xt77wm13ng0p_94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. The Farmer's Equity Journal, Saturday, May 2, 1908 text The Farmer's Equity Journal, Saturday, May 2, 1908 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_9/Item_7/13194.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_94 xt77wm13ng0p . 7 . \. ‘ - . - 7 «« W
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I, will”, ENVESTMEN? . i \6. 1,6. Utl 1)::1 ini- :1 T: .T II . .. mflTrmCrS OI Lie Mame \v. 1 1. 0 .131 . l .. .i . . c . .i J T T I .T o the miscreants WhTO pmsoued cattle I A FAlR DEAL. I
gig ‘ \'«'i vou ot- ‘T-Tiur “Know-N0: 1mg faith and the blowing" up of that '0‘36‘IV 0f qulit'i’ have I‘GCOIVPG letters -‘ a T T .: 7 7. - Ti T. -— \
. . .. ,..:T .7..: ~ «'- . ~ , 6: ' '6 r « ' ' ' 111 11a}. ette tnet paiticipan-Ts in tiiz- ' -
mg: E1; E‘Eij {Ari 5.. (:‘:(lll()l‘i:il oz :élSl. eek. “Ht 3011 a“ ship was treachery of brother tolf. nillllg them not to .i.sT (0111. in outrages in Bracken and illason andA 1: 1S best to take “91:11 .3, pinch or
a“ . x «« , : .: ot Cl‘l‘lll to h? ‘T . , .. T ' ‘ T'vT'I‘iea 1' an 7 other 'min with the. 7 .. . T v . . 7 T: « T 77 7:: T - « g: 's~
’élfig "£25 Cheagshv‘e LEXlNG?ONT 50/ 01M “MW. .« AI :mulId n, HEM on '1 mothei and Lad faith among: nations. .tf . It I10 {1?qu disié" this 'vr-m Il—larrison Stlll ride free. hen even galloiiance a statmtent lioin .t di 7
5.6:: 26,3221; ' an antcdahii 13.11. was : T, : Was there ever a regimen: in any — urea: rm. 1 .i J ‘ :4; » 6 L A . ;T .. 1- t' 't his only safe- 1 c-haroed emplovee. «
t-wgi-«Ttu . . ~ . one mus. iea ize {Id T _, .L 7 ; s -
55%??? , __w________._,m___m._u..___T-——~--—m—-~———'-— _ ~ , ..‘, . ,3 -.- \' 1 { ._‘ v C _ . ‘ ' . 1 s 7" "1‘6, 13' 11|T_l' - 7 _ , a. _ ‘ _ , _ . . r 4 T- , T‘ \_ . . : r . ‘ \L' 9. 53 4 I). T “
"$33.46: AItT‘Ulltlsiulr' Hull and I111. l‘lllIlIAII 15 Will. all of one faith, all piope1t3 1T .. their cattle Will be pOisoned, I01 guard from the pOSSiblllt)’ ot loosing; .ll IL iellcn blows MIMI he 15 .
95?: DC) CU 235,55.th iclcar as a 2.; ll about thing‘s 143118101” hoiziers or the sons of such. fighting turn' residences and barns burned. his cattle or haviiig‘his' house b'tirnedlblOWD. because thing's are radically
3:52;: .142; 7 T . .- . _ . -_ _ , . T .' .A 1 . . - - T
41‘, 7 land politic? in FNMA? “9‘01““ A01 their co-«relig’ionists‘j l refer vou to Some of these letters have been gin i: is tpqt it be demonstrattu mat an I wrong: then ()l‘t‘ll]iill’ll_‘=‘ his eVidenee
34:31:“ ' . ‘ , ( _ - . T .:.: «I , t.» .
“Bail": : .4- 7. _ I'm 1 g A . '- T 7 , y 9 .. '\ r )‘I A“ . < - v v ' ' r: I 1 T7 1 l. 1 A '- A ' ' ' i " '\ ' ' E
I; 33 :3 Tag 5; g 733%? {““‘ l tull hm. .\"6 ms. M} l‘xllf,)\\1€.d§39 saw the {filth new 101-]: which Lexmgton t.. the Adjutant Geneial and uill oe criminals are brought to the. bar 0,. I w,“ pass cum-(TIN v. 11h 1h: ,1 1113., but
9 it . ~ «= ' r, ' , . . (I I _ . T T T t T .C 7 : . . . I
T3: 3%: AA. is 9AA 4’49 9“: ‘9} haul" throu‘zl! 1113’ lather. Am “Am" so g'randlv entertained. turned over to the Postolfice lJepiait— jus‘lce and convicted AWhGl‘. he is biown and. turns tell-
”: q ' '7 I .. « -« ' 7 .T . .. i , c . 7 . T r 7
AL _'W4—4—3————‘ [Wt-NU yam-H. when you 311d 50116 My dear Sn; we do not agreeinwnt. that". the State 0110: F9119”! “"' 'Phere irl a smug. sounder. mgr: 3 tale—til. be generally {ills “'llflA the
65: “ERAS E RE L5 S A older l_)l‘()ll‘76-l"$ shot black birdS in about Know-noihinaism. A. P. A’ism, tl'iz'u'ities may endeavor to discover Wholesome public opinion l‘t‘lll?’ raw j tell-tale-tit always got; at. school. a
’ ““‘ A“ ‘ “‘ ”' . T . - - r . . . ‘T . T :7 .« .- . : . «... T .« 4, 7 -. r- T. ‘ ‘ '4 7‘ ‘ ' . .- . - .
M , I.” 3,. lhls {new and I “as not hm ii. 71ml 111ght, i'ldlllg'. toll-house lniri'iing or (uni b11118 :«b 1"“1'6'AA'AA‘AA‘ then "A” idlv forlned If the pub-11cIomcials.«punisltInient' lei his pains.
- - 5‘ij .. . "’ 26" «3 :.7 . -. , . ' . T. , . . ., ,, '" ‘ ' - . , .y T 2., - 7 _ L' , 7:
' HQRSE Cfilfifig i451§3LbuLLS ‘ \‘a'tll‘E‘ lltll'S Ellld Dl.‘ 141”” I Etdlllll Cd 1)].3111I-b(3d scrapjngI lllTlll-L‘TS wfll ]1ve tliifl h. VVhOSG dlltV ll) is to fel‘i'fi [« Olll. 'Ctlld I ngl‘it llt‘le lilt’ l8 w 15 (1€f€C\l\ ( , {Uld
3 I , J r , lvcu. because you Were ltin to Olive]: or die dependent on the amount of 'E'his is the natural result of two punish crime will act vigorouslv andlputs a. premium on a Del'jul‘pl' or selt- «
' r.‘ .- 9 T: 7:9. 2:: we»? 1' . . .7 « T . . - « - Tm. - . -- .« 4 ' ' ' ‘ : = ‘ ' ‘ - . .. . « . .
«1A: Ll; Llfll’ Rambo, umllumiluu 1 l"i't?f£l£‘l‘7 who had H10 l)l Uddnesb to fl‘lltll in them. The. two first (heal (‘.;; ':jl'gpa1gn of infilmldllimi 1112161ng Till! L1 1)1‘i\""ll'c‘ CltiY‘JIls who have knowledge 6 contessed murderer “ 1‘0 admi- 5 111,11
""4T-'«,"l.' I . I I 7 .. I z. , ,._ :, l . .
T33 advocate the alipbilll'mti‘lll [0 11 AUG?" l)(:«autifull\vI Men built roads. got 11191), the night i‘idu‘i‘S l0 preven', an} of the perpetrators of such (‘I'ilneslhe is partly to the crime and sweais
A: A— n T'" Em 33:5 A T . . 3 - ' ... . ‘-Tx T T . . K . ' ‘7 ’ - ' » ‘ ~‘ r r . ‘9‘? T ‘ T ATE A -- r T: : - ‘ .'v '
‘TT‘E'T'T‘T A THEME ! 3 - Q T ”W 1‘03”“ at a GETmlLHA—IEEUM] A return Of NIGHT money m enhanc€d tenacco being 131881 ”US "eTHT h e will act dutil’ullv and feai'li'sslff. n"? A the lite oi an innocent man (may « .
A 44¢ 4:417 r: w «T “viliolic «gn'TT-r a Scotch Pi'esl),\'l‘67‘l'iau'lvalue of their propertv. and when 13,1'6‘6llcted last October such a result mar escape the dangers which loouiAWhGH he turns stale evidence to save _
..-I"I‘:' _ 14 “l j I . I Ia: _ . , 9 - « . T., . . fl I“ n' .' _ (..I T .g c , 4,« .‘, I «» l . . .. .. I v,'
T. A: ELL-Ego it. E; {J (J H EATS in those l\.ii-:"»V-NOAT1U“§ (AAA-‘3' 'dividends were paid on the stock, and AA ”A“ It dld “Qt “MDT” n the pa”: MR up in the not distant future. But if: his mm misirable lite. And )et
A l’«t1m\v«Vothhzgs had only HAP" a «tribute upon travel then the shout? TWWRS we hoped. we almost believed thex fail to brinn‘ to punishment Ttliere are. some jurors who are so
T7 j CCHUHA A‘--Q‘H“ACA9V S A dillslwwh “‘.«Xinerica for Americans; Of the freedom] Of the King's hig'h— it would not come at all and that those who In“: 2,1“de mmzliit‘ed preindieed against a ('m‘se that the) T
T- n:— ., l . . , 7 \-.- .. . «T: 7 . ., . , 1 , '1: ' - '1‘ .— ‘- T . « ,- ',.I :. .- ._i «1 - ya? '11]-
' 3 .«L if {\DENG PREW'E‘ER 8, Rip} UH: l lcrgmling; that. old Amt i leans \\ (10 way brought monarchy. arson and tl' 69" “'0de be 110 5““ 1t 0t “31‘ 118 crimes we gravely fear our _predic i \l 111 139110“ 'h’S SG‘A 0011f” d A
f I a :t x T _ T . 1A '"j'fi-l-(AlgllO‘L-s', “ and that «‘:.‘Vtal'iI‘x' alile— 1111111181. but free. l‘OHdS T110 leVV of. til‘ll Shown, no further outrages 00111- “0.15 of qut Optcbpl‘ \Vill lufi l‘ut n It i211]. Public OpllllOll Should he SO
, 7 774 _T_A,T___:TTT I « :_ ‘ ‘ ' V '” 4' . . 1 ‘ 7; 7 , 1 ~ “ J u l I l _ .' I
“_-_—~————“~~474-4“4* ‘ . I ,- 7,. 7 - : ' « ’c _' 7 . I _ 1:» l . A r 4 ‘3 L- . ., . ,T :I « '« ' « v I I:‘ «7" f7 9. ll 1%-
AA’Odwd mm 0f 11:31]! instincts “(h a ”LISA" has brought about exactly the mHGd' BUt that hope \\ ab Dunn: faint description ot What read." lfsleat that it vo'ild in il‘I {A :l‘ll
. « " . 14-. ' T . r T . . T -' - «. r 7 _' ', . i S» " «. - n .. _' _ . 0‘ it. o’0
Frfléi fifid tja”fi§fi§éj§§~ I a Fullmptp ”tent. FlNlt has not lJGLll same state oi affairs. I commend to- tint. Phed evelopments of the 1at happens. Ion“ do 3,. Judas lIseari , T: .
3 -* ’4‘ [a (lay j“ Hi'Vvllty years at least when you a reading of the Scriptures— fie-v days indicate “19179 13 30mg] OI . ________ {out andh 21-11% llllllSGAA- 7'
“ TI m?- . . II n I O I . I . I _ . . ' ' - 1 B e __.-—
'T @633 E $8853 l 51 Catholic n as not as safe on lh- about bees and ants—and an inva- $135 1“ 081mm counties Of the ut suADv SIC-E OF LIFE. A r A I ‘VAY
- , . ,. . T. - ' . . . ' T- T T _ - 7' «‘:i F- ' ‘ “\n'._r l' , Ti» . '
;I 7. . l streets 01 Lexington 3* m hls SlOll of hive and hill and a remem- (31:15b fUIthEI outrages, Wlth a 5D“ THE BORLMR MIAF P
f ‘ SAU‘UA‘“: “ml” A ””3 ‘E‘SAT’amA‘rus' MT | iii()tli<'~7i"s arms. l 1'0??? you A0 the bnanee of tea and taxation I Wish-.'Of unrest. anxiety, and alarm Ple— \\ i A hetn in this countv '6
. . w ..I 3 l T T T T K ‘ . Ar- . L \‘I ':T ' k ' ( . 1 ' ’ . «C <\ i .- . h; - T’
crvtlnng for orchard, Lawn and (,.aiiieii.l1.,m.m. 01.- «quette counlv mrn who to reca“ to You the utterance Of an‘ valtnt among those few who attempt G ”I 9 d had I bir‘l‘s [he path I”, l'lglll(“vllml(>> ”II along
.. 7' ‘ . " ' ' ‘- ’ ' ‘ ' ~‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ . .0' v ' '. ‘lll never 6. z t » . . ,, .. -".
T WE employ no ”GMAT Catalogue en ap— A “T‘TA‘” MAM A” th‘" AAASAA‘TAAA esteem be— Irishman on that side—“Resistance to raise tobacco and those who ale, lens \ hm - :1 l 1 'de 01’ man's “‘9 AA‘AATAAMT hm ('1 “m \TT AMT» “UH
. . " ‘ ‘ * .. . 7 T ' " " ' . . . 'v '«—\«'i< w 01 'ie smc y S! -» :. 6- . 7 77 .. " 'T '
; plication, {til't‘ [Tho “llloodV MOndav 0t LouiS- to tvrannv is service to God ,. and "thought; to be 1Tespoiisible ft)! the 1111— l :I( 1'1 0 s )1\ ed on th“ (Tirand l and ll(121\ en. lll(l( flux . ( in l. Inn. do
.« ' ' ' ~ “ 4 ' T 7 l '. W” TL'“ 7..; . ’ . ._ ' «-< l- .. «n («it-w
' . r) . I . I I) . ‘ T r _ _ . '«7'T ‘ 4 )19V€11t l Ill 1 l ,(l. x" I .1 (,‘lll (.\}[(t]]1_1 .1) lil\( ~ ,
H F 5135 “(E El (‘37 {E 6'; SUE Ville and Who “("10 3119115 0f mam and this uninng sentence of another 1’3“ All] meth'OdS used '0 A If I lurv and then everv crime known to 11.): .llfl . II t t'l l" ~'il and mm}
I c . . T- . I 1;) 7' .Y I . II . L ‘y I III J. 7, . - . II I . \Ve . .7 c. . I T T 4 t-lno (l lit-o i‘(\ ll (‘5' (1 (u 1 I_ ~ .
I, , . , _TSI ix Cmnmu J..“ n as 1 .' .' I. : ~ . ) ace otl.i is t1 om iaisnig tOL‘RCCO _ . I . . . . ., 1
; I . LEXINGTON, KY. inationaliln TIII T I . f r vou on tlTis. ls IIlife so deal Oi 1e: . st, . . 1‘ forecast 0F the fu-lmml' 141-0111 1dle tall: to niuidfi has altvor-t in this lmi-tlvi'~liiic' 3,1,1].\I.I.I.,I\.I .ImiI
7 ._#:_.T._T- TTTTTT: i our loi'omesl CIAW‘” 1“ IO TH' so sweet. etc. and then you may 31 ‘« “911A 1“ 0“ “ d‘ f‘I Wm l thorough- investigation he twenty: men , "II «1 ”13111 WIII (MN. m, h H...
. T T: T .T « .- . .. ,, , .T ' . ( in‘s rienioris. 718 ._ T . . 7, 1 ture the late summer an a 7 I ' iron 11]) . Ia. . r
T Speyei‘ ‘86 b0“ on A ine btieet “111 INN) to RUM] Bal l . mdd cleail} the SOCAUEI 0f t‘w T . . . m. lsworn to secrecy. l ,l . .7 mm... llui‘ thank (loll. they
' ' - ' ' « l ri'«'inO'lon experiences, which one SO )resent troubles X Y' Z "win-ass more and greatei outiach, . I _ I l A lllt‘lluhli‘ l - « . .
a. the AHHhC-‘t “Mb WW” “T” {MA'A‘H “ '7‘ T A ’ "“' ‘ " ' - T - , I If it were not lor that Wt \\ out. I T . \. .H Ill-awn .9' natmvai. .
p y ' - " : ll ' and O'r'iciouslv told, date b6" than have been already commit ed. i . T llA‘A‘A‘ ""‘"AA‘m- ‘ ' . " ..
beds. feathfirh 0“ “"‘U- ”““‘“ ““1 “(T’P‘i1‘11‘( A ‘ 3 (TT LT T‘ tt «__. ‘Tl .11 b tle time when the 1,1.i_llay before our readers a DICAUIU: SC The mm,” “m.,. 'm up: imxl : «tall
- T ' ~T - f, 'L wave 'e. 7 Mn Wi e 1-« ‘ ' ' a ‘ . T T . .: T « ' ' ‘7
61‘: sheep pelts, hldf’fi. etc. tom the \isil o . c . . . . I 1 . ldlal‘k that you might expect at an} t: u-mztur than ”H. C1..,,,,.I..(.I:L ;tllll ““..:
' p 6’ "Fl 0 onlr anti-Catholic orgamza— vaiions of those W110 lime “or ”1159‘ l A. -« 9‘ 7. I ..1 ‘
__________,____________._. A ‘ ' . ' , He who undertakes to choose his .I . f. . will be the l moment, what happened A” AA“ (.hhumlg: (‘.;uimm-nt 03 1h“ 6‘11"'”.‘«- A A‘"
4 I. l l 1 \ i' tion that- Lexnigton {aver had was ,tOo'dCCO through 9211 « ! tleluxi'ins . l" . l T 3 IIIII Irllll .«l’ vi:-
1 ‘ «’ V6 .S— 0 acres o 26M THU: '6’6" . . - . r «4 ' "T “ 4 'i " T ' ' T - . - ~ ' . -« 19111 ‘7 ‘ " ;i r11: ili'isii4lii‘>*«4 1* ' ' ‘
1‘01“ "AH . T ‘ . .7 llll o A 'P. A. and their point was that 0“ 11 “33 111 All-‘3 takes ANS Alfe In his greatest and then iesentment bitter l‘ I . -. I .. II l A’ th U . . . 7 7 I l: III
imPWWd 5 miles Ii'HHI \t'1'416|=lt'-4' ”HUI A ' ‘ . _ if H p I 1.. . _, . tre' (T 1 .- .1- I tA T. . , 1 Whom they will' They ate. the} dianlx. lildlllhl ..nt Hm.“ («HM ”It“. mm: in“, my
« 10 will . l‘runi loviunloii" M,” ”Willio l‘illlllm-()lls Catholics all abou. 1« mm —iuns a .n«ncous 11s \. Je est. against. tiose . ‘were given in marriage Wlnu ”WIN ‘1')11l\'c1'i/(‘ll «ml llllil lwnuuth Hm. mm
« "‘ " ~‘ ’ ' f . , .7 .. a “t ries " in the 7: T, T- . . - l -, nsible. ’ ' “ ' T' , 1 A T A T « ~
“mm” .1 \\'. SUI“, IT:ll‘Hl. Hm, Mil, countn \Touid b: .0 . of that (red choose 101 3011, both in the hoII7 but H“ “Hwy,” 1]“ pm \Htll
T E - . 7: -: ' vat l-cl'ef. 195' 911.1112 .V' ~ «4 , . ' enet s 18 , ~ '« ‘ ‘ ’ 7 7 T: T . 7 . . . .
- Hymn 1'3.) (blunt-«ale. l.(-T\-H-66HA' ”1 H l‘ T'l l f lts de “7..“. Within risking all With One who is. infinite th‘ certainty of punishment of any 0t Lot, when Sodom and GonilllTlllinut :1. (40.9% and >0 slmll \\ -
. « — . .. - s .:.”: :im-w that ':mii .‘«‘ 15951 . ‘ « ‘ « . T: . ..1 “tl (TV (lid eqt thev M:TT9T«~~«~«-«9——
190R bAlTlg—sn (Him in H . l _ _ 7 . . .I,- I. 5 . - . .I -m,1-m«mg« “(Tie dentiowc. 71:. . - . l .
nlv 3" 33“ "\lll’AlT A” ”“””” PH"””: political and religious compose or m msdom and 10m and DO“ ('1'. crime. The condltlonts (‘19 l{ I fuck? drank thev bought tliev sold, thevl NOR SALE—Double (‘omb brown lea:
U " ""'T ' ' A ' T l - 'l l that .._ “"‘ ' , ' Southwes ern en T . c i «. « ._ : « - . - « « 9 I I 5
~ _ , .' . I (»spocml venom. I m“ g E“ ‘ R ~ I‘Hlilllh 111 ' r - 1 ’X 1 fire ‘llitl 3 Thu-01c; and 1111101.“. le (L9
12:) Lllmllmlub. I , 7, . . . _I - . . ve been planted, the) blllldC(. T 11( « : horn cu: T
. . T « - . ~ «« r‘il 'm mvo- (lurinv' the CIVIl “an fOi instance. I I . _ [Numerous indictments ha | . . . . I. .7 7 1T llm'rv JpwpuI
H)“ .‘,Alilu—BY «10mh \‘1 '1 1 D h _ . - 9 140R SALE—Locust posts, anv gm: .0]- - , .dipl-q rendered 1311111510119 \\ as iained donn lioin also. Rober, . .
_ - . '1 . d 7 vol-(6 in Missouri land I in lxen- ~ « found and some \«ei _ .:T . I .
7 :r teiurban rai r01 . 3011 l . . . ~ 7 t1 ill 11 d Ahenna. .
"mm“ ““” m . . . t lono'in —H'ivnes Bros l" P N" '" - 1 iarticipate" 1n the Heaven and (leSl103, ed iem . . As 1 an .7 I
T ml)! to Redd tucka 1'01" we b0 11 know Vvlia. T b- . .I T a. T. i o. to, against those W10 1 , I
b1 3 ‘A 4 .
. ' I I A
1 . _ . 7

 ‘ 7 5. - '5 war
. t . a. ‘ ”A
” l ; ."
l ‘ . ..
l 5 .1' -
. _.______,_-__..——_—-~ w~e-~-——1'5-—HWW'M—-—wm_M———————w——5~~—~—~_——~~_‘_—.—.——Mmohom. _ ‘ 1.5 .
_ . I _
Y ' 1 L' i 2 \ ”I“ ' 1“ ' “ ‘ 1L d” '2 '1' ' . ’ . ' ‘ r-r ' -‘-‘ ' ' I
JUDGE PARKER’S THREAT. .wliose house iisis quIdU Illlu IbIl'lIILI nan speak to .1011 again]. This is HORSE WANTED. - 5 1 -
lot the public moo-ting mouse. bunt u) Just the cause Of the people dving _ . II .;._. II . I . q .-;I
Judge Parker threatened to lioltll'l‘lllm‘S 1531“? All“ 5 ““"5‘5‘mb' ““11” l1: 11-6 IHOu-‘zdllds fioin quack doctors, We Wish to buy a cheap good work if g: -' 5% .5. ~ “ ' ;.5
' . - - . . ' 1 . 1 r'iioi )'lll\' by this . , H . ' 5 . - -,, - 5 ;_ 3 ; 5 5 55 5. _ 35;, -;-: 1.:; 5‘ ~75; ..
the Grand JURY m Shssmh 101. a “hubs now new p 1 ic . . and ..1e liitdlffll abSGClallull is asleep horse, a mate piefeiied. Old phont :5; - .~ 11w
. . . - . . . , ”\ig' l} _ a K *1 ’.l " v. ‘7 . . L ‘_ ; . I”:
if they did not investigate thoroughti “' "AMI“ . i' 1; “”1 ”06”” “all“: that the lr'ICSS 1'5 946- '-=:'.a7:v.a:cz;..ita*:;_ .....-W--—-5;;-..~:- . ”W .4, “mm-... ’55
. . 2 _ . - 2x - 1-1-5izniiniw arms are (i- -5 - -.- .- - . __me I 5 ._
. the grave accusiation brought against in o si 11k if 1‘ ”at he 1t0\\(1 behind the throne. The w—-————————————— I I\, l
. . 5 wit - 1 -1 s i i iiiey are L‘ l 1 — i1“ - .1 ' .- 2 i . . 1 . ;-_5
. officers tor taking straw bonds and ‘5 “all 10““ U L - ‘ (111111-15 l-Fiultl JOUIIlai has cut out Th Bl k J k ‘r . -," LllL‘
. , 5 . ; .5 V _ , - it: ’- a 15:}: - ‘ ' r . - . e ac .. .
I5 not discharging their duty and cl iss lainii i a I III . I [ 1' . I I; the p itii l medicnie adveitisement ac MAB E I IV ENG A PI EAS' IRE I. “m
- . .. . . ;. - - " :1 ii is r. x111” i: ..' z r -- 2 -. l— _ .
againsst a newspaper that. biouglit On top 01 thIi III 51 s I ind otloied its columns rice .0 the ING -.e. In
. 5 .. .. . -, i1.'s lii sues wore co '- ~ . '..; ; . .1 - n . K DUDE .‘
. railing accusation agalnsL public 51111.: 11011 1. lI1 13 II I . ; 110 5 ma xiiedioil ’issouations. to use I01 the
_ 5 v; . . ‘ I ‘ I; ..A r‘ . 5 (31- ”S 1111:. (y 2 1 . 0‘ .- ; ‘ ; € . . Y ;; ‘Y 2 II
‘ otnc1als, and gambling and houses ot l‘lbd film in” II hind ind lfis II III hood ot man, “1111 it is now up to “ill make the season at my place. ; I I
' x ' 5i ' .1. ' 1 ' ' V ' . ‘ 1 (' ' '5 , . r . . ; . ; .-,. ;
ill repute that are regarded as a “L 5 091‘ (i); U” tl ”P ’1” 1111 I II; them what. to dO- on the Biyan Station pike, neai City I he first Essential IS a 5
- . w . - . l ’ I A '; l ' C”S ' C J“ ‘ 1" 1 1A ‘3‘::~ v" ‘ y; 1 . . .
.5 -- nusiance. it we do ail these things IOCI‘ 0t 1 MW)” ‘0 ‘ ‘ “’ ‘. ‘: “0”“ Obbu‘“ ““1 dISCO‘Cl that limits. at I,-
_ the frost will catch us in the Court ”I “3051- . . . 1t 15 the specralists Who command 5 ; . COIIllOI‘tablC, COSY EIOIXIC L”: W”
' 3 -5 House before we o‘er; out It was at 1115 E41119 tnat “"3 111911 the highest: price. The Old time $10 to Insuie Mare in Foal ’ -'r':-"-. lll”
.I 3 O ” . w .. . , . - ' ... v _, ' r: 1 - . - ; 7 _ _ . _ . . . . . I . - i ””7”“: ”—
. ; the iicht-st, man in F-..i5\tl[.e k()llll-.\,~ 13ml], pli;.sl(-18.ii is being eliminated. Money due when mare is parted with. - (1111
’ ridiiiO‘ a. ore—eyed liorso with rope \\']]\"I7 The reason is { . - - ~ 5 - , - . 25 .- ..
7 5 THE BLACK MAN. ,. s c i I . .. . I I . H: II . i . . simply this. King Dodo is black, With mealy Thls luxury fo