xt780g3h1434 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h1434/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1983-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, December 1983 text GSO Newsletter, December 1983 1983 1983-12 2019 true xt780g3h1434 section xt780g3h1434 ,___., m g cm —« ’00 w r AW:
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The following letter was drafted as a group project and sent to the Lexingtoanerald—Leader and
"This letter concerns the recent series "Cruisin' the wall", WLEX—TV's investigative report on
juvenile male prostitution which has created quite a controversy in both the gay and the non-
gay communities. Let us preface the remarks by saying that because of the highly sensitive na-
ture of this issue, there can never be a clear consensus of opinion.
Overall, the Board of Directors of GSO feel that it was accurate and well done. We recognize
that the problem exists and are deeply concerned about it. We understand that there was no
deliberate attempt by WLEX to malign the gay community, but through several inaccurate state-
ments and opinions, they succeeded in painting the gay community in a rather bad light.
First, their statement that there-was no attempt to sensationalize this problem is not quite
true. Juvenile male prostitution is only one facet of a much larger problem-~child exploitation.
This includes juvenile female prostitution, sexual abuse in the home, child pornography, etc.
By focusing so heavily on this part of the child exploitation issue they have trivialized other
equally important aspects and spectacularized this one. Also, we all know that it is sweeps
month and this is a good way of drawing a large audience.
Secondly, as someone who works very closely with the helping professions, I was rather disap—
pointed that they made no attempt to explain why these kids were really out hustling. Sure,
they need money, they do it to survive, but why hustling? Could it be that many of these chil-
A dren are rebelling against what they perceive to be unduly strict home environments or against
parents they view as uncaring? 'Could this be a way of life—-doing this to get a sense of being
needed and thought of as a valued and valuable individual? Possibly some just want a little
Third, their series left viewers with the impression that diseases such as herpes, gonorrhea,
syphillis, hepatitis, et. a1. originated in and were spread to heterosexuals by the gay popula-
. tion. No responsible health care professional would make such statements because these diseases
have been around for centuries and have always been found in both gay and non-gay society. -
Let me also say that the number of cases where a man contracted AIDS from a male prostitute and
passed it along to his wife, who in turn, gave it to her unborn child has’never been determined
and is totally conjecture on Channel 18's part. In addtion, less than 1% of all cases of AIDS
are a result of blood or blood products transfusion. These facts have been passed along to me
by Dr. James Curran, the head of the task force on AIDS research at the Center for Disease Con-
trol in Atlanta.
Lastly, Det. James Castano's remarks showed a clear ignorance and prejudice toward all gay people
His comment about the victimization of these children being the result of "a homosexual society
that preys on young people" is just reinforcing the misconception that all gay people are child
molesters. He went on to say that "if you eliminate the adult (clearly he means the adult gay)
male, there wouldn't be a problem." This is an extremely dangerous and irresponsible thing for
him to say. These statements condone and even encourage violence that is discriminately

 directed at gays and lesbians. In the first eight months of this year, there were nearly
incidents of anti-gay violence, intimidation and harrassment reported to the National Gay -
Force Hotline. These statements underscore a grave reluctance on the part of the gay communi
to place any trust in law enforcement agencies. This is the same mindset that had many law
officers convinced that it is the woman who is at fault for "encouraging" a rape by wearing
provocative clothes, perfume, make-up, etc.
Please understand that this letter is not intended to berate or belittle the series as a whole.
Nor is it an attack on reporter Amye Brandli or WLEX—TV. It was very good in that it served to
stimulate debate on an issue that it all too often "swept under the carpet." It has been a .
learning experience for all of us and a rallying point for many gay people who have never ex-
pressed an opinion on any issue related to the gay community.
News From The National Gay Task Force
NGTF Urges People With AIDS
To Apply For Socual Security Benefits

People with AIDS may qualify for a tration office. Applicants who meet the tion reports only 230 applications for
variety of government benefits, accord- SSA’s economic criteria mustthen contact benefits as ofAugust 5. SSA officials add
ing to a recent announcement by the a state Disability Determination Office, that fully96 percent oftheseapplications
Social Security Administration. where they or their health care provider have been accepted.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is will be asked to provide objective medical “We are extremely concerned that so
aneeds-basedgrantprogram availableto verification of an AIDS—related opportu- few people with AIDS are applying for
people with limited income and resources. nistic infection (including, but not limited benefits to which they are clearly entitled,"
Title II “early retirement income" grants, to, Kaposi Sarcoma and pneumocystis stresses NGTF Executive DirectorVirginia
on the other hand, are available to FICA carinii pneumonia) before they can Apuzzo. “Once again we see a critical
contributors who are no longer able to receive benefits. need for a government-funded public
work because they have AIDS. Despite the widespread availability for education campaign about AIDS." NGTF

Because the great majority of people social security benefits, the number of encourages people with AIDS who have
with AIDS who are no longer employed people with AIDS who have applied to questions about benefits to call its crisis-
are eligible for SSI or Title II grants, date issurprisinglylow. Although approx- line at1—800-221-7044,and further urges
NGTF urges people with AIDS to apply imately 2,000 cases of AIDS have been AIDS service organizations and the gay
for benefits. To find out if they qualify confirmed by the Center for Disease media to continue their efforts to inform
financially, people with AIDS should con- Control, the Social Security Administra- peoplewith AIDS aboutavailable benefits.
tact the nearest Social Security Adminis-

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 With Danger on All Fronts, We Need an Effective Voice.
Just about every imaginable group from Mobile Oil to Common Cause, to the National Basketball
Association has a lobby at Congress.
Among the thousands of lobbies in Washington, D. C. there is just one which works full time at
Congress for civil rights and justice for lesbians and gay men — the Gay Rights National Lobby.
Moreover, the well-financed anti-gay lobbies such as the Moral Majority and Christian Voice
force GRNL to fight an increasingly sophisticated battle to protect liberties and privacy.
An example of this threat - in the form of bills or amendments would be: the “McDonald
Amendment”. This amendment would prevent access to tax-payer funded legal services to gay
But legislative bills and amendments aren’t the only dangers lesbians and gay men face today.
Gay people still face discrimination in jobs and housing every day. Nearly 10%, according to
one study, actually lose their jobs simply because they are gay, without legal recourse.
Literally millions of others live in constant fear of discovery and resulting discrimination.
Likewise, current immigration laws prohibit gay people from entering this nation. Something
must be done.
And it is.
A Professional Lobby With a Critical Job to - -
do. . .

Despite a diflicult political climate, the Gay Rights National
1152:3152? been very efiectrve at protecting most of our vrtal I . . t8 d Resources, But a

One of GRNL’s strengths is our clear focus. Instead of Tremendous Track Record
maintaining many agendas on many issues, GRNL con- Even in these diflicult times, the Gay
centrates on one target: Congress. With the local impact of Rights National Lobby has accom—
federal laws such as the Family Protection Act, GRNL’s suc— plished a tremendous amount for every
cess is important to all of us. dollar contributed.

With our clear mission and carefully defined goals &. A few of our achievements to this
objectives, GRNL is fighting an increasingly sophisficated point are:
battle. _ Record co—sponsorship of

Direct legislative advocacy on Capitol Hill, coalition- House and Senate Gay Civil Rights bills;
building and mobilization of key public opinion leaders and _ Effective coalition-building
organizations are just one part of the fight Gay Rights which defeated the Reagan Administra—
National Lobby wages on behalf of civil rights, human dign— tion’s nomination of the anti-gay Rover
ity, and equal justice for lesbians and gay men. end Sam Hart t0 the U. S. Civil Rights

Another part of the battle is being fought at the grass Commission;
roots. GRNL’s unique commitment to this area has led to the _ Founding a successful conven—
establishment of a National Constituent Network capable of tion project to gain a gay civil rights
generating pro—gay rights letters to Congress. That network, plank in the National Democratic Plat-
coupled with our local Congressional District Organizers form;
known as Field Associates (in almost every state) and the de— _ Congressional hearings, with
velopment of Regional Oflices around the country, helps testimony by prominent national public
GRNL to be uniquely prepared for the national organizing opinon leaders, on anti-discrimination
that will make a difference in Congress. leg‘slation ;

In fact, the Gay Rights National Lobby is the only national In addition, GRN L maintains many
gay organization with a regional office on the West Coast important ongoing programs, such
and in the Midwest. as: . . , .

Our success has attracted support. Our membership and Careful mo_n1tor mg Of antl—
contributions have doubled in each of the past five years gay amendments lrke the .McDonald
and an impressive array of movement leaders have joined Afrnendment to legal servrces, and
the Lobbyis Board of Directors. t e ongomg AIDS PROJECT to secure

In a short time, the Gay Rights National Lobby has accom— adequate federal research filndmg
plished a great deal to improve your life. gaggggllged Immune D eficrency

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