xt77wm13r52f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13r52f/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1980 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, Fall 1980 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, Fall 1980 1980 1980 2020 true xt77wm13r52f section xt77wm13r52f CK X3 JA Central Kentucky
Jewish Association

Dr. David Wekstein, President


The Central Kentucky Jewish Association is pleased to announce that it
has selected Mr. Michael Ades to be the honoree of the 1980 Israel Bonds
Dinner. The dinner will be held on Sunday November 9, 1980 at 8:00 p.m.
in the Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency in Lexington.

Mike has been an active member of the Centralk Kentucky Jewish
Community since he returned to Lexington in 1965 following his graduation
from Yale Law School. He is a member of Temple Adath Israel and Congregation
Ohavy Zion, where he presently is a member of their Board of Trustees. He
is a past—president of Congregation Ohavay Zion; the B'nai Brith, Lexington
Lodge #289; and served for a number of years on the UJA Board and the
Board of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association. Mike has been a Board
member of the Urban League of Lexington, the Chamber of Commerce, and is
a past chairman of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. He was
Executive Director of the Citizens Committee on Planning and Zoning in the
bluegrass area and is Chairman of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Growth
and Planning.

His important and varied contributions to Lexington and the Lexington
Jewish Community have rightfully earned him the recognition of being the
1980 honoree.

Our guest speaker at the Israel Bonds Dinner will be Ambassador
Benjamin Varon , formed Israeli Ambassador to Paraguay. Mr. Varon has
played a key role in the establishment of the State of Israel and helped
to cement strong ties of friendship between Israel and the Latin American

We hope that all members of the Jewish Community will be at the
Israel Bond Dinner to honor Michael Ades and hear Ambassador Varon.




Sunday, May l8, l980 was a mercifully lovely late spring day sand—
wiched between two dismal days of rain. There were fluffy white clouds,
blue sky, sunshine, and temperatures in the mid—70$. In the northeast
corner of the ”red” parking lot at U.K.'s Commonwealth STadium sat Irv
Stern, Jr.'s Winnebago mobile home, festooned with banners proclaiming
the CKJA/UJA Bikathon. Out on the course l3 enthusiastic l2—l4—year~old
youngsters gutted out 20 miles of pedalling around a course inqtbe parking
lot to raise money for the CKJA Annual Fund Raising Campaign. The event
was sponsored by my Senior Group Class in Tzedakah at the Religious School
of Temple Adath Israel as thier project in our 6—week minicourse.

Thirteen youngesters (Barbara Baumann, Bruce Belin, Elaine Cohen,
David Eldot, Heidi Fuchs, Beth Gewirtzman, David Gorodetzky, Amy Goro—
detzky, Mark Gorodetzky, Danny Isenstein, Billy Leffler, Beth Mersack,
Julie Rosenthal and Michael Slovin) from all parts of the Jewish com-
munity rode in the bikathon; all had solicited pledges on a per mile
basis. Some rode flat out the whole 20 miles; some rode with radios;
some brought their own cheering sections (parents, grandparents, girl
friends); some on lO-speeds, some on 3-speeds; some had flat tires;
but all successfully completed the ride. In addition to the youngsters
we also had adult assistance. Complimentary cokes were supplied by
Blue Grass Coca Cola through the efforts of Ira Gewirtzman. Gerry Fuchs,
Howard Eldot, my wife Barbara and daughter Amy helped out at the regis-
tration table and the start/finish line. Irv Stern Jr. provided our

For riding, each youngster received a UJA pin, many thanks, and
the good feeling that goes with doing something worthwhile, and an
added measure of Jewish identity. Special awards for getting the
largest total in pledges went to Elain Cohen and Beth Gewirtzman.

For many years we have discussed the desirability of a youth
division of the CKJA Annual Fund Raising Campaign. Perhaps an an—
nual bikathon could serve as the focus for the establishment of
such a division. Oh yes — the bottom line: the l3 youngsters in
this year's bikathon raised $48l.30 in pledges and actually col—
lected $489.30 for the CKJA Campaign. How’s that for openers.

Dr. Charles Gorodetzky
Past President CKJA


Camp Shalom Looking for Volunteers

Camp Shalom, the Central Kentucky Jewish Association's camp for child—
ren ages 4 - l3 needs your help. If you are interested in serving on various
committees: budget, health, guidelines, search, etc. or have ideas or suggestions
you wish to share, please contact Nancy Hoffman, 266—2380 or Harriet Fine
269—7792. With the continued support of the Jewish Community Camp Shalom
will remain an outstanding summer experience for our children. Lend your



The annual meeting of the membership of CKJA is scheduled
for’kBO an on Wednesday, November 19, 1980 at Temple Adath Israel.
This will provide all members of the Jewish community the oppor—
tunity to hear the accomplishments of our community during the
last year. Each committee chairperson of CKJA will present an
annual report of his/her committee's activities and seek sugges—
tions and comments for future activities. -r"":/”

Nominations for directors of the Central Kentucky Jewish
Association willybe accepted from the membership at the annual
meeting. Accor ing to the constitution and by-laws any member
of CKJA (those who have contributed to the annual fund-raising
campaign) may be nominated. The person nominated must have
already agreed to the nomination and must be nominated by
four other members of CKJA. The nomination must be in writing
and signed by the four members. An~o££ieialwnoti£ication oiwthe
nominating process, along.with—the~report of the Nominating
CommitteeTwillflbeasentwtoflallsmembersjofVCJKA~near the end of


During the next several months the Board of Directors
of CKJA will be discussing several major issues. With the
settlement of the Simonvsky's progressing very nicely, the
Board must consider a continuation of the Russian Resettle-
ment Program. HIAS has already asked CKJA to accept 6 new
people during 1981.

Discussions continue with the Hebrew Home for the
Aged in Louisville. At its October meeting the Board of
CKJA initiated sicussions about providing funds to the
Louisville home in return for which residents of Central
Kentucky will be eligible for admission.

The Executive Committee of the Board has presented
the Board with a proposal to hire a community worker on
a half-time basis. This community worker would be involved
with helping to provide additional social services to the
community, liaison with the social service network of
Central Kentucky, major involvement with the raising of
funds for the Annual Campaign, and working with all of the
volunteers who presently make CKJA a success.

If you have thoughts, ideas or suggestions on any of
these programs, or others, please contact any member of the
Board, or David Wekstein 269-4454.




THE 1980 — 81 CKJA FORUM

A lively capacity crowd filled Congregation Ohavay Zion
Social Hall on Thursday night, October, 16, for the opening
performance of the 1980 r 81 CKJA Forum Series. The Israeli
folksinging group, Gevatron, thrilled the audience with
spirited songs filled with the hopes and dreams of contem—
porary Israel. The group’s closing song, Halleluja, brought
the audience to its feet in a standing ovation. After a
rousing encore the group snakeedanced its way through the
hall, picking up members of the audience along the way.

Gevatron not only presented us with a beautiful, and
at times moving performance, they individually touched many
of our lives personally. Twelve Central Kentucky families
welcomed the 25 members of the troupe into their homes for
the evening — feeding them, lodging them, and transporting
them to and from the Synagogue. Many thanks to the families
who so graciously extended themselves: Judy and Bob Baumann,
Gail and Ernie Cohen, Harriet and Leon Cooper, Susan and
Marshall Gerstel, Barbara and Chuck Gorodetzky, Judy and Avram
Levine, Susan and Manny Mason, Marilyn and Franklin Moosnick,
Judy and Stanley Saxe, Sharon and Jack Shearer, Marlena and
Steve Sokol, Merle and David Wekstein, And special thanks
go to Judy Saxe and Steve Sokol who acted as their tour
guides Thursday afternoon, taking the members of Gevatron to
see a working horse farm.

The Forum has opened on an exhilarating note and the
remainder of the Series promises to add to the momentum
already generated by the Gevatron. Please do join us on
Saturday night, November 1, at 8 p.m. as we proudly pre—
sent Ambassador Simcha Dinitz. Tickets for the series
or individual events may still be purchased from Judy
Baumann, 223—1299; Merle Wekstein, 269—4454; or Libby
Scher, 273—3200.


The Board of Directors of the Central Kentucky Jewish Asso—
ciation has gone on record as being opposed to the teaching of
scientific creationism (the belief that the world started fairly
recently as the result of the act of a supreme being) within
the curriculum of the Fayette County Schools, a position that
is being advocated by a group of local residents. It is likely
a decision on this issue will be made by the school board which
will be representing you after the election this November, in—
cluding those three positions that are being contested in this
election. For your information, we are publishing the positions
taken by each of the candidates for the school board on the
issue of the teaching of scientific creationism within the
public schools.

 District 1

Mary Ann Burdette: in favor of including the teaching of scientific
creationism in the school curriculum.

Judy Tipton: opposed to the teaching of scientific creationism as
a scientific theory; would support the teaching of a course on
religious philosophy or comparative religions within the schools.

District 2
David Chittendeh: in favor of including the teaching of scientific
creationism in the school curriculum

Howard Stovall: opposed to teaching scientific creationism in the
public schools

District 3

Jackie Jackson: opposed to the teaching of scientific creationism
in the public schools

Harold Steele: does not have a position on this issue; is still
gathering information.


Our daughter, Cheryl Marcia will become a Bat Mitzvah
on Friday November 7, 1980 at eight o'clock in the evening at
Congregation Ohavay Zion. It will add to our happiness to have
you worship with us on this joyous occasion and be our guest at
the Oneg Shabbat immediately following the service.

Please join us also at an Open House in Cheryl's honor
on Saturday, November 8, 1980 at 8:30 p.m. at 3405 Malabu

Carole and Terry Wilson

Our son, Jeffrey Bruce will be called to the Torah on
the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, the twenty—ninth
of November, nineteen hundred and eighty at 5:15 p.m. at Con—
gregation Ohavay Zion.

We would be honored to have your share this happy oc—
casion with us and join us for cocktails, dinner and dancing
immediately following the service.

Merle and David Wekstein


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PO. Box 23086

Mr. 8: Mrs. Jules Heisler
4097 Solberg Dr.
Lexington, Ky. 40503





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Lexington. Ky. 40585