xt77wm13ng0p_84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Correspondence, 1911-1941 text Correspondence, 1911-1941 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_8/Folder_5/12635.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_84 xt77wm13ng0p 1 .,
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W A ‘5 H I N OT 0 N
Hay 22, 1911. ,
Mr. Samuel H. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
my dear Wilson:
. Acknowleaging receipt of your letter of
the 17th, it gives me pleasure to enclose herewith ‘
several copies of my bill for the improvement of the
Old Wilderness road from Cumberland Gap to Boonefiboyo,
Thanking you for making this request of me,
I 53.12 ,
Very truly yours, ,d
x .4
WV‘3 ’ ’9
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Honorable Sam.M. Wilson,
Kexington, Kentucky.
Dear Judge Wilson:—~

Recently I have been at odd times writing some
political reminiscences, particularly about the life and '
assassination of William Goebel and the trials of those
accused of his murder.

I concluded to do this because I have never
yet read anything that seemed to be a faithful historical
record of this matter.

It seems to me you are old enough to have some
quite vivid recollections of that period, and I am wonder~
ing if I could not submit to you my manuscript for criticism,
as I have been writing purely from memory of my personal
knowledge and association with Goebel and others at that time.

I recently found out that Governors and Senators
of other States in the South near Kentucky have no knowledge
whatever that the man Goebel ever lived or was assassinated.
And even in our own State the present generation has but a
smattering knowledge of this period. That is what has imr
pelled me to write this story.

 ' Honorable Sam M. milson — #2.

Unfortunately, I have found that I have had
to say some pretty severe things and criticisms of men
now dead, in order to give the record, and I expect some-
body like you ought to blue pencil my manuscript.

None of the old Judges of the Court of Appeals
and others who figured importantly in that day seem to be
alive now.

Will you, therefore, be interested in reading
this stuff and promise me if you do read it you will correct
me and furnish me such recollections of your own that would
be valuable? I do not know that I will ever print it;

I do not know that any publisher would ever want to print it,
but I think I would at least leave it with the Filson Club

or sane other historical society for the information of future

I expect to return to Kentucky a few days
before Christmas and may stop over for a day in Lexington
enroute home.

I trust you and Mrs. Wilson are quite well.

very truly yours,

 Decmmber a, 1936
Honorable Urey Woadson,
flipactor 95 Alien Property Burefluf
73%;}?:':,;."‘t:t::'“*nt, of Jus‘ticm
1* km, E). C.
y'cieal‘?¢ru ‘Yaodxuylz
_ '-‘ K have ynmra 0? December 9, and write at once to any
that it will give me much plauaure t0 regfi aver yam? manageript
V of reminiacemees,which are in fiflnl extfingively with the a88a5~
.~ sinatian 0f favernor Goebel fififl the trial of thage accuaefl of
his agngssingtion. All that I hmva to ask in thia connection .
13 that the reader be not "hagtenefi” in performing his task,
. a3 01d John Faggin.atipu1appa in the mate he gave wherain it
was gravidem that ”Said Haggin 15 not to be bartened in the
payment of this note.“ -
I am glad to know that you are caning hero fur the '
uhristwas holidaya and if yam plan to step ovrr in Lexington
' , b9 nflrérfh‘?fif’%f%§““*‘§fififi%"3 fit fiifi“ a? gnur urcflehCu here.
. If We can arrange it to suit yum? convenience, we will be
fielighted to have you take a meal with us while ysu are here. V
. . {To guard against disappointment, however, I may as
well add that I am to participate in the trial of a damage suit
at Covingtnn, beginning an December 21 aha poaaibly running up
to Christmaa five. Accordingly,_l hope ymur viait to our city .
may occur prior to the gist inst. '
I am very glad indeed to hear fram you and hoping to
see you in pergon very sown, I am, with best wishea, ‘
' Very aincerely yuurs; - ‘
“ ' , ' . "(Signed) Sam'l. M. Wilson.
_  smwflm , '- ' -

 L {XXV (JFF 1C IS S (3F
WING 1m STE 1-2 , K 1~: NTI Tc K Y
Ianqaty 18th, 1959:

1.] fly, :' A ., I. h 5 - 1 ,. I
;.u;:\ . x.)al;lt_‘.:: L _u 1. 1 .z .:Ou. ,
Security Truet Eldg.i
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Tudge Aileen:

I an returning today yon? set? of the history of

- Kentucky which you 90 kinfily Ioenefi me: I have net undertaken

to T2311 all its contents, but have reafi such of it as relates to
tne Youtseywfieebel affair.

I have always had the idea that the Shot that was
fetal tn }cebel'ras fired by Jim Howard. I was net in Frankfort
very much at thattime and did not attend any of the GoebeI trials,
but I happen to know that Kim Howard first attemtted tc take the
position that me had not arrived in Frankfort at the time Goebel
XVEFF Stilt, ‘ ut the team ti ; 121 file: I4ai’11;;;. if iice tliele dixrriwwfefi
that Claiflh

He next claimed that _e was in the old hotel tuild~
in; across the street tram the depot when the shot Nee fited, and
a man from.tnis Gaunty? :arion fieer, testified to that effect on
the trial Cf geward, but it was pretty well established that tnis
nan was lying, anc carnage was net in Errnkfort at that time.

I was callei frcm Brenkfott over the 'fihone by
Lrtht? ficebel when Joe: left the mitweee stand, enfi Goebel asked
xe about Beer's reputation; I tcjd nim.th3t my opinion of Fear
mas tuet he was such an intenee hetutlican that he could be in—
;ueec by E. l« ferry, tfii foetnester, John G. white, JED lived
here than; and B. ”I Trench: all cf Nhom were leading hepublicenes
ta take any etatenent thet they thougnt wouli be ben¢f13131 ts the
Reputlicnn warty. It éeveloped fiutina the trial that before he
wee summoned a: a zitneee Poet was in ccnferenee fitn ferrr, latte
and trench in the rear root,cf the tostiffice here: I went out
on the Street enfl reaéily fuund three men fincee testimony fould
iieelose that Peer knew nathing abeut the Howard case. Tnese wit-

messes fibecrtdited Heward, and I :1 sure he we? vet believei by
the jury"

Urey 1006303 has had some corrwetonfience with me
curing tnt tretara“ion of fie hock that he expects to publish soon.
deedson thought that I Mnew more about the occureences at Frankfnrt
then I actuelly knew. I know that he firmly believes that Hfiwerfi
fired the fetal shot9 out if it GEE be shown imnclueively that How?

 A. j; ..

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l 9 5 9
Honorable Samuel M, Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Deer Judge Wilsonz~~
leorge Willis arites me about his recent visit to
you, and Judge Benton alsO'writes me about his recent corres~ '
pondence with you, n all with reference to my Goebel story.

i have been working on this for more than a year, and
I am trying to give the public; at last: the true inwardness
of the assassination of Goebel“

It makes no éiffereoce to me personally who fired
that cowardly shot. I have always felt that YOutsey, even
though he did not fire the shot, was equally guilty with the
man who iid if anyone else was in that room with Youtsey on
that occasion,

Just recently I have learned that the claim was
made that Mrs. Ybutsey undertook to testify in behalf of
Jim Howard at Frankfort, ssying she knew henw§§uinnocent.
I have also only recently heard that you hate/possession
a copy of an affidavit or deposition she made to the same
effect, and that this paper was put on file at Georgetown,
as well as at Tihohester. Surely if there is such a

‘.' '
.A .-‘, \ V '\ ‘; “'.' .‘ ‘7‘ .'.! (I
. Honorable gamuei L. iilbbg , pk.
document in existence, the Kentucky world is entitled now
to know it. May I not, therefore, ask you to hunt up this
affidavit and lot 13 have it?
It is an amazing thing to contemplate that if Jim
Howard was not guilty in that 0386? be, upon the iibetation
of Youtsey from the penitentiary, after eighteen yearfi,
with his unconquerable disposition, to avenge real or f3301ed
injuries in Clay County, would have allOWed Ybutsey to
continue in this life all these years. And also that
Howard has neVer been induced,even at this late day, to make
any statement uUCJf ti; o5 ' 41-
, . . .,. .._. J . J . , 7.1.». .J ,
I . . ' _ , . .. :.. '. .. . ’7;.,'1.*4—.,~ ’..) :. J 4411*» 4. 2 " 2:43;. 53 7:, .-.».' a
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