xt780g3gz697 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3gz697/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1951-11-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1951 1951 1951-11-16 2013 true xt780g3gz697 section xt780g3gz697 The Kentucky


University Students
Will Be Laid
Are Rating Faculty
By Louis Cox
On Ten Basic Qualities
Helpful Remarks
May Be Entered
On Score Sheets
Faculty members being rated
under the Student Government Asare judged
sociation's faculty-ratinby students on 10 "qualities, that,
taken altogether, tend to make a
teacher the sort of teacher he is."
Each of the 10 points may be
checked on a scale from 10, the
hip nest, to 0, the lowest.
The points listed on the faculty
rating sheets, and the scales on
which they are graded are:
1. Preparation for class meetings
class meetings carefully planned
and conducted; usually some preparation, sometimes seems inadequate; and little or no preparation,
2. Presentation of subject matter
clear, definite, and forceful; sometimes mechanical and monotonous;
and indefinite, involved, and monotonous.
3. Ability to interest students
interest usually runs high; students
seem only mildly interested; and
majority inattentive most of period.
4. Scholarship knowledge of subject broad and accurate; knowledge

apparently deficient at times; and
knowledge very plainly deficient.
5. Stimulates critical and inde
work demands
pendent thinking
much sound original thinking
thinking and memorization required
about equally; and thinking dis
6. Tolerance and liberality wel
comes differences of opinion; some-pos- e
his views; and easily aroused
to temper by opposition.
7. Attitude
toward students
courteous, approachable, good will
prevails; generally indifferent, helps
when asked; and curt, impatient.
or unapproachable.
8. Personal appearance
well groomed, clothes usually neat
and clean; usually somewhat untidy,
gives little attention to appearance;
and slovenly, clothes untidy and 111

Election Date
For 10 Seats
Set By SGA
Ten representatives to the Student Government Association will
be elected next month by the UK
student body. A new vice president
will also be elected to fill the unexpired term of Jim Thompson, who
will be graduated in January.
At its regular Monday night meeting the SGA moved to hold the fall
election on Wednesday, Dec. 12. According to the constitution of the
assembly, applications by candidates
must be presented at the Registrar's
office by 4 pjn. Dec. 5.
.The College of Arts and Sciences
will elect one upper class man, one
lower class man, one upper class
woman, and one lower class woman.
All other colleges except engineering
will elect only one representative.
One upper class man and one lower class man will be elected from
the Engineering College. The Col
lege of Agriculture and Home Economics will elect one upper class
man. The College of Commerce will
elect one lower class man.
Both the College of Education
and the College of Law will elect
one representative at large.

SGA Dance
To Be Held
On Nov. 24
The second Student Government
Association sponsored
dance will be held from 8 to 12 p.m.
next Saturday night in the Ballroom
of the SUB. Johnny Heaton and his
Blue and White Orchestra will play
for the dance, which will follow the
Tennessee game. Admission will be
$1.50, stag or drag.
Members of the Tennessee student
body have been invited to the dance
by the SGA. No tables will be reserved at the dance, Jess Gardner,
SGA representative in charge of the
dance, said this week.
"It will be first come, first served,
to independents and Greeks alike,"
Gardner said.
The dance will be informal

man9. Personal peculiarities
ner pleasing, free from annoying
mannerisms; objectionable mannerisms not serious or numerous; and
constantly exhibits annoying mannerisms.
10. Grading system
impartial and sufficient information
for grades; doesn't seem to care if
grades are accurate; and shows
partiality, tests poorly graded.
A section for constructive or helpful remarks is also provided at the
bottom of the rating sheet.

The laying of the cornerstone of
the new Mineral Industries Building
will take place at 3:30 p.m. today.
President pro tempore Louis Cox
will wield the trowel, and
L. M. Chamberlain will
accept the building on behalf of the
The building, when completed, will
;onsist of an east wing, central unit,
and west wing. It will be three
stories high and will be located at
Limestone street and Graham
avenue. The units will house the
State Department of Mines and
Minerals, the Kentucky Geological
3urvey, the Department of Mining
Engineering, the Department of
Geology, and other divisions whose
work is allied to the state's mineral
The need for such a modern
building has long been felt and the
research contemplated in it is expected to go a long way toward the
further development of Kentucky's
natural resources.

To Be Given Early
Card section tickets for the
Tennessee game will be distributed
Wednesday instead of Friday, a
Suky spokesman said this week.
Tickets may be obtained at the
ticket booth in the SUB.

Yellow Line Parking

Illegal At All Times
Student Government Association parking regulations regarding
yellow lines on campus are in
force at all times. Tickets will be
given for violations.

New Talent Wanted
For Spring 'Vague'
By Kathy Fryer

"Those who can't write hand in
reams of copy; those who can hide
them under the mattress."
Thus Dr. Jane Haselden, faculty
advisor, commented on the manuscripts for Vague, the campus creative writing magazine, sponsored by
Chi Delta Phi.
"Many of our contributors had
never written before," she continued.
"One girl who had her first poem
published in Vague sent the other
ccpy to Seventeen. They called her
long distance a few days later for
permission to use it."
Dr. Haselden stresed the need
for more new talent for this literary
magazine that goes on sale every
Not A Highbrow
Don't let the word "literary"
scare you, though. This thirty-pag- e,
slick-papbooklet is not so highman; in fact,
brow as
since it is written entirely by students, most of the stories have a
refreshingly modern slant.
For an idea of the type of manuscripts Vague uses, take a look at
last year's copy. There's David
realistic murder story with the
twisted surprise ending, Barbara
Jones' brutally penetrating poem
about a young man going off to
war, and Judy Pannell's weird
dialogue about a rabbit (or was he
a man?).
Bill Mansfield, present editor of
the Kernel, write a story about teen-age- d
boys and the tired emptiness
of their small town; David Dick contributed his play, "The New Marshall," that was produced by the
UK laboratory theatre last year.





Men Are Welcome
because Vague sounds like a

pun on the name of a top fashion
magazine and is sponsored by an
organization, don't think
that the women have a monopoly
on it.
As was shown in the brief rundown of last year's winners, about
half of the winning manuscripts
published by Vague were written by


Card Section Tickets


The members of Chi Delta Phi are
trying to find a more descriptive
name for their magazine this year.
Vague is good, but . . . Anyone with
a good idea for a name should let
Bonnie Compton, this year's editor,
know about it.
Students Are Interested
students in general are
interested in creative writing as
demonstrated by the large number

of them that hopefully send their
stories to the leading magazines.
Here at UK there is an even bet
ter chance of seeing your brainchild in print by sending it to the
only publication on the campus that
accepts fiction.
Vague is not limited to fiction,
however. Satires, essays, and sketch
es are welcomed by the staff.
Do you have to be an English or
journalism major, you ask? Not
necessarily. It helps to be able to
spell and use correct grammar, of
course, but students from any de
partment may try their hand. Just
write about something you know,
whether it be engineering, stuffing
owls, dating, or deep-se- a
More Comedy Needed
"We need more comedy for this
year's issue," declared one Chi Delta
Phi member.
Only one of the stories in last
year's Vague could be called funny.
It was Joan Cook's tongue-in-chefarce with the usual
theme turned inside out.
Poems fill a lot of space in Vague
too. They include full page, four
lines, rhyming, free verse, and every
other kind of poem imaginable.
The characters in the last issue
speak all different forms of the
English language. There is rural
dialect, Italian brogue,
slang, and the ordinary small talk
of the average teen-age- r.
Vague offers a wonderful opportunity to ambitious young writers
who want to get a start. If this
describes you, don't pass it up. '


city-slick- er

mammoth Suky "Beat Tennes
see" pep rally will be held at 8
o'clock Tuesday night at the Sweater
Swing in the SUB Ballroom. Football players and members of Suky
will present a program, and the
winning cheer from the recent con
test will be practiced.
Betty White, cheerleader manager,
said Tuesday night will be the first
cheer has
time the
been presented to the students.
Doug Moseley and Vito Parilli,
of the varsity football
team, will speak at the rally, and
other members of the varsity will
perform. The freshman team and
members of Suky will both have




Mff'ft '4

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his post as English lecturer at UK
to accept an assignment from producer George Stevens, noted for his
recent production, "A Place In The
In addition, Guthrie gathered
material for a forthcoming book on
Yellowstone National Park, one of
the "Rivers in America" series.
Guthrie's comprehensive study of
life in Kentucky appeared in Holiday magazine last spring. He is
under contract with the same magazine to do a future story on Utah.
At present, Mr. Guthrie is conducting a creative writing workshop
in the Fine Arts Building every
Thursday afternoon.

Two Blazer Lectures have been
scheduled for November. The first
of these will be by Dr. Leo Strauss,
professor of political philosophy at
the University of Chicago, at 11 a.m.
Monday in the Guignol Theater,
Fine Arts Building. His topic will be
"The Social Sciences at the Cross- -'
Dr. Strauss left his native Germany at the beginning of the Nazi
regime and studied in France and
later at Cambridge, England, under
Ernest Barker.
Prior to his present professorship
he was at the New School of Social
Research in New York City.
He is the author of several books
and articles, including a work on


Photo by Fred Augsburg

"MISS CHRISTMAS SEAL" will be the title of one of these coeds at the conclusion of the annual Christmas Seal sales which begin Monday. Candidates are Beth Deen, Jane Bartlett, Betty Baugh, Pat Patterson, Peggy Martin, Joy Fields, Shug Gregory, Janet Wood, Gloria Travis. Kitty Comer, and Joan Martin.

Religious Week
Has Been Set

For February
Religious Emphasis Week chair
men and committees were an
nounced at a meeting of the Inter- faith Council at 12:30 p.m. Saturday
at the College of the Bible.
has been set as Re
ligious Emphasis Week for the academic year. Any student interested
in signing up for a particular committee may do so at the Y offices
in the SUB. Since the committees
are already beginning work on the
project, the Council urges students
to sign immediately.
Additional help is especially need
ed on the publicity, hospitality,
seminar, and organized house com
mittees. The hospitality committee
is responsible for the guest speakers,
and the seminar and organized
house committees select topics to be
discussed by the student groups and
within the dormitories and fraternities. '
Chairman of the Religious Em
phasis Week committee is W. L.
Matthews, professor of Law. Stu
are Pat Lancaster
and Kurt Goltermann. Honorary
chairman for the week is Dr. H. L.
Donovan, and the Rev. Dan Thomas,
student pastor of the Maxwell Street
Presbyterian Church, Is executive
Accordaig to Pat Lancaster, this
year's Religious Emphasis Week
takes on new importance in view of
present-da- y
confusion. In addition,
she stresses the fact that it is an
opportunity for students of all faiths
to voice their questions and opinions
with experienced youth leaders to
guide them.
Speakers for the week have been
selected by the University Christian
Missions, a national organization
contacted by the "Y". The association has chosen speakers from
Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic re24-2-

Guignol Play Cast
Announced By Briggs
The cast of "Oedipus Rex,"
Greek tragedy by Sophocles, has
been announced by Prof. Wallace
N. Briggs, director of the Guignol
Theater. The play will be directed by Ernest L. Rhodes.
James Benjamin Smith will
play Oedipus; Ann Huddleston,
Jocasta; Robert De Benedictis,
Creon; Jim Holloway, Teiresias;
Don Hartford, priest; Jacob William Mayer, messenger; Gene
Arkle, shepherd; Meg Bailey, attendant. Prof. Aimo Kiviniemi will
direct a
"Oedipus Rex" will be presented
as the Guignol Theater's first experiment in arena

Phi Mu Alpha Concert
To Feature Harpist
Proceeds To Aid
In Scholarships
For Musicians
Artiss deVolt, American harpist,

will appear here on Nov. 28 as the

featured soloist for a concert sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia,
men's honorary music fraternity. It
will be held at 8:30 that evening in
They can also be bought at Shackle- The proceeds of the concert will
go towards providing a scholarship
fund for deserving music students
on the campus. Tickets will be $1.20,
and will be sold at the Guignol
Ticket Booth on Nov. 26, 27, and 28.
They can also be bought at Shackel-ton- 's
and from any member of the
Miss deVolt is not entirely new to
Lexington, having appeared here in
1947 as a soloist on the Sunday
Musicale Series. At that time she
played to one of the largest crowds
ever in Memorial Hall.
Miss deVolt made her debut as a
harpist at Boston while still a student at the Girls' Latin School.
After graduating from the New
England Conservatory, she continued her study of the harp in Vienna,

Miss Lutz

the political philosophy of Thomas
Hobbes and, recently, a penetrating
article in "Measure" on the social
science of Max Weber.
Dr. Strauss will also speak at a
subscription luncheon in his honor
at 12:15 p.m. Monday in Room 205,
SUB. His topic on this occasion will
be "Some Remarks on the Idea of
Progress." The luncheon is open to
Reservations should be
made with Prof. John Kuiper, Extension 2163, before tomorrow noon.
The second Blazer lecture will
feature a talk by Dr. Charles S.
Sydnor, professor of history at Duke
University, Durham, N.C, on "Contemporary Britain." It will be at

with Alfred Holy, harpist of the
Boston Symphony, the Berlin and
Vienna Philharmonic Societies, and
the Bayreuth Festivals.
Later she was named to the faculty of the Mozarteum Academy,
Salzburg, Austria, where she taught,
gave concerts, and appeared as soloist with the Mozarteum Orchestra.
Immediately after the war, she
was reappointed and is once again,
each summer, holding her classes in
harp at the Mozarteum.
Assisting Miss deVolt will be members of the Music Department
Concerto in C Major, K 299, by
Mozart, will be the first composition.
Miss deVolt, with Dr. Edwin Stein,
flute, and Ford Montgomery, piano,
will present the Concerto.
Warren Lutz, clarinetist; Gordon
Kinney, Cellist; and Mary Carver
Lutz, pianist, will play Trio in B flat
by Beethoven.
Miss deVolt, accompanied by Mr.
Montgomery, will then play Danse
Sucre et Danse Profane by Debussy
and Introduction et Allegro by
Mr. Montgomery will travel with
Miss deVolt to Chicago on Dec. 2 to
play a concert there in Kimball


In Sunday Musicale
The third In a series of Sunday
afternoon musicales will be presented at 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial
Hall. Miss Virginia Lutz, who Joined
the UK music faculty this year as
voice instructor, will be the soloist.
Before coming to the University.
Miss Lutz was assistant professor of
voice at the Women's College of the
University of North Carolina,
Greensboro, N.C. She has previously
given recitals in Pennsylvania and
North Carolina.
Miss Lutz has a diploma in singing from the Institute of Musical
Art, New York City, and a master's
degree in singing from the Juilliard

of Music,

New York


She has also studied with Enza
Serafini, opera and voice coach; and
with Belle Soudant and Coennraed
Bos. Bos has appeared here as
accompanist for Helen Traubel.
Three selections by Mozart will
open the recital: Ridente la calma,
Un moto di gioja, and Alleluja. The
second section includes Mausfallen-spruchleand Verborgenheit by
Wolf and two Strauss numbers: Die
Nacht and Mohnblumen.
For the third section. Miss Lutz
will sing two arias from "La Bohe-mby Puccini. The two excerpts
are Donde lieta from act three and
Quando me'n vo from act two.
Four art songs will be featured in


Guthrie To Speak Tonight Two Blazer Lectures Scheduled
On Hollywood Experiences For November In Guignol Theater
A. B. Guthrie Jr., Pulitzer Prize
winner and present UK faculty
member, will talk about his recent
script-writiwork in Hollywood at
8 o'clock tonight in the Guignol
Titled "Little as I know about
Hollywood," Mr. Guthrie's speech
will deal with his experiences as a
historical novelist preparing a movie
script on a historical subject.
A former city editor of the Lexington Leader, Guthrie became
famous with his first best seller,
"The Big Sky." Equally familiar to
fiction readers is his Pulitzer Prize
winner, "The Way West."
In January of this year Mr.
Guthrie cot a leave of absence from

Legalized Man Hunt
To End Tomorrow
With Race, Dance
20 Li'l Abners, 17 Daisy Maes

To Participate In Event At Game
By Dick Cherry


Pep Rally
To Be Held
Tuesday Night







in the


Dr. Sydnor has just returned
from England where he was teaching under a distinguished Oxford
University professorship.
He is past president of the North
Carolina Historical Society and the
Southern Historical Association. In
March 1900, he was appointed member of the advisory committee of the
Army's Historical Division.
Dr. Sydnor is the author of several
books including "Slavery in Mississippi" and "A Gentleman of the
Old Natchez Region: Benjamin L.
C. Wailes." He was given the Mayflower Award in 1948 for the best
book written in North Caroluia.

the fourth section of the program.
The' first three. Air Champetre, C,
and La grace exilee, are by Poulenc;
and the fourth, Recontre, is by
A single work, Nell by Faure, will
be done for the fifth section.
To conclude the recital. Miss Lutz
will do a group of six lyric songs.
These will include A Nun Takes the
Veil and Sure On This Shining
Night by Barber, The Bird by John
Duke, Maybe by Sergius Kagen,
Tillie by Theodore Chanler, and The
Buckle by Arthur Bliss.
Mr. Ford Montgomery, instructor
in piano on the music faculty, will
accompany Miss Lutz. Special ushers
and guests for the recital will be the
University Women's Glee Club.

Room Contest
Ends Sunday

Boundary for the race is the playing
field, which doesn't give the men
much of a chance to escape.
The first Daisy Mae to drag her
man over the finish line will go
through a mock wedding ceremony,
complete wfth Marry in' Sam. She
and the two girls who finish second
and third will receive free tickets
for the Sadie Hawkins dance.
37 To Compete In Race
Since there are 20 Lil Abners and
only 17 Daisy Maes, evidently three
fortunate men will escape the fate
worse than death.
The dance will be from 8 p.m. till
12 p.m. in the SUB Ballroom. Johnny Heaton's Blue and White orchestra will furnish the music
Tickets, which are $1 per head, are
traditionally bought by the women.
" A turnip chompin' contest will be
staged during intermission. Some
type of prize will be awarded to
the man who can eat the mostest
the fastest.
Also during intermission, a typical
The annual Ugly Man Contest Daisy Mae and Lil Abner will be
will be conducted by Alpha Phi chosen. Half of the judging will be
Omega, men's service fraternity, done by the chaperones and half
from 9 ajn. to 5 p.m. Monday by votej recorded on the back of
through Friday the week following ticket stubs by dance goers. The
Thanksgiving holidays.
winning boy and girl will each be
Students may vote an unlimited given two trophies. One trophy
number of times for a penny a vote. goes to their sponsoring organization
The Ugly Man receiving the most and the other they get to keep.
votes will win a trophy, key, and a
Festivities Sponsored By Keys
$25 gift certificate.
Keys, sponsors of the festivities,
UK fraternities, Wesley Founda has announced that proper dress
tion, Baptist Student Union, the for the whole day, including the
Newman Club and the
will football game and the dance, is Dog-patenter candidates for the Ugly Man
high fashion. In addition to
the Daisy Mae and Lil Abner conAll proceeds from the contest will test, a prize will be given to the
aid the service projects of Alpha best dressed couple chosen from the
Phi Omega. These projects include floor during the dance.
radios for the UK infirmary.
Candidates for the Daisy Mae
Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets trophy are Betty Ann Vick and
of food for needy families, and help Ricky Caldwell, Alpha Delta Pi; Jo
for underprivileged children.
Doris Hoover and Barbara Minty,
Pencil sharpeners for UK class- Delta Delta Delta; Marilyn MacMil-la- n
rooms, publishing of the
and Pat Graham, Delta Zeta;
UK calendar, and an information Jimmy Rose Fouts and Harriet Albooth during registration week, also len, Kappa Delta; Freida Jones and
are provided by the service fra- Pat Dera, Kappa Alpha Theta; Carternity.
olyn Smith and Jacke Cot torn. Alpha
Thirty thousand votes were cast Gamma Delta; and Joyce Stephens
last year when Elliott Jones won the and Margaret Elliot, Kappa Kappa
Claire Carlberg and Joan Behrens.
Alpha XI Delta; Betty Neblett and
Marion McGuire, Zeta Tau Alpha:
Nov. 30 Hazeleen Pace and Ann McDade.
Chi Omega; Lynn Marshall and
There will be no Kernel next Tina Mouser. Patt Hall; Joyce Davis
Friday because of the Thanksgivand Erika Gassmueller, Jewell Hall;
ing holidays. The next Kernel Diane Arnsparger and Edwlna
will be published on Friday. Nov. Klaene. McDowell House; and Bobbie Rice. Dillard House.
Fraternities Enter Two Candidates
Jacquilene Hoover and Doris
Maxwelton House; Lois Wilson
and Lois Fritz. Boyd Hall; and
Nancy Townsley, Lydia Brown.
The fraternities each have two
candidates. The one listed first is
the candidate for the Lll Abner
trophy and the one given second
is entered in the Turnip Chompin'
Entries for the men are Deward
Johnson and Charles Perkins, Alpha
The UK debate team split the de- Gamma Rho; Jack CoLson and Will
cision with the University of Cin- Moore, Alpha Tau Omega: Dave
cinnati at the Tau Kappa Alpha Perry and Sam Welch, Delta Chi;
Regional Confer- Chuck Harris and T. Y. Martin,
ence in Cincinnati last week.
Delta Tau Delta; Gene Neff and Ed
Winning four out of eight rounds, Martin. Phi Kappa Tau; and Fred
the UK team went ahead to compile Wright and Lee Jones, Phi Sigma
the highest team and individual Kappa.
scores in the contest.
Bill Feci and Tom Catlett. Sigma
Lester Wise, a freshman debater, Alpha Epsilon; Carter Glass and
compiled 42 out of a possible 50 Dave Ryan, Sigma Chi; Bill Green
points, and the team of Lester Wise and Melvin Smith, Sigma Phi Epand Ed Rue received 83 out of 100 silon; Al Lupinietti and Arthur
Jacob. Tau Kappa Epeilon; Tom
The subject for this year's debate Prather and Ken Kelly, Pi Kappa
is. Resolved: The Federal Govern- Alpha: Stuart Yussman and Ned
ment should adgpt a permanent Fogler, Zeta Beta Tau; and Louis
plan of price control.
Beard and Doug Jones, Kappa
As governor of this region. Dr. Alpha.
Frank Tilton and Bill Dawson.
Gifford Blyton of the UK English
Department presided over the
Phi Delta Theta: Walt Hirsch and
Hugh Barber. Sigma Nu; William
The group voted to return to Cin- Routte and Charles Ulrey. Alpha
Sigma Phi; Bill Creel and Tom
cinnati for their 1952 meeting.
Triangle: Fred
The next debate scheduled for
and Lou Dunn. Lambda Chi
the UK team is with Centre College
Alpha; and Buddy Fenwick and
in Danville sometime before
John Emmick, Kappa Sigma.

UK's legalized version of the man
hunt climaxes tomorrow in the annual Sadie Hawkins' Day race and
dance. All week the girls have had
the initiative, but tomorrow they
cease being coy and actually take
to the field to track down their
Immediately before the football
game at Stoll Field, 20 shackled Lll
Abners will be released to run for
life, honor, and liberty. Just five
seconds behind them will be 17
eager, hard running Daisy Maes.

Ugliest Man
To Be Chosen
After Holiday



Next Kernel


Debate Team
Wins Honors
At Contest
Ohio-Kentuc- ky



two weeks of checking
rooms, the House Presidents Council
will award trophies Sunday to the
winners of the annual

Trophies will be awarded to the
sorority house and the residence
hall with the winning individual
rooms. Trophies will also be awarded
to the sorority house and the residence hall which present the best
overall appearance.
Final judging will be Sunday afternoon, when the houses and residence units will be open from 2 to
4 p.m. Trophies which are awarded
Sunday will be reawarded at the
"Stars, in the Night" program in the
Kappa Delta was permanently
awarded a cup for winning the best
room contest for the third consecutive year. Other winners last year
were Boyd Hall for the best room,
and Hamilton House and Kappa
Kappa Gamma for best overall


Block And Bridle Fall Festival
Begins At Pavilion Tonight

The annual Fall Festival, sponsored by Block and Bridle, animal
husbandry professional society, will
begin at 7 o'clock Friday night in
the UK Stock Pavilion. Feature of
the event is the crowning of the
Festival's king and queen.
Booth exhibits with appropriate
themes, concession stands, guessing
contests, corn husking contests for
the faculty, and stunts by the Block
and Bridle pledges will lead off the
Rooms will be judged this year
Ringmaster Ward Crowe will prefor the best use of material avail- sent a showmanship and fitting conable, good taste in selection of ar- test by members of various classes
rangement, convenience of arrange- in beef, pork, and sheep. The famous wethers (sheepi of Herdman
ment, appropriateness for a college Harold Barber will be shown Just as
room, pleasing color scheme, and they will be Inter at the National
Livestock Exposition in Chicago.

Winners of a drawing will be
awarded door prizes. The poultry
club will give a turkey to the person holding the duplicate to one of
the chances sold by the club.
Candidates for queen are Mary
Black. Martha Townsend, Pat Lancaster, Fayetta ELwick. June Robinson, and Sue Hobgood. Candidates
for king are Bruce Pierce, Tony
Cocanoughcr. Dale StahL Henry
Meyer, and C. D. Lucas.
Besides Block and Bridle, the
National Animal Husbandry Group
also is sponsoring the event in cooperation with the Dairy. Poultry,
and Home Economics Clubs, Alpha Zeta. men's
agriculture honorary, and Phi
Omicron, women's home economics honorary.

Up-sil- on

� What About This 'Conflict9
Between SukyA n d TheBand?

ever-growi- ng


Answers Letter
By Andrew Wallace
Dear Editor:
To Mr. Andrew Wallace Jr who
apparently isn't in the know, I dedicate this article.
To take first things firstly, Mr.
W. Jr, you are either a band member or way out of step. My guess is
that you are out of step. Why? Be
cause I am not a member of the
Band or Suky and after reading
your small bit of propaganda, I felt
that things just weren't that way.
So I went around and inquired from
various sources as to the validity of
your article. Results? You're all
The Band and Suky have had a
discussion regarding the half time
show at football games and have arrived at a satisfactory decision. As
for Suky complaining about going to
Florida, all the members I asked





The Students Speak:
Dear Editor:
A letter in last week's Kernel told
how the band spends many hours
practicing in all types of weather to
show and
work up their half-tim- e
this is true. Suky members also
spend many hours daily working
on the card section and cheers. Because of their recent disputes, however, these two organizations are
failing to make the contribution to
the school spirit which their efforts
deserve. Their
stands in the way of the spirit we
might have at TJK.
The pledges and members of
Alpha Phi Omega have discussed
this situation and are proposing the
following solution. Alpha Phi Omega
will set a council which will have
five members and will be called the
Blue and White Council. Its membership will consist of a representative from the band, a representative
from Suky, a campus problems and
a cheer
affairs committee-maleader, and a coordinator from
Alpha Phi Omega.
The purpose of this council will be
to promote understanding, goodwill,
and cooperation between Suky, the
band, and the student body.
As an immediate goal the Blue
and White Council will try to pro- mote cheers that all will participate
in for the Tennessee game. It should
be possible to work up yells in which
the band and the cheering section
work together in filling up the time
Alpha Phi Omega's permanent
program will continue with cooperation and new ideas for the basketball
games. We feel that this council is a
practical opportunity to help achieve
a school spirit of which every student
will be proud.
Alpha Phi Omega


side of the field and were amazed at
the band and the cart!
the coordination
section. After reading letter writers' comments
for several weeks we had expected the two
groups to lx vying for the attention of the audience. Actually they complemented each other
very well most of the time.
The cooperation and organization could be improved, of course, and the council idea might be
a great help in this respect, but students, who are
unable to see the card section, should not feel
that the two groups are feuding for the attention
of the spectators.
Obviously many students have already gotten
the idea that there is dissension and lack of cooperation letveen Suky and the band and it is
mainly for this reason that we advocate the
Alpha Phi Omega council proposal. Probably
this manifestation of cooperation would help the
public relations of both organizations.

Recent weeks have seen several letters in "The
Students Speak" column complaining almut the
lack of cooperation lx'twcK-- the hand and Silky.
This week an unusual tiling happened: we received a letter proposing a solution to the
The substance of the solution is this: Alpha
Phi Omega service fraternity will set up a five
member coimcil. This council will consist of a
band representative, a Suky representative, a
campus problems ami affairs committeeman, a
cheerleader, and an Alpha Phi Omega member
who will act as coordinator. The council will
work to promote cooperation between the organizations.
We see no reason why Suky and the band
should not give the council a trial.
However, we believe that the whole problem
has been distorted out of all proportion by students. We witnessed the Miami game from the

seemed so pleased to have had the
opportunity to go that the small
compensation that was paid seemed
insignificant. Don't leave yet Mr.
er. Jr., I have my opinion to express
now. Your last statement about the

Band being kept active after football season is a great Idea, but I
don't believe youll find that Mr.
Lutz ever considered a remote possibility of disorganizing. Secondly, I
don't think it is up to the Band to
and parades with
cheerleaders and Suky cooperating.
I think you'll find it much more convenient and appropriate if the
cheerleaders continued to lead these
pep rallies with Suky backing AND
then the Band cooperating. This I
have found out is the way it has
been done in the past and this, dearticle last
spite your
week, is the way I'm sure it will stay.
So in the future Mr. "W. Jr. please
back your statements to the limit
before submitting them to the pub
pep-ralli- es



An Irate Student
