xt77wm13ng0p_55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. C text C 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_6/Folder_3/3515.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_55 xt77wm13ng0p lfi” Zgiiiifiafiurt
Sheriff Grant County.
- Williamstown, Ky1, 9&9 ._é__l90/
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Mre Samuel M» Wilaoni
Lexington, Kyn
Dear Sir2m
Your favor of July Eith reciaved.
Felowering is a list of the Geebel Hewarfi Comiiaaiufl,
iogether with the address of each? viz;
BQ Wo Bradburn Bowling Green, KY9
v/Chas Co Spaulding Lebanon, Kys
V/Jw Mm Richardson? Glasgcw, Ky.
W? H? Poseyv Frankfort9 Ky»
; C» B9 Hill, Huntingtang We Va»
Yours very truly:
,, 6909A.
%m/,% (31 1 ‘

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» R. F. D. NO. 4, HOPKIN VILLE, KY ’ ' 190
7 ”6/1741/54/ [W é
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ééf;fl/ % EA k %%iflm VL/«MK
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 3,!“ ,‘123T\* S H E R I r: F‘ B o U R B o N Co u NTY
atriffi :TgTa ,l p 238%,, PT A. S. THOMPSON AND W.F.TALBOTT, D.S.
fiLilgafl Té'. J. .,TTTT PA R l s. K E N TU c KY
"Elna a...
7 , , ‘ l ‘
.ci amxocuLk lit ill 22s wi L $72 fer/w*
.i " ‘
W (/Lk 2ng
AW LLL‘TL (_ka CL/l/ L kL Q-0\/LJL (f/ E“ OWNK ~ \L/LL it“ WW. \TTOO’UJ>‘L"\/’i V [I]
”T ‘ A 2‘ r/ _- "'T 7 3
Mk )\ 2 .2L OK TL L. [ka—Tq/ .‘x/VCCM "T "'Jgtigocr \ a»)? To @LM'E; 0“": NEW? PM" 7 '
l '1 '
'Qz' , ,.,. .s ,/ “N" '
x, MQQV o: 0L0T.x yd . QA/l/U Ls, . .21} / .--, Wk ML cCT T/TUV RN: Wu Mk; ,
' %.LL/L/ Tymr ,Wktk. /'t o c E; 23% 7'5; 3"“ C,
0%] T 7 " " i" : ' 1-

LOUISA, Kvu/Qé/Z/ Zé 1907
(9% A?»
/W fiII/‘IA’V( f9“ MM £4,117 4 L z v/c'u- 5% (flu/Z c/ M
/Z/44/ film/11 Luz—fl} 7141//\ ZpW M gig/gm
15 464% A; yuqaaw>7 fl; 2% ”(W M g V
WWEL @M‘foWoflfl/Aféflgfljfi
/1:\. W % tau/4111 (0W1!
/: 52).. {Lg/@Z/ Zfrbu (// 97:2; (Q

 - Hotel Glyndon -
Richmond, Ky _. W" 1907'"
J“ Tn ‘ WW 3%
\3 WW “ A
WW @‘fiw I \9
Iwi! M mwgcg Ms
. ‘ w “is jwm “Ab-.71
*4 \
m WM MW "67
”VF/Mk N M {Hams‘
;W.w has» (<5 .
W Ji W9 .___

 . lemmas Ioeheee WEHOEJSE @owem
, Imammmu
Mr. Ben EWil-s on, ,EZamho/é; fly July 10, 1907
g Attorney at Law, { I
Lexington, Kyo

Dear sir:- I

I was yesterday subpoenaed as a witness for the defense in the
case of the 00mmonwealth against Caleb Powers called to trial at George«
town on the 29th of July, 1907. This is the fourth time I have had to
appear in this case, making long waits at each trial and have never yet
been put on the stand as a witness. I have heretofore been at consider—
able expense in the way of railroad fare and board bill. After a talk
yesterday with Mr. R. C. Kincaid, I told him I would be perfectly willing
to come to Georgetown the night before you are ready to call me on the
stand and WOuld hold myself in readiness to answer any telephone call
that the lawyers for the defense might send me, notifying me exactly
what day I would he wanted. At his suggestion I write this letter to
you and would like to hear from you as to whether this will be agreeable.
I have no objection Whatever to appear on the stand and telling anything
I may know concerning this case, but I do most seriously object to the i _
expense and long delay of hanging around the court waiting to be called,
as my time is not my own. You can reach me by letter at 1537 Coral Court
Louisville, Ky., or by Cumberland 'phone East 218, Louisville,,where you
may leave a message for me should I not be there and it will be delivered
at once, so I can start to Georgetown when I receive your message either
that night or early the next morning. I can arrive in Lexington over the
l & N at 11—20 and get to Georgetown over the Inter-urban in time to testify
at any afternoon session of the Court.

Yours very truLy,


fl , ,. Z/ C\ 'r.V~.- r,” [xi]
dallylzlt a; by“ at; m; 1. o . ,

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(111.6333 twirl-:1 a , 1‘va (.1., ,

"‘7 --- . + . v— "r".

(154.395; l3 uxlx‘LJs lnfg
Tear Q12“:

Subpaerii 3.12643 fired 1'. 3 appear as w}. these en yum“ be--1f at
your comi 1'15 trials ‘.‘-“Jill not be z; 2:. hard tuner; the ‘-‘il'l’.:’19§$388 are
ea: ted, but. you can rely on my coming a time that you or yawrs“
attorneys notify as

‘.‘f C:- L3. 3 s t 1’,” ,
/ 9 /‘
A] ‘-~\..,4‘ / - .
/ I ‘ i/ ,/ ./ 1
/. .W {I /@//7L/ég\


Wylflhygw Nov .9 9 3 ”0'79
1’ /
Caleb Pcwers, Esqog
Georgetown, Ky;
Dear Sir:

I will not be in Georgetown Monday when your Case
is called, but whenever I an needed will come at once upbn

Yours verytrulyn
I / I

 @112 Glnlpmmt %upply Glnmpang
@pnpral mvrrhanm
Al‘ifiuirk, 1m. 113.2147 §/~/ 9.
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  Form No. 102.
W,,,,E_II;HOS-_zf-EYEEI, ,PrééiéisTyEszGéiieral, 34921352: 7 . 7 ,, H
‘ Re‘ceiv’éfis 51ny 7 f'irfiéirin'ed. w'rvm‘iifi' Ch‘eck. 7 v ’
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SE N D the following messageJ ‘/ ‘ .
Subject to the terms on back hereOf, \ ,______.,WW,#,,, Wm,¥,rfi__“.._~ 1 89
which are hereby agreed to. , _ ,
0‘13 __W, 7, h ,7 _7 “WW”, WEE H ,. , WV
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To guard ngninst mistakes or ditluys, the sender of :1 message should order it
REPEATIJI); ihuLis, telegraphed buck to il.o originating Olll(U for comparison. 190‘:
this, ouo-ludi‘ tho i'ogului‘ rule is (:hnrgcd in :iddiiiou. it. is ugri'u' lu'l,\\'i‘<:n tho SL‘llilCI‘ of
the following: Illi'Sh‘HgC and this (‘oiiipnuig that said (‘ompuuy sludl not, he liuhlu i'oi'
ii'iistnkos or dirlnys in tho ll‘nllfilllltéslull or (ll‘ll‘.'( 1‘); or for non-delivery of any [leilvil'liA’l'liLD
message, hoyoud the amount, I'l'iil'l\'(’(l l'or H‘lllllllg' lho sumo; nor for iuisiulus or doluys in
the transmission or di'livviw, or for lli’)Il»(ll'll\'('l"V of any lllil’I-ZA'l‘i'll) uu'ssngu hiayoud Iiily
limos the sum I't'UClYL‘il for eroding the sumo llllll‘M5 sin-wiully insured, nor in zmy CHSL‘ for
(1(11213'Sill'l5llig'fl'kllllllll:l\'ul(l1ll)l(tlllll‘l‘l'lllllli‘l} in the working of its lines, or for oi'i‘oi's in
(-iphoi' or obscure mcssngos. And this Company is hereby made the agent of tho sender,
without lizihility, to l‘ol‘wnrd :my message oiui' the lime of :my other (Jompziuy when
necessary to much iis dosliuuliou.

Correctness in [he triuisiuissiou of :i IIlL’SSilfJi‘ to any point on the lines of this Company
can he INSURED hy column-L in writingy stuliug iigi'wd amount of risk, 21nd payment of
premium thereon, at the following rules, in nddiiion iolhw usual charge for repeated
massages, Viz, one per (ti-Iii, l'oi'miy (llSlIllH‘l‘l]i)l.['.\'(‘(‘(‘lllllf_’j '1,ooomi1i-s :iud l\\()1)('l'(i('llli. for

‘ any greater dishmi‘c. No omploym ol' the (‘ompuuy is uuihoriu‘d to may the foregoing.

No responsibility i'ugni'diug IHL‘sSIiglts‘ :lli:l"l1‘.-S to this (‘ompmiyuniil the emotion:
presented and accepted :it Ollk‘ of its ll'nllmlllllillig oilicos; :iud ii a message is sent lo such
ollioc by one of tho Comimuy's iiicsmgiigrrs, lit: mile for lluit purpose us the ugcutof the
Sandor. '

Messages will he delivered lI‘Ni within the established free dulivoi'y limits of the
terminal ollir‘c. li‘ordolivury :iL:1grinderdisluucc, :L Special charge will he mndc to cover
the cost of .Kll(',ll dvliwry.

Tho ('ompmiy will not in: linhlo for (lllllltlgi‘S or statutory poiiuliios in any (use where I
the (damn is not, presented in wriLiug within sixty days after the message is Lilvd with the
Company for transmission.

THUS. T. ECKERT, President and General Manager.

   ‘ ‘i \ - TC ‘ . " r '1' ‘1
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 T. ’91- Cooper, ' ,
Sheriff magoffin (tountp.
Salyensville, Ky. )Zfi5756/27/yfl/
if,” /
” ”Ca”; [/37 0 i I
, 5 ,5 E x / , ,
fl 1" 7” V LU‘Lfl/Zzz/ £21044 C/gjg/Zifggv éétfl Jrz 7/~
C 0e4¢& 7//% ngflzgzsz “Md/ZZQ7M2M' {OW agar/(#8394
//¢z /wr/fo/ f4“ 52 Zr 7z%ag/a+/Z{//zu 56%WKe/dfl
, 5 / ,
5M2. fl/zLsz/éw' 2% dLJ/QVZ/éi/ZW //Z7/ZL/éfl/ca ~< W»
#71 flaw/12,7 fl/lade/gmxl/p :MfiQ/ZZ/flzx ///[7%:Z/‘ fl/éy/C
/ C/ ‘7 / ,1/
5 ”\0 {Va/ivy» fM¢é ,
f 7% gay/4 /%:/i// 45/

 24/41 5,404 (A? // @3757?
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 cm:1;;u..n;,i_v Ohio“ (3/21, 19m.
. Morton, Webb V Wilgfin,
. loxiugtom, Kfntnohg.
Dear Sir:-

Immediatoly after raueEVing your Favor I foun; your man
and had talk with Him myself. hokafinteg thwt he helpefi Frank
Cecil out of Cincinnati wifihout going through Covington to oaoapo
arvast? for he (Cecil) expectai to he ayrofited. Mr. Richen
{Who’s CQTfi I inolsso) Says 060;] iii twli him thafi Powerg wag
innocenf amfi Ehat he {Riohon) will be glad fio furnish you any
further informafion he can ~ if pow W111 fg‘warfi copy of Cecil‘s
last evjsenue to Lichen he will bu glad to fry nni refrosh his
mQWOTj on othe? Sfiaficmaats made by “soil that would help Powersa
Kinde afviso m9 ES to what you can 50 in tho mafiter, as 1 how
lievo thifi man oan dig up evidence that Goebel paid for a wooden
limb for one Etubblofiold who in turn gave eviioaoo against
Powers. an& I think this man Fichen knows a lot ani is willing
to help Powers get juStice.

Awaiting your fo#ther commands, anfi with rogerds to Powers,
I am Yourg,
K Joe Coyle
7 ‘ , 4 a) _““""”'“‘“"“_""““““'r \ *
t/Mmb ,Wm /W C /W 7 "CW/m WW» WK /\
‘ 7 4’7, / . /" V , ' «
J / / ”_ngmfi/
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 I N <§ ylj, , ‘.‘1 ‘11" r‘ “N W

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 L. 7. cewford,
Httorney at Law, .. l
Newport, Kentucky. July 5513;} ’ ”'90? .
Sanmol Wilson, Esq.,
At t 07011"‘-1r-Ht~LFL‘-.V ,
Lexington, Ky.

Door Sir: A subpoono was sorvod upon no am a
witness for Powers in the coming trial. Prior to the last trial I was
sorvofl with a similar subpoena, bwt upon explaining to counsel for Powors
that I was attornwy for Henry Youtooy during all his tronblos an& that

’ all communications to no worn privilogod, l was excusod from attending.
I hopo that you can 800 your way to writo no that I nmod not attend this
' trial, bit if yon cannot do so, at least lot me know that you will call
me when you want no and that I mood not attend on tho 29th inst.

A. J. YOUt82y, father of Hanry, is also subpoonad. no is old and
badly oripolod and desires, at least, to be excused from attondinfi until
about tho tine he shall on noodnd. If you will write to no oonoorninx
him, I will advise him at once as to your desire, and he will Do governed
by it.

Very Truly Youro,
, M; ,,§ *‘ * ' ,

- , . s

L. J. Crawford, % J‘>\/\ , :_: N
‘ " ' / v.5“: PIT/5.. i\\"‘~-.._-. /’.—.\.,__~\"“‘~~—Lr~-r _:.»,

- Httorncya Law, ‘ ,2 w 7‘ 7/ _ .,
3 §z $5 , , )‘w an ‘R ~ .2 “V, W‘""~T\' w..-» ‘_‘,
Q Ncwp t, Kentucky, 5‘ 3“: \J'UL’ZS ‘1, 3* a E "1 SP"! ‘ “‘“-Q” "‘...w
\ {11$qu ’ :‘\\~3;;///:: ~g

‘ A ‘ a. - 01:» «:3 ,/ g: 472;.» =
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CHICAGO July 17, 1907,,
Mr, Samuel M, Wilson,
Lexington, Ky,
Dear Sir: >
Your letter of yesterday is here, It will not be possible for
me to go to Kentucky during the next three or four months, Further-
more, any testimony I might give in the case would not be to the
benefit of your client,
Yours truly,
Jig/0 B Mug/Lg
K\__,/«% 7

 {..,}‘f Elmumu £1,111),th Qluntpzmy IEAjijj’M—l
i D. H. T:,::t":::;:;, ' Fig:— '
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THE INN ' (—1 [7 STZ‘I/FOUIS. 1904
Q DRENiVO/v SPRINGS. K Y\ M £25,, / 07,
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(T‘Aft‘L :2// D. H. TODD, F’RcslnrsNr SELTZER WATERS
fir. .’.‘.ffj: 723 M, v. CRAEB, VICEJ’REE. SHIPPED IN
in; 4 3} w L CRABE. SI'C‘Y‘ AND ‘13...“ GLASS 0R WOOD
([Afi \ :‘g u . HlCHEbT A'NAFVD’» AT
le1‘.‘:.'(/," '
'rJ \/ “if? CENTENNIAL. 1876
g “e ’/ j ‘“ SOUTHERN. 1883
T H E IN N ST. LOUIS. 1904
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 3'1. 1“. {2,711 :fzu‘rA'l‘E, wEM§EMEPHONE 141
W. D. CROPPER, Deputy.
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mmum > £03('§:Ii:3:?’\0\ ‘ PHONE NU. 12¢ >.
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~ ':" ’.f 7771': .L'..f".7‘:‘-.';-,'n V 2125‘Ezefi-Lr'LL-fiffif-"32’, ‘Li’5'2LSI‘V (2' V ”fifiggz’t‘ni. Wm ['4.___—‘___._
ommonsnfimnomL . '
mwms Awbmmnsnouml ~~
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Raf Freder'iCKihételf 399:9.99199$99393???
pplyghtllekftl . A
is". 99113199". 2199:5993 mterestednth
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's GEQLgé-FQWLLJ 43-913“? ckyMrCun-
a" “192811.391 : is la L‘Kénmf‘lfii31121393525-;9?ft11r
Eli has: awed that nu nitrienre;
l 919111190999? anti ii’S‘TI‘Laieiiii‘éiéted :29“: .
.3 5.09:1111?-“-W,.i2t.h_jl;a11 "_.th§.j_.-,fi'éjé£iiiing} politi“ .
L can, in rithati ‘ cofnmonwealthMl | .
‘Cuhnih‘ghain; ‘ lyihéfifs'L 'gbé‘lefii‘étiZS’fVers L ,
and khOWSE everYIeiuiofir'fwho11382132999 L ‘
selected it‘Q'fisit: ihflthe trial ofi£2=Lthei 2
case VLVAtL' the 'Fre'defiék 2313St -‘ niéh't, "v
4. Mr“. ' Cfinningfiam :sf‘t'é'tédj tgja ”febrés‘} - ~
‘- eglta'tfiffiief Of‘The ‘Diéfififéh-‘Lthatftfiem'
was v—n'ot '- tpe' slighfé'sf T'déubtjjrif-his ‘ '
mind hit that {He Efrprefsiefit:_-",Lt1'j‘i2g'i)i5fjbt, ,
Powers mum reSuItmahungguxy 2 3 ‘
j‘flSom’e bf tkée:hieiijbéfiS‘L'jéfEf-“cfieLESLILEYJ} ' :L
'said Mr .' 2,;2 f uiifiillnghigfiffwfj:ffifé jéiLair, i
Ivbfoad L minded V mefif_-,‘fififijifbfherééfiére , 5
= 1199291141. thefiwill ilefii 'tfiéi'ri-ZL-fii‘eiiiaiéé L. g'
Lget may-JimLtjh‘é’fiirifi"tifiéz:ipri51f¢ti3 ' :L
L the caself_0\rie2\ of the .‘jfifd‘ifs; Q’Hara,‘i L
'23; :dmggii‘st'tyi Winiamspfi',fyas““J'E‘cgl-j;'2 j
'le'ge' élhum, of mHa . ~ 3
a 90y PS: 8179919299 L Ed 9":filiéerd 5.9.191 ‘ ' 3
make the.,;'st2item§1it Hygieffi‘tlfini." {‘14,
Year ,ago Q that» _Profi'r‘ers'wandTaylox ‘ ‘
i “761'? bath 'éu'iltv 61fiIéi9‘222e7lé2Sffi-fieifi‘é§_%bfiE ’
.o: 2.9109991«9.9.9,95992299991999!11““ .
2 L Imfidtamcug ‘
1' h2a'm;L-;“,fhéi-- 2:0’1ii2r'25éis}i1.iéiéf-liéfigf‘itliézfi? 2‘
thntttm , ~
rQOIfi’til}3:139.,919§;.15irds_2;99291§ agwml .,

 Cynthienu, Ry. Jany 15th 1903.

hr. 3. h. Wilson, ;

Atty at law,

Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir,
At the lust trial a few months ago of Caleb Powers at

Greorgetwon I was subpoenaed as a witness for defense and ordered to
bring the aseeseore book of this county with me. I did so and
reCeived a certificate from Circuit Jlerk of 3Cott County for
§12.65 I handed the bill to Mr. Builey at this place and he gave f
it to Mr. Green, hr. Powers Brother in law for payment. i have
heard nothing from it.

You did send Mr. Bailey, as he tells me a bill
check for the Sum of 350. and which he tells me he paid out as fol-
wlows. i20. for his own expenses at Georgetown, £2.50 for expene
for D. Howard, 3:1. for 33. F.115ennell, “‘:2.50 for J. 17,. Richer,
$2.50 for horse and buggy all day, and §1.50 for horse and buggy
one morning. This makes a total of 530.

30 far my bill has not been paid, and I would
thank you.for a Check at once in f‘ul‘i of the bill.


éiz:zg?'fiiéflJL4QL//dounty Court Clerk
Harrison County.