xt77wm13ng0p_83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. The Master Detective, September 1931 and October 1931 text The Master Detective, September 1931 and October 1931 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_8/Folder_4/12445.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_83 xt77wm13ng0p ‘ s ~- ' 22-1: -'.-:1" me = mmmmmwu
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525*e‘rwfih’h -._”-_ By lhe Late
The old State-House and Executive Building at Frankfort, 3 M AR . CI IE! JO 0" E I I I
f; Ky., at the time of the assassination. Right cross shows where '..,-
the victim fell, and left cross, the window on the side of the
1: Executive Building from which shots were fired. Illustration at Of The
'3'. right shows military guard in front of State-House to prevent . ‘
.Mary Chenoweth, one of the _
best known newspaper writers in
Kentucky, was killed by a hit-
and—r1m_drlver on January 19th,
1931, wzthln a block of her home
in Louisville. For many years 8
she had been a feature writer for
the Lomsvzlle Courier-Journal ‘
and was widely known through—
out the State. She contributed ' V ' 9
we- faalden Publications, among them - .
bemg featured stories on George
. Remus, the be in muster? o - -
Ella A/IacDowellfiiRoslycrs'of [abuts]: . overcoat about hrs shoulders, he motioned
ville, the famous Elizabeth Grif— ’ . t0 the others and led the way through
@th Claire, $61 étillw notoriety case 0;: . the corridor to the street. .
ose en mg, mar erer o - 1: . ‘ ' _
little Alma Kellner.‘ In her investiga- ,.. TEE-1"." - Senator Wllllam 6.06mi forty
tzon of the l/Vendling case more than . ., four-year—old PTOSPECUVC candldate
twenty years _after the. crtme, Miss ,- ' for the Governorship of Kentucky on
ff‘mfwflé (555115;; Weéughfe Z” the/fiat]? - ' the Democratic ticket, in 1899, had
mat in arm .e an 1 .0 er rang 1 a . a ' ' ' '
the evidence In the case to th-zs Ofllt‘é’. / - var 5's, bier]. running agalnSt.the REPUbllcan:
She Proved conclusively that l/Vendling’s " "" 7" 1 “1.151555“ 5' Taylorr With John Crepps
tlea that he was wrongfully convicted ;_ t 7... Wrckllfie Beckham, 1115 running mate,
waIfVa galselglatrg. 5' 711' Ch .‘. “:55: . 5 for the Lieutenant Governorship.

e ’e 1 re resennmg .: zss .eno- ' 4:55 ' ' ' _
weth’s laststory written for THE MAS- .3-,, 54.5.5132- 55,2; Thére had been a “ft m the Dem
TER DETECTIVE shortly before her tragic “-"f;_‘_{ it‘fiég‘xq’ ocratic Party and Taylor had won
death-*0 6 (136’ that it'lfé’t‘estefl her E1”, .1. by a small margin of 2,383 votes.
1151-2113" 51151-333111?th Kt ’1“‘3’§"“’21”‘}' * ”3.51 Goebel and Beckham charged that

» - , - y oya .0 1e ave ~a‘ra;
she loved so well.—Ed. . é: ff?" gross fraUd.S had befm perPEtraFEd'
’11.“ ' ,1; .- 1 and filed SUlt contesting the election.
“ E careful, Senator,” said .,. Frankfort, the historic old Ken~ .
Colonel John K. Hendricks 5 1 tUCkY Capital, nestled 1n the heart Of
as the party rose to leave “by ..‘ . . the Bluegrass, where the contest was
for the State-House. “There 5% .1 ., . 'belng dec1ded by the General
are rumors of -‘.‘: 5 Assembly, was on the verge
your assassination— . ' '7 1 Of a CIVII war.
you had better not , _' . 1 ’5 ”R. .7 1.- , On]anuary25th,abody
leave the hotel.” ’- .. é .- ’ . of armed mountaineers,
”ColOnel,” he re— .3 " . -_ ' 1 referred to as the moun-
pried, smiling back in j = 1.1, ' ~' ' tam 51155511590556er
a dauntless manner, ' " '- f ' "‘- Taylor, had arrived 1n
“when that happens, _ ’ -:‘ Frankfort ostensrbly to
it will be to my peo- - 1~ - '_ petition the Leglslature
ple what the blowing . w s ~ a . .. -- . 1 : _ in behalf of then cause.
up of the Maine was 5 Governor of Kentucky William Goebel who was assassinated on the . The above conversa-
\ to Cuba.” 1 State-House grounds at Frankfont1-Ky.,January 30th. 1900 tron took place on the
~ Throwing :1 heavy " " i 7 5' '3 " " " " morningofjanuary 30th.
10 \

, K . .' ,K p: . «3E3 ‘ at"? ‘1
WWW 3' K -- . 1. M .u, a . «a JV!:::»’xt‘.'i¥-=-K..:‘:"::~-‘- [W 5: K'
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, with“: ' " “V-K'KK .5 ‘» ' ' ‘ {"5 7 ’ , I»~ 73'"- f“: l 1"” m3”;- ‘w’swt’m’tl ’v 3.
. “'fl 4993-va i K' a: «Q: ~ . . . :.. .J.., . .. .- . -. , . .. . . z
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. . .K - . " W. gfihfl * 5 ' ' K
e: ’t g . .. . \‘ . » .3” . ,._. L- K «a ,K 3“,; — _”’/Jhc gifting. 'Mfiww". A": ‘1. _y §»W.~w
‘21-” fizfiw“§fiif§§}yga 11;: ‘ .- ~.. , ' I , Mx-ef' ‘ ”mm“ “_.‘:5 :31." . .. K .. ‘.4“. ..
;‘r0?,*‘$‘s~}"¢i :' . w: . ‘ , ‘ ' ;.‘“ -~ , ...-.-.. ..‘:i...:.i~‘..v5.34.4?sf;.-a.’::‘:'~'.=i-£¢~ 3‘?".1“.1.K’=4K1'-1Kr~'..’f1'+~~~
...... «a - w a“.."5”‘i“e tie-rt»
. » . . , a .. ....r “as; -- z. -' *“T'JT'I’L‘ "left-191K .. he»
1‘ he most start] we murder P1 0t In ;‘ therein:
American political history, carried out ‘ . , ‘ -
. , . Handsome monument erected in memory of their assassinated
With a boldness and determination 89]— ‘ Governor by the people of Kentucky. It stands in front of
. . . , the new State Capitol at Frankfort, an imposing memorial to
010”?» Wl messed, ZS here gr 1 ppmg [y tOZd one of Kentucky’s most promising statesmen, whose career was
_ . . . cut short by an assassin’s bullet. Illustration at left shows
m zts entirety, as only MISS Chenoweth troops arriving at Frankfort, immediately after the murder
. could tell it
. Scarcely had the shots pierced the air when
pandemonium reigned. A breathless messenger
1 ,AS 1 S 1 OK i . . ran through the halls of the Senate Building
screaming, ”Goebel has been assassinated!”
Dignified, gray-haired Senators, startled by
the shots, ran down the steps hatless and stood
1900, the day the deCISIOU was due. It was _ . . . . dazed, hardly knowing which way to turn or
generally rumored that the Legislature . what to do. They halted for a moment, gazed
would decide in favor of Goebel and " at the scene before them and then rushed
Beckham, and the party was afra1d a? fir forward and surrounded the fallen Goebel.
that trouble was brewmg. . £1 tgfiggyg Throngs pushed their way through the
' 3. streets in a state of excitement bordering
S ENATOR GOEBEL and .fi ..‘ gig on madness.
. . ' ' K"'-’.'.K..t " . .‘.:"":.’.'{K-tfiruf‘wt'. " £1".
Colonel Chlnn were walking fl “‘-‘“ It was fortunate that there were at least
to etherand had 'ust assed the re. , 7i. a few cool-headed eo 1e at the scene who
- - w u~ {4"1’5. ., :K - ‘73 . ..p p
fountain in the State-house yard _. ‘i 1% realized that the Injured man needed lm- .
leading to the steps of the As- -, mediate attention.
sembly Building, when the sharp 5'” a .K‘ Tender hands slowly bore the wounded.
crack Of a rifle rang OU'E through ‘_ k ' ‘}Z'?:'K:V’ man out of the State-house yard and back.
the clear, cold air, Goebel stag— . _ g _y K 2:.-_:_}:‘1 to his room at the hotel._
gered backward, clutched hls K ‘ .K‘ As they lifted the body, someone stand
side and fell. . v“ . _, ing near stopped and marked the spot
“M God, ' Goebel, the 've ' . Kt’iz; where Goebel fell. It ma have been done
” _ _ 33511.13“, ,",r.~K,-'r .37? -,’«"r:K.:';JK"=.K y
. shot you! Colonel Chinn cried. " 7" merely as a token of afiec4
“I believe they have,” he an- ”‘ . tion, but it proved a
swered. I valuable link in the
He raised himself as if ,1 ; .¢_,;-,j??es. ._‘"K‘TKE_‘f.-;‘-...jl:K3i.§:§f events which followed.
to lean on his elbow, 'i--' h ., v ' Silently, the crowd
but Colonel Chinn “it: stood until the bear-
qu1ckly motioned him -‘ I, rm; tori}. III , :..:J}. » ers of the body had
ClOWn. - 3 ' v , 1 disappeared f 1' Q m
‘Lle Stlll or they ll _. . 'f..‘j-g.-'1}' 317,3. ‘ y; 3; View. Then turmng
shoot you again,” he _ ’ ,. G ’ ~ their thoughts to the
- N» 1 ;‘fl J ,1 .‘. i‘jg‘f I .; ':i‘.."',:)j .,.,.-,:.}‘,‘:.,:43‘.;’;,Kv‘ -. _K v' -..' ' . '.. :.=f.;.‘;_[.'j~ " , -
said. Suddenly a vol- - £9 target . would- be assassms, .
. : . K .- N,” '. ,:,:. 'I:in?ql‘f;-;~EI‘_'1(K§f".'.‘.f"1‘ _ -. ”if"; ' 'Fl-uK‘ all .. ;. . ‘
ley 0t ShOtS coming ' K": 3+” :‘ -‘,.,~;.;ilrvi‘KKl':1-1:~’§§'?.,:.1_‘Ki they Ctledt f Surround
from the WlndOWS of » : K‘ ».e _ K“- the Executive Build-
.the Executive Bu11d~ 3*- ' K' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " h " ’ ing! Catch the.assas-.
mg, buzzed OVer the t! C Colonel “Jack” Chinn, who was walking across the State-house .35; SIDS and _hang them!”
Prostrate form of the at . v . V groundswithsswtmor Goebel at. the time he was 6139.? ._ ,. .% “Volunteers!” called
fallen leader. " - 2 : --»-.,..- _- . meta-mm“ Officer Wingate

 .12 The Master Detective
Thompson, and the crowd rushed forward, eager to help him. chance, Senator," the physician replied, moved by the query.
In an interview in the Courier—journal the morning after "Then l will recover,” he said in a determined VOICE).
2 the assassination of Goebel. Thompson said: Several hours later, arousing himselt as if from a deep

”We were headed toward the back of the Executive Build— study, he said:

ing when we saw three men coming out. Two had pistols "Doctor, where did those shots come troinr”

and the third was carrying a Winchester rifle under his arm. "From the windows of the Executive Budding,” Doctor
“ ‘Haltl' we commanded. ‘Don't try to leave.’ Hume answered.

"I recognized Berry Howard, a mountaineer. 3 “That’s what I thought," Goebel replied. "I have been
“ 'Berry.’ 1 said, ‘you have just come from that building. trying to figure it all out for a long time—now I can go
Do you know who fired that shot?’ to sleep.”
" ‘No,’ he answered. Troops were pouring into the city from every section oi
“We tried to enter the building, but every door was the State. Before midnight, the Lou15ville Legion had ar-
guarded. rived.
Company B, the Legion’s veteran company, was placed
“JUST then i heard a window move, and glancing up. I in Governor Taylor’s executive office and a strong guard
saw that someone had shoved up the window on the third marched under his window. Seven other companies were
floor. Fearing that the assassin planned to fire at me, I distributed over the various floors inSIde.

jumped behind the corner of the State—house. By 1 o’clock nothing could be heard but the noise ot the
“The crowd was holding Harlan Whitaker, another mounw sentries stamping their feet to keep warm, or calling. ”All

taineer found at the back of the building with three pistols is well.” The Executive Building was like a fortress.

and a large knife.” ,3 Morning dawned and with it
‘ G“ the top“ they .3» .': tame the he“ that hthatt’t

shouted. ' 3": 2+3; *3 .éfihwl Goebel was not expected to
r: ( ) ~ . L-‘5;'2i§f}§»f,i'-;;53,5"t;.,';§'f_§{ ,..liittf-I' ., ,;»~:‘.~~"~-a..', 13;; . wrfihidiédfiljfiiji‘;,1, - 3

Don t kill me—I am not ’3 ”,3:- 3 f; surv1ve the next tweiity-foui
the assassin,’ he pleaded, as he _.j;§:,{j.=;= 1 - ’ ’ hours. ,
' ' ,. . ~ '
“’85 “.15th t0 Jall‘ under heavy V:"~*~r~ $4173; ._ "’v:.<;‘:.7§i;;:rcf;.,.5‘s_:
f'.‘:‘-'.3"_‘.5f‘;:$1757' x? 1,2»‘1-335‘. :' 1'13. : "241".:«5’33‘fag-I‘ti’rit"if.~3iiv“z€ " , ‘ i ,
guard. "93,493,333, 13333.3,J‘33 .- 2. ,t ' - RUMORS held I'CZICllCLl lllt
.. , , - . . Siftié'liiiiffiiilt3.3'. .333! ~ 2 .3 - - ,
Meanwhile, Goxernor lav— ~. «:2:: members of the General
- - ~ ' , “2‘9""? ....ga. , '2' i . .
lor, who was in his office when .3 4,. . , Assembly that attempts would
the shots were fired came to 3 33 . 3 _,. .,3. be made to block a meeting of
the window and glanced out, .t , 3,5,2... ...,gitt 3‘323'11: that body in order to prevent
then quickly ordered out the . ., g ' a vote on the contest.
. . . - aifiyéfffiéztiiig-.=2;:3,1V;.,¢_,,3.‘. i252?“ . ;-',._"_2~ , 32 _~ ..3. *
militia. In less than ten min— 4r:fg.,,t -;.- % r ‘ 4 It was an open secret that
. _ . , satire .2 u 2-, =1... ~ ' -.

utes troops had surrounded the * gga. ._ 22. the Legislature VVOUld declare
' ' n Pith:- ~' _ ‘ '- 2,2‘21;22:i2":;'~.2. ». ' 2_ . . 23 2, . .

building. the“? ,F , in favor of Goebel, therefore ~
A block awayr Senator Goe— the only hope of the OPPOSI-

. . , , .. i -‘ 2~’I-?£t£:213.fiti'....; ti .. .3 . .

- «-2 7 ’ " . ‘ .3. 241’ "ch , "tiara T " ' ‘ ' '

2' “335:3 “. " ' ‘ I " , 2 i .. .L: ‘:‘ .1....

2" 33.5. ' ‘ ’ . ’. " ' “ ‘ ' ' ri- 2.3-;3 ,. ‘. 3 23,: 2.
. 'y 3‘ 3 - ‘ 5%? William S. Taylor, opponent of William Goebel Er _ 7:“,g‘iflgi:?lf=§fia it“
' 3.9.3....3333 : in the Kentucky election for governor, the r

, .‘- , '_ 3, $333.5 bitterness of which resulted in the assassination , j 3,5” .‘ ,3 . {3'3:33.;i,-‘,.2_}3.323'j2‘i“:‘__:}}‘} “ff/3:;‘5jf '
of the latter . 22
- '- 2 ‘ grade 3 . ."2 2 . . 2-.i’:.r'«»:;»:--.:i%‘r 2232133312;
W,1.;,.;1.i;2_:;.-'_:;.2.¢' ‘ r 3. ,‘ ._ttet’vét ; ' ' ,’ " “ " ‘ w , ‘i V " 'TE‘j*;;:,‘.-3i;ii;'?‘§:.: 22".???“1‘
3. .. 3.3»; bet lay dying. the tion was to hold 2 - ,.

' " W~“i-.¥sz~.s~‘f-xr-. . 2 . 2 @365’hz'i. ' .- 3 3. ..2.:. .\2 ..._:rgwsxag
the; i2 , . c ”if; _ Victim of the foul- them at bay until , '2 m
”r 3 .22 est crime that Ken- Goebel died. .5? -2 33.73:. 2:33:23; 5,33 ‘ ,
$3,. 2' “”5 tucky has ever At 10 o’clock, the , ,

20333: - ism 2 WM
Wfifirgacrifiii '62:}: .. ', 2 . known. T w e l v e Assembly met in __ 2 , 3.j,;3.;;.,~_3.-;.,,- 2
fi“”:'.f~_:-E..."f4j‘22’2';i L3,; ._‘,2.1»:;.~.:,.;:T-.f3:;?:,w ,2 . ,, ,144‘ . h - 5.1”" ._ .,"t'iyghgfji/éi'r‘ 2
52’9”” .I:2f.?§’fj~'}.;,z;f; ~'~"2.3?"_3';:'-3,;t-,._€u- ~ ”emf ”OtEd surgeons bat‘ front 0f t ‘3 C3131“ 5‘221't°"- .:::g‘r.'2;:_e.;,-2;=2§,2.~?'2.2-;1::.
’5 “”“ t - fled to save his tol Hotel and

“32%. h’t’r ..ii'jizi new?“ 2 life but with lit— marched in a body 1: gilt: ,.j. j 3‘ ,
«in»: e '2'2'L-‘-f.~'£-. ”91.52.: - . "7%? . “2:22.:5...“HILL-4413':F".“7"‘.":‘."u 2. .2
- ~33 .3 1,533.3 3.2;; ,2 «, tle hope. The bul— to the State—house. -2 may, .: J

‘2 a ”3.3.333: 3.3"; 31;,_:3:r.,:,_3‘1’3:‘33‘33.{3 25>} -. ..,-.,-’2-‘:.2:3,3,; . . ,3. .v: . 3 “amusetears” .33 373-333,;3'an-jjt'f.
m.“ t“ 2 let had pierced his “H alt!” C0 m- "9 that: . ' m
943$ ‘L'i‘w't l..- , 3,, - . .._ it"... s , piety; ,. ‘.f .‘:
in); ,3 3 m are chest near the manded Adjutant r2333... 1 / ;

.VV'W”'.W:2;~'. " t f heart. General D a n i e1 2'23: 2 ‘ ,3 Pi-

.- :22 s' .2.; Yet through it Collier, in charge '3 a 4,2,,
3; 3,3,;233' 3' -\ all the dying man of the State troops, , 333,“ ,‘ '..,égj-zii‘ ‘2'",1-5 ;
3 ,%~ :j;:,»«:é:.:2 , kept his nerve. as they reached the m3” «AM 2 2'2 . . 33 . .
».g,.2'.i;-,‘.,"i.‘" are .._ 7... :3. aim" , -. . - ._._ . l ' .. .‘.......‘-:’.‘2... m -2'2 '2;

I H:.’.¥1tl"u'. ' ._ ._ if? ‘DOCtor”, he Sald Steps Of the AS— " A" .- ’ . f ' :'{'z*“.f‘.ILZ-“.’...T~I'INKS:

' ' to Doctor E. E. sembly Building. . f3,

Colonel Williams Who t°0k an Hume, ”have I a ”I hold a procla~ Adjutant General Collier who ,4“

\ active part in the military chance to recover?” mation from GOV- wasm command ofthemilitary :23
proceedings after the crime ,. - ,, forces of the Taylor faction ..

Yes, youhave a ernor T aylor. _~

The Murder of Kentucky’s Governor 13 '
i l
II- I I I' ..._,V Iz‘u. .I.::_I;i.1;_.-_wm’—KLiii; »vax:51.:5.“\‘I»1“T"Z‘.”"5'.5'.'51""/L'.;im""'::/5235':r1’15lt'-:.v'.>-’1:f' «,.1.'I«..>s:~I»i,Ii5e.I<:hii‘42:»:mama-.7: 7551:'>.-.-:1.:ryrrt'umyr-te-A5I~<.aie.‘mfieamiktam’,fimm' .mms‘mm;2’5;:fz’,:2£2€32€535:5§:1'::>::.'.-,,...”5.. ,4‘ ~I II 1.131% .55. I5 I.: ."2 ,- , , a v 513.”? ., 5 ,, 3}
”We 5 z“; '1; . 2,4 5 '. 5 W; ..,.-'.. '. f2 r if9 :19 ‘
, ,ggvgiy’: '..: 5 1," é 5'5-1122’ 2;; _ 5. 2 5 1’? i1, ."5‘5 . . 2;; "’7, 15%;}? 5:: 1.5%
5.51;.- .. 3‘ ,1 ,’,5'..;,;- .‘2 5715.27551- 5' gripe; 5.211;,» 1:5: 2 5 . .5 . ,5 . , .12 ,5? ‘ v ,1 ,1 3,1,3: 5;: 1.131,, it
’52? é ' 351g. 5 5 .-;.-5.,:- ‘1 ; f :1 5»: .. a , . . : . 1 .5 . '1 "1i 1" ‘ 5215' 55 5‘ " 5- 1 :5:.
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1m; 1’ 5 . i ' 551‘... ;::'1' '5 1’ ti, 3 75.5.1. .'2: 5t - .2 5>1 7 . iii? ”I.‘ 1, 25“. :11
' .. a... '5 -' ‘ *5: 5 5-: 5. l 5. :51 11..
1"”‘51gefiaqst' $525 ,7, . ‘. '5 1‘, 1255. if 26 11 «a ‘1 i .r.
1 5 ' ' 5 ‘1': ‘i . , “11.7,, . 1 _ ' . .. ., , a.v. 5:4 .:’-52,.5< 5 ,9'55‘1"-‘*1*151.1~”'~-".5‘3'."‘".£er>e?<:2:5-‘:1:£=;:r:':‘s. 5
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1 aw east?” ,a,www2ww‘;zjef1a ages. 7
, ’g‘ii‘jawam 11 2” ,,. 1225:" 525,.aveeyg2 the. fish . , E
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1 1“”an 5555;591:2132,.;.’«:5¥e:,1 e’vve ,‘Hvim’ggw’ ‘555 grime“ '5 2121-5755? .51.."eegeza’afer'52,:255:.‘->55121.235.22.531"5512251227125551254712375 ii
— .22 wr”~ewe~’§€x“5~e seawegém 5” ”2415322 52. New» aveflvea is
1 ”flaws“ 11 a5v~-ieyw "D ”1’1-'1; ./ 555% a $252,552. ”jag; elfrwfifiérvaiéavwfiih,t 5-
%‘w‘fiwzeae’fifi’ofiaefiwgc we ”5% “”“” ,’%,{Wfizj.2:;;j::::;,.~;:z:-',':Eit::3:;.3:‘,:,':321,15}:g:5::::;f:;>§:§:,~'§zf.'-frj.é:-.7.<~_t:1-:1.-2.$;EE:5£5$.31.13535;;:;;.‘.‘.":I;':':‘.:“-:555551:3: :1: g ._
fore, by Virtue of the au- 277:1:“5/ .2 5:1. n 6 name 05 3 over
thority vested in me by 2‘ ’5” ' nor 0f Kentucky you cannot
the Constitution of the 5 " 4i; 5 ‘ enter,” General Collier replied.
- I 7::>>s:se;,e:52:s.a2:.sis:1:175 .-33:52:51raster-42:75.12;13> ':=:.'::‘::,5:,:555251::::s5:::5:=2 :1 2 - - ,
State, I do hereby adiourn . .‘Wff ” g0 1“ anywayfltand
sembly to meet at We 2 . ’. members But quickly General
3:3,” 1 Kg‘r‘tuctiy’ tall“! v 1 Collier ascended to the highest
.““ Y5 ”es ”5 e ”1' ”We, point available and, raising his
30’ 6th, 19001 ., 22232.55 - .
. 5 ;5I‘ «(..” 5;;233552552995;g:'53::-.§:;;:15E:’;gy‘exkyqiaei bayonet, sald .
SI ned , 5:21 5. .. 75553991:73:""‘55‘:‘51~:.-‘=3.5275255?5.521.271.5771’551'525::;.335-r-Z>-5i:215'=5$’22""::~:;."51:;.3221'-.52.'£€=.:2::;:‘13~'>"1:i ’ u -
g 51, 3:: . ; ::3s215gj:3£,§'52-.j:¥:5;g;g,-:.,:5.,;;-§.1:5.-:;j-i;;’:?,...~::;s:’._::};'gk'15:;’§._:g:=:3§'-'.,5>::;‘\5é>,.11125'i’:2;”£$éi-Ewaiiiisi't?5 ‘é Gentlemen I trust 011 Wlll
WILLIAM S. TAYLOR ; ' 3’"‘°”¢”‘"’< :1 a ’ )1,
Governor of Kentucky ’ i «x "”15317::-'5-.«2~'£i=¥3§:.1:1'.51i=5*5: -5 understand these soldiers are
CALEB Powahs 2 g i here to enforce <3,r,ders- Not a
Secretary of State.” g 5- ‘: ..”‘ , man must move.
{a a, . 3,. 7, 1 'fiféiziiizflié‘fiafi5fi'if- if '
d 553:1»‘5'...;.~1.:-‘.:::f-?’5 ‘ "5'33512521955.:22251552537135157,27,- 113:'5:§i§é5§£§5ié§5$§5§55555325:13.3 1 -17312335535155.5'1'5535-'3‘:1
- .5! 2M ‘ >7zésaiiisz‘1573'e1'iéieté52::‘ ffiiiszEiifi'tz’Gi35322535{’1‘ .2,325,7;‘,§;z5,:';=5.1:5:51 5 j 5 '
T HE legislators refused to :...y""v AT that moment the news—
- - 5 " ’~ 5‘ 51 5M 5'.I:5'5:51':s-:‘::>:~=51.5 1‘ . . .
recognize the proclamation g ’2’" sf”, 1 ,3;}; 1 5 .:;;s;,.:;;55:,;:_:5:~.- ,. , :5, boys called an extra.
.;:E,';1:-,:{:-,~'-;,5.;;_:Z‘ . .I.:gigggggiggggir;:35?j ‘, 55x", '5 1 f u - ~ -
on the grounds that the power 1;; i” “.<’ , 5, (5” ':It':~::>:'5-5=.." ,.5 Goebel Sinking rapidly phy-
. ' . . , I. II 1:_.,"':"77"'"'-"iiil'i'i'ii'iL75'17-25'I-3," ,. III .' . n
of adjournment rested In the “l -. . M555 51:13}? 231% was flaShEd across.
5 General Assembly alone '5 I " 1' t e ea 'ine
Speaker Trimble COHImanded :5:: .~.-.5.M515.51;emaawzahxmawi:mawaiazwzzssemz'::ramrsamaema. i “[35 the battle 10“?
the ' . . Z, Discoura ed and disheart—
H m tOf proceed to. the (Tiara 3 Boyhood home of Governor William Goebel at g d S gk r Tri ble ad—
house or til lmaetmg‘ b ere ,5, Covington, Kentucky Sane .- d Pisa]: blm't t
t ey were ate again y a5 ii a journe, t e ssem y o mee
detail of soldiers who torbade a..a-,aaaememme ,.,.“ at Ithe call 0f the chairman.
them to enter. . . . ,, . _ Qtuetly the day passed, With
The Assembly is adjourned to meet at the Court—house, apparently no further move to hold a sessron and so the
Trimble called. opposition felt secure in the thought that they held the
5 Cheering wildly, they started in that direction but as upper hand. Meanwhile, noted surgeons battled to save the
they turned the corner, they were met again by General life of Senator Goebel, calling in additional assrstance from
Collier and a detail of one hundred soldiers. A courier had Cincinnati. .
rushed to notify him of the change in the Assembly’s plans. But with nightfall came the coup which turned the'tide
“Company halt!” General Collier said. in Kentucky’s political history.
“Forward march!” 'How the legislators managed to evade the constant watch
Suddenly both legislators and soldiers started on a run of the bayonets, is one of the many mysteries of the Goebel
and it was a race in earnest for about a block, but the story, but it is believed they entered the Capitol Hotel one

 14. The Master Detective ,
3 3 ’ 3 was to declare the insurrection at an end and arms put aside.
3 The body of Governor Goebel was laid to rest in the
. $3,?“ State cemetery at Frankfort. ‘
, , ”I ’ Slowly the funeral cortége left the quiet, peaceful city of
,’” ”5'3"”? ' the dead, wending its way through a cold, drizzling rain
’51! \ 1“ back to the scenes of civil strife.

' " . , . '33,} 3 3 The prediction made by Goebel as he started on his
“‘ 33 last walk to the State-house had come true more quickly
" ' ' 33 :3 than had been expected. for the heart and mind of every

1- N . . , true Kentuckian revolted at the crime.

j WK i .. ' - . . .
“fl ‘ _ ' 3 B UT with each hour the Situation was becoming more and
nigger-if ‘fi' } more complicated. ,
‘ "‘ ri‘.:f=;-*.r,n:,/I W130 was the governor of K entucky—Beckbam Dr Taylor?
,- fl, "31f" ' _ ,‘f It would mean much in the events which were to follow.
rifffij “i Vi' ' , ; Entrenched in the Governor’s mansion, holding the original
i733": , ,3. certificate of election, Taylor refused to surrender the oflice.
, 3! V ..,". Beckham. declared Governor by the General Assembly.
. , ,- 3 i ,.., ' established headquarters in the Capitol Hotel.

, -' , . 33 3' 3 The matter was placed in the hands of the courts for a

‘ , . ~ " ', 9’13'31gr3i15b decision. Meanwhile, both were giving ordcrs and both
3 - i. '“ . , “ had their followers. It was a situation far from conducive

, ’ “ 3"“ to peace and a return to the natural order of things.
3 '3 3 -, ’ if"; The entire Common—
. . - ,. . . '31,”?33 L , , ' 3 wealth was
Caleb Powers, Secretary of State during William '33: 33' i' - 3 .,3 _. 3 33
S. Taylor’s brief incumbency as governor, who -_ ‘ 3‘ " 3
PIEYed an important part in the investigation of . .5121 if, 2 ‘ ,, V. ,. _ .' _
«w; ' by one at intervals throughout the day. Shortly _ _1 j- f. . , . "3 . ,» 9." g} , 1.3- .
after 8 o’clock that night, in a room not far from H ' T .. 3.3 ,‘3 - ' , ,- f},- 3 '_'
' where the wounded man lay, they met and de- 3 3 5‘ 3 ' H . V. 7
clared William Goebel Governor of Kentucky ,fi tg’ ~' ,. -
and John Crepps Wicklifie Beckham Lieutenant inj,* _ ' iii A g* ,_ -. "

Word was passed on to those in charge of the 3’?» ' , '3 “is“:{vtn ., - . :_ij
sick room and plans were made to administer the in , ‘ " 3333i»? ' ’.‘“
oath of office at once. It was a solemn scene, the . . ‘ 3 \“fi, ', I ,
swearing in of the new Governor. Goebel was sup— 3L 3’ , 32¢? " ‘.;: __ 3, " -.
ported by faithful arms as Chief justice. James H. “,er one.) 1.2% t 3:, 3
Hazelrigg administered the oath of office. hi” *3 .' .

Then, as if aided by an unseen force and realizing the rk to, -' '
new responsibility to his people, Governor Goebel rallied. 9" "3 g 3
By 10 o’clock he had dictated a proclamation, his first offi— , . . 3

, cial act being to declare the insurrection at an end and 3‘ '
order the troops to lay down their arms. President McKinley, who refused to interfere in the

After this was done he seemed relieved and slept through- P°1itical contest for the governorshinof Kentucky, when
out the remainder of the night. Morning brought renewed appealed t° by members °fh19 0w“ party
hope for the recovery of the new Governor. seething with resentment at the blot on Kentucky’s name,

“Doctor,” he said, ”what is my condition today?” and demanding the capture of the assassins. .

“I think you are better, Governor,” the physician replied Although Harlan Whitaker, still held in jail, may have
with a smile. had some knowledge of the crime, few, if any, believed that

“I thought so,” he answered, ”I believe I am going to he was actually guilty of the murder. For it will be re—
get well.” called that he was carrying pistols, while the bullet which
-Throughout the day he dictated orders directing the pierced Goebel’s chest was fired from a high-powered rifle.
carrying out of the policies for which he stood. But as the One hundred thousand dollars, was appropriated by the
afternoon began to wane, he weakened. Shortly after 6 General Assembly to be used in the capture and conviction
o’clock, he opened his eyes, spoke a few farewell words- and of the assassin or assassins.
sank into a stupor which ended with his death at 6:45 Who fired the shot that killed William Goebel? That
on the evening of February 3rd. question was on the tongues of thousands.

In less than one hour, Lieutenant Governor Beckham, There were hundreds who knew the bullets were fired
cultured young aristocrat and brilliant lawyer, took the oath from the windows of the Executive Building, but in the
as Governor. Only thirty years old, he was the 'youngest pandemonium which followed, there was not a single person

\ man in the country ever to hold such an office. who could point definitely to the particular window from

Like his leader, the young Governor’s first official act which they came. in excitement, clues are easily destroyed.

 The Murder of Kentucky’s Governor 15

The task of unraveling the myster fell to the lot of 31,,.,....-,.,.4.;,;,,.;,-,.,<3,._.~,..-:mr,,:.;,~,,;.,.;_;.,,,rflir.rm.-;.,.,.r,-,,.;,,,,_:... 3.5%,, .,‘ ”9.5.x“. ,...,‘.M...,_.,.¥$...,g
Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Frai/nklin and his aides. eggyzfiafigfifl‘wfif
N 0 group of men ever faced a more difficult task. Feeling {26’3" " 9;“
was at a high pitch and the majority of those who really ”Xvi >3 4 i i i” fiver’fjtg? .
knew anything, were afraid to talk. Therefore, anonymous ‘VX) 5,,_g_._ngjggrtifsiifiifried-hirer;-"5:293. ta€%~“%”:;ie
letters, rumors and ugly insinuations were practically all i3;Mf’:"ii"‘:’s:I’iff’ffi'p “”’»,r',,.,t’1.§atra“i;’:,
they had at their command on which to base an investiga- *” ,_ ,_ » , 5"; Waxy?”
tion. Taylor, who never left the building, ate and slept in «a “ £55, ‘ ‘5} . ' i , tir/fi"
his private ofiice. - c f "if 4 . i = - W ' ytsfi‘llzi’rfif?
[T will be noted here that the Executive Building housed. f,

among others, the private offices of the Governor, Lieu— “, fexgu'}.
tenant Governor and the Secretary of State, while the As; a}, a’g, 33%;;
sembl y Building, sometimes referred to as the State—house, ,fr: °
held the Legislative halls, the House of Representatives $313}, ,§§\
and the Senate Chamber. The two buildings ad joined, with aé’rfifa‘ewflgéghe _ rise
a walk dividing than The grounds which surrounded them “fit?
were referred to as the Capitol grounds :ttgrg area“?

Civil authorities and citizens were free to enter the Assem—' f Hfifi‘f/gfiffiifl?»
bly Building but it was the Executive Mansion——from which i,>x>~>fit:$ré '
the shots were fired—which ”OOPS, under Taylor’s cem- ‘er. .. “a.“
mand, surrounded. This, of course, greatly hampered the , $fi§§t f". fireflrr
progress of the investigation. ‘9‘i§%\h¥wfi ”2%

Facing such con- Qkavgegiifit "fags
dilions. Prosecutor Warrattmtt ”refit" '

m t , " ‘
_ f“ tar"; a
" , r . r. ,
.r . “Met? .
at .. .y 7,; E’”‘] ‘ Henry vS'r'ou‘c‘sey, a dramatic figure 1n the Goebel

rt ' :::-j tetatmttm- Ht Wt of the cent It We 0f

1}, ; _ ,. q 1,1,31,15,53,};..,“.,.‘ ‘, the most startling ever told in court

5*? -

gt "waffle -f.:’fj’f¥r;_, r ,g j. A letter written to a Judge of the Court of

g; ’ ”t" ' Appeals and placed in the hands of the Prosecu-

'53,; s _ tor, follows in part: . .
it ‘

t? ,’i’a Middlesboro, KentUcky, january 24, 1900.

“‘3, . , ‘ :’ Dear Judge: ‘

a, _ ,t A company of militia organized in the last few

. ' , rt dare will leav tonight for Frankfort - - - l have

, gt" never thought anything was meant but bluff, but
”a, ' ,5?" from the threats and stir in their ranks it looks like
' , .__ ,.‘ they might be planning some desperate move.
:2' ,t It was told to me at the writing of this letter. that
”the; ,;,f.}'.;{’;f:{s-”' f, either Goebel, Hazelrigg or Hobson would be killed be—
“fitng , V , fore the week was over. From what I have heard, I feel
,fr " A ._