xt77wm13r43g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13r43g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-06-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 19, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 19, 2003 2003 2003-06-19 2020 true xt77wm13r43g section xt77wm13r43g HAIL TO RADIOHEAD'S HAIL 70 THE THIEFI




Vhttp. I remitykernelmn

New structures to move students out of K-lot

Domino effect: New parking structures could free up
existing lots for residential and commuter parking

By Michel Scott

A common sight for
many students getting out of
their cars at Kim is looking
up and vaguely making out a
building in the distance that
might just be Patterson Of-
fice Tower. Waiting for a bus
that never seems to get there.
they mutter about the possi-

bility of a better parking
space somewhere else.

Those dreams may be
coming true as two new
parking garages will begin
construction over the next
three years according to UK

The two new garages
tentatively scheduled to be
constructed across from UK
Hospital will make up for the

lost parking due to the new
Biological and Biomedical
Sciences Research Building.
and around Kirwan and
Blanding Towers to help
with future plans to expand
residence halls in that area.
Don Thornton. director
of parking and transporta-
tion services. said the two
new garages would add 1.400
to 1.600 spaces to the 17.100
spaces that are currently
available on campus. In
terms of available spaces,
this places UK second to the

University of Virginia
amongst benchmark institu

While it is still undecid-
ed who will be allowed to
park in these lots. Thornton
said that people would still
benefit from the structures.
even if they were not actual
ly parking in them.

Thornton said that if the
new lots are given to employ
ees. old employee lots could
be opened up and switched to
residential lots. The chain re
action would free residential


Creative engineering group


heads to national competition




Yes, it floats!


um ooms | KERNEL surr

Matt Greis, a civil engineering graduate student, explains the makeup of the team's concrete canoe with the boat's mold.

Debut: The UK team will participate in their first
National Concrete Canoe Competition this weekend

By Derek Poore

In the dusty confines of
an old engineering building
that has seen better days. UK
civil engineering students
have laid a masterpiece.

Since last August. engi-
neering students have been
working on a civic marvel
and this weekend they will
test and race their concrete
canoe against other top uni-
versities in the country for
the first time at the National
Concrete Canoe Competition
in Philadelphia.

The long assembly space
connected to an adjacent
testing room in the Terrell
Civil Engineering Building
holds buckets of materials. a
long hoisted concrete canoe
mold. numerous vaporizers
and pieces of mesh. In the
center of the room lay the
fruits of the students‘ labor.
an 21-foot long concrete ca-
noe. less than an inch thick
in most places. Stamped on

the floor of the boat is a wild-
cat and the name University
of Kentucky grace the side.

For over 35 years stu-
dents across the nation have
been building concrete ca-
noes and in 1988. the Ameri-
can Society of Civil Engi-
neers brought their regional
competitions to nationwide
stature. With the help of
Master Builder's Inc. — who
became the lone corporate
sponsor of the event - the
ASCE brought colleges all
over the country to a nation-
al racing. durability. techni-
cal and appearance competi-

UK's concrete canoe
project has been off and on
for several years. said Matt
McLaren. a civil engineering
graduate student who
worked on the project as an
undergraduate last year and
again this year.

"We‘ve had a team for
the last three years consecu-
tively." McLaren said.

In April‘s Ohio Valley

Regional Conference compe-
tition at Jacobson Park on
Richmond Road, UK placed
second — to in-state rival
WKU — which earned them a
spot in the ASCE nationals
June 2022.

At the national competi-
tion, students will be judged
in a variety of categories.

"Appearance of the actu-
aI canoe and durability of
the canoe" are two areas that
judges will look at. McLaren
said. "Like if it's chipped or
falling apart at the end of the
races." Also. a five-minute
technical presentation and a
technical paper will have to
be submitted for grading. he

While undergraduates
are the only ones allowed to
compete in the national com-
petition. many people helped
with the project.

"Anyone can help out."
McLaren said. "Only under-
graduates are allowed to par-
ticipate in the actual events.
but our canoe was mainly
built by graduate students."

Because this is mainly
an extracurricular project.
McLaren said that under-

graduates usually don't have
the time or approval from
professors to take time out to
build. McLaren and graduate
students Matt Greis. Bran-
don Campbell and Roy
Sturgill have been the key
principles in this year's de-
sign and construction.

Greis. who is also in-
volved in his second year
with the concrete canoe pro-
ject. explained that a number
of tests have to be performed
during design.

"We pretty much build a
mold. come up with the de-
sign mix and go ahead and
put together a boat." Greis
said. Basic concrete floating
tests along with materials
and compression tests all
have to be performed.

Guidelines on composi-
tion are also important.
Greis said that the mixtures
they use must not only be
suitable for the boat to float.
but must satisfy guidelines
for competition.

Concrete will indeed
float and Greis explained
that simply mixing the con-
crete to be less dense than

See CANOE on 6




3-1 5.1

Gary Busey becomes a mentor I
Golfer Holmes has experience of lifetime I

lots for commuters. which
moves more people away
from Kim and that's exactly
what l'K Parking wants. One
of the primary goals is to
more "as many students as
possible away from the stadi-
um.” Thornton said.

Students are open to the
idea and the price increase
may not matter

“(I won‘t) mind too much
if the prices increase. if that
means I will be able to park
closer to main campus and
escape K-l.ot." said Nabeel

.Iawahir. a political science

However. relief from
parking woes are not in the
near future. The construc-
tions of these structures may
take two or three years,
Thornton said.

Funding for these struc-
tures will come from a vari-
ety of sources, a rate in-
crease on campus parking
meters. higher fines for park-
ing violations. and raises in

See PARKING on 6


Four pardoned after
breaking election laws

Precident: Gov. Patton cites Ford, Bush pardons


FRANKFORT. Ky. __, Gov. Paul Patton on Wednesday
pardoned his chief of staff and three others charged with
breaking election laws in Patton's 1995 campaign.

The pardons came two days after the US. Supreme
Court refused to hear their appeal of a state Supreme
Court ruling that reinstated their November 1998 indict-

Attorney General Ben Chandler has alleged they col-
luded to help Patton‘s Democratic campaign get around
spending limits during his 1995 campaign.

The group includes two of Patton’s chief of staff. An-
drew “Skipper” Martin; labor liaison Danny Ross; and two
longtime Teamsters Lon Fields. who was president of
Local 89 in Louisville. and Robert Winstead. the local’s for
mer secretary-treasurer

“These men have been punished enough.“ said Patton,
a Democrat. “I have great confidence in the judicial system
of Kentucky. but it‘s not perfect."

Any political consequences for the governor may be
limited since he is barred from serving a third term and
already dropped a plan to run for Senate after admitting an
extramarital affair.

The defendants have maintained the campaign-finance
laws they were charged with breaking attempted to restrict
free speech and were unconstitutionally vague. The state
Supreme Court agreed in part. especially about parts of
the law prohibiting communications between candidates
and groups that might want to spend money on their be-

But in a January ruling the court said the indictments
were not dependent on those “unconstitutional aspects” of
the statutes.

In announcing the pardons in a news conference at the
Capitol. Patton cited precedent. including President Ford’s
pardon of Richard Nixon in 1974 and President George
Bush‘s pardon of former Defense Secretary Caspar Wein-
berger in 1992.

He also suggested that Chandler. the Democratic nomi-
nee for governor this year. should have left the matter to
the next attorney general.

“This has been a political crusade on his part to try to
build his political career from day one." Patton said.


By Moira Bagley



A new sound will be coming from the School of Music
this fall. as Dr. Benjamin Arnold will be residing as the
school's new director. Arnold is expected to replace the
school's current director of 14 years. Harry Clarke. upon
approval by the UK Board of Trustees. which will be ad-
dressing the appointment on June 24.

Arnold. a UK alumnus. is currently a faculty member
at Emory I'niversity in Atlanta. Georgia. Though leaving
Emory was a difficult decision for Arnold he is happy to
return to Kentucky.

”There are not many reasons to leave a distinguished
university like Emory." Arnold said. "but having the op-
portunity to work for UK is certainly one of them."

While at UK. he received a B.A.. MA. and Ph.D. in
music and imisicology

"We are delighted that Dr. Arnold has agreed to come
back to his old Kentucky home and guide this already
highly prestigious program to even greater heights." said

See MUSIC on 6

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so I 66 Opinion: Smith means what he says I



HIGH [0'



The Student Newspaper at the 7


of Kentucky. Lexin on




Jeff Patterson
Scene Editor

Phone: 257-1915 I E-mail:pattimack99 rhotmallrom

ii " | riiunsoxv, JUNE 19, 2003 lxcurucrtvitcnuci

Busey teaches all life's lessons

Life 101: Busey teaches Adam de la Pena to survive in the wild


Hail to the Thief

By Jett Patterson

Maybe Radiohead want-
ed to get the ear of their
public. The opening track
of Hail to the Thief, “2 + 2 =
5,” most certainly does that.
Two minutes into the song
Radiohead comes at you full


By Jolt Patterson

Have you ever had that
bitter-beer face? Oh, that’s
right, you stopped drinking.
But many of you have had
it. Listening to Jewel's lat-
est album, 0304, can dupli-
cate that unpleasant feeling

By Jeff Patterson
Gil—ni—iofw' '7

Gary Busey needs a pro

tege. Adam de la Pena needs a

Comedy Central

brings mentor and protege to.
gether in its new reality show.
“I‘m With Busey."

"You have two guys whose

reasoning isn't perfect." de la
Pena said of he and Busey.

Before creating and co—star~

ring in “I‘m With Busey.“ de la
Pena wrote for “The Man Show“
and ”Crank Yankers.“
Working with Busey is a dream
come true for de la Pena. At a
young age. de la Pena watched

Busey perform in Silver Bul-

let and immediately became
a fan. While studying at
UCLA. de la Pena wrote
sketches about. of all things.
Gary Busey.

Dreams became reality
for de la Pena after he ap-
proached Busey about doing
a reality television show in

which he would follow his mentor and learn
life lessons from Busey who mentored 12-year-
old pitcher Henry Rowengartner in the film
Rookie of the Year.

One lesson that will not be taught is dri—
ving. The 26-year-old de la Pena doesn't know
how to drive and doesn't want to. Will Busey
ever teach him how to drive?

“Absolutely not,“ de la Pena said.

In the debut episode of “I‘m With Busey."
Busey taught de la Pena about women. Ac-
cording to Busey. all men have feminine sides
and all are “failed women" at birth. Busey's
protege appeared to be shocked with this View.

The protege continued to be shocked after
his mentor dressed up as a Woman and en-
tered a club to go dancing. After finding out
about women. Busey taught de la Pena the art
of combat. Mentor and protege teamed togeth—
er in paintball combat. but de la Pena failed.

“I built it as a crazy. insane show," de la
Pena said.

The craziness continues next week with
Busey teaching de la Pena survival. Busey ex-
plains the advantages of eating road kill and
not relying on ”Sears' camping materials“ in
order to become one with nature.

Busey's life lessons are taught every Tues-
day at 10 pm. on Comedy Central.


force after the warnings Hail. It is like buying a

that “it’s too late now” from
frontman Thom Yorke.

Unlike its two predeces-
sors — Amnesiac and Kid A —
Hail carries a livelier tone
that can be the central piece
of any gathering. Still, Hail
is heavily influenced by the
two albums.

“Backdrifts” is the
evolved version of Amnesi-
ac’s “Like Spiiming Plates."

Radiohead reflects on
all their previous work with

Plus I don’t have to drive
you home afier you pass out
on my front lawn.

The lead single, “Intu-
ition,” transforms the for-
mer folk rocker into a pop
diva. The breaks in the
song sound awfully familiar
to a song by ‘N SYNC. It
ain't no lie.

“Run 2 Me" is cute; not
because of its dance-like
beat, but because of how
she Spelled the track. Jewel

greatest hits album.

“There There" is Ra-
diohead’s most accom-
plished single since “Kar-
ma Police."

Radiohead is still going
full force on track 12,

While it is not there
best album, it is still miles
ahead of what everyone
else is doing.

Grade: A

tried to be cute with the
spellings of five tracks on
0304. It’s like being stuck
between two seventh
graders passing love notes.

Note to Jewel: 2 bad,
but U bombed big time.

Jewel gets a passing
grade only because of the
change in appearance.
She's so pretty

U go Jewel.

Grade: D+


Frame 83’ Frame offers takes on movies
now playing. The Hulk is only a preview since
it debuts June 20 and Steven Hash hasn't been

able to go through time to see it yet. Slacker.

mantra Reloaded

Word of warning to the wise. if you see this movie, then
it's probably wise to remember what the matrix actually is. I
went with a friend to this movie and two minutes before it got
started, he looks over at me and asks me to tell him what the
first movie was about. Soto save yourself the agony of having
to explain what the matrix is. Go watch the first movie all over

again. Grade' A-

Hollywood Homicide

Poor Harrison Ford. One day, you're 28 years old, starring
in one of the best action movies ever made - Raiders of the
Lost Ark. The next day. you're 61 years old and are resorted to
co-starring in a movie with Josh Hartnett and the only action
scene that you are capable of doing is riding around on a girl's
bicycle. Old age can be cruel. can’t it?

Grade: B-

2 Fast 2 Furious

Besides having the worst movie title of the year, 2 Fast
also has the distinction of having quite possibly the cheesiest
car chase scenes ever. Seriously, if you don't want to waste
$7.50 at the movies, then go watch an episode of “The Dukes
of Hazard." You can get hot girls and cool cars without having
to listen to Paul Walker call everybody around him "bro."

Grade: C

The Hulk

What is the matter with all of these internet geeks? All
we've been hearing from them in the past couple of weeks has
been complaints about how take "The Hulk" monster looks.
Come on people, it‘s a green monster! That's like complaining
about Bugs Bunny and how he doesn't look like a real bunny.

Grade: I


Compiled by : Steven Hash


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 Jeff Patterson
Assistant Sports Editor
Phone 257-1915 Email pattimack99 whotmailxom

KENTUCKY KERHEI. | maisonjninégzpis I 3


Madison’s character will
be hard to replace for UK

Kelth Madison
coached his last
game as the UK

baseball coach
May 18, 2003 at
Florida, beating
the Gators 1-5.
Madison's career

record In 25 see-
sons at UK ls
737-634-5, a
winning percent-
age of .537.

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Mitch Barnhart has his work cut out for him. The UK athletic director M7,, _ 3W,“ H ”mm. ,,,,1{ .1 .\'I.‘ll' Turk/1,“, [My

needs to find a new baseball coach. No big deal. one might think. Surely.
there are many coaches who would love the opportunity to guide the
Bat Cats. But that is not why Barnhart has a tough task


Barnhart must find a coach with the
character that departing coach Keith
Madison embodied,

Baseball players from all over the re
gion would come to UK just for the opportu-
nity to play for Madison. Senior Brad Pickrell
grew up in Lexington and wanted to play for

"One of the main reasons I came to UK is that
he is not just a baseball coach. but he is a leader in
life as well,“ Pickrell said. “He exudes confidence
and class more than anyone I‘ve ever met."

Madison's players knew that when he announced
his resignation on April 1. he was doing it out of character.

"He did this all in the middle of the season for the (assistant) coach-
es." said senior pitcher Gordon Tyler.

The classy move by Madison allowed his coaches to figure out
their plans for the next season. It allowed pitching coach Greg
Goff the opportunity to get a head start on his next coaching job
~ head coach at the University of Montevallo e as opposed to
waiting to see if he would be retained after three straight los-
ing seasons.

Although the past three seasons haven‘t produced de-
sired results. Madison could still hold his head high and
go out a winner. which he did by upsetting Florida 7-5
on May 18. Madison‘s career record in 25 seasons at

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UK is 737-6346. a winning percentage of .537.
Barnhart has already made three apparently
solid hires — Rich Brooks for football. Mickie
DeMoss for women‘s basketball and “Mo"
Muhammad for gymnastics — so hopefully he‘ll
continue the trend and bring in a coach worthy

of replacing Madison.

And it doesn’t hurt for Barnhart to have the
endorsement from one classy coach.

“I‘m sure Mitch Barnhart. the kind of per-
son he is. is going to select someone that has
some great character and is a great competitor.“

Madison said.

Let’s hope Barnhart finds that person.

Jeff Patterson is a journalism junior. His views do not
necessarily represent those of the Kentucky Kernel. \


Holmes misses cut, happy
with US. Open finish

University of Kentucky
sophomore golfer John
Holmes fired a five-over par
in two rounds of the US.
Open Golf Championship at
Olympia Fields Country
Club near Chicago.

Holmes settled down af-
ter a six-over par 76 in the
first round. He rebounded to
score a one-under par 69 in
the second round.

Holmes started the sec-
ond round by parring the
first hole and birdying the

The cutoff to qualify for
the third round was three-
over par. leaving Holmes just
two strokes short.

“I didn't make the cut.
but I had a great time."
Holmes said in a news re-
lease. “The experience of
playing in a PGA Tour major
is awesome. A lot of golfers
go their whole lives and don't
get a chance to play in the
US. Open and I got to do it
while I'm still in college. I
could not have asked for any-

thing better."

Adeagbo ends career as
four-time All-American

Senior track and field
star Simidele Adeagbo
placed sixth in the triple
jump at the NCAA Outdoor
Championships. June 14 in
Sacramento, Calif. to end
her career at UK.

Adeagbo earned the
Wildcats three points in the
championship event with
her leap of 43-0500.

Senior Thomas Morgan
placed 16th in the 5,000 me-
ters event with a time of

Downing leaves UK for
Ott Communications

Brooks Downing. direc-
tor of media relations for the
University of Kentucky Ath-
letics Association. will be
leaving UK in July to take a
position with Ott Communi.

Downing will develop a
new sports marketing group
for the Louisville-based com-


Downing has worked for
UK Athletics for eight years.
including the last two years
as director of media rela-

Carter named assistant
volleyball coach

Scott Carter was named
assistant coach and head re-
cruiting coordinator for the
UK volleyball program by
head coach Jona Braden

Carter replaces Jaime
Gordon. who left UK in
March to become the head
coach at Morehead State Uni-

Carter comes to UK from
Kent State. where he was the
assistant head coach for the
past two and a half years.

He coached both the
men's and women‘s volley-
ball teams at Sacred Heart
University from 1995-2000. In
his final season at Sacred
Heart. he guided the men‘s
team to a 25-6 record and the
Odeneal Conference title.

High school All-Stars to
play at Commonwealth
The annual Kentucky-

Tennessee high school foot-
ball All-Star game will be

played Friday. June 20. at 6
pm. in Commonwealth Sta-
dium. Admission is $10 and
parking is free.

Three football players
granted their release

Quarterback Dan Lum-
ley. offensive guard Jared
McGowan and defensive end
Paul Webb have been grant-
ed their release to transfer
from UK.

Lumley finished spring
practice as the third-string

McGowan played in five
games in 2002 and ended the
spring as a second-team left

Webb. a freshman, ended
the spring as a fourth-team
left defensive end.

Parcells considered UK
before coming to Dallas

Dallas Morning News
columnist Gerry Fraley
wrote. “Bill Parcells said he
considered taking the Uni-
versity of Kentucky coaching
job before coming to the Cow-
boys. Parcells would have
had a better quarterback at
Kentucky. Jared Lorenzen.
than he will with Quincy
Carter and Chad Hutchin-



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4 I







iMMierzmiosi ...1 CAN

Derek Poore, Editor in chief
Jeff Patterson. Scene editor


Matt Goins, photographer
Moira Bagley, staff writer

Brittany Griffin, Asst. News editor

LOGUE {dwamzu Board



meme WILL



Smoking ban should
be left to owners

Tuesday night, Lexington’s city council voted
8-4 in favor of placing the controversial smoking
ban ordinance on the council’s June 26 docket.
The city council will hold a first reading of the or-
dinance on June 26 and a second on July 1. If
passed, the ordinance will take effect 90 days af—

Health advocates cited the vote as a victory for
the health of employees and patrons to various
public buildings across the city.

Restaurant and bar owners and other anti-
smoking ban advocates are prepared to fight a le-
gal battle against the City of Lexington to prevent
this ordinance from ever coming into effect.

The Lexington Herald-Leader reported yester-
day a statistic that behooves members of the
smoking community to protest the ban as well: 1
in 4 adult Lexingtonians are smokers. The state of
Kentucky has a higher smoking rate than any in
the nation.

However. the entire argument boils down to
personal choices.

When the city tried to push an adult-nightclub
regulation. courts placed an injunction on the or-
dinance before it was ever up for enforcement. Ar-
guments were made that adults can make any
choice they deem necessary within the bounds of
the law. Cigarettes are not an illegal substance for
any adult (18 years or older) in this state.

Many restaurant owners have banned smok-
ing in their restaurants or created smoking-only
areas. They do so under the caveat that if busi-
ness is lost because their patrons cannot smoke in
their establishment. it's a decision that they ~ as

an owner — have made.

It is wrong for any government to force these
owners to place this rule into effect.

The health concerns of smoking are clear:
smoking can indeed be harmful to the human
body ~ with that there is no question. But it is also
clear that people can consume enough alcohol to
harm themselves; a person can also partake in
horrible eating habits and harm their bodies.
These are personal decisions made in a free soci-

If a smoker feels harmful effects of cigarette
smoke, it is a decision that they have chosen to
make and it’s most certainly not a decision made
unknowingly. The harmful effects of smoking, al-
cohol, or even too much greasy food are evident.

The pro-ban contingent that believes second
hand smoke in a restaurant or bar is a hazard to
them are allowed to option to chose a different bar
or restaurant dine in. These are private business-
es owned and operated by the only people that
should be in charge of their atmosphere: the own-
ers themselves.

The door swings both ways. If you are losing
business because you have smoking going on in
your restaurant, then you have the option of mak-
ing the restaurant smoke free. If you are losing
business because you have made your restaurant
smoke free, then you also have the option of
changing that.

An ordinance to ban smoking in these types of
public places is not the job of the government and
should be left up to the bar and restaurant own-



Tubby's word good
enough for me

When will anyone take the guy for his word?

As with most high profile college basketball coach-
es. flirtatious with "The Association" are common dur-
ing the offseason. Rick Pitino would often have to an-
swer media questions about jumping to the NBA. which
reached its climax following a national championship
and a runner-up performance that ended with Pitino
bolting for the Celtics in 1997.

However, the current king of
Wildcat basketball can’t seem to get
his point across. He says he's happy
right where he is. Is that so difficult
to comprehend?

Now Tubby Smith does not shout
that he could give a (expletive) about
another job, then take that spot the
next week, as Roy Williams did fol-
lowing his Kansas team losing to
Syracuse in this year's NCAA cham-
pionship. N0. coach Smith has pretty
much stuck to the same story. the
only one a gentleman from the farms of Maryland
could convey.

Every year since he came to Kentucky — and won a
NCAA championship - Smith has repeatedly answered
each and every media pop quiz with the same line: I am
happy to be at UK.

Notice the absence of "no comment" or "I refuse to
confirm or deny." He just says. he‘s happy where he‘s at
-» in the Bluegrass.

A couple of weeks ago. not too long after former
Wildcat Tayshaun Prince and the Detroit Pistons had
defeated the Philadelphia 76‘ers in the NBA playoffs.
the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Smith was close to
making a deal with the Sixers.

This prompted Smith to release a statement via the
UK athletics media relations office.

"I have no interest in coaching the 7Gers." Smith
said in the release. "I am very happy as the coach at
Kentucky I have no plans to leave the Wildcats, and
in fact. I'm very excited about our prospects for next

Last week on local television newscasts, Smith was
on camera at a promotional event saying the same
thing, that he’s fine where he is.

It‘s the same old song right? Wrong. There are
many coaches — and I won‘t just pick on Rick Pitino —
that give inconsistent opinions and answers about pos-
sible coaching changes. Roy Williams. Or coaches that
take another coaching job and have an assistant break
it to the players. Ben Howland. The fact is I don’t blame
any coach for taking another job for more money or a
change of pace. It’s a fact of life.

But what I will blame are coaches that let it impede
their current jobs and force them to skirt around the is—
sue, never giving a solid answer.

A fine man and pleasurable guy to be around —-
someone who doesn’t feel the need to lie about changing
jobs or change their story every other day: he is the
type of ideal coach that a lot of athletic programs are
not lucky enough to have.

Of course basketball coaches, just like in any other
career field, are going to look into and think about new
job opportunities. Otherwise. how stale would life get?
Don‘t take what the current Caesar of college hoops’
Roman Empire says with a grain of salt.

Take Tubby Smith for his word.

not necessarily represent those of the Kentucky Kernel.




So you don't like what you read? Quit
complaining and write a letter. Send your
thoughts and responses to



Sex and the single girl - first impressions

,\'ot too long ago. the strangest guy


tried to hit on me while at a rather up

st ale bar He seemed harmless enough.

but there was one thing about him that l
