xt77wm13nj8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13nj8g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1890-02-jun4. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1890-02-jun4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1890-02-jun4. 1890 1890-02-jun4. 2011 true xt77wm13nj8g section xt77wm13nj8g 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 95

    The Board of Trustees met as per adjournment in the
Presidents room June 4, 1890 at 9-1/2 A. M.

Present                 W. B. Kinkead,   Chairman
                         R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Hart Gibson
                         Philemon Bird
                         P. P. Johnston
                         W. D. Nicholas
                         J. D. Clardy,

     Col. Gibson a chairman of the Committee on the Report
of the President and accompanying reports of heads of
Departments made the following Report viz: June 4, 1890.

     Your Committee to whom was referred the report of the
President for the current year beg leave to report that
they have carefully examined the detailed reports of the
various departments of the College and are of the opinion
that they confirm in every particular the general assurance
of the continued property and progress of the College.  An
aggregate attendence of 117 students in the Dept. of
Agriculture indicates a gratifying interest in that branch
of industry, special attention is called to the report of
Prof. Stark on the subject of student cabin.

     The Dept. of Natural History under the guidance of
Professor Orr shows a similarly prosperous condition 151
students having been in attendance upon the course of
instruction.  Particular attention is called to this report
and the recommendations contained therein are commended to
the favorable consideration of the Board.


MIrUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 96

    The report of Professor Kastle gives gratifying
evidence of the specially satisfactory condition of the
Department of ehemistry, A large number of students - 107
have attended his lectures during the year (current) than
any previous year. Your committee especially commend the
efforts of Professor Kastle in the Department of Agricultural
Chemistry, the entire body of students having access to his
lectures upon that important and interesting subject.

     The report of Professor Scovell indicates that the
Experimental Station is accomplishing a valuabe work for
the farming interest of the Commonwealth and is besides a
source of considerable income to the College. Not less than
767 experiments in every kind of field and garden products
have been under headway during the current year the results
of which cannot fail to be of great value and should be
liberally distributed throughout the State.

     The Normal School is realizing the largest expectations
of the Board of Trustees. The number of matriculates has
reached 155 of whom 87 are females representing in all
49 counties.

     Your Committee take occasion to reenforce with great
earnestness the recommendations coming from every Dept. of
the College for the establishment and annual enlargement of
a College Library embracing especially the Literature of
the scientific Departments.

     Attention is called to the Report of Lieut. Clark
whose valuable services we are about to lose by expiration
of his term of assignment.



    His suggestions and recommendations should receive
favorable consideration.

     For the abundant prosperity which has attended the
College during the last twelve month your committee desire
to recognize a controlling factor in the signal ability
and fidelity of the corps of instructors and especially
in the braad judicious and eminently intelligent and there-
fore successful administration of President Patterson, we
very cheerfully commend to your favorable consideration his
application for a limited release from the unremitting and
arduous labors expended for a quarter of a century in behalf
of the Agricultural and Mechanical College.

     All of which is respectfully submitted.

                         Hart Gibson
                         Richard A. Spurr
                         Phil .Bird

     To the Board of Trustees
             of the
     Agricultural and Mechanical


MINUTES e THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 98

    Dr. Clardy Chairman of the Committee to whom was
referred the Financial Report of the Treasurer reported
as follows:

June 4, 1890

    Your Committee appointed to examine the vouchers & etc.
of the Treasurer's account have carefully and item by item
made examinations of the Treasurer's account with the
Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Experiment
Station and find a voucher for every item of payment,
vouchers and payrments agreeing throughout, Everything seems
to have been kept in an accurate and most business like
manner, edl of which is most respectfully submitted.

                         J. D. Clardy     Coin.
                         Phil. Bird    )

     On motion ordered that the vouchers of the Treasurer
be turned over to the Treasurer for safe keeping in the
vault at the Bank.

     On motion the President and Captain Nicholas are
authorized to buy a fire proof safe for the preservation
and safety of the books records and papers of the

     The Treasurer made a supplementary Report in writing
showing the aggregate income of the college from all
sources for the fiscal years 1886-7, 1889, 1889-90,
(Inserted opposite)


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 99

    The Report of the Committee on salaries of which Dr.
Spurr was Chairman then reported as follows.

    We recommend that the salaries of officers and employees
of the Institution be as follows. Should any vacancies occur
during the interval between regular meetings of the Board
of Trustees they may be filled by the Executive Committee
whose appointments shall be valid only until the next
regular meeting of the Board.

Dresident, Prof. Mental Philosophy
                 & Civil History
Vice President,Prof. Eng. Language
                & Literature
Dean of Scientific course, Prof.
     " Classical course, Ancient
 "   " Normal course, Prof. Pedagogy
 f   t" Civil Engineering
 "   " Agriculture
 "   "' Natural Science
 f   "t Chemistry
 ' "' Modern Languages
 Principal of Academy
 lst. Asst. in Academy
 2nd.   11   It   if
 Asst. in Classical Dept.& Academy
 "t   " Normal Dept.
 3rd. Asst. in Academy

2500 home,garden & pasture




Officers of Experiment Station.

1st. Asst. Chemist
Entomologist & Botanist
2nd. Asst. Chemist
Clerk & Stenographer


pasturage & vegetables

    The foregoing salaries determined by the Board are not
subject to change by the Ex. Com. and attach to the position
and not to the incumbent. Changes in salaries can be made
only by the Board.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 100

     The Committee appointed to nominate an Executive
Committee for the ensuing year reported the following
nominations viz:

     W. B. Kinkead, R. J. Spurr, R. A. Spurr, Hart Gibson,
Philemon Bird.

     The persons nominated were unanimously elected.

     On motion Prof. M. L. Pence was elected unanimously to
fill the chair of Civil Engineering.

     On motion Henry B. Orr was unanimously elected to fill
the chair of Natural. History viz:
Geology, Biology and Zoology.

     On motion W. B. Stark was unanimously elected to fill
the chair of Botany and Agriculture.

     On motion J. W. Pryor was elected unanimously Medical
Examiner and sanitary inspector for the ensuing year, and
was also appointed to give instruction as Professor of Human
and Comparative Anatomy & Physiology in the College one hour
daily during the academic year. His compensation for these
services is this year fixed at $300. It is also understood
that Dr. Pryor shall shape his instructions also as far as
possible in the direction of an application of Comparative
Anatomy, to the relations which that science sustains
to veterinary art and science.

     On motion ^ Harrison Garman was appointed Entomologist
of the experiment station and Botanist salary as in the
schedule (June 5).


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 101

     On motion R. L. Blanton was elected second assistant
in the Academy at a salary of $1000 per annum.

     On motion the salary of Prof. W. K. Patterson Principal
of the Academy was increased from $1400 to $1500.

     On motion the salary of Professor Prewitt was increased
from $900 to $1000 per annum. The figures at which the
salaries herein mentioned are stated are to appear in the
list of salaries fixed by the committee which reported

     On motion the President of the college Jas. K. Patterson
is granted leave of absence for six months with continuation
of salary. This absence may be extended by the Executive
Committee. The President will meanwhile provide at his
own expense for the instruction of his classes during
his absence.

     Major Johnston offered the following resolution which
was adopted viz:s

     Resolved that it is the sense of this Board that the
depression in our ground next the city be converted into a
lake suitable for boating bathing and fishing and that the
chair appoint a committee with full authority to execute the
work, said committee to confer with and secure the cooper-
ation of the authorities of the city promote persons inter-
ested in the improvement and if possible induce them to bear
a portion of the expense. The Committee is authorized to
expend on behalf of the College in this work such sums as
the Executive Committee may prudently allow. Committee
P. P. Johnston, Hart Gibson and Capt. Nicholas.


MINJTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 102

     On motion Hart Gibson, P. P. Johnston and R. A. Spurr
were appointed a committee to nominate suitable persons to
fill vacancies in the Faculty as they occur, or to fill new
Professorships or other offices or positions which may from
time to time be created, this committee shall also nominate
and report to the Board at its annual meeting suitable
persons to fill positions in the experiment station. This
does not however  interfere with the right and duty of the
Executive Committee to make provisional appointments under
the general powers and limitations of said Committee.

June 5, 1890

     The Board met at 9-1/2 A. M.

     On motion Capt. Nicholas was elected Treasurer   salary

     On motion Hart Gibson was elected Secretary, salary

     On motion the salaries of the lst. Asqt. in the Academy
was placed at $1200, and that of the lst. sst. Chemist of
the Station at $1500 per annum, and the schedule directed
to be corrected accordingly.

     The Board then adjourned, sine die.

W. B. Kinkead, Ch. Ex. Com.


Missing report(s)