xt77wm13r16k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13r16k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1980 1980 1980-03-25 2020 true xt77wm13r16k section xt77wm13r16k \
l l l l
r [”3 8 ea 9 Wins ' Or ”a ”Una title
By KEN RAPPOPORT Metro Conference champmnh. lht‘ fl)“ downcourt “WY hi5 It'llmnhilc" hNd ”W “.‘“de 21“""55md I ”“"‘“L"‘ U‘Ps‘l "‘t‘r hip-rattled l)el’;iul lot tlte ( .trdtnals tn the second half
Ap spun, wnm ing Griffith put onaseiisationalshoot~ { '1’“) foul shots by forward I)ere|i poiiitstotal was tlte lowest scored h) a I sing the sattie quickness and .i despitea tough detettstte performance
ing performance by hitting his shots Smith In the last minute nailed down tournet chtttpioti sitice \oith ('aiol- tough defense that carried theitt I“ III 5‘sgiiti‘d I\ltch'telllolioii H it
s v . ‘ l ( .
INDIANAPOLISIAI’) Spectac- through a male of tough l‘( I A the \lClOr)‘ for the (ardtnals and Inn had 54 in if tiipleotertittic \ictott tlttotiglt the late stages of tlte season. ton iatelt left (ittiftth’s side thtoii 5h.
ular Darrell (jriffith scored 23 hard- defenders. capped a frantic delensite struggle oter Kansas In l957. l ouistille. which the uniaitlted Bruins plated the ('ardi- oitt the game 5
earned points, leading the Louisville lhe All-American guard kept his- during whichtherc w'erefout tiesiitthe had lost to the Biuinsitithieepietious n.ll\ tough tn tlte tiist hall and wound Notnetiim-t .i double—and CH.“
Cardinals [9 [heir hm. NCAA basket- team in the game in the first half with second half, ‘ \( AA tournatttetit gatttcs. earned its up with a lit-2 lead at interittissiott triple-teaitied (iitffttlt tttattaued to
ball championship with a 59-54 trt- ll points and then scored l2 tnore (trillith.whosatd he was dedicating lust tictort UH oter I ('l 5\ lhe t'atdtttals. Midwest Region float his shots met the l ('I -\ defense
umph over the UCLA Bruins Monday after intermission. including the win— the tournament to a friend sirtcltert l'('| 5\. 33-l0. which ltad Ilnlshctl a champions. were still in“, powwow] with “L.” wiwumhlc up“); \th
night. ning sltot on a soft Jumper front the wtlh cancer. was lifted up b) a crowd disappointing fourth lll tlte I’ac lfltace as the seconds ticked att'it before the with tlte esceptioii oi hi1 \iclitmmn
The loss broughtthe Brumsdownto outside. { of l.outs\il|e sttpporters arid earned this )cat and “on onlt eight of its first omnipresent (irttltth hit .i itiittp sltot slam dunk
earth after the late-season surge that Ihat held goalprottded the nation s around the court on their shoulders as I4 games. “”th 1” 5| \lmllg “mind“ with six seconds on the elocl. to tiiiii (it'tilith ltad tour of his points asihe
saw them come out of nowhete and second-ranked team with a 56—54 led ht‘ Illlcd hlslilde‘t linger signilsingthat hull Pt‘l'h‘lm-lm‘t‘ MM stormed ittto lie I (‘l -\‘s lead to Its-Io .it the hall ('aidtnals outscoied the Bruins ‘-o 'it
Pull off'a string of upsets en route to with Zzl7 remaining. and the Brutus lht' ('urdiniils were \o1 I in the national finalsttithtttestratght \tcto- (triflttlt. toted the totit'ttatttent's the st..itt iii m,» second half. .md
the national finals. thenliterall) threwthegame was when countr} t'tes tn the \(' \\ platotls Ihosewttt most taluable platei. continued to btoughi to Iiit- .i IHumille—ortented
As he has done all tear for the James Wilkestossed an tnbounds pass lhe loss was the first lot I'('l 5\ tn included a sttiittttttg second—tottnd hate his ltattd tit ltet stuttitigsituattoiis ctititii oi loot”
Vol. i.xxu. No. 129 Ker 21 l . .1 [K ' k
nitersi _\ 0 en uc ) '
Tuesday. March 25. I930 tin independent student newspaper letington. Kentuckt
% \
' . . L' 1 ,1 .2455 . 11‘.‘s._1- 3:1,. , . ‘55; 55, 5‘5 5".5\ 55554705553331)” 5
- . ._ {a .1 1-». . '5: 5 ' 555‘“ ”:11 “'5455» 1;. . 5.51 . 5‘5 ‘5 ,1 x
, . M3,”, ., .1, f . is _ .. I ‘_ _ 5. .. 5‘ I5 , . _, _ _ . ‘ , .5 5
' 553' " ““5" ~' " 55 " 5 ”5 5" 55515352115?» 5:"? «’5 ‘ .5553?” ,1 fistflreaw 4‘ 5. 5,3“ 5. ,
5555.....5-5, - .. 1.5.5 .5 5 Zip/- .515; ' ’ '. ' . vii-1:55: . .. . as. .1- . "
. 5 “ 5:5 - 1' .5 a {:52 Ber-535 4? ,--..-. ”..-..- 1 55355» '4 . 7'54.” 1 3‘, . 1-1.. . 5.
. '5 5 “5'- 1F- ' ,3.- gta”? 55 W 5-551. 5‘45: 5:5 51%;},1531 5 ,
Colle e of Arts and Sciences sends 5. . .. 5w , 5 east. 555 55555 55 5 V5; 5» -. 5.5.: 5
. , . 5 55.5.3. (.1 5 1 G‘é,1 31/ { j i. ,_ -1. 4- . e1 #5 52, ’1 iv’e'fli .1 4‘ .1; éé‘gwk ’ 5. ) 5
u g -_.;» . -- . ;. {’y, #19:); ’ ’51, '3; 5‘ '5', gé:: ."_' ; ‘ ‘ ._ ."’” i " '.- (,1, ' '- _ "‘ 5' . '2’ " . “I 7
v1 . uh..."- ‘1‘”t'ri‘X“ . 9 t . ». ‘.;s“-¥.-.$I. ,5, :_ '5“ 1;. "3;? , { '23,“; ”A .1‘1 1 -. ._ '
. ' 5,2153" " ' 5.2. 91.? " .. *1 ’ ': 1,215.5;945'935': ‘ ' '55‘-2.: ' ’ 7" "5‘ ‘5???» ’
pro pose s to c ange BGS reqwrements 3'1 5555' 5 " 1‘ ' “ 5' ~ '5'»- '-
. )1 f; - T, «ma ,5. . .5 t 51-, 1;" ....,_." _ yet, (no? 5 . 3“”:
5 ‘ 5'55 a a 5 ' 55 "5 ‘ 5' 5- '55'... "°“ ' '11 *1
3! KEVIN OSBOURN thoughtful plans and the) stick to them." He said ‘ 55 55 . fl ' .1 ’ ' ' ‘1’"; {9% $3,”? Ia" ' I
51“" ““1“ the students who abuse the degree “should f" i .1 1. 555. , ‘ '5 fim - 1 "'1'" 1-5,; “’5' . 5' 5% --
‘ { { { deteloporsticktoacoherentplattorshouldn'tget 355' ‘ - 5 ’5 5,5 .-. ‘ ’ 1' 54%» 5?”? ‘44: ‘1 ’3':
{Iht’ ( 0“ch 0f ANS and Setences has sent a 561 a degree. and whose failure todo so cheapens the 1 i ‘ '~ "‘9 5 5 5‘3" 51:," '1 1““; ‘1’" ”51.1553, 5' “' 5_ '1 51.57%.-
of proposals to the Undergraduate (‘ouncil and product 0‘ thr\’b()d\ CISL‘ .. ‘2’: ~51" .. 55:;- { . 1,615 a? __..,y 5,1,5- {.“.-.1915; { IV“; :51 “,1- '5‘151} ' 5 1
the [“hlVCTMl)‘ Senate that “OUId change the As a result of such abuse. the Bachelorof (ien- Li," M‘ 1 “ “,5, .' ' ”' ” 55'5" - 5.5"" .5 “ I "‘7": 5 “3.3, it W. 55.51 4 .5 y“.
Te‘lthmCh” for the Bachelor 9' (teneral Studies eral Studies Degree. which was modeled heatilt m ,5 , -. .. W " " . - -5 _ ,jiii'.’ , { If“; .‘f‘ 1 31% 15:5,;
(Busidegree in an effort to eliminate those stu- on the l'nitersitt of Michigan BUS program " 1'5"“ ' [3 '1. . ”Y .- ' .' 1‘51» 12251” 5"”
_ . 5 ., .5 '5 -."1 ,~.;1-.:"1.‘5.{ V4,» , ‘ ,. , 5, 57-57577. 55‘ 5- 5: .15? 5"'.,5,,5"'.,"5"".;5-55 {.". j. ‘14" ' ,5 5 .‘ ’
dents who hate abused the degree tn the past. became known as the“Bluegrass special “ he s'iid ' 3 ‘ 1 3 ”1’1 -. .' «35 - - 1/“ /,),f;:’ .78,- 4- . ' {r
- ~ ~ 5 ' ‘ ' " 51.3 - . 5 ' 5 a ". 5 " 5 ' 15.15'~'5_ . ’ ’ 11' ..5 ,-
According to Arts and Sciences [)ean Art (ial- Drennon also said that nearlt hall of the BUS W9“ .. ' ~5~5~ 5' . 1 ' 3;“ .."", .5 1 - ‘ ~ ’ .1 .2 ' ”31“"
IdhCI- the proposed thdngcs are the WWII 0f d students had completed lite of eight general stu- 2/2} . ,-.5;1~m4‘ 5. 4'. .- .f‘. 2 ‘1 fit"?! 5 5" 1." WM}, W ””“"'
year-long study h)“ a committee etaluaitng the dies areas bei‘orethet entered B(iS.andthat mm ,7 .... 1.555 ($31“ 12", 5. .. 5 ’ ‘ 5‘...
BUS program stncc its trial beginning tn I972. more achiete that upon graduation. He said that " ” 1’ ,a’ ”5755-; ‘55? ~ {‘7‘. ' j 5
Herbert Drennon. assOCtate dean for hpeCial for these reasons this requirement “will be almost " “"1 i 5'; :Zg'glh 3.4"" - 1' " f 1:15.31} "a. A 1: j “ " I H " ..L: '
Programs and acting dean of the (ollege of Com- no hardship on the student“ ' ,{ . I,” % '35, 5:43,; _. 5 1-. {1:15 1 5_ _.. :33”; “.‘ .3 1 . é)“, . ‘
{ ' . {’1 ‘ 4 _ , , , ’ ‘ 15W 5.; I., 5:, 5/ I, #1. 2'?" “1.5- - 1{ ‘4 . .v ~:,_ ‘ . 5’,” z \
{ muntcattons. said thethanges hate been proposed Drennon also said that lie doesn tsee how a stu~ ' 491,-:1.-155-i:;; "t." z“ “”‘5‘ “ - i " , 5 “Mitt-9"?“ '51" Z53:
‘ ' 5 1. ', y.‘ , 5 , 5 '5'”; .' f. . 5 .'. ,» 5,57 .'
because some students did not use the degree in dent could feel uncas) about the proposed 5 55 5. .. . .. .1 . - 5. ' ’ ‘5,“ . 5 ‘ ' 1 555
the w'a_t that it was originally intended which requirements since there are still an enormous
“'35"‘3I10“ studentsio dc‘m‘ 1hr” owndegreeif range of choices to make. He said students are 115115 ' - .' '5 - ' ~ 1- ' ‘ ' /
t:e conventional programs did not appeal to threatened by the proposal that ihet must take " *I1é”1 v1 . '55.. 1’1 i -
_ 1 cm ‘ either language or math. but he feels this proposal _ _{ . { ’ { it, not an r 15 Kemei sun
. Ihe problem was that many people came tn shouldn‘t scare students since these courses mat 7&3" 15A . 1’.’ W m, 4&5. " é” 5"3'55' «5.733,? a" i 1 ’55‘-5": , , .
with very beautiful proposals." Drennon said. be taken on a pass fail basis ' if" X»; '11-‘55 .“‘”; 5.15.,- N . 55):)?” w 2315,5353? “' “' ‘,/ , g, 51:51-51 g ” ‘
.. . _ 1 5 ~- ,, w ‘11 - 1. ' g .. .7. ,v - - "h .x, . -- at 1. - 7-" ,5 _5 3' V 31,7, 35.4" a, .5 It)
‘ - but there is no authortt) to police whether or not (iallaher said that {how students who are now , - 5 ‘% " - 3' :'~g.,,..l' .- 3‘ 1 10 #5? .5' ”1.77/5 ‘5‘?"‘1515 -5 5515??" ,1 " fl “fitm‘j’ (WM? '5 To“
)0“ carried lhdf UUI- “he” began l0 happen In IOO tn the BUS program hate the option on whether '5; 2; E Q” ”“2" W53“ ref“ "5? """ ’15". é. 5. - ”i " '1'?” “’9' fkffl ' ‘ ‘° "
. { H {r . ‘ a. a. A .1 ,. 3,, 5 1, x, .- 03:1; ;: ‘ { u ,. , . .- . 51’5. ’5'. . ',°{_ ,1 . ' ..i
. man) cases I would guess tn about If) to l5 per- or not to switch to the proposed program. But he ”'1'.“ ' - a 551 5" ’2‘ “ 5'4". 5,, .... $1.5:- 41’ .‘ 5;: 5 4‘, ”ff/511.1. ‘ ‘
5 ‘ cent of the cases the BUS de ree be an it -- 'd ' V - . . . . . .-~"., ‘5 55” 5 MW. ‘ 1w ' ' 1‘ i ' r t” “3"? 5' f, ' 515 5'. ‘” -
g g I sat if an) new students enter the program after ‘1» . 5-. ._ 15w 5" 'X 4. W'gg..~,wfi_‘ “.'i‘“ -' a; ' 4 ,3 " .5“; ,1 .. 5 . 15.51%“ ,5 v.5 : .
beLOme unraveled _ (if II’IC back end. as pCOPIC [he Changes (RFC uppn“ Cd. ”19y “III hiHL'IO ildhCI’C {.“‘ ”:3. of}, %' N“fief’ I“ . 5"; ;*' if ; v,» 56,2. ‘,_"‘%4W .,.. ], fiflwé’fl ; ‘ 15".:5 4‘ '. ,5/11
began taking anythingthat came at a good hour." to the new program 1 W. sgxg‘, "e' 5. ..1. 45“," pet? 5 “1 .' 5 ,5 .9) 5 { , 5 . r“, $24 3514,5555 1 . ‘ .3” .2.
. 5 . . . .. 1 ’_ r, 1' .1. 5 . °' : 9 ' " h. 5" ,1‘ ' 5’" , 54,15. e‘ 4’,1..- _5 5‘, ' f'" r . :‘Aqw ,1 ‘, N .1 . '5 ,, ', ,1
The on|_\ present requtrementsforthe BUS pro- Vie needed ioinsttttiiea morethorough.care- 3” \‘w i sm‘5‘w5. 5 3. s1, ,1 '. .5 I, 3‘ 35,1. “Q. .’ ’ ’fiw ’ bladed" z; . Q ' - ;
.5 { gram ‘1"6' _ IUIad‘Nng Program."l)rennon satd.“Weneeded . ”£1; s’: ‘55‘: ' «i {E 9. ' " :- J ‘ ”I: "”f."”‘""" 1 ‘ " 35 5" "'H 15’- ffifia, ‘ Z'
. I.) Ihe student hate 30 credit hours after to hate the initial proposals that students tnalte - h i ‘ .- ., i 5 3'51“ ' ‘ ‘71",5. _11w1_“1,'_"{_£j " 19:4» 551‘" 5" .1‘
' . ddm'55'0" ‘0 the program. much more lullv and lht)U"hIIUII\'dC\CIO ed lh’in ' a” 15 5r 5‘ ‘ A" ‘ ‘5""’""" ‘ ’5” "555 5 ' "5 "J Hg: 5 ‘7‘- ’ " 51 Z“
2 ) I’O total hours with at least a ” 0 (‘P\- 5 ‘ ' C . . ' p. ‘ ‘ 5‘ .. QM 5 " 5"" s 5." " 5~,.‘ - .5' «‘55‘5 -, ', 5 - “51/ ‘51 “If " "’ '”’
- ~ { _ 5.. i 2. man) of them were. In addition to hating the ”1,5 ' ', ' 5.. ““3 {721,4 - 5' 5”- 5 ‘5’ “5‘ 4% xyy‘fl. 1} {1'5 5
3.) 45 credit hours at the 300 letel or abote; approtal of the adtiser. the dean should hate to '55 r" ’5 .”’ ' '5 I " i " "' ‘33" 3' i ' ’ Z, 11.55% M i ‘ ii f 1' w Z
4.) 90 credit hours in the (ollege of Arts and approve them as thev do comentional majors " '3 5 , . " ‘1‘ :1! 5. 15 .?5 5 if; 5. 1/ " ’5. 4 , ”kg/i “
iSquences and the l ntversttt requuement tn Eng- . Drennon said that the 808 program has been 3 : 1 g 11 5 55,55 '5“, ‘ 5' f, i . "5. E 5 * ‘1'" 5'55 '1‘ 2’ ’9 ‘. " '
is {composition viewed with skepticism b_\ man) of the facults . g; 5 1‘ " - 5M.- ‘11,: 511 “5 1 "71 "15" ‘
5. , . ' - 5 . ' : "1’ e" ’ ’ '1 " .1' - ‘7; ”.--"”" "4' "
l-nder the proposed changes the degree would ever since its birth. and that many of the lacultv 5 ‘ , .i ' Cg. " ‘ -- 5' "" t " " "é; 1"”. i .‘
also requue: got very upset when the senate got rid of the col- - 5513415???» fill ' 5'5" {I 1-, - 5 . ‘ "it. 3” ,‘w '
I.) Pourty credit hours must be taken ina pro~ lege‘s language requirement in the program. if“ i 33- r' " VI 5, --.. 5 55- ', 5‘" ’" “ I." i‘“‘“"’:‘”'"‘ "'Qg1gw '
grdm 5f courses designed to fulfill the academic I would prefer People see thisas students exer- " 1 5 i 3’1... 2K (-5 5'7 fl ' ‘3} 131”““53'4 ".525 ”5% “h” “3" 55 "'
{ - objectives stated inthe students application; 24 of cis'ing academic choices. You won‘t hate quite as ”'15, H. m ' i” \ ’K ' / 1‘ 4%: 5 ' ’
1 these must be taken in courses above the sopho- manychoices...the mostimpot'tantthtngw'e want " ""' "' ' " ' ,5 J7‘W‘” - /W ,‘ ' Wflgg" (5 - . ' . f ' .51.
more level and the remainderabove the freshman from vour college education in breadth “ he said " ~ ' ~ ' ”’ 5 - / S; ,2’ ‘5. x 1. u 1 ‘5’3‘?’ "1’ 7 " «cw: , 3x; ' t '
. . . { ‘ _ ‘ .. - . - . ,5 ; > _. ’54,, 1 ‘.{',.':‘ ~ .. _ 1-,, I ' ,. .' A 5{ {
level. lhe student must hate a (tPA in this pro- lhe proposed requirements must be approtcd 1 "*5 " ,5. ,, - . {, 5. 5». ;.~J 5' . 2,5, (51,51,551 , 4/. 15., ,_ [jg-Mm. ' l
gram‘of courses. . b_vtheltndcrgraduate(ouncilandthellniversitt 1 ' . r553? ’ . t if, 3" ‘ i 5"":- ' 5 - a. ' . 1_ .1 “ 5 “1",, 555—- ..”..
2.)Ihe Assomatc Dean for Specmland Interdis- Senate before thet' will be implemented ' “15”,,ng A" 5‘ A; ‘ " ~ ’52” 21" -‘ 5723:3517 .. ' i “’- “yaw-1’.- 5,555:- -'-; '3 €155 '
. , Cllendr) P.0grams must approve a specutl B(is We would like to hate it resolved ht pre- waf’nu‘fi'” ’5 ’ «“hWe i- " ta!“ now/m .’
plan 5h?“ registration." l)rennon said. ..1. .. . ' . ,5 W...
MEGS students must satisfy either the lan~ However. l)r, ( harles H. Rowell. acting dean 5 55 ,5" 4 ’ 1 ,.. mm” .15, . 1 . 5,74,; .. " '
. guage or math reqUirements of the College of Arts of undergraduate studies. said that he could n‘t sav 545l¢w5%”",” " . "- " ' ' " {5"‘.' 5. . 5’ 5f“?
and SClchCS. IhCSC COUTSCS may b6 taken on a when the proposals wituld he “"1“de I“. ”1;: .5..,. ' 1. 155,. .. 1: ' 1. 1 _ ' -'--.;.,.,-;1 , ”55,2755, B 1 1-D- \1\.(\“-5’")0l'521>,.,}5‘,_>1 "
V , s‘ . . v V A .{ , 8
pass {alhbwk undergraduate council because “we hate ttot had Now 0" see it ' "ml u
4.)B(is students must complete five of eight any disccussion of it tet." I I I
areas of general studies. In addi to 5 ‘ i - " .5 . . - .. . . . .
[)rennon said that the additiona| re uircmcm- StUde (tmn: leslie Btngljiattt. finearts senator in and now you don‘. [hat s the way man) I It students felt yes- climb over the steel and concrete structure. In the second picture.
would not affect most of'the current 88$ “Udcms iii the mt “trdnnLLnt. sat t'hat 5(5 was unaware terdny when they walked past the, er. what was once the fountain Mike Flynn. a worker for Sinnco lnc.. cuts metal supports with a
- s . . (1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ i 55 . 5 , - 5 . . . . . . .
because “thev alreadv h'm‘ develo ed m“ m bl‘ could Pl P t h s (12110 in I it lift-8 progtam and at the Patterson Office Iower plan. In the first picture.taken Inst torch. the fountain is to be rebuilt to look like-the original.which
¢ ' ‘ r - - . . . . ' - ' - .
. , p .t a .\ it sat w en t c issue would be discussed. summer. the fountain is seen in its better datsas seteralstudents started to deteriorate last year.
Oda A' /th0u h arr/bi nt w ry th' r u held
I he offical said. although he had not studied the athletes‘ g p pa 8 or I 8 [08 a e p
state couterproposal. “It's obtiousis unacceptable Ihe president ' '
55 In psychology exper/ments at UK researchers say
Kentuckt vesterdat wt ‘ ' ‘ - - ~ - ..
h h I - 5' 'h the I 5 Supreme ("W ”‘I'htZ By BILL Ill (.Hlnh I“thtcal Principles itt the ('ondtict of Human Itt\esttgations and Studies
t at t e inc between the states is the Ohio River low water TIII'. l'NlTl-Ll) STATES WARN“) IR5\\ tesierd it - R ‘ " ' ’ " '
, l“, 1 707 { 5 5 . 5. Ripoiiei cstatclt with Human larttcipants (ommtttee
mar as it extsted in | -. against piintshtngthe 5\mcttcan hostages lteld itt Iehratt as Iht‘sc 'iiidelin's " «|\- - | “I ll - Ihc reti‘w b M I l I K ‘
Indiana Attornet (teneral Iheodorel Sendak said the retaliation for the departure of the deposed shalt fioni s ‘- . ‘ ma ‘ up I“ 1" k i n d 1’ com~
J decmon Mn clear .“. . . _ . ,, 1 . -\ prositttatelt ..400 students ttttestt 'ators ethical res onstbtltttes Ost‘tlttllWHC aratecontmtttecs. lhe
a at potential roadblocks to the con. Iananta , h p p 1 P
struction of the Marble Hill nuclear power plant and the Insistingthat the decistonot Shah Moh‘immm RC” l'ih- “”0” I" l K \ Introd'iiciot't pstchol- toward participants." Among other Ms‘dls'fll SCWHCC IIUHMH Inwfligil-
(lark Maritime (‘entre [an m MW mm,"a to, UN" “m made m ”K. Wm“ 0g) courses ett'rt tear. and of those. things. these guidelines aslt intestiga- “W13 flhd Studies hllhf ommtttec
Ihe dectston came when the nation's highest court monarch alone. ('artet administration officials alsotried to "6“”) XS percent partiupate I""‘P¢“‘ “‘r‘ I“ W015“ P‘II‘ICIP-"Int" ‘50”“d9n' rcttews proposed ”“hmih '"ml‘mfl
:ccested the recommendations of the special iudge who cool tempersin lehran btitlterinittoiinprote relationsomc merits in order to obtain additional tiiilitt. and tell them what nttght be medical Pl'ttu‘tlu's‘x and the \on»
car testimony tn the case the tour and tim- halt-month-old hostage mm ends class credit expected for participation Ilt addt~ Medical Human Inwsltgittions and
nation lhe officials said the Soviets pose a common danger to But man) of those students are ttott. the 5\I’5\ l\ concerned ahout the 5!“le Sub-('ommittee ““1““ pro
{ ‘ .. I S and Iranianintereststnthel‘crstan(iiilfattdt5-.iittimed afraid of attending their first espett- posstbtlttt of coercion. and also aslt posed ““t‘im‘h ”1“"an! “WHOWI
THE. WHITE H01“, APPARENTH’ has ":':de a an offer to disctiss American aid alter the 5f) "nit'llk'dll hos~ niettt because tliet fear that the\ will itttcsttgatots to inform participants of procedures
counterro. 5 . .. t' 5- . ' '
Olvmplf om:.Z'Vicingfhammmo pdrULlpdlc m the ages are liberated become human guinea pigs at the theesient.:tnd possible consequences. Roth committees are required ht
time protest the soviet mlIllal": “51:55:: andMaththe same weather “I‘m” ”I Ih“ P‘Wh‘fl‘dl.‘ tIt‘l‘im' ”I ”W experiment ”0'" Ihi‘ beginning IC‘ICI‘” ”whim” '” hate faculty 3‘
A White House and h Ii 9 “{ ”I 5 8 8mm" { ~ { . { ment flut. according! to those asso- An institutional retiew board tsalso chairmen and members
_ e.w oas edthat he not be identified. IT'S (-ONNA I”. .5\ HTTII' BleillTHt Hill“ It t'l h 5 5 - 5 ’ “ " '
said yesterday a SImHaf proposal was considered two will be nartIt sunnt mm HI thh h th at 5 tta u wit ttpcitritcntation at I k. required. It issct uptoetaluateproce- Ihcapplttation nttist includeastim-
‘ 5 _ .5 W'CI‘AI I \In CU 'l I ~ s u w 5 s \ s s 5 4 ' I I " ' "
"‘0“th 380- bdrm? Presudent ('arter called tor ;. compim to“ 50‘ It m” M (“mm mm d (“:‘. M ”In Rxwh“; nothing could be further front truth dtircs and proposed txptritnc ms at mart of the proposed research. tItIdlI~
hoy'cott of the (tamarind it was reiccted Highs tn the low 50s ' - lhe American I’stchological 5\\so- L‘\(‘r_\ institution that conducts mg the research «thlct‘lm‘m Iht‘
ciattoii. a professional organt/atton research possible human ht‘nt'llls. the proce-
for pstchologists. recentlt ptiblishcd At I'K. it is called Inttcrsitt (ontinued on I (5
. P

Mirror in ( trier Mark Green Kim Aubrey Thomas ( Iarli John (‘th Guy Linden
‘ .IIIv I-ossclt Bob (ochrlnc ltrierrurnnren/ fill/or S/mm Mirror ”WW" 0’ l’humgmphr
(In “this tom rule Irlrrun Paul Minn
VuImL'IIIL' lilrr.” (ind) McGee s. I. Robinson Brian Rickerd David Maynard
Jacki Rudd tun/um 4ysnrurrl .S/iom hluur WWI“ MUM)!"
. Steve Mmsey lisl Dousslrd ('u/tr I'rlrrrm l‘lllt'NtlIII/ilt‘nl tilt/or
- en It comes 0 a CO 0 , a I e awareness never urt anyone
. How much thought docs the average student, stall. Students. taetrlty and staff members formed a mm For some college students. drinking is a newexpe- able to drink responsibly.
. ~ - . L ., ;r . > - mttt .. t v schedule activities on cam us. (‘ommrttee rience. On their own forthe first time. many students . . . _ . .
faculty liiclllhti or tdmltll trt or put rtito lits or her cc It V . . . , II PV . . , . , I : . I .. .- 1 , lhe owners of these bars deserve thanks foryoming
drinking hahrt’ Have baruhopprng or three—drink rnerribers reflect a range ol campus organr/ations and experiment With dlsOhOI. lhe (incision todrink or not in the effort to increase the ublic's wa b
I . . , . , , . . a r
lunches become a habtt‘,’ departments. including residence halls. the Panhel- to drink rests with the individual. and without inlor- alcohol es eciall 'since servi)n alc h l' :ness a 01,"
. , lenic and Intralraternitv councils. the (‘ollege of mation about its effects it is difficult for students to . it p ) . g. 0 OI“: everagesrs
[)0 you drink in the singular \L'nsL‘ one beer or . . I - I . . . their business. MiXing alcohol wrth socral events does
. . Social l’rolessrons. Student (rovernment and the make a dCCIston based on facts. . .
mixed drink per day or do you drrrrk in the pltrral . l lt'~ loo oft‘n I l vh )I .I _ d I t b' ‘k f l‘ f not lead to problems unless the drinkers overrn-
sense. as rn. “A tew more prtelrersot bee: and then I‘ll “W” ”l 5““ Hits 0 ice. . v. .VaIctV (I ‘3 use d” o '0‘ “ rngs 0 dulge and endanger the lives ofothers orthemselves
. hit the road"“ t‘nlortunately. those people who could learn the inadequacy. inferiority. embarrassment or shyness. '
. most by attendin’ the events may i ynore the entire 0r co le use drinkin i as a rev en te. to blura bad day A'COhOI awareness programs are badly needed on
’ h t - ll -~ - E - 5 . 5 E - . .
. lhanks to ltinding trorii t e VnItversrty uman Prttlt’s‘t- 0mm mu} w), they don‘t need [0 know any- at the 01“ch to lorget retection from a boyfriend or college campuses and at busrnesses across the nation.
Relations ( enter. members or thul ls community can ”mm mm “hm” alcohol except the latest price m- a girlfriend. Attend the lectures and forums this week. participate
. learn about the physical and mental effects of alcohol can of beer. Stingles. v] “0 Kc“ ()‘Riley‘s and Jefferson Davis in the events open your mind to the fact that you
ml" “Wk h) attending arty m the leetuIresI. lor mm m lhe campus committee has taken a step in the right lnn all local bars havejoined in the awareness may be drinking for reasons other than simple
activities held trieorirurittron with Alto to Awareness direction by giving the [K community a chance to week by hosting BARI) (Be A Responsible Drinker) enjoyment. I
. WCCK learn more about the effects of alcohol. Not only is nights. Many students attending beer blasts. parties. And the next time you reach for an alcoholic drink
[K is participating ill the Kentucky Alcoholism drinking expensive economically. it can also be costly football games or drinking a round at the bars don‘t ask yourself if you can stop after only one. A little
(‘ounctl‘s statewide awareness week tor the lirst time. in terms of physical and mental health. remember that not everyone can handle drinking or is awareness never hurt anyone.
———————-————-—__.____—_______ :
. . l t
. W ' \ y \ . '
. Absolute fool was the worst ()ne of theImost irrele- the luttrre l want to thank these peo- / ,7, \ A V .
. . .' . l d V l \l R k vant songs everrecorded.it isthe kind ple tor their strong encouragement . I II i.‘
. n regarI to I50“ “m“ C‘ ‘ r. K ' of thing that might be amusing to a and interest that they had given to me. . I \ f i ) vi. 3' “it
I ‘ erd. congratulations. not only trom classroom full of second grade stu- lliaiik yoti. y“ , (an Thur
myself. b‘” lromall "t theermy Bul— dents.“ What is irrelevant? “(‘heese- x N, ‘ I i ' \gfihmfi.}fi
lett tansonthel nrversrty of Kentucky burger m Paradise“rs very relevant. lt Jamie Vaught - ‘ . I . “Eh—1m
' camPugiémd'whh “Eli dim“ [hm h“: '5 the tale 0‘3 man “hO 10‘“ Chew.“ Business Administration graduate cowl/i “vi—a —- is ”d— 7 /
. 5‘1““ C ~ “'1 l ‘v ktthC‘l‘mI 0 burgers. but is on a diet and. because student - \~‘\- ., ’ a. ' "/' '/ "q “
. . your article. in making an dh‘muu of this. is having dreams about cheese- _ _ /—-— -- -' - ‘\-_ P $9: / 3,
, V I ’00'0’ yourself. . burgers. Anybody with even a rela— CheCklng seerceS r” \-‘.r f i l. ,-~' _- / 02‘ '/ /
Yes. i mean tool. Why do] say this" tryer bright mind can understand this F I MISS -‘ -,_-’1 ’
, . , . Here's “h.‘3 l ou. *Ul’Pmt-‘dh went 10 song- (iuess that leaves you out. i he employees of Second National I (k ENE :' " ‘r- in?" Wm EA /, i
.. ‘ , “ ‘t' ' . . . ,.,°‘.,,'¢rmrx“\ 07 ;
. see Jimmy Bullett in concer.. and last. but not least.howcanyou say Bank and Vfrust (ompany are proud I ‘. % 'f‘gi" 8’83; .9 . a ,1 1533; m a o / r
. wroteanIarticleonanythingIvotifound that ”.5 a shame Buffett didn't get a ofa long history of servicetothe Uni- ' \\ .~ e y" "' 4' c Piracy ° ’ a ’ 00AM ow 90 / i‘fie‘a
. ' to be “forced." “irrelevant“ and rust I . . versitv of Kentucky. \‘ts ,- ' . / i i”
. l in “bad .. _ better crowd. You are now throwing . ‘ $.70.- I 3‘ , i . ;./ T1.- “ " , an,» H/ /I a o
' . . ew- .' ~ ' t . . " . J x -
I ' , p d , ' B t h all the blame of the “bad concert“on Having two branches conveniently ‘ :3)? °° 0'05“} ~‘ whiff; my!" d 000‘? ' “WW
. , , . . , . - s n .o a -
, You sard that u lett asa constant the ”0de Why dont you make up located on campus to serve the finan- A C x at 0633300 5’ (I (399’ .~ My. ./59I‘03m‘ II £99?
desire [0 party and Ih‘” he ‘nfsm por— your mtnd‘.’ Better yet. why don‘t you cial needs of UK students. faculty and 4 I . ii" ' “ ‘
V . tray this in his concerts. htit whether stick to writing sports articles. since staff members we are concerned with 9 ‘Ilff N VI ’1’; p "—2 (E) ‘I _/ -
or not 1h” imagersaccuratethesedays you are the assistant sports editor'.’ opinions “pressed by our customers fix‘ 5 ‘\\\.C\§?fi3st ' [A 1 y E. W
' - is questionable based on his pertor~ . . . . p . - d‘ -, . , , _ I i' 3) \ \ \\ “‘- '2 Q 39.
mance luesdav night " How do you P'S‘ lhe word '3 spelled “Margari- fslwtell :5 e llton‘liyl view/norms DUb- W‘QK‘ \ii’)\‘\l\\i ‘ g“ “ ‘ \
. ~ . . . . .. I I ,I . isic y tie 't'ntru 'r ly't'rmrl. ‘4 “ ‘ . ' 7'“ .
' '1 ' think he should portrav it by com. tayrlle not Mle'ng'lidHilL. H0“ did Accordrn ily vtr ‘ti I -~ , t god/4r,” A“ we. ‘ "E‘s \ .1 T \\ i
' J ' ' you ever get a job on the Acme/stall") ' 1‘" 'i I k 1 p 0-H” (many 0 yCo 3 i .bl 5' w ‘
. . . I V rng ontoIVstage ortink with a reeler in - > ‘ ‘ whome are l'K graduates) read with 77!; 1-9,“
V I his hand i believe that Bullett com- .1 D M h significant interest Mr..lames(irillin‘s if"? a: ‘3 46’ “finite-5‘ - \\
pletely portrayed this image simply by Te”) “ ulI'p ‘ recent column pertaining to bank 55;- "i f" 5 / 7, “,6. a ' / i
. ' ' hrs actions and savings while on stage. elecommunications freshman » ~ . »,. L t h— . .y sv- | ’ f, - . /
V I V I \tu charges .N\- U -~“9 . t
V . Would Pat Boone come onto stage 9“”V "‘ - / \g. ‘ 3 it .- l
I < . r ‘ ' "m "
‘ . . and say. "We spent our night off in Not cand|date Second Nationals staff has respect / 7" ’it‘, \“ . 'Q " . \\
' ' l.exrngton and I remember hall of it. I I for the Kentucky kernel and recog- if“L ‘ V . ..‘.| e' ‘ /A i
. , swear I do"“ l m ItN “Hint! :1 \hi rt nntc to sit} niles its independence as a free press. -tty ’N)‘ m .' . ‘ k“ 4 '\ . .m-
, . All Hi t' . that he dc‘L-ldud not robe a candidate. Howeeer. our bank regrets the fact .mm‘.' H . {,5. _ Q‘ \<
. s . , .. z r \ I
. . 'l‘ hol u tett vsongsdonoteontarn tor t k s Student (rover'nmerit presi~ that Mr. Griffin misled your readers. ‘5, ‘5.x '3 _',V
. . 3:" h“ or mariyuana '” the hm“ nor dent torthe upcoming electron lmade and the purpose of this letter is to
I' . ‘fh t improvrsIe reIlItrenceIs 1” all my decision quietly the day belor'e express the conviction that Second m
ans vn . , ' “ , . ' v . . . . , . . . . '
. ~V V . whrchtiansiiiigg nfeanset‘l': “It“: spring break that l wasrttgotngtorun .‘satronals checking services are not The Itemucky kernel welcomes all contributions may delete libelous statements.
. . (‘hrldreri "had nonreterieri 0”? Orrh‘ ‘ lhe deersron was based on the tact that only highly competitive but one ofthe from the UK community for publication on the editorial Contributions should be delivered to Room “4J0"
' I‘CC‘ “ 65“ l‘riinvt '\-ri”5 “-nt r’tlttl‘ ' ' " - - - - -
, _ - , items whatsoever. on by the wav.vou L, ”Hui“:,(tntmupztkI :1“ ,LI _ 1: j in be“ bu” '" Lumgmn' and 09mm" Pa?” . nalism. Universrty of Kentucky. lcxrngton, Ky. 40506.
must ha\t‘ been In the restroom-when }(. til' I] \\ 1 | k b ill! “his m In Fortunately. no Other Lexington Lengs‘ Opinions and commentaries must be typed F l y t ‘b t UK [0
VI I . he sang thisone. because thcaudience res tr , . ntII pro a y or. e work» bank has our employees. and we feel and triple-spaced. and must include the writers srgna- for ega $350753” “ u 0’5 must presenta . '
,0.ch ” ”‘t' "’l d “M” ‘P"”‘ mitt-"mm" ”C“ each one is a very special person! We ture. address and phone number. UK students should be ore the Acme Will be able ‘0 accept the material.
. . . . tall I probably will be back. but yotr believetheircommitment to ourcusto- include their year and major and University employees
. . > Di will agree that "(rods ()wn yievcr inIio“ A lot ol things will me” in providing courteous and com- should list their position and department. Letters:
. - . cornu‘neit :uptghthL) Ihis most popIIular “PP‘” “ML” ”"“ ”1d ‘1 U L ’ petent service is worth something in The kernel may condense or rejectcontributionscnd Should be 30 lines or lessand no morethan 200words.
.’ , mtS:Cdsomrenol€ih1sL: I’muI mugétdt‘ h I had run tor on“ | teli um“. return something more than the frequent writers maybelimited. Editors reservethe right They should concern particular issues, concerns or
‘ ' the Mb 0 I“ toll Iggy :01 Law“; dent that I would‘ve been a strong gun. treatment afforded them by your to edit for correct spelling. grammar and clarity. and events relevant to the UK community.
. ' first'saw lihe heart Hit wasdl ‘KV‘ dink drdatc with a vcr\ vvell~organiled and columnist,
. , ‘ . a o ta '
. ,_ ‘iCiili campaign ties tie the Met th'it ' ' ‘
- lookin lella.‘bout l9 feet tall looked f. ‘ p i . ‘ Keeping m mind the COS‘ 0f M" -
. ‘ _ like Sam Bowie .. ll" WWWI.‘ hittd 0‘ ht‘éttlhy ll“ ””1 Griffin‘s published free advice. the second helplng on death
I , V . V saying that l would win but felt like I adage “you get what you pay for"
I V _ Buffett svocals.asyou say.areaver- had a good shot at the presidency | seems fulfilled. . I l
I ~ . . age. (ompared to whom. Beverly ttist hope there is someone who would C . l . . 0 U] 1 1,2,8 pon ers acy S pun/S men
- V Sills.’ ll Buttett's vocals were only mike a line representative lorthe stti- atteffiigrdgnjiuons pn gCItItIing our ‘
.. 'I avera e. he wouldn‘t have been l- t b l - . ‘ t - - I n. we we come eoppor- ~ ~ ~ , . , 4 .
, . I . . arounil as long as he hast ““03“th L?” III‘I‘V‘ .‘I i :‘ll’: IT‘IKI Thinkt- hhi-H -‘ tunity to work with you and your edi- By JAMES (-RIH‘IN owned chair and JUiced wrth enough didnt get the death penalty could be
' V .I .I his band and even longer Im‘ hrsown) ”3:: [hp‘ f :IILI'L ff“ (I: I“? t I“ ”m torial staff whenever we can be of voltage to sear his flesh and jerk him used. As an added assurance. we could '
. I I. - » t L -l . t V "WW” service. In Chicago. John Wayne (iacy has about until his body is acorpse. After pick known homosexuals and Child
’ q it I , You really hurt yourself “1th your “hm“ I “l“ Ruin”) on H been convicted by a jury of his peers. asking around. He discovered some mOICStCrS."h€COMinU€d-“SOCietyWi”
. I.‘ . i ' . ' statement. "Among the upbeat mate- I |tist wanted to let my “mute and Timothy D. Strohl They decided he was sancwhen he bru- dissatisfaction with the punishment not miss those worthless creeps."
'. ‘ II" I I rial wlirch the crowd entoyed the assoerates know that l was very inter» Vice President.Second National Bank ”“5 killed 0“" 30 young men in the Chm?" for “39."? “Would you do "“5 0" a regular
I- , ‘ I . if most “Cheeseburger in Paradise" esied tritheraeebtrt hadtothrnk about and Trust Company prime "t ”1"” “V“ My friend Norman can certainly be basis when mass murderers are
. . .V r For about a year we have been considered one of (iacy's peers. and COHViCICd?"
r I ' I . . I . . I t V . I I I