xt77wm13ng0p_95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. "The Last Word on Goebel's Deathbed" by Richard Rennelsen - review of "The First New Dealer, William Goeble" by Urey Woodson. (from Courier-Journal, June 6, 1939) text "The Last Word on Goebel's Deathbed" by Richard Rennelsen - review of "The First New Dealer, William Goeble" by Urey Woodson. (from Courier-Journal, June 6, 1939) 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_9/Item_8/13198.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_95 xt77wm13ng0p I
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_ _ 2 o 0 (From Conrier-lonriial)
_ Richard Bennelsen _
2f, hwRON the typewriter 0f Urey Woodson, silver-haired ——-—-————-————-———— insurance, raising chickens and occasionally taking die-
_ editor and elder statesman—one Of the tVVO llVng tation as a stcnographer‘2 Youtsey is trying to live down
..2- ‘ ; persons wno saw the mortally wounded William 2 _2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 his early years. Insisting he fared disastrously at the '
Goebel sworn in as Governor of this State at Frankfort “HAT Sohllfi ILDIINEIYT AUTIIIDRITIES SA! hands of a “dirty bunch” with whom he became asso-
22‘:22 _ n 1900—has: come :.1 book? which at last has put into 0F TIIES BO0K elated as a youthful stenographer, Youtsey says be firm-
2325 . '2: cine organized form a record of this greatestcf Ken— 1y believed Goebel and his partisans were attempting
. ucky p(llt1C‘al tragedies, the Goebel assassination. to steal a legally—wen victory from Taylor, and that he
. In the book, voices long silent—-those of Henry * and others (quoting Mr. Woodson’s book) “believed the
:;~ Youtsey and James B. “Jim" Howard, 110W aging men effort to unseat Taylor was no less an outrage than the
--speak out in special interviews obtained for the means which appeared to him (Youtsey) and his asso-
5‘:.~‘:j~* purpose. In it. runs the spirit of the day. the paramount ciates to be necessary to prevent it,”
:‘.- _ . - - ~ ~ : . Senator Alben W. Barkle o Kentuck sa- 8: .
2:222:22 2 2 questions. the hostilities. the lines of 2d1\ision of tht ya 2 f 2 y: 23' These voices, it is true. serve to make only more
551t- ' partties. H WI” :2ettle 1123811223,; dfifime’ 2t2his EfOk’ 1381122211.)?" St (“122161.622‘335 “CV2“ a more ‘2“”.‘t‘2gt2crall2‘ “16211125102123 $66.12" emphatic the stories they swore by all through the eight
gi.-2.; , star many one 101'. u on ess 1 “’1 succee 1r ’a e *1an 1e even s connecei wi 1 1e 10 EUR (ea 1o 21'12— 2 2. 2, . . .
2.102220. ,2 real Qer‘ice in 23222202220. order out of the 22201d€2._ liam Goebel of Kentucky. No man knew that era more 2112it1- long years 0f2t11als, bUt they do p10v1de hlghhghté for
Iii 35 5‘ . : 3 , .,,-M 23 :22 2: d 2, 2 2 .2 mately than did Urey \Voodson. No man is better qualified M13 Woodsons bOOk. Howard. for example, believes
mg ieinnants ot2pai.1san 1eco cc 1011 an Sxe cny ac— to Write about it than is he. His book “THE FIRST NEW Youtsey and all the rest are dead—and of course he
2 22qu'1'ed information. 2 DEALER"7gives a2 viyid history of the crents connected w1th is 5212220515 right.
2, The Goebel story, from the start of that two-fisted this great l\entuckian. . Mr Woodson and a Miss Portune the nurse sta- 2
3 politicos career until his tragic end, is too important a tioned t Goebel’s b d 'de ft 2 ' d d ‘
:2 ' clizioter in Kentucky’s history to bury. An unsavory , , a e S_1_ a ?r 18 was woun e ’ are
.212-52,22 . .2. L 2 2 2 _ believed the only two livmg Witnesses who saw Goebel
chapter in many respects. true. A chapter, some still Senator 2112 2". Logan of Kentucky says: sworn in
33E? E c '1 it * t ; it" a crool‘: a cha ter about a cru— . '“‘ i . , ‘. L ' . . . .
. _. ‘2 WC. 92;” 7.01.231.” 1.2 , 2 012222128 a crusade, “This story of William Goebel, the iii-5i l\ew Dealer, his Mr. Woodson’s account 18 Simple. “Chief Justice
~ ’”‘dej 101 2‘218 121”]: in dne _V21e“ O . ’ '22 t , lent assassination and the trials of those charged with his death, James H.Haze1rigg, accompanied by five or six others.
sari ' .2 l“ > (2... 7 r 5:7 c" 17a' 0‘ la V10 '. . . . .s . . ’~ . .'., '_ , ,
222222.222 2, 2 .2110 con..1scnt-3 o s2e 2 asice \2\ inines 2 1s a book that should be read by LVCI}()llL. it is concise, 1121 then went to Goebel's room and announced to him the
1.3.: , characters were planning to kill him. Kentucky history. tensely interesting and accurately covers a stormy peiiod 111 2 12 f th t' f 22 G 2 A bl 21.
' . 373? noncthelecs2 no matter what the View. Through the the history of Kentucky with which all should be acquainted. ”23311 0 2 e ac ion 0 ‘9 eneial ssem y, Ellhg
‘ 2222 2Q Giel '82 22,2- remained 1 sort of Jekyll-Hyde figure 1 earnestly recommend this book to all readers.” hlm that If he W35 ready he WOUId then be sworn in
" ..;,2‘ 2 52202“? L 2 3 ““2 2 ‘ 2:222 of legend oisonous and as Governor. [The Legislature had declared him legally
i 5 “me 380 inoyeo 011’ a2 5 b ’ p _ . elected. No Republicans, however, signed the report,
i;'2=2:2~:§s2g',;_ E~';iCl‘OS{‘illCt at the same time, has covered his memory. claiming the 'were not notified of the meetin ]
. And a public su1feited with the seemingly endless new Honorable Joseph P. Tumulty, former Secretary to 22 y 2 g. 2
7 President Woodrow Wilson now a member of the GOEbeI’ who was fully COHSClOUS, announced hls
3 W h' ' t b g 2 s' ’ readiness, raised his right hand, and took the oath of
_ "5 mg 0" ‘”’ ‘“Y ' office, administered by the Chief Justice.
“2‘ 2 o “Urey \Voodson’s moving story of the life and death of “Then John K_ Hendrick, spokesman for the com—
2 i’gggfig @EEQEQQQ ended \Villiam Goebel, Governor oi Kentucky, recalls an episode inittee said to Goebel ‘We have here a proclamation
‘”2 comparable in its tragic sweep to many of the things that ,t 2 ._ It' 112.22 .11 .1 .
22', happened in the Age of Hatred following the bitter days of we wan you 02 Slgn' Is a 11g1,W1 ,and I Wlant
tor a new book on. the Civil War- stop to read It
1,21 3 “Mr. \Voodson’s standing as a Democrat and as a journal— “G09b81 in a strong voice said, ‘Read it!’
1.2 k . ist who livc2l in the midst of the things 211C describes2peculia2rl); “Hendrick then read the proclamation, which simply
c2 fits iim to )ring iome to us many of tie stirring tiings tia called u on the -2- ar 0 ib -.
"l g—EEQ teEgSeSt wee 1“ preceded the death by assassi'iation of William Goebel whom 2’ p 22 2 m1 H y t 2ds and and2go i0 “21811
Mr. \v'Voodson describes as th( ”best loved and the best hated tomes, as 3919 was holapfialem cause f01 the” pies-
9 O 7 man in Kentucky,” three or four decades ago. Ilrey Woodson, ence in Frankfort. Al 0 1er armed men were also
. fiéfil‘iltudfliy S hlStfll’y an intimate ot2Governor 2Goebel, who knew2liim as few men ordered to leave.
, in Kentucky 2(ll(l, has written a political epic that raises the “A fountain pen was handed to Goebel, and, lying
curtain upon ineldents and srdehghts that, until Mr. \Voodson s h' b k 22,- it - th (1 t b ~
. trenchant pen touched them, have remained unexplained and 3h 15 ac 7 he lied '0 Sign e Ocumen Lit hls
. of the long trials, and the street corner discussions, ha‘ unexplored” signature was not good.
2 . . . 2 . 2
_ showed the Goebel case into musty crannies of the mind. 2 2t Ggebel then said, again in a strong v01ce, Hand me
and there 22 has 2222222 12 a peneil.’ and his Signature was attached and it was as
2 0.232 . 22 q . 2 2. -: e. - d 2»
2 2 The longer it was until the whole story was written, Honorable Joseph F, Culley, Senator from Pennsyl- p 1:26? as ar2y 2632121821 gnade 1n 25.00d P822113, 222 k
the more chance there was of eventual error. A striking vania, says: acsimi e 20 121a ocumen ls p“? e 1n 1e boo '
v 1 example was in the case of the proclamation signed by 22 . _ , . . . ,, Mr. Woodson 1215ts 1“ a footnote the Witnesses who saw
2i«.2 Goebel immediately after he was sworn in. This docu- I think it is wonderful and a line testimonial. Goebel sworn in. They were, begides the Chief Justice,
"if ment was in the possession of Mr. Woodson, among his Mr. Hendrick, Dr. J' N' MeCormack, 2John A' Fulton,
2 effects at Owensboro. He requested Senator Alben W. 1 Joseph W‘ 123ugh, Arthur Goebel, MISS Portune, the
,. Barkley to bring it to him at Washington on a trip the Colonel Joseph M. Hartfield, famous New York lawyer, nurse, and hlmself- 1
,3 Senator made home in the latter part of 1936. Just formerly of Henderson, Kentucky, writes: 2 Goebel lived four days after being wounded. 2He
I-. 2'7"§‘"‘f‘-? . about a month after Barkley had taken the document to ms ., -. . ., . .. - '. . .r. 2- a 1 meet at 6:44 pm. February 3’ 1900' Up to Wlthm thirty i
. , There is no mOie colorful page in Ixcntucky s p01tica inutes befor h .2 d M W d .2 h .
2 J - thhlhglhh: the great flood Of 1937 came 811d lthe dOCU- history than the Goebel tragedy, and the trials that followed. 2r2n e 2 e expiie2, r. 00250“ W“ es, 9
3&2} inen‘r~ had it remained \Vhere it was placed before2 There is no one better qualified to I‘ECOrd tlliS2tlli‘illing story was fully CODSCIOUS and l’llS VOICC continued Strong", 1
2.2022222 have been lost than Urey Woodson. He hasiwritten a splendid book and it . 2
.-*.»""..;'*2 ' 2 . f. . ' , ‘ . ‘ ‘ ~" " ..” ' ' 3
IL is fitting that Mr. Woodson, who was on the scene should be on 3 0m must llbt‘ see?! by elglttee’l doctors
2.1;, of the burly—burly doings of that tragic time at the T
. . . .; 2 2 . ~ 1 w ' '.
1 :2 turn of the century, the march of the notorious “armed The2 1ep01t, however, had been Industrlously c11-
35; :2' mountain men" on Frankfort and the other stirring 11“ng Fred AL Vinson, of the United States Court of culated‘ throughout the State that Goebel was actually
i 3‘ 5 events. should record what he knows. His multi- Appeals in Washington, formerly Congressman from ‘ dead before the effort was made to swear him in, MI"-
2 -' 2 tudinous connections With source material and his own Kentucky, says: 2 INocldsonhtpOints out, this m spite Of the fact that at
22222222 _2 . . 2 2_ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 eas eig een physicians and surgeons, some from Cin- 4 .
v 2, 2 he] 501131 experiences as a newspapeiman Stand hlm héle “Goebel is Kentucky’s martyred son. Tragic and lier01c, cinnati Louisville and Lexin ton as 2 ell s Fr nkf rt
J .- " ti ' 1h good stead. He has no starting, 110 world-shattering he was a forward looking pioneer in the battle for good gov- 2 2’2 2 ‘22 g i ‘ V a a 0 ~ 2
. .~ 2 disclosures to make, He does not claim to have. ernment. For this preeminence he paid with his life.2 The lad V151t8d2hlm during these four days. Some Of them
. . ti Do we find out at last. for example who pulled the history of his career and times W611 deserve the graphic pen were promment Republicans, and all agreed as to the
a‘f- ~ {5.2. .22 223.62 2122.22. sent a steel jacketed bullet 022232 'ng 222222055 of a Urey VVoodson—his co—worker and intimate. It is indeed man’s condition.”
2 ' . {:12 L g ‘ c l ‘2 c ‘c {l c . I ~' . . - r i . -' i - . - f ,
2 2 22 2 22 2 2 pleasing and f01tunate to know that this stirring cliaptei 0 Mr _ . , - -_
721.2 g the State HOUSE grounds that il‘lgld January morning American government will be preservcd for posterity.” t' 2' YVoocflson W232 a friend Of GOEbel S’ and, 1n2add1
2 to strike down the man whom the Legislature had just ion 0 ns iiends 12p, was a newspaper man alive to
1 22:2 declared (some still contend irregularly) the victor in “:9 eveifis Of ti: tilfes' .21—11.: thug tells :hf1125t_?and
{311 the post-election contest for the Governorship with - s 013? W1 1 COHSI era e V1 a 1 y. ne Of e ea ures '
William S. 212222222022? Honorable Robert W. Woolley, formerly 0f Lexington, of his book is part of a chapter dealing with a talk he -
J.- Hardlv that. Mr. Woodson is frank to state that he Kentucky, now a Inember of the bar at Washington, had With Goebel when the latter told Of his plans if
2; (222222202 say 222220 pulled that trigger—he 2202352“ know. D. C., writes: sworn in as Governor. A dramatic incident is described
:J , Jim Howard, a mountain feudist, got a life term for it. ”Forty years ago I was sent by the New York \Vorld to in Wthh an unidentified 2mg“ obtains admittance to
‘5 He figured in eight years of trials after the killing, He my old home State to report the memorable gubernatorial cam— Goebel’s room and gives him a warning that there is a
2g 2 2222 ‘22 2 22 2 2‘ paign in which Goebel and Taylor were respectively the plot on foot to assassinate him, This was the very day
51‘4‘3C31‘352313’2 dbmed 1t then—he does 50 now. 2 2 Democratic and Republican candidates. As a young news- before the shooting
5. N01 1t 15 “0t the flash 0f new material Wthh W111 paper man in Kentucky 1 had seen Goebel in action many times “Tl ‘ ft 2 b' 2 22 2
,3: - - make the appeal of Mr, Woodson’s book. It is rather on the stump and in the State Senate. My daily dispatches 16 2122 911300112 befOie he was ShOt: wrltes Mr.
the solidity of the basis tor what he writes, and the fact to the. “7012121 _00'?t_ai2“€d “I?“ 3‘321‘21113115’2 I”‘?(“Etifns “12th tthe wows“? I sat “(”11 (5061381 1“ his “hm, P “101“ A, at
i that he has brought into one stack all the loose straws Shirfjilgsbtigl22216222“a me 011 3 mu” 6‘ 0 one 0 he canc “21 es th: Capital Hotel In Frankfort, dISCUSSIhg the 131013313218
3.3. L which the winds of a Generation have scattered. The H» ' - ou come Of the contest before the Legislature. I said
. 2 h Urey Woodson, who knew Goebel as few men did, has that it appeared to me that in a day or two the contest
student Win at least have them stacked up. He 0311 written an absorbing and thrilling story of one of the most
2.2.2 22 2 2 . 2 . . 2 . ‘2 D : - . . .2 . would be decided in his favor and asked ‘Now what
2. Mcduate the stack. intiepid and interesting Characters in the political history ot _ _ 2 2 ’ ’
H Pardoned, and now living near Manchester Ky Jim the United States. Start reading it and you won’t put it down.” is the fll'St thing you are gomg to do when you are '
2.; . ’ " ‘ ' ‘ ‘7’
2 Howard has steadfastly refused to talk to anyone, at swam in as as Goveinm. . .
2' ‘ least to any outsider. about the Goebel case until recent- He replied that he was gomg down to Covmgton
2g ly. Mr. Woodson, through an emissary, the daughter Charles Michelson, now Chairman of the Publicity andd 321% Jmi: THC? fag/2:121: to $311.22: 5138915}; grindf 32:12:),
' ' .- . v. . , . . . an e wou n 1 .
ot the attorney who defended Howard, has thus scored Bureau of the Democratic National Committee, who re- 1202225272228 & N'lSlIVlTle Rhilirciad-mléasilIlsislieelghigf lobe
something of a scoop in getting some “quotes” from ported the trial of Caleb Powers, at Georgetown, Ky., . , c . .- ’ . ’.
. Howard 2.022 his book. 2 1901 h H 2 byist for the Louisvdle & Nashvrll'e, and Dick Knott,
- . . m a for t 9 91"“ Papers: WlleS- editor of the Louisville Post, for criminal libel,“ and put
2 2 2 “This book brings back to me the dramatic trial of Caleb them in jail for at least two years.
: Yflutsey gadget}; ' Pgw2ers 2201 thet 1112111'21c1' 02f (governor (2091261. It mas compli- “That was Goebel! And he would have done it had
- 2 2 2 C216( wr 1 con I‘EMlC ory es iiiiony am 111 cnsc w1 1 animosi- - I .
Howard still denies the killing, still declares he has ties.2 \va felt we were all standing 011 a powder mine at every he lived. He was a masterful man. Those men2w02u2ld
2 , “suffered persecution for a crime I did not commit,” and scssron. I recall, for example, that all the lawyers and wit— have had to leave Kentucky or spend some time in Jan!
says that he says now “what I’d say if I knew I should 112esses were searched and had to surrender their pistols before if Goebel was Governor. [This, Mr. Woodson doubt-
2 . 22 2 2 2 2 - 22 tiey were permitted in the court room. The atmosphere was less meant was provided the indictments could have
(he tomoiiow—that I did not kill Goebel. cloudy with the feudist psychology, all of which was fascinat— bgen obt'iiiied]
At his farm near Cold Springs, Ky, Henry Youtsey, ing to a New York reporter accustomed to the deadly calm of V ,2 c ' .
, at the time of the killing a young clerk in the State Cltl' C011” 10011153 It “'35 fascinating to read in Urey VVOOd' At about thls moment there came a knock on
2 Auditor’s 02.22% and himself given a life term in the son’s bool2’ the rec1t2al of the testimony we listened to in George- Goebel’s door and he invited a stranger in. The man
' . ’. ti' . ‘1" .‘ O‘c'i' E“ ' ‘ ~ ’ 2 ' :.
conspiracy, has, With others in the case, been enjoying 2)C2\C2\Sl212,2222:2122022tll§f31221221221510232l2)2C225222;:211211221216120352022(1121252233fclhi2tg salid’ ‘IS thls MIJ Goebew GOEbel lechEd’ ‘Yes’ ,Mr'
the freedom of his pardon. It was his confession that appreciates history drama.” ' ' Goebel, you dont know The and I dont know you, the
‘ perhaps did more than anything else to convict Howard. ' ' stranger said, but I feel It my duty to come here and
2 Youtsey confessed. in brief. that he gave the rifle with tell you something I learned on the train coming down
2 which GOGbel was killed to Howard that morning in the ___—___— from the mountalns thls Inornlng' I sat 1n the salne
Office of the Secretary of 522226 in the Capitol, and left coach With several mountaineers, very bad characters,
Howard in the office “after I pointed Goebel out to as I well know, and they were talking Of you. They
him.” said you were going to be killed in the next day or
Still practicing his religious duties, singing in a two, and more than one O.f them said he would llke to
church choir at Newport, K32, every Sunday, selli‘g have the opportunity of firing the shot to kill you. I
’THE FIRST NEW DEALER. Standard Press. Louisville. (Continued on next page) ,

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tfiifiéfiwtyaaag 1, ll “"“-5““) ’7” 0“ cnbbow Lmd \\ LlSlllllfs’tt-’U*lllt l” lkhlm lmauo‘e he has With his new book satu— -
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toast 5‘='Es§:‘~$ 3+ . - ,- . - - — - l '
,«fsggfi‘ti’lfititlfitfl 7 POllllcal tragedy and “1050 tragic Incnnn‘lcs 0t lofty wars ago—~tlm bouquct bccausc in his new
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*‘fléégggth, fiihiliggfi fit” l b91010 101(1) 01 at least DCVCI‘ by one who had such a close—up \'lc\\>' oi the men and affairs of
‘ ‘fuéétvtw’n‘s i‘foaaéivtf U 1 . '
3%étkai2a’fi‘g,fitasw l “m C als-
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t%§§;/&sttsriogtegxrotfimag l Tl" 1‘1151 New 13631613” the “1’19 of W hook 18. of course, William Gocbcl whom Mr. .
s/it‘mxazndyri‘“ ” '>2=3232€si ...:3 7, . ' .9 > -,
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,’%,z§§*zto%‘lt l Tl“ “UL ht 81‘ CS 1111“: €15 Shown 111 the Prelimc or the book. is because his ambitions, activities 7
"ho‘m H! x iszrx yaw; l _- . _ - . / ' ’
:vy’lylélfiiélflbaepinrsj’stt,§,srn.,fi. ’ and dams (lOCll‘mf-‘S all antcdatcd the 60111111.: of all other ncw dealers from Alteeid and B min to
5?:35E522235§EIE=EEE$5£557455' w- “’ “sh:5’1'i:135'5E353535953333123???3232155153132.i\'112223553= , “WV-332553333329: 7‘;~.77'>'-;;§-:,=.:;;;7.‘- EE'iirétiririrE?9533355553355% :..iif: 7455::r:::=::..=5‘:s£5'«.::‘:5:"-‘""'2333252isisiséiizszzi-t‘ié" new . 7 . 3 ~ 7 '
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li‘rwrfi. l 1’ 3‘1 01M“ and Lmah and bland“ and “01“ ll ”“10“" “1150“ and flmdmc Roosevelt down
7.’ ‘:;:;:;?,-t€;:;:;;-:;:;:;:;@fizgfiffi’ lifi:3;:;:;ykt;ht;l§%;2:31:22:2,,iji:1;I,.;Z;I;Z;1;Z;:;L:I;§;Z;Z;3,.;::; Egg-3,,i=5::f£1=§§éhlfiizlz§5$fizi$5:1:I:I:=;'i12;:i:i7if;l:-. “5'13, i'-'.', 5:1:I:I;I:I:::::‘-:1:1:1:J:l:2iflzi:l:3§~f§§{§e:-- .3:"‘+§5§51%:2;$35:5;3;:;1;:531:25;t:-;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:,<;;;:;:;:5;:;;;gazgyéfizggg-z13$ ,
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. s,;‘\,l§§?’3§§; i315": \y\:§%?wl.fipxi l T] ~ < i 7' 1 ' - 7 7 ' ' ' '
w‘;a i ‘6 51013 ”81115 M ends With the Goebel murder, still a mystery, but is crowded With - -
v if».322:-=s::2:=.=2.~:eiiizzsssiasses a sy‘“v 7 7 i .. 7 r . . . . . 7- - - . .
g“§%%&%ltrlt‘§§, fictmy"; i mlULSlmg “C“ 10‘ 914110115 Zmd VICWS of those With whom he has bccn COIllCl'l‘lI‘lQ‘ through the '
r,‘°s.§§~,ow'/&Pfigg. l “3115- Mr- V" W150“ 15 the Oldest newspaper mall outsnle 0f LOUISVIHC 1n Kentucky. He has
d7,rs7’2§,4 l . . .. . - . . ~ . _ _- ;
isifikgtrggflsvw 1 “10““ 11101 k P1 Ollllmnl Pollllcal hg mes, state and national, than any man we know. He has 7
-7;, A» ==:=2:i-'==52252255539332:,r l s 7 ‘ r . ‘ 7. .. n .- . . - - 7 3:
<”.$;§?§¥a,§z%h; ‘ bu“ a“ m llUdl 311d lllUlleI 0i llls P31 l) S DalIOUdl ()I‘g‘élnllatlon longer than any man wc know. i
¢,¢’>s*,§;¥§“l‘f§wécg l ”C has (lllUNlCd cmd P211 llCIimlCCl 111 11101‘L’ Slate and national conventions. than any one we know 5‘
”3 ‘wN‘h vgt’t 7 - . ' . "
* §N§a%r l 01‘ know of any where- Hc was the contemporary, close mend and advrsor of both William
titanic».N”..2E.:s=:::.;::...:.2 ‘W ’ 17‘7- .‘.‘:‘-t’:’so~<°$\v‘¥ titéiftn’fitétlit???E“ “v‘ 5‘9 4' I ,7 - - 7 - .
”Wtfinfiohwm'awwafielc .43 l Goebel and ll" ilham lemmings Brvan.
aisggrgr 1 ' " ' .1;
..n wwwrmll‘: is «Why? ‘
7 ’%<‘s=z:sz:f*s253.3353: 'i33331'ixn‘g shy/.‘s‘nx’ég l l7 7 l . . . . - - r . . i-
ii, 7.‘2,:*7~'.“~‘:‘~7§‘,’«71‘s.,-l;3§§§3§?'l53* M‘sdlfiisd: j [15 )()()l\ CEIIlllOl blll be 21 ll‘CElSLll'C, CSpCClElll)’ ll) lll ()SC lll l\Clll;llCl\'\' \\'llO like 21 SplelldltllY
‘ N‘s 7‘7 - - 7 - . 7 ' . ' ' 'Il
sf§wsrv :>-:~7.:,ss:;s:;:::2séa ’ “nus“ InSIdC story of outstanding great political episodes and people.

' fiiiiiéiiiézgiéffirgaéi§§:§7.335%;é:§-;=§E§§;§312255;;7;:fiféisffiiiliiééfiiiii é;..§.l.;§.;.:...:§;;.,;;..I.~:::.:-:z:-;-5: ». .nfasfgrgg%§3§§'fl ] ,f
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