xt77wm13ng0p_51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Notes 2 text Notes 2 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_5/Folder_8/4617.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_51 xt77wm13ng0p - ;‘x ' .
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edihed by Von” John i3 Carroll and igsuad in 033 “hang Nd fiine ”nun
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parties t0 any zofiion, proceaaing or yrogeaufiian are noamregifients
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bility exoaph agverture, ihe @overnor, Egon ihafi faat heifl”?mafie
known fin hfim by fhn flerk of the Court, shall uopsinh a: circuif
judge an attcrnay htving the gnalificmfiion of a aircuifi flutge he
try the case, proseefiimg or yroseeufiion, or he may caveat a circuifi
jufige of some athef judicial distriefi to firy The cage, proceeding or
prosecufiion, uni thfi judge so egpninfied or 33:30:33 ghall have all
the powers of the regul r juages ahfi xhceive tea cents per mile in
goiHC’to and.rafiu3ning from hie court, anfi ha may, if necessary, holé
‘a Special term Le firy any cage after guch nafiice a: oriar as reguired
when a Special term is held.

Then from shy CEESB fihe judge 0f the circuif enuTfi fails '
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 Fornl NO. ]02. _
ROBFJET c. CLOWRfi’kés’iaéWéficT CErfiran Manager,
Receiver’s No, ‘ Time Filed I fCheck
_; 7,,V___,fi_ _ .W_§\___§EW_
sSubEJERJ:sefissgmachaizizgé; I .7 r v ' 190
WhICh are hereby agreed 120: y ___—___—
, if!” 1' a ‘ ._...Wwfigf

 tilt! MESJnuti‘a Tilt-”(Ell 15V liitS GflMPANY ARE SUBJEGT TO THE

’I‘O giinrrl Berliner, mismlzeg or delays, the, sender of a message should order it
]thl,’l‘l:‘/l‘l‘lt); 1l1:1t i~:, tell-gemlirui limit, to the originating oiliee for comparison, For
this, one hell the i‘e}::1!111'r.ite i< 1'h;11'j_"eil i11 :Ultiilitlll. it is 1121111111 between the semlerof
the following: i.1e~-<:1;:e :1ml 111i; 1‘01111111115'. th:1t .x‘nit‘i t‘oiiiimny shall not lie ti:tl)le for
I!ll,~'l’li{t>§ 11m liljrl in the11'11;1\1t1i:::4ionertlelirery, or for Il()llv<’lt’tl\'t‘l"\' (ii any ITNiii-LI’IJA'rIJD
11111<<:ige, Ili-jwnii the :11111111111 l'i,‘l‘t‘i\'t‘ti t'or xeiitliiig the mute; 111:1' for mistakes or delays in
ill." tl‘:111>‘111i<\i1111 or tit‘tlH‘l‘). or tor non (lelirei-y «it'nny mzriu'rici) message beyond 'tit'ty
tilllt'fi Ilie :‘11111 sew ixwt l‘or Hemline; the same, wiles“, specially i11:<11rerl. nor in any case for
til'lllj'r; :11'i~~111g:‘ limit llllzlYtliitzli‘tt' interruption in the \x'orhiiig of its lines, or for errors in
cipher or elm-1111: till‘Kfl‘Lft‘S. Anal this Unnpuny is hereby iiizttle the agent: of the sender,
without. liability} to i'orimrrl :my iiiemue orer the lines of any other Company when
Ileeesvlry to l'(';l(‘ll i1>11le~ti111ttioir

(,jlll'l‘tft‘illl'r‘> in the I::111:~:11i:5>,io:1 ot‘ :t 211:,\‘>::t;1'e to :111_\' point, on thelines of this Company
(3:111 lie INani-iii 113' t-oiitmet in mitiiit-g stating; :1:_reeil :1meuni,ot' riwk. 11ml paymeiitof
premiiim then-1111‘ :1t the t'olirnrinis t".t1‘,~1 in tltilili‘it)” to the llnflltll Charge for repented
iiimsatg’ew. \‘izi 111:4' tiereem. l'or tiny ttl~itlll(‘f‘ not exeeetlintyNW) miles; :mtl two percent. for
any _:reul r (Harmer. No employee (1i 1111‘t'1111111:111.\'i< :111tllorixetlto retry the foregoing,

;N‘) 1’inpo'1il1iliig' rt 25::1'1iil1}: messtizsge :Hiziehrw: to tlii< (‘ompniiy until the sumo are.
lll'tNl‘iltl'tl :lllti accepted at 1:111: oi' ita triuix‘tiiittiilg' oiliees; :11111il'11 illessngo is Sent to Sllrfll
otliee by one of the (,‘oiiipnily‘s niemeugers, he (lets, t'or that purpose :15 the agent of the

Mewig‘ea 'Viill tie (lelirereil t‘ree within the L'Stzlllllh‘llt‘d free delivery limits of. the
terminal otliee. For ileiix‘irt' :11111 greater tlistzmee, :1 special ehurge will he made to cover
the t'lHt oi" $411111 deliver}:

The (’oiiiimiy ix'ill not he ii‘illtt‘, for ilriiri-res‘ or statutory penultiex in :my (-1150 Where
the elziim is 11111 Ell't‘\l‘lllt‘lt in writing \1‘itliiitsixtytlztys utter the 111L*:é.~:;1ge is tiled with the
Company for transmission

ROBERT C. CLOWRY, President and General Manager.

 Form No. 102.
Rosgfe'r c. (ELAQWRY;Piréisii‘ifiairthiaLP/lanager,
Receiver’s N01 ‘ Time Filed , Chenck
_,.,7‘_ ,7" ,:W, . ”if,“ 7, ‘“‘—__“_fi‘
EDEC'SRh?Eefial‘swgimzizfi; g 190
whlch are hereby agreed to; , M—
933“- ._ M7
J ,3," hi , 7‘ (j ; ; £13... “ma.- .;‘
7"”; ./" "_-:,,_‘-_;_ ‘n _.':“ -- .* *1 "
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F z‘ j Hmflflwfl-‘W‘: , ~1- ' L-

 Elli 11153311125 ”EREQEH BY 11113 GBMPQNY flRE SUBJEGT TE] THE

“To {:ITH‘Nl against; mist/km m: (111"!113'9, 1111:: sender of :1 mussngn should order it
lilil’liA’l‘lil); 111:1? in, lvqulnpinwl 111111: ‘11) 1111; originalin;r 11111111: 101' comparison, For
llii.:, (1111* 11:1i1' 1111- 1‘wn’11lur 121111 i~¢ 1'11111'1‘1111i11 ;11111ili1111, ll, isng‘nrml lnlwcon lln: Svntlm‘ol“
Um lull-11131111 luv-«1191' ‘:1111 1113»: (Ranwny. H1111 mid (Minimiiy 5111111 11011 1111 liable for
111isl:1];1:;111'1l1-lnj':1111r_ling1111151111111; 111.1 1111' 111ir;l,:11(0:3' (11‘ rlvlnysin
1511» I1':111<1111<,~.E1111 111' 111-11111): 111' 1‘111' 111111 ill-liwrg; 111:11111' 11111141111151) mossng‘c 11113111111 'lil'iy
1111111411111 ~11; " 11 wixmi 1111' wxnrlinn‘ H111 51111112 111111“ Spor'lnlly 111:111'1‘11, 11111‘ in any case for
lll'l:l‘\'S 111'i\»i11_:,;' I1'111111111;111:111411115 inlu'l'nplimn in 11111 \\'11i'l;ing (11115 llncS, 01' {01‘ 01101:; in
(‘lK‘llUl‘ 111‘ l‘il\‘l"ll'(‘ unwizn'i-i A1111 ll1i~§ C1:111}\:111y1,s 11(31‘1111‘1' 11111111: 1111: :114'1'111' of 1110 sender,
11111111111, liz1l1ilily, 111 l'111'\\':1,1'1l :1113' 1111493130 (1113': 111C lines of 1111;,“ 011121 Company when

(‘1,1»1-.1.11111.11.;11, 11w11':111\111i<:;i1111r:1":1,111~:-:L<:1uj<1launyi111i111011llmlinvs (if llllS C‘m‘n‘pnny
can in} INSITMCD 11y 1‘1;11‘1’1‘;11'l, in \-.'1‘ilil1:1j, :-11:11i11;_3~ {1.5111111 111111111111 111 1151;, ;11111}1113,'11113111 (11'
}11'11111i11111 lliwi‘cnny :11 111:1 l'mllmi'in: :-:1l:-;, in :1111‘1i1inn ‘10 1l11- 11511111 (11111140 for repeated
Illl'SSil‘LU‘S, 117.. (1111- 11111-11111. 1111111111111 1.211~ 11111 I'M'l'l‘lllisgj MUM) 11111113111111 11\\'01101'cc11‘11fm:
any [J‘l'mlll‘l' ilismm-w. 51111111111115.1111 111‘ 1111 ('uiinmny i< :111111111‘ix1'll 111 vary the l'orrn‘oing,

N1 1'1114111121xil1i‘1i15' 1112711411111 lllé‘:<‘»‘:l!,<"' :1ll:l(-111*>‘ 111 1111»- (‘11111111111_\' 1111lil 1111: 5111111: 1119.
]11‘1‘s11111w11211111 :11,-1'1*1~11'1l:1‘1,11111,- 111"]15 11-.111~;111111111;_g~1.1111“ ; 111111 il' :1 1111's511gu is sent to $11011
olllw) by one of the, Company's 111c55cnn131'ez, 1113 {11:13 for 111:11 11111111151; :1sll1e agent 01 the

filowngfs will he (lwliw 11111 1101- wilhin 11113 11~:1:1‘11li~:l1(*1l free delivery limits of the
{1;1'111i11:11(1111114: 1'111‘ 1‘11111v131‘y :11 ;1 g. 11:11111' (lisluintv, :1 special (‘llill‘gc will be made to cover
1111“1‘1’1slm1i'511v11 4'1‘li \‘1 1‘1.

’l'l11*(‘111111v111y \'~, ill 1111 l:1:li:1lil1- 1111' 11-111111-rvs (11'Sl:1‘1,1ilt11'_\' penalties in any msn \VllCl‘C
L110 1:l:1i111 11111.1 11“(‘~1"llllt(l in writing \\‘Eil1in sixty 11:11.5 1111011111: 111115311510 is filed wiLh the
Company for trunwnission

ROBERT C. CLOWRY, President and General Manager.

 Form No. 102.
_,_—_.JNC RP RATED‘x“
ROBERT C. CLOWRV, fiieisiaEiTt‘EeriéeTnera.l Manager,
“\rfii , '¥\:\¥‘R
Receiver’s No. I Time Filed I Check
E‘ _ 7¥i‘flfi\“E—‘kfi _
fibfifltflh? Se :31?ng gig: aim; g 190
which are hereby agreed to” K
, _ 1 ,
E . , r f
a $2,," '

 5m. mamas mm E? nits nanmm ME SUBJEGT TO THE

"l‘o gum-{l againm, iniatiilzos n? rlrilnys‘, the somlnr of {L innss‘nga should order it
THEFICA'l'lCl‘I; that ix it‘ll‘tl'l'Ilpllt‘zl hm'l; tn lllt‘, originating; nllir‘n t'm' (imnpnrisnn. For
this, nnwhull' l'hw l't‘LSlllfll‘ mu i: t'llfll'_ffl‘ll in :nhlilinn. lt ix‘ugi'ucrl lwtw'cn tlm svnt'lm‘nf
thv l'ullmiiny: l:‘ii‘r\.t‘:l‘ ::ui Eiii~' (witngzzniy. tlml mid l‘ninpznn' shall not hi; liable for
lnistzilu-m l' lining :-. in 1hr i2‘1!'~inii ::«i-in ni' tll‘liYI'l‘y, m‘ t'nr nnnilvlim‘y in” an)" UNltliPliA'l‘ED
nil/wage, Iv. ynntl lill‘ :nminnt l'l't‘t‘i ;wl l'ni'rilznlinut thv sznnv; llfll‘ {In llllrilillitjs‘ or (Inlays in
llw tmnsniiwimi m‘ «I: liwi‘y. Ul‘ l'nt‘ nun (li'liwrf: nl'nny nlit‘nx'l'iii) message beyond titty
linw tlw .‘xlllll l't‘l‘t'lYt-ll l'ni~ availing thn smnw, unless S])(‘<‘l:ll1j,'illslll‘fll, nrn‘ in any case for
(lzllrtysm‘i-in; lmm llllll\tiltlillllz' int; .'i‘itiniun in llw \\'ni'lmnm h}; ('nnlrut-l in \x'rilin‘h‘j, hunting :ign'r'il :nnvnnt nl Tish, :nnl pitynn-nlnfli
prmninm illl'l‘i‘tlll, zit. tln- l‘rri'llmx'ing' l'Ill’ 4. in :ntili‘iinn tn the usinil charge t‘m‘ repeated.
Illl'r'béljft’S, viz. m‘i- lit‘l‘t’l n1, t'nr :my tll\i?lll‘.'l' nnt him-iwling' MW) llllll‘S and two purvcut. for
any ;z'i'i-nii l‘ liisl'IiltT“ ,‘Cn {'mnlnyw nl' 11m Platinum}: ix‘ :iHIlllll'ilCl'll 1n vary the l'm‘vgning.

j‘u'vi l'z’,“;Hn1-il‘-llli_‘,' l"’1‘.‘l§'llilll§ ultrahigh: ;ntwlun It» tlzi< ('nnipuny until the sumo 21m
prwsvnmi ::ml 3l€'!'l‘1lli‘li:li,t)llL‘ ni' i1~ tinnix'niiltinq‘ n!liwx~~ ; ::inl it" :i mousngc is sent; to such
ollicw luy we of tin,- Cuinpiniy’s unzaecugw'i's, ha acts lw that purpose as the agent of the

Mtsszigos‘. will 1m Ili‘lin‘l't‘d lime 'wilhin lhn mtnhlizlml fl'l‘O (loli'vory limits of the
ll‘l‘lllll‘fill mllim; i“m‘ ilwllvili'y :n :L gnmvr distance, :1snocinlclnn‘gnwill be made to cover
llli‘ («bl iil' Ml: l! il4»li\,'i|i"\',

'l'hn (‘nnnizniy u 2?"; in ‘1 lm li:il:h- l'vn' tl'illlzlj'l'OS 01' Slilllllm‘y pt'nfllllt‘flill111135 CiLSC Where
the «:lnini is nut mu wnti i] in \‘.'1‘itiiij.g \s ithln sixty days after the nimmgc is tiled with the
“mummy for Li‘unmnlssiou

ROBERT C. CLOWRY, President and General Manager.

 5 \
’. V - ‘ . : ,
. 4 " [I],

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:':-5’ ’23:: 12-;4:31;.é;.i:.»r:'i;j.c::it .1315 ‘27?”33‘2! T rz<.::r‘-2.v:'i.;;':i£333.: :»;:;.:.'.:f. 6:3?
3651333313333.1.5.321 :3? +512? M. 5:13.“ 2:" “31“:3. .373; '5} 3.12:5: :';:‘~‘-::e'¥;»}::. C3?
Til-1"» l~t 03;? 3 ’r“:"‘-i‘~ . 22‘ WINE: 3:3‘1:2‘v-‘-.-r‘:j!, ’3 ELEM (373?" f.
.2: «3‘- 13. 35312.3 U brute-‘33.; 3333;». 3123632313333 3.13;” 33:32:: ‘
¥ <-
.13: 1232‘: “ 3.33:» I 2.2-3:21:62: "if: if” 5:23 ‘3. it. fizz. his: ?;«3“ :36 :30.
1:. a: r 2 w 323:: 13‘3"» m1?”
- 2‘73“": +31 Giff“ 32.31313 ..~» :‘:-6:13.39; 33;;- £13433? 1 71‘"?
T"? :3“ 111’; 57.11.33: m 7.3133 j.‘.?‘i‘.,*“j, 1; fa 71:33 33153.3? 7:533 "721;; j ISL-~71 “.:v' 131-33 ».‘)."‘_,"3.:5;“§; 1“}, 4313311693} by .
iramlier‘z'tiosrz arciaii‘xg 'ffsmt: 7;:ng ;:;T,,-.:::. W .t?‘::j.;.3‘z;:.f=a "ic- ‘ntake 1;;r'czr2.gi.=t ~
,H3:L 237.6,, 2 For ~r~r ..:e. The .C,.*‘1*13 3f
:13 * +1”?! “263*: ”‘13:“1"=T"+3 1:3- 1:3’t3~, .2; 3 3m
3.31.2313 3.2:. civil litigm‘éion, though - *‘ ring-351.1113 1“. (
trial. 3m Caterers-:‘:: ‘rswrai‘rv‘xa- :12 -_;L’~.-‘=.‘32{$ allowed in a minim-LL 3330333231" _
”’m/I '.~ . 1 if: m: 31‘ Lid ’f‘.--; 3
--:~:»:L.‘..;i‘-,:::ee3. 132231333“ "5..-“1 3.11:: 3‘2eh31 1'". But “A‘ 3.: “3.1? if." an?“ “1"“
:“17f‘ 371-: 3221:341311. .‘i‘ha 391333.19 3:3 32‘ 2‘13 23:72:21.35331—‘2é’i. is; 6831‘7'331231'5’ not
waived 32:33... 31-: ;j,:;'»‘-,‘.2+ an +3316: 2133 r.» “:73. “ 31:3. In .1" 2.2.2:»:- :-
73"; Eng 33:33:31 12.23352? 3:11:13. 2 3332333? 123:1‘311‘135353937‘. 37:17:22: :"11g<23.zsssf,:a»t‘: *zrlzsi- E‘s-C -
“‘3'“ 2031.131 be Dm‘ran‘izad firm: diva}. 33:11:35, m (‘3 3.2152» “P212135 33:33:33.3.
-,‘:',r.:u?::-;1.-:~:>‘“‘. fall-11* “:51 ‘3 (-1 :1: s=~s:':_.;:a".:i.ts5:333:23: cf 5511.2, Estranged. But er;
9‘35’5‘171171‘4ifil‘1 3:335" “‘3 +3313»? '1‘:- 3‘35: 5 3.3333223: 1433‘ 3.31:1» 5.. 2:11)” a"?! 3‘0?
(31:13.35: {aha ;{31‘13’11535363 ,. fog.“ his +33316t1‘{5:13.15}? fa? 311,; at '11:.Crr2ey3 lie-"3.531;;
under his arxwltzzgement with “the state, tell all he Knows, and if“ 3...
37321133371"! 32:11? 3‘5 335322: 5:311" .Feiran’a faet 315: 1C“; 3: 3‘1 .1131"; m 3.31.9
‘ invuuni far 3331‘33‘1‘53136Ci: £92311 fine fag: 3:13:11: he; may W 33331353131 123i m 5;: 1:- a 132.
what he: dimrlgesl 3: 21:33? grin; 03;“.712‘337 1‘33 ..;:jardim; 1115; {513111; 331a3.‘ 3;.-5. 53.15.}: ‘
32:37:“: 38% t5} 337.133.22.33911‘3‘. man 2,.3.m;;_.».§ c-If- Grimm, of meeting: the Darjumr
of the real criminal, 3”" +153 5: waiters“: assoc-211331193 on the 71%
‘24 3:313 :21 :i‘=::i.3.e:§grge balmms +0 3.135 client and cught to be ;raaramrtlzi
claimed by 2133:: 03‘ by his attorney 33;“ regresern.ativa. 3:21.13: it seems
that, Party-WEEK}? in 3‘: criminal 3133.531, the» 33931.1“: may and Igulhglrg

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 thhh and William Alderman, plaintiffa in errur, v5. The People, _
(lfiifilaifféfflif? in errmk‘? 4 Euiich, , #1255
But there is a braader grhund uyon which the admission of the
excluded evidehca may ha based; and thafi is, the Witness Bush was an
’ as; kx"* x“ m‘ a «..::1. 4L 9. h 33 «at? iat 4;;
Wfirfi an triala He had been led t0 give evidence for the Peoplh under . '
> an exprfias hr imyliad promise of pardon, er that he shsuld not be pros—
ecuted; on conditien thht—hfi should make a full and fair confession
Qf the truth, It is a rule of laws,that no witness Shall be requireé ,
to answer any questjdh that may tend to chiminaze himself, yet the '
accemyliceg when he enturs the witness box with a View of escaping;
punishmfiut himselfi hy a betrayal Qf his comwcwkerg in.crihw, yields ’
’up, and leaves that privilege behind himJ .He cantracts to make a full
,< statement; to kaep back nothing; although in doing so he may but conw v
,_ , firm his own guilt and infamy; If he fails to do so in full, if haw , :/~x
V knowingiy keeps back any partion of the history fif the crinw he una . 
dertakes to narrata, he forfeits his right t6 pardon, and may be pro: -‘ ‘v
seeded against hnd canvicted upon his own cenfession, already magg. ‘ "
. (Rex v5. Rudd, Cofiper,_531; 00m; vs. Knapp, 10 Pick., 477; 2 Russéll >
or Cr., 958, note as) We think an accommliée who makes himself a wit~ ‘
‘ mess for the Feople, shoulé be required to give h.full ané complete ' I
" statenmnt 0f all that he ahd his associatas may have dens or said; re} », ~
‘ ative to t