xt77wm13ng0p_92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Powers, Caleb. "Caleb Powers' Plea for Justice." Lexington Leader, August 30, 1903, Sunday Morning: Second Section 1-6. copy 1 text Powers, Caleb. "Caleb Powers' Plea for Justice." Lexington Leader, August 30, 1903, Sunday Morning: Second Section 1-6. copy 1 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_9/Item_5/0051.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_92 xt77wm13ng0p 4' 4 4 . ‘ ...: . ....4..- “3.34.5”"an“ "4W4 “#444 4 . 4 ‘4“ 4 . ‘ _
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Eaa‘a‘iihiisfissa’oia’ 4‘s. "“‘ “”3 ."‘“mm“Miners to but in irl-.“‘“e '0 “9 t0 the best snim-‘nns.h'- You D'enl'l . , ”5"“2 With 2* uni-(1+. 1’ ‘1 mvp’ ‘mce"“’hi(5h TOWN pumman COI‘°‘)1IaCy Of
jfiiggiém45443;;%.;44;%)§4rm?a”,444£44444”34:? names or only [the illlelliornr S 4 is, this Country The mm wl’ .5 (In of thRci , ,emen have been witns— - .4' . lr'xudss 0'1 4'11 , s(4..l,1(1)ll guilty at the 11mm of ll :4 . a tnu—nuber, and in sup-
ihfiafia W's firassawaiski di - .. ‘- . ' " b i s »‘0 >01". , , , T : T ' L 10 Won (1 ’2 . "»‘F‘s lileiceedinOi s . . ’ l T. " "’ 2 -"U 1' 1161‘" 1 Taora' v.“ a' l - ‘1a. COIl'Gnti 1'12 . s ' .
.:.sffiuéfl'ul, . Ava-adflywfi'!“ . - - fggflréw‘m’rirwaahfia,2,'. ;.'?sgttsjcsaésufi‘z #2:; 4. 4:5. 1:42“ - '2.‘ . '..“ ',: 14,233.31:(2))";5vfi‘2,l,~it‘d2’ '.:‘-‘ 5(7'1 CG" all“ in} ‘L ' ‘ Willy you 1 U ' ' "' ' ‘ ' Cb d5 ‘\ ('11 I) 1' .LLl’ ,_ t) ‘ - ' 3 U. v 1"‘1 (’011- . ' 011 '7 10V 111110611108
i’afiaaiasa’afa 32%? Wzi‘a'ra Ti waiu-4‘iartfafiw 2‘2 a , - DELI lal €11lean run. ‘ ‘ 0' ”‘1‘ ”“‘/11930 10 '1 Sell, Th'LL Ta s , u” " “5‘““5‘5‘ ("J”lll‘l” o :. [3 91‘eat' mass 1" ' ‘ ‘
a’t'i'iii a’i‘iiaazia‘ias a: i‘aa'ataa-aaiissaaéfi'afiaeai‘ithz'v Essa ulent liou'aela s4 .4 ~ " '5 lect C1 ‘ -' . " ‘1‘ ”1‘91" - - (’ "0mm“ has; been i'th -‘ , - 5' ,n “1.2 hand i h'iyr‘ " ' ‘ O testimony Whicl
£534 {in iaaaasasaaiana _, ii . ' ., , s€a new 11] (llllt-‘l‘tiauf . a 2 "U- 511th and rubber 5332 113 .» .3 . lair to yo - nu. e1 atmil'uued L“ 2' . ' " ‘1 - be r—s' l . , ' 1 may
.,.. .9» 4‘.". 454-. .. -"s.~n-‘afi".:a; 4s". ‘.'aii’sifiy'Yz2i;2a’-‘ii2"a":sa'rss21.22 .s‘Tii4s‘af-f ;4 «a; --.,;\.-:,s_i>2 Wai‘e‘WV ~a- iii T - 3. ' 4 7 ' ' . ‘ , . . 4 2 f‘ . ' . U “01‘ I T ' ' 4 . U 1‘53!“ Ll \' C" a‘ .i . . l ' ( 1‘ “Led [01‘ the - i c -
'.‘li‘asa. a inissa‘aa’ts '2'“: ism ..,; “a “011» 01 [he . . . ""’ no -. . 4‘ . .- . ‘U B‘“ . 0 me. I\Ot tan 1 . , . - , . lama 1 ha" " . . 1311113058 0 l '-
3'?“ ’.I/14$)!“ . ,4»; _ _as 34.44.3344,“..4..432,W sunburn ,.. . .4, , . 4_ ,, , 1M ., . (401mb 0V 4i - - ,4 . , , , » “lull! hilt. the 1 o] f . ~ 1 .. 2s . 20 YOU DOL l ' la ~ 3 ' . . L (180115
a.“ s' is” «49,74,434 w‘zzasa‘a Jaw.» iaaasiisa'ausasasg,2:,a 22'”, ~asai:4s:’ia‘. a; a... a 4 . - ' 2 U (“tum-one . ‘ 1:41. 130 181 7 u )9}lele \Oll h' ' . . ‘ 05" W311 all Your its . - . auLO abo 1; f3 ' 4s.-
X'ai'afii‘fima'rtisi we -. .Va-‘slli‘. ol flirts) '1‘3 u. 4 4 .. ,, ~ ,- ' your )01'3' . . 3 Don . ' “”9 SWOUI that ' 2. .. - T 5 “Se 01 lair- . 11 V9 an 1810118“ The
in,» $4» w‘w nominees» a \ - ‘L‘ T “ ""2 '“0 the quaint . . ‘ l 1 '95» lather than 0 . r s “’Ultld ll‘v t1"'i r . 2- ' you “QSS' 0" “"“' H'G‘hk ' ‘ ' - '5‘”: H y V
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Wino... 'ininnégggfiahi’nfi:raging”?Luiaiykxau‘warsins212325an; 1.425252- 4 s4,a;a;s.»;:.s'..~c 4.2:», 'J.‘ L IN. the Only (331331133 ~.r_ 3' 4 ., .. . 4 4 01 d. U631 [inn \rel-(luif ’h . law a - . . ”1g 0 the 21.111 C11311 n a \(J 1' . .. ‘ “L“ F‘ "1‘ .
. snark We: i flag-a. «L‘afééasajisc 'T"'i 7:;2'2 Hm -'33-3.-- s4. 4. ' . ”"““” that s'tt' ,. - " “ 0“ .VUU are “'“d ”10 €V1dence IL ic- 3 '3'- -. . “LL31 mg 120 1343’ tellow-cili- 115'_Tl13l3 [he brinO'ino- [ ‘
3;. '../14:4." was; 2' iiwniusnfiimuaw/ 4M H 2 J 01.4 .116 required [3, ’pOs-ss 33.4. 1 mg, 111 the capacity of ' . .4. ., me 0913313; is ' " , "’ ”1 d” to ZUIIS, and now gin-i ..‘. . , ’ 'lara'a'e C1” . ~ .t’ '5 O the
44mg“ , 541%44‘4434W ‘, there is' no mo; _ ;_ notww, ina' ‘ ,2 JLllOl,.-., try- 4, s32 4 mien, because 31; iq 'sn eff _, 4, 990114.11 y 30 you Lo" 4 a' owd cl. mountain )e0 1 ,
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insofar» .2432 fialastifasgifia s' '2 121m . . 4 '1 0m LUV . s W men 101' 333.. ,. Dent or the )1' . . . . la and bitter 0011:- 2 .. s" ““1 i170” five day ' . . 2
I. _..ai's'a ass: i» . asst-'2 ...s:.;;. :4; ., ..s‘as'sn; “23““? ' . 2 a .1 man w} - 'us .s . . . liberty ~ f . , - -- - '3 s— . ' ' 1 OSGCUUUII it) h'we 4, .. . 1 10‘ 91523 1 “ ‘ a S b91018 C~ena,t .
dissimifiw 4 . afl§2¢§§£§aé§ia¥§fm ‘it a. an. ,, M4 :v .,2. .4 . ,. . . 1a.) 1.4 .1 Menuhin-'33 ' ~ 01 01 “HS llle you (10 V3014 . , C ' 1“ a “(1V that dut 7 (his . . . leoQbel W . 14- U 01' .
Pillafiés'aaiw xkrffis2213““<‘7.-fiéfi7‘éfig'3fl‘1‘57;iii politics aim] 3, 3 ., 4 ' "'1 “1 1')32mb[~1...s.. . . . . “1% ‘42 1118 when there i~'. .3- ' . ' 3 minds, fan'nessa' as filled was a part of n .
..t 4% gridi'm saairai’lifaauaifiai‘3saiaisiz’izsa'3233'“??? " '. ‘2 .- , ‘ . “ ‘ U 5‘0““? 011 ii jllrv- . ‘ (”3" 3‘0“ gentlemen ‘Li'e q r‘ o. 110 authority for 't ‘ . ' . ““19 JOUS 311G ll‘llt‘h an ). 2 rs ‘COHSDiP‘LP l‘ - - 1‘3 l
samfangziaxl’s’fia “i; .ia ssatsnsiffi'lma' -T ~‘ . ' there 1%: no )3- .- . 2 It 1n 3-3- 4. r . ’ ‘ ' '233111i3s . . ‘- 1 91mm 111 the law 01- 'a '4. . s ' 1110Veo- When ‘ 4y 0 lllllldel' hnn !

. aéfif’ :2 “sum“,“gs . 2 , " “as. v , -_ ..»-.2 s, 2 .~ . l onmon that: Democ .4.3 -. “ “9 “1°” W9 {MTG Demo "1' 3.. ._ the aérvulence '[3 ' .. ' “2 1.. Milled. Gentlemen I 4 Sea-on l—r“ '2 ' ‘
$539222 may? :a'«~-'u~s‘-s.~"- _:.: v . only aliau l ' 4 - ' '1'” win a . . , (~21 as but ~ 2 IS an Otlorl to 13- .- . . ' F’ ' ' 2 2 am Sim: you “ C ”mt It Was the la f ‘
lift» a ‘itfmaiz’ . , 2 4. : T ' ‘0 JUU Sel'Vice T1 . 1 '“L ”0’2 bliLh‘Bd' We ha s. . -- viou convict; ' - ' ' “"' “'1“ 3‘51"?“ Wllh me 1'1 - ‘» 4 Re) 'I 1' . ' - D n 0' the
:51». 'a on?”’aié'ie'zsr-lj-Ijavsza:s T' ’. . 1 ~53 ' . iga- 4, 22.2: .' ‘fis - -. . . _ " 10 3W8 ' ._ - . ’ “2 110 WWW ‘ . me UlLlellenrlenf 'f 4 . . . - , 2' ‘3" 1‘2 DUDllf. to l -\ ‘1 ‘1) led“ 193L191”; a l T a 4 - lT'
.Ihs’irngg'amsgxifiéuan?“nA‘SRM ' '. .. L" - -- . a" ' _‘, .2 22 U 01” (101111le (]3 - . a . (11(19 111 llllq' -' c' v . . . - -- - ' ‘ ‘ U [1“; law elltled ‘ .l b )" - ' ‘ 1“ "T110563 ‘Lllecred ‘
~Sg’a'b.:4.;4,4(iz,s;3mg:;, #257241 44' 1;}C‘sfiéyfl'gg‘gjgg‘fif; 5.21;, 3333a . ,4 4,35,". .. ' , , ..;».T. . . 4 _ - ) DOL tuilxé‘. 1112.0 " . ‘ ' (‘IT’E'J 0111' UUllth“ 1 r . allll OHLSIGQ 0L 1] . ' _ 111 51-1911 3: manner I} t . to be 1 1 1 _ 3 . ‘ b ,
Egg'fiitaimfi-Ms wijgfiw44443sf444, . . 4.1.4404; _4 .. . . SlthET‘Ltion ll 4 _ , , _ (.011 ll’LVO _ .4 _ 4 n . a»: n lull 3 . .10 (\Vldencp "ll . 4 13. no 1131111 11]) scaled 331, the 1111 .1 4 s
tufié‘aéivuari~ '..1’33'42' “73"," , ’t . H ' .u, pUlIlJCS ot the "urt .‘ ' ““”‘11134 to do with our ve-l' . l 1 think the )1. s. .. -. 4 “1 12912311 3211 Innocent 1n - have him l"112' - ’ ‘1‘ er, "0
li‘afififlbdfi'fifi" w ;zagkflgfi 4[3_ ;.4. v '4 44 44 ,._ . 4 [ht-"1‘1 [511041.63 111' ‘ 4 ‘ 4 - , .l )1 p. 11] [ll-'.; H ‘ 3 4 - 4 .l L 1(,t 4. 4_ . . l (lotLulJUn ShUUld ‘de 1 . G, . 3_ ,4 4 ‘ a . all and that x] L.(l fl'Olll the OH“ . J ‘,
a,.4444...:43-_4,54.sa4,~4§,, 4,.. 4.4. 4 ;L‘gm‘az..‘?~_’.\,g4f ,. _ ..‘.a g4 ;4; 23442.... ;;,. ..'/4 ‘s' .:. ., -. ,7. ,2.,42s/1 ,2., . 2 . 4 ”52s he 5011“" l' i- (a . ' L3 C(lSL ‘ 0119, “v.3 V 01‘ 1 3 4 4 _ lall'lv \Vltl i 4‘ . 3.. 110 OLUIL) luau $113.1 J . . . 00 . i , . Ice 01. thL, .
“magma: <“4’g§§g§fg&% 3:, i‘fi'y‘ggy'n 2 3 no 119mm.” 2 4 , (anon wny ‘Lln 4 I' _ as. Lil. Other I . l US both. 1 lhlnh wgi oth’l f in] “ 95041” Unlaunisbs *" "(’18‘2311 y 01 State and that ll " ~ ‘
"saa'namaaa . ,. » a . ' .4 “aims are Home 'iiu-y am- .. ‘ comment you gentlemen l al' . s. to dean l'iiii-la w'tl . 2 , ‘ " , 1‘ ““' ' ' i‘hTal‘ w . 1* -' ' ‘ ’ ' ‘0 mm '
lfiykfinsflgz‘it”ia’§’wfi ’:as“ .4 44:. -. - 2' i. . .7’ in this page ‘ ’T " \ ""* that \203 ‘ . )L' “'1‘“ i. . ' ' 1 ‘ O‘Wh 02-11011 1 dealt Anal 1 n ” as ”9d ”0m that; place
anwzafin’wwi .'.Tisiil' 1-2’;?:.Ear§ss ai’i'irs‘V'fi T, Essa” 2.4.1.; ,T r" J " " 1 may llOIlhfi-tly bellove Lh- ch‘snly WWI you in 0" 2‘ - - . ‘ .’ ‘ - will confident; ("cutie - Ullllll—Jl‘l' ' T - " ' '
as‘v’g4éfii“; ”(enough .*., ”a." -. 4 as ’ 1 here mu '1; , You '13- i 2 . - " ‘1 . hlllng In my teens yo“ s'n 4 4 . ' 5 _men, that, 1‘“ 1- allSGnled IllVK‘sGlf f- .
liiaaati’ilaiéihaflizgw‘s a .. ‘ 2:15" . . " ’ 5 be some rmaon xi] ‘ ‘ 6’ “0“ biased. 01' D'I'G‘llllliced ' .‘lllony and l '-Ln1 u- ' . 4 ‘ . “1 .:.gree With no 1' 11in - . tlr'l ofiT ., - o " ‘T ' mm
iifia‘%‘£"’§assi”$§i Mafia; i: - as.» , , . there was 2 4 .- .. . 4‘ T ' l W this mus n 2 . " ' ' ”1 . , 4 bomb to deal tam-l v is} n .. . . ”1 ~91 that ‘ ”.“' '19" 011 L110 will/h da 1’ '|‘- s . . '
444 ~, , » _ 2. . 1101s as 8111']: pi - . (.....o And that 1 . With . , ‘ 3 " 1911 the Verl ~t . 2 - - "a - y 0 ”mushy .
Walsfiial'fimfimiaitszawifas?” av? .4 . 2, ' . , - 5n ‘2 avflJlllallcun on may be t1 lie but ' )0” 11L the al'U'umenf of th' “C 125 latl‘adel'd in t1" . .1300 101' the - . .:' - ’

*' awa'a’ ' aniasss’zana ., iano '2:s': mi Jury fit: the rm 3.'. 3'011 may be inisl‘al'si . - a ’ ' if [ s1 4 a a 4 15 0389. (case that it" o- ~ "‘5' s2 " ’ I‘ml‘Of’e 01' hilVlll” the
ain‘ts'z'ia‘ifizififlswaira‘s.so» §i£2; '2 a ”as; s "”“'S-nlizx . 2 as ' ‘ ‘ 5' “ails ' ' “‘1 01130111 1t. ~ Would advance in . .., . - . ' 011cm 120 be such an ( s3) lat/(ii shot fired 3'- , b ' '
l"l5‘.:’.7"2>‘<’}”Tysiiia’aa‘E—‘Zifiifla‘4‘3‘25Q‘Zfl‘27Q53-42’5‘751“; ifs "i 4i": "22 . “101?: must; be qr - n . . l mu told “cull-12 . . . wl ' l . , ‘ 'V albuinent as W111 in t1 1' - .' h "’ ' '1 0m there. '
5364399523»;fifli‘fi'fiflffifi‘Eg‘xfié‘ssf'éeftl'a’wgggégha;fie..41.“ . ~:'.2.' ."‘9'9‘.4~3/f.34 .: - - 4. _. _ _ . ,. , )lllt. 10.193011 WllV ll 4 4 s b . -Llllt ll. UIZLL there au-p ”Cl $681118 1.0 V01 . 4 _ 4 y -' 4 19 112.1110. l)(i {L 01‘ 1'3 . FOlll‘l'h T} . 4 . .

’ttgiiszai‘sl‘al’asmaf' Zi'géflégar * 9M """"5‘15'ié‘ 2 a 2 2 Jury that tried P " ' “9 lever illustrious ' . ‘T a . - - ‘ “llleahOll‘cLble I Kent .1. .. a 4 em. to ' 1322 1,110 unhl'ru- s ’
2"~‘:=:;:.:.a1~2€ :: “ was! ai‘aq. -2: :2s : a~a 's .» '1 -' , '-t ..; . 2 ‘ ' ' 44 - 9 ' '* - r - f . - - ' 4. .. 111 mun r 01 1'} n q .- s. heo 0t y( t - ' -. . . . ' ‘ “CA3 . to her on -. 4 - 4. i . _ ,. ..-. " y “ as 20
ls.».fi.assails.aaafsaxunsatsaseams-Zia.s. .- 6g -...:ns.sy ,. . . 4, ,4 , . . .. ‘ “1‘s" UOWdId In A )1'11 .- . ‘ . 3 - .u. a lattes ' i=2 4 m 0 leiect it If 1 s 4 , . What 0i fairn- he used 1)“ t1 - - 2
i ‘~'”-a 4 . air-"ass: penis ., .. ,2 '2 '2 . 2. , 2'2, . _, “em all ll'a " a .. . 1 notably Mm ‘ ' i‘ ' . ' ’ .. s ' ‘ T ' ' ' IlllelUOlae 311d ust” .4 ‘ r - - LS" T “‘ ‘9 Dlllllose 0T )I’Ot t'
1249;23:111Mgarggfggniaufizgacgbi’éigfiflif,»a;"1". 5 ;n-tgifrsa.4'<001” u11011 the " ‘1 a -‘ 1“ say, 2
4. ‘ M3“ 4!?“44‘4; 6.434,,44s4sxfi 4% ”443;”, $4 sgfis’é‘ifiha‘lfl? 442%,; .,. firfigg‘n;#44.§$h .. )e $01110, 1.043%)“ 41 . _ 4 . W 41L a sh anger 4 1143 up the sahent points of -t1 3 . , u bit (4 ol mercy and Fimt~rls .
. ‘7,g13§$§:\£§£3v§3s4‘3starfig‘g a {jaw} é Garth}. ~35. g? .4, 1,4 fluff“: cr-"gq a” the ("1qu 4 . , 1 * “ 1y 111 that, C()n]n1unit q 1_ .44 91- t1 4‘ 1, ‘ _ 4 _ .el 1' Junlan]ly_ '- ’ hat Senator Goebel 1'1 3 s
is a «assay-‘.'; ..a;,.~;siaa s4 . ;.ia . anti-"3‘3 a: ' can... - ‘s‘EPs. .afla'fi'azm. , .. am ,. 2110 tries . .. . Y (nu 501116 one “2 LUV 01 the e 4 - a . - _. . ~4 ‘ ' (H 1102 .
tlgggigymfiufiijfi‘a? a ‘31s: {‘:‘Eig‘g’ih fiféfiélfia 5f52&&s“fflgw~ ' I Democratic sl‘ll'Ol‘S This 1:33;,38‘1‘113‘3‘1“ 2‘10““ say "0 you that You had 0011- thfil the "WW maylive1di31311231:0‘3(1)tt;1? 9““ «3510 “ “90011105 imlxra‘tanl to the 3013“" LOR‘MS death as the l‘esult' ot ?
”"' gai‘sa’fliasT-‘s‘s'lsEiF-a” W" ‘2’";‘7‘lij‘3m‘2V- "wig-'3» st‘si‘é‘afss‘f‘: ‘ 031111011 89y (i ' .' new" on ractcd the fever You wo ll . j . in 'in 1 3 .‘ . .‘ - . “ ”me" 5 u 0 0f Which we ur'r ‘t'2 I 1' I C mg“ ' opublimm COIHIJiI‘mc . '9 2
1.3”“ £24 'fin's'iaé'lif‘ni-s 7435“ " ss- ‘M‘gw ., 174-233.? a" at ,7‘"‘*.,"2»f. l ‘ 4 ‘“ ““t ‘1'” the Jurors in {3 them 2 a ’ “ ‘. say 1'0 ‘ “"1115“ " “amt—“11.111811 either to iurst Tva- ' ' . C C‘ .l/cns that: a any conc'n‘r n —' - ‘ ‘ y 0‘ 0‘ i
iégfiggi? ant'g‘éfit‘ 3%? gifgmi‘ii bhfix‘fflg’é‘gr Még‘éaz ' 2:226 (21386“ haDlX-ancd to be Dom: you “'32:le léhey t‘lvere badly mistaken;- ”1; State 0“ unjust: t0 the {loomed 31103" 0:311:13? be 1““(‘91'6‘13 SUCH a Ver- hcr )“ aoy 0‘ ""“Chsl was a mem- '
' T ' .4: Egg: '«;,.,;;.2',_\1_Jr33§3g41 '45.}4-«14 rat-$3493: :..-{ff} ‘.;" s' ”skiff. ,“'ai'ij, ' ;S. 118V ha 3 _ ’ ' " ' “ ‘ay T1211; “[ DGVGI‘ fell; 1) 4 '0 0116‘“ ' t) ._ s. . ' " ’T V ' ' 2i 2:. '2 2111611 as “’Ollld 1 , ' ,
:4 iii “faunas-sits a . . ,. : a. 3&3! .‘w it's 1‘>:%1.usa)&"‘r , was. .44 w, . 4 ..V6 happened tl , 3 a .. . . et.— '5 1“ MOM, could he as -. t . 3 . 4 ’ <0 110 halm s 4. i . s .
4.5‘4fi4.43,ga§ h‘ih‘i‘a‘gia ,3 4 “2‘5" ,, 42.4,,“ «433. .M’34rsr.4_.¢.h ,.7 3 3 too otte' , ., . slat way .u, never freer fro d' ‘ _ tlri _ , ,4 51ch e1 ,0 the State no 13' 4 . (,.cond ’lhal. tno hl'ino-= c,
t-llsinaia‘i‘thi’ei=iii5o§iis§féaa§2a"'aaa ‘2' 4a;- “92%;; ‘5os‘irai‘a'ass’aaaisi """a-‘Ta"2'§";’.-.4 «an.» . - fl and In too nun .. .. s. “1 130L136 111 all ' ‘11 my 0‘»le In tho outgon f 4 -. n 4 ‘ 13”” 10 1he 8.0— 1mm . - , ’ rm” “f a i
. ..-. . .-.- - .a . ' .. w - . ,. -. mass . “”’“ as: -.'&»M£’9'-"2‘ '2 W11] . "~14V (misses, It my 1116. Anl ' ‘ , _ ‘9 o4 ”115 “used no v10] 4 .4 "Arab CIOWd of n . '
«than fisg‘ififiy air—3 isss $4,,“ _ . {gig-ta , *flfifiengngzfigga ,, W ,4233'3-13333s ..'», . not do to va 31. . . . . a still Without you [21131 but go far ' ~ " 91109 10 the oath o 4‘ lonnlinn People to
4 Law @642 §;..%h‘)ax\ 313 as no is». 214 £53221; $¥~ka1fid§s$rvufjwn 94,.” i 'w'l n .; . ' a--a_4 , ldl. the. 111m; COln- lorowinar it th 1_ ., _ ._ ’ j " as Withm 111V DOWel‘ haw; till-Ton T . . ’ y u l1 l‘ankfort fivn 1 . . s '
’l “‘52: '” 24.433».'rga§§4 "‘izws'i‘ata . Wainsrsfaéia'i‘i insin- arson-5 11591011013: ;Tl.lVVr1T2‘V . ' - b e Headlul dlsease would 11%. I Willuig a -. . ‘ . .44 '2 _. 20 tender a rust- ve'd' t .4 2 b lays hailore Senqtor
, ,4 .,.“, . 4 », .,. . , 331.; 3,34 “12.2 4.4 4.4344... ,.4; «344 . . my}. happen 33, 3 smell 1 , . . .cuse Llllb case as 1f 21 . and 01 - l" ' - ‘ " 1 10 ('Ohhel met 1" ' c”
41" 2,‘ $252}? "ei’kfii‘ériw 2!."7 Wyn QM ara'rar'sr“.m""-¥a‘s WNW. a fis-w‘ofi‘ta'a Wltlnn the ' ‘ ' l) ace ‘ " ‘ y ’0 D'l'eDarln" to deprive 2 other tha s. ..- T’ ’ 11 ‘8 nut. W111 hrInO' no l‘el‘ . 7 T’ T ’ ”5 dcuth 10'?de no t
' $2,422.24!» aaa‘i'sa'iiné‘t’fi' r27. --’ was: *‘s"r’i5"a'~'aas’* a~ "Ta’iié'éfiiaflgfl‘wfi' i’ . . . Jml Wheel the nun .. 5' of your 21'3'4 lb 2 3011' . ' '11 mysell was on trial I conscin — - a “0‘89 Of 01' "n ila - . - ' ‘ par 2
.- lasiniav “shah". '.'-:ssaaai 'v- ."2. visas-i .4 s sag-sis. 2?: 2‘a’é’iji’ss. -s-a-2. leaular D. .. T “is 0.31 11,. l'nmr f n , . ' ' ‘ 41100 to your so 1. ' .- . . “‘ y 1, ,n 0‘ 0011313113037 1‘ " .
«-,. 2a~»-- .2 sazs~..i.asaaistts=n'fs - mass «‘43 cine. ”(33’5” .431 singing,” “ 3.513;; a (amocnats. Y 4,. s. - - . ‘ ‘.. 1‘ W011 that. I am (rift-,1 ,u yea-s " u b 111 altei aa 4 f . C 4 '0 111111 del
. _ A 1.4% s i; ”1; ‘4 54125:: 4 _st .a sui‘iz'fii’ (94%;;th It \Vill t l ()11 [39111191119411 ha‘re COR]. f 4 [1 no V .01 1 4 ‘4‘ . .4 b (L( “s 1141] . 15, QCHH. .01 'Oebel ()1‘ anv bodV b t ‘ .
" W 75‘3”“ i - “0 do '0 RaV H l- n 1- fev 32. .a . . a 9 .10m 10 - 511i]: Walls 01' worth or ( . . "1‘1 - - - ti . ~ 'a -‘ ‘ ‘1 ““"' .
Ha; the uannig a - . ,1a. 1 (Iaw- 4 L1 (ISlllCt n1 tlns ca . . 4 limes of iese is but one tlllllo‘ t - 2103’ came to .laruanlort f - 4 .- -
. . . ol ur . . . . . SO. You nri. Speech or for . - . -. . . . . . ' b '0 declde . s. . .. ‘A 01 the 10°1t1-
_ HON. CALEB POWERS. Wheel that the 1131111121: £301?) the, 3331.), 11143“: that. disease 01:" Dl'eiudioe 3531137011 either beyggiizlftllealgomng to take iglltle?16in‘ in Order to determine Wha‘é 31min pulpose OI DBtlth‘x'ling‘ the L631“ '
. ' ‘ ’ 3» ' -4 .. -s . ' . 4 . ' T' ‘ , ' . ' Tie 'Lw or the evi- ' ‘UI‘ . ( u‘v ' i . . , . allure find ~. . . - " ’. ' “'5
alwuyq 1105mm 1 cmocralg “38 Ol Wthh you ale no s .191 4 4 . c 4, . . 18. and uh rt x. 013 . us, ca lemonstmtu "r .
'- . an to we draw . 1. 4 aware. lou ~«1-Cas1n this moi had 1 r '1 ‘ " 1 “'1'th ' ‘ "3 “”11 those
“___ , - ' 2 ' . 4 ' . LLVO no 1 » - . I . “‘30) (03118 to do SlOUM be. A 2 ~ s - '- - . 111 DOWGI‘ not t . .- . ‘
W . not, 313, 30 SH . 4 11 It Wlll aouot heard of 4 , .s . Q0 1 . ml thou, is the 1 - 0 over-11d ti» s .
. , . v that who} - - s s. . nu. and ‘Llllb ~ ,. W nch I have not - f 4 ' question " e 10 “1“ Of
_ 4 . . 4 1 the Si .- Gabe ( 4 4 . Had I been 0 my 011111; . . - the pee )1n . .
5109: 2 4 4 leilff s y)n ll'l,Ve lead . 4 4 . . ._ 4 3 4 b 01 my lunccen 9 ~11 (a as ex nova -
Elected Secretar f St t " :ergsffniiUllhummons men "0 (‘0 1'1”" things aboutcme that 31‘: Elifiili‘lem‘hlly 1:931:1-‘Vt1t111 manual guts enough ‘20 113W? “0t matter whether one tCljlouS‘ltllaloeS Third—That thle 1122203 il1cdle'lpgns'
y 0‘ a e in 1899 Robba'l ' - - ‘ 21089 021900 Ha .‘ ' 4,. ' -' . - . .. '.v [1‘99“ ‘ea most: forceful] ten t' ,. . ' ' ‘ C 01‘ r- ,. 7 ' ‘ In“ my '
, :.(4 or HIS Office by ti 1- . start, he alw'ivci bruit 01 Innocence has 1 . - ‘ . . _ 3’ any cause Housand men in s i mined 110 part 1" - - T
a le Goebel Elec. la'DlJlUlS to €111] 2» "-~ ’ " ' 011g Since he 1 defill'ed to 05' 'a 2 ' - ' a” blougnt t0 0, any consmraoy to '
tion Commicc' ‘ 2 . mums Denim-r333.q . - come a llOlit' 3 2.. 4, . 3 4 ' , 22 '4 . 4 house my advantaoes Fianli'lort' Whetbn- 'I‘ . . '. murder genar - . , ' ' '
a mu an in ' - never -4 - 4i . ’ and . 103 NEW In th s- ‘ .a .i 11 a' ~ 2 ' . . . *2’ . ’. . ('1 3.‘/101 Older * ‘ "01 Goebel ‘ ' ‘
4 at Time Times Tried {03s His Life by cans 11111334151115 ‘2) summons Repubu The Dell‘locratic newsnapelss firmitfil: 1301mg}?iltlte141153144beenfiuchlh'astlcould (slut the nnhtia 01» Dart 0.3.- it after ti: was called out; 80011 23339} 3:]; 3112:1123: '2
‘ .. .‘ ‘. ; . . .. 4 . ' ' 110‘ do _ _ O'r . .ii . .' . ’ ‘2 '- ._ 1990 POD 1 omen -' .3 _ Slooiglnar ‘ . 4 . ' LT 2, l‘- " . 4 . . . ’ ’ h 3
4 . 44 4 4 3 :4 44,49Wl95‘am9 Courts and J 4 __ 44 4 _4 4 prosecutio 4 to buy that the a 9919912 down to the little country ing- mo 1. 4 4 f _ . inosccul 4 4:, ct Scnatm Goebel; or Wheth- _l.lc4.su.al shot {01 the 'DUI'Do‘se. of _ 4
.4444... -. - 2 .. . . a - sags, . .~ .. ssa : k4 -» 4 ....n. always eXhausts its per OI'gans- loudly proclaim t