xt77wm13qx0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13qx0w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2000 text GLSO News, April 2000 2000 2000-04 2019 true xt77wm13qx0w section xt77wm13qx0w “iii
Vol. 15 AI) 1‘1 No. 4
"is“ v,
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
The Lexington Men’s Chorus PV‘ICle MOVIWI Fourth Falsies Awards®
t . mina on Announ
i Tenth Anniversary The first meeting of this years No . t.i s ce.d
l Co . . . Nominations for the 4th Falsres
Ga a ncert Pride Committee was held early in
_ , Awards have been announced by
March wrth representatives from sev- .
Pop the cork, pour the cham- Academy of Drag Arts and Scrences,
. . . . . eral groups. Many events have been . .
pargn and let the festivrties begin. ut on the calendar alrea d We wel- Presrdent Eden Towers and Imperial
The Lexington Men’s Chorus is cele- p . . y . Court Board President Natalie Gaye.
. . . come involvement klby mdrvrduals or
bratrng a birthday it want everyone to r resentatives of rou 9 Come to On March 22, Towers and Gaye
know about. 1999-2000 marks the 9p . 9 .p ' . announced 15 or the 15 categories at
, . the next meeting on April 6 at the Pride
10th season for LMC which began therm. news conference/drag show
. . Center at 7 pm.
With 18 members and the Singular . . .. at Club 141. The much heralded event
. . . . Pride actrvrtres would spread out .
goal of provrdrng musrc for a regional . was attended by a couple of media.
. over the entire month. In the past we . . . .
bowling tournament. . . No radio and televrsron outlets carried
have limited events so as to leave . . .
In the last ten years, more than . . . the announcements live. Nominations
some time for people to attend actrvr- . . . . .
120 men from Central Kentucky have . . . . . . . in all categories were distributed srmul-
ties in Cincmatti 0r Loursvrlle. We are . .
sung some 200 songs at 110 perfor- . taneously to news media in atten-
, aware that some people Will have to .
mances throughout Ky. The Mens dance vra one of the drag queens
choose between events, here and .
Chorus has become a valued mem- . handing out a sheet of paper and
. . elsewhere, but that IS a result of our . ,
ber of the Lexrngton arts community, . _ through the Internet we someones
. . . growrng numbers, a good thing. The . . .
has commrssroned and premiered . . email account. A list of categories and
. . major events that have been written ..
new musrc from local and national u turned in and laced on the nominees can befound on page 13.
composers and has produced two Sf: h edule are', p Academy nominations were
CD recordings of its’ music. Th Pride Picni _ S nda Jun 4 selected by vote of the screening
On April 14th at 8pm and again at Wm: Kn ll Th" Cwill iie keyt a freee committee. The innumerable secret
April 16 at 3 pm, LMC will celebrate a dmissibln o t lucifevent GESO will ballots were distributed in late March
with a 10th Anniversary Gala Concert a ain sell idiihks and t-shirts so as to and should be returned to Dewey,
at Singletary Center for the Arts. g _ Chetham and Howe, ....conr. page 10
. . . _ raise money to pay for general Pride
Highlights from the concert include. . . . -
,, ,, . Month expenses. Fairness wrll assrst
Brahms Alto Rhapsody, With a and raise some mone throu h the
ten piece orchestra,a first for LMC, . y. 9 Sponsor 0f the Month
. . rattle and- provrde entertainment. .
Dawn Coon, musrc director of LMC ,
. . . The Banquet. Sunday, June 11 1
and local diva, alto solorst, directed The committee will be looking at vari- W. b ]< n
haggard Giles, assrstant director ous locations. Ideas? come to the 1” ‘4 ”O
u ' ,, . . next meeting. The Lexington Men's
LMVéesAre Here, C0mmlSSl0ned for Chorus Pride Concert: June 17and 18 Farm
. ...continued on page 3 ...coniinued on page 2

Pride Month ...continued from page 1 Men's Chorus cont. A n n i ve rsary
wwwcr’”:¥ Other events are in the planning from composer Eric Lane Barnes.
flwfls stages. To put an event on the Other numbers include
x3e” Schedule: Call Terry at work 252- "Shenandoah," "I Wish to be Single
“Me? 2867, home 255-5469. AND write it up Again" and “What Shall We Do with a
“new? and mail it to Ginger by April 15 to go Drunken Sailor” as only LMC can
“tagger”? into the flyer. (Ginger Moore 1349 interpret them.
Ksfiegiin‘y Devonpart Dr. #6 Lex, 40504) LMC is reprising some of their
/%,fl Additional events can be added after favorite selections from the last ten
tcxif‘g * that date-where there is room-and put years including "Ave Maria", (by
‘ into the GLSO NEWS. That deadline Franz Biebl for chorus and trio),
will be May 15. (Ginger Moore 1349 “Crossing the Ohio," Brian
Devonpart Dr. #6 Lex, 40504) Throckmorton‘s stirring work compar-
The GLSO News Preference of dates will be given to ing the struggle of gays and lesbians
Vol.15 Issue 4 organizations that send a rep to meet— today With the slaves on the
ings and /or notify us of their event first. Underground Railroad, and “Don't
Published Monthly by The Pride committee coordi- Ask, Don’t Tell," so appropriate for an
nates activities, plans advertising, election year.
The Lexington Gay makes some of the decisions about Tickets are $12 for adults, $10
. . events such as the picnic and even- for students and seniors, $6 for chil-
Lesbzan S 6711166 tually votes of the Wasson and dren. Tickets can be purchased at
- - Rainbow Awards. Meetings will be the Singletary Ticket Office, 257-
Organlzatlon keptshort and to the point. Everyone is 4929 or from any Chorus member.
32 1 Second St. welcom onApril 6. Please Join us. We hope to see you there.
, Diversim Films: Films bu Lueq Massie Phenix
Editors: Probuceb. Directeb ant/or Directeb in {biting
Mary Crone
Frida ,A ril 14 12 noon President’s Room, Sin leta Center, UK
Peter Taylor Jilin tili’e Woman '5 Studies Program for a brown bagglunchrz'ith Lucy
Saturday, April 15 2 PM UK Young Library Auditorium
GLSO Annual Dues Free Parking north side no charge Cosponsored by Women's Studies Program
and Newsletter: $15 2:00 Cancer in Two Voices,
Dues and Newsletter for 3:15 The Life and Times of Rosie The Riveier,
Couples: $20
Sunday, April 16 1:30 Central Library Theater WiVlTQY‘SOiCfiQl"
Space Deadline-~18th of the month
Submission-—bv the 23rd Premier Event: Regret To Inform
. . . Monday April 17 7:15 Ky Theater
Opinions expressed m the GL,SO News are Cosponsored by the Humanitarium: Center for Culture & Diversity
those of the authors and dont necessarily
represent those 0f the GLSO Board. Tues. April 18 7:00 Unitarian Universalist Church Word is 0M1
Sme'SS‘Ons are we'come and become "“3 Fellowship House. brick building beside church
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves V
the right to edit Smei'ssmns and advertise‘ Sponsors: The llumanitarium: Center for Culture & Diversity Sun l’ountain Production
ments as well as the Fight i0 l’BJBCi any SUb- UK. Women's Studies Program with support ol‘thc Wee Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies
missions or advertisements. The (iay Lesbian Service Organization Ebony Male Unitarian Universalist Church
Central K)‘.Council for Peace and Justice see page 7 for details
GLSO Page 2

c o m m u n it ., * Nerd , g-  
BENEFITS AT CROSSINGS dinner at Stanley J’s, in Stonewall can reach the Amazons by contact-
On Friday, April 7th, Crossings Center on Clays Mill Road and then ing Laurie at 885-4381 or email
is proud to present "Friday Nite to the Unitarian Church to see Idavison@pop.uky.edu. http://www
Live" with "Cross-Dressed" (formally “Word is Out" the first coming out .angelfire.com/ky2/Amazons/
known as Voices-on-Vine) featuring documentary ever made. Lucy
Tiffany Andrews, Briana Carey and MaSSle Phenix will be there to talk Miss Kentucky National
Cheyanne. There will be special about her work. On Wednesday, April 5, The Miss
guest appearances by .. Anthony and On Saturday, April 22 we will Kentucky National 2000 will be held at
Carol". This will be a truly one-of-a- gather at 6:00 for dinner at Regattas the Bar Complex. Miss National 1999,
kind show featuring Live Singing by (Drinks $3-5, Appetizers $4-6, Shawnna Brooks, Miss Ky National
female impersonators! ln Face _ ln Entrees $10-15). Then to Comedy 1999, Domanique Shappell, and Miss
Voice _ In Person! off Broadway where Headliners' National 1998, Ashley Kruiz, will all be
Benefit begins at 9.30 pm. Etta May and James Gregory will featured entertainers. This will be a
There will be a $3.00 cover with all entertain you with knee slapping show to remember.
proceeds to benefit Movable Feast. comedy. Tickets must be obtained in Prize package includes cash,
Join us for a fun-filled evening! advance, so get your reservations in crown, and sponsorship to the Miss
Crossings is also proud to by April 10 and money to Ginger by National 2000 in Atlanta. For applica-
announce a joint benefit with Tiffany April 14. Tickets $12. One drink tions and information, contact John
and Company and the Rainbow Minimum, $1.50. Moses or Latoya Bacall at 294-0901.
Bowling League on Wednesday, .
April 12th. Featured entertainers for AOLB‘ZOD R & B QXPLOSIOD
the evening: Tiffany Andrews, ADVQDCURGRS Ebony Male and L & H
Briana Carey, Roxanne Cole, Rayna This Lexington based outdoors Productions presents a fabulous
Starr, Jacqueline Parrish, and activity group for women is still R&B show on Friday,'Apri|14, 9:30
Cassie Carlisle. going strong. Vlfith over 100 mem- at Crossings. Featured entertainers
Show begins promptly at 9:30 bers now listed, they are indeed a will be Trene’ Star Bacall, Janelle
with a $300 cover at the door. force to be reckoned with. Claiborne, Lady Marmalade, Rayna
Come and join us for a festive If you are willing to spend a day Starr, and Latoya! Bacall. Fifty per-
evening as we raise money to help or two outside in this GLORIOUS cent of the proceeds will benefit the
the Rainbow Bowling League pre- Spring weather, Laurie is taking AIDS Medication Fund. Come on out
pare for their up-coming spring ban- names of Amazon volunteers to foragreatshowl
quet and international bowling tour- help plant trees along a creek in
namentl Masterson Station Park on MCC Activities
Saturday, April 1and 8. The Metropolitan Community
Social Concepts You will be helping to put back Church welcomes Rev. Mel Bailey
On Saturday, April 8 Ginger is some of what has been destroyed, to our church and to our LBGT com-
planning part three of the mentoring replenishing critical resources for munity in Lexington. Anyone wanti-
workshops. If you are interested in use by wildlife, and restoring a ng to get to knowour new minister is
mentoring but have not completed stream ecosystem to good health. if invited to attend a Wednesday night
parts 1 and 2' give Ginger 3 call. that's not enough thanks all by itself, “Dialogue with the Pastor" on April
(389-7698) you'll also get free lunch and a t- 5, from 6 to 7:30. On Sunday, April
For those of us who like mid- shirt! Laurie is planning to be there 9, there will be a membership class
week entertainment, we will go to both days, and she would love the in the church sanctuary from 1 to 5
company Of Amazon friends! YOU ...community news continued page4

 CommunrtheW's Continued Lexington. On Tuesday, April 18th we 1. Real Estate: Buying a Home
pm.(387 Waller Ave.) ‘ will be welcoming Lucy Massie Phenix Together. 2. Financial Planning:
The first Friday of the month will and showing her 1977 Documentary Planning for a Financially Prosperous
continue to be Games Night at MCC. WORD IS OUT. We will be gathering Future Together. 3. Legal Planning:
Come to the Pride Center at 7 pm at 7 pm, in the Fellowship House, the Legally Securing your Partner's
April 7 and join us in “family fun”. The brick building next to the Church. (Park Presence in your Life. The date is our-
next Friday night, April 14 we will be in front of this building-a passover rently set for Saturday May 20th, 2000.
showing 0 Jesus Christ, Superstar.” Seder will be happening in the Moredetailstocomeinthe MayGLSO
Call for information. (271-4016) church.) issue. Contact us at 296-7812 if you
There are several events Unitarians will be celebrating are interested in sponsoring a work-
planned for Easter Week. On Sunday Passover with a Seder on Thursday, shop.
the 16, there will be an Easter Week April 20' ”S a DOHUCk dinner and a rit— . .
Experience Worship at 11 :30 am. ual telling of the Passover story. Call 30360830000 Group
On April 21‘ a Good Friday service Mary Crone if you would like to attend. The GLSO Discussion/Support
will start at 7:00 pm. On Sunday, April (266-5904) Easter services will be on Group is now meeting from 7-9pm
23’ join us for our Easter Service, fol— April 23 at 9 and 11 am. For informa- every Wednesday at the Pride Center
lowed by our 7th Anniversary tion about lnterweave call Davina at on Waller Avenue. The Group is open
Celebration with Potluck and Easter 271-6174 or e-mail her at to anyone 18 or older. We share our
Egg Hunt. Call for information (271' artemis427@yahoo.com. experiences, listen to each other, and
4016. provide support and encouragement.
Fairness Workshop If you could use a place to "be
Intweavc Your local Bluegrass Fairness yourself" for a couple of hours a week,
Interweave invites you to the Chapter is putting together an come join us any Wednesday . If you
Unitarian Universalist Church of Education SeminartorourLGBT com- have any questions contact Jane at
munity on the following topics: 606—389-7698.
ii Real Estate SerVIce Wlth
0 "‘“ 2:: “it. P. ROFESS|ONAL|SM Q g; -
II Serving Lexington
. . >| NTEGRITY & All of Central Kentucky
Scott Ackerman
Mobile: 606-338-8483 DEDICATION
Voice Mail: 606-294-2055
Office: 606-269-7331 Q
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com E NTHUS'ASM U3 W
e . REALTOR” “”“wm”
Call me With all your Real Estate needs
5‘. ———————-——————_—___._.,_
GLSO Page 4 ,

S 0
g Rambmv VQIIIIebeaIIII League
3 Next Practice
" Sunday, April 2, 2000 P“
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM '9
n at»
,, Dunbar Center " a .
1 545 North Upper Street a,
; we ea;
see other dates below ' '
join us at any time
I Come join us for some free, fun, friendly competition!
Refreshments, supplies,t-shirts and trophies provided
Sponsored by AIDS Volunteers, Volunteers of Amercan and the Lexington-Fayette County
Health Department HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs
. Practice and Game Dates: Sundays, 1 pm to 3 pm
April 2 April 30
April 9 May 7
April 16 May 28
TOURNAMENT Saturday, June 3, 9 AM to 6 PM '
For more Information: Larry Collings, AIDS Volunteers 222-1918
. James Howard, AIDS Volunteers 222-1920
Mark Johnson, Volunteers of America 254-3469
" , GLSO Page 5



'\ x \jx ‘ R“
MISS NA TIONAL 1999 \\ \ M L A
SHA WNNA BROOKS ‘\ :_.‘ g.
I Shawnna Brooks
Miss Nationar 1999-2000
LATOYA BA CALL A T (606) 294-0901
GLSO Page 6

 Lesbian Film Maker Downtown Library Theater. (free) Vietnamese and American widows of
April 14-18 This was Phenix’s first film, made the Vietnam War. Critic Stephen
Lucy Massie Phenix, a Kentucky with the Winterfilm Collective. It docu- Holder wrote that this film is “so
Native, will be in Lexington showing ments the testimony of Vietnam ekqwsrtely filmed, edited and scored,
her films in April. Diversity Films with Veterans Against the VVar_ at the it rs the documentary equivalent of a
the support of several sponsors, has WinterSoldrer Investigation in 1971. tragic epic poem.”
scheduled several events of interest. Young men speak of atrocities they Following the film, join Lucy
On Friday, April 14] at noon, the witnessed or participated. in while in Phenix and Sue Xuan, a translator
Worn en‘s Studies Program will host a Vietnam and express opinions con- and one of the Vietnamese widows in
brown bag lunch in the President’s cerning the military training, indoctri- this film, for discussion and a recep-
Fioom of Singletary Center. Lucy will nation, and racism that underlie tron. The Humanitarium, Center for
show clips of Re ret T Inform and these atrocrtres. Culture 81 Diversrty IS the sponsor of
discuss her work. This film recently received this event. We were able to get a
On Saturday, April 15’ Women’s recognition as one of the outstanding reduced price to show this film by
Studies is sponsoring two films at documentaries of the 20th Century. It having It as afuhd raiser. Donations
Young Library Auditorium. At 2 pm IS an Important historic document to the Humanitarrum wrllbewelcomed.
Cancer In Two V ices documents the that now speaks to more than just our The final film in the series will be
experience of a lesbian couple, one involvement in that particular war. It another of Lucy’s early works, M
woman diagnosed with breast cancer is a testimony to the horrific nature of Is Out, which received the Dupont
and her partner of five years, as they all wars and to humankind’s need to Citation for Excellence in Broadcast
live through the three years they change. Scott Camrl, one of the vets Journalism. Twenty six lesbians and
have together before death. Phenix In the film, wrll dISCUSS this film and gay men tell their coming out stories.
will discuss her work and answer show us an additional documentary, Made in 1977, this was the first such
questions after the film. The Trial of the Gainsville Eight. The documentary every made. On
At 3:30 we will View The Life and Central Ky. Council for Peace and Tuesday, April 18, join us at the
Times of Rosie the Rim Justice is one of our sponsors for this Unitarian Church, in the Fellowship
women is skilled trades during WW showingj House at 7 pm. There will be anoth-
~ II, the government propaganda that The Premiere event will be er event in the church so park in the
brought them into the war work and Regret To Inform on Monday, April 17 back near the old brick Fellowship
then kept them out of the jobs after at 7:15 at the Kentucky Theater. A House; we will be upstairs.
the war was over. deeply personal yet universal por- Diversity Films thanks you for
On Sunday, April 16, at 1:30 trayal of the lasting devastation of your. support. Any suggestions for
Winters Idier will} be shown at the war through the eyes of women, movres for Pride Month?
We are in need of more subscribers within Lexington for the lowest bulk mail rates. The newsletter comes in a non reveal-
ing envelope, with only a box number as a return address. This is an easy but important way to support our community.
Lower rates are available for students or anyone in need; send us whatever you can afford.
Name , , W'
- ddrcss .
City, St, zip , . ' - . ‘
$15 membership and newsletter . - ' ‘
$20'coupl‘e membership. and newsletter ‘ . -
_______l would like the” newsletter at this reduced rate - i ' '
Mail to GLSO News, PO Box 11471, 40575 ‘
. GLSO Page 7

___________ USE DIIUACTORY 0N LA S7 'PA GE [W4 EVE]_V_'{__ _____________ .1 ./"JM1I‘I ‘ “-
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm. Dialog w/ Pastor 7:00 pm Pride Month 7:00 pm LMCC Games 9:00 am Mentoring . , . " . .
I 1:30 am LMCC (LMC C ‘) Committee (Pride C enter} Night Workshop (Pride Center) .
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
1:00 pm Volleyball Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) tba COLTS (The Phoenix)
Practice (Dunbar Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6:00 pm Dignity 9:00 pm Miss Kentucky (Student Center) 9:30 pm Drag Benefit
__ _____ National (The Bar (Crossings) __ e S t aur 3 nt
9 10 l l 12 l3 14 15
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 12:00pm Woman‘s Studies 2:00 pm Cancer in Two '
1 1:30 am LMCC Meeting - open to the Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Brown Bag Lunch with Voices (Young Library 5 5 7 S o Lll’IlCStOIlC
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) public - (Pride Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda Film—maker Lucy Phenix Auditorium) .
1:00 pm Volleyball 7:45 pm The Falsies (Student Center) 7:30 pm Gay./Lesbian AA 3: 15pm Rosie the Riveter LeXlngton, Ky.
Practice (Dunbar Center) Pageant (Kentucky 8:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 10th (Young Library
1:00pm Membership Theater) Anniversary Gala Auditorium) 25 3 -00 1 4
Class (LMCC) 8:00 pm AA Step Study (Singletary Center)
9:30 pm R&[B Explosion
Drag Show (Crossings) °
1131mm 110119111111 featuring the famous
__ _ W Jeswflfltiunzriu.
16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
10:45 am UU Church 7: 15 pm Regret to Inform 7:00 pm The Word is Out 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:00 pm Good Fnday 6:00 pm Social -
11:30 am LMCC Easter (Kentucky Theater) film (UU Church) Group (Pride Center) (Student Center) Service (LMCC) Concepts Dinner SCIVlng blueberry
Week Experience 8:00 pm AA Step Study 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Regattas)
12:30am (2mm 8:00pm 3011.1 buckwheat pancakes,
1:00 pm Volleyball Concepts Comedy '
Practice (Dunbar Center) Club eggs benedlCt arnOld)
1:30 on Winter Solder 1 '
C _ GLSO NEWS DEADLINE. 1 spams ome CttCS
( entral Library Theater) 11 SUBMIT ADDITIONS g
3300 Pm Men’s Chorus 10 ’ AND/0R CORRECTIONS
Anniversary Gala FOR NEXT CALENDAR 1 gourmet desserts,
(Singletary Center) _2_7.i9649 2 an d mu Ch more
23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29
11:00 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
11:30am (Elm-only) Easter Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) All Of our breads and
Serv1ce, 7 Anniversary, 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm Newsletter .
Potlusk EeeHunv folding (PrideCenteri desserts are baked daily
(LMCC) 7:30 pm UK Lambda , ,
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) (Student Center) In our kltchen
1:00 pm (30 only)Volleyball
Practice (Dunbar Center
i O 0
Free Evening Parking

U C ky T E ,. A'ko from I
a a 6%0 a 0 AM 10 E Imperial
ec’ GU a, FEATURING: .
I 6"? '3‘? 93} %' THE REiQNiNc. 60"” m
0 a ""‘f 0 MONARCI—IS- A ril :
I {Vi 0 Kevin: FiLLips, Tho
I % ~‘.- “5 % NATALiE GAVE Mr. (7,3,,
I fix 8: TRACY TAyLon
I ‘L in”: » 0° AS EMCEF—Sr ‘5'”ng
. ‘ o :i'é}i’-.-‘f;‘:':}iii; o a ANd MANY M ORE Payan’f
C‘ ‘\ 09 pERfORMERs! ,
I o befseo 020 a so ----:flkum1ckyimptommg A'PYI' 26410
I ° Dfio ° 3+ Club
NEr pnocsads
b n
I T E M255: 5:: W
I For 071+le
I and o‘H/Ior
I info, goo
I awwwwwwwwwfirwg JOHVOW
I ’FAUX ...’ Awmds , + Cl b
MONdAy ApRil 10, 2000 7:45 PM $8 Domiow é a "
I :‘ KENrucky THEATRE 214 E MAIN ST, ’14"!
l LExiNQTON bOb-Zfl-b‘??? &
I_ ., _ W 7 _ _W_____-A.______W______.._5--WW---,_._______W__J
' GLSO Page 9

 [7/225 90fw® DJ Shane Sanders (Crossings) Outstanding Achievement in an
A special awards event of the DJ Stephen Hill (Phoenix/Vertigo) Off—Stage Performance
Jmperial Cow+ of Kentucky DJ Dusty (The Bar) Ginger Grant— Door Slamming
Nominations 2000 DJ Wayne Flynn (The Bar) Chanda Lier—-"That's NOT the cocktail
DJ Andy (Club 141) that I ordered!"
Outstanding Achievement in Costume DJ Chad (The Bar) Mika Milano — Haii’orush Abuse
Taylor Brice — Marilyn Monroe Victoria Falls — "I Can't Take This Anymore"
Mika Milano — Millennium JGSW Costume Outstanding Achievement Suzanne Postlewait -— "The Taste for the Fantasy"
LaToya 3303" - Millennium Dance Olllfil for a Newcomer Cammie Dietrich - "Cammie‘s Shenanigans"
Chanda Lier— Elizabethan Cameo Ball Gown Ophellia Cumming Veronica J Part |||
Maya Monroe — Chocolate Velvet Evening Gom Shad E Luv Samantha Storm
Niagara Falls
Outstanding Achievement in Hair Outstanding Achievement Community Achievement Award
Niagara Falls Natalie Gaye in a Dramatic Role Natalie Gaye Ron Sarver
Ginger Gm“ K‘C- LUV Tracy Taylor Niagara Falls Janelle Claybome Fairness Alliance, Bluegrass Chapter
Natalie Gaye Chanda Lier ' Michael Thompson Steven Medly
Outstanding Achievement in Makeup Mika Milano ‘_________>
Tonya Fox Ginger Grant
Chanda Lier K.C. Luv Outstanding Achievement DE: gafidu
Jordan Taylor Tracy Taylor in a Special Performance aontbwzdfwmfiont page
_ _ Trena Starr Bacall —— Donna Summer Medley the international accounting firm, for
OPtStand'W Acmevemem Sundae Delarouge —— Lucille Ball tabulation. The Academy's entire
'" Dance Performance _ Taylor Brice — Diamonds are 3 Girls Best Friend active and life membership is eligible
Tuesday Delarouge Lady Aims Mlka Mllallo - Oll My Own to select the winners in all categories.
Cammle Dietrich Cassre Carllsle Samantha Storm _ For the Boys These Academy Awards for out-
LaToya Baca” Rayna Starr K'C' Luv Tracy TalePWllaleVBl L018 Wallis, standing drag achievements of 1999
. , , Lola Gets will be presented on Monday, April 10,
Outstanding Achievement in 2000, at the Kentucky Theatre begin-
Character impersonation Outstanding AChleVBmelll ill a ning at 7:45 pm. The Falsies® will not
’ S dR°’i‘ia'i"” “Tic“: B H Surporung Role be televised live by the ABC Television
U" are. earouge ”Cl 6 3 Doug -- Effie Network or any other network for that
M'k? wane .— Cher R0" Sarver Brian Kldwe“ matter. We will have the special treat
Taylor Bnce — Manly" Monroe ChllS Rhorel Kill Klillv of seeing Chelsea Pearl perform; she
iRayna Sta" _ Wanda Woofer Suzanne POSl'ewall is visiting from Indianapolis where she
C'anssa Cumberland _ Reba Momma is the toast of the town. This event is
. . . OUlSlalldlllQ AChleVBlllelll ill n to the ublic. Tickets are 8, net
Outstanding Achievement in Comedy a Butch Persona mews bgnefiting Moveable lieast.
Karen Collette - It Should Have Been Me Lisa Centers Roy Grubb This is the fourth year running for
Sundae Delarouge —Vltameatavegamln Dean Tippin Michael Long this awards Show it was started dur-
Rcmari‘dijagsrr Hgliij‘gay Marc Wilson ing Reign 15 of the Imperial Court of
R23”: Starr—eWanZa my; . . _ _ Kentucky. You may remember it by
_ Outstanding Achievement in Bartending another name (“Faux 01mins)-
.Jordan Taylor‘ How DO I we LeVi ‘ The Phoenix Unfortunately we were served with a
“flaw Andrews - Jesus Loves Me Annie Cummins ‘ The Bar cease and desist letter from the
_ _ Marybeth Tulson -— Mia's - -
Outstanding Achievement Peter DeCore— Crossings 3:23;? laosft :ionti‘ongr issufrdgrrfd t:
'" 0'“ Jockeylng Tina McGuire —Phil Dunn's (formerly Regina’s) stop using the name Funny huh?
DJ Gregor (Club 141) Gary Cook - Club 141 Those guys have no sense of humor.-
GLSO Page 10

 WHO THE HELL APE MY? "all homosexuals are vegetarians." I ans?" I ask. Aflat look spread across
Lori Shepherd . didn't know whether to laugh or cry. her face, she was becoming
She had just destroyed one of my annoyed with me and my logical line
Though I have always applaud- most basic reasons for coming out questioning. "I don't know,’ she
ed the efforts of organizations like with one ludicrous sentence. snapped, 'they are just like that."
Fairness and the Human Rights Now the whole concept of this They - they are just like that?
Campaign, I also believed that we as was really laughable but the ramifica- Oh, I understand now, this is just
members of the LGBT community, tions to my theory are not. Her one of mankind's great mysteries,
have we made our longest strides stereotyping of at least ten-percent of like why all Jewish men are cheap,
toward equality within our own cir- the population is one thing, but the all African-Americans can dance and
cles. My grand, yet idealistic vision fact that her only daughter is a card- all Polish people are stupid. My
has been that if everyone knew carrying member of the LGBT com- mom has slipped into the type of
someone who is gay on a personal munity makes her generalization mentality that defies explanation.
level, there would be no hate and no quite disheartening. They are different and that is wrong.
negative stereotypes. l have always Even though I was seething at This is one type of discrimination
thought that it was much easier for this point she went on to explain how I hadn't expected, I was a they to my
hatred to be based on a faceless peer pressure is the cause of this own mother. My mommy, the women
group of people and stereotypes behavior. Another “fact" thatl marvel who lit a candle at my commitment
than it was to hate say an uncle, a at because most of my gay friends ceremony and cross-stitched a wed—
cousin or a sibling. think bacon should be in its own food ding sampler for my partner and I
If a member of a the LBGT com- group and that sausage gravy is a was now reducing me to being one of
munity also happens to be your beverage. Meat is not only a staple them.
neighbor, your brother _ in _ law or in their diets but one of them actually An uncomfortable silence had
your niece there is a channel of com- went on a diet where meat was all taken over and the waitress, who had
munication was opened and a dia- she ate for two months straight! been actively avoiding our table, slid
Iogue created would allow for infor— Next she even hit me with some two plates down in front of us, "Hot
mation to be spread, or so I thought. pseudo-facts that sounded like they plates." She announced and she was
I was wrong and this weekend while were gleaned straight from a PFLAG gone.
having lunch with my mom she brochure. "It is mostly gay women I looked at my food and then up
crushed my theory like a defenseless but many gay men are (vegetarians) at my mom, who was also looking at
little bug. too." my food. I raised my eyebrows, the
After ordering the vegetarian I suddenly felt weak and power- universal facial expression for,
platter at my mom's tayorite restau— less, that same sickening feeling in "Whatl?!" She sighed, "Nothing, it
rant, l peered over my menu to see the pit of my stomach that I had looks good."
my mom slowly (and disapprovingly), experienced so many times in my As | relaxed and was just about
shaking her head. As the waitress childhood. Suddenly I was seated at to dig into my steamed veggies when
made a hasty retreat to the safety of the kid's table at Sunday dinner lis- she mumbled, "Of course, you'll
the kitchen, my mom unloaded with tening to my father and my uncles never get enough protein." I put my
both guns. "I knew you’d become a make their disparaging comments fork down and rolled up the sleeves
vegetarian sooner or later." she said about fried chicken, watermelon, on my flannel shirt. I could have
stiji shaking her head. ' pork rinds and African Americans. sworn that in the back of my mind I
i know i am a tool but I couldn't Why was she doing this to me? heard an announcer's voice, "Leets
resist, i took the bait. "Oh you did, How could she look at me her own geet reeady to rummmblel" and l
and how did you know I would daughter and apply such broad and knew it was time for round two.
become a vegetarian?" I asked. unsubstantiated stereotypes?
"Because you‘ re gay," she 30 I decided to find OUt. "Why is
responds in her most logical tone, that all homosexuals are vegetari-
_ GLSO page 12

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