xt780g3gxt0c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt780g3gxt0c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1911 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1911 text Annual report. 1911 1911 1911 2011 true xt780g3gxt0c section xt780g3gxt0c I TWENTY—FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT _
Kentucky Agricultural l
Experiment Station l

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 Letter of Transmittal
I To His Excellency,
Gorerrzor of Kentruclcy. _
Under the authority of the Board of Control, and in
accordance with an act of Congress, approved March 2,
1887, entitled "An Act to establish Agricultural Experiment I
Stations in connection with the Agricultural Colleges es-
tablished in the several States under the provision of an act
approved July 2, 1862, and entitled "An Act to accept the y
provisions of an Act passed by the Congress of the United
States, approved March 2, 1887, for the establishment and
maintenance of Agricultural Experiment Stations in con-
nection with Agricultural Colleges established by the sev- 4.
eral States and Territories under an Act of Crongress,
approved July 2, 1862/’ I herewith submit the Twenty-
fourth Annual Report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-
ment Station.
Very respectfully, ·
A M. A. ScovELL, Director.

His Excellency, Gov. JAMES B. lVIoCREARY,· ex-Officio
HoN. ELLSWORTII REGENSTEIN, Superintendent Public In-
struction, Member ex-Officio.
HoN TIBBIS CARPENTER, Scottsville, Allen County-
HON. WM. H. COX, Maysville, Mason County. —
DENNY P. SMITH, ESQ., Cadiz, Trigg County.
HON. CLAUDE B. TERRELL, Bedford, Trimble County.
. HON. CASSIUS M. CLAY, Paris, Bourbon County.
HYVVEL DAVIES, ESQ., Kensee, Whitley County.
RICHARD C. STOLL, ESQ., Lexington, Fayette County.
LEWIS L. VVALKER, ESQ., Lancaster, Garrard County.
RICHARD N. WVATHEN, ESQ., Lebanon, Marion County.
JOHN B. ATKINSON, ESQ., Earlington, Hopkins County.
THOMAS L. EDELEN, ESQ., Frankfort, Franklin County.
HON. JAMES K. PATTERSON, Lexington, Fayette County. _
CHARLES B. NICHOLS, ESQ., Lexington, Fayette County.
JAS. W. TURNER, ESQ., Paintsville, Johnson County. V

 5SY {
Agmcultural Expemment Stat1on
RICHARD C. STOLL, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
CHARLES B. NICHOLS, Lexington, Ky.
LEWIS L. WALKER, Lancaster, Ky.
HENRY S. BARKER, President of the University.
MELVILLE A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
M. A. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist.
A. M. PETER, Chief Chemist, Head of Chemical Division.
H. E. CURTIS, Chief Chemist, Head of Fertilizer Division. I
H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanist, Head of Division. _
R. M. ALLEN, Head of Food and Drug Division. _
J. D. TURNER, Head of Feed Division.
J. O. LaBACH, Chief Chemist, Food and Drug Division.
MISS M. L. DIDLAKE, Assistant Entomologist and Botanist.
S. D. AVERITT, Chemist, Chemical Division.
O. M. SHEDD, Chemist, Chemical Division.
MISS LILLIE LISTON, Chief Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
E. C. VAUGHN, Assistant Entomologist and Botanist.
GEORGE ROBERTS, Agronomist, Head of Division of Agronomy. `
E. S. GOOD, Head of Animal Husbandry Division. ‘
. J. WV. NUTTER, Assistant in Dairying, Animal Husbandry Division.
` — MISS O. L. GINOCHIO, Secretary to the Director.
H. D. SPEARS, Chemist, Feed Division. I
, MISS ANNA XVALLIS, Stenographer, Fertilizer Division. ’
J. IV. McFARLIN, Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
E. KINNEY, Assistant Agronomist.
_ · XVILLIAM C. MATTI—IE\\’S, Artist, Division of Entomology and Botany.
T. R. BRYANT, Extension \Vork.
L. A. BROXVN, Drug Chemist, Food and Drug Division.
JOHN I. CLAYBROOKE, Inspector, Feed and Fertilizer Divisions. .
WV. R. PINNELL, l`nspector, Food and Drug Division. ·
C. S. PORTER, Drug Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
B. D IVILSON, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizer Division. , 
D. J. HEALY, Bactcriologist and Microscopist.
A. E. EWAN, Assistant to the Agronomist.
MISS MAY G. GINOCI-IIO, Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
WILLIAM RODES, Assistant Chemist Fertilizer Division.
MISS LILLA J. PHELPS, Stenographer.
ROBERT GRAHAM, Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry Division. '
F M. SURFACE, Biologist, Animal Husbandry Division.
L. S. CORBET, Assistant in Animal Husbandry.
H. H. JE\\’E'I`T, Assistant in Research Entomology.
V H. R. NISWONGER, Assistant in Nursery Inspection, Division of Ento-
mology and Botany.
MISS F. C. ROGERS, Stenographer.
JOSEPH H. KASTLE, Research Chemist, Head of Division of Chemical
B. F. SCHERFFIUS, Expert, U. S. Department of Agriculture.
Address of the Station,

In account with the United States Appropriations;
Hatch Adams
Fund Fund.
Receipts from the Treasurer of ,
the United States as per appropri-
ations for fiscal year ended June ` `
30, 1911, under acts of Congress ,
approved March 2, 1887 (Hatch
Fund) and March 16, 1906
(Adams Fund) ................ $15,000.00 $15,000.00
By Salaries ................... $10,143.34 $11,249.99
Labor ............... . .... 1,619.65 · 172.25
Publications .............. · 157.80
Postage and Stationery ..... 678.41 39.65
Freight and express ....... 152.09 V »
Heat, light, water, and power 234.69
Chemicals and laboratory
supplies .............. 205.81 510.20
Seeds, plants, and sundrysup- '
plies ................. 153.51 85.05
. Library ................. ; 568.55 i 343.50
Tools, machinery, and appli-
\ ances ................ 225.25 ' 201.00
I*`urniture and fixtures ...... 604.10 508.75
Scientific apparatus and spec-
imens ............... 5.25 1,830.61
Live Stock ............... 29.00
Traveling expenses ........ 77.30 30.00
Contingent expenses ........ 25.00
Buildings and land ........ 149.25
. $15,000.00 $15.000.00
We, the nizzicimgizcd, duly appointed Auditors of the
Corporation, do hereby certify that we have examined the
books and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-

 Kentucky A gricultnml Experionent Station vii
ment Station for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1911; that
we have found the same well kept and classified as above;
that the receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the
. United States are shown to have been $15,000.00 under the
act of Congress of March 2, 1887, and $15,000.00 under the ·
‘ act of Congress of March 16, 1906, and the corresponding
disbursements $15,000.00 and $15,000.00, for all of which
proper vouchers are on {ile and have been examined by us
and found correct. -
And we further certify that the expenditures have been
solely for the purposes set forth in the acts of Congress
- approved March 2, 1887, and March 16, 1906, and in accord- ,
ance with the terms of said acts, respectively. -
(Signed) C. B. NICHOLS, `
‘ Attest: VV. T. Lafferty, Czrstodiun. %

 viii Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station .
The work of the Station in 1911 has been mainly along
· the same lines described in my last Annual Report, and
under the same organization, with the addition of a new ·
Division, namely, the Division of Chemical Research with
Dr. Joseph H. Kastle at its head. . There has been marked
progress and material growth in the work of the several
divisions, and some valuable results have been obtained, as
` will appear in the following summary:
Clicnziccll Division. The work of this Division during
the calendar year 1911, included analyses of 431 samples, V
of which 214 were soils. As heretofore, many samples of
minerals, rocks and other materials, not included in the .
above number, have been examined qualitatively and re- _
ported upon.
Of soils analyzed, 96 were collected by Mr. S. C.
Jones of the State Geological Survey in .the cooperative soil
survey work, namely: 34 samples from Breckinridge
County, 32 from Rockcastle, 20 from Meade and 10 from -
Henderson. One hundred and four samples were analyzed
` for farmers of the State to aid in determining the proper
treatment of their land.
As Mr. Shedd was Referee on Inorganic Plant Con-
stituents of the Association of Oflicial Agricultural Chem-
ists, this year, and Mr. Averitt, Associate Referee on In- ‘
secticides, they were obliged to devote much time to these
subjects. Their work shows satisfactory progress in the
efforts to improve the methods for determining iron and
aluminium in the ashes of plants and for the analysis of
lime-sulphur solution and of arsenate of lead. lV[r. Shedd
also did some valuable work on the determining of iron and
aluminium in phosphate rock.
The several series of pot experiments in the Station
greenhouse have been continued, under Mr. Jones, with the

 Kentucky AgricnZtim·aZ Ezvperioncnt Station ix
s _ same pots of soil as last year, but with a change of crops.
Division of Entomology and Botany. In this Division,
s inspection of nurseries and orchards and of seeds is done
under laws enacted by the General Assembly. The
nurseries of the State are inspected each year during July
and August, but when found infested with destructive pests
are examined at the close of the season,and sometimes all _
stock sold is fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas. In
1911, 41 nurseries were inspected, covering a total of
2,800,000 trees and plants. ·
Under an arrangement with the Bureau of Entomology, A
United States Department of Agriculture, we have also
done some inspecting of florists’ stock imported into Ken- _
‘ tucky from European countries. The demand for this work
results from the discovery of pests such as the Brown-tail
moth on imported stock delivered in Eastern States. In
one case this moth has been brought to Kentucky on such `
stock, though its detection has prevented its becoming _
One of our_ greatest difhculties in controlling the spread
of San Jose scale comes from the laxness of the present in-
spection law, which makes no requirements of owners of _
orchards, no matter what the condition in which they are
allowed to fall and without regard to the danger they be- .
come to nurseries and other orchards near them. The law
ought to be amended so `as to permit us to require owners
of orchards near nurseries to keep trees free from scale,
and to prevent, by inspection, the importation of infected ,
” stock. from other States.`
Under the seed law, 337 samples were collected and
examined for adulteration, none being found. Four hun-
dred and sixty—four samples were tested for purity, and 383
samples for germination, giving a total of 1184 tests of _
seeds. » ·
A more important matter at present than the preven-
tion of seed adulteration is the prevention of the sale of
seeds containing large percentages of impurities, such as
i weed seeds. A bill covering this point was drawn up and
presented to the lastclegislature, but failed to become a law.
. During the past year, we had on the Station Farm, 255
plots devoted largely to forage plants, but with some
planted in tobacco for experiments with insecticides and
others in special lots of forage with which we conducted
breeding tests. In some of these plots we have been giving
special attention to varieties of soy beans for a number of

 X Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the
years. Forty-two of the plots were occupied by different _
varieties of this forage plant.
One of the objects of the Stations established in the dif-
ferent states as defined in the law, is a study of waters used
for various purposes. Professor Garman has from the be- i
ginning, given what attention he could to a study of the or-
ganisms inhabiting the waters of Kentucky, and for some
time has had bacteriological tests made of various samples
secured about Lexington, and sent from different parts of
the State by physicians, boards of .health and water works
companies. During the past year bacteriological tests
have been made of two hundred and forty-seven samples.
At the request of officials of the State Board of Health,
Professor Garman made two trips last fall to the mountains
of Southeastern Kentucky for the purpose of studying the
locality with reference to the prevalence of pellagra, especi-
ally with regard to the presence of insects thought to have
to do with its spread. An insect of the genus charged, in
Europe, with having to do with the disease, was found by
him in streams near dwellings occupied by pellagrins, and
proved to be not uncommon in the region in which most of the
cases resided. A general study of organisms living in the
streams has been made by Professor Garman, together with
observations on the corn crop with reference to its condi- -
tion as compared with that of other parts of the State, and
with regard to the injury of the corn ear worm, which was
already being studied by him under the Adams Act. The ‘
results of this work will be published in bulletin form in the
near future. .
Division of Fertilizer Control Work. In this Division,
during the past year, 632 brands of fertilizer have been
A registered by 53 firms. Samples representing all these dif-
ferent brands have been analyzed and, in addition, we have
analyzed 427 samples, representing most of these brands,
collected by our inspectors during the spring and fall
seasons, or sent in by farmers, making a total of 1059
samples analyzed.
During 1911, there were issued 2,280,336 tags and `
980,980 stamps of a total value of $33,547.29.
The results of the work done during the year show that
the manufacturers are keeping up the usual good quality
of the fertilizers sold in this State, and show also that the
fertilizer consumption is gradually increasing.
Dtrz'sz`on of Food Control Work. Among the lines of _

 Kentiiclcy Agricnltiiml Experiinent Station Xi
· · work given special attention during the period of this
report, in addition to those mentioned in former reports,
have been a thorough inspection of bakeries and bakers’
materials; a careful survey of the local slaughtering house
conditions; an analytical, bacteriological and sanitary in-
spection of the milk supply of the State; analyses of liquors, _
including, whiskies, wines, beers and "near" beers; a
thorough inspection of the drug stores throughout the State
and an analysis both of the chemicals supplied the pharma-
cists and the preparations put up by the pharmacists them-
selves. A
Inspections and examinations have covered not only
the food products themselves, but also the sanitary condi-
tions of factories, grocery stores, bakeries, slaughter houses,
dairies, milk depots, creameries and other places Where
foods are produced, prepared, stored, kept or offered for `
The analyses included chemical, bacteriological and mi- `
croscopical examinations. Many of the analyses covered
thorough investigations as to complete composition and
character of the products, some for the purpose of research
’ work. V _ -
Under Sect.ion_lO of the Food and Drug Act, Dr. A. T. .
McCormack has been elected by the Kentucky State Medical
Association, and Dr. J; W. Gale, by the Kentucky Phar-
maceutical Association, as representatives to cooperate
with the Director of the Station in the promulgation of drug ,
regulations. This committee has met and promulgated reg-
' ulations which are now in force.
Requests for information regarding the operation of
the pure food and drug law, not only from the trade, but
from the general public, have been constantly growing. It V
has been our policy- to give the trade full advice as to ‘
whether a label or formula complies with the requirements
of the law and also whether places in which food is manu-
factured or made, come up to the requirements as regards
sanitation and the like.
‘ Dia>z's1`on of Feed Control Work. The results of our
inspection, by this Division, for 191], show conclusively
that the purpose of the law is being accomplished. The
percentage of adulteration is steadily decreasing and a
higher class of goods in general is the result.
During the year, 1234 brands of feeding stuffs were re-
gistered, representing over five hundred firms. Over two
and a half million tags were issued. For the year, 533 in-

 xii Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the
spectors’ samples were analyzed, both chemically and micro- ·
scopically, 135 manufacturers’ and dealers’ samples for
registration purposes, and 34 consumers’ samples, making a
total of over 700. Besides these, a large number of purity
examinations were made for consumers.
The Division has been interested in the adoption of a
list of definitions of standard feeding materials. Such a
list of definitions has been adopted by the Association of
Feed Control Officials of the United States, and has been
published to the trade.
Division of Animal Hasbancliy. During the year, this
Division has continued the experiments relative to the_
growing and fattening of hogs on diierent forage crops,
especially young rye, clover, oats and succotash.
This Division equipped a small plant for the prepara-
tion and distribution of hog cholera serum during the early
months of the year. The first serum was on the market in
February, and at the close of the year, 13,430 doses had been
put out. Members of this Division have vaccinated 146
herds, including 5,129 animals, of which 4,707 animals sur-
vived, showing a mortality of 8.2 per cent. The serum alone ·
treatment was used in 93 herds, including 2,802 animals, of
which 316 died, or mortality of 11.2 per cent Fifty-two
herds were treated by the serum simultaneous method, in-
cluding 2,327 animals, of which 110 died, or a mortality of
4.7 per cent. A
With the above output of serum, we were in no way
able to supply the great demand for it by the farmers of the
` Divisionpf Agrrononiy. The following lines of work
were carried on in the Division of Agronomy for the year .
1911. These experiments are to be continued for several
Corn breeding experiments for increased yield and to
determine relation of length of ear and rough and smooth
dent to yield.
Experiments in rate and method of planting corn, two, *
. three and four stalks in checks, and drills with stalks 12, 14.
18 and 21 inches being tried.
Experiments in depth and frequency of cultivation of
corn; also an experiment with no cultivation except to keep 7
the weeds shaved off with a sharp hoe.
The variety tests of wheat were continued and experi-
ments in rate of seeding were also made. Some 250 bushels

 Kentucky Agrienltnml Experiment Station xiii
· of the best varieties of wheat were distributed to farmers
in various parts of the State for trial, as a means of intro-
ducing them in the State.
Experiments in liming alfalfa indicated that the yields
on the soils of the Experiment Station farm can almost be
doubled by liming. Liming experiments were also made on .
clover, the results of which will become available next year.
This year’s work in soy beans was the third, and in-
cluded investigations in methods of seeding, cultivation,
harvesting and threshing, together with some variety tests.
An experiment field to determine the best treatment .
and cropping system for soils similar to the Station farm
was laid out during the year, to continue for an indefinite
An experiment was begun in the fall of this year to
compare the effects of subsoiling with dynamite, subsoiling
D with theordinary subsoil plow, plowing with deep tilling
machine, and plowing with the ordinary moldboard plow.
Division of Extension Work. During the year 1911,
the work of the Extension Division has assumed more defi-
nite outlines than previously. While the work has neces-
sarily been limited, it has touched upon a large variety of ,
activities. The work has been done cooperatively with
other divisions or by the Superintendent of the Division
During the year about fifty engagements were met in A
widely different parts of the State for the purpose of pro-
moting interest in various lines of agriculture. About one
half of these were attended to by the Superintendent, and
the other half by specialists in other divisions at his
f The greatest advances have been made in the way of 1
introducing agriculture into the schools, the idea being that
more work can be accomplished through agencies already
existing. The requests of schools, clubs and private indi-
viduals or companies for cooperative work by this Division
have not been satisfied, in all cases, for lack of force to ac-
complish the work. In several schools, the teaching of
agriculture has been definitely undertaken and carried on
in both a theoretical and practical way through the influence
and assistance of this Division. About fifteen clubs have
been formed which are doing creditable work, the results
in many cases being already very gratifying.
During 1911, the work ·in the clubs was largely confined
to corn growing on account of the quick results obtained,

 xiv Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the `
commending scientific methods to the favor of observers and
those concerned.
In addition to farmers’ institutes given by this Divi-
sion, or institutes for teachers,clubs, etc., either held direct-
ly or cooperatively by this Division, there have been two
schools of agriculture maintained for four days each, one .
in Meade County and the other in Bell County. These
schools offer great promise and give definite instruction to
those who attend. No tuition has been charged, the only
requirements being attendance at all sessions. In connec-
tion with the short school in Meade County, an exhibit of
farm products was held and prizes awarded, these having
been donated by merchants at the solicitation of those con-
Rcscarch Work. Professor Carman has continued the
work on the corn ear worm, under the Adams Act, with I
reference to its parasites and enemies and with regard to its
influence on the molding of corn ears.
His work in determining the relationship of the differ-
ent nodule-producing bacteria has progressed steadily for
the most part, and he has acquired some very convincing
. proof along this line, of unsuspected relationships and some
equally good of constant specific distinctness in other cases.
Professor Good, working under the Adams Act, has
isolated from three different herds of cows affected with
infectious abortion, the germ causing this disease. The
germ causing infectious abortion in mares, a disease which
has caused millions of dollars loss to Kentucky breeders,
has in all probability been isolated by this Division. We
’ find this a different species of germ from that causing the
disease in the cow.
The first problem to be undertaken by Dr. Kastle of —
the Division of Chemical R€S€¢‘3.1`CIl, was the occurence and
distribution of nitrates in green plants, especially the to-
bacco, the ultimate object being to study the changes occur-
ing in the nitrates in their utilization by the growing plant
as the principal source of nitrogen in the elaboration of
protein and other complex nitrogenous compounds. This
investigation has included two hundred and thirty-five
nitrate determinations. In this connection, it has been
found that the presence of various organic compounds, such
as ordinarily occur in growing plants, greatly interferes ~
with the accuracy of the nitrate determination by all
methods at present considered reliable. Hence, one of the
problems immediately before us at present, is to devise a

 — Kentucky Ag¢·icnltm·aZ Experivnent Station xv
‘ method whereby this difficulty may be overcome. This has
_ not, as yet, been accomplished, but some progress has been
made in this direction. ”
Among the methods tried on the determination of ni-
trates is that involving its reduction by the copper zinc ‘
couple to ammonia and the determination of the ammonia
in the usual manner by titration or Nesslerization. This
has lead to a study of the methods now employed in the dis-
tillation of ammonia and incidentally to its rapid determ-
ination in sanitary water analysis. In this connection, we ‘
have greatly improved and simplified the method now em-
V ployed in the chemical analysis of natural waters for
sanitary purposes, and the results of this investigation are
now being gotten in shape for publication in the form of V
one of the regular bulletins of the Station.
In connection with his work on nitrates in green plants,
Dr. Kastle has also under way some experiments on nitrifi-
cation and denitrification in fertile soils, as iniiuenced by
various conditions. These experiments are still in progress
and at present no definite conclusions can be drawn from
In cooperation with Dr. Healy, Dr. Kastle has recently
undertaken an investigation of parturient paresis (milk
fever) in the cow and eclampsia. They have succeeded in
showing that the colostrum of a cow ill with parturient
paresis contains a substance or substances fatal to guinea
pigs. Post mortem examinations indicate that parturient
paresis and eclampsia are, in all probability, the same
disease. The results of these investigations will appear
shortly in bulletin form.
The research work done by Dr. Healy in 1911, was `·
directed to the determination of the normal, clinical uri-
nalysis of the dairy cow. One hundred urinalyses were
made, covering a period of three winter months and of three
summer months, and the work was satisfactorily concluded.
The fact that dairy cows suffering from parturient paresis
(milk fever) have also an acute iniiamation of the kidneys
. was established in the three cases of this disease which
occured at the college farm during the year.
Dr. Healy has established a method by which pure cul-
tures of micro-organisms may be grown from a single
micro-organism, and he now has one such culture of the
bacillus coli, and will grow others as the opportunity arises.
A thoroughly reliable and rapid method of isolating
the bacillus of typhoid fever from water has been worked

 xvi Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the _
out by Dr. Healy, and by this method he has succeeded in
isolating bacillus typhosus from infected water three times
during the past year, in one case obtaining positive results
as early as the fourth day.
Coopcra.ti·rve Work. Professor Garman has continued
the important series of experiments in rotation carried on
in cooperation with the Bureau of Plant Industry of the
United States Department of Agriculture.
The experiments with forage crops at Hindman, in co-
operation with the W. C. T. U. School, were also continued
during the past year.
An experiment in dipping sheep, conducted in coopera-
tion with the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States
Department of Agriculture, was concluded during the past
year. By this experiment, it was determined that flowers
of sulphur is not needed in tobacco dips in treating sheep
for scabies. As a result of this experiment,ithe Bureau of ·
Animal Industry has withdrawn the requirements of flowers
' of sulphur in the official dipping of sheep, where tobacco
dips are used. c
The variety tests of oats and barley in cooperation with
the United States Department of Agriculture have also been
continued, and the lists contain some promising selections.
The cooperative tobacco work with the United States
Department of Agriculture has been carried on during the
past year by Mr. B. F. Scherffius, Tobacco Expert, who
succeeded Mr. Woosley. His work has included the im-
provement of native strains of tobacco by seed selection and
i pure breeding; the determination, by experiment, of the
best use of fertilizers for improving the quality and yield
of tobacco; the development of a better rotation system with
tobacco as the leading crop, the effect of environment upon
the plant; and the improvement of methods of cultivation
and curing.
Fcw·mcrs’ [’)lS‘litl€’ll[(*S. Professor Bryant has handled
much of the institute work done by the Station, although
Professors Roberts, Garman, Good and Kinney, have also A
delivered addresses at a number of the institutes.
State Frm'. Fair exhibits of an educational nature
have been, made at the Blue Grass Fair in Lexington and
at the State Fair in Louisville. The exhibit at the Blue
Grass Fair was participated in by the Divisions of Agrono-
my, Entomology and Botany, Food and Drugs, and Animal

 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station xvii
Husbandry. At Louisville, the exhibit consisted of a Model
" Dairy, conducted in buildings permanently equipped
through the agency of the Extension Division, the funds be-
ing provided by the J eiferson County Fiscal Court. This .
exhibit is maintained at the State Fair and is conducted
annually. The Model Dairy is designed to show the cheap-
. est and best methods of producing and handling milk. '
Cooperation with the University. The close coopera-
tion with the University made possible by the action of the
_ joint committee at its meeting in June, 1910, whereby the
Agricultural College was reorganized so as to embrace the V
Experiment Station as its Research and Postgraduate De-
_ partment, has been observed during the past year. Pro-
__ fessor Garman has supervision of the instruction work in
. t entomology and zoology and is assisted by Messrs. .
N iswonger and Vaughn of his Division. Professor Roberts
. devotes half of his time to Station work and the other half
i to teaching in the Agricultural College. Professor Bryant
has taught the classes in bacteriology during the past year.
Dr. Graham and Prof, Kinney have also assisted in teaching,
and other members of the Station Staff have given lectures
from time to time on the subjects of their respective lines
of work. Students doing postgraduate work have been ‘
‘ permitted to work in connection with research work at the
Station, thereby coming in contact with men of the highest
standing in scientific agriculture. —
Station Staff. Dr. Joseph H. Kastle came to the Sta-
tion in July of last year as Professor of Research Chemistry
and is Head of the Division of Chemical Research.
Mr. L. S. Corbettof the Amherst Agricultural College
and lately in charge of the Agricultural Department at the g
Sue Bennet Memorial School at London, Kentucky, has been ‘
secured as- an assistant in the Division of Animal Hus-
bandry. _
Two new members have been added to the staff of the
Division of Entomology and Botany: Mr. H. H. Jewett, as
Assistant in Research Entomology, and Mr. H. R.
Niswonger, as Assistant in Nursery Inspection work. Both
of these men are from the University of Ohio.
Mr. B. F. `Scherflius was appointed Tobacco Expert
with the United States Department of Agriculture to suc-
ieed Mr. H. C. Woosley, who resigned on account of his
ea th.

 xviii Twenty-fourth Armuat Report of the `
Publicatiorts. The following bulletins and reports have ’
been issued during the year: ·
Bulletin No. 153:
I Boys’ Corn Clubs and Improved Methods of Corn
Bulletin No. 154:
Blowing Stumpswith Dynamite.
Bulletin No. 155: `
. Wheat. 1. Variety Tests. 2. Cultural Direc-
tions. 3. Treatment of Diseases.
Bulletin N0. 156:
Concentrated Commercial Feeding Stuffs.
Bulletin N0. 157: B
. c The Dipping of Sheep for Scabies in Tobacco Dips ·
with and without the Addition of Flowers of
Sulphur. ·
Bulletin No. 158:
Commercial Fertilizers.
Twenty-second Annual Report. ·
Twenty-third Annual Report.
The bulletins published during the year are appended
to this Report, after which, beginning on page 329 will
be found the analyses of mineral waters made in_ the Divi-
sion of Chemistry that are deemed of most interest and,
lastly, a meteorological summary for the year.
M. A. SCOVELL, Director.


 Kc11tucky Agxucultural Expcr1mc11t Stat1011
RICH.-\RI) C. STOLL, Chairman. Lexington, Ky. ‘
CH.~\RLES B. NICHOLS, Lexington. Ky. _
LE\VIS L. \\'.\LI(ER,· Lancaster, Ry.
HENRY S. BARKER, President of the University.
MEL\`ILI.E ;\. SCOVELL. Director. Secretary.
_ (In order of appointment.)
M. .·\. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist. s
.·\. M. PETER, Chief Chemist, Head of Chemical Division.
II. E. CURTIS, Chief Chemist, Head of Fertilizer Division.
II. G.\RM.·\N, Entoinoloeist and Ilotanist, Head of Division.
R. M. .\l.I.EN, Ilead of Food and Drug Division.
I. D. TURNER, Irlead of Feed Division.
I. (). Lall.-\CI·I, Chief Chemist, Food and Drug Division.
I MISS M. I., DII)l..-\I{E. ;\ssistant Entoniologist and Iiotanist. .
S. D. .\\'ERITT, Chemist, Chemical Division. 4
O, M.