xt77wm13qx6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13qx6d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 2002-04-26 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Twenty-Eighth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Nucleic Acids" text Twenty-Eighth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Nucleic Acids" 2002 2002-04-26 2017 true xt77wm13qx6d section xt77wm13qx6d {1.42.5 25 -3443", 4'53'74-11E‘W‘7‘ 3.14 . Mtg?!" .‘2‘"i4:4~‘."“-5‘1"'§:.-“',*’4}: 41! ‘r 3" ., "2.2‘2,-.‘i'-.."."'.2”" 1’2.” 4": 2:1" “4?:“1‘3§V~‘:"*i 443’ ‘2“? "V14 "‘3. ’ "2."243:2":4‘4-19‘5-2'2~"" .I .4544, ‘1 .r"l::‘"- '~':‘f".4'." 2‘ ““3‘2‘22‘4114-.T¢.“- .14 2‘11. 141‘.‘4".~2 '. '-
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2002 PROGRAM ‘4‘. 3:41 Twenty-Eighth Annual 44:41.43,
8:30 am. Registration and Continental Breakfast ample, new ribozymes have been created that catalyze many of ‘93“: "' ”$5 Symposrum on f 4354 $132:
Atrium (Room 1-65), William T. Young Library the chemical transformations that are essential for life, such as 11.4.4211; ”4‘53 . 5‘ \igfig
RNA polymerization, nucleotide synthesis, aminoacylation, and ‘3‘ 1" 114 Chemlst ‘Rfi’kfi’t
9:00 am. Welcome by Dr. Lee T. Todd, Jr., President, peptide bond formation. These findings provide compelling sup- ,‘t'v" 4:434" W I‘V‘figLfiii
University of Kentucky - Auditorium (Room 1- portfor the "RNA world" theory, which holds that life passed through “W2 "43221;." “4""??? “W
62), William T. Young Library an evolutionary stage wherein all metabolic functions were guided “wai- ', "‘45 & _:' :333‘.”7,§3{§
by RNA enzymes. If true, then we can expect that an incredible 54-43:...53244‘1‘; dzfififlfi
9:05 am. introductory Remarks - Dr. Stephen M. Testa, array of RNA enzymes have been lost during the unforgiving pro- 0.114314“ M I I “$41: ‘1‘
University of Kentucky cess of evolution. Our laboratory has embarked on broad-based 1‘44, ““- Q; 0 ecu C" i £55.ng $114.“
program to study the functional properties of nucleic acids. We ‘iézgitg 3‘4" _ 2‘“i;.}§i;1
9:10 am. Dr. Alan M. Lambowitz, University of Texas at have recently identified a new class of "self-cleaving" ribozymes i‘ :14" '34.“. ,; 3.4.2, Blolo 4%,{4
Austin (the “x motif") that has a catalytic potential for RNA destruction fi’ifii‘i gy .‘ "" 4,3,”,32,”
“Group II lntron Mobility by Reverse Splicing that is predicted to equal the power of natural protein enzymes. 3.2; g ,, 1, 2:3 213,13?”
into DNA and its Potential Applications in We have used similar ribozymes to create a prototype "RNA biochip" '53} 3?, '31,} _T fig k
Targeted Gene Disruption and DNA Insertion" that can be used as a universal biosensor platform for the rapid iii-fig.- 414i 2, ‘ ""1111
. , _ examination of genomic, proteomics and metabolomics param— 29:31 “2,'4":'.;‘..y.3;4’ 2.41.: "3:
Group " Introns are both catalytic RNAS ("ribozymes") and eters. Finally, our laboratory has created new enzymes that are 1’». ”11$” gift-“34“: 4
mobile genetic elements. Mobility occurs by a novel and highly made of DNA, including a series of deoxyribozyme that catalyze figmefiq“ ‘fi‘ggei‘
efficient mechanism in WhiCh the intron RNA uses its ribozyme the reactions of DNA cloning. The most significant advances made ftfifig“ $223233:
activity to insert directly into one strand Of a double-stranded DNA by our laboratory in these areas will be summarized in an effort to 15$ 1““: ‘53: §{.fi:‘. ”'
target site by reverse splicing. The inserted intron RNA is then address the depth of this untapped potential for nucleic acid func- "Sf-:54. 1:; . 45’12‘5‘14‘4
reverse transcribed by an intron—encoded reverse transcriptase, tion. Egg-"51‘ *9 ago
and the resulting cDNA is integrated into genomic DNA by cellular sifizg’fif'.‘ 44?? , $11":ij “I ":fi‘u
recombination or repair mechanisms. Because the DNA target 3110 NFL Break ‘fiywigq 1 %,,1;‘ ‘ 1
site is reco nized in part by base pairing of the intron RNA, it is :11.“-,4".".“~'.1~:?-1 ' ' 3‘2."’='1""
possible togretarget group II introns to insert efficiently into virtu- 313° P-m- Dr. Stephen J- Lippard, Massachusetts Institute in 933131.); eStabIIShed m the memory 0f {£3111} ' . :
ally any desired target DNA. The retargeted group ll introns can Of Technology 3. $4 4}" :53. Anna 8- Nafi 5,114.;- 231$;
be used for highly efficient chromosomal gene disruption in E. coli “Cisplatin: From DNA Damage to Curing Cancer " «’2;.3 ”if” :1
and other bacteria at frequencies ranging from 0-1'45% WithOUt cis-DiamminedichloroplatinumdI) or Cisplatin is in widespread 15'}.- 4 2 "i‘ 44%, —___ 1 624-1”:ny
selection. in addition, the introns can be used 3° introduce tar- use for the treatment of genitourinary: head and neck, and a vari- l‘éfléggg: . . Si, 7143111 fé’
geted chromosomal breaks, Wh'Ch can be repaired by .transfor- ety of other cancers. Cisplatin is activated in cells by aquation to 4,2913“? N UCIGIC ACIdS iii4 ’ "44‘ 13‘1"."
matron With an homologous DNA fragment, enabling the introduc- form cationic species that bind to DNA. The major adducts are ""2 1"” 3511 , ‘1' $1331., 4:711; ’12,.
tion 0f p°im mUtations- We are attempting to deVEIOP similar ap- 1,2-intrastrand cross-links, also formed by carboplatin, which has 33 f" . 1,13“. __ iiu‘gfifi e
preaches for targeted gene disruption and site-specific DNA in- fewer dose-limiting side effects. The structural distortion in DNA Z» 8 3‘5..." ‘5 ,itlif-‘ifié‘; "if";
sertion '” eukaryotic organisms. that accompanies platination affects replication and transcription. *5; fix “I: 6%}«52; gig SPEAKERS 1,, 13453321;
_ . . _ . Details ofthe structure have been revealed by X-ray crystallographic "* o o _ ‘5'; "if“ .i {3, 31 24.44:;
10-30 am. Eflfimagesswny Room 137, ChemIStW PhySICS investigations. HMG-domain and TATA-binding proteins bind with g 3 8 fig,” :,4
specificity to the major Cisplatin-DNA adducts, forming a stable 4: 5 <3- 1““W‘5 Ronald R Breaker Wfifigg: ,3:
11:50 pm. Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club [Please return regis- platinum-DNA-protein ternary complex. The structure 0‘ °.ne.SUCh 3—). M {>4 7:73;}? 2‘: I - ”@221,
tration card b . . complex has also been determined crystallographically. Binding of o a... .- r ”113-41 Alan M. Lambowrtz ave-4"? 3}" -
y April 17, 2002 for reservations. HMG- d . . . . . . M 5,; 4-,: 4:.- if _ «flare ,
omain proteins to the major Cisplatin-DNA adducts shields E: O .. 2, , 1%,,- , 53% Stephen J LIppard i 41,324,, «35'
2:00 pm. Dr. Ronald R. Breaker, Yale University them from nucleotide excision repair. The adducts block RNA poly- ‘D .4? 8 '2‘“ I 3%;
“Exploring Ancient and Modern Biochemistry rrgerase, stimulating ubiqurtination of the large subunit. HMG1 Iev- g a 45.0 1%,? :5, g. “41':
using RNA Engineering” es In human cancer cells bearing the estrogen or progesterone N a) a 2:1,,25 .2, .’. g . . 253i???" .3;
receptor (ER or PR) are elevated followrng hormone treatment, Q, .> ‘g K‘s-s1 Q; FI'IdCiY, Apr” 26, 2002 ,- ,5, 44 £132.;
Recentfindings indicate that RNA and DNA haveafar greater increasing sensitivity towards Cisplatin. These findings form the 0 a a) 1“? I 1 1‘3 éw
potential for catalytic function than what is manifest in extant or- basis for a clinical trial that is currently in progress. Q D 1-1 95:33 ”a“ 11‘ : -;{;g§141§ Q;
anisms. Numerous new riboz mes have been created usin a . . . -‘ 53”“31’3' - 313 . 4 :1 44-
gombinatorial selection strategyytermed "in vitro evolution". Tgiliis 4‘40 p.m. Meet With Speakers, Auditorium (Room 1'62” ,fif'w, Department Of Chem'Stry pig's?
approach exploits the Darwinian process of molecular "survival— William T' Young Library a ””444 University Of Kentucky ‘ ‘fit‘fi
of—the-fittest" wherein new functional molecules are isolated from :. ‘ ”1‘2“” ,4 - ‘5‘ ~ “" ‘
a population of trillions of different sequence variants. For ex- (http://www.chem.uky.edu/seminars/nafflwelcome.htmI) fig‘éfiiffiég Lexmgton, KY 40506-0055 “WW3 J‘i
1:; :MW : 33%” "-‘Zfflf’tk r."’¢43’“$21}.‘g»4vp”wre 34712:: 2.” 1 '1‘"? ’“W”“%“”§< V-.‘W“$ 7'9?" ”:31 "" T'”r*‘ .22.. 1“"?
44444.2 ”24? 2444444442.§.,444444444 a
:4 . , 4 . "~ , 4-" . - :j' ’ v-‘wlé -. -; 1 ‘ 4 2 ‘4 4.74“" 2 2 ".314“. ‘ Jyk‘ . é — .‘~‘ {4149? '?v' . *1‘;.'-'-.’ " 1» 3‘ (-1 £4 ,. .\' f: WW .1,'_..;,-, f, (H‘- _. 2 . .42 ~, _ ‘ Van-14 “ , 2 .» ~_ 1.3,, ,. f 1. 2’ .3" ,. ,4 2, gm 1:42,.34“, .‘W'i: ~54 4. ' _ g... g - ”,2, , .
xiv»..- +— 24!}? ~- . .2.- a? “12“” 4%? 41:241- 2‘ ..:z¥?:sf~.‘§‘4wtm33* . 2.2.44 4‘4??? 2 - ”it: - . 411114243142 - .‘2 =.“4“"?"41 at?“ 4£:2~.2,g-....,,,«_. "3424;. ' .54..4-2,,2..41.441~:;2444-4444224 , 441-1434;“?- ’4‘ . 4
--~ .2 .4444 ., , «magi, ‘ 1242‘ 442??“ ‘ “’ 4 .544 11 4 4 442. ~ «$144 4. 4 1%; , ' 4%“ 4» ‘ ‘- "841-4 44“” 4
. :1? if»? "‘1 2...," 2f- :2‘ r "*gf‘is' W, “3&4?“ ts $534114; ‘4“: -r‘:- 14 "5-. »- .- “33‘s!" 4 ‘ um!“ ~- 7‘4- “ ' 1"2-s‘m’2-‘Fn‘ 15““ 121tr'“-.;‘-,2‘ 21.4441 "4.11: 2. 4~W42€M2§~ng 444524. - “at”, 1""5. ‘2-45-42~--‘-‘!§’2"~‘-%“24‘1‘»_ :‘ ». 14 '2 4.1:: é“"4‘~ 21.2»:3‘: 4.3»
.2. 44%.. 2‘41“ 21“?“- Mzfiii-i.“ " I. “m" I4 » fifty-2.44. ,§.§“§2,§,52F ‘5 4- ‘4 , 2:12. W .21'2-2.*'{:’1§4-; ‘13s.- «.1991.~"44‘3412.,’- .121, 4: :42, «~444.-",‘§2,12;.-2.2£ $4912.45?“2!“?1254'2‘4: 34.1% .-' ‘5" 2- - 4,4412% '*
1 4’4“.” Mr, J? - imii‘w .134 ,4 *7,“ “$2“: 14“" 4‘34“ . ifigasg’fi‘z“. £45443“?

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established In the memory of Anna S. Naff {$5132
Friday, Apnl 26, 2002 9.00 am. at;
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E Ronald R. Breaker, Associate Professor of Molecular, Alan M. Lambowitz, Professor, Departments of Chem- 'yr,
E Cellular and Developmental Biology, Departments of istry and Biochemistry, and Molecular Genetics and 4-,»; ,L/j"
E Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Chemical Biology, Microbiology; Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank Smith, and Nancy .j flaxgfig
E Yale University. Ph.D., Purdue University, 1992; Postdoc- Lee and Perry R. Bass Regents Chairs in Molecular Bi- 15;”:2‘65.‘
A toral Scientist, The Scripps Research Institute, 1992-95; ology; Director, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Bi- ”sagas.
Young Investigator Award, Arnold and Mabel Beckman ology; University of Texas at Austin. Ph.D., Yale Univer- * xyfifiig
Foundation, 1996; Arthur Greer Memorial Prize for Out- sity, 1972; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylva- 2. fig?“ 3.22-
standing Research, Yale University, 1997; Junior Faculty nia, 1972-73; Basil O’Connor Starter Research Grant from my , 5%}?
Fellowship, Yale University, 1998-99; Hellman Family Fel- National Foundation—March of Dimes, 1977-80; NIH Merit ,3»;{ :11.
lowship, Yale University, 1998; Packard Fellowship, David Award, 1993; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sci- Efifwiiffi .2“;
. and Lucile Packard Foundation, 1998; Associate Editor, ences, 1995; UT Cooperative Society Award for Best Re- {wfisfififi
2: Chemistry & Biology, 2001; Cofounder, Archemix, Inc., search Paper, 2000; Fellow, American Association for the §_‘2%- ; ‘kfké
3 Boston, MA, 2001; NIH Review Panel, Biochemistry, 2001. Advancement of Science, 2001. lust-’5’ " figs,
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Stephen J. Lippard, Arthur Amos Noyes Professor and was}??? 2':
Chair, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Insti- g4
E tute of Technology. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Tech- «5’2
E nology, 1965; National Academy of Sciences Member; g
E Henry J. Albert Award of the International Precious Metals % nggit‘“
E Institute; American Chemical Society Award in Inorganic £35.“:
3:1 Chemistry; American Chemical Society (Maryland Section) afgrfi
Remsen Award; Alexander von Humboldt Senior U. S. Sci— 232253;; .2 {i 5
:2: entist Award; University of Illinois John C. Bailar, Jr. Medal; a251,, 1: fl
American Chemical Society Award for Distinguished Ser— gfl‘fiyfi ‘
t; vice in Inorganic Chemistry; American Chemical Society 13?“;
', (New York Section) William H. Nichols Medal; Frontiers ”2:3,.
in Biological Chemistry Award, ACS (Northeastern Section) afar
Theodore W. Richards Medal. Honorary D.Sc. Degrees: #3:“ f
; Haverford College, Texas A&M University. “it; , 3‘?‘
E; ————————-—————— x2:— xiii-,2": '...‘;\,:
a Free parking available at the William T. Young Library in the Visitor Parking Lot on Hilltop Avenue. Additional parking (for a 59' .331,-
"3 fee) available in UK Medical Plaza Parking Garage, located approximately one block south of the Chemistry-Physics Building; 1“", "'5”;
E this garage can be accessed from both Rose and Limestone Streets - look for Medical Plaza Parking signs. For additional informa- ..~ 9228:
2 tion, call Professor Stephen M. Testa, Department of Chemistry, (859) 257—7076 or by e—mail (testa@uky.edu). 2.,“ :3:
E 2002 Committee: Stephen M. Testa, Chair (Chemistry), Brian C. Rymond (Biological Sciences), Robert B. Grossman (Chemistry) fig
'1 ~25 ;; 3.6.2.", . ,j q?
E Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund akgat
, 1“. ., Cl