xt780g3gz713 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3gz713/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-02-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1944 1944 1944-02-11 2013 true xt780g3gz713 section xt780g3gz713 THE

On Page Four
'Cats Take Illini
In Season's Thriller




Convo Is Scl


This is the last day on which
students may obtain Student
Directories, it was announced
Copies are available In room 127, Union building.
The book, issued by the Student Government association,
contains the correct names,
telephone numbers of all students at the University

To De Followed


patriotic convocation celebrat- ing the birthday cf George Waih- -'


ington. at which Governor Simeon
S. Willis and Ma. Gen. Charles L.
Foott commanding officers of the
Command, at Ft. Knox,
i Armored
the speakers, will be held
at Alumni gymnasium at 10:30
aJn. Tuesday, February 22, accord- quarter.
lUneSt.Wt df " '
to an announcement Just issued
membership in
President Herman Lee Donovan,
the Assembly by the Judiciary
committee. However, when he re- - AU University classes will be
the University at the be-- I missed and offices closed from 10
finning of the winter quarter plans to 12 ajn. that day In order that
were made to have him return to students, faculty, and staff may at-ttend.
group to fill his own vacancy.
Members of the AS TP unit at
List Presented
The military department anAccording to the Constitution of the University - will attend the conI
nounced today that approximately
the SGA, when a vacancy occurs
832 men are now enrolled in the
lnJ-hcenter, ot
the representatives select a tern- 1
C11C1H1 pUUliC
iJl- - military training program
AltlOtUIU. A 11C
in opera
names submitted by the dean of vited to attend the exercises.
tion on the campus. This is a deGovernor Willis, speaking to a crease of 400 since September.
the college in which the vacancy
exists. At the last meeting such a University audience for the first
Of the total 832 trainees, 549 are
list was presented, but since it con- time since his inauguration, will enrolled in the basic training pro- give an-- address on George Wash
tained the names of women stugram, 223 advanced training prodents who would be ineligible for ington. General Scott, who was In gram, 41 ASTRP, and 18 ASTP-ROTNorth Africa as an observer with
the position, a new list was reThe basic trainees include
the British during the battle of
quested and It was asked that
time, 51 soldiers study- name be included. The new Alemain. will discuss the current for the first
medical and!
list was presented at Tuesday world conflict.
dental courses. The remaining
eight's meeting.
A patriotic musical program will ASTP-ROTmen are awaiting or- - I
Oratory such as had not been be presented by the University ders for Officer's Candidate School.
beard In the Assembly since Jim band, under the direction cf Dr.
This is the fourth term the solCollier, former president of the Alexander Capurso, and Miss
dier students have been on the
made his farewell address cred Lewis will lead the assembly campus since the installation of
was brought Into play in the dis- - I In community singing of patriotic
the ASTP program in May 1943.
Mission of candidates. A heated songs. Dr. Donovan will preside,
Since that time
debate ensued when military serv- The complete program will be 1,400 men have received training in
Ice and draft status were brought announced later.
basic and advanced engineering
Into the controversy.
courses. Upon graduation each man
has received certificate which will
allow him to apply the work acAfter the vote had been cast. V Jl 11 I
complished under the ASTP proUve, called fcr a roll call vote, but
gram to requirements on a college
It was ruled that, according to Robert's Rules of Order, a member of
Members cf the ASTRP unit,
he losing side cannot ask for such
well- - volunteers not yet draft age, have
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch,
a vote after the vote has been known authority on the
Dutch studied basic college courses until
Vaot TnHlac nuttm
OnI Vt Aa A rf their eighteenth birthday, at which
Discussion of the 1943-4- 4
budget tne
'Cepartmeat on time they were inducted into the
'Continued on Page Four?
leave, is expected to return to the Army. Having received, basic mili'
University and resume his position tary training, they are again eli
here next quarter. He is now em- gible for the regular ASTP pro- ployed by the State department in gram.
the Division of Territorial Studies
This ASTP division is in the
in Washington, D. C.
1548th Service Unit under the diDr. Vandenbosch
will Instruct rection of Colenel B. E. Brewer.
classes in American government
which will be open to lower division
and also International
Mortar Board . . .
Law and the Governments
S p.m. today id Politics of Eastern Asia for the up- -'
:'. . will meet at
the Union building.
per bracket and graduate students.
The Red Cross surgical dressDr. Henry Noble Sherwood, who is
Howard HalTs
ing room will open Tuesday,
now acting head of the department,
. . . dancing class will be held at
February 22, in room 1 of the
pm. Wednesday In the Bluegrasi will remain at the University.
Home Economics building on
room of the Union building.
When interviewed on the sub- the campus.
Ject, Dr. Sherwood said: "It is a
Camptis Sing
The tentative schedule at
. . . will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thurs- - marked recognition of his scholar- am, and from
day In the Bluegrass room of the EhP and good judgment to be asked t present is
p.m, on Tuesdays, and
bv the State department to serve
Union bulk! ing.
p.m. on Thurs.from 7:30-1- 0
there as a consultant In the DiviDutch Lunch . . .
. . . will meet at noon today in the sion of Territorial Studies.
interestColonial Bowling lanes. Lieut. know of no other student who has edAll men and womenwar work
In this phase of
Simms will speak on Love and Mar- given so much time to the study of
the problems of Eastern Asia and
are urged to attend.
is better able to advise our governWorkers must bring either
Decoration . . .
ment about its relation to them.
a white uniform or women a
. . . committee
of the YWCA tfill His return to the University will
clean wash dress to be worn
meet at 4:30 pjn. Monday in the Y be welcome news to many students
while there.
lounge. Union building.
and to his colleagues who enjoy his
Fellowship . . .
genial fellowship and admire his
. . . group of the Maxwell Street studious habits."
Presbyterian church will meet at
5.30 pm. Sunday for supper, at
pm. for Evensong, and at 6:30 p.m. YM-YWC- A
for a discussion.
TWCA Cabinet . . .
. . . will meet at 6:15 pm Wednes19
day in the Y office, Union building.
The social committee of the
Baptist Stndent
will entertain with a leap
By Wanda Lee Spears
. . union will meet at 5 p.m. Monyear
dance from
day in the BSU room. Union p.m. February 19 in the ball room
kindly man
The tall,
who has reigned supreme over the
of the Union building.
Freshman Club . . .
An international theme will be music department of the Univer. . bowling party will be held at
years is
used in the decorations and for the sity for about twenty-si- x
J 30 pm Saturday at the Colonial program. Blllie Dale and Helen Carl A. Lampert. Mr. Lampert
Bowling lanes.
are in charge will appear in Sunday's concert
of the program which will consist for his last time as a conductor be. . . regular meetings will be held at of a floor show put on by students cause of his retirement next May.
certainly one of the Unlver
15 pm Tuesday.
at the University.
An orchestra j
sity's most widely known and bewill furnish the music.
Co nopoliUn . . .
loved professors.
.. . . club will meet at 7 p m. SaturThe proceeds made at the dance
German-Bor- n
day in the Y lounge. Union build wiU be contributed to the World
Mr. Lampert was born in GerIng: The Rev. H. M. Patton wi3 Student Christian Federation by
many but came to America at the
discuss Abraham Lincoln.
aire of seven, and now. to express
The price of admission will be lt jg jn his own terms, he is "vio- Mcvnu
. . . club will hold mass and a 50 cents per person or couple and lently American." After coming to
"breakfast meeting at 9:30 a.m. Sun. both girls and boys will be admitted America his father settled in St.
day at St. Catherine's academy.
without dates.
Louis. Although neither of his parOuting Club . . .
Duane Van Home and Helen ents were professional, both were
'. . . will leave the Union building Harrison,
of tre so- - musical and his earliest memories
at 2 pm. Sunday.
cial group, are in charge of ar-- j are of the old folk songs of all the
rangements for the affair.
world that his family used to sing.
Cleo Dawson . . .
. . . will review her book. She '
He first attended a small college In Illinois, where he organCame to the Valley, at 6:15 pm. MnviA
today in the Card room of the
ized his first band. Then he reUnion building.
Sun Valley Serenade featuring turned to St. Louis and finai'y
Sonja Henie, John Payne, and went to study at Prague, where
Valentine's . . .
. . . Day tea dance will be given Glenn Miller and hi nrcVioctra wiU the world's most famous violin
between 5:30 pjn. and 7:30 p.m. be shown at 5:45 pjn. Monday In teacher mea.
Monday In Jewell hall. All soldiers the Union building.
The charge1 He played with the Chicago
symphony from 1900 to 1908; he
Ttn h in writ,
we invited, It was announced.



Van Horn To
Head SuKv


Engineer Will
Succeed Nickell




senior from Binghamton, N. Y..
was elected president of SuKy" for
the coming year, at a meeting held
Monday in the Union building. He

032 Soldiers
Now Enrolled

succeeds Bill Nickell, Lexington.
Van Horn is a member of Delta
Chi fraternity, and of the Y Senior
cabinet He is also
the social committee of the


















Pll llO?f


May Return

Briclis For Our Field'House
Figurative bricks were laid in the foundation of Kentucky's mythical field house Monday night at the reception-dance
following that unforgettable game. Students
representing all the counties of Kentucky mingled and
mixed, danced and chatted with senators and representatives from the Kentucky General Assembly. And, to
continue a metaphor, the building materials were of every
color- - size,

and shape.

Other officers elected were Ellen
ODannon, Lexington, vice president, succeeding Betty Proctor;
Betty Ann Brauer, Lexington, secretary, succeeding Ellen O'Bannon;
and Mary Lillian Davis, Shelbyvfiie,
treasurer, succeeding Jimmy Hurt.


It was decided that new mem-- 1
bers would be taken in after the
and state
school basketball seasons are
SuKy's purpose in the past nas
been to promote school spirit. The
has sponsored trips
the band, and held pep rallies
for football' and basketball games.

The star brick layer was, beyond any shadow of a
doubt, Jacquelyn Wiedeberg, who not only made a gracious hostess but went one step farther. She got one
senator so interested that he took down her name and
address and asked to take ber to dinner the next time
he comes to Lexington. No doubt he'll vote for the proposed building. Yes, loudly and lustily. So, to Jackie
we attribute one wheelbarrow of bricks and promise her
a free seat at the first game held in the field house.



Red Cross Room
To Open Tuesday








Really bringing in the promises was Eleanore Keeti.
Glancing shyly at one of the legislators, she asked,
"What about the field house?"
"Honey," he drawled (from the southern part of the
state, no doubt), "you're worth two field houses."
Presiding at the punch bowl, one coed suggested

that every cup of punch she poured represented one
brick for the field house. A thirsty representative offered his cup for a refill with the remark, "Okay, lady,
I'm nailing on the roof."

One of the men, it seems, had introduced a bill pertaining to road houses in restricted areas. His colleagues,
during the entire reception, chided him with slogans
like, "Keep your eyes on the field house; not on the
road house." The Kernel seconds the motion.

Even the janitors and people cleaning up the Blue-graroom after the affair caught the spirit of the evening, according to an unconfirmed rumor which has been
floating around the campus. The tale goes that after the
guests had departed, these people had quite a party of
on the
their own with one beating out
piano and the others keeping the floor hot with the
"Sugar Foot." And it is said (still unconfirmed, unofficial, etc.) that one of them shouted. "Oh. brother!
Couldn't we really throw some parties if we had a field
house !"



Grand Old Geiillennui Of Music
To Leavcf Campus After 26 Years

To Give

Leap Year Dance

On February





grey-haire- d,





Professor Carl A. Lampert will
make his last appearance as con- -i
ductor of the University Philhar-- I
monic Orchestra when he conducts
the concert at 4 p. m. Sunday in
Memorial hall.
Professor Lampert came to the
University in 1918, and he organized
the orchestra in that year. He has
conducted the group since that
time. During the years the symphony orchestra has been of service, not only to the students of
th University, but also to talented
and trained musicians in Lexington and nearby towns. Since its
beginning the orchestra has 1 v
peared at a number of towns and
cities in Kentucky, including Louisville. In addition to regular symphonic concert programs the or
chestra acts as the accompanying
unit for choral nrcvntfttinrm nf
Elijan 8nd the Messiah.
Annual Event
The orchestra, under Professor
direction. has been an
annual event on the Sunday after-hig- h
noon musicale series, and this year,
despite the fact that the war has





performers, the Philharmonic Or- Chestra is continuing to function
with the help of high school pupils
and other community musicians.
The program will Include: Selec- m
Purchasing a
tions from Hansel and Gretel. Hum- - week
for SGA from Miss Bach
' perdinck;
Introduction and Scherzo 1500
Pml m tnc meeung
the Symphonic
Hart Presides
Hymn of Praise. Mendelssohn: Se- -i
Jimmy Hurt, master of ceremonlections from Faust Adagio. Tem
po di Valse and Soldier's Chorus. ies for the convocation, will introGounod; Ballet Music from Faust duce student and faculty represenEntry of the Trojan Maidens. tatives seated on the platform.
Virginia E. Wesley, Lexington,
Soto Dance of Helen, and The Bac- - These will include Miss Bach;
has been elected president of the
- Duane Van Horn, new- - .
Women's Administrative
Council chanale and Entry of Fhrvne. Gou- which is in charge of the 1944 an- nod: From the Western World
Weisenberger, president of the
nual women's banquet at the Uni- Allegro RUoluto and Larghetto, e. Union board; Bettye McClanahan.
Entr'acte frcm
Schubert: Blue Danube chairman cf the Victory center to
be located hi the Union building.
Sara Ewing, Louisville, was elect- - j Waltz, Strauss.
; Ted Jaracz, baritone who win
ed treasurer and Edith Weisenberg- Townspeople as well as tudtnu at the convocation; Laura
er, Lexington, was named chairman
are invited to this concert
Blake, who will accompany Jaraci;
for investigating banquet possibiliMembers
Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president
ties. Scholarship committee chair Continued on Page Four
Members of the orchestra are:
man is Elizabeth Faulkner. Lexing- Violin: Sidney Aldridge, Mary Bax- - j
ter. Lee C. Crook, Miriam Gerber,
The Council, composed of presi-- I Edwin Good. Mabel Gumm, Betty J.
sororities, residence
dents of all
A lKort
Vf oJlt
halls and women s organizations, Mm
GIenn guu
deludes Eloise Bennett Patey Hor- - burton viola;
Weis- ka Bf-H- Wgene
Mlss Elmquist.
Wesley. Sara CeUo. EmU
Jonn B
Lee Mock, Virginia Long, Nancy gtri
Byrd. Lucy Byrd Oliver. Mildred
rnflrtaf tju.ni.
garet Davis, Doris Pollitt, Betty ilutsky.Dilliam Heaton. Murrell Sa
By Shirley Mebtler
Oboe: Jane Campbell. Cor
Ligon, Betty Broaddus, Elizabeth net:
Jeanne Lowery. French horn:
Qaestfon: D
think that EsHines, Eloise Ammerman, Betty
Stuart Urbach. Gene Whicker, quire shnld be deprived f Ilk secTevis. Alice Watklns, Jane Oldham, Connie Richardson.
E flat Bass: ond clans maUing privileges?
Lucille Brown. Celia Bederman,
McKamey. Trombone:!
Virginia Lipscomb. Betty Payne, Dorothy
Pvt. Jack Winters. Bradley hall:
Jack Fletcher. Joseph C. Wells.
Anita Roos, Patricia Thornton,
Barbara Allen. Charlie
Betty Fleishman. Florida Garrison.
Dickerson, Allen Carpenter. Drums: that remind me of home.
Elizabeth Faulkner, Sara Ewing,
Pvt. Bud Minter. Breckinridge
Catherine Goman, Ellen Zelgler.
and Carolyn Spicer.
hall: Esquire should have second
The banquet will be held during
class mailing privileges and dethe spring quarter for all women
serves priority over all other read- -,
on the campus.
ing material.
Dr. Mel Phunmer. Bead f the
JuarnaHsm department: Not in the
way that Postmaster General Walk
A Valentine dance, sponsored by er proceeded, and certainly not upthe Union board, wUl be held from on the thesis he used. Few persons
9 to 12 tomorrow night in the Blue-gra- ss outside of journalism realize the
room of the Union building. import of this issue.
Maj. Laurence Allan Herron, UniElisabeth Ana knelling.
The theme of the dance, which
versity graduate, and former editor
freshman: I sure don't because I
of The Kernel, now aide to Maj. will honor the new soldiers on the
need something to keep me busy
Gen. James L. Collins, returned to campus, will be carried out in the through these lonely nights.
campus this week with General Valentine motif. Upon entrance,
Prt Shehten
Collins, and Lieut. Gen. George each guest will receive a
hall: Anything Esquire
Grunert and their staff who are card. The Troubadours will furvisiting the University ASTP unit nish the music. The charge will be does is O.K. with me as long as lt
while on a tour of the Eastern De- 25 cents for men, and women must sticks to sex.
present their hostess cards.
Cornelias, Breckinridge
fense command.
The air cadets at Transylvania lull: No, we want freedom of the
Major Herron, of Covington, was
and Centre college, the Navy men press.
editor of The Kernel in 1932-3trainees at; rtc. Kenneth Haflman. Patter- a member of Delta Tau Delta, an at Morehead, the
ROTC student, and graduated in Berea. and the ASTP at Richmond son kaU: Certainly not, it would
1933. He married Jane Anne Ma- - have been Invited to attend.
shelve the sex life of the Army.
Chaperones will be Dr. and Mrs. were the rights taken away.
thew. Kappa Delta, and society ed
who j. Huntley Dupre. Dr. and Mrs. E.
itor of The Kernel in 1932-3rUy GaUaher. A AS. freshman:
was formerly employed in the li J. Asher. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- - No. I don't, because too many peobrary.
wara NewDury.
pe enjoy It. particularly males.
After graduating Herron was
The Dance committee of the
Fvt. R. C. Murray. Jr. Breckin- Herald, Cnion board will be in charge of ridge
city editor on the Dayton
haU: Of course Esquire should
and was employed by the Dayton ri u rro rtymort
be awarded second class mailing
Journal-Heral- d
at the time that he
privileges as the tastes of the ASTP
went into the Army.
must be satisfied.
Traveling in an Army
Pvt. Thamas B. Lswery. Bradley
military party of which
hall: No, I think Esquire is a good
a member, arrived in
morale builder for the soldiers. If
Tuesday preparatory to a confer- Capt. Lawrence D. Neu. adjutant nothing else, ship copies overseas.
ence with Gov. Simeon S. Willis at
Pvt. Henry
Frankfort on Wednesday. General of the 1548th Service unit of the
ASTP stationed at the University, nail: No, because it's frank, outwin rvrmit him. as
been promoted to the rank of spoken, humorous, and it's deprivcommanding general of the East- ing men of the humorous side of
ivi.m. r.n,n,ar.4 t,i confer major.
He was formerly on the staff at sex.
with the governors of each of the
Pvt. Joe Shugarmaa, Beyd hall:
16 states formerly Included in the the Phoenix hotel when the en- Central Defense command and gineering unit was there, and was No, because I must keep up with
student now
consolidated Into the Eastern then transferred to the ASTP xuiit what the
wrs, mal? and femaln w'iv









Ann Cantrell, who was also busy with laying the
foundation, reports that one senator, slightly
after the game, pursued her throughout the evening.
"I'm going to
And every time he approached her-witvote for the field house will you dance with me?"







With the University band, the
Wildcat basketball team, the UK
student representatives, and a Jeep providing a vircircus, the student
tual three-rin- g
war bond drive will open with a
' p. m. Wednesday in Memorial
"all. Classes will not be dismissed,
according to Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean and registrar of the University, but all students who do not
have classes are urged to attend.
Arrangements are being made to
have an officer from Fort Knox,
who has returned from overseas
duty, present at the convocation as
the principal speaker, according to
Eleanor Bach, chairman of the
Victory committee of the Student
Government association which is
sponsoring the drive and the convocation. However, she said, because of military formalities the
plans could not be completed before press time.
Jeep Display
During the entire day, the Jeep,
which is being brought to the campus from the Avon Signal depot,
will be on display m front of the
Union building. Just before the
convocation, the principal speakers
will be driven to Memorial hall In
the Jeep which will be displayed m
front of that building during the
The University band, known for
many years as "The Best Band In
Dixie." will make its first public appearance of the year at the convo
cation, which will resemble an old- fashioned pep rally.
Vincent Spagnuoio. president of
SGA, will start the Victory com-fmittee towards its goal of

Philharmonic To
Present Musicale
In Memorial Hall




Assembly To
Be Held In
Memorial Hall

Lamport Will Conduct
Last Concert Sunday


Patriotic Theme


Bill Embry, Constitutionalist, was
elected to succeed himself as a
representative from the commerce
college to the Assembly of the Student Government association at a
lUTDUieni meeung ui uiai a a o j
Tuesday night.
Party allegiances were severed
and complete disunion in the tra- ditlonal groupings was evidenced
as the election progressed. Embry,
who dropped out of school last


Convocation Set
For Wednesday Will Open
War Bond Drive On Campus

Last Da' For

iFor Feb. 22

Kernel News Editor


11, 1911

Bill Embry, Former Member,
Is Elected As Representative
In Student Legislative Body
In SGA Assembly

$700 Question
Posed By SGA



Is Voted Seat


University in 1918.
Meanwhile he had een in Eu- rope; as he stated he had enougn
experiences to warrant the remark.
"There is peace and nominal peace
but there is war in the air."
His marriage was as romantic as
one would expect of a musician.
He first fell in love with his future
bride's picture and then proceeded
to moo and win her. Since then, he
said, his wife has been to him the
power behind the throne.
He made his band known as the
"Best Band in Dixie." He wrote
both the Alma Mater and On, On
U of K.
WiU Write
After his retirement in his sp&e
time he intends to write a book.
"It will give a clarified version of
every movement of the violin bow,"
he explained. It will be a great
help in the musical world due to
the deficiency of this type of work,
Carl A. Lampert , . .
department, he said.
. . . head of the music
TTiiivtHtir tiu Ints mav well h
will make his last appearance as a
proud of Mr. Lampert's farewell
conductor at Sunday's musicale.


statement, "I think the happiest
taught in the University of North moments of my life have been
he concertized between ' spent at the University of Ken 1911 Rnd ii.8; snd h came to theUucky"

Virginia Wesley
Named Head Of
Women's Council



f V"1?-














Valentine Dance
Set For Tomorrow
In Bluegrass Room

Former Editor
Visits Campus
With Army Men



no-bre- ak











tUpt Lawrence

Receives Promotion






� The Kernel Editorial Page






Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, Kntu-j- ,
fcoii.4 rlkM mutter under the Act or Marrh I. iris.


Board of
Kentuckr Press Association
Rational Editorial Association '









circulation Manager






Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant News Editor


tl.SO One Tear
M One Quarter
rflclet m4 cotumnt mrt to be ctnil4rrcA
,vVton. of lie writer. he.Mlret. .- - tn not
The Kernel.
rtflrt t the opinwia


Shall the Rentuckian receive the .$700 promised to it by the Student Government Assembly?
I lie answer to this question will le deeidetl at
the next meeting of the Assembly.
The facts of the Kcnturkian situation are
these: Micki Rogan, kentiukian business manager, appeared lefore the SGA last fall and
asked for an appropriation of S700 for the 1014
yearbook. The Assembly approved the request.
Last Tuesday night the Finance committee submitted its budget to the Assembly. It was called
to the attention of the Assembly that the Ken-tu- t
kian had a surplus ot over $.1.0HI. The Assembly then appointed a special committee to
investigate the surplusleaving the Rentuckian
approbation on the table.
If the committee so recommends, the Assembly may vote to strike out the fund. SGA President Yince Spagnuolo points to the fact that
the last annual report of the Comjnrollcr showed an SGA surplus of SI. 375 and a Kentiukian
surplus of $.1,764. "Their surplus is almost
three limes as great, let them take the S700 out
of it," savs Spagnuolo.
Miss Rogan and Virginia Ixtng. Kentiukian
editor, sax: "Everv organization on the campus works on a budget. Our commitments for
materials and printing have already been made.
He don i think it ethical on the part of the
SGA to withhold the money promised us. just
as wc are readv to go to press."
Thev point out that the Remuckian surplus
v as built up oxer a period of years. With this
monev on hand, the Kentuckian is able to take
advantage of discounts on engraving, paper,
mxers. and other materials, by pax ing cash,
l.siher than waiting until the end of the year
when its revenue comes in. The discounts
jiiioum to several hundred dollars.

"If the


Fiom where we sat last
Kentucky's Wildcats avenged
of the season bv trouncing
looked like the good
been disinterred and dusted



isn't it?i


in 50.000 box tops from
s Pink Pills for Pale People" to Windy Myers, and he will
send you a beautiful cardboard
Doris McCauley is
a constant subscriber.
Jo Neil and her man had words,
but he didnt get to use his.
Jean Vandevere. Gene Cart. Jane
snn Stone, and Helen Deitch were
chased home by "Transy" coeds
When do you gals
with knives.
have another date with the eadetj'


gen-u-in- e!


pj ry




Where was you on the night of September 15th?







Mil-ma- n.

saw purple striped snakes. Her
roommates were very hurt, as they
were the only living matter around.
Pluf For the Sleepy Head House:
The mattress on bunk 13 is wonderful. All of the girls are taking
turns sleeping on it. The fact that
K"h Adams .married woman.
slept there could have no bearing
w - I i I iiiiik mv '
rtii rnff i :i f i
- ls
fanfare!! In this corner we have
the challenger, Mvra Lee Howard
157 noi.nris in the mirnle
trunks. UK males, look out. she's
eot a powerful left hook.
. Swing II. Senator:
Who says our legislature a
got rhythm? UK gals had the time
that comes once. Western Ken
tucky divulged some real "hepcats."
9. Patt Annex:
novel invention
Mr. Edison's
(you know, the one that people are
always turning outi shines like the
beacon of the light house on the
Cape of Good Hope on the porch
Blanche Gooble
of pgtt Annex.
and Johnny Freholm can be seen
any night throwing rocks at tele. a,
phone poles.
'u House- Virginia Long is a confirmed Annex Scoop:
ASTP Bud Wrong Way Boiion
member of "Ima Sota." She enhimself in the Alpha
veloped a teaspoon of potential and barricaded
Gam house Just before train time.
He likes to tell people he thought
he was to leave on the morrow,
to his superior officer,
he almost left this world.
The new lady riveter that is with
By Shirley Meister
the UK Maintenance Department
rfirl her rlnrnriest nn the nlnte Bln
"Railroads are built by gradfront of Patt Annex. The bin win- ing the 'right of way,' then you
dow in front is nailed down tight.
lay the ties, build bridges, etc.
The architect was so remorseful
Then you put rails on the ties.
when he eft ou, windows in the
You next build a train, sell
nouse. ano oecau.se or me snortage
tickets, and away you go. Choo!
of brick, etc. . . .
10. No End:
This is the answer given by
And there was the little firefly
a freshman to the question
who backed into the electric fan
"Outline briefly the process of
and was delighted no end.
building the transcontinental
11. Snake Eyes:
railroads" which Dr. Thomas
D. Clark, acting head of the
Sarah Hall, of the three stand- University history department,
ing category, has added love to in- asked in a "pop quiz" Friday
telligence. She also has a pin to
in an American History class.
show for it. Phi Delt. Hoss Nuch- friend, not
Our freshman
ols. Who's going to be next? Pat
having had time to read the
Clements, we're watching you!
rather long assignment due to
12. Notice to Pluto:
an "important engagement,"
admitted that it may not be
Do you have peace and quiet
exactly the answer Dr. Clark
down there? We don't deserve it
expected, but he thought his
yet, but we want to come down and
was the briefest way to build
live with you. We have been going
any type of railroad.
up here and we war .
through h
P. S. The grades havent been
reported yet!
Alpha Gam and K D Pledge .
p S : Did Uncoln Free the slaves?

Evelyn Greene, Mildred Dunn,
an( Tillie Brown enjoyed stepping
on senators' toes Monday night.
Pvt far, chanole's wedding
cKrt-- t a OA nt
vet r HiRr.vprd
at tne last moment. The next best
tmng was used and the coupie took
th.ir rilstornarv rjeltine on the . wav
j me car.
liny an woui
one of our "sea sons" as the rice
wjth navy beans. The
Honeys watered
beans, and they are growing nicely
in the front yard.
6. SAE House:
"Candlelight" Kate Coil is sing- ing "Follow the Gleam" these days,
The date was distant, but the mem- ories of her lighted candle in the
darkened living room live on.
"I object." quoth Attorney Eryou do!"
nest Gregory. "Like h
quoth the defense, Wanda Lee
Spears. The case of Spears vs.
Gregg progressed further. Finally,
Ernest was paroled in tne custody
0f the defense while the prosecu- tion was fined one ring,

Choo! Choo!
And Away!



letty Lee FlekHmaft





Betty TeW

pre-med- s




We were affronted the other pus after the war, they must F. is for her F.yes o' P.Jue
dav bv a fugitive from the find a student body that is alive R is for old rigor mortis which
chemistry department xvho in- and spirited, not dead and
is slowlv setting into this
lengthy poem so we'd hetter
vited us to xvrite a character
bring it to a rousing conclusketch in this column of one of
sion but quick.
his contemporaries from the dePut them all together thev
partment: one TF.D WHITK.
spell OALLAHER. the name
I'pon inquiring whv such
that means the password to the
publicity should he
(test soda fountains in Lexirg
upon said individual,
we were told that he was a member of an unusual variety of the
human anima