xt77wm13ng0p_65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. M text M 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_6/Folder_13/3771.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_65 xt77wm13ng0p , “awfmw ....4 fl/ejfflgoh ,
P74. 44%“ _/”§ 7
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7/J/77/ /// fly 721 ////
V I ~w/2”4377Z2;/“{%%v November 7, 1907.
Samuel M.Wilson, Esq.,
' Attorney at Law,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

I am this morning in receipt of a formal printed notifica-
tion that you desire my presence on Monday, November lith at Georgetown
Kentucky, to testify in behalf of Mr. Powers.

I am at a loss to understand as to what point it is desired I
should testify, and I think it would be wise to let me know, before
insisting that I be present at the triai. If you have conferred with
Mr. Powers as to the matter, I would be obliged if you would let me

I know, so that if I should unconsciously be possessed of any informa-
tion, I may have fuli opportunity to refresh my mind before taking
the stand. 2
Yours truly,
224 7
€’,I' ~'je‘7

 I'm-m No. 1. RI. '1‘.

This Company TRANSMITS and DELI VERS messages only on conditions limiting: its liabilitynvliich have been assented to by the sender of the following; messmm.

Errors can be guarded against onlyby repeatinga message back to the, sending stat ion for 3| iinparison. and the Company will ”()1‘110111 itselfliuble for errors or {lump
in transmission or delivery of Uin-epeuted Messages. beyond the amount of tolls paid lereon, nor in any case where the claimis not presented in writing within sixty
days after the message is filed with the Compun y for transmission.

This is an UNREPEATED MESSAGE. and is delivered by request of the Sender, under Lhe conditions named above.

RO BERT C. C LOWRY. President and General Manager.
_‘Efijfinfiv’rfi ‘imfifib i WEEHE? I 7' CHECK "W W '7 '7 ”WV 7 fl " ’ '
r i -' i 1
_._i/A/fl WM_1,, , , ,L , VAiW, EAE‘AeWW, ,, , W7, , , , ,,,,,,, ,, _
R EGEIVE D at; ,,Av,“ , ,, ' ;, , , 190 .
Dated “boom, ___ ,, ,_ ,, ,7,. ., , , , ,, , , ,V
,4/ —- . _.
To~,4___.,#w . _ ,, , ,,,,,;, ,. ,,,,, , , ,,,,,, . ,
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 ‘_.,ai "‘ I w -;:»_ '
f Elie Western limos . , 2. .:. , m if?
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ill or mm: w .255: ammo 3m: 5 : 114‘ 11:}:22; ? O
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H. has over 24,00“ lolegmpla if “\‘§‘\§\\ :
LU elm-m, including Branch (Hikes. iii \‘53
L”: It has; also hired. {onneciion iii \ m
5 ‘ by 'l'elegmpii or lclnplmne with 03 ) 143 m ._, PM;
:13—5:3)“ 513-251; (£51155? ;isi-il camism i I u. f. 0 “ll
Stallone, making a total list of i in} : g l‘ 5 Hi
If over 50,906} in His: United Slates, ‘ {‘11 f] '5’ E E
1 Canada and Maxim, and this num= ’ ‘1 a r: g 8 ‘
(1.} bar is ragidly increasing. l E 3 ‘5‘ 0 m
‘: __“___—__,.__ 1 f m (L < {Z but
I L ~—~—h———m—-~ ; i E 0 ;2 2
I: , w v (0 cc 6. D
Sewer: Atlanirc Qables, i s 8 i
1 Connecting North Americawith all points i i D“ 2 2 8 [Ti
in in Europe and beyond, including Two 1' ; E g ‘9
4 Cables of the American Telugr'flph and i l ’ g: E E E
{hi Cable Compauy,FourCablesoftlaeAnglo~ ‘ ‘3 q :1 :> Z
"“ American Telegraph Company, and One j ‘ El (77 E a: 11
”""‘ Cable of the Direct United Staies Cable Co. l 5‘3 if m E 0
Uni Direct Wires to Galveston, Texas; con— 1 j i o 3 5 Z 0
meeting at tho!“ place wéih lhc Cables of (he ; 1 2 5 I; ; Ll]
lVleXican, the Centralzmd South American ‘ i‘ E d m E m
Telegraph Companies for all points in ‘1‘ I a: F 0
m Me‘gco ang’VCentml andbSoulh America. Mi :- r
, irect ires and Ca les to Havana, “I ‘i 11 .
(7! Cuba, connecting at thai place will: the lilmiiii §\.\ "'5
PH Cuba submarine and Weak :1“;le and For.“ ill-“.:‘ii‘ :1: :x V ,
ama Telegraph Companies for all points iii “”1 ’:Ei:§\: ill
w I in the West Indies. l ‘j I: I} \ ' 2
L4 Connects at San Francisco with Pacific ' ‘l l l Ed I
1 Cables t3 the Sandwich Islands, Honolulu, ”' [Hi i . A
Guam, the Philippines, China, Japan, etc., I f ‘i l m
C) and at Victoria, BC, with Pacific Cable \(| i W i l '
to Australia and New Zealancl. , ii H I; ltj Q
Connects at Seaillc, YVash., ,._.CERQ. id! ‘ililk'wsgfl/ilwm
‘ with U. S. Gavernmank Lines ” 'ilfiiii‘:§ ,, ng '7" " ;U
m and Cables to and in Alaska. w. U_ T‘ co. omen cos},
Exclusive Connection with the Great 24,634 4-863 1:!
LL} North—Western Telegraph Coo of Canada. OFFICES OFFICES
U) flamesllc and Feralgn Money Balers liy Telegraph and Gable 3i

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,“ flflVJ/Y/éé,»A@A March @0, 1306.
Sufit‘uitii III. VVY,‘__L:'.1'J;ij Ed‘io ,
A Luruuy at Law,
Leaiiruchn, IQ/.
Dear Sir:—
I Wm in receiyt of gears o” LNE Ieth kfld regret exceedifigi¢
:gm: uaiag'xwiicb Buns arisen irLJnakiufi vex hyis yaymbfltfl :L;qinut :fime fund
wniuh I Quin as Treaaqrer a” tug Defhxse COflfliLtéea I was in New York
“for [:1 "w n we»: 6: 1:: _.. Jim; on 11416 IéLh 1"‘<':Lx.s.1";1<-‘:d from 2:., 51:3,; of
fuur or five d;;: in Frankfort. In ad¢ition, quite a ca4;iaerab43
QCAhJ nws Unfin uccasiuned if tun miFFETEnGG AHIQL figs arisen in #LC
00;;gax'got luié oi 1M1: tjdu311163I3 w-yLu:1 wsx‘e éiutf rexi iru,o I;CE‘K.LILP£F.
Powers, My. Owew: Mu; Mr. Smith. Under :ne Carma of Lhe conLraut,
it Jqud gfiyagr LLat buth uf ansc gentIHmeu were inLJ paid, but the;
izlsistl :;1at 'Lifl,g‘u¢€1T3 flIHLIL‘LEKi Lu) CKYfifuiifiiktiifli Mllicil it a;ggeaLrs frxxn
tub Uuflirgub gas unIg'ua be guig when nae; rfiwxered Curtain services
in the Gugrt a? AQJflfiLS. The Gumiiutoa nus had twu uaetingb with re?—
eregu:e 1;u fidiis; ;xnd FiflLLKAy-.Left {film Fflnbttfl'IZU Jquge Ibfingud‘ey, IMT.
J&mes P. HEIM and Mr. HeIm Bruce. Mr. Bruce Ind Hr. Helm were of the
vyinion that =gv ganuiswen had no Ciuifl while Judge Humphrey was in—
CIined to tnink tuna uchr the tfrfis of the cuatrgct Mr. Owens was
entiLIed no the gaount which he cIaimed.
In udditiun Co 93556 mgztfird, I hmve been Vfify EH63 in mg
daily graotjce, and ngva not reaiiy had an aggortunity CU struizhswa
tilt; Véxl'iQJUJS c Lwtiilfi any; QJLd. g; quICLC 1331‘ iu1r,Lr’ LmybfinfilYt. ‘

 1‘!‘ F" ,. .
Sof’la‘i’14144‘dli 114a
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lI’UIl‘L iiC‘quliliéu. hit/139 [.102 Lit-nxL'Mji '. J1; '24.;1“ Li'l""£f;c:.: l-iC{)i?"‘-}'E.1ifl¥.:._(:~€c
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. Hr ., . ,, .. ,- rt“ » ,. . ., ',.. . 1. . .m. --";
0;! LIX-AL 1110113431“, (ill-LIL 0.4L: Uh. L'V.!,Qa.mh_‘j 1-41.. 21.1'112 I .,VJ11_§*.>.€;L1’:: 212-71 I 1.1.4.}.
.1 L 1.. V. ..‘1...,.,:‘.1 '1 ., f‘ ,' ,.. .., .L .-. '1....:. .. fi’.'...fi,

()11LH~:{.LVOT' uu‘ "25:”.(2 111:3. dip'tl; LLJIJ 0.6.1 Q1 331.1311 151,1:15 Cyb 1-5.5: bu~zm.L-JQ€:(; 55.19153
..': .1: ,' W ,L 1.0.. 'r
all 1) Li. .I.. U. 0 l, _ 1., J. .:. UN (11’ \i 0

W113: 1.151 1351511 2115.155, I 15:"1115111,

You-11‘s 'L' r2115. ./'
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 K ,v/ ///,7/'/ /
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/z/V/ / ,  ’, / / 3, ,/ //:/. ,I
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ram A a»,» 'g/ _ .2/ ,2",;,I¢ / {7a, .Atd LL '2, J.d0cu
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C". '[Hfa I" TV“: 1:». ”HUM-4
ud‘ 1% ,,.L 1.1. u .L..“J 01.1, _;k_"\.i. ,
AL‘LJI’L‘LQZJ gt ,"Mw,
Lexingtau, Kg.
Degr Slrz~
w H. .,.. “.J‘ . ,d .f‘ 1,4.\ ,‘,~“ 4'; -,‘ ,‘4‘ ".,mr :.
I-‘J (Jul, "LCL V1.2“ LJ I‘LL) U; thtb‘: J‘Cg‘l_/..,LJ. u pm} 0. I? .1. Erl’ 1.1;;j CU 1316
,. W— . H .. _ v V". .».r 'r . x r ‘k- ,1“ " ‘-‘ H ‘ ‘n
u.:!1u;.u;b rhulbil J..: Onigzfl ‘ng‘J. 921 :‘DOLLCLLJJ‘ .Jlf, \/\;JA.€>‘\; BONE-db, 014 2:1ch Elbat
‘ »‘ '»- 9 r» a . -n,‘ ..,..~ ,-F‘ ' ’1: “.»H— ~ b ~ . .- . 47‘»- ~’-" w' '7
"CdeILJJh a; SAJUHQE mpbvkflb a; waO&-u& u; CHL JJFrdrdiL o: “$30.3J
». ‘ . ‘ ..- .,V‘. L“ , A . A 1‘ ,-{ 3:», n —I' u r\ _,..” x 7, ~“‘ »‘,- .~
bilddh “det, _LBv;L\/€:0 ;; QMAWLLLG OJ. “,‘wJ-u‘t DEAHLJ. ufl'i; gut, \«LUA, lll Cl (MEI
Lo slugrc gccsuntg; I 31%;; be @4ad Lu n¢7z w temitbdqcs frum Jun to
cgvcr Luis bngnce.“

In the Hostscr;pt 0: Luis suwfi ¢ctcer, Dug ca¢¢ed u; ;L;:dtign
ta ant Lfic: tngt on Iqu;grj 72¢ you 34$ written requesting payment -
oi QLOO due on juur 1&5 Ker aervices rendersd in wannection with thc
trng 0: WT. Pgwera, Ana reqacsued Exam I send Ham 1 check Ear tBQJeééa
I do no: ulan to cause gJu mg; psrsonu; iACJnvawiCncs with relarencc
to 3319 mmzzcr, “n4 if ng finguut new owing you; @343.54? 15 correct:
Exease Let me kuuy g: ggur earliesz CODVGUi’NQG) gni l 514$ g: 3136
send you w smock 10? tug: ;mount.

In your Lcfitgy Q: fighrnary drd you gave the accounts outstandw
1mg as to4iows:

(;) Quite a nwnhar oi ciaims for fiheriffs‘ fees,

anounLing gljogetntr, parngps, to @50 or $75.

(a) K.3.5quicy, Stenographio é Typewrjting york @55.i99

(5) flré. Jay iii; Shaw, Wingess Txp. 7.00

I 1 - , - awn.“ ,.w "‘1,.,.._ . -

\é) L.E’.Jua_;.u‘. 1,! ml (”483:2 MAR. 7.15

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71/;l/ili/"QI/I/7/fl/l, / K 1 -, , ,1 ’ 139/ '/
4../mmm/fl, .///,, May 1:6, 1908.
Samuel L. Wilson, Esq.,
Atzorney at Law,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

As requested by Caleb Powers, I herewith enclose check to your
order for $19.00 covering your expenses while at ?renkfort arguing
the ayplicntion for a pardon before Gov” Willson.

Kindly Sign the enclosed receipt and return to me.

Yours truly,
If 7 ,/K
/I’ 7
///" c ,/L’/’} ,*;/ZC _._... ___V___ x , , 1g
%j - f .
V [/11] >17 N
Q5: % i: W :7; ,_M
(WK M ——‘””‘
déffilmfimufi 3mm: -- _ 'vwv ' “

 M. HARTFORD, KY.,?\¢Z;...19(J/Z.

 (£187 .(JV/(fynan/
037/ {fig/9%, my, (3,,/117.
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PM g/w )41. kw
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m M
_ . «flu/2’ % MC? M
123337.251 “W '
43W @ 4.74%751,
fix m xfl‘md flabby ’
J MW 10/ M6

Dec. 5, 1907.
Mr. Sam'L. M. Wilson,
Georgetown, Ky. '
Dear Sir:
Please let us have balance of copies for
Lexington & Central Ky. Title Go. Index Cards.
Yours truly,
. . ‘l'l.’ / M C

{g DIRECTOR KENTUCKY STATE TxmxA. s. 0T E. Z} '& rme f5 ‘
. ; "P,“ 6 ’Aflijgwre'sg’vv ”m; rcst’ :15, Sccrc ar an Tmasurcr
WWWK :4 font, (1314:? 3:: P d r (ELY/01%;) :50
[HT AMERICAN 500m 0f [OUHT Riflgwa DR, L W, McGL'V/VIS, New Came
, "HEADQUARTERS ”\n .W;‘ 1, H. McCONNELL, Princeton
l N L) | N APO LI 3 , [N D. «\W S. 3. LEE, OweflsbG-r'o-fi‘“
’.’-55; ‘4‘)“ .4." Z:_. . s "*1" ixon
(;:»7%{é§\\‘\«@@g BEN WATSON, D
* j" ’ M EMS, m s?
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 P. L. MVFERR’OPL ("H'ILT 'l‘liiiith‘
(HA“THINK—4“ Mmuiny in .I:m., Awn,
DEPU TIES; , Junu :le ()m‘ulmr.
_1, L, Rvmmg C, 3. OHM-..1,“ Mite! ”7211:! )Lrnfizl)‘ in '.'3‘4-l,y., »th Mun-
‘1’, J‘ vitamin (lay in “:13". :‘.ml 3rd Momth in Hwy.
‘ ' / g? -
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W\ %% 9W hJ/ZL wflé/Vm‘
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 If / .1?ka .9? fl“ “%P/é/wa
%fl W //@/A
r)//7/(m/n/I~ (M: 7;”
%mfi/éi‘rz 97? :':r' July 19m.

3? Celeb rowers.

Georgetown. A

Lea? Sir:
‘ l was sum onnd this morning as witness for you on the 29' inst.
l have no idea fir what ;urpoee I am eumroned. I certainly know nothing
‘ QEWOLIt tlie cease.
Please let We hear from you at once. Tt fioes not suit me at all to be away
Fpom home, and if you insist upon my COViUfl, then you will certainly do me '
the courtesy to have your attorneys telephone or tolog?uph me wheh needed
90 1 will not 1«five to he away fFOfi bore out foy the day.
?leaee let me hear from you. .
Very Respectfully.
flit/f ~ ”7"”
, I, /
- a“

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 :33 Doors, Sash, $33 f:::::DGL—::=::N
Blinds’FrameS @Agggflgflgmw
3 and Mouldings 3 (£36: ‘*"
figeeéeeeeg—‘ééééééék’l’ Mill and Office: 1028—1030-1032 Monmouth Street.
Lumber Yard and Wmemom.1029t01047 John Street
Tfigjs' I e/KJW/aM/j % {“47 77/4207,
”02w% .9me AWszW/wgéw/flf
1W 7%772257 7244 flwdmzk—é, 72.4” W
%_ ijW’L/(W MAM/#9
@mgyygm, Aw Mawwé: W74?
:fl/M mx47'), Ida 7K M MM mfw,/&M—R

Succzssoa TO STONEAMILLER, 009:... Qfid-Z‘ ,
LUMBER DEALER. .3. ‘ M 4, 5 v4,
MILL AND OFFICE: ‘54 J‘U\ 4. ’ ’“‘" $9 iv- 2 ,
1028-1030-1032 Monmoum ST,, 2' QSU’WA ) W
NEwponTp »- . at .21/1.?"
W ‘\ ‘90: ' «as?
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19d? '

kméfg-iv: ‘- .'

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$ Doors Sash 35 t 9
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3‘5 and Mouldings 33$ 036%
\‘{i\§.\.\.\.\“MEL,,.,.,.,.,.42.””?’! Mill and Office: 1028-1030-1032 Monmouth Street.
’7:%T%‘/\:_e‘ Lumber Yard and Wareroom: 1029 to 1047 John Street.
Elephone, South 36' L/K’nayenwfl %. , % . 7190/
(”KAI/WV, “7/"
(éévé 7\ d/V} A A
( : f 7/ ‘- ‘ . /',// A / g," f, .' 1. fl __ ' Z hi I
7 \ . , - /- \ ,« . Ff“: Ala/J
fifificw wh/ mix 227 AJWW 4:11, ”/4 J J” M M
“ 5) ,. .
@é%//V "¢’ %//{/C M/ /{i:.t/;,7,% /% ZELvrt/g... m; 2444; . %?M J’A/Z/LALJ
» fig » . é“ ._
~ "if/’é'wwf/Mk ”‘7nmr/vp [Ln/v4 zégflwxflc 4 4M 5?" Z; ){Z
11/ ”77246 fizwagaw/

INDIANAPOLIS '71:].st , l'y‘tfiL 3 1907 ,
Gent lenient
I will. be glad to help Powers If. any way I Can and.
will come. to the trial mien wanted , but would like several
days notice if possible.
chrs tr! 2.1;; ,
/ I / .. , /
6/4/4/ i e
/ n

 (951“ m., W 7‘
”WW W ., /
/C z/ %r ,
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A/ \j W “i“ 7‘7 flaw Zhflé/
~ 4 fl”, 6%“; Z “V 74% WWW. ‘
:4; Lg M 25%4M Q/a/ / /
/ Veg/flaw

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