xt780g3h075f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3h075f/data/mets.xml Kentucky United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky. Meeting of Supervisors (1940 : Louisville, Ky.) 1940 64 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number GV54.K4 U65 1940. books  English [Louisville, Ky. : Work Projects Administration, Kentucky, 1939] This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Recreation Planning Conference: Minutes, Spring-Summer Meeting of Supervisors, State-Wide Recreation Project, WPA, Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, Ky., March 25-30, 1940 text Recreation Planning Conference: Minutes, Spring-Summer Meeting of Supervisors, State-Wide Recreation Project, WPA, Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, Ky., March 25-30, 1940 1940 1940 2015 true xt780g3h075f section xt780g3h075f      :  ;      
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   TABLE or comm1Nrs___
§§;; Foreword
§§§V N Personnel of Conference
ggwil " A St€@TlH§ COmmltt89 For CODf€T€DC9 »¤ •¤¤•·••••••·••..·...•..•..........•. B
  U   Committee •••·•••••••¤•••••¤•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8
  . l onciri zmriox-1 Aim Amnmisrniriom
§§% ‘ Factors that Enter into the Selection and Location of a Playground ...... 9
§§Q l ' — Layout of Facilities and Play Areas ............ .......... ......... ...... lO
§g;` ,’v_ - BUdgGtS ••.•··••..•.•••·.·.....••.·••••.».•»-••.••.»...-.••··.·••••··••• I5
§{W ;v_ _ Methods for Scheduling Recreation Leaders on a Playground .... .... ....... I6
gi. V Program.for the Playground ......... ....... . ...... .... .... . .... .......... 21
QQP Playground Apparatus .... . ...... . ..... . ....... . .... . .................. .... 22
QP r``V Public Information Program for a Playground Neighborhood . .... . .......... 26
l§gi Safety Program for a Summer Playground ..... . ...................... . ..... EO
fil , General Suggestions on a Point System for the Playground .. ..... . .... .... El
  `     •|||l1||||•••I|II••IQIOQIIIIII•••|I••III|lIlIIIIOIOIIIOI  
y?- " General Summary Organizationr Administration, and Supervision of Plgr'ds.. 55
S! ,o·v »- 4 Report of Committee on Social Recreation ... ...... ...................¤... 36
QQ, · ATtS &Hd CT&ftS v•·•.··•.·.·••••••.••»•••••..•..•.•••.....••••»••··•··••.· 39
ir; Folk Dancing .••·•••·•..·.•••.••••·•••·••.·••.»•...•..••.•.•..-•»»•·••»•• dl
;3 ·v.` DT&m3tlCS ••»·»•.··•••.••..••...•»»·•.••..·•.•...•»••••••·•••··•••»··•••• 42
·V»`‘ E K M AdOlGSC€Ht Drama .•».•...•..•.•....••·••·•.••.•••.•.•.•.•.•..••·••••»•»»·• Q3
Q I _ Childrens' Play Centers ...............»....; .... ..,..................... 45
Y y Physical Activities ............................... ;.»f .................. 47
é·‘ Nature Study .r... . .... ................ ....... . ...... ..................... 50
Pr CY&ft &Dd Hobby Fairs .,...0....................•..»»...-»••·••··•·»•·••• 51
;_# » Garden Programs and Flower Shows . ,.... . .............,............ . ...... 52
`yy“ Beautification of Playgrounds ..... . ...,.................... .. ........... 55
T; ` C&mplHg ••·••..•..•....••···•.••.•....•¤•.·..·••••»•••»•.••.••·.••.•••••• 54
» Baseball .............. . ........ . ...... .. ................................. 55
3   ‘U’||Uilllll\I••II••p•¢•|||•||¢••||••||•q•••I••II•|••l•IIl|OI||•|  
;. Model AlI']')léi1'l8S ..................................................•·..·.• 57
* The Place of Music in the Recreation Program ............................ 58
  Oc .,_ O . "
rg_ $_ Plans for Spring and summer Music ...................................... . 59
ya J *“‘* ·—··——~——~—————~——~—*————-—————————————
  D     q••|•q••||||••||••||•|•••|•|•|nn•|n•||•|•Il|l||·|I|•|•|•l|  
  SPOHSOTQS COI'ltFlbUJClOH ..............•............•.••.•••••.•·••·•··••·•  
,3 é Nbnthly Report (Rec-IO) ........,......................................... 65
J ig Steering Committee For Noxt Conference .... ............... ........ .... ... 64

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 F O R E`W O H D__
The Supervisors Planning Conference was held
p at the Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky,
. March 25-50. The purpose of this conference
` was to formulate plans for the organization
U of summer playgrounds,the training of Recre-
ation Loaders,and a program of activities to
Y be conducted. .
we were indeed fortunate in having Mr. Frank
Bentley, Regional Supervisor of Professional
and Service Division, and Mr. Earl D. Hale,
State Supervisor, Community Service Section,
to open the conference. Mr. Bentley also at-
tended the session of the conference on Wed-
nesday and gave a short address on the trends
of the recreation program.
Austin J. Welch
State Supervisor of Recreation

_ `T Austin J. Welch. State Supervisor
“ Douglas Ramey Executive Assistant State Supervisor
Paul D. Binford Supervisor of Training and Social Recreation
Edward L. Smith Supervisor of Physical Activities
Alice Moore Supervisor of Nature Study, Camping, and Pre~School
Harry Jackson Supervisor of Arts and Crafts
Tommy A. Noonan Supervisor of Puppetry and Folk Dancing
Ben Russak Supervisor of Drama and Choral Music
District l and 2 Jack Goodykoontz Area Supervisor Paducah
Addie Edwards Asst. Area Supvr. Trenton
Horace L. Beard Asst. Area Supvr. Central City
Forrest Rice Recreation Director Paducah
District 3 and 4 Charles Braidwood Area Supervisor Bowling Green
Mary Ruth Shiver Asst, Area Supvr. Owensboro
Eunice H. Batsel Asst. Area Supvr. Bowling Green
Flossie Lindsey Asst. Area Supvr. Brownsville
District 5 and G Richard O. Richards Area Supervisor Louisville
Asher B. Strull Asst. Area Supvr. Danville
Josephine Burger Project Supervisor Louisville
District 7 and 8 George D. Downing' Area supervisor Lexington
LaFayette Carmine,Jr. Asst. Area Supvr. Lexington
Virginia Nosler Recreation Director Covington
Edna B. Dryden Recreation Director Paris
District 9 Wilford C. McCarty Area Supervisor London
Uncas J. Miller Asst. Area Supvr. Somerset
John L. Moore Asst. Area Supvr. Pineville
District 10 - ll James F. Haggard Area Supervisor Ashland
and l2 Mary Betty Brown Asst. Area Supvr. Hazard
Robert Montgomery Asst. Area Supvr. Paintsville
Edith Sparks Atkins Asst. Area Supvr. Ashland
Leola H. Caudill Asst. Area Supvr. Morehead

Ninth and Broadway
- 'Hotel Seelbach - Eeception Room, Tenth Floor
MONDAY March 25, 1940
U 8:50 - 9:00 Registration — Steering Com ittee.
9:00 — 10:15 Opening of Conference - Austin J. Welch
Introduction of Mr. Frank Bentley, Regional Supervisor of P&S
Division, and Hr. Earl D. Hale, State Supervisor of Cmununity
Service Section.
Problems to be considered during the conference, and methods .
to be used, __
The Functions of the Study Com ittees — Paul D. Binford
Evaluation of the Training Program, January l to April l.
10:15 — 10:30 Recess
10:50 — 12:00 l. Program Planning Committee - Summer Playground Activities.
Sub—committee meetings — Consideration of types of activity
to be conducted in each phase of the program on the summer
4 playground.
Aww wm &aMs
Richard 0. Richards — John Cantrell — Uncas J. Hiller
Horace L. Beard - Leola M. Caudill
Egiure Study
Josephine Burger - Wilford C. McCarty - Robert Montgomery
Plossie Lindsey — Addie Edwards — Mary Ruth Shiver
.- Physical Activities
Jack Goodykoontz - Charles Braidwood - George Downing
James F. Haggard ~ LaFayette Carmine - Mary Betty Brown
Asher B• Strull
Eunice H. Batsel · Edith Sparks Atkins - Virginia Nosler
John L. Moore
12:00 — l:00 Lunch.

 - 3 -
MONDAY (Continued)
1:00 — 2:50 l. Program Planning Committee — Summer Playground Activities.
Sub—eom ittee Meetings — Consideration of types of activity
to be conducted in each phase of program on the sum er
Edith Sparks Atkins ~ Eunice H. Batsel — Virginia Nosler
Leola M. Caudill - Horace L. Beard — Josephine Burger
Mary Ruth Shiver ~ Charles Braidwood
Folk Dancing
Asher B. Strull - John L. Moore - Mary Betty Brown
Leola M, Caudill - John B. Cantrell — George Downing
Social Recreation
Addie Edwards — Flossie Lindsey — LaFayette Carmine
Uncas J. Miller ~ Robert Montgomery — James F. Haggard
Use of Reports for Public Relations
Austin J. Welch - Edward L. Smith — Jack Goodykoontz
Richard O. Richards — Wilford C. McCarty
2:50 ~ 5:00 Recess
5:00 ~ 5:00 Dr. Augustus Zanzig — Music Specialist, National Recreation
Association — Meet at Y.M.H.A. — 2nd and York Street.
(*) Group III. The Music Survey. Organization of Musical Groups.
7:00 ~ 8:50 Program Planning Committee. Summer Playground Activities. ·
Sub—Committee Meetings.
Children*s Little Theatre
Children’s Play Centers
(*) Dr. Zanzig*s Institute is being conducted in three groups.
Group I — 10:00 — 12:00 Music Leadership skills and materials for Uusic
Leaders and Music Supervisors.
Group II » 1:50 ~ 5:00 The Music Workshop,
Personnel same as Group I.
Group III — 5:00 — 5:00 The Organization Problems of a Community Music
Personnel to be Recreation Supervisors and others
who have special permission.

 TUESDAY _ Ihrch 26, 1940
8:50 - 8:45 Announcements — Steering Cmmnittee.
8:45 - 10:15 1. Program Planning for the Summer Playgrounds,
Report from all sub—committees on playground program.
10:15 - 10:50 Recess.
10:50 » 12:00 1. Continuation of meeting on Program Planning for the
Summer Playground.
Il. Organization, Administration, and Supervision of Playgrounds.
(a) Factors Affecting Location of Playgrounds —
James F. Haggard
(b) Layout of Facilities and Play Areas —
Charles Braidwood
(c) Lighting for Recreation Areas —
George Downing
d How to Pre are a Flaiground Budget.
J, e
(e) Scheduling of Yorkers — Horace L. Beard
(f) Equipment — Plorsio Lindsey — Mary Ruth Shiver U
(g) A Public Information Program for the Playground
’ ` Neighborhood ~ Asher B. Strull
(h) A Safety Proqram for the Sumner Playground — Uncas killer
(i) A Point System for the Playground — Zhry Betty Brovn
(j) How to Supervise a Playground.
12:00 — 1:00 Lunch.
1:00 - 2:50 ll. Continuation of the meeting on Organization, Administration,
and Supervision of Playrrounds.
, 2:50 — 5:00 Recess
5:00 — 5:00 Dr. Zanzig - Y.M.H,A. .
lmsic Materials for Spring and Summer.

 _ WEDNESDAQ Phrch 27, 1940
_ 1 8é50 - 8:45 Announcements — Steering Com ittee. -
5§45 ~ 10:15 II. -0rganization and Administration of Playgrounds (Continued)
— Austin J. Welch
` 10:15 - 10:50 Recess.
V 10:50 - 12:00 Training — Paul D. Binford
(a) ln—Service Training for Playground Leaders.
(b) Training for Negro Leaders.
(0) Training of Leaders for Summer Cmnps.
(d) Announcement of College Level Training.
12:00 — lg0O Lunch
1;00 - 2:50 Organization of Special Programs and Special Events for the
1. Baseball (Junior and Senior) - Edward L. Smith
2. Baseball Clinics l
2:50 -» 5:00 Recess. ~ _
5;00 T 5:00 Dr. Zanzig ~ Y.H.H.A.
Music Applicable to the Playground.

 __ IEURSDAY March 28, 1940
‘· 8:30 - 8:45 Announcements - Steering Committee. p —
·* I l 8:45 - 10:15 Organization of Special Events for the Summer.
1. Hobby Shows - Harry Jackson
F I. 2. Craft Exhibits.
7 10:15 — 10:30 Recess
10:30 ·- 12:00 Continuation of Organization of Special Events.
1. "Learn to Swim" Week — Edward L. Smith
2. Aeroplane Meets — Edward L. Smith and Harry Jackson
3. Archery Tournaments - Edward L. Smith
H U U 4. Badminton Tournaments - Edward L. Smith
l 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 Continuation of Organization of Special Events.
1. Gardening and Flower Shows - Alice Moore
·— · 2. Beautification of Playground I
—. . 3. Outdoor Theatre and Pageants - Ben Russak
3:00 - 5:00 Dr. Zanzig - Y.M.H.A.
Music suitable for camps.
7:30 Moving pictures of Olympio Games and Amateur World *
Baseball picture - Seelbach Hotel (Ballroom}

 - 5 -
Eggég March 29, 1940
$:50 - 8:45 Announcements - Steering Committee.
3:45 — 10:15 Procedures — Douglas Ramey
1. Discussion of work which may be performed by Unskilled
Project employees in connection with playgrounds, centers,
equipment, etc.
2. inventories
(a) Requisiting materials and equipment.
(b) Movement of property, both intra-county and inter-
(0] Reporting of repair and production of equipment.
10:15 — 10:50 Recess.
10:30 — 12:00 Procedures — Douglas Ramey
Continuation of No. l and Ho. 2.
3. Sponsors' contributions
(a) Acceptable items I
(b) Reporting on 710 and 710-s
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 — 2:00 Camping ~ Alice Hoore
2:30 - 3:00 Recess
5:00 — 5:00 Dr. Zanzig — T.N.H.A:
Organization of Spring and Sumner Yusic Festivals.

 - 7 -
SATURDAY Merch 50, 1940
1 l 8:50 — 8:45 Announcements - Steering Committee. `
A ' 8:45 — 10:15 i Completion of plans for music for the spring ond summer
_ months - Grace Whitney and Ben Russek
10:15 ~ 10:50 Recess
10:50 — 12:00 Childrens’ Community Theatre et Y. W, C. A.
12:00 — 1:00 Lunch
1:00 — 2:50 Public Relations - Austin J. Welch
1. County-wide Sponsors' Meetings
2. Observence of State-wide Recreation Week
5. "This Work Peys Our Community" Week
4• Use of the Radio
5. "Leisure Leader" and Use of Our Bulletins.
2:50 — 5:00 Recess
5:00 — &:50 Completion of Reports and Adjournment. A

 l a -
A ` Wilford C. McCarty, Chairman
' . Virginia Nosler .
Horace L. Beard
John L. Moore .
Leola Nhrgaret Caudill
A training program should function in a genuinely democratic manner. It fol-
' ‘ lows, if fine human relationships are always maintained, that all persons en-
gaged in training will share in the development of the program. Trainees
" : ” should help with the preparation and modification of plans, the examination
of techniques and the evaluation of the results of the experience.
The Steering Committee may do this by;
A. Representing the trainees in all matters necessary to bc brought to
the attention of the program administration of the conference
B. Reveal the feeling of the group as to;
l. Whether a common understanding is being reached between trainers
and trainees
M , 2. Is the training method being used achieving the goal
5. Is the training program.functioning in a truly democratic
N A manner? ‘
C. Help determine the needs of the participants with respect to training
D. .Help plan a practical program to meet such needs
` l E. ‘Help supervise the operation of the training program and attend to
mechanical arrangements
‘ U F. Bring in the com nnity point of view
. G. Help evaluate the results of the training program.
V .Ln:y Ruth Shiver, Chairman
Edith Sparks Atkins
Jack Goodykoontz
Asher B. Strull
Thi¤.committge was appointed by the Steering Committee to be responsible for
the content of the reports and summaries throughout the entire conference.

  .. 9 ..
  As each community is an individual problem no set formula can be established.
However, there are a number of factors which should be considered before the
‘, construction of a playground is begun.
I. The first factor is the need of a playground. This need can be deter-
minsd by making u survey within the commu ity to determine the existing
facilities, leadership available, and the program.which is being offer-
ed to the public by other agencies.
II. Before the construction of any playground a definite budget should be
established, and bids and plans on the construction should be consider-
cd, maintenance cost, or thu mmmuut of moncy to bc spfnt for iwyr0vc—
m¤nbs, and thu money available for supervision. jmck coxmwxity contem-
plating building u playgrounu should take all of thc abovc faeborc into
consideration. The coxmmnity should bc aware of exactly whmb ii is to
cost for construction, ani Rhw coxt of op ration mftor cww¤letiwu.
III. Playgrounds should be l0cmtc& in the most haavily p0pulat¤d s¤cti0ns of
hewn. Statistics show t*u% sm ll ckildran up to the mg~s of f urt0©n
will not go farther than a quarter of a mile fr0m.bh0ir homes *0 plny~
grounds. Therefore, it is n000s.ary that it be in the next hrhvily
populutmd areas, and, in khic connection, the Park Syst m nh©ul# Elan
bw havc Small chi1dr©ns' playgrounds located in vnrjuur svctisuc mf ihc
community. Older boys and girls pill travel ax much as a nilw for h1@v-
ly orgnnizcd rccrcaniun; therefore, in each ccmwunity, bivy¤ wlould bc
Gémtrally locmtmd one large playground with facilities xcccsrwry to m0~
cmmnodmtc all hixhly organized activities.
IV. Playgrounds sh0u1& he loegtai On sites which nré less hxcnvdous as to
ivnffic. A good plan in to locate playgrounds where fhv? will bc sur—
rounded by Qwcllingm and away from all highways ani main lame: of
V. The site under consideration for u wlmygycund shoull b¢ QV 1*vwl as
?>OVJf=ib].0_, `boizh as 2;:1 nii V0 {fic ijj1‘Og11‘f’*.2“`l txiifi   1`G_·;U.1`.`LS 2OI1i"}71“uc’bi