xt77wm13pb73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13pb73/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1897 journals kaes_bulletins_069 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.69. text Bulletin n.69. 1897 1897 2014 true xt77wm13pb73 section xt77wm13pb73 A  
K EN T U CKY    
1. Test of Varieties. %  
2. Test Lof Fertilizers.
3. Descriptions 0f Varieties.   L
4. Treatnuent for Sniut. 2
_ A
s1c1·T1m11;1c1<, 1897.

   L I QH Q , .
Q. 1 " >
  ?* A Agricultural Experiment $tatien
i I. A. P. GOODING, Chairman, Mayslick, Ky.
` . J. B. KENNEDY, Paris, Ky.
i I ''`‘ A HART BOSWELL, Lexington. Ky.
J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College,
M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
·_ A STATION 01·`I·‘ICERS. ‘
·   _ M. A. SCOVELL, Director.
_   V A. M. PETER,
"» .. 'il . Chemists.
—   H. E. CURTIS,
H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanisti
, C. W. MATHEWS, Horticulturist
I J. N. HARPER, Dairyman.
  V. E. MUNCY, Weathe1· Observer.
I " MISS ALICE M. SHELBY, Stenographer.
Address of the Station- LEXINGTON, KY.
I ` The Bulletins of the Station will be mailed free to any citizen of
* Kentucky who sends his name and address to the Station for that
` purpose.
` Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in their
~ post—0Hice address, or of any failure to receive the Bulletins.
‘ ` -
IS `

, li
| l
' E l
W ¤ L i >
BULLETIN Nt). ml. i
The subject is treated under the following heads: V
r 'l
1. Test of Varieties. , `Q
2. 'l`est of l·`ertilixers.  
3. Descriptions of Varieties. i i
4. Treatinient for Sinut. ·
T/rr No//,—'l`l1e experiments were conducted on the {
vEXl)9l'lll1(?l1E Station grounds, the oharaoter of the soil  
of whieh has been described in previous bulletins. ·
Y`/it .\',·a.¤oi».—'l`lie season was a fair one for the wheat .
crop. The linglish sparrow, although oarefully watched  
during the ripening season, undoubtedly diminished the
yield, and iniiiaired, at least to soine extent, the
a¢·<_·uratey of the results obtained.
The following table shows the rainfall per month,
highest, lowest, and average teniperature, and the
` amount of sunshine during the wheat season:

   1 L SO [$11}/w1‘1`11 X0, U!}.
    4 1 _ l l § """*liQ.§‘.?;?.1'g`.’""" 9
)l()N'l`llS, 18919--lN$1T.   ` g Q
€  #__¢_, w;@;;i;
    l S(¥1)t(‘11]l)(‘l‘ ............................ 35.0 i 65.0 4.25 ` 67.4 95 35
<>ew1»e1· ........ . ...........,........V   55.0   44.0 l 1,27 54,4 77 30
V ` N()\'("llll)(‘l' ............................. 37.0 i63.0 ` 4.30 47,5 7 72 ` 14
‘ I)0c0111l1<-1· .........,. . ................. 32.0 l68.0   2.55 33,4 63 ` 13
7   ~ J11.1111;1.1·y. .............. i ...,............ ) 31.0   69.0   2,59 V 29,9 l 67   -5
SIM   ` 1"(}l)1'll2l~l`)' .............................. 26.0   74.0   6.33 37.4 66   10
- 1   l\I;1r0h ................................... 27.0 7 73.0   6.55 47.6 76 22
April .................................... 37,0 l 63,0 L 5,30 53,2 82 26
1 Many .....,................................ 47.0 i53.0 4.48 59.4 87 33
  June ............. . ....................... 4],0 l 59.0 4.77 ` 72,1 93 50
?`.. 1   3       1
1. Test; of Vzxrieties.
3 Seventeen varieties were l1llCl€l' test-. Each vzirieby
.7 was 11lz111t1ed 011 l/6; acre plot, i11 drills $01*011 inches
` apmt. The :1111o11i1t of seed SO\\'l1 was at the rate of 0118
{ 2111d 0116-l.Olll'Bll bushels per 21CI`C. All plots were plzmted
` October 12, 1891%, 2Lll(l lmrvested .]lll1G 28, 1897.
` A (l€SCl`lpEl1)ll of the varieties may be found on pages
i ST-95, :111d pllOCOg§l`ILi)l1l(J 011ts of the heads of 0110h variety
following page 92- ‘
. Here follows :1 table giving the yield of each variety
, 1 amd the weigl1bof`wl1ez1t1 per bushel. V

 . 1 `
5% l ·
l a
ll?/l(’(II‘. S1   l
A . Wheat, Yield of Varieties.- - -   `
"7;7'M7Wi 5   5 JiEL“¥iZ@“* 1 1
1 B__ ‘ ‘ 2l('l'(‘   V  
liezuril-. — ;— fi I
N.xm·: or \'.xn1i·:’i*Y. ml. I   1 3%   3  
7 ”‘{.'£Iiil.1 ‘5   i 5 { ¥ ‘
'_‘—’_""__"“_"`   i` "_l"— 1 ·
1 .ll)lll*S` \\vllli(‘l' l·`if<· ....,.. . .... S. E23.   2070 1 59 i
2   .·\lll<‘l'l(‘2llI lliwiiize ...........   S.   16. l 2190 V 60
3 l l·Zn|·ly \\'hii‘<· lm:i1l¤·1· ...v . ..... . S.   7.3 . 1215 1 52
4 l’1·i¢l<~<»f (il*lli‘Si*l*   _ ..... li.   21.8 I 2505   62 I
5 Unikzi (‘l1i<·l' . ............   ~ li. E 25.3 3210| 61
6 l,<»n;;· .\llllN‘l'. . ............. . S.   20.0 ` 2400 1 .....
7 .I<>n¢~s li(‘2\l'(l(‘ll.. ............. li. \ 15 1875   59lg  
3   l’n-ide ...... . ......_ . ...... 1 %._   195 2205 5 60 ·  
9 Ii<—zn1·¢l¤~¢l \\'int¤-1· l·`if<· .... . ........ li.   30.5 3045 { 63 ` *
10 lizirly.»\i·<·:1li·cle1· to test the (lli'l.€I‘(?llii vnrieties 0f wlieait as t0
their milling qnztlities the severalszunple§iv<·1·e Slll>Illlt~EQ(l

 if E  
  . ? I 82 Jill]/Cl/ill No. GI}.
    . ‘ to Mr. C. S. Brent who kindly gave his opinion of each
  .— V as tabulated below :
ii   Name of Wheat. Milling Qualities.
1 1. Jones} Winter Fife - \Vorthy of further trial.
I think well of it.
l A 2. American Bronze · \\'ell thought of.
{ · 3. Early White Leader - \Vorthless.
1 l 4. Pride offlenesee - Fair milling qualities.
t     y 5. Oatka Chief - - \Vorthy of further test.
. fi. Long Amber - - lieasonably good.
7. .lones’ Bearded - — l do not think very
well of it. »
_ A G A 8. Pride - - - Fair milling qualities.
A $9. Bearded Winter Fife - \Vorthy of special at-
i P _ tention. l think highly
i_   of this wheat.
  _ lll i 10. Early Arcadian — One of the best.
l 11. Pedigreed Early Genesee ‘
Giant — - - Fine wheat.
=.g 12. Diamond Grit . - Not to be recommended.
.··· 13. White Golden Cross — Good milling wheat.
gh 14. Lancaster lied - - Best milling wheat. A
” 15. Democrat — — Think well of it.
16. Gold Uoin - — Test it f`urther.
17. l)awson’s Golden flhaff — Good milling wheat.
. 2. Test of Fertilizers.
This year, as heretofore, f`ertilizers had no appreciable
A effect on the yield of grain or straw—the kind of fertili-
zer used and the manner of applying it, were the same
· as in years previous, for which see Bulletin 57. The
· results of the year are of solittle value when taken alone
, — that it is thought best not to publish them herein;

 r   f li
ll'limi. 83   T
3. Descriptions of the Varieties of Wheat. , f
nr n. GARMAN, Excronotocisr AND Boramsr. i L
The following descriptions of the seventeen varieties % f
tested on the Experiment farm in 1897 are drawn solely ` I  
from samples of ripened wheat taken from the plots. T ;  
The names applied are furnished me by those in charge ,
of the experiments. It is not improbable, considering  
the confusion that exists in the names of varieties, that
in at least one instance (Nos. 4 and S) the same variety
is described under two different names. The differences
` and resemblances will, however, be suiiiciently evident
from the descriptions and liguresp  
The majority of the varieties can be easily recognized.
The most evident character is the presence or absence of ,
a beard, but after separating the ten bearded varieties
from the seven beardless ones, the varieties comprised l ;‘
under the two heads may be readily subdivided by the ‘ ¤
color of the spike or head, some being of an umber- ·
brown color, while ot-hers are of the usual pale yellow. T i
The color of the stem or culm is also in some cases a —1 j
ready means of recognition, as is also the shape and
average size of the spike. A very important character, V-
which may easily be overlooked, sometimes separates
varities which are in other respects almost or quite the , {
same. lt is the presence of a very fine, whitish, velvety l
down or pubescence on the outer scales which cove1· the Q
grain. lts presence can be best recognized by holding ix
a spike up to the light and turning it from side to side. "
No. 1 of the beardless varieties is thus pubescent, while
numbers 4. S and S) of the bearded wheats possess the
same character.
These are the characters upon which chief dependence
is placed in the following synopsis and descriptions. It V

   l. . . it =
  i EV . A
L; , ¥ V 84 Bu//wliu Yo. ii!}.
  A   U ` is to be regretted that the character of the blade and the
  ir , average number of heads produced from a stool by each
T l variety cannot be included. The observations on red
Q " rust were made in the iield, June 29. A few words of
explanation maybe added to make the descriptions more
’ A readily understood. A head or spike of wheat is made
2 ,   up of a central axis, which is a continuation ot' the stem,
_ · upon which are borne the flowers from which the seed is
i _ V developed. The iiowers grow in regularly placed clus-
°   l ( ters, one above another, in two iows, placed on opposite
T sides of the axis. A single complete cluster of liowers
(See plate l. tig. l.) is fan-shaped, tho individual liowers
. diverging somewhat from each other. lf the clusters
' forming a row are i'ar apart, and lie close against the
, ‘ axis, the spike, as a whole is flattened. But when the
l   A clusters are c1·owded they overlap each other and stand
W-   V out from the axis, in which case the two diameters may
A `§ A be alike, or what is commonly the shorter, may exceed
the other. ln several varieties the crowding ot the
,_ clusters becomes gradually greater towards the upper ‘
,_ end of the spike so that this extremity becomes oddly
  widened, as appears in No. 10, plats 3. Two o1· three .
i " lower clusters on each head of wheat are imperfect, con-
sisting ol' a single llower which does not produce a seed.
But farther up the number ol` flowers in a cluster is in-
creased to live (See tig. l, plate I.). although onlythree or
Q . four ofthe outermost produce seeds. ln the mature
, head of wheat the two outer llowers ol` a complete clus-
‘ _ ter consist each of three scales and a seed. The oute1·-
, most scale (empty glume) on each is provided with a
, small ridge or keelon the outside, and is in the bea1·dless
varieties rather blunt at the tip, while in the bearded
l wheats the tip is formed by a short bristle (Plate l. fig. 2).
` The scales next to these empty glumes are, in bearded
‘ ` wheats, provided with long bristles wl1icl1 constitute the

 l t
l li
. E
iniwtt. S5 i {
heard (Plate l. fig. 2, B), but in the beardless wheats these g
bristles are represented by a short claw·like p1·ocess be- .
low, which increases toward the upper end of the spike ` ·
to a length of a half inch or more. The bristle-bearing l T 1
glnmes enclose the seed on the outside, while the inner i ·
side of every seed is enclosed by a somewhat boat-shaped ` l
scale known as a palet (Plate I. tig. 2, C). The three   Q
scales enclosing one of the outer seeds ot a cluster are   `
shown separated from each other in figure 2, plate l.   T.
iq.]/IIUIINIIN of {/tw HI lY(II'{i('f/·!8.
Good descriptions and synopses of the varieties ot`
wheat, based upon a critical examination and comparison,
are greatly needed, and it is to be hoped that some one  
I having access to all the literature will soon undertake the
task of sitting out the spurious varieties and putting
those well established in such shape that they can be "
recognized. The present synopsis covers a small part of ·,
the lield, and is olfered only as a convenience in conncc- , `_
tion with the descriptions which follow it. ,
Begin with paragraph l. As long as your sample ot` · V
_ wheat agrees with the characters given, go ahead taking _ l
one number aft-er another until you reach a paragraph l'
with dotted line leading out to the name of the variety. ‘_
llut whenever you find a paragraph with which your
wheat does not agree the number in parenthesis directs y (
you down the line to a paragraph where your wheat will i i
agree. Suppose you have in your hand a bearded wheat ·
with spike tapering at upper end, the glumes downy »
(pubescent) and the seeds white: Read paragraph 1.  
You tind you1· wheat does not agree The number 14
in parenthesis says, "go down the line to paragraph 14
where your wheat does agree." Now read the next par-
agraph, 15. You will find your wheat does not agree
` and you are again sent down the line, to IS. Then read

  i " {P .    
‘§» ' .t
li E Q
( ; ·Q   I;/I//Vt/ill ,\’U.  
    _- ‘ 19, with which it agrees, and you read the next paragraph,
  _. 20, to find yourself directed to 21., where the quest ter-
  2 1 minates, the dotted line leading to the name ‘·Bearded
~ ‘· winter fif`e."
1. (14) Beardless.
l 2. (7) Spike enlarging at upper end (nearly even in
3 · No. 3.)
  ` 3. (4) Spike and stein yellow ----
2   I ---— Early white leader (No. 3).
. it 1 4. (3) Spike brown. ‘
5. (G) Stem yellow - — Early Arcadian (No. 10).
43. (5) Stem purplish ---- Hold eoin (No. 10).
4 · 7. (2) Spike tapering at upper end.
` S. (9) Spike pubescent - Jones’s winter life (No. 1).
y   . 9. (8) Spike not pubescent.
_ ,* 10. (13) Spike and stem yellow.
ii`, nl A 11. (12) Seeds red — — - American bronze (No. 2).
i 12. (11) Seeds white — - - Long amber (No. li).
13. (10) Spike brown, stem yellow - - -
2 - - - Dawson’s golden chaff (No. 17).
¤» 14. (1) Bearded.
gh 15. (13) Spike enlarged at upper end.
1 113. (17) Spike and stem yellow with reddish tinge ....
.... Oatka chief and Jones’s bearded (Nos. 5 and 7).
17. (10) Spike uinber-brown, steni pnrplish -
- - l’edigreed giant and White golden cross
¥ ` - - (Nos. ll and 1.3).
{ 18. (I5) Spike tapering at·npper extremity.
S 19. (22) Spike pubeseent.
20. (21.) Seeds red -—--
· — Pride of Genesee and Pride (Nos. 4 and S).
21 . (20) Seeds white - Bearded winter file (No. 9).
5 _ 22. (19) Spike not pubescent.
` _ 23. (24S) Seeds red.

 l lr
» l
. 1
ll'}1¢*rr/. $7 i
24. (25) Spike yell0w,stem purplish - — - , 1
. - - · - Diainond grit (N0. 12). 1
25. (2+1 Spike l»r0wn, stem purplish - - - · -
- - - Lancaster red (N0. 14). (
26. (23) Seeds white, spike and stem yellew - , »
---- Democrat (N0. 15). i ·
_...t 1 l
No. I. ·/07lI’S,N llrintwr I·`{/`c.  
. lleardless. Seeds white"’. Spike l0ng and slende1·,
tapering slightly towards the upper end, flattened.
Average length 0f- four spikes, 5.125 inches; greater
diameter, 0.5 inch; lesser diameter, 0.375. Glumes
· covered with a line whitish, velvety pubeseenee. limpty  
glumes, with very short, blunt preminences at tips.
Flowering glumes with claw-like tips, which become __
gradually lenger tewards the upper end ofthe spike,
where a few boeeme straight, sharp bristles about 0 25 ‘4
inch long. Color 0i` spike and stem, pale yellow. .\ver- l = it
age number 0i` seeds fl'Olll a spike, 86.75. Average ·
weight 0t` seeds fr01n a spike, 3.2875 grams. `
Rust 011 stem and blade frequent. ( I
No. ..’. -»lmrr/wm ]}I'UIl,2/'. _.
Beardless. Seeds red. Spike very leng and slender,
the spikelets separated s0 that the axis 0f the spike can . {
seinetiines be seen between them, Hattened, tapering l
tewards both extremities. Average length 0i` i`0ur spikes, A
5.3125 inches; greater diameter, 0.625 inch; lesser di- Y"
ameter, 0.375 ineh. (llumes n0t pubescent. Empty `
0uter glumes with sl10rt, reunded tips, the keels 0n their
backs mere decided than in many 0ther varieties.
*The terms white and red are used in these descriptions as they are hy millers
and seedmen. Strictly speaking. the white wheats are pale oi·\n·ace0us, while red
whents, so—ealled, are generally of :1 light leather color.

 ii ; ii .
  1 t .
_. i il 88 Build/n Xu. fi!).
  ._ , ` Flowering glumes, with claw·like tips, which increase in
ti .~ _ length towards the upper end of the spike, where a f`ew
  T become bristles one-half inch long. Color of spike and
· ` stem, pale yellow. Average number of seeds from one
spike, 50.5. Average weight of seeds from one spike,
i 2.4 grams.
l_ This wheat bears a general resemblance to No. 1, but
{ i. ` the spike is more slender and the glumes without pu-
; V. . bescence. Rust frequent.
i { Xe. J. Early; IIY/i/{w /.wa¤7¤·i·.
, . Beardless. Seeds white. Spike long and slender, the
, spikelets becoming crowded at the upper end of the
1 spike so that it is a little widened at the extremity.
_ · Average length of fours pikes, 5.f31inches; greater diam-
‘ il ` eter, 0.50 inch, lesser diameter at middle of spike, 0.37
Fw,   i inch, but widened to 0.50 inch at tip. Glumes not
V   1 pubescent. Empty glumes with short, rounded tips.
Floweringglumes with claw-like tips, a few at the ex-
, tremity of the spike with the tips produced into short
it _ spines, as much as one—fourth inch long. Color of spike
$$1 and stem pale yellow. Average number of seeds from
7 " one spike, 74.25. Average weightof seeds from one spike,
2.85 grams.
Closely resembles No. 2, but readily distinguished by
its white seed and the slight enlargment of the tip of U
; , the spike. Rust very abundant.
  A70.   ])1'/if/VQ/i (N11:/.w1’r*,
y lleavily bearded. Seeds red. Spike long and slender,
_ tape1·ing to the upper end, flattened. Average length of
four spikes, 5.81 inches ggreater diameter, 0.02, inch; lesser
diameter, 0.37 inch. Hlumes puhescent. Empty glumes
· with a bristle at the tip varying from 0.25 to 0.02 inch
» ‘ in length. Flowering glumes with long bristles varying

ll'}1¤*r1/. SQ) A
from l inch long at the base to more than elinches on the , A
upper half of the spike. Color of spike and stem pale
yellow. Average number of seeds from one spike, 79.5. ’ *
Average weight of seeds from one spike, 2.95 grams. A Z
A A very striking variety, to be recognized by its shaggy , 1
beard and pubescent glumes. Rust frequent. 1
No. J. ()utL‘ \  C     .
. X ` ‘I _
{ . · ·
A ":£’<$i `a   1 I `
‘   E *’·z—1i_ <'é‘ 2 ‘ i I
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_ I
. I

 { 1
li A A
. V
l l
Wlmai. 93 A A
of four spikes, 3.19 inches; g1·eater diameter, 0.50 inch; Q A
lesser diameter, 0.37 inch at base, increasing to 0.62 inch j
at upper extremity. Glumes 11ot pubescent. Empty - -
outer glumes with short, acute spine at tip. Flowering A ;
glumes tipped with bristles, about one inch long at base , ·
£`tl1(l as much as four inches in length at the upper ex- i  
tremity of the spike. Color of spike umber-brown, of   g
stem purplish. Average number of seeds froma spike, I
63 .5. Average weight of seeds f1`OlI1 a spike, 2.85'grams.  
Closely resembles Number ll i11 every respect, but in
the sample before me the length of spike averaging less.
No rust. A
No. ./.,4. ].rz1u·¢1.