xt77wm13ng0p_63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. K text K 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_6/Folder_11/3732.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_63 xt77wm13ng0p MRS. PAULINE HARDIN VAN man-:11, 9.1.10.
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FRANK K. KAVANAUGH, z° £11314 .g
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ASSISTANT. 5?, @3135 4‘
I‘ICHIDB ,196‘79
1LT ., S 31:13. . Vii lama ,.
Lexington ,Ky .
My Dear Mr. Wilson; 1 will be at Georgetmm :‘.zzohday to answer »
themubpoena dramas tammh I (10 not thin}: it will be necessary
fear me to bring; the back? tha first day“ but will ”in“r them
when it is necegsarys It is quit a load. to carry and. unless
you irmigt X will mat bring them up until the second day or such
(131: as you are 1724933311426. to use me. I will see you at.Georg::setown
Monday 3316. Will @0265: with you» />
u-n,’ 1 . ,// “
”it”? truly , / i
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I ML l WWK‘:

LIBRARIAN. gn’fipfi’eqe
FRANK KKAVANAUGH, 55:»...11‘511 .3 g
ASSISTANT. 00 I‘ll ; %‘
, Mr. Sahel. I’filson,
Dear Sir:
I failed to find the ease of Couglflin v People in the
Illinems Reportsmor was it XE renorted in the Digest or Reporters
we have. If you will ha: give me a reference book and page I will V
fin it for you. r
Very truly, 7 / I /
@\ /l_ {7 / i' //
renewal/«fly @MWW \.

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September 18,1902u
Georgetown, K'yo
7 my Dear Sir:
There is one particular feature of the Powers case
Which I think had best be very carefully considered and presented
in the Court of Appeals, and to that end I write you fully,with the
suggestion that you see Mr.Powers and have him lay this letter be—
fore the one of his counsel who is to present his case to the Court .
of Appeals in the argument.
You will recall the fact that on the trial of

the case objection was made to the formation of the jury from the
list of persons whose names had been drawn from the Wheel and those
summoned from Bourbon County,because of the method of filling the
Jury Wheel and selecting the men in Bourbon County.. This objection

' was made before the panel had been completed, the idea being to
make the objection so that it would not appear as a challenge to
based upon the decislsn si'thdbdourt of Appeals in the case or Smithi
v. Commonwealth, 21 Ky.Law Rep.lé?0. You will see by reference to
that case that the Court says that the objection to the drawing of
the Jury seems to be well takegzgs the objection was made"at the
proper time, we think should have been sustained", and the judgment
of the lower court was reversed apparently for this reason,with
others. Sometime since when I was in Frankfort, I took occasion
to examine the record in the Smith case and ascertained it to to a

Mflm‘ngy;wi 9%” _ l L . F . S a 2
fact that the objection was made to the jury after five'gurors
had been accepted,bnt before the panel had been completed, the
same idea seeming to have controlled the counsel in that case that
controlled us in the Powers case, viz: that the objection could not
be taken after the panel was completed except by a challenge to .
the panel, the ruling on Which is not, as above stated, subject to , ‘

In February,1901, while I was engaged as associate I
counsel for the Commonwealth in the prosecution of the case of the ‘
Commonwealth v. Ed Alvey in our local court,he being charged
with a felony, viz: gambling, objection was made by the defense to
the jury on the ground that it had been improperly obtained. A
motion to discharge the Jurors being overruled, the defense gave

’ notice that on the following day they would apply to the Court of
Appeals for a writ of prohibit on to stop the Court :rcm2trying
the case before a jury selected from the jurors summoned. I went_ .
to Frankfort as the rep onentatine cf the Judge here to defend the
motion for t, . ‘ ; ‘” .
the writ, the Smith case was referred te,sone of the judges argn=
ing that they had jurisdiction to prohibit the trial of the case ‘
here by reason of the position taken by the Court of Appeals in

i the Smith case,the argmnent being that inasmuch as the matter could

not be passed upon on appeal, they had a right to avail themselves
or the Constitutional provision giving the Court the right to such
write as might be necessary to control inferior jurisdiction. They
refused the writ, however, tut instructed no to say to the lower

 {fly/€70; gfizggawé :
Mflm‘lzef/oozibgww L, F . S . 5
court that such method 0? impanaiirg the jury was improper aha that
while fihey decified.they fiifl nut have jurisdiction to issue the
writ of prohibition, they intinatea very Strongly twat if the queS* >
tian was presented on appeal i3 ether form thar & challenge to fine
panel, they would assume jurisdiction and Geciae the point. A
cage dié go to the Court of Appeals from this County, »« Curtiss v. "
Commonwealth,l think, ~~ wrich involved the same questicn as tue
Alvey case,as they were both tried before the same jury,but the
Couvtof Apreals did not decifie the question in that case because v
it came before them in the nature cf exceptiun ta the rulings of
the Court on a challengp to the panel. I '
In talking with Judge DuRelle a few days since in
relation t0 these cases, he infarmeé me tfiat the matter waa very
‘ ’ fully discusgéfi between the jvdgps in consultaiiun at the time of
the motion for the writ of prohibitiow in the Alvey cage?afid he
was inclined to believe that when the quegtiflfl should he pre$fimi$fi;
if it ever i an?‘ *w 'wurfi wmula assume jurisfiiction and fiegide
t he 031.163 :3? if C1”: 3 {:1 :r; rvyr; med w he 1': “t. neg." re :1) .‘.-mac: a; N u M}.
the case which came befere them (the Curfiiss case). I incline very
stronefly $0 the apinian tnafi if this paint is presentefi forcibly ta
the Court ci‘Appeals,a13 of these other cases that I refer to be”
ing thoroughly unfiévgtaoé &né the action a? the Court of Appeals in
, them reviewefi, the Court may ba,anfi likely will be, willing t0 dew .
cide the point that our objectiow to the metth of impaneling the
. jury in the Powers case on the occasian 6f the last trial RS im~
was well taken
propefi ahfi the action Should be reverseé far tnat reason.
I wish t6 suggfisthUFther that tha Constitutional

right of the defendant to be tried by an "impartial juvy", Article
‘ I“
6 of Amendments to Con$titution of the United States,wgflgfihxtm ‘f“{
be insisteé upon,as I think the recoré is in shape to make this I
point availaifie.
I In talking wifih Gavevzmr Bradley sometime ago, he

statea to me that the rule$ of practice in the Court cf Appeais,sc

V he understood, required that when Fefieval Canatitutional questians
are raiaed, it is necessary t9 give notice in writing 0f tne
Federal Constitutional points t0 be considered aha thafi sucn nofiice
must be given pricr to the calling of the case for argflmenta It
might be well t0 keep inig in miné,

‘ > I thus writa you that yuu may suimit this letter ta
MroPawer3,a2 I am nut inquQQfi a5 ta whiny a? hia @Qunafii 15 in
present th% c 3% in $39 ”fivtt 5f Appealgr 3r 1 waulfi write fiirecn
{0 fine g? N . _ ~' Q

‘ Witb 5&nmt.m wegafak fig yuvauaggfi':ap fig p . .yfi
ether frianés in Scott Coumtyg I afi,§ .
Most ‘mmly.2
Your abefiignt gervant3

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