xt77wm13ng0p_82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Newspaper Clippings, 1900-1908 text Newspaper Clippings, 1900-1908 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_8/Folder_3/12404.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_82 xt77wm13ng0p .2 4: ::,:.2 e2"'.52§in???3ft ‘gi h. “3:: 3.3;: “I t’ .25 2.2,‘l‘ 'ti'ce', hegwanted. a-candidate whowagreed [gr-3' ::2' . 5_ f‘,¥::’~x;§,;i::::iiiszgrurgj'. 2.1.2 .';,_;7‘2sj:,:.:227._£
_ ' " , x A 2F 1 :5:; f‘=’:”"~i£"‘5:} i If. 2 -. Ti: "With'him'qni‘th'enionéyjduesnon‘.;{when alt.-was;emgieet:that.the:Demented.
: e " ‘ IiYASi‘ie’S-lxed‘iwhomIwouldappomton it??? HouseweredmdedInto/{two
‘ . ». 2 r .2 the-‘2'committe‘eszviiansw‘e‘r‘e‘duthzir under amen forearm:elem-12m:
$1 j -~ " ' ‘,n‘...’v nostatef‘df the 'C_aSé.:W01'11d2__I flicker about r, 4111,9132 the-:3 0:23.19? -;1.n-;:.favor 29?;“37-19111819:
l j . ' ' _' j‘ , t""‘T“‘“‘“*3-E§“ . .the'- matter," ‘an‘cl‘that. it" would? ‘be§'tin1e wSténdafifl,”29fj :235%11311922‘2,2:32:1Natulféllly, 735.29?
Si" .‘ 7_ n : "enough for :.meyto'ennounce ':niy.‘ selec- 081.4%?"_2;IDY“1T1Q1111&.UQRS.Wgelfe tQ‘ji.‘f,3711'_,111
Ia Metal-“Not "FEBQQSI'JyflivbjirMfln “IUH' tions“whenIfhad been= givenapowento Wimwthe~1n339r21tyf2,1:_1'mf1{£99 ’2S9u.t}}"'?1nd.
{.,2 1".-2:'-,'v£2‘{\‘22'2': _:;'-“=:2‘:';:/. ‘ i- do. so; IFdo not nowremember to have 'V‘/29.5%"':bllte;’sle,§el.‘2s2'5¥52Zd111g811139'af‘SLIUSin‘Qfi?
',,,), . ‘.. ::;;‘.::.. . . ._ :_. . L : . '. ,‘ I‘ [‘2 . “:_:‘ z 7:1. . 2 ._. : . .S’ .2. 2 .:. .. ”13.27;.
2 ' 2:: ,..; ; tIlTheyBegantoPlayFor ‘ inane but one exception: Senator Black— ..theVmaittel [as ,I'. 99U1d.2g£Ye2:1E2 .1111 the
('3‘ if .4: ‘ 3 :3':"’v'§i‘;:"2:j"~j;’2."‘.'-f? ’ huh- , 1"?“ :'./burn :was urged upon me as the choice 5.11999 time.2Inhad, 2312;].“99119U1999 y-y‘YlthQ
‘.7 ~ -_ 2 : '.L: g "f thefiqvefnorslp. ‘:r . . .’fofz’the extreme free Silver men for a place 9593301? ('1v110..has2 911,993? [€999.11 .mv
i 5-2-_~ i_ m9 2,2 “ ‘ .3? . 2 ‘: on the"2Comniittee:'oinfRe'somtions, and P30113t19a12-Su1d?) that..1t.swa§e. 9991.9}9'1317:
2:. ‘ - .:.-2 iW-2:222252 - 'jUSt'lJefore theVO‘te was taken. between scelgeeet10.na we. the?2wettest?41;:
'I‘ '.- q " =12“ '2 JUDGE BECKNER ' Capt. :'Stone'and myself“, a"'2very“frank', 1ti0i}$3211.1‘1‘thifig2m0del‘n2‘2W91f1Fk:;;W.‘I,ll3:.v-
- 5:80,::3,:.2SAYS;;2-:22' . . .. .- ‘maniy-“eez‘inéinan "from Western Ken- 'asi‘mit 0f.t._W0. Standards“ofvzwlue;and:
‘ ,2 . . 2 .. 1.. ._-,.,l'_.,. -, 2 _ .:. 2 ‘,. ',.=‘.-‘?¢L'a'..~'. - 3,., . : . ‘ . . 3 : ‘ , .;' . , , . , .I .' . ‘.‘.
" . ¢ 2 Ft“. ‘22 / ‘ . ————= “'.’ ’ “\ tucky,‘for whom»I.‘haive 'ali‘vays enter- VQ-tedflQCQ'rqmgly“ .Cent:Sweetie-..1:
; . :- '3 :.g 7g; '. f .52 '_ : 3 tninedfeel'ingsof warnigregard, came‘to Voted,together;.andil:supposed: to‘l‘fffl'hfi
’: . > m .. _."iReprinted..‘2b):-..Requ'eSt-‘l . ’ me and askedme directly Whether crjnot 289:9,90‘711213059 He may then half???
I .- V 4'1" 5...; 1,:Wlfiché’slfe‘it: Ky May: 17; ~- 2 I‘wouitY’giv'e' Capt; Bl'ock'burnJT-the :ap- . "9999'” tori, butI amissure I’dld
' - ' 2 ' 9'! 2' ".:.:rv 22:2; W'_ ’:rs; 2’ - ‘ - 2, 2‘ , 2' ran-w : ,: » _ : not suspect 1t. . I-;2Ileve1f"VO'CE(1""tO-2,g1ye{
3 3 y.“ -Dl tc‘W \ :, pomtment. i‘leatma him with the can ._ _ . .._.....
2 . , .' . .‘::;'.I_?0. thez-‘qulsF. 1e '~§PKa-2.;j22‘1‘i£" ':;'.'2‘2:_i,‘222‘ - 2," ' (101‘; that-T“ 'would'.'haveg'e‘xijected [from] ; a. bill its third readlIlngn1:0:lijI§-'_tg."ég§£;
; ‘ . .1 hare:beené‘eWeYifr931131,"131912¥9-'SCY9?31 :hhn,“"and to preventcomplaint of bad ‘9' Chance to km W at'a"“21%tel"t"D§-,I‘ll.@‘f)
1 ~ ~ : Fl“. _i'weeks;"andi-havepa'id but,littlejattention faith'afterward, _.1 told him"! would not. melnterv~stagei2 nortdidl-Ifirntéhffia 216907
:“‘.~2.~--:.2. 2- _ i ' :5" 3T .H : . :9" 3 r :‘.; ,2‘. '. ;4 ‘ . :' ' - : 5 .' i ‘ -' ‘,- iv ., ..‘ ree
. :2 ._., :2: . . ,_. , ~ .22non11 ations for I did not care at- all about his beinCr a 0,“ 19913132931 10.1.1 2,0 ‘. 1.3 ~29 9
t 33:, »-:t92‘-2t:1-2le-Cr212;1'.“§9,quc901“ file" 9.: : 2 : 2. 2, . 2 ..'.' 5’ Silver leaders in the House WhenaCapt.
t. 2 , Mr ,,.W 3 ffi “ 8‘ return :my 'itten- f1 ee silver man, and L01 and}. I. had no . .: 2 : _3 . . _2 3 _ :. _
1 - V I “22.1277 SEW-Q 2995'3".,2mce2 my = . ."’ " ‘ 2 2 feeling or her-sons] liuatilitv to the Sen~ Stonejand' 1' StOOd 2shoul<1¢1¢t025110:111-
I; *2"? ‘ ' " V ‘ 3237110933135 been 9.3116(1- t.° theft’plto‘vi’lngfix- ator. He had run before the meeting" of (191': f0? any T935011 save that. I'flid U'Ot?
. <§7ff . ' ' Liiftiflr‘fegot.:-f:1‘-(;milonejof the; speeches of the his district [216}ng395311012 fl place on the conscientiouslvbelieve?'2in‘:2.:tl1.ei_1_". Doll'cY.
iii-.3223; ,3" ‘HHgn:WUIg§§qpefliwh° 1.3-,E'5il1faSPtI'am.f9? err-moi eonimitteewa‘n: bleen beaten by ,5; I 8: pgfiijg’inthfigitugley ‘2gznxgg‘iii
.7 ~ 2 ' 2 11322:: " ', . SOLIl'il nioney7m'21n‘.‘i’"'s_ :WLIS euposed to : ‘2 ' .‘_ ,. 2*. . *2»
2 4 " 52 - .I 2 " 2 " 2 1y?wfifrf’v(€€zgl5113123mifi§1§1%lfgflillislmtllxljfi the. 16'1to .1 propaganda; and W'as'anaxious know. M1“.‘.’I,;13d1t.o:r:3~ 91“ 'I." have 't."11‘:29”.
(:2:- l I: ‘ i if}; Efrlt'jr'p' tlshfii‘lLtirissellleleonthelst to see .theconiIention' stick'to the land» mueh‘interest 1.1212 Duh“? questions-dur-
.9; 71435,}5'7‘i-s3‘fmzf‘2ijj.if ate-3312811} étboii‘e‘iis li'epby‘r’tiedi'lto‘"have market-‘I' could not of amuse consent- to H‘g‘fiPVI)?“ thirtydyears, have as large:
{:'.-1:"; 12:; 2;. 7’71"" 3‘ 9513:6199 - 3:23;" " j .72: w“. 2 ' ' " be instrumental/in placin‘éha gentleman 5m«9199119139WW9“i:*.*““l2eo?2graft?.-, 9.5, any
..;";iv " ‘ -2 _. g g : - .2 2 -. 2 2..”.‘2 j: ‘ '2' g , 5,22. . “m" - I . ; x {1'33}; ~.' ._'- .
'“ ,5: ' '- ‘.‘11‘ “Do you remember the convention in ’ Who was the 19299.91,“ F119 0990911123 V1€WS Emil CltiZ81,V.I:§Il:chpS‘, ‘ “thventtne?
{.‘~:’:3,“ 2. '. ”95 to nominate. candidates for Gov; lywherel he" wOuld‘ be s’o-influe'ntlal in .0 eep up W1 every 121,10 eme Q ‘
1‘9" I' '2' I 35:9!" etnor 'and‘other State offices’I It was as: thwartinga program Whiéh I'fre'garde'd as 358119131 interest,- and certainly may
:22: : : .- 3 _ .' :., . b] d ‘ I ii: "lie When the dele— of such vital moment'to-theparty. " “1‘“th b9 somewhatsinmrmed.es 9°
'32, f : ~: SZflS'efrolrgtlgisl Sgoon.“ eot‘T-therp they I selected the inenuthm I abpolnted the .ViPWS. and . llistOI'YH'initS leading
‘9? 9‘ ‘ ‘- i I “fgonnd: in that comertio‘ic Gard; Will I 0n the Committee on Resolutions with: politicians, and 9 yet it'-5'01t-her Capt.
‘ H‘Harrlin' W112” am he‘d”; He had'Tuflge out consulting anybody. One of these . Stone or SSW-01‘,Goeb01*-‘72’?"0 :_free .S’I"
\" I 9 W 131 l l' of (Winche‘ter ‘who the; was was Jildgé" William Lindsay; 1who2 had V8" men before they: 1:)9577-132'“ to ““111?
_2 ‘l 4 ‘ ec {_nei ' r' 1d at “’d 9‘ d man. made little more than ELY-(331' before been elect; of making the ”1999119199950? GOVCT‘
'- - ‘ 2332:3325 : .0 s 2.2.: I .:. - , ‘ 2
1 9 ' ’ "id‘reLBecl'ner had the apholbt'ment of Tunaninioiis vote'ot'the.D'e-n'tocrL-itichie-m: When the_ Legislatureot 1899 met
‘2 I I 2 I M D / 1" ‘ “L711: tt ‘l'd h (15 on reso- hers Ofiltl‘ie Legislature of; Koifidékv‘ ir- and ' there was 9‘. Democratic caucus
432' ‘ ilrliltigoirsl‘gmioelfng,‘Itiied‘gJohen"D Clardy CIUdnig-Hon. ~.Williani Goebel. their" the to nominate .a’ candidate. for Senator,
' - Elli 1' ll‘R'A h 1.315011 and Urer lNoodron State Senator from Kenton; The other Nit-Goebel dld not'preier'Hon. J- 0'
99‘3\W~“W ' 51 MM 11039 L131 l'b : t) tl rrdnt ‘Was Hon. 3. D. clam who had the tan s.,B1ackbin:n, Who "2‘V-‘1522:ab°Ve' - a“
: ‘ named to {121-115;- ale; 11mm of tllf- town 2 before been elected‘to'véongress whowas men in the State, recognized as the
'- :I‘hey tol0k tVl' 131?} 111(39de he 'l‘hen ‘ then as. sircerelv' in "favor‘of free s‘lver leader in the 16 to '1 nio'vcment.‘ After.
> - ' ' 5 ' ' ‘ ‘ ~.‘ A -. 1 ' . » . .
i. - Of Fran {f0} "19C“ S an an ' n11: ' 25. n n t“ 3131(1) 11' - m -. Joe was nominated Capt. Stone was;
2, ‘ What happened? He brought out a plat- 2% be 3 W 510 um lmaeli, and wnom V . 3 3 2. 2 . ,
f ' ' t‘ t 7 thin indorsln Mr I knew to be as honest a man and a3 bull voted $01 by those who W616 SOT
‘ ‘ SJl1m 11nd 9’21 com en. g ' true a DemOCrat as the-State contained strenuously and fanatically for a gold
TV I ‘ cfve Etmd t ' t t 9 :e for who- Of course I selected Judge’Lindsay be: standard. that they were willing ‘50
, ‘ . 111, en '3. ‘0 e, 0t COWS" . l ._ 2 I th 1i ,2 .2 .2 .“ . bolt the action of their party. if lie
ever is nomiratcd by the DGHIOCl‘atLC:CaL1*«9 011:; 1L he would beqpotent in : _ ,
T . n ention in ‘lune and ‘qm quite Well! securing the adoption of'such"'a platform ever ”0&5th 01' objected It was “Ct
;: ' _ CO V _ t th 'h( f t‘l ' (1.11 te~1 27's 21 preferred I appoir‘ted Dr Clard I done loud enough tocome to my ears.
7’ '1 ' ~ :‘ciquain‘ednnli tt 289%: thee ::Enilt: 13;. because I thought that in a cohwrvtiovsii At the same time I was getting “D 139‘
'; ‘ ' my?” a )e: c1 ‘ y ” . ’ - . q .f . - . ' 2 ' ,2 , .‘ titions and calling meetings and writ—
: from what their opponents are saying: 001111302490 0 blethl‘m dlffelmg about a _ 2 . .
:2 ' .‘ , . 3 3 : quedion of 31;“, i‘ v H b . . : ing letters to induce our State Senator,
. ' = - about them. l‘nere me one 01 tWO 61‘: . ““ 'p ‘ “’ L ‘ O” L 6 mm to 1 r k' l" t f th tr
. ' rs however in the above ex’treict from ‘ give bOth Slde-‘v 11011635 I'BDI'CFC'hi'ii‘ion l Wm 9‘ as 10 \mg on ~O e par 3
2. ' . ro *’ , ’ . . ‘ .2 . 1 . have never drawn a “lynx/£5”; ..~. 'n traces, to support Capt. Blackburn,
'5 . g Capt. Stones: 5311080111.:EW11101‘A 1‘.“ at 118 fml 1 ..0 the 'fi‘nincial'issue in ,1; 1 0129?? 6110. l who had fairly and squarely received
'. - ' ‘ ‘ A: l V ‘ c -' ~ : m A. . . : - :
‘ 2 . ‘." . ' terest Of-Jmme am an ”a m” ee l 111: - f . ,2 ' 211:. 7’ pp : 11° 0.” thenomination. Capt. Stone made an~
* " . .u 2’ it to be my duty to try to correct. Gen. ( ”We .01. office .‘Vlwhfl the party With- . 2 v 2 .3: , , 2
2 ..._; . _ . 1. 3 t 1 3 l t» ,_ [out conceding to leverv'otheiVDov 3 t other mistake in his iepoxted speech
‘ “N‘, ‘- Hardin .( ”1 no pavcme mar e 81.7””? l 41 .73 . .. '2 2 . , ‘ “.10“ at Russellville when he stated that;
l ' >_ ' . ary Chairman 01' the State convention in tiedsame Infill; t0 111530131111011 that I haVe, “Judge Beckner had the-appointment
‘ ‘ .3-.. 2:. 2 . ‘. “2 -_ an nee )e:iv . “ 2 . ‘ . ., ‘
.. . 3 <1: 2. 1895. I Wis ICIQUL..[EU to LOIDC to Drank ,.. Y..? , .e 111g him L0 be any. less ‘Of all the committees at the conven-
: fort theevenine‘ before the convention fitted for public place because hen-differ- . 2: 2 2 .- .
, E: , . . . ’ " C " 1‘2 ‘ 2 " "" z 4 . tion 111 1895, and it IS qmtc a blunder
2 b [-lon I (1 Norm'n one Of the ablpst ed With me. Neither have I- eVer denied 2
*1 y: ' ' " " - “ ’ ‘. t : 2' - 2; ‘ -, g for a gentleman who has been so much
.0 . and safest leaders that the Democratic,11113;1 OWaneWS 1101 111‘ any way tried to m politics pvprybmy ought to know!
: '_‘ . ‘1‘ '2‘“ . . I": ‘.‘:1 : 7 ‘ r.: - - :‘i - I :,. ,J .2 . .
E .2 p.11 ty m 1Kentucky ha.) had 0: latitifiitllo. to geiinghrecolrdf: Egret; I entered Con, that the temporary chairman on such=
- Z J , ::He asked me to become alcandioale for glebs in e 1:21w o 34,1 EQllnd't'hatlhe; an occasion is accorded the' privilege
" D: I’ i the, temporary Chairmanship. I told 1“?“ 9 V ‘ ‘1’ “ " ' of nomimr two men'ilt-‘crs of each 00-111-
. g ”2' I was the personal 9'19““. 9f Gen' Hardin mittee and no more. (so far as I am-
. 2 . i and :wnnltl.‘ not do anything that could concerned, I do not care whether our
2 , I prejudice his urtercsts. Mag. horinxn candid-rte for Governor is for or
' ’ . ' - ‘ \‘y'i \')‘\ '1‘ ' .2:.' j :V A. .. ( A" . I . ,
0 Sim] th‘? t9“? M81: 019.91 319:1 :bellyues against tree s1lver. As i. see it, there
2 (7911' H‘lIdm ““"’“.‘w m U 90‘,“ 671‘? are other issues of far greater impor-
3 tion, and that he. CUUld not ob;;:,ct to me. tzmce in the" State races. » I much pre—
(f) 2‘ amt had 3:211:91:in been his friend. adding" lf'w howpvmy to vote for 01.9 whorn l
' -‘-‘3- - e25-2-2?;;r““ ing-“,2 ' ” ’. ’ ' -' .‘ .'. . ‘ . . ' '
' “15.21“"7” "fl :' ~2:' ”5.3351.‘“”"1712 " ‘ .' ‘ , ! believe to be: sincere 1211 his conv1ctions
2. “my opposed to l-..nrr!m ‘.’.Oiiid "2:: elected tumor-.6: “523,333”: iag- -. :_ § Rpm!“
”y UN 5'0”“! money “w“ and "ms give past and tall into 21 current which he
i , : .. hm) ” MICK C‘m' 2 .. I has heretofore ‘DI‘QECSS-ed? ” -;t9.2‘b9.1..i97’9{
$2: . : \vais’V'runnin’g2:toifld‘estructigngg 5 ' '1
3' Respectfully,
- . : t .- W -M.‘.~BE.CKNEPJ2 r
:7 i't: ' . L—2 2" H

KENT 10K %"l‘.say:::l ' ‘1: SECOND, DISTRICT. ,
‘..-.3 xi." r’-“‘\a '. I-‘ ——~—-— 7 . - I .
a “ltkyzlltlfifir ‘E’ c. .Vafi'éé,.;‘oh‘m’fi. . .3......va Ky. i. , ___
An ;~ 23". .‘.-:3 AN~* = ' team‘sqym ooUNTY.fi":-“r”" ' 4 ' g . ,
h“ l E:PU. [(15621 )3sz;¥§f"AIrIA11de1~on, Chin-‘I'Iopli1333711119; Ey :‘.: , :'...',-.f-.s.'.:. ' FIFTHDISTBICT
3‘3’rfi“‘3‘"":";‘?7"'?""--":3‘;'?'A}.:iiz . las .:TSec;-Le:..;i.-.. .:.. .H'Q' kinsyi .e. , I j ‘ - ‘- -- ». ‘ - - ‘ r
: 1" it 3.: "A :'..” ‘ :.i: ’1 1‘3“qu ' .S- D-Aiymss COUIEJIESYV a.~y ..R;L- Gwathglgsfié€ghfigéfic§3§gluaKY-
331‘:..»?:i;.:{.’.-flI. . 3“?- . '.i: 3 . l {Fi'A-Vanflénseuaerx011-‘QW‘QASDQI‘WKY: {i-A‘i'f'mviiEESm’n‘ ~' Louasv'me. Ky.
”my 3r)”. '13- Mi 3‘fi‘jfififi5fi'553.3%??? 9' .5? J anew-s; Ngymy,"-eg;c;m :1-; KY:
”$th 2._H.e.vém;“cnmxn. -'Hewes.yilléé Ky-E ; . , 5‘”: . - A .'.-r 3 '
‘.J~iEollbiW2121igi2:1s.?fit',1iéf‘5ffli§§13.13licantori-1.35315!“l"Wm;s..-St‘e..ri'i;'tt. Sec- . . .Hawssvine. KY-é u "SIX! H'DJSTWCT-v ‘
3’4$19.11”?fidi‘.§f§t1.1{8i5:.S.t§$t¢:§l.§fi'TL—3.KGRWCIFYIEWS ‘ - .. .l' HENDERSON COUNTS?- éz" ij ": i ,- 5 _‘L'f-flf’N 5 ort K
-.s:r+q;~.v‘nsiizhxzAAA-1990'msrerymg Stateéfelzl 1w:Tweeter;cumin....Hendersem KW. (1w. Wham 911mni¢T§Wf 1 y'
Alfalfflommit‘teee???Athere'ifm'eyihwe .1)%§ejn ~N..S. Roar,k.,'Se,c........:Hend@1‘.so:n, KY-E ' ’ " BOONflh‘CpU ”Lb '0' K '
'.17;'8.:Cent"Chitfigefii-ffihéfltémp1,119?"Qppeal‘}7-I~lp I’ ,5.....-"-.5HOPKINS-COUNTY- 9 35‘. ,1 ‘1‘-~»B- Mathews, thn [n.14.P,e_ter:'_ Ltlrm 14y”
f’tliis".‘v‘lgiet'lifizor,“Athezéfls‘ITfiaYJ::béti'.aritmzfigs‘ésof J. B. Haney,»Chmfn...Mzttlisonyllle, Ky. IWm. Metcme,,s.ec. .;. - - - . . WY“ on, xy.
3‘81)?1lgi1.128.2%.0.rialn'r-iposbqffijqeiaddressesriailm. [E‘.-5L. Hendripks'..SSO--M€1!'113.O.QV1116} KY..- CAMPBELLPOUN“ - t K-
'fllhé.-L’eaqéggy-.n‘Yap-pi?gia-tfi‘icpl‘l‘fic“@1373 I, » ZI‘M’LEAN COUNTY. ,. ; 1 .A F .Lreber1tn,.‘Ch.m n. . . .Newpor , Ky.
-‘fro-inftiriiéfjfiolfltime}:54:33.3???"b‘ij?-E:,‘.7j"«'»'i"7.'i""_'-I{ .‘ 'IG. W. Adams, Chm’n. .,k -..I-11_.1mse_y,- Ky. R, P Enghsn, 590“ - - . - ' - - 'Bguvue’ y..
9":.It::"‘i,sf;-f=i'r’l‘tfiefide‘dég;to{figmekes‘kthi_.s'j-;.»lisxii-a': :E. BpMol'fiwen, SOC......Saoramento, Ky. . . _.CARROLL COUNTY . K
c‘pny‘ewent-.;.ggiqé‘.-:95:‘t_1.i;§;;_~;fi:p'ayr§ty~§$:ppgéi‘m- ‘I' . ..CNJON COUNTY . .. . . , ..A'. H. Jett, Chm‘n......_.Ca11.gllti)1n, Ky.
.‘.??llipflffQF:.-§a115?..3¥h0E.'IIEEWZF-IHQYQ 3.060%.1911 53W. L. llzrrtllgg. ,(Qflltnfn. .Uniontown, Ky. .l.‘ S. Harlow, Sec. . . . . . .Wort Vl e, y.
Ltqy‘qgmmumcateWith‘theRepublcanlj‘ W. .T hom 39.0).1, '.SQC- . .Unlohi.o-\an, 35y. " - GALLATIN .COUN-$¥.L I"
:éxtésiezie'lfiifie-iéithgeZ-L;menAfleéséialeclizAlistrio:s:' :. ' . WEBSTER com-w. . . w -T1103~H4K51‘by’ Chm 11' ' ' '-V i“.°“?"’ I???
l5aiIldfitQ¢ilil¢A§end="V‘Yé.’£.d.é§412§3t0.:i?1?-1.?39Fit" C. H. Towery; Cinnzr... , . .j. . ..osmi; Ky. y’l‘llos.'.H."-_l.<1rby, Sec. -----Y;WAISHW3 w
, tidiéfie}¢§i1§,aie£'i.$§hfclicfipjr.§g?ii.;§gt.eaa.sIpyéfiblee im-vm Brownmggeéc. . .Dlno’zi‘, gay. 3 ' CHANT NCQUI} l‘Y. t - K
tile-dd:‘.eSSFfzi-ietiéetegtiexie-‘éawWe}:-.~‘!"»"f~:‘-%9.b' . , .——..—.‘—— ' x {CrVau‘mdm-gha-m’ (”h'wfiwstowfi’1~——~—~ “1'7
JOSi-‘P; Thomas, ' 8.9.2,}..1 '. .,. Hartford, Ky;
g"G.“H.,3G0wtly,"Chxnjfnj."Campbelleyi_lle,“Ky. »
)1")ch2513,.'l'1_\lur13alg,‘.Seo.. . .j’.1.Elk- HOr-n‘,'f.1§y;. ‘ .
1. , ‘.. "WASHINGTON; COUNTY. . x 5 '
, .T‘, _.T.';'Millé1",'3 Chm’n. '. . . .Willi‘sburg,rKy.
I'Wm. Q. Reed,» Sec. . . . . . .’Springfielgl, Ky.
' . " I). .

 .‘,‘,‘;f€.,III“fIII“\I_TI“I“BII'STRICIQ:_._-.5" ‘ -. -
”44.;933$33347323514555Ky I ... ELEVENTH DISTRICT; , ., .4. . , . .. . .
“3 ‘1 “." » )‘41 ' ‘ ' . w" .1.. “. .; '_ “5 ““'.-"‘.;. ‘~‘.“ . .“m‘ . . . . ' ' .. ‘ I I
IfQ-EgByJon.0.11an.:-.‘T.QWJ.I}g§y.il.1,e. ‘.KX-I R? D; $1111.]Chm’n'a-W.i11ia-‘nisbur‘g,“KY. IREP”BIA-84““?I CONVENTION
I..I???"NrWilnams, Secs;..‘.'-.15‘Y9.1‘,geh'i_11; 'KYN J“ 4“ g JADA‘I‘R COUNTY». ..:.~~ I - y "2 “‘fl— " j '
I ; ~.BOY,D:«Q.QI.INT w: .g ..'. ..tapp,;Chm’n .'.='..é'.,Columbia,‘K . ' ..' ‘ ~. . ' “' - '.‘
I'W. B.“Seatoil,«ChIn’nl ..;“...AShlangl, Kin W. ‘L. Taylor; Sec. . . . .Columbia‘, K“): 944191591 SSE“? 166“?“ Ijbggthb ifpum“ I
L-.R-‘Bmmmi-.590--:.--‘----»A5-I1III‘.IIFIL4(le . I, , BII'IELIL'COUNTYI 3 ' II 9414144 3 911 N 95447441446 .
I g . BRACKEN 'CQUNTY. - . . J.G. Fitzpatrick, C11111’11.M1’dfllesb3ro, Ky. -.: _..: _‘ .Of'KentuckY'f* .
[Alex 'A. Yel‘ton, Chin’n.'.’.thnsvilIe,‘=Ky. I-Geo. W.‘.'Aibre'chl,Séc‘.;.'.‘PinéI/11‘1e’, Ky’; I I 1 *—-—~ . . ' ‘ '
IEd Damn, Sea... .....Brooksy'nl'e,‘ Ky. ; '4 ' -' CASEY COUNTY. ': ,- . .. .. - Aha meetiflg Of.
i5 5. .‘.IGARTER-CQUNT:Y._ .: _ ‘ ;J. n OwengCIhjm’nx..........-.l'..iberty, Ky. ‘ICSLI'I'ITEI“C?"Im’nitteé"49f":I<:§Ii,t.u.CI<3§ {58141
I?“ 1;VLCastleII Chm’n‘. ;‘. . . .Grayson', Ky. I IW. T.- Gainer. Sec. . . ._.. .Humbhfey, 'Ky. I311; rm: L‘quig."411é§éfiitelg' “n“cfoulgvéI“ftI
.. i. .. . lttlejo. n, Sec. . . . . . .Gi‘afy'son;"Ky.I I ‘ “ ';"' CLA'Y COUNTY"; ‘I ’ _‘ ‘ .. .Y'- IDfi' .':?" 322:1.“WaSI'QT .93? ' 1‘ , “3.
I - FLEMING COUNTY. 1 ' I .Ja'si IEvcrsolefChni’n'. ‘. .Manh‘ester, Ky. IThe”_1R313L1b1IC%11,..:SM-te«:QQHYBQISIOID-i-be;
I'W. C. Harrison; Ch,m.Flemin.gsburgKy; .;JwW.‘ ‘I/erjghtxsecx. . . . .Manch'est'er, Ky. ’h'eIFIIH 4.119 City '94 P92419234941’99‘4449i
John s; Cox. Soc. . . .Fiémingsbuyg; Ky! . . CLINTON! COUNTY. ~ i ' ' Ilzth- day“ 94"JuIYPI-899r 744:? 9415993494
I GIREEN‘UP COCNTK: I _.M: L.‘Jai‘yis, 011mm. ”..I....Albzmy, Ky. ;HIVVIPIT'IhC' WTPQSB 04119111194133??-
J.‘ P. .ll-ennett,”0".iinfn. .1:; . . .‘Greenn'p, Ky; M. D. Jarvis. Sec. . . . .y. . .Albany, Ky. IIII-I.I’Imamtan(Imam? £04“ ItheanollqwmgI
l}. O. Megers, Sec. .......G1'een1‘1p, Ky. .T ‘Q. ' I‘HARLAN'ICOUN-TY. “I. I . “. IQIImeC: IQIIGUXQtfiIIBEI’fII 4419 NOVQIIIIVHI'I
. TARRISQN COUNTY. . _.». w..IBfl118y,.ChmIH-.‘...:...jHfiLl‘lall, Ky. 52609915." 8.:72. 3.9 “I " ., .7 - .
Geo. M. Dickey} Chm’njcynthianay Ky. (Wade Sliiflmoi'e,rSc-c. . . ..."..‘Hai‘lan, Ky. “~4I‘Qlyfllinfag- “ ‘ . ‘- .
IR. H. Conway, Sec, .....‘Cynthia‘nzi; .Ky. Am" . -'.;_.I..4.CK...‘ ' ' Gm“ W" ' ‘ ' ' . IJIEIIIBI'IiI-I‘J‘I. Govenor. " ‘
'5 I "LAWRENCE (jQ'UI'xITy‘;j "I WE. Il:l:1yes,'C1nn’n........l\'1'cKee, Ky. I I Secretary (“if"State.‘ .
.R- S. BIIIIIDS’ QIlmjn. _, Lv-OIIISH; Ky. JackSon Morris. Sec. .Moore’SCreek, Ky. I I Attorney General. . I. ‘
M- '85 Burns. Sec.‘1.'.'...... _ .L‘OLIISEL} Ky. ‘ KNOX IOOUNTY. I : Auditor OJ“; Rublic Accounts. I
LEwIs. COUNTY... .. T.v J. I‘.?lfynlt, .Chni'n. .Bai‘lqoursville, Ky! Treasurer. “ “ , '“ . I
I'B. C. Willim, Chm'n'.‘.' $.3Yalley, Ky'I E.,_C. Burnett“, SIec. . . . .Knox lt‘oi'lgIIKy. Supeij‘lntenclenhof Pulblic InstructionI
..W. T. Wnnm, Sec......‘Va.né.ebu1‘g;Ky, ' LAUREL’ COUN’l-‘Y. 9 Commissioner yof‘vAsriiculture’ WW
-' " . H .. . J'. 'M. .Boi'eing'," Chin’n.-1'-‘.-=.«'.~'.Lon'don, Ky;i and» Statistics.- , .“ .3 ': 4 I
‘“ ‘ . I ““é‘ C- P. Baugh. Sec....;....‘... .'L'ondo'n, KYLI IT-‘he 'basis .of rcprescntation for ‘saidl
Clil'enée MIEfilge/g“ gggNgg ~v'11e~ K . . . ,.LESLIE COUNTY ' cony'cntiorl‘shai‘i bei-.0I11"e;,‘-5vvot.§j for every“
S“i'n' Twaflgk 5; ““8“ 'HM yjl . I . ..3" Wm. LEWIS."CIIWIIIWIV.V-5,514.34}HXd-enrKY} 100 votes or fractionI;eIt1ualjtq-«50 cast
3 ', “4 man. 9.9".2; . .33°V1119’KY- Manuel Wooton,‘is.ec..';.;‘I...,'.:.*.Hyden,-_Ky.‘ for Jam'es G. Bailey.."2ft*the November
I ‘H‘ B B NICHOCLASCOUNTYI ' “ “ TLET'CHER ‘.CIOUNTY: '“ “ I ' I election, 1897. The-vai‘ions coUntchm-
I III;,1IIIIYIS%n’shmn8314319, Ky; T. A. COOk,’ Chm’n.'. .Whitesbm‘g, Ky. mittees Shall arrange‘for convention 01‘
1 . ' . 3...... n54}; cc. f 'j 3314.419, KY. J; E. Day, See. ‘. . . .. Partridge,- K-y.’ prinmry elections fur the selection of.
Pi “ §3BERFS,ON COUNTY" “ . “ METCALFE .COUNTY.-. - delegate-n Lo attend'Saidccjnve‘nticn. the?
“7713;“ .\7'3 Is,.IIChrn.n... ~ “Mt- OIIVet" Ky}, H. S. VnnIznilt;"IClin1"n'...Eii'mOnIton, Ky. . Kai-:'zncr ol selectingildelegatw to be lei-cg
i' “ *pelfgvgg‘i‘l' “doll?“ QIIVGI" KY-I' WgAglflubzin'lIi', Sec. . . . . .'EdmOnt'on, Ky; Ienlirely to the County committees. T:
“I 'M" Care)?“ ‘CIim’n' ‘ “ ‘1V%“o:“1f‘““h 1 K . IOWSUEY COUNT“?- “ 7 - ' ' ”Undel‘IDB above bEiSiS"Qf~rrepresenta-I
III B-riylnirkf‘Seb ""“1155332-337 13?- HI. H. Moore, Ciun'n,_...Boonevnie,_Ky. tion the, various coun-ties“ win be‘enti-I
I? ' . if"; I " . . . ’ XVI W. B“EI““I§§3““1§“ISI“}““CSUK“I§$““I““11“’ IKy. ““3““ to ‘Phe fol»loWisngjfielegaItIe-I,‘y’jo'te: “20I
' " - " > -" “ 5' A air .5..-...".’.1 '- 5 ’nox
I . . TENT-H DISTRICT, 5‘ ' ‘- _I I. J. \Vu'rd, Clum’n.........Hazard, Ky.I Allen ....-15" .Laiiue...” .....SI
I -‘ 1 5 “IM. . I, _ _ _ I W. H. Crecch; Semi)”..1....Hazard, Ky. Anderson 8 Laurel-;... ...-..14
I I“':I-I'IWPI‘ZII5 931131 1,}.--\.7'~.71I,1€311€St€.1‘, KyI ._I ; PULASKI COUNTY: ' Ballard ...3 Lawrence'......19
. - BREA’lhl-l’l'.COUNTY-‘ ' “ -, W. H. Calran. Uhm’n.-:.Some.1‘set. Ky- Barren .....16 Leslie'.‘:.; .:z‘.. 7I
:I'laspoiiCCIODCé Chm’n. . .'.. .' Jackson, Ky. T. H '.H‘ansfofd, 'Séc. . . .SOinersét,‘ Ky. Bath .‘ . . . . . . .14 Lee :. .' .' .... . . . 8 .'
I - o e...- ec. . . . . . .'.Jack'son,‘ Ky. . . RUSSELL‘COUNTY. " . 4. ' ,2. ., . . __-
| '- CLARK COUNTY.- . w. S. Kniglit,=Chm’n:‘.Jamestown, Ky. ' .3 ‘ .
I R. R. Peri'y, Chm’n. . . .Winchester, Ky. J: A. Morrison, Sec. . . . .Jamestown,_ Ky. €321}; “ “ “ “ “ “1: E2328“ ““““ 7142;“:
I John.:’1‘.‘Tribbie;'Sec...../Hedges, Ky. ~ WAYNE COUNTY.‘ ‘B'ourborl“““ .'f."20 ”new?“ .'-'."1.6
' ELLIOTTCOUNTY.’ _' ‘ .J. F. Young, Chm’n.....1\Jonuce11o. Ky. Ig‘oyd ".15 Livingqtéfi” 7’
R. T. PPII‘SODS, Chm’n. .S’andy‘Hook, Ky. I H. C. Kennedy. Séc. . . . .l‘Jionti'cello, Ky. ‘ Boyle “H ““ ““““13 Loganvu “ I “ “ 00
B. F. Tboi'nbcri'y,ISIIec..'....Ficlden, Ky. I WHITLEY COUNTY. ‘ Bracke'nm“ “.““.“10 Ly‘onr' '_‘,“".‘;.I.
f . "ESTILL COUNTY. 'A. T .Silcr. Chm’u...Wnnmmmwg. Ky. 'Bi‘eathitl““““ '."8 Madisb'fi'“ ""27
,Jas. A. Wallace/Churn...) .Irvine, Ky. I.I. C. Bird. Sec. . . . ...‘wnnmnsburg, Ky. gréékinfidl”'”2o Magdmh ""'“12
L.A.‘VVest,’S'ec...'.'.".......‘.'11‘vine,Ky. I -——-———-—~-—~—-~'—--——'—-~-.~~ I Emmet-w ““ 5 Mafiori“=mmi3-
-. .. - FLOYD-COUNTY: , ~ . 55-55347“ 17";Marsn‘ui1“”2 -
'3: 351314165" Chm’nvoiEFSSIOHSburgwKy. 'C-‘ziidWéilIIIZI-‘f'"75‘1“ Main“? I “'
..:"."LIQH‘NS‘ON‘WFC0mm“:’--‘= ICzimpb'e‘yl "49-~ 133533454" '447'5‘5'335‘“
{Hi- S.‘ How‘e‘Sgi-Chin’n.'i.'"‘.”fPal'inIt‘sv’ille,."Ky. I‘Carlis‘e‘i‘. .22, M I43!” guy 5
MIT.- 'II.I'Ma;ugiian;a'zs,Sec. . =; .:Paintsvnle, ‘K-yz' ‘ - C"1“~r'51“1"* f - I ' '.' .5; N42 @9431: #15. :':fgj '7 .
;G. A; polling, camp.....':Rmé.irpbh,: Ky; ""0“ 5 ":73qu Mime '.‘.rr? 14 'i
;E..'H: .Gib':o'11,-.S,éjcii"fifi‘.-: .-:."Hi‘x:1“di_‘n§1‘“n,"Ky; bis-III“ ‘7 '5" '04‘. ~ ”eff 'l'. 2113’}
- = LEECOUNTY I'CI“ Iii?“ {711330518 40
{.I.-..M. Realty;l.Chm’;ix*.‘.‘.i-:Béattyyllle,.Ky. 501a“ - .' .- £157: {'_M011'1‘296r;- . 1'. 3.1