xt780g3h1459 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h1459/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2004 text GLSO News, September 2004 2004 2004-09 2019 true xt780g3h1459 section xt780g3h1459 %- GAY and P
g. s o news
" emit?“ September 2004
A publication ofthe Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 19 Number 9

NO on the AMENDMENT UPDATE On Thursday, September 23 at 9:30,

The Bluegrass Chapter ofthe Kentucky the MISS Gay CM) 141 Pageant WI” be
Fairness Alliance has been very busy held at the CIUb’ 14? West \fint St" The
maintaining chapter needs and working to Pageant Wlii feature Miss Club 141, the first
defeat the proposed constitutional amend- Lady Of Kentucky, Latoya Bacall. The
ment that will ban gay marriage. There are entrance fee '3 $5' _ .
many upcoming opportunities for you to be Entertainment WI”, be provrded by for-
entertained and donate to the cause: ”Tel M'SS_ CM) 141 3’ Wendy Williams,

Come see Robbie Bartlett and Bernie NICOIG Diamond, Taylor Bryce, Lady
Lubbers on Thursday, Sept 23rd at 8 pm at Devane, Tracy Taylor, and speCIal guest
the State Theater, inside the Ky Theater. Phonda K. Steele. With all that talent, this
This is a new act that has been getting '3 sure to be a grand evening.
great reviews and support in the Louisville Those interested in being contestants
and surrounding area. Robbie Bartlett fans should contact LaToya at 294 0901 or ClUb
can expect the same fantastic perform- 141 at 233—4262 for more information.
ance and Bernie Lubbers fans will be Judged Categories include Presenttion,
impressed with his musical talent, in addi- Talent, Evening Gown, and On Stage
tion to his stand-up comedy. Question. Entry Fee is $30

Tickets for Open seating are $15. Or if The Winner will receives $125 on the
YOU want to be a major supporter, meet- night of the contest, a crown, and bookings -
and-greet tickets for front-row seating, at Club 141_
drinks and hors d' orves with the artists
before the show will be sold for $50. . 'fl [CK Closet Ba”

On Saturday, Sept. 25th, we will host _
Bluegrass Fairness's annual fundraising Wtd Septzg page34
dinner. This year all proceeds will go to the
NO on the Amendment campaign - a good
way to kick off your Saturday evening fes- Sponsor of the Month
tivities. It will be held at the Sheraton. A
$60 dollar ticket will include appetizers, Debra HenSIey
dinner, desert, speakers and an art auction
of items donated by local artists. Insurance

Volunteers are greatly needed to go . .
door to door and talk to registered voters 1 5 1 3 Nicholaswlle Rd'
about the ballot measure. This is the most 276-3244
effective work that ...continued on next page

 we can be doing to defeat the so called" marriage
. -f -. GAYand
, LESBIAN amendment. When we go out we learn that folks are
SERVICE with us 2-1, and that it's our personal stories that
~ ORGANIZATION move them!

y?" Lexington, Kmu'd‘y We are able to talk with voters about how this
amendment does so much more than defining mar-
riage, but prohibits basic protections like civil union

Eisg NEWS and domestic partnerships and denies Kentuckians
and their children protections that foster loving and
Volume 19 Issue 9 stable families. When folks find outjust how extreme
. this amendment is, they are willing to stand with us
publlshed monthly by and vote NO in November. But we need your help to

The Lexington Gay build a bigger team of folks talking with voters.
Lesbian Service Help us get Lexington off the ground! Our upcom-
. . ing walks will be Saturday, Sept. 11 from 9 AM to 1
Orgamzatwn PM & Sunday Sept. 12 from 4 PM to 8 PM and
389 Waller AVC- Saturday Sept. 25 & Sunday Sept. 26 (same time as
Editors previous walks).There is a training before every walk
so that folks are prepared to talk with voters. We

Mary Crone meet at 110 North Upper Street.

JaCkle CObem To participate in the walks or to find out more

Board Members about defeating the amendment contact netta brooks

Thomas Collins, President at netta@noamendmentky.com or 859-396-52'51.
Sarah Martin Vice-Pres. See page 8 for Info about the Bluegrass Steenng
Ben Salyers, Sec. Committee and a Bowlathon. Keep your eyes peeled
Mary Crone, Editor for upcoming events: house parties hosted by your
Joan Branon, Pk Pages friends, a bachelor auction and an lmpen'al Court event.
Jackie Cobern For more info and to get involved, call 859-806—4114
Tom Collins or www.bluegrassfairness.org.
Gin er Moore

Terfy Mullins Sisfel‘sbahd I'l‘li’l’a‘l'ibl"
Bill Chandler, SisterSound is gearing up to start a new season

Office Manager of singing together. We are looking for new members .
and we do not require auditions. Come to a rehears-

GLSO Annual Dues & al, meet some people, try singing with us and see ‘
Newsletter. what you think. No previous experience required. I ‘
Individual _ $15 Our first rehearsal will be at 6 pm. Sunday, Sept. 1
12, at Lansdowne Cumberland Presbyterian :
Opinions “pressed in the GLSO Church, 333 Redding Road. We're looking forward I
News are those of the authors and , _ . ,
don't necessarily represent those of to an excrtlng season. Please read the longer article j
whit-1:230:21?rizzgesssitfiffla: on page 10 for more information. You can also call
to edit submissions and advenige_ Patti at 806-0243 or paowens@excite.com. Visit our ‘
ments as well as the right to reject web site at www.geocities.com/sistersound, or i
submissions or advertisements. Google "sistersound". }
GLSO Page 2

 Community News
fiomrunners/fi-onmalkers PRIDE NIGHT Kings Island
Lexington has a new club in town. Pride Night at Paramount’s Kings
Frontrunners/Frontwalkers is back and Island Will be on Friday OCt- 1- The park
ready to get in step. We will be meeting opens to guests at 6 Pm and Stays open
twice weekly for running/walking and social- until midnight. GLSO is selling tickets at
izing. Wednesdays at 6:45 pm. and the Pride Center, 387 WallerAve, 10am to
Saturday at 9 am. at the UK Arboretum. 3 pm daily and on Sat. Sept. 25, from 10 to
Plan to meet near the Water Tower. 5. Call 253-3233 to be sure a volunteer is
If you have any questions, please call here. Tickets are $39.99 for adults and
Hal Kutter or Ken Waibel at 859-294-7944 $20-99 for Children and seniors, age 60
or email Hal at haroldkutter@aol.com. and over. (COSt Will be more at the door.)
The entertainment this year includes an
RAINBOW LEAGUE Island Idol contest hosted by Andrew
CONVERTS TO SOClAL BOWLING Hyde, Simone Denny, and the Island
Queens. The Gay and Lesbian Community
The Rainbow League will be meeting on Center of Cincinnati will benefit from the
September 8, at 8 pm. in the conference sale of tickets. GLSO will make a small
room at Collins Lanes on Southland Dr. amount per ticket SO purchase here.
This year the Rainbow League is trying
something different. Instead of having an THE IMPERIAL 000R,
organized league, the members of the The imperial Court of Ky has gotten
league will sponsor a social bowling event another year of fundraising Off to a great
that will be held every Wednesday starting start, and we would like to remind every-
at 9 pm. on Sept. 15, and lasting through one Of our upcoming benefits.
April of 2005. Join us on Wednesday, September 8th,
This is a social bowl and consequently as we host Larry's Birthday Bash, an
there is no obligation for a bowler to commit evening of celebration and entertainment
to bowling every Wednesday night. Instead in honor of Emperor 22 Larry Stanley's
anyone can simply come on any 65th birthday. Doors @ 141 will open @
Wednesday when the spirit moves him or 8:30 pm, with the show starting at 9:30
‘ her and join other bowlers fora fun evening p-m- Cover is five dollars, With Proceeds
of bowling. The participant will pay the benefiting the Court's general fund and '
. . open bowling rate - roughly $10.00 forthree AIDS Volunteers (AVOL).
games. Payment of ABC sanction fees is Wednesday, Sept. 29th, we will present
3 optional. Shawn Fritz will maintain statistics our longest—running event, the Julie
; - for those who want to be sanctioned and Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball. In this pag-
. participate in the tournaments sponsored by eant, males and females who have never
the International Gay Bowling Organization. performed in drag before are allowed the
t We hope you will join us on Tuesday opportunity to be made over into the other
i for a night of bowling and companionship. gender, perform, and possibly walk away
i For further information call Shawn Fritz at as Mister or MiSS Closet Ball, 2004.
859' 271'891 9 ....continued on next page
GLSO page 3

 Contestants must first present them- Lyons Levi /Leather Club
selves in their natural gender, then have
exactly one hour to transform themselves The Lexington Lyons meet every other
into the drag queen or king they always month at the Pride Center, the next meeting
knew they could be and perform for the will be in October. We also meet for brunch at
audience. Think "The Swan" meets "American Mia’s on the last Sunday of each month at 1
ldol," with our own panel of drag experts. pm. You are welcome to join us.
Closet ball is always one of our most
popular events, so come early for a gen- MEN or All COLORS TOGETHER
der-bending evening of fun. Show time is
9:30 pm, with the doors opening at 8:30 KY Men Of all Colors Together
p.m. Cover is five dollars, proceeds benefit (MACT) ['8 a. local chapter Of a national
the charities of Reign 23' gay multiracial organization which fos-
Entry fee is ten dollars, and applications ters a supportive enIVIronment where friend-
can be obtained by contacting E.V., Lady ships and partnerships can be celebrated
Marmalade, Imperial Court Board free oflraCIal and cultural barriers. For
Members, or by emailing Board President information call 859-351-4453 (Jon) email
Wayne Swope at NicoleDiamond1@aol.com. MACTky@aol.com, or www.mactky.com
Jo-Betli GLBT Reading Group GLSEN
Meredith Whiles has formed a GLBT On October 2, the Cincinnati Chapter of
reading group, the Lavender Book Group, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education
at Joseph-Beth Booksellers. The next Network (GLSEN) is hostingaYouth Summit
meeting will be on Sat., Sept. 4, at 3 pm, at at Northern Kentucky University. Gay,
the bookstore. We'll be discussing "Queer straight, bisexual, transgender, and support-
Ideas”. If you have any questions or title ive youth and adults are invited to come
suggestions please feel free to e-mai together and discuss major issues facing
mwhiles@joseph-beth.com. GLBTQ individuals. The Pride Center has
asked for some flyers and pamphlets about
DiversiJcL} in Gender Alliance this event. Drop by or call for more informa-
http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA tion. 2533233
The Lexington Diversity in Gender Additonal News
Alliance meets the first Saturday evening of Bowathon for Firness page 8
each month at a private location. Contact Wishing Chair page 10
Kelli at kellindel@hotmail.com for info. Religious Groups page 17
We welcome all people who tran— . ‘
scend gender norms or who are ques- , ' i
tioning their gender identity. We wel- ; i
come transsexuals, intersexuals, , I g
effeminate men, masculine women, i ’ "~-
drag Kings, drag Queens, gender ' ' .. ..
queers... and more. Family and sup- 3'3 ty : '7 * i
portive allies who would like to discuss u m “103' ' ‘f
trans issues are welcome. This is not a Custom lamp creation 8 repair . _,
therapy group. 3W; —-—--e
GLSO page 4

 3:: Debra Hensley Insurance
t1 Where diversity fairness and respect are valued.
Insurance and Financial Services
l): Allto m
:‘1 Life
H D m e
’ fl '1 iisl REE:
3; H e El It I1
i . .n- n:-
we BuSI ness
19 ‘ fir ..
as _\ __ ‘ gal! . _ _
Detirement Planning
1513 Nieholasville Ra’. ‘
J , Lexmgton, Ky. 4o5o3
Across from UK Football Stadium
j 859 276-3244

; 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat we open at 10 am. ,
. We stay open until 5 pm on most days, and on Wed until 7pm. I ,

" 40+-(108170 WOMEN

Register to Vote R

, ‘- The 40+ Club is a group for women

GLSO pmde center E over 40 (and their younger friends) who

". " " '" ' ' ' " " are interested in attending a wide variety of

Gay Straight Alliance for Yomh activities together. In the past we have

The Gay Straight Alliance is open to all gone to plays, attended sporting events,
youth ages 15 - 20. You do not have to visited museums, and enjoyed many
label yourself to join. We meet every week meals together. We get together is groups
at a private location. Sometimes we just of2 to 20. If you have something you want
hang out and talk, other times we watch a to do there is probably someone in the
video, discuss some issue, or have a group that would love to join you. With the
speaker. This fall we are planning our 4th 40+ Club you don’t have to go it alone.
trip to Kings Island Gay Day on Oct 1. if you are interested in joining the Club

We are always open to new members. we meet every month on the second
Some teens who attend are questioning Sunday at 2pm at the Pride Center to plan
their sexual orientation, others are sure the next month’s activities. Bring you ideas
they are gay , lesbian or bisexual. Some and join us at our next meeting, Sunday
are the children of gay or lesbian parents. September 12th at 2pm at the Pride Center
Others are straight and come with gay and plan to go out to eat afterward. You
friends. Everyone is welcomed. For infor- can also call or email Ginger and Jane at
mation contact Mary Crone at 266-5904 or 859-253-0061 or ggclr@yahoo.com.
email lexgsa@yahoo.com or visit www.|ex-

Discussion Group Lesbian Video Night will be Friday,

The discussion group meets every September 10, at8 pm. We will be watch-
Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride ing The Laramie Project which examines
Center and is open to all. We strive to the towns response to the death Of
make this a safe space where you can be Matthew Shepard. The movie includes
yourself. If you are just coming out, or are some exerts from the trial not in the play.
new to the community, this is a great place Everyone is invited to join us. (men also!)
to come meet some good people.

If, on the other hand, you have been MM? 13%,, Keep the love you find,
out forever and would like to participate in itéefi f" Get the love you want.
some lively discussions, please join us on ’ %1_ _. ~ _
any Wednesday evening at the pride cen- Jessica Boliinge‘n LCSW
ter. For more info contact Jane at lady-
janeky@yahoo.com Certified Imago Relationship

T Therapist:

enemos una persona que puede
hablar espanol en la oficina cada jueves COUPlesi family, iNdiVidual
desde las 3 pm hasta 5 pm imagooonnectionoom 859-552-6533
GLSO Page 6

El (7mm flaw @luh 141, ‘ E
% gm, m, £41114 M Kentucky, 1% a
E Thursday, September 23rd 9:30 pm E

3 Club 141 g
a 141 West Vint St. Lexington, Ky. %
E Door Cover $5 a
E Entertainment by former Miss Club 141’s: g
E 742% William/u amaze 7)me gaglew 3W E
% £adg @wane 9-way, (7%;le E
E and special guut Wmeda 1. (Steele %‘ ,
E Judged Categories: Presenttion, Talent, Evening E
g ’ Gown, and 0n Stage Question Entry Fee $30 %
E Winer Receives: 3125 night of content, are", all bookings at fllll 14] a
% Gutaut La’l‘eya at 294 cm or the “11233-4212 |'%'

 Ky. Fairness Alliance, Bluegrass Chapter 5'10 hours a month of related work,
Seeks Steering Committee Members Includlng commlttee plannlng and aSSIgn-
ments, e-mall and other communications,
The Bluegrass Chapter of the Kentucky conference calls, and fundraising activi-
Fairness Alliance (KFA) invites applicants ties. Steering Committee terms are for two
to join the organization 3 steering commit- years and will begin in January 2005. .
tee. KFA is a statewide, non—partisan net- interested persons may apply by com-
work of people and organizations dedicat- pleting the on-line form at www.bluegrass-
ed to: , , fairness.org/form. Those selected to
Promotlng equallty for all people . . .
regardless of their sexual orientation or serYe WI” be notlfled by phone and/or U'S'
gender identity. mall. Announcements of new members
Educating the public about the gay, les- Will be made in November 2004-
bian, bisexual and transgender community. Questions can be directed to Mahjabeen
Facilitating the passage of information Rafiuddin at mrafiudd@nCCj.org or Jerry
between local and statewide efforts. Thomas at jerry.thomas@eku.edu.
Supporting local efforts that are consis-
tent with the goals of the Alliance. BOWIJNG FOR V0733
KFA seeks to advance equality for les-
bian, gay, bisexual, and transgender peo- The KFAAction Fund will be sponsoring
ple through leadership development, public a bowl-a—thon With proceeds going toward
education, and by encouraging partlcipa- the Vote No on the Amendment Campaign.
tion in the democratic process. VOTE NO is the state wide effort to defeat
Applicants to the board ShOUid be com- the proposed constitutional amendment
mitted to the values, vision, and mission of defining marriage as being only between
the organization and be willing to accept one man one woman and banning civil
leadership responsibilities in the organiza— unions or domestic partner arrangements,
tion. We especially encourage applica- The bowl-a-thon will be held on
tions from people of diverse ages, sexual Saturday, October 2, 2004 at Collins
orientations, ethnicities and cultural back- Southland Lanes, 205 Southland Drive,
grounds. Responsibilities of board mem- Lexington, The entry fee is $15 per per-
bers include: son. Registration will begin at 1:30 pm.
Clarifying and overseeing the organiza- with bowling at 2 pm. Bowling should be
tion 3 mission and taking responsibility for completed by 4 pm.
long-range Planmnq , , The entry fee will be waived if the
Establlshlng poll0les for the organlza- bowler brin s in a minimum of $50 in
tion 5 operations 9. .
Raising funds for and giving funds to pledges. Thls '8 excellent way for you to
the organization help defeat the proposed constltutlonal
Overall fiscal and legal responsibility of amendment. Please make plans to come
the organization to what will be a fun event. This event has
Membership on the Steering Committee the potential to raise $2,500 if fifty bowlers
of the Bluegrass Chapter of the Kentucky Wl” bring in $50 each.
Fairness Alliance offers exciting opportuni- For further information and pledge
ties to work for progressive social change. sheets, call Jim Dickinson at 252'5801 (e-
The organization is an active one, with mail JLD50ALJ@qx.net). We look forward
Steering Committee members meeting to seeing YOU 0” Saturday, October 12 at
monthly. In addition, service involves about 1130 P-m- GOOd lUCk and 900d bowling.
GLSO Page 8

an .
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GLSO Page 9

 5/;5’7‘ef'505/fld the members, old and new, continue to

, , , feel as welcome as I felt when l started
/”W77”€ M073” T0 J0”, singing with SisterSound.

by Emily Hendmz So here's the official invitation: Come

to a rehearsal, meet some people, try

I first heard of SisterSound when l singing with us and see what you hink.
picked up a flier at a Take Back the Night We're looking fonNard to an exciting sea-
rally several years ago. I hadn't done any son, with one concert exploring different
organized singing since high school, so I variations of music, rhythm and dance,
was pretty nervous. I called the number to and another concert devoted to one of the
38k about It' though, and reached Patti Owens, greatest pleasures of life: food. Don't
who totally put me at ease. She assured me worry if you don't have any experience.
that auditions were not required, people We still laugh at the idea of auditions, and
were easy—going and welcoming, and I our director's approach make it easy to
should come along and try it out. learn your part in the songs.

That was the semester we performed Our first rehearsal starts at 6 pm.
with Reel World String Band. It was my Sunday, Sept. 12’ at Lansdowne
favorite kind of music - folk songs, including Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 333
the beautiful "Appalachian Round," which Redding Road. Hope to see you there!
we wound up singing in darkness during the For more information visit our web site
concert, perched in four points in the at www.geocities.com/sistersound, or
Singletary Center recital hall, a web of eerie Google "sistersound".
voices weaving around the room. From the
audience, my mother was completely blown M55017 €141”:

I appreciated the attention to detail and Big News first: Wishing Chair has been
the deep involvement of all the members of booked on the Olivia Cruise Line tour to
the chorus. We didn't just run through the Alaska, May 8-15, 2005. Thanks to all who
song a couple of times at rehearsal. We have been Singing our praises to them -- it
picked it apart, our director pointing out worked! Plan your vacations now and
tricky bits and suggesting things we could come along. Let them know that part of
do to improve our technique. Everyone your reason for going is us! Visit
piped up with ideas for staging and sugges- http://www.olivia.com/cruises to see the
tions as to who should sing this or that solo details of this cruise. '
part. Here are some September play dates:

Most of all, though, I came to love the Sept 5 DeKalb, IL (w/ Kara Bamar) Midwest
chorus for the people. "SisterSound" isn't Womyn'sAutumnfestmwautumn.com
just a clever name. Patti was right: The peo- Sept 8 _ Cincinnati, OH, Rivertowne Bar
ple were welcoming, and as a new member, & Grille (On the River)

I felt inVIted to Jump in and get involvedzl Sept 11_ Louisville, KY, Rainbow Cafe
have never felt left out of anything With this w/ KY Bootleggers opening, 2530
group Of women. , Frankfort Avenue. $7-$10 . 8 pm _

And then they made me their queen. And if you are going to Woman's Weak
OK, l was elected president, but I really like in vainoetown this October, we will be
saying it that way. One Of my most impor- playing Oct 15 at the UU Meetinghouse
tant responsibilities, as I see it, is to make ...continued on page 14
GLSO page 10

 : GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
Ilnpcrial Court of Kcntucky........252-301 4
i A Charity Organization
t 200'! Pride Manta Sponsors
: ScottAckennan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 2942055
- For all your real estate needs. . (mobile) 338-8483
. GLSO News Sponsors 2004
Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter .......................859-806-4114
: Promoting equality for all people
EmestoScorsone. ................................254-5766
Attorney at law
1 SisterSound 258-0113
3 Diverse music for all women
t RichardsonVisionCenter..........................278-4201
: 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
: UnitarianUniversalistChurch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
' Seeking a Diverse Congregation
711eBarComplex....... .. .. .... .... ......255-1551 '
224 East Main Street
' 1513 Nicholasville Road
‘ WindyKnollFann......................299-7410
3 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
' GLSO page 11

 To schedule events at the Prlde
Center, call IIII at 253-3233.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FHdaY Saturday
— 1 2 3 4
More infomiation about many of these events is in this newsletter. 7 pm Discussion Group Hide Cam, open fl, 5pm Pride Centeropen t|| 5pm 98 antmnnafsl
. - Prlde Canter antalkers Arboretum
You can call or email the group to confirm the date and time, 8 o /L ban AA Tenemos una persona 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10 - 5
see the directory on back page. pm ay es I qua Puede hab'ar (Call for place) 3pm Lavender Book
_ _ espafiol en la oficina Group, Joseph-Beth
Pride Center may be abbrevrated - PC. cada Jueves 8 pm Diversity in
Call for Place may be abbreviated - Call a Ias 3 pm hasta 5 pm Gender - call for place
5 6 . 7 8 9 10 1 1
9:15 a, 11 uu Church Service Pride Center open tll 5pm 7 pm Gay Straight 6:45 Frontmnners/ Pride Center open tll 5pm Pride Center open tll 5pm 98 antrunners/
First Sunday Lunch AA Step Stfudy N1fclcezgflsfgz) Frontalkglrs Arboretum Tenemos una persona f3 pm Lesbian Movie Frontalkers Arboretum
10:303Mass@8t. MychaltheMartyr (Call or place) P 7 pm Dlscuzrsloh Group que puede hablar Night, pride Center Pride Center Open 10-
4 p Integrity at St Michaels Prlde Center open tll 5pm 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA espafiol en la oficina 5 pm
9:30 ICK Birthday coda Jueves 730 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Bash Club 141 a Ias 3 pm hasta 5 pm (Cal for 9'3“?)
1 1 _ 14 1 1.17 18
9:15 11 a uu Church Service Pride Center open tlI 5pm 7 pm Gay Straight 61:5 1:211:10? m Pride Center open iii 5pm Pride Center open tll 5pm so Frontrunnersl
. ' , ron are are m .
10.30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal fla'lfiief‘égfs‘gafm' 7 pm Discussion Group Tenemos una persona 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Frontalkers Arboretum
2 p 40+ Group- PC [3 Pride Center que puede hablar (Cal for place) Pride Center Open 10-5pm
, da Jueves
L nsdowne Cumberland Presby Church GLSO News Go
. a Ias 3 pm hasta 5 pm
6 pm lmpenal Court PC Deadline
' 1 20 21 2 2 24 25
8 pm AA Step Study 7pm GSA for Youth 6:45 Frontmnners/ Pflda Center 0P9" 1" 5pm Pride Center open tIl 5pm 9a Frontrunners/
9:15 81 11 a UU Church SONIOO Fronta|ker5 Arboretum 8 F 1 F dralse 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Frontalkers Arboretum
GLSO Board Meeting ages 15 - 20 call mary a mess Uh I' (Call for place) .
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychel . . for place 266-5904 7 pm Discussion Group Robbie Bartlett . Pride Center Open 10-5
6 p SisterSound rehearsal 7'30 pm _ Pride Center KY Theater Fairness Dinner
come sing vw'th us Pd“ cent" Op” t" 5 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:30 Miss Gay Ky, '
7p MACT PC Club 141
26 27 2 : g 2 ° 0
9:15 & 11am UU Church Service AA 8%) fitfudy I ) 7 pm Faimes Steering 7 pm Discussion Group Pride Center open til 5pm
_ a or p ace - .
10.30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal . 7 pm Gay Straight Commlflaa- P C 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Tenemos una persona
1 pm Lyons Brunch Mla s Alliance for youth Pride Center open til 5pm 9:30 Closet Ba” ICK que puede hablar
6 pm Imperial Court PC (Call Mary for place or Club 141 espafiol en la oficina
6 pm SisterSound rehearsal info 266' 5904) a IaszogiJhuaesESS pm
come sing with us Pride Center open tll 5pm
W m
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Vlfishingphair cont. from page 10 Ray Aiien, Regent Emperor 1
With LUC|e Blue Tremblay.

The neW WC T—shirts have been a big hit Regent Emperor | of Kentucky Ray
all summer and we just gota new batch in. Allen passed away near the end of
We have in stock green, sage, charcoal and August. Ray was originally a member of
lavender T'5 in sizes ranging from medium the Denver Court, holding a perpetual title
to 2X. Other sizes can be special ordered, from Denver prior to moving to Kentucky.
just ask. ViSit ViNVlN.WhiShingChair.Com. or email He was appointed Regent Emepror I sev_
US at infor@wishigchair.com. eral months after Empress I Julie Vaughn

We're getting ready to start recording was crowned at our first Coronation.
our new CD in October. The fundraising Ray remained active in the Court for
effort has been going well but we still have many years and has always been held in
a ways to 90- If YOU WOUid like to help check the highest regard. At Coronation you
out our web site. Make a donation and could often find Ray helping out at the vot-
receive a signed COPY Of our CD in the ing booth or at the door. He always want-
Spring. Thank YOU to all who have donated ed to contribute, and never worried about
so generously already. the spotlight.

We're looking at having a big 10th He truly was one of our shining stars,
anniversary Wishing Chair baSh With the and an example of how to p|ay this game
CD release in the spring. If YOU are inter- with style and dignity. He will be missed.
ested in helping you can check it out on the Alvin
website. www.wishingchair.com.

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GLSO page 14 _

 . 8 lil em Gilli 0 EilillC
. .5. O I. i
I Empsnon 22 Lanny's
I .‘.~
' -' Bilu'lidAy BASH”
i “‘5, Mi Eveninq of CElEbImrio-N and
FNTFRTAiNMl-‘NT iN hanon inf Lanny“:
' .- 651k BinTllday
' '_ Wednesday, SEpTEMbER 8TH
Club I 41
Show (ii) 9:30 p.m. $5 COVER
" Proceeds to benefit the Got-ifs general fund and wall .
£55.55 Mafia mm: «#5:? Mewyr-zétf i
9.29.04 ,
club ll-ll _*
sham @ 9:30 p.m. _ '
$5 :nver -‘ ‘ -. ' L
*i'or an application. see lady marmalade. EV, ‘
Imperial Court board members, or contact. hoard ‘
president wayne swept: @ nicolcdiamond’l@aol.c0in.

*prococds to benefit the charities of the Irrqmr'ial Caurt.

' GLSO Page15

 . . . As with the first six icons each of these
Gay Spu‘ltuahty 1.00n #7 has a negative side and a positive side.
By F1" Ken “[81178] We have heard repeated throughout this I
As so we begin the second set of spiri- AIDS pandemic that “silence equals
tuality icons for GLBT persons _ those death." That statement is very true con— r
common experiences that help us better cerning the reality 0t any disease, its pre- V
define who we are and what our relation- vention and its cure/maintenance. When 3
ship with the Divine One might be. The first truth is kept silent it also runs the risk of V
six icons reflected the GLBT experience damaging the internal peace 0f the individ- E
from those moments of “desolation” or ual and clearly leads to isolation —death of E
times where God might seem absent. self. “Being hOheSt With self’ can be c
These next icons surface from the “conso- described as the fiFSt step to personal t
lation” moments in our lives where we find wholeness and is certainly a necessary t
strength and encouragement. step to unity with God. Self acceptance t
Ourfirst consolation icon (seventh in the (self love) must come before we can ever
series) surrounds the experience of being accept love from another or from de-
“out” of the closet. The opposite of The positive aspect 0t “coming OUt"
“silence” this experience offers a new free- leads to this kind of self-love and better
dom within the person that wasn’t experi- acceptance 0t God’s love. if a person truly
enced before. Whether this “coming out” is is GLBT and has yet to accept it, the per-
only to self or to the world the moment of son is only partially “whole” for he or she
honesty carries with it a sense of peace has denied an important part Of self. Even
and finality — at least now I can go on with it the person can only “come OUt" to him or
who I really am! This sense of peace does herself the path to wholeness has begun
not negate the angst that also surrounds and all the other “parts” 0f the self Wiii
such an experience. Coming out to self begin coming into place. This “coming to
and/or others is a complex process that wholeness” becomes even more PFOfOUhd
often carries with it much pain and fear. if the person is able to share his or her ori-
Once spoken aloud, however, the expres- entation With others.
sion of one’s true nature also carries great We have seen over the past feW
freedom and truth. months the ...continued on next page
Couples Weddings and
Counseling Union Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Waibel, M])iv., MPS
Professional Spiritual Direction
Ecumenical * Holistic * Inclusive
1350 Eastland Dr, Suite #5 kypadre@aol.com
Lexington, KY 40505 (859) 338-1195
GLSO Page 16 -

 3 Spiritual Resources September gathering will feature the bish-
" op of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington,
; Icon ”7 continued ...power and Stacey Sauls. He will be talking about the
_ necessity of coming out publicly about relationship of the church With gays and
_ who we are as mothers and fathers, lovers leSb'a