xt77wm13pt5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13pt5n/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 9, May 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 9, May 15, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt77wm13pt5n section xt77wm13pt5n To Editors: The ·
¤=w¤ ¤·~ ¤¤¤= B¤··=¤·· THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Entered as second
Is prepared for the class matter at th
press and is released ‘ · t ff_ °
for publication on . POS 0 me at Lex-
rcceipt · · nngton, Ky. `
May 15, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I.` No. 9
NEW  §RfI'%Sé·T1$§l§»RK, ;>i¤;=;f<;¤l;Y§;§r1:_11;;iElS€S1;;nf¢1; ¢¤;Siidi;fg COLLEGE EDITORS WILL TENNESSEE SOLDIERS UNIVERSITY MAN TAKES
_;__ by the board as a tentative Working QUARTERED ON CAMPUS UP OUTSTANDING WORK
The B0¤1`d of TTUSWGS of Um UH? basis for 191S‘19· The University of Kentucky is in More than 400 men from Tennessee, John T. Faig professor of Meehan-
versity Of Kentucky met in celled ses` receipt of a letter from Frank C. volunteers in technical and niilitar ical En inee·‘ I f th U ° rl- ’
sion May 8. ram present, compte- Pnoeeam mvmnws Fon D . , . _ . . . . ‘ _ Y g ““g ° E ““°*S“y °*
ing the board S0 my app0mt€d,wG1_€: COMMENCEMENT WEEK eau, Ohio State Umveisity, secre- trzuiimg, arrwed at the University Cincinnati, has been appointed presi- ‘
Senator H_ H_ Frohmmk Lexington; ____ tary-t1‘easure1· of the American Asso- May 7 and S, and were formally en- dent of the Ohio Meclianical Insti-
J, M, Elliston, Elliston; Irvin Lyle, The program for commencement cietiou of Ag1`iG11W·11`¤l College Edit01‘S I‘0HGd as members of Camp Buell. tutc, succeeding Prefe5sm· John
gevé lé<;1·$; 5.  glohuitcrg -22. SUN? week at the University Og Kentucky calling attention to the Sixth Annual Bairacks have been arranged in the Shearer, who had been head or that
L£méviH‘;_· Rexigg gglist · Cévi];tO°I;‘_· win begin with the ba(;eal;tui·e;ii;e Conference of the organization to be Kentucky Ti-otting Horse Bi-eeaers· noted seheei for 20 year5_ _
· ’ , .. . ’ 7 V . ,3 sermon to be given at the Auditorium Mid at the U1liV€T$itY Of 'felllwssee, Association and livin uarteys for pl-O QS · . · · .
Rainey Wells, Muiiay, J. W. Flllllbl, . g q f sox Fzug is a giaduate of the
Pamtsvme; Governor A. O· Stanley, Sunday afternoon June 2"at 3 0·ClOCk’ Knoxville, for three days beginning the men have neen made in Floral College of Mechanical and Electrical
Hou. V. O. Gilbert, and Idou. Matt and will be concluded at the cafeteria JUHG 20· Han and the batting Shed HQPY the Engineering, University of Kentucky,
Comm- J· M· R0$€» of h€Hd€Y$O¤· Wednesday afternoon, June 5_ From the very iirst year of its or- g‘2““dSt““d· L&Vm°ry~ Gqmpmgm and was at member of its faculty until -
waj;hE°;1E;i;?;t°waS Called to Order The installation of Dr, Frank Le semizativn i¤“¤€Y€S‘¤, value, and WOYU1 ;;g1;G1;]10g¥€r1i;g;£]Sga;2da1Q€;);?1E;€?;§ he went to Cincinnati in 1906, He will
by R_ C_ Stoll and the board proceed, Rond McVey as president of the Uni- Of the ASS0<¤i¤U<>¤ have i¤€1`€¤S€d has been installed take over one of the most important I
gd to Organize by electing the fol- versity will be the feature oi the U`0111 {hl? Vi€WD0i11K of helpfulness Military instruction will be given phases of his new work at Once Thi,
iowing officers: R. C. Stoll, viceclmir- program Tuesday, June 4. On that wd enthusiasm- at Cump and meals fm the men Wm is supervision or traininq to be iven
·Wll t Ptol ·c·eta·· bes dt1·b[ · · ¤ g
mam 6 mg °“ a “~‘· be I ‘y» occasion 0. R. Brock, of Denver. csi., The unusual experiences which the S“‘.V" "‘”€’ “t Qr t€°h‘“°"1 m' 250 registrants in en ineer i ti
and John R. Downing, treasurer. On _ _ _ _ arxicultuml Baum h ve h d , th , struction in motoring and motor een- _ g mg an _
report of a nominating committee the pliasldent Of the Alumm ASSOCEUOW b S ZL H m EH, struction, blacksmithing; radio signal- other work being d0¤6 at UNB Ohio
renewing inembers were elected on W1u_b€_p1`€S€nt to 1`°D"9SBDt the O1" Struggles during the past Year- and lug, carpentering and chop work the Mechanical Institute.
the executive committee: R. c. stou, g**m·““°¤-_ TPB Order f°” °°mm€¤°€· the S¤‘¤¤g ¤<1dr¤S¤<>¤ tv be given by men will attend classes at the Uni- It has been at-ranged rm- pi·0ressm· r
P. P. JOIIIISKOD, JI`., R. G. GOI`d0I1, R- ment week 1S` proinineut speakers will give 1·3,re Op. versity UDl]9I` lHSYLl'\1CClO11 of I‘BgL1]31‘ Faig to Continue at the head of the ./” I
P, Ernst and J. M. Ellison. Sunday. June 2. pe;-tunmgs to thggg attending that faculty members and practical me- _ _ _
President Frank L. McVey made a, 3   M.—BH¤€i wd Misses Lélflh mrguyifgggegiqbiegigg {§f,{;CcQOl1£;,€;;; be m the Sham Of thc flatermty .
military training of drafted men will Miss Hattie Keith. Guuli and Laura Lee Jamieson as the HOW departmeuls “;é1.€’CI.€Ht€d in the Sh1€ld· The ]¤t@$t m011€Y Jllukillg
be approximately $940,000. The Pres- Address. . housckcepers for the first month. University; Art and Design; Music; scheme, za. Red Cross tinieil eam-
ident indicated in a general way what Music. l _ "The Practice H0use" is not only u Zoology; Economies and Sociology; Palm in which GVBYY Student, pro- .
thc U!11vC1‘Slf.y GKDCCLS to E1CCOl1lDllS]1 COHf€l`l`1I1g of d€g1`€€S by PI`B'Sld€llC luxury gf the d@]`)[[]‘i_]]]@]]t, but 3 ugggg. Ancjgut Languages and Literature; [€$$Ol` HIM]. f1`l€I1d of the Ul1lV€I`Slty is
in the xvay of eenstrnetion toruthe Frank Le Rond l\tIcVey, Ph. D., Lil. D. sity) njaflg SO by the Smm,.Hugh€S bill Bacteriology and psychology The asked to Save all tiufoil from cigar-
forthtgoining year. Owing to d1it1cu1— Pledge to Senior class by President that requires an wmhgrs quamymg Department Of Botany was tmusfele ette wrappings, candy, chewing gum, g
ties in procuring necessary labor and McVey. under it to UVB in a practice house md from the College Of Agriculture O etc., for the Red Cross collection, ·
building material, the building pro- Hymu—"America." and have thc actual work Of rmmmg the College of Liberal A1•ts_ They are urged to write home ter
gram for the coming year will be our- · Order of Procession. it Also OH mcommendation Of the more tinfoil, and to get the small j
taéisliill,   xvilgglire besinéznleré tcngiledige- thgrgiident McVey and speaker of The time for living in the house President the following new members` stores to save it for them, ·
$11 g ·‘ IL t L· g yi th· g P E.;   t BO (1 f T t d is diVi(-[Gd. €lH1OIlg H10 seniors of Of thg faculty WGYS added In COHIIBCQ i-___;; E
e possii e cons rue ion 0 a ir 1`»Sl en ar 0 rus ees an ·   . . v . ,· 
floor over the rear of Patterson Hall; President Emeritus James K. Patter- the Home Economics D<>P¤Ytm€¤t and mma Yum these department?. Dr. C. KENTUCKY MEQERS IN 5. 
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1.O_ th 1 th ft: h _ . A. bchull, head of the Depaitment of SCHOOL Al UNIVERSITY _;
the rejuvenation ol the doimitoues fO1 son. 1 € eng 0 Une? CY me In mg Botany D1. Schull is from the UDL
men; a, new shed for mechanical eu- Trustees and official guests. house W6 €¤ti1`0 €h¤1‘E~’€ of it is t¤1‘¤€d versityl Of kansas and has the dB_ Twenty eight miners from the east .  `
' ';tl · '·ftl h 1' D t 11 , 0ve·t0t·he.A11 ·l·t‘ , h - _ ’ . `_ ' _
gmeering W   repau.o· ie c ape in eans o eo eges U 1 A in wma: x8 ing   op glee Of Doctor of Phllosophy from Gm part Ot the State are attending %
the administration building, the erect- Faculty of College of Arts and D1llg,Cl€2`l1'1lllg,COOk1l1g,Hlld enteitam- Come], DI. Edward Weist from the {L Short CO _ Q . M, , E _
ing of a teinporary livestock pavi1— Science. ing is put in their hands and all ex- Univeré-ty (Qi Vermont made head Og , _ His m ‘ lfmlg ugmeel"
limi; the building of _ztn abzittoir; the Faculty Of ·C0l1€gG of AgI‘iC11ltl1l`€ penses must toe the line of a well- the Dgliaytmem of ]§C0HOmiCS and mg’ Unuierslty _Of kGHt}1Cky' The I
eonstruetion otla teinporary home for and Experiment Station. pimmed budge; _ Sociology D1._ C_ B_ commu, Of the °°‘r;_T°’ wm_ COPUHHG for `€1gl}t W€f’k’··
Home Economics and the c0nst1·uc· Faculty of College of Civil En- _ Universit EN , · L I _ G comsg is along lmlcucal lines
_ _ _ _ y o ebraslia, appoin ec as . _ _ _
tion of zi. heating plant adequate to gmeering. CHILDREN URGED T0 GET Sistzmt professor Of Education P1.O_ and 15 d€S1811€d YO1 111€I1 WH0 $91VGd
take care of the situation at present. Faculty of College of Mechanical MORE THORO EDUCATION fessm. E_ C_ Mama appointed assist- in mines wd d€Si1‘€ to i111D1`0V€ U1€i1'
President McVey indicated that owing and Electrical Engineering. amt professor Of Eilgush DR W-_ D_ k1l0Wl€dg<·3 of thé W01‘k. It is given pri-
to the war it would be out of the Faculty of College of Mining and Pecans? H . - · marily for mine foreinen superintend-
_ _ __ _ } _ , , O appreciable nunjbgy Og Funlihauser, appointed head of the I ·
question at this time to c0¤S1d€Y it MGYHUHISY- > immigrants has reaehed America for Dévamuent Of Zoology DL Funk' wm and mm€rS’ but any one who
l1eat1ng_é>·la11t siilch as had been pre- Feculty of Cvllese Of MW- the mt four years and bgcaugg Chi;- hauser has his doctors degree f1‘¤m “'iSh*’S *0 k“°“’ S°’“"thi“g “b°“t mm l
vlgruligy P1§§§';;t` Ycportad to tha AdS£ggiSi;1;?§HD€pa1mmm Of Geneml dren now graduating from grammar Cornell. Professor Carl Lampert, ing may take the work,
‘ , ’ _ _ ‘ ‘ ·el l. 1·   ,11 f · , ·_ _. .   head of the Departinent of Music. Dr. Th h d 1 ‘ 1 (1 · t · —
ETS-1‘d thas HGUHS Ul§€I` ;11U;l01£t>’ of g¤¤g}g&;€S gl)? AdV¤¤C€d D€gY€€S~ EQAOTQG   gmggizieggiogfillzingli, Glanville 'Terrell, head of the Démfi- in tl; SFol?o;i$1g1;3bt;e;5s;1nS mcmm
cuiegxigg1;;_v(;2;m(;f€ghH;tGdaB?;S0` an 1 a QS OF Bachelor DBg1€€S‘ Womens lndustry Connnittee in pim. ment of Greek, was transferred to Arithmetic, Coal Mining Vemmm _
_ _ " adelphia of the XVOHIHHVS Committee hééld of thi? D€D¤T`tm€H’$ of Phi]0$0PhY· tion, D1-ailmge Mining Machinery
;fu£z;(;}g11?liLl11;gg;§é· Oghgw fggigxit MOREC'.lé>E1®`;N¥$SEEANS T0 of the Council of National Defense, IH l>hYSi<’M °d“C¤tiO“~ Andrew Gm Mine Gztsses, Safety Lamps and
M mm vm fe me   mi L CAMP MAY 28 ElfiicitféfiflJiiii"iii?t€..2§,§i,i"“g‘§§ii i¥i.iti2§°§ilY"’§§.f£i.3““il.“if°‘Eai.i$§;iF T€S¤¤g·   Mm FM
reeemmended that Arthur Coolcdgé The second detachment of men to 1i*1L1·1x snitahle to the can ` " ` ` y `, ` i Rescue and RBHGL Surveying and Map `
_ » ,, _, · L, » , L ~—ymg On Og nas appointed instructor in Spanish. _ _ _ V _ _
of Boston be employed as ¤dv¤S<¤‘y [EKG l.€ChlllC2ll Hlld lllllltilfy lLl'ElilllI1g g, widgspmggd gguiipgign to (gucguyggg P1'Of€SS0l' XV. L. SUIUIHGYS, DOCtOY of Dlawlng" Ixeutucky lhnlug Law`
- Mchltccl t0 Work ioiutly with mm- at the University of Kentucky will an Children to ge; {upihep education Jurisprudence, now Professor of Lew TMS? Gmouefl for the work arc: T·
Shed I%l'0S· arrive May 28. According to ad- O1. vocational {mining beyom stm-ting at the University of Florida, appoint- R·H¤1‘1‘1SlFiGm1¤¤g2 L· W· Cm`tBI`· LEX'
President McVey stated to the Vipgs fygul `vvashington it \vil1 COm_ to WO,.k_ In Phimdglphm A Survey Gd pl-Ofgssoy Of ]_,&W_ iugton; H. P. Sutlmrd, London; Dewey
b¤¤r<1th¤t he had Wm Stltougly urgcfl prise 200 men. The men will be 'bb- Og an pm-ht grade Chim,-Bn is in prog 1-~——— Freeman, John Powell, Vveiford; W.
mcafmy to °°¤S°hd¤t€ W1th_ WB Um tained by voluntary advance indue— I-ess to nseermm who me waving UNIVERSITY GRADUATE B. Sisk, Fleming; T. M. T1·ospe1·, Tins-
"°’S‘PY me ,S°h°€’1 PE M°““$"“€" and tim from Twvessee and Kentucky. seheei to ge to work. ENTERS WAR SERVIGE iey; Geo. sims ineeeitee, Tinsley; w.
Egitastliy Sll¥i0\11S`l;1§l€-Y.géglldigatfed ·The problem of liandliiig the addi- The di1‘£ien1i,y for many yen-rs in .---— M. Lewis, Hcllier; W. A. Lindlo, Nor-
S · “‘,‘° SW O _"‘ kan; H. is. o1otre1tei—,1n·Ot1e1; rr, A, L
Medicine md had Come to the mm- »   · J ~ , 7_· g» gl stanty thus making competition in· gnna, to take up special war duties Codwauenbl, Midland. J W Rah}
_ · ‘ _ _ _ CUIUUO wd VK O- V h1DDlG, Sl1D€=1‘1H- tense. Now that there is no such ele· in the Department of Chemistry at , .’ _ ’ ' `
CWSVJH that lf nufthlflg IS @01*6 l`€· teudeut of buildings and grounds. ment to contend with, and now that Washington. “at?r’ GOtmf’ N' A` Morgan Bond
ggid§I;gU1€ <;>;S0;§l;t1