xt77wm13qz5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13qz5c/data/mets.xml Georgia United States. Works Progress Administration Lowe, Robert C.(Robert Chapin), 1907- Queen, James S. 1935 p. 901-950, 1 leaf (folded); 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:35/G 29 books English Washington: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Georgia Works Progress Administration Publications Public welfare -- Law and legislation -- Georgia Charity laws and legislation -- Georgia Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Georgia text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Georgia 1935 1935 2019 true xt77wm13qz5c section xt77wm13qz5c -. >/ :3 I V UNIVERSITYOFKENTUCKY I Vi N;
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This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in abstract I
form the public welfare provisions of the laws of each of the States.

The purpose of these bulletins is to give a brief review of the
provisions for public assistance under the laws of the several juris-
dictions, and of the administrative agencies set up by law with reference

' thereto. A chart showing the organizatioml relationships of the admini-
strative agencies is included.
i; The possibility of error in attempting with a limited staff and
gran a limited time to assemble and digest the formidable mass of material
_ 1’25 incident to such a study is frankly recognized. The cooperation of those
. :0 who have occasion to use these digests in reporting any errors of omission
: or commission noted, or in suggesting improvement in form or content, is
invited and will be greatly appreciated.
Meanwhile it is hoped that those interested in considering the ‘
x; reorganization or strengthening of public welfare services in the several
3 States may find the digests of practical value.
if} ‘ ' M (53/3; Lw
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Public Welfare Provisions Page
General Poor Relief ............................................... 901
Dependent and Neglected Children (Institutional) ...¢.............. 903
SOldiers‘ 85nd Sailors“ Relief cooo.0000000...loco-Iaoieoeoeooolooeot 905 ’ ,
Administrative Provisions
Board of Control of Eleemosynary Institutions ..................... 907
(Division of Public Welfare)
Superintendent of Milledgeville State Hospital ............... 913
Superintendent of Georgia Training School
for Mental Defectives caneuro-connects...coo- 915
. Superintendent of the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium .......... 916
Academy fo}? the Blind a...nno.cooo0.0.0.009.aloe-ooo-uo-oooouno 917‘
Principal of the Georgia School for the Deaf ................. 919
The Confederate Soldiers' Home of Georgia .................... 921
Superintendent of the Georgia State Training School for Boys.. 923
Superintendent of the Georgia State Training School for Girls. 925
Georgia Industrial Home (Private Institution) ..................... 927
Georgia Children's- Code Cmssion ounce-coco.cocoa- 98
Georgia Prison Commission ......................................... 930
Boa-rd- of Pardons IIOOOUCICUIOOIIOII...I0.0.0.0000...COCO-OOOOOIOOOO 935
DireCtor Of veterms' semce Office OOOIOOOOIOOOIIOOOII0.0.0.0.... 937
The County Ordinary coo-ac...cocoon-coo.teeny-couscou-oo-ooooonoooo 939
Juvenile Court oooeooouocooococoarse- 9M].
Superintendent of County Detention Home ........................... 9h8
County Welfare Board ooooooooo-eooooo-ooeouooooooc-ouoooo-ooo-ooooo 9’49

(a) Description of class
These persons who have insufficient means of support and
who are unable to maintain themselves by labor are paupers. In cases
where females are unable to maintain themselves and their helpless
children, they may be aided to the extent required. 1/
(b) Procedure for detennining eligibility
Application to be provided for as a pauper made to County
Ordinary or Commissioner of the Poor, upon which an immediate hearing
must be had, by the Ordinary. The person to whom application is made
is authorized to provide for such applicant as other county poor un-
til hearing is had. 2/ On the trial, the certificate of the Ordinary
that the person was poor and unable to sustain himself, and that he
was maintained for such a time at the expense of the county, is re-
sumptive evidence of such maintenance, and the costs thereof. 3/?
(0) Measure of responsibilifl
Actual support of such paupers; care in poor houses, etc. h,5/
. Decent burial, mandatory. 2/ ‘
(d) Qualifications imposed
The father, mother, or child of a pauper shall be liable,
if sufficiently able, for the support of such pauper. é/
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
County, obligation optional. Z/
(f) Taxes
The Ordinary or other authority empowered to levy taxes is
authorized to levy for the support of the paupers of the county, a tax
not in excess of 25% of the amount of the State tax for the year. §/
The Ordinary may levy and collect a tax for the purpose of purchasing
a house and farm for the housing of paupers. 2/
1. Georgia Code (1953), See. 23-2301
2. Ibid, Sec. 23-2203
3. Ibid, Sec. 23-2303
2;. Ibid, Sec. 23,21
5. Ibid, Sec. 23~230h
. . 6. Ibid, Sec. 23-2302
7. Ibid, Sec. 92-5701 (7)
8. Ibid, Sec. 92-3733
9. Ibid, Sec. 23-21

 902. GEORGIA - Abstract of Public _
Welfare Provisions
(g) Administrative agencies
The County Ordinary 10/, who may appoint a Commissioner of
the Poor 11/, or the Board of County Commissioners. 12/
County Boards of Welfare in counties of 200,000 and over. 13/
(h) Sugervisorz controls
Board of Control oversees almshouses. y
10. Georgia Code (1953), See. 23-2101
11. Ibid, Sec. 23-2201, 2202, 2203
12. Ibid, Sec. 23-902 .
13. Georgia Session Laws (1955), p. L187
11;. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-106 _

 w - Abstract of Public 903.
Welfare Provisions
(a) Descrifiion of class
Any girl under 111,, any boy under 10 years of age, who is in
circumstances of destitution, abandonment, suffering or neglect, begg-
ing, or living in a house of ill fame y. Children living under circum-
stances as may jeopardize their future usefulness and who by reason of
such neglect may become dependent and delinquent. Children under 16
years of age confined in any penal institution or common jail who should
have more suitable treatment. 2/
(Children subject to comitmezrb to Georgia Industrial School:
. Those over A and under 114 who may be roaming the streets or public high-
ways, begging, homeless, and without parental care; who may be found in
the hands of immoral or destitute parents, or other persons; who may be
confined to poor houses or pauper fame of the State; who may be found
in houses of ill fame or in hands of persons living lives of shame:
whose parents have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail.) 2/
(b). Procedure for determining eligibility
When such needy child is found it is the duty of any police-
man or any other officer to bring said child before any judicial officer
of the county or city (mayor, recorder, Juvenile Court, Judge Superior
. Court, etc.) for examination. The Judicial officer may commit such child
to the institution best suited for it. y
State Welfare Division of Board of Control y, County Ordi-
mry 2/, and County Welfare Board y, may also investigate and commit
‘ (c) Measure of responsibility
‘Care in Orphan Asylums, incorporated charitable institutions,
family homes, or State Industrial Home. '_7/
(d) Qualifications imposed
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
County may pay $50 per annum to institution for each child
canmitted §/. State Welfare Division of Board of. Control is authorized
to receive and expend funds available from Federal Government 2/.
1. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-506
2. Georgia Session Laws (1935), p. 1491
3. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-601
. h. Ibid, Sec. 35-506
5. Ibid, Sec. 23-2101
6. Georgia Session Laws (1935), p. 1.86
7. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-5
8. Georgia Code 1926), See. 2861;
9. Georgia Session Laws (1935), p. L91

 904. GEORGIA - Abstract of Public
Welfare Provisions
(1') Taxes I
. Property tax: Pauper or educational fund. §/
(g) Administrative agencies
State: Board of Control, Division of Public Welfare. g/
County: County Ordinary g, County Board of Welfare 10/,
any other city or county judicial officers 2/.
(h) SuErvisoi-y controls
Board of Control of Eleemosynary Institutions, Division of
Public Welfare. 11/
10. Georgia Session Laws (1935), p. 1486
11. Georgia Code (1935), Soc. 99-101 .

 GEORGIA - Abstract of Public 905.
lelfarc Provisions —
(a) Descriztion of class

State: Any person residing in the State January 1, 1920,
who by proper proof shows that he enlisted and served in the military
service of the Confederate States, or in a Georgia regiment or company,
or under a Georgia comand, or in the organized militia of the State of
Georgia, during the Civil War, and that he was honorably discharged
therefrom, and is now a bona fide resident citizen of this State y.
Also any widow of such person, who furnishes proof to show she is a
bona fide resident of this State g/.

County: Any ex—Confederate soldier of this State inc nay
become chargeable upon the poor find. 2/

(1)) Procedure for determining eligibilitz

State: Affidavit made out before the Ordinary of the Cmmty
stating that the applicant fulfills all requircnents as to residence,
service in Confederate Army, etc. 9/

Application filed in Veterans' Service Office, before lovers-

. ber 1st, to be on pension roll the next year. §/

Witnesses and proof mt be diown by applicants. é/

Director of Veterans' Service Office mast pass on all
pension claims. 1/

County: Body having authority over administration of poor
flmds, County Ordinary, Board of lelfare, or Cmissioncrs. y

(c) leasure of responsibilitz

State: Annual pension of $30 per tenth to Confederate
veterans and widows of Confederate veterans §/. Care in Confederate
Soldiers' Hone. Decent burial ¥/. (Admission to Scldiers' Hm in
lieu of pension 1_O/.) (Obligat on mandatory).

County: lustfurnish food and clothing only 1_1/. (01.11-
gation nandatory).
1. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 78-201
2. Ibid, 800. 78.2“}

5. Ibid, Sec. 23-2101
1;. Ibid, Sec. 78-205
5. Ibid, Sec. 78-206
6. Ibid, Sec. 78-207
. 7. Ibid, Sec. 78-106
8. Ibid. s°°e 78.216
9. Ibid, Sec. 35-903
10. Ibid. $000 3
11. Ibid, Sec. 23-210}

 905° GEORGIA - Abstract of Public
Welfare Provisions
(d) Qualifications imposed '
Est-Confederate soldiers residing in this State January 1,
1920, now bona fide citizens of the State, widows of ex-Ccnfederate
soldiers, who were married prior to 1881, new residents of the State 1_2_/.
Residence of 1 year required for admittance to Confederate Home 13/.
County: No provision.
(e) Incidence of financial resmnsibilitz
State: General hmd 12/. The Highway fund 13/.
County: General Fund m.
(f) Taxes
State: General Property tax 13/. Cigar and cigarette tax 13/.
County: General Property tax y.
(g) Administrative amiss
State: Director of Veterans' Service Office 2/! and County .
Ordinaries (Pensions) _l_8/, Board of Control of Eleuosynary Instituticns
(Soldiers Base) 12/.
County: Ordimries or Boards of Welfare. 2_0/
(h) Supgrviscgz controls
lo provision.
12. Georgia Code (1933), See. 244901
13. ms, 3... 35-903
’ 11.. Ibid, 8... 92-2219
15. Georgia Session Laws (1933), p. 25, par. 9
16. Georgia Session Laws (1935), p. 5
17. Georgia Code (1933), See. 92-3701, par. 7
18. ms, 3... 73-210
19. Ibid, SOOe 3m].
20. Georgia Session Laws (1935), p. 1.86 .

(Statutory Body)
Is General Powers and Duties
(a) The Board establishes rules and regulations for its own direction
and my fix the terms of office of its chaiman, vice-chairman and secretary.
It has general supervision and control over the following institutions:
Milledgeville State Hospital.
Georgia Training School for Mental Defectives.
State Tuberculosis Sanatcrium at Alto.
Acadany for the Blind.
School for the Deaf.
Confederate Soldiers' Home of Georgia.
Training School for Boys.
Training School for Girls. 1/
(b) The Welfare Department of the Board of Control is authorized to
arrange care for homeless, dependent and neglected children. The following
. ’ specific child-caring functions may be undertaken by the welfare deparhnent:
1. Cooperation with county officials, juvenile courts, and
child-caring agencies and institutions in the State in arrang-
ing care for children living under such circumstances as may
jeopardize their future usefulness, and [children who, by such
neglect, may become dependent or delinquent.
2. Said department may investigate all children confined in
the almshouses in this State; children under the age of sizi-
teen years confined 'in any penal institution or common jail;
and may cooperate with the proper officials in arranging
more suitable treatment or care.
3. Said department my cooperate in arranging care for all
children who may be found to be begging, who may be homeless
and without parental care or lacking sufficient guardian-
ship, or living under such conditions as to endanger their
morals, health, and welfare.
)4. The said department may cooperate with institutions and
agencies which provide care for homeless, dependent, neglect-
ed, crippled, or handicapped children by demonstrating ap-
proved methods in planning the future of such children, and
particularly concerning the policies of intake, individualiz-
ed care and placement in accordance with the provisions of
. the Georgia Child placing laws. .
1. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-106

 “3- GEORGIA - Abstract of Administrative Provisions
Wf Control of Eleemosynary Institutions
1. W (Cont'd> .

Said Welfare Department is authorized to receive and expend such
funds as my be made available to it from the Federal Treasury, from
any county or city treasury, and to contract with the proper officials
representing any of these governmental agencies, for the purpose of
carrying out the provisions of this act. 2/

(c) It is the duty of the Board by committee or by its secretary,
or by officers or employees of the Division of Public Welfare, to visit,
inspect, and examine at least once a year county jails, the state, county, '
municipal and private institutions and organizations which are of an
eleemosynary, charitable, correctional, or reformatory character, or
which are for the care, custody or training of the orphan, dependent, de-
linquent, or criminal classes. It must also inspect and report upon

. chartered or private institutions engaged in the care and protection of
homeless, dependent, defective and delinquent children or adults.

(d) The Board must cause to be distributed among the heads of the
various institutions information on how to maintain the highest and most
modern standards in their institutions. 3/

(e) The Board must collect, file and publish statistics and in-
formation regarding the dependent, defective and delinquent classes with-
in the State and such other data as may be of value in assisting the .
officials of the institutions. y

(f) The Board may appoint for each county or city a local committee
of visitors. The duty of said committee is to visit and inspect and to
report to the Board any matters of importance respecting the jails, alas-
houses, private institutions and agencies in such county or city, and to
encourage and aid local authorities in maintaining such institutions in a
an efficient manner. g/

(g) Authority of Board of Control over Milledgeville State Hospital. §/

1. To prescribe all rules and regulations for the management
of the Hospital not inconsistent with the law.
2. To appoint annually all the officers, point out their
duties, and fix‘ their salaries.
3. To create such other offices, and select the incumbents,
if in their judynent such is necessary to an efficient ad-
Lt. To ram fran office inomnbents who are not satisfactorily
or efficiently performing their duties.
2. Georgia Session Laws (1935), p. [4.90 .
3. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 99-101
A. Ibid, Sec. 99-105
5. Ibid, Sec. 99-1d1
6. Ibid, Sec. 35-201

 ‘ GEORGIA - Abstract of Administrative Provisions 909.
Board of Control of Eleemosynary Institutions
. 1. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd)
5. To hold in trust all gifts to the Hospital.
6. To visit and inspect the institution annually.
7. To bring suit in its name for any claims the institution
may have.
(h) Authority of Board of Control over Academy for the Blind. Z/
1. To appoint such officers, teachers and matrons as may be
necessary; to prescribe their duties, fix their salaries,
and remove or discontinue them at pleasure.
2. To prescribe the course of studies, establish the rates
of tuition, and adjust the expenditures of the institution.
3. To adopt such rules and regulations, not in conflict
with law, as the interest of the academy may require.
Provisions for the Georgia School for Blind apply to Georgia School
for the Deaf. The Board exercises same power over School for Deaf ex-
cept selecting subordinate officials which is done by the Superintendent
of the School for the Deaf. 33/

. l (1) Authority of Board of Control over Confederate Soldiers' Home. _9_/
1. The Board provides all the necessary rules and regulations
for the government thereof and admission thereto.

2. It appoints all officers and unployees of the instituticn
and fixes their salaries, not to exceed any limits set by statute.
3. It must visit the institution yearly and report findings ‘b
the governor, who will turn said report over to the general
(:1) Authority of Board of Control over Georgia Training School.
1. The Board has power to make all rules and regulations
. necessary and proper for the discipline, employment, in-
struction, and education of the inmates. The Board also
has the power to prescribe any certain kind of work for
any inmate. 10/ The Board is empowered to establish ani
maintain a system of manual training and instruction in
trades, and to create such industries, productive or other-
wise, as are in its opinion, to the best interests of the
inmates. 11/ The Board has power to use such Insane of re-
formation as are consistent with the improvement of the inmates. 12/
7. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-702 10. Ibid, Sec. 77-6057
8. Ibid, Sec. 35-810 11. Ibid. 360- 77-60
9. Ibid, Sec. 35-901 12. Ibid, Sec. 77-608

 910. GEORGIA - Abstract of Administrative Provisions .
Board of Control of Eleemosynary Institutions

1. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd) .
2. The Board is authorized to establish such system of parole
of the inmates as it deems proper. 13/
3. The Board must under a system of marks or otherwise, fix -
upon a uniform plan by which is determined what credit is to
be allowed as earned by each inmate as the condition of inr
creased privileges or of a release from the school, which
system is subject to revision from time to time by the Board.Llh/
h. The Board must sell to the best advantage all agricultural
products not used in the school, and must apply proceeds there-
of to the maintenance of the institution as far as necessary. 15/

(k) Authority of Board of Control over Georgia Training School

for Girls.
1. The Board prepares and adopts a system of government for
the institution embracing such rules and regulations as may
be necessary for the efficient operation of the school. 16/
2. The Board must keep a regular set of books for the inr
stitution and report condition of same to the Governor annually. 17/
3. The Board appoints all the officers, prescribes their dutie
and fixes their salaries. 18/ b
2. CompositiOn and Appointment of Governing Body

The Board is composed of eleven members, one from the State at large
and one from each Congressional district. They are appointed by the
Governor with the approval of the Senate. The ten members representing
Congressional districts serve sixryear rotating terms, and the member at
large serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

The Governor is an ex-officio member of the Board and.fills all
vacancies subject to the approval of the Senate. 19/

The members receive seven dollars for each day of actual attendance
at meetings or on tours of inspection. They also receive travelling ex-
penses. 20/

The Board selects one of its own manbers as chairman. 21/

3. Reports

The Board, through committees, must make at least one annual visit
to an inspection of each of the institutions under its care and the com—
mittee must report their findings and conclusions to the Board. 22/

13. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 77-609 18.1bid, Sec. 77-702

114. Ibid, Sec. 77-616 19.1bid, sec. 55-102, 35-103
7 15. Ibid, Sec. 77-618 20.1bid, Sec. 35-110

16. Ibid, Sec. 77-705 21.1bid, Sec. 35-10h

17. Ibid, Sec. 77-706 22.1bid, Sec. 35-109

 GEORGIA - Abstract of Administrative Provisions 911.
Board of Control of Eleemosynary Institutions
3. Reports (Cont'd)

I The Board reports annually to the Governor so that the
Governor may report to the General Assembly the conditions of
all institutions under the care of the Board. The Board must
report as often as once a month to the State Board of Health
concerning matters subject to the jurisdiction of the State
Board of Health. 23/

Special annual reports to the Governor are required
on the Milledgeville State Hospital and the Academy for the
Blind, the Georgia School for the Deaf and the Confederate
Soldiers' Home. ELM

11. Executive

The Board appoints a secretary, not a member thereof,
to hold office at the pleasure of the Board, who must devote
all his time to the work of the Board. He receives a salary
fixed by the Board not to exceed $5,000 per annum. 25/

5. Staff ‘

. No provision for other than the local committee of
visitors which may be appointed by the Board for each county
or city. Such committees consist of three persons, one of
whom must be a member of the local Board of E-ealth, and one
of whom may be a woman. The manbers of these committees re-
ceive no compensation but are provided by the Board with all
necessary stationery, postage, and forms fbr keeping proper
records in making their reports to the Board. 26/ ,

6. Financial Provisions

The Board is financed by appropriations from the State
general fund.

Amount of A ro riation:

. ' The sum of $15,000 is appropriated for the
calendar year 1935. The sum of $20 000 is appropriated to
the Division of Public Welfare. 27/
23. Georgia Code (1933), See. 2158-87
2).... Ibid, Sec. 35-211, 35-707, 35-8011,, 35-110, 35-111
25. Ibid, Sec. 35-105

. 26. Ibid, Sec. 990b,

27. Georgia Session Laws (1933), p. 214

 912. GEORGIA - Abstract of Administrative Provisions
Board of Control of Eleanosynary Institutions
6. Financial Provisions (Cont'd) .
Limitation of Funds:
These appropriations are alloted for the expense of
the operatipn of the office of the Board of Control, and the Division
of Public Welfare.

 GEORGIA - Abstract of 913.
Ministrative Provisions
(Statutory Body) 1/
1. General Powers and Duties
(a) The superintendent receives and discharges lunatics, epilep-

‘ tics, idiots and mental inebriates under such rules and regulations as
the Board of Control prescribes. 2/

(b) The Superintendent resides constantly on the premises and de-
votes his professional services exclusively to the use of the hospital,
for which purpose he is furnished with a suitable residence. He takes
charge of and exercises control, subject to the Board of Control, over
every department of the institution and has control over all resident
officers, attendants, and servants employed therein. He discharges all
duties in any way connected with the restoration to health or sanity of
the inmates. 3/

2. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body
The officers of the hospital, including the superintendent
' are appointed by the Board of Control. )i/ The superintendent must be
a skilled physician 5/, and his duties and salary are fixed by the
Board. 6/ He is required to pass an examination made out by a camis-
. sion appointed by the Board. He is appointed for 2 years subject to
* removal by the Board. 1/
3. Reports
The superintendent makes annual reports to the Board of Con-
trol, on the first day of October, of all of the affairs of the insti-
tution under his supervision and accounts for all office expenditures
on vouchers in the same form as those which are made in accounting for
disbursements in the Commissary Department of the United States. 53/
L1. Executive
See "Composition and Appointment of Governing Body".
1. Patients may be committed to said institution by the County Ordinary
upon affidavit of an interested person to the County Ordinary to the ef-
fect that said person is insane, and the recommendation of the Lunacy
Commission appointed by the Ordinary and composed of 3 reputable persons
(2 of whom are practicing medical physicians) and the County Attorney,
said recommendations being made subsequent to an examination of said a1-
. leged insane person by the Lunacy Commission. An appeal to the superior
court of the County is allowed from the Lunacy Cormnission's findings.
(Georgia Session Laws (1933), Sec. 119-6011 to 119-606).
2. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-202
. 3. Ibid, Sec. 35-222
A. Ibid, Sec. 35-207
5. Ibid, Sec. 35-221
6. Ibid, Sec. 35-201
7. Ibid, Sec. 35-213
8. Ibid, Sec. 35-219

 9114. GEORGIA - Abstract of Administrative
Provisions - Superintendth of
Milledgeville State Hospital .
)4. Executive
. See "Composition and Appointment of Governing Body".
5. Staff
The Board appoints all officers of the hospital including assis-r
tant physicians, a treasurer, a steward, assistant steward, and matron,
whose salaries are paid out of the annual appr0priation. ;/ The duties
and salaries of the staff are fixed by the Board. 10/ Al officers are
appointed annually with the exception of the superintendent and assis-
tant physician. 10,11/ If available, one assistant physician must be a
woman. 12/
The Board app01nts a marshal whose duty it is to arrest any per-
son or persons found on the premises of said institution guilty of dis-
orderly conduct. 13/
The superintendent has control over all resident officers, atten-
dants, and employees therein. y
6. Financial provisions
The institution is financed by direct appropriation from the .
State general fund. 12/
Amount of Appropriation:
The sum of $1,100,000 is appropriated to the institu-
tion for the calendar year 1935. -
Limitation of Fimds:
No provision.
9. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-207
10. Ibid, Sec. 35-201
11. Ibid, Sec. 35-313 ' .
12. Ibid, Sec. 35-215,217
13. Ibid, Sec. 35-219 -
1h. Ibid, Sec. 55-202
15. Georgia Session Laws (1933), p. 214.

 GEORGIA - Abstract of 915.
AIuTinistz-ative Provisions
(Statutory Body)
1. General Powers and Duties
The superintendent has charge of the operation of the school
subject to the rules of the Board of Control. He has power, subject
to the rules of the Board, to parole an inmate when he thinks said in-
mate's condition warrants his release. 1/
2. Composition and Appointment of Governing 3%
The school is under the direct control of the Board of Con-
trol. y The superintendent is appointed by the said Boerd and must be
a physician scientifically trained in psychiatry with special training
relating to mental deficiency. 2/
3. Reports
. The Visiti Conn-nittee of the Board of Control reports amm-
ally to the Board. 27
he Executive
See "Conposition and Appointment of Governing Body".
5. Staff
No provision
6. Financial provisions
The school is financed by direct appropriations Iran the State
general find. 5/
Amount of A re riation: The sun of 3 ,000 is appropriated
to the institution ?or the calendar year 1935.
Limitation of Funds: No provision.
‘ 1. Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-106
2. Ibid, Sec. 35-302
. 3. Ibid, Sec. 35—109
)4. Georgia Session Laws (1933), Part 1, Title II, Sec. 214

 916. GEORGIA - Abstract of
Administrative Provisions
(Statutory Body)
1. General Powers and Duties
The superintendent must operate the Sanatoritnn according to the
rules and regulations of the Board of Control of Eleuoeynary Institutions. 1/
2. Cflosition and Appointment of Gov-egg Hg
A medical doctor is selected by the Board of Control and placed
in charge of the institution. He must be experienced in the treatment of
tuberculosis. g/
3. Reports _
The Visiting Committee of the Board of Control reports annually
to the Board. y
144" hecutive
See "Cmpositicn and Appoinhnent of Governing Body”.
5. seat: 0
The Board of Control of Elecacs Institutions selects such
assistants, nurses, etc., as are required. E
6. Fimncial Provisions
The Hospital is financed by appropriations from the State gen-
eral fund and by receipts from paying patients, and appropriations fraa
towns, municipalities, cities, and counties which are authorised by law
to make such appropriations. 5/
Amount of A ro riatiom The sun of $235,000 is appropriated
for the calm year E93;
Limitation of Funds: No provisions.
' W
1. Georgia Code (1935), See. 35-1401
2. Ibid, Sec. 3544.02
3. Ibid, Sec. 35-109
1.. Ibid, s... 35-1402 .
5. Rita‘s». 35-ho3,35-hoh3 Sessions Laws (1933), Part 1, Title .II,

 GEORGIA - Abstract of 917.
Administrative Provisions
(Statutory Body) 1/
1. General Powers and Duties
(a) The Board of Control prescribes courses of studies, establishes
rates of tuition and adjusts the expenditures of the institution. 2/
(b) The Board of Control sets the fees for pay pupils 3/
2. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body
The Academy is directly under the Board of Control. 2/
See "Staff".
3. Reports
The Board of Control makes annual reports to the Governor of
all of the affairs of the institution, sending therewith the annual
report of the principal or superintendent, and proposes such altera-
tions or improvements as they may desire, which the Governor must
. lay before the General Assembly with his regular message. 131/
h. Executive
See "Staff".
1. Any indigent blind person between the ages of 7 and 25, who gives
satisfactory evidence of having been a resident of Georgia for two
years prior to his or her application, must be received into the
Academy and supported and educated ratuitously to the extent that
funds shall permit. (Georgia Code %l933), Sec. 35-703).
The beneficiaries must not remain at the charge of this insti-
tution longer than four years. (Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35—705).
The tax receiver of each county must keep a record of the num-
ber of blind between the ages of 7 and 25, a statement of which is
obtained annually by the Board of Control from the Comptroller Gen-
eral's Office. Before such list is sent by the Tax Receiver to the
Comptroller, the County Ordinary checks it, and, if necessary, adds
corrections. (Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-708.)
The Board keeps a record of all indigent blind sent in by the
County Ordinaries. (Georgia Code (1933), Sec. 35-709).
2. Georgia Code (193;), Sec. 35-702
3. Ibid, Sec. 35-706
. h. Ibid, Sec. 35-707

 918. GEORGIA - Abstract of‘Administrative
Provisions - Academy for the Blind
5. Staff .
The Board of Control appoints such officers, teachers and matrons
as may be necessary, prescribes their duties, fixes their salaries and
removes them at pleasure. _2_/
6. Financial Provisions
The Academy is financed by an appropriation from t