xt77wm13ng0p_78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Samuel Wilson text Samuel Wilson 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_7/Folder_12/4188.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_78 xt77wm13ng0p Lexington, Ky., June 20, l907,
Sheriff of, ./é;égbj;/ZéZQ/4~’ ,7“‘777“‘f‘7+—+mm”00unty.
W, ls“~/%?#%fi27ff$4”‘q,i 1/71 M, .
Dear Sir:-
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope,:together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. yr
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am ' ’7‘ ~ -1“ 'm«-1'w
/ \
‘ , ,' 7
Respectfully, 1 , , , //'fl,/
Ami < ' flaw
M ‘ (
' C駔€6LAQ’ QE;;AUQ ‘—
%fiflp/z/WM 671:2: /
, n )
> \ J L/

 Lexington, Ky., June 20, 1907,
///<7 §¢L_—-
.. / ‘mfiw_n
Sheriff of. 5W? .. . ... MUNCounty. ,/
7 « »-~ /
V / /,/' , V7
Dear Sir:—

Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common- f
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as -
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.

Powers, remit for same.

If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know.

Hoping to receive prompt service, I am I V ,% a

* Respec/Ofuiiy / 77 \‘
. 4K '

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 Lexington, Ky., June 20, 1907, >
Sheriff of /t/7Z%:Z:/4¢<;/ ” County” ,,
( fl/ /,/
. V //?/ir’z;/;&>/W/r;, VM/w. - ,
I / .r/l/ .
V I, ’ V ‘”'" my, '. _ ‘\w'\-
\Qi' “XE-Dear Sirz~ k W “ WK 3 C "
‘ 2‘; ‘ Enclbsed findésubpoena for witnesses in the case of the Cbmmen~
wealth of Kentucky“ys..Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
,‘ you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope, together
' V.
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same. v
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to known *
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am ‘ "7 4 A
,, / ,V 1
‘ / 4 //')7
» Res eetfufl ‘ r ’ , /
pVfl/I/ / / /// - “A I
/ / L/ r v r /
£44.; 2% 25c @046 / '
/ ' , W
‘ t
W M WM / '
l / I ' y/. t J'cc:
M W m v I
/— / ' W M A l
/ 0% W 1 ' r” l / ,0'75
m- 442/591 W

 /fl%;é Lexington, Ky., June 20, lOOV,
Sheriff of M//?Lé%/EQ¢Z211: ,2‘,:~.«.;«:21.;M27 (7.“. ”“”‘“ .2: w."z1_=_.xt‘;c:<*
1 J..,“ ‘SV‘I'v—t 'x v :14 . ,t— fr" ‘vIrR A, -1 '7 ' S -\ 1 . 1 : 71”“: v " .~~_ - . A“... ‘._. . .71 .’ ». "r
1” 9333 01.11”. m? .333. ii. J3133cy m but“; (fix: :3} L” .1 yuan-L
:. ,.a‘v n 1,- 117‘ .. ,. 'rv ~ r‘ _. _. :.,. ~. A ~ , H > - ‘4
m -.37‘ My sees: W337 f”: TVJJLI‘” trgL; OM: 23'1", ”angst—.5 8: 13(32372’03“
.v-.-. -,~ .'", .'~ ‘. . « A . H N... .,,. -. r— ‘ ~ . — ‘
ammmw ’Lu Ex. c» that an: 20:91, 5.2;;77237 Have. .m; PL‘r'k’LfiK‘E? to 1.2211 1.1.3
8x I 1313.; He Vi-‘VIYTI‘ 3.317138%: Yi‘mtyzs
(‘4 v' ,1»

 Lexington, Ky., June 20, L30??
- ,/ ,.
Sheriff of //pVV(VZ//Z “ ““ Countye /,
/ f ,
. “r“; ,/ '/Wu 7
‘ <4/ 7/M‘ a ,, v
_l / ///
Dear Sir:«
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the ease of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.
if any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county? please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. I”
Hoping to receive prompt SOTVL095 I am “ \
/: ,/_
/ v/ '
> / _// v, or- / ”/72 L4
7.2,,21/2/ .'N‘ , y . . , " V
I' j _y . f” 71/ . _ ,‘ - 7. ,W... /,__.,_ -‘ .~
/ K,H_/ / ~ L - / - . 171/! ,7 go , g_ i ;. V 7' 4
b . \_ )r/ I' ' x. / , A 2‘ ‘ / V/l\/ > ' , ' 7‘1,
‘.‘ » \\ l t» . I , ,. -/ ,2 , i j/ {..‘ .' , V I.” V V , LC,<( flk i") /‘_r‘/"’r:' \ an“;
V , / ._‘: ,. , .',s’,..r/
' . = T / .J _, ' - .: i I, x - ,: ext , ~ ; ‘vx r~_
on“, , i x 1 ( , :LI ‘ L/ 2 3‘ { V/r ,, l7}. , ’1 _ .» x- (“/11 ,vi / _ 7’ 3 v ,5“ 1 .
if, V t ( ' -' ‘ v ' VJ (/l‘ // - f/rd(r'lf My” '
. x .. »'~ , ‘ . “-25 =v- .‘ ;" ~«1:%7j¢13515nr’ a iax <;;:“ V;”‘ “5’ t» “L i V , x,<; a, ..~1 Q_J

 Lexington, Kycfi June 20, lQOV,
{7 (V
/ 1"
Sheriff of /<470L/%”*§ZYV —"__—_ CountyV
", H . [x Vr’y/ ,/‘
3v M~779¢¢/7/MX34 L/ ,/ W
Dear Sirsw
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common«
wealth of Kentucky vs“ Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
4 g Powers, remit for same.
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know, fl
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am 45
y/ _‘
n - , V/ /,
RespeUnfit/iv,V7 r / 7
/ j' / ,V I V
i 3 ,3 / ‘ y/ // U ,/ L / r/mt‘
‘ j ' I" i /‘ N£
V/ / t/ A V r
’ é‘f/ ( ;W / t M ”Kl/Z g/EVVVg/ywrfl V /V
070% 0429/17" VJVV/ t; 52/ fié’é'5'w775 / f ‘7 /
' ‘\ fir/.3 ’ 4 I, - 44' 4 4 //4
\VVr .3) :% a: V t 3V V V,. ‘
V’x’ 7’: , ’ 7} ‘ ' 4
" I
/"// /

 Lexington, Kycv June 20, i907,
m . 5 ,x.
Sheri f 1“ oi fl/é 17” VL/ \ / County ,
/ ~// 1‘ {by/{v {w
i/ZW/ (fir/v?” ; H/fw /_ f '
L ,’ /
Dear Sir:~ /

Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the ease of {Le Common“
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.

If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county" please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. fl

Hoping to receive prompt service, I am ; ,

’ 7 r t
Respecyfu%ly, // 77
) I], // {' yr / 1L4 _ L/hw, ”QC?“ '7‘
c v‘
” ( é2h4737z2q¢fi
09%MH4(iL£;EZ;4N§E?C S£¢<ééz> C7 64; /- , éhvfl )Czfipz;
M( W % M firm /

 Lexington? Kyi, June 20, l0071
Sheriff of ’”M V4/7L4X27 , _ Countyt //
/', ~ ,‘I l/,
. , /(/(/o,//Zfi//w/V7¢s/ L3?" “ " , ,
, /
Dear Sir:~ .
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common.w
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county? please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. fl
Hoping to receive prompt service” I am /»7
, , \
Respeogfiully; , 7
, ' // /
L/u' /' L- e/Z/AV i

 2% W
, Lexington, Ky., #afiéQQQ, l907,
Sheriff of ”\r‘Q/L /. V’ V” 'CQUHWQ
/£/ \ ’4;
1% Z/% aim/ea / I» ‘z
, /"
/ /
Dear Sir2~
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common“
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed selfmaddressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. .
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am ” ‘ ,fl
' / r
V / ,7
Respejggully, /// //’x
‘ “' , / ' ,’ /
7W W7; » ///& w Mm.
7% . w ' * JflflaLfi/NenmfiZ/WL/c
’7zMZ4 62%7z;¢_ fiflkqpvdXIflAb¢ // flflaéflyu4yg» 443926%V%7“V©Zq, 44$21;¢4/ /¢.

LEXINGTONKY July 8, 1907.
John E. Isiley, Esq.,
Shepherdsville, Bullitt Co., Yy.
Dear air:-
I have been requested by Mr. Caleb Powers to
write you and ask that you will be certain to come to Georgetown
to testify in his behalf on his next trial, which begins on the
29th of this month.
Herewith I enclhese a self—addicssed, stamped envelope, and
have to ask that you will please trite me giving us the assurance that
you will be_on hand at the trial. ‘ r p
Yours truly, 3
(Dictated) i
V ’l.

LEXWGTONKY. July 8, 1907.
Martin Lawrence, Esg.,
Frankfort, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
At the request of Mr. Caleb Powers, I write to
say that he will certainly rexpect you to be on hand at Georgetown
to testify on his behalf on his next trial which begins on the 29th
of the present month.
fierewith enclosed find a self—aduressed stamped envelope
in which you will please write me whether of not we may aspend
on your coming to Georgetown to t stify as a witness for Mr. Pow-
ers. i
Hoping to hear fr:m you shortly, I am \ _
Very truly yours, ' \
(Dictated) :
, .,
, , ‘ 'F/I’L
.'I r ,7 "Jay; I ~~~ V
. ,lur r—V" ' w} H C!

 all? .‘.-.ca'row eaoowzas. SAMUELM,\NILSCI\I
L , .. "I, a ’2 H“ I“
LLXINGION.K( , ..~»...
7‘ \ '3.-nu ‘
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.',u'v- 'I-JL. .L' '.:" SI..- IJJL J. . ~ 71.3.“)? Lynx-.~. ‘.: .L .,;_l.;‘.: LIU LIILJ
~ . w - ~ 7, I,“ ,1 L. m _.,. , a, .- _,L .5..” 'I_ ». ".,.t_.,,'j .._‘ Viv". . . .,.: , L,“
"33.11am .I.: 2;:-‘.._.; c :'u...,r_:_u. . (.,.-L; 52;. , ‘..; A» 1.14.“. 1.». L. 1
7:2,, .'. .1, .‘ _,e ."I . ' . ‘ x L. ‘ ’LL ..'2 4? ,\ '\_.: ‘., .'.“ ., .1. 3..," L " : ,._~_ ". _ ,: .‘.: a".
.’.'z-(‘a‘ . , ux: his; 3;." 1.x 1. ,. VL_: .L 2...‘;1. ;,.L -... ..,: ,_t: »J I. -51 .,. ..,:..I..,:_'., u ,-_r.;.f:.4 ...;_.
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 1 13+: x u N W 3 5- : “w :-
, ‘ ’ A.‘ »./A\
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L , 1/

$W /.;7~’
Lexington, Ky.,,’3§%0, 1907,
Sheriff of. /(j§M/”L “3‘7? ’——— County.
,7 .4
1 1 ;:
... y1/J-.”>.,i.r%, V ~ ., ..
/ ,
Dear Sir:—
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same. ‘
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
' /
other facts important for us to know. 1
/ a ” .4, 1
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am " / ’ i7 \ “
' Respe/4fu1%y/' 1 I////
, ,~' ’ /
, . . ////. / c , » fire/11
’5. ",.L :12: ‘ . ,7 \2/11‘. i ‘. 1: I T '1- ' 1‘, '7 1 / ‘ ~-:’ ’i H ' I
WJ#A»u~ . _g 1‘ - “' - '1'=' 1Wfi1313,3...{f Qy, 1 __" ,1
,1/ I .. ‘ k7
/ , \.
, fir; . . . «,7 1. '- @922 ””6sz 5‘
7.1/4; . .1; a \ “
. 1 ,

 . ._6
Z7 Lexington, Ky., 1907,
Sheriff of, nmmm..T/V¢{T5V£/Z/Ufiflmwtf, .... ‘ffiiCounty.
/, //
Dear Sir:-

Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.

If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. ,
/ K 7 6 ‘
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am 7 ‘4 \
/ fl / ,
Respe t fife // f / /
MMt/Q Zé W. /t- // //W/\/‘
t ‘ ~ /7/
% [gm/ex 64$; _
gm m
Wflfléfl w / é

_"C'l LEXINGTON, KY, July, 15, 1907.
J.B.Knuck1es, an., V
Knuckles, Bell 00., Ky. .Q
Dear Sir:—
Thc Chorif‘i’ cf Brll iounty has gust a:v1seo
no that a subpoena issued to Boll for 3.1.Binghsm, s witncss de—
sired by Mr. Powers in his a'proaohing trial, cannot be found 1n
Bell County. It has occurred to no that possibly you night know
the present uhemcabcuts of Mr. Bingham, and i; you Till kindly
write me Where no iS,SO that a new subpoona can be issued for
him, we Shall bc yer: greatly obliged.
Thanking you for the ccurtcsy of a prcrct reply, celisvo
me .
Very truly yours, ,
(“iotatcdl '
. $5.2 .
if , 1 “r- .4
\111 ' w...“ .. n. ,
)3 ,

 . IIM M III/g, M / III/III:
,. /:{/L Vl/ffl’I/m/Z: :1” \ / .
r , g: I/jw £2” 71%“ [QM/MM ,, 27.:m
i M III/III I/ji mm IIIM I: II I?) I;
[II I0 %flfl%l ”ll/(117 .. V /
‘ Z
, / fldw ZpW/I flIa/I/M/[fli
IMIIW 2% M. ,, tZ/ML III/fl I/I / I- mIW
ang/IV % fiww vyI'I/u IIU/M/ZC‘
(674 (C M» 64¢] '
75m flame “I7 flan: 67 4%
y [I LIA ..I/Wtf 4WQ/A 14/1“ /K I
jam/L I‘ZL‘ML WM fwm /,f¢x@%\
“fl; 752% , 9Q {YWUW ,4 :14
filM fl ”WM/Z47? HI r/II Z/éigfI’I/IUZIL'K
/, L-ICMK 5 ./{77/.:JH,I<\_ L/Jv,’/z/(/(::Z”“fd\ k 16
52"" LII‘I‘j-ffi A L44} I @« M x
///L\/ $1,772,53f% 5f? 321-52,” Z LI ’ L

 t; :4 [/‘(Lri W £w\ .3 Li} L} W; r ' g’ ‘4‘, T; i Wh‘ '

L“ E 3K ; N ca 7 o N E4 v July 15:} , 190’? ,
Eon. Clifton J. Pratt, Ltbg at Ten, V
Guthrie, Ohio.
My Dear bir:-—

As one of the etuoineye for nr. Ualeb Pow—
ers in his forthcoming trial at George? wn, 1 writ? to nah for
certain information. You ma? recall that in the concurrent Fenc-
lut on adoptefi by the General Aeeemhly creating e Committco to lohk
after the orinting anfi nuh7ioation of the logieiatiee Journals, f;r
tie regnlar erosion of 1900, it vae provifiefi that — "Said Commit—
tee, in conjnnotion Vith the Attorney-Gener2lz may arrange Eh? trier
of the nrinting of enifl Journals“. that we mieh to know is Khrthor
you, as Attorney—Cfineral, Surfing your tenure of that office,
had anvthing Whatever to d" with the printing or publishing of
the legislative Journale for that celebrated session of 1900?

If it be true that you did have any such connection, in writing
me about it Will yon hinfily also state mhether it will he nee—
sihle for you to attend Mr. Powers' trial in person, if we Tina
your presence is nocoeeary, of,if you cannot come to the trial,
w Uld it be convenient for us to take your deposition at any time
within tho next thirty days. Mr. Powers’trial is set for
the 29th of July, 1907.
Trusting to hear from you promotly, Lelievo me

Very truly yours,x f V

(Dictated) } , ( ,w,w
,w, , q

 , ,l/ H
\_7/7 Lexington, Ky.L£%§;;39Z'lQO7,
t 4” "
Sheriff of” wwv’. ., v County.
. »7
MQWV r W k
. H. . .mm”. V / ,V 7' V..
Dear Sir:—
s Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if posSible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. ; )3
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am //K /' / fl \ ,4
Respé:%ully,/ /é //
Q g ' “A L m %
(QDLd/le7 0237égb1fi (Efiil. //A{;)«AQ7 12&?{/ /éZ‘::2?7 ”*QL90£2;4§Z;44{
4» ‘ » . . - “~x
. / ‘
4’ , % WM
z> ‘44 1 \.%D - ,

 /// I
Lexington, Ky.,r , 1907,
Sheriff of, .M,A_, .4%?ZTL_Z .mmum ,.,’ .m, H. County.
2 ¢ , \,, fi /,,
x //
Dear Sir:—

Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.

If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any .
other facts important for us to know. //

Hoping to receive prompt service, I am ,/ ‘ ’ 77 »

[/7 67‘
Respedtffllv, / /" y,//,
, , / o 77

 M /7/%/7«7 '
W%O/%W _'fl
M; Zflzwawgg, Ja/M/W Mae/4&Zax
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 ,// 4
, Lexington, Ky.,/%%§Z-figé—l907,
Sheriff of. ..,.M‘ /VéiZu¢/2Vin.—f_ffj, H‘County. ,
/ / /\
//j ,, k L
Dear Sir:— L/

Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.,
Powers, remit for same.

\\ ; ng‘,‘ , v

If any of‘these witnésses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. /4

Hoping to receive prompt service, I am // {/» fl , ,& x /”

/ / 2 /’
Respektyully, , / /
7 r; .. . //// .HfiV/Wfi/ t w .
Dear Sir:-
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
‘ you can, and return‘to fie in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together ‘X\
/ :?"2// ”(15:222/f («x/(,,f'fl/II/fl A} ' ,/ 9/ 7/ K (ll/Ll?» V /

 . ’1
an / —
Lexington, Ky., , l907,
& [f /
Sheriff 01”,, ,MJL/ ,, m.,..County. .7
. Lflflfl/V’1///fi%‘~/ f" n
t/ / ,
n / ‘
Dear Sir:— t
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.

If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. j/

Hoping to receive prompt service, I am ” K 7; a t f

, 7
Respééggullv, J , / /

. _ , V

Lil . V ‘ -
. :4 _


v '

7 . 5 , A; .
H z s
' f

 Lexington, Kym%e\ 20, 1907,
/ /
Sheriff of. V .. C’———\, ,.,,...Count/y.
, /I ' ,. f ,
Dear Sir:- /
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.
If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. /
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am y/ i/fl 57 ¢ Y //
Respe/é‘flJ/ly ’ / fl," / I, ‘ /,,/,
/'/ , , ’ 7 / , x'
/ H
[I ”MW/ML 77//fl/' fir @/ M/fl/C/Q/ Lil/:x/ /’ / / v
9 7’ #4 m/L/ MM #4] 4 f 06'? %, W
/ M 2: W / ‘ ‘1, /r M £7 '/"/}/‘ /‘/ // X , v fl/fl /,’
//‘: r’ °« » / ‘ / / i .y/ Va, 144, W

. Lexington, Ky., 20, 1907,
/" fl /
JZV / '
Sheriff of ‘5in.u., ,JfEZZLJZQVfi..GHiéxééé=ff"wi.00unty.
/' /"
7 V / é
, , , / (WWW/Mob , 7 .
/ /
Dear Sir:-

Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same.

If any of these witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if possible, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. /
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am / [ x % , ./ _
Respectfolly, , ' /'.
/' ///C //l / /-~
.wm;k. HZQX..W_; imim_f&; z m/(éfffi’€"’lv/“

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 x/ 47
,~ ts{ */x w“ rse-g'fl‘ . ' _ . QLfl p
/ ”D
.7 23-
;’ Lexington, Ky., . , l907,
/' f . .
Sheriff of. WV .. . 1%14/K21 _fl ,. ounty. /
V , /
:Z ‘ / . L,
.. . /} 7, (OW/14M fut/Vase ,V'. /, ,~
/ / /
Dear Sir:—
Enclosed find subpoena for witnesses in the case of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, which please execute just as soon as
you can, and return to me in the enclosed self—addressed envelope, together
with your fee for the service of same; and I will, at the suggestion of Mr.
Powers, remit for same, .
‘E ,,
If any of thegg witnesses cannot be found in your county, please
advise us, if ppssi§ie, where they may be found, and kindly write us any
other facts important for us to know. fl
Hoping to receive prompt service, I am “/ , '
<,, »6 / \ ///7\
/I/)~ 5, > “fl/L' L RT/emmllz’ ~ 1' / /
, . 4' t ,
i _ ,W/ , , / 0L / Ma
”0% Z”? /'(/iL/Z/ \ k / \ r W /V
/‘ , I / / , . r _,_— @ u/V ‘ / I, M /'/,Z I
(5‘ 3r ‘/|//}‘9 ZM/LWW / Way/7 Mb/fi/ '1" /W\/2fy

 / Lexington, Kentucky, July 25, 1907.
Sheriff of ~rfigx 7;7«;;; County.
-_ 34::1 LLlth' , Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—

I fina that some of the subpoenas hereto—
fore sent you for service in behalf of the defendant in the
case of the Commonwealth of Kantucky vs. Caleb Powers, penaing
in the?Scott Circuit Court, set for trial next Monday, the
29th inst., have not been returned.

It is important that all subpoenas be in our hands by the
morning of the 29th. Will you please hurry up this matter
and forward the subpoenas tnxnn either to me here, or to the
clerk of the Scott Circuit Court at Georgetown, Ky.

Very truly yours,
(Dictatefl) /: wt ~
C ' \ ,‘
L/KCC (Ark/7A KLA/C C) K 9K i :' C. /
_ rk/fl r 14" (’ CS( , ,/ ///1p /
75ft if /7’ _\ ’~'/6'16 / r1 « /
fix/mqux ) L77. / ’0 ’Wt w [I Q C (( [,<

 Lexington, Ky., July 25, 1907.
Sheriff of Warren County
Bowling Green, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
I finfi that some of the subpoenas here-
fore sent you for service in behalf of the defendant in the case
of Commonwealth of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, pening in the
Scott Circuit Court, set fort trial on next Monfiay, the 29th
inst., have not been returned.
It is important that all subpoenas be in our
hands by the morning of the 29th4 Will you please hurry up
this matter and forward the subpoenas either to me here, or
to the Clerk of the Scott Circuit Court at Georgetown,
. _ Very truly yours,
(Dictatedl fl’ (3 . \
yfi‘flivfi /. ..».1'7‘ 45:1”74/

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