rry Stone Elected Pres Ident To Lead In 1966 1
true, “there was 1 ’
Tit some Of them 3 Larry Stone, Central City Messenger- business and social, and turned on with advocated sensible use of germane ad _
3' 1 Times-Argus, was elected president for a vengeance early Saturday morning by art from mat services, but emphasized
I court said, “M 1966, advancing from the vice presi» dumping almost ten inches of snow on that nothing could take the place in .
568 some question 1 dency, at the closing session of the 97th Lexington and vicinity which resulted in reader-attraction of the use of local ; g
10,111)? that the Bl’i‘ 1 annual mid-Winter meeting held at the many having to remain hotel-wise until models, easily identified and of intrinsic
mo” Of this pam- 3' Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, January 20-22. Sunday. testimonial quality. 3
malice, the appeals ? Edwards M. Teriitplin, chairlman dof the b.111k1f135 wwlillcomi‘ngT adldrpess at the Fil'ida31 Arnold W313 generous 1'11 answering ‘ 1,
Ias a Stranger in 16X€C1ithe comrni ee, was e ecte V196" tllea 11331:, fayhll) 1612 “Eliza 051““? questions of interested publishers during ,_
3quainted with the P1": ehf'l O l s F" kl" F3 "t 1 1 1.51]? ltg : f: tm and 911th; th ltmther :1"? the whole meeting: We thank him for his ,
he did not con- ,1 I await 1 ge , ian in avou e',‘was piesen s a u es an as e 1 a e e (1- valuable contribution to our program. 1 1
eected to succeed Templin as chairman tors should study the stifling laws that 1. 1 _ ,
legations and some 1 1 . . 1 .1 1 . 1 1 3 ‘ . Magnetic Paste-Ups
.o the executive committee, Victor B. hinder proper and needed expans10n of . .. . ,
made about them I Portmann was elected secretary—manager- city limits and city services demanded by The WP” on advertismg production 1" 3:
W and false. treasurer for his 25th consecutive term a confined populace. Chairman Edwards was continued on the afternoon program '1
eld, a jury, ““03 1 of office; and Miss Florida Garrison was Teinplin responded in his light, whiinsi— when “7111mm Bal‘l'Ol'l,.Crflpth Electron- . 13331 ‘1
nably, mhld 001“ re-elected as assistant treasurer. cal manner. ICS’ Inc, representative, demonstrated i1 :1
flaht as hthflted ‘ President Stone named his district The stirring invocation of Father John a ”1.333%“ hOt metal system for ad com- 1 51' ~
t is, he kHOWinle ; executive committee as: First, William T. H. Morgan, Newman House, University p 951mm termed magnetic pasteiip. A1 1 3,1 ‘
:1“ the truth Pl‘h' '3 Davis, Lyon County Herald, Eddyville; of Kentucky, opened the Friday morn- Dlx’ Frankfort State Journal, Wthh re- 1 1 I" 3
:atements for the Second, George M. Wilson, Breckinridge ing business session with President Henry cently adopted the speedy system, 1 3 111:1 ‘i
19 prosecuting “’it‘ Herald-News, Hardinsburg; Third, Al J. presiding. The invocation, by request, brought samples Of ad makeup to aug- 1 ‘ ,
ldhtiOh'” Schansberg, Voice-Jeffersonian, St. Mat- is published with the Bulletin as well as ment Barrons presentation. '1', ,
a a , thems; Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble Bob Considine’s “Newspaperman’s Pray- Procedure consists hf a magnetic grid 1 :31 1‘31 'i
where typos 00 Democrat, Bedford; Sixth, S. C. Van er." Henry appointed George M. Wilson Board WlthhmetaI‘SthPS tfo :nlelseThnd 1 1 1 3
1 York newspapers 1 Curon, State Journal, Frankfort; Sev- as chairman of the resolutions commit- esrgnatet elexact 51269 t e a ' .en 1 137.1 2
, states have laws, enth, Warren R. Fisher, Jr., Mercury, tee, he to select his committee. a Vinyl Ph‘ShC sheet Wlth an adhesrve 1 1
361310115111 support, Carlisle; Eighth, Louis DeRosett, Adair Ed Tells How To Advertise surface 15 fitted llnto the space. Shel ,1 1,11
. bound to sell anv County News, Columbia; Ninth, James Edmund C. Arnold, Graphic Arts Di- casts and Shéh'hlgh heads, body type, 1 1' , ‘1 ‘
1 advertised price. TuNorris, Jr., Independent, Ashland; vision, School of Journalism, Syracuse etc. are applied to the adheSive Shh); 1 1,
ecisions state that Tenth, R. Springer Hoskins, Enterprise, University, and consultant to the Merg- when complete the ad COP}: him-bedhftfe‘l 1 41 ‘ 1::‘1 ,
imply an OFFER Harlan. enthaler Linotype Corp., led the local out “nth?“ (hthUItY or P1 iea y 01 3 1
1 ACT to sell. One ’1 For State—At-Large, he appointed retail advertising workshop with many stereotyping. 1 11
19_1-11C11 portable ,lames Lee Crawford, Tribune, Corbin, of his own humorous dollar-and-cents Barron stated that the process can be 111
)8; it should have IWarren Abrams, Courie1~_]oumal, Louis- ideas and philosophy on productive ad- installed for as little as $1,500 With the 1 1 1.1 .,
dred people storin- iville, and Ben E. Boone III, Todd Coun- vertising. He emphasized that it was per-man grid units costing around $55. 1 11 {a
18 store manager. 1ty Standard, Elkton. Maurice K. Henry, ironic how the ad, which produced the In answer to a question, Barron stated 1 1.1131 1 j
46 sets at $8.98 Daily News, Middlesbol-o, remains on greatest profit by the publisher, also that lino slugs and Ludlow slugs could 11 1 1
and perhaps, 111-S ‘1 the executive committee as immdiate past gained the best results for the advertiser. be cut to the required heighth on a reg- 1 1 ' 1 1
’ 1president. His drawing of the heroine in Verdi’s ular saw although the process is slow 1 1 1. 1 . '1;
rried an ad for a 1 Largest Thursday Registration opera, Aida, was used to demonstrate his and only a .feW units .can be “It at one 1 11 1 1;
.76; the ad should ‘ The Weatherman was kind for the main thesis of good advertising: A for “The: requiring P19011510“ as 101th? CXEf‘Ct. 1111 v 1 1
$2.76 was a “time Opening reception and the Monte Carlo attention, I for interest, D for desire, and hflghth- lie 591“] t at 1:36:13 521“: 05 .111 1 .1
or a machine that party on Thursday evening and 182 A. again, for action. “If there is some- hhhmm‘g. t1 e casts 3;“ 'le hmcbase 1 111 .11
ne, the store man- 3'1 members and guests, the largest opening thing in an ad that doesn’t fUIhh all these f0} a1slitte as $.1 ' W1“ t1 e500etgi W1 11
zice, either closed registration in history, partook of the things, throw it out,” he added. piecismn saws :IOStmg up lto $ ’_ 11' I? 1 :11
:t them from the lWassail bowl, the buffet dinner, and He graphically illustrated his list of advised thatf t e lspeCIa :aws siou ( 111 11
or refused to sell .‘"bncked the tiger” in the temporary “don’ts” for productive ad layouts: Don’t be installed 01 V? ume wor ' 1 1 ‘1
8—0bViOUSlY an er- game rooms. The croupiers were the use diagonals, especially in headlines; Time-Saomg A Feature 1 11 ‘_
‘31. Matthews Jaycees and those lucky don’t use vertical, upside down, 01' side— The main feature of the system, as he 1 1 1 1 1
review their local uSed the “money” to bid on some 50 ways type; don’t use boxes—ineffectual as described, is the reduction in time re- 1 1 1 1 1
all advertisers of 1handsome articles of wear and house- well as time-consuming in the backshop; quired to make up the ad, about half ‘ 1 1 {:1 1
onsibilities in case hold utility that were sent for the auction don’t use circles 01' ovals for the same that of the traditional method, and the 11 1:1
know it “should“,t 11W Kentucky manufacturers and proces— reasons; and above all, don’t use reversed elimination of traditional spacing ma- 1’j 11 _:i
in spite of all safe- I 801‘s. Our thanks for them and the pub— type effects — useless, ineffectual, and terials—slugs, leads, etc. The method also 1 1 1
loes. Again, advise 1 lishei-s Who brought them. surely hard to read. gives the newspaper the benefit of cold 11 71'
aeir ads are simply However, the weatherman thought the For effectual ad design, his first rule is type without learning new skills. In— 1 1 1'
ot a CONTRACT ‘3 KPA’ers were having too good a meeting, “enlarge generously—crop ruthlessly." He telligent printers need only about one- 1 1 51
.- Page 1 — The Kentucky Press — JANUARY, 1966 11 1 1
i 1 ’
1 111 ’ "

 11‘ 1111‘“ -. ,._ w . . 1 ~v"“’""f’? ‘j‘535‘:"‘773‘> .._ 7 ‘ ‘ ”13"?133‘? ‘1
‘1“ "“11““ 1‘111 ‘ ‘ 1“1 1“1‘.‘\1§‘**U}i3 ‘ “ ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ T'i‘i-‘i‘l‘ 1‘ " '1':.3“:i:’1:.:v" 3‘ ' 1 7 ‘ ‘ . .' -‘ 1? if:
‘- ' ‘1" ‘1 1‘11 1‘1 “WW? -, - 1» - .» ~- ~ 3_ » .3 » » -
1:1 111’ 1‘ 1‘1‘ 111111‘1‘ :9“ - ~ - ' jwv
‘1 . 11 1 1.31 . 1 ,1“ v . "“m'”m—h—ivfiw—‘fi‘WV—W ‘»'~——-—-————~-—r--~-—e-—H-MV ' . _ .
“‘1 1 ‘11 1‘1 1 1‘11 “1111‘ 11 {5:11‘1‘51" 1~1 ‘
11 111 111111 1111111111 1
“1 1‘ 1‘ ‘1‘11‘11‘1‘11“‘ ‘ 1‘
11111‘11111 1 1‘111111111111‘1 1
‘1 3 111 ‘1‘. ‘1‘ ‘111‘1‘11 111 1 1 half hour of instruction to learn pro— the Kentucky Press Association. Several Journalism Foundation of Kentucky, 11101 ‘ Of’the b;
111311 1 11111111111111" . 1 1 cedures. years ago President Thomas Adams de— Opening the afternoon session. Proms ‘hlmga 1
1‘1 ‘11 1‘ 111111‘1“ 111111 ‘1 1 Other advantages, he pointed out, in- cided to recognize the member who had Agent Portmann reported on the status ‘ DyC e,
‘11 1 1 11 1‘- 1‘111‘11‘11“1 11 1 1 clude the saving in storage space, elim— helped him and the Kentucky Press As- of funds, stating that $4,875.47 was on K', Hem
1‘. ‘1 1 ‘111“‘ 11111 ‘. 1 ination of spacing materials, and con- sociation the most during his term of interest—bearing deposit with a Trust Niles DE
“1‘1‘ 1 ‘1 1111111111111‘111‘1 j 1 tinuous trips to a saw. After printing. office. Each year since this recognition company under Plan 1. When a sufficient “6155‘ 21:1(
11 1 11 1111 1111111111 11 desired type material, kuts, etc., could be has been continued, and we feel it is Significant sum is reached, the interest 1 1:561:
‘11 ‘11 ‘1‘ 1111111 1111 111 ‘1 1 saved for future use as the Vinyl can be only proper and fitting to continue this will provide a scholarship for a deserv. cl’ 10.81
113‘: 11 “3‘1111‘1111‘ “.11 ‘111 13‘ . easily Stripped, or thrown in the melting Presidential recognition as any who has ing journalism student. ’1 A. ‘erhlt s
1111111 1111111 111111‘31‘ ‘ 1 1 pot without contaminating the metal. ever served as head of any organization Plan 2, which applies to $100 scholar. moglgshei
‘1 1‘1 1 1‘ 111 1111 111111 KPA’s legal counselor, Bert Combs, ad— realizes it takes more than one individual ships to worthy students in the UK, 1m tll (
1‘3 11111“11111111‘1' dressed the meeting on legislative mat— to make things click for progress and School. of Journalism, was reported to “1g 16
1 ‘31 ‘11 .113 ‘1 I1 1 11 111 “1 1 ‘1 ters, especially the present assembly. He smooth operation. have $327.00 on deposit. Joplin urged 1
‘1 11 ‘1 11 ‘ 11111‘1“:‘1 1 stated that, so far, 110 bills inimical to For the past twelve months many peo- publishers to contribute to the fund it- ‘ Meetir
1‘11 11 11111 111111 1 1 newspaper interests had been introduced, ple have been of great assistance during self or to send some worthy local stu. other r01
1 ‘1 ‘1‘1 111“ 1‘ 1 “ ‘ ‘ i but averred “<1 C1088 watch was main- this KPA Slst Presidential year. In fact dent to the University, supplying $1003 ‘ services
“. ‘ .‘ ‘1 1 ‘ ‘1 1 tained; any Such bills introduced Will be we wish to congratulate every member semester for tuition. He also urged mem- munity (
‘1“ ‘ ‘ 1 hl‘DUght t0 the attention 0“ all KPA of the KPA for your active participation, bers to inform the Secretary of names of 111g m0“
“ 1‘1 1‘ 11.33 ‘ ‘1 ‘1 1 members by the Central Office. 1 your guidance and counsel, but most of deserving local boys, or girls, who could illChlded
‘ 1.1 “ 111 1 ML Combs asked for comments from all the desire to make this organization qualify, if existing funds permitted, for 11111011 211
11 ‘1‘ ‘111‘1 1 the floor, especially if there were any a more effective and beneficial organ- scholarships. offset prt
‘1‘ 1 3 ‘ 13 “ legal problems of any member which ization for the total membership, and in Calling the annual meeting of Ken- ' these sen
“ ‘ ““1 ‘31“‘1 . needed action. He reiterated that his turn better newspapers for Kentucky tucky Press Service, Inc. to order, Pres lier at c
11‘- ‘1 ‘1 ‘ 1‘11‘1 3 Olfice W218 ready t0 help any KPA mem- newspaper readers. ident George M. Wilson requested the Tlllll'Sdifl)
11 :3 ‘ ‘ 1‘1‘ ‘ her, but that such requests should reach Our Presidential Award honoree is a Secretary to make his annual report. This hands in
1‘ ‘3 1 “ 1 1‘1 31 ‘ him through the Central Office. Copies man well known to every member of the report indicated that gross advertsing when st
1 11 ‘111 $01; giefiifm‘p 1:212:16 3::ZI‘IZEZtSJSStZIEI :3 Kentucky Press. He has served in many gicapggl 1813tionatlhandt regilontal, tog}? ‘ 1225:1123:
“1‘31. 1 1‘11 . 1 t ' . ‘ . .1 _ ‘ posmons and many roles during his 611- '4 , - a W1 ne P511 0 P“ 15' P 1
1 1 11 3 111 1 1equest. Some copies still ieinain in the tire newspaper career both in his com- 91-3 $201,348.38. A resume of the audi- the up-g
‘1 ‘ 13‘ 1 ‘1‘ Central OHice. Want one? munity, the state, and KPA. For a span tor’s report will reach all members later meet 001
1 ‘11 ‘ 1' 111 .1 ' '~ 13 ,t ‘ 3 ,i of years we have sought his advice for Officers Elected “91’ to}:
‘ 1 1 .11 ‘1 ' ,1 {3:31 a very objective viewpoint. This past Following the recommendation of re3orth‘
1 1 1‘. ‘ ‘.13‘1 ‘1 1.,5, "‘ "‘1'" W year W? have turned to him many times the nominating committees, officers and 4PA su‘
‘1 11 ‘ 3 311‘3 ‘1 £13251: 1‘ '3‘: " s ‘ for guidance by telephone, by letter, board members of our auxiliary groups, 111:1 de if
,‘ ~_1 ‘1 1 1311 1 _ 1%,; 1‘ 2 and In person. Each time there has been unanimously elected for 1966, include: the feas
3 “ ‘ ‘ ‘ 11“ 1 W1? .3 :;‘c.;”.\§/fl£ keen response and that has been 511" Foundation — Chairman of the Board, 1110 en re
:1 ‘1 ‘ ‘1“ .“ €§1@.\¢, cerely appreCiated. We know many other Fred B. VVachs, Lexington Herald-Lead- hIIPC' 6 1
1 1 1 i“ 131 1. 1 b i \éj' editors and publishers have had this same er; President, George Joplin III; Vice- . 011 ’18--
1 11 1 1 11 1 1 :1 . 1;.1121111111511:’a‘ feeling and respect for the man we honor President Lawrence W. Hagel‘, '11.” Ow- scrigtiorf
11 ‘1 .11 2 M a from Some: George 10PM “116WmboMessenger-Inquirer; Tm 1.5151111
11“ 1 1‘ ‘ 11 1 .' z? 0f Kentuckys newest (1311?” The Coni- Enos Swain, Danville Advocate-Messen- ‘Subscri i
‘11 1 1 ‘ .1 11‘ 1 1 1,1,"; ,iy monwealth-Journal. Georges counsel has ger; Secretary-Process Agent, “do“ R‘ ino tl p]
1“ ‘ 1.. ‘ 1‘ 3 “ ‘ ‘ 4") " been very valuable to us during 1965 Portmann, Central Office. Board mem- ‘edrlgyd
‘ . ‘1 ‘1 ‘ ‘1“ ‘11 i 2 at ‘1 1‘“: and he has made many contributions ’50 bers elected for a three year term in- 1 Bu‘s‘in
“ 1 3 1%,“. .11131111 3.1"" 3 «:3 t 1‘ ‘ M“ l the Kentucky Press Association. To clude Mrs. Martha Comer, Maysville ln- inn 1 (
1 ‘ 11 1 ‘. 11 3 11“ ‘1' -.1 ‘ v% 1; j ,2 George Joplin we award the Presidential dependent; John B. Gaines, Park City ‘it (112]: I
. 1 31 1 1‘3 1 1‘: 1:111 _ $353511? Cup for being KPA’s most valued inem— News, Bowling Green; Miss Jane Bird Freankf:
.1 1 1 1 1: 1 —. 1. : .B‘E? CW1“? .author of .0“ The 310..., Central City Times-Argus E1105 1 The d
‘1 1‘1 13-1 1311 1 1 . 3 . y z/ fine: column gitribufied by K11:g :58- Schilain; and Cecil Wilson, Barboul‘Vllle :iollowed
‘11 , ‘.: '. , a, :1 .‘ 1 ur reminisce on is many 5 ru es A vocate. 1 1
1 ‘31 “1 11 Presidential Award in getting material for his column, na- Press Service—President, George M. gig?!
‘ “1 ‘ 1 ‘ ‘1- Presiding at the noon luncheon, Pres- ‘Eon‘wfde and world—wide, With many Wilson, Breckinridge Herald-News, Departu-
‘ 1‘ 1‘ ‘ ident Henry presented George Joplin Slde-tl‘lpS- Of his _ interesting writing Hardinsburg; First Vice-President, Lan- ‘Were he
1 ‘ 1'1 1 ‘3 III, editor of the new Somerset daily, career.”His concluding NeWSpapermanS don Mills, McLean County News, Cal- Dave Pa
‘ ‘3 1 131 1‘ with the citation and traditional julep P13?“ was Class“: and many asked for houn; Second Vice-President, William 111-0 for t‘
‘1 1 1 ‘ 1 1 cup as KPA’s Most Valuable Member, c0131631 . T. Davis, Lyon County Herald, Eddy- 1 -
_ ‘ 1 ‘1 stating: Afternoon $98310” ville; Secretary-Treasurer Victor B. P91" 3 F 11
1 . 1 ‘. Today we are within twenty-four hours President George Joplin presided at mann and Miss Florida Garrison, a551st- 0 0V
of completing our term as President of the annual meeting of the School of ant treasurer, Central Office; chairman .Ctam-ful
'1 ‘1 1 1 1 Page 2 — The Kentucky Press — JANUARY, 1966 ‘
1 1 ‘ ‘
. 1 1 1
1 .

 . » " ‘ 3:: .1117?” 1- ,I .5; r “"r—~'"'>~‘ 1"“‘WF 'i
_ ii i, . y W .. . , -; “a. 3”,: a: , 1; - :\ . '
l 1’? 2,
l 1 i
"ll :
iof Kentucky, Inc, . 0f.the board, Tommy L. Preston, Cyn- order in Convention hall by Vice-Presi— Legislation—Vocalional Schools if
n session. Proces; thiana Democrat; members — Martin dent Larry Stone. James Maloney, Lex— Co-chairman s. C_ Van Curon, legisla- 1'; ;
rted on the Status l Dyche, London Sentinel-Echo; Maurice lllgtoin oihce, US. Department of Labor, tive committee, gave a brief resume of :
$457547 was on 1 K'. Henry, M1dd1e5b01‘0 Dalh’ NeWS; was introduced by Portmann who stated planned—action in protection of news- .
sit with a Trust Niles Dlllingliam, Dawson Springs Prog- that appi‘OXimately 5-20 newspapers had paper interests in the legislative session
. When a StlfllCient [585; and James M. VVillIS, Brandenburg ans