xt77wm13ng0p_44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Challenges, Motions, and Affidavit Relating to Jury Selection text Challenges, Motions, and Affidavit Relating to Jury Selection 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_5/Folder_1/4303.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_44 xt77wm13ng0p 1 a
Conmunwealth of Kentucky ' Plaintiff
vs. ChalW cor ,magw " ‘ Special
Ven'iJA, n NOW‘QG 'C-guaeh anfi. Discharge the same.
Caleb Powers, Defendant .1
The aefe1ndmntJ Caleb Powers new omes ancl enters hie challen e
to the Secong = ~:'~.:.:; :-‘— -; ‘~-~*--:t‘n-~.-W“'-“"W , said See-anew
W Mal/32M 190‘. .
Mae Originally reported consisting of one hundred £7115; thingy
four men, all of whom have been eeleeted and eunmenefl by the Sheriff
aml Deputy Sheriff of this Court frem Grant Ceunty pursuant tn. an
orfler tf this Court enterefi herein 110% 20th 190‘?9 and the members
of which Seeend appeareé anal
reportefl for cluty in thie Cour-t on Menflay, 11511111111091» 25th 190?; aml
before the examination of any of eaifl venjnemen on their voir dire
is begung defendant moves the Ceurt t0 quaeh sale eeeené W
WSpeeial Venine anfl to ("lieeharge each and all of the
men composing eaici Second W Venire npen the
ground of substantial and prejudicial irregularities upon the part
of said offi care in eelecting and summoning said Seem-Cl m
W811e0§.a1 Venire am? the several members thereof and
he avers that the irregularities eem‘plainefi of are more specifically
set out in defendant's affidavit herewith filecl in sunnent of his
"present challenge ancl metien.
Defenfiant further avene anfl ehangee that the sale Second W
W Qpeeial Venire returned herein On Monday, November
25th 1907 and the eitieene compee‘ing same, are not impartial nor
have they, or any of them, been fairly 01" impartially selected or
faiily or impartially summoned by the offi eere charged. with the
rluty of seleeting and eumwning eaid. veniremen within the meaning:
0:? the Constitution ancl lane :33? Kentucky 8.1151 the Genetitution ef‘
the United States and the several amendments thereto; that fully
three fourths ef the men eompeeing said
MEpeeial Venire axe membewe of the Demeeratic Pant}? “a in
affiliation therewith, anfl ha‘re been an-i are warm friends and

 " 1

admirers of the late William Goebel, and that they were in his lifeo
time ardent partisans and active supporters of said Geehel, Defend“
ant avers that but for ihe unlawful discrimination on fihe part sf
said officers in selecting and summoning said venivemen, as complain—
ed of herein, a large proportion, temwit four ninths or nearly one
half of the entire number thereof” should have been and would have
been White male citizens of said county of Grant possessing all the
necessary legal qualifications for jury service and who, at the same
time, have been and are” members of and in affiliation with the
Refiubliean party, the pariy wiih which defendant has been and is now
identified, and defendant evens that to require him to be tried by
a jusy composed wholly, or in mart, of men fiaken from said Second
Sémésfiuhgisewsflrig§g&-Special Venire will be in violaiien of the
Constitutdnns and laws aforesaid and will be a deprivation and denial
to the defendant of due presses of law and the equal preteetien of
the laws as secured and guaranteed to him by the Constitution of
the United States and particularly by the 14th Amendment fhereef and '
by the law of the land.

The defendant now fiherefere moves the Court fer fihe reasons and
upon the grounds hereinbefere staked and set ferfih and more fully
stated and set forth in defendant's affidavit herewith Filed to
sustain his sai%%::§l;enge to said Second 3sésiséwa~e€~$u§é~¥héa&,/

3 Special Veétgezieturned i to flaunt on Monday Nov. 25, 1907, and to
quash and discharge said veniremen ferthwith from jury service herein.

Defendant asks leave t0 introduce and offers to introduce the
evidence of certain wifeesses and certain other evidence besides his
aforesaid affidavit in suonort of the nresenfi challenge and motion,

All of which challenge and metioh fihe defendant is ready to and
does hens and new verifyo (?23 

Signed and swarm to befere me by said affiant, Caleb Powers,
this 261321 day Of liovember 190?. fl/Z ' '

i Z i/ W. Meow
67L Wot/LT’QW/LM
» /

 CZM «VD/Z6 /W% ,i
J ((02 6/574 / L } kit »
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@6966 t“ VIM/LO ‘ ‘

 530T? CIRCUT? US$11.
GWTUETQEflfififllflfiflmfif Pififlfiffil
Vi; , (35’ I AXLE”.- fj‘jii'S‘Céfi 1 in: 3'3 F TC; {if if: :’ $317." 1.
CifkTJ’“? 37C? 13': 7.77. 3; .3: Jillijfé 1
m m a M m 1 3
’1 :3.Q:E‘@h;l 11:3,; @1253?) \ 7.2:? 3:::625; find {1:11; FY73“; 17111:": :.,:
2‘ 1:15.11 “w“ to 11 3:34:33: 1,123.. 111:0 9 1253:; 7:930:1’: N1": r1105“? 5 SHIT-.”BVIIE 21:1
frmfl'fiarrison Gaunt: far BHM*“JJQ;1’UVTKESF 331W} 1T37§ and WQVQS ;
Elfin; maid.gfifieciaflu'venzre caui 333;: 311 a: nrfzjamb: :'ifier‘ri'31€ di$w '
' charged upon the foiluwinx firnunds, floaflit; that the offisarg of
$335 Cfifift dirncfied fie fiifififlfl a spacial venire from Farrisan oounfig
by arder'af this court antered in this causegfiizrghals”: ZTGV, aaa
Wha werq gent by fiha aheriff sf fihig ceunty, t3 gcrfotm aeid sore
vise did notifairly gag imijfiially parfnrm their dutifia and,fiave
net fairly anfi imfifirfiiagly'selecfed or guvmonfiea Said jurorg fiufi,
upon the smfltrary, illegally and in vinlmfiiofi 0f the sfimfiuteg 13d
caustifiution of flmifi Gangemmaalth fifld in vialafiien flf the K: his
securfid t0 this dn*en¢fint as a cifiinen 3f Kenfiuck: sfid 39 a citizen
1 of the Unitad Stataa, auger ami hr virtue 9f fize Caustifiuting mf the
Unitea Stateg, 1nd fiarticuiirly in vinlaiien of fiha rifiltg fiacure3
to Him by €33 14” muendmeat 3f flta Comatitutioa 3f tin Ufiifimd,fii1tag
, £13 salect and sum nn'aaid jurerfi and arch cf thaw, and fine amid
mfficfivg did emngcinuglj 1nd purpngel? fiwlnct jmrara NE a aiffaremt
yalifiioal 3ffiliniinn frnw 1&9 pnliticai affiliation 6f 61% dafafiflanfl
and wersnnallfi hastile fin ninjané fhifi ihfij 3:3 wififi tha purraim 0f
discriminating againat the dsfen33ntfl anfl with £30 Jesign aw1 inien-
fiiou to depriva the dfiffifldfiflt Who is a citizen 3? Vewtuckv an‘ a?
, . .v .1 ..", . w ~.1-
thg Unitad Biates nf fiia right 10 a fair and inpartial trial hf afi
tqparti3l jury imyaytially'3elficfied, 13 Juarunieed by the lfiWfi and
canafiitufiion 0f Hantmcky and fine Cnmsfiitution 0f ihe United Staiam
and the 3mandmemts tHETGtfi

 . t,”
find Defendant for :‘i‘urt?;r2r ,gground of challxnge, we? s and
charges that the said. spec 3123,}. veriire and eaei and every :membe I“ there-
of as.” s not inmartial irritiriin the meaning; of the. Constituti on and. laws
of Kentucky and the Con stitutien of title limits-d filtetes and, me. several
Amendments 11h er eof , and to require F1511 ta he tried “by jury composed
of men taken from. said 3;:eeial venir's will Tee in violation of the
Unmet itufions and laws aforesaid. 19.315. it? 13. he a. denial to the defend-ant
of due prowess of law and. or.“ the soil protection at" the laws, as
{guaranteed him by “31 6 Constitution of the 'Ejnited St ates and p articu-
larly by the 14" smimmt thereof.

{the Defmdant now, therefore, iiimres the court for the
reasons and upon the ;_;rounds Eiereinbefore stated and. set forth to
sustain his said. challenge to said special vanire and to (15.538113??ij
said sa'izaeial venire forthrrit‘h.

And in suggwort of“ his aforesaid challenges :11in motion, the
defendant tenders liermrith 213?. 9 awn suffidaxirit and certain other
aff’i dava 1: s .



CO.“ 7‘03"”[132133532 OZ? :':..TYTT'UCZCY PL.«.‘;1':"‘TI?F‘.

’.F'C’. 01’ '2.!3I33'..IZTC}3553 1‘33 7 ‘0’: IOU.
ZULU"? 1‘07". LLB,” I 33335133.” 73.15;" T.

.. .. .. .. _ .. ..

The defendant, Hale‘s 2170:3533 3, c ONCE 5,130. 6214:2335 “3:11:93 .
0316311611456 to 433316 5313931333. venire , 2:;1C each. :f'zezcfliser fillers-:0? , 51113223013 L».
1" Tom Tia.2~r*i.so13 Comsizg' Jim ......:-.;.- _, T‘ovczgzicver' ”._,“, 190?, and. no Ire-S
2,319.2 52316. 83603131 35913.11? and. Mes and. ova-3‘17 231-3273717533:- ‘tl‘m‘r‘coff "are dis—
charged. 1.311073 the f 017 02:71:35; {;1“:;:1:.1‘1.C15;, flaw-zit; “3:1": 2;.‘3'. the offlcr- of
“ti: court (Li'r'c-scted to SLEZ'YI‘JIUH : speci :31. vehir‘e 3'?er Ff:1‘:"1";'i.sr313 comfy

’W W
by 01:51.83? Of this court cerz‘t.c-1‘r‘:C. in this 02213.5(): Ali-2;”. 212.3”, 1’90'3’, 321.6;
1113.0 were sent 23;: the 5311c: Tiff cf 'iii‘é'sis C(sustfigz, “Le pariah: said. :.rzr-n
vii: 23. did. not? 1'" 3i 1*] ; 23333.1 3111313233331 3.11;." 1332.:1'tf(.~1*::: flu-2:13" duties and. ”L
not 3:353:13,»- aiiul isgqn‘ilii 2313.3" selected. or” £31.,u‘.'1‘:’::....1u;3. this “they; did. with the {311.23%ng (f
(ii S()1"I'L1i-123.l“l_a”t ing against‘ the CLe:“er.:,C3.r-3.nt, and. with the Ceasign 21,.2’sCL interl—
tion to deprive the defendemt: what; 3.9 :3, citizen. of 73192321113313", and. of
the United. States- of ”the 1*;‘13211; £0 a. fwil’ 33nd. i:s,x.pa.1“'ti23.l trial by an
i7:'1};.2s..3:'%.;':22.l jury 111-11.» initially select ed, as guarauzt 0.00; “:33“ the laws 5:316.
consti't uiuicm 01" Kentucky 29.116: the O‘on .: 3'. MIL: 5.01:. of the United. Stat as I
and the 3111611637. out 3 ’i;.}*3.el‘-C"Z:o .

 - . . 53,.“

And Defendant for further‘ground of challenge, avers and
charges that the said special venire and each and every manner there-
of are not impartial within the meaning of the Constitution and law§
of‘Kentuoky and the Constitution of'the United States and fize several
Amendments fliereof, and to require him to be tried by a.jvry composed
of men taken from said special venire will he in violation of the
Cbnstituions and laws aforesaid and will be a denial to file defendant
of due process of‘law and of‘the equal protection of itw'qua, is
guaranteed.him by fire Constitution of the United States and particu»
larly by the 14" Anemxnmit micreof;

The Defendant now, therefore, moves the court for the
reasons and upon the grounds hereinbefore stated and set forth to
sustain his said challenge to said Special venire and to disohamge
said Special venire forthwith. ‘

And in support of his aforesaid challenges and motion, the
defendant tenders herewith his own affidavit and certain oflien

, 2.

friends, foll ()WGl'S, 9.63.1 er cents, ell;.r_;’.-01I"lz 01‘s and. admirers of said
rt 4 T g 1
He states that he is ill/folilled 3.116. believes and. elm: es ”that
; F. r . ./ ,—7‘" J F
. ’ 7../I“ . / _N- 3 .. _ .--
_..- WW - .‘. . .‘f ifflgiifilu-‘I- __KFA. 4W7: W364 We O-el-ILI-‘w
sheriffs of BC oti‘. County, Z-Lel’ltllclzy, who sv211u”1o/l’l,_ ,.., 1. *‘ “_-_
11:11:05 th at said ”___ __ m ..“..-N 31151 ..._. . _ “1mm..- ‘_ _4 _ or one of them,
I‘ ac comp ::ni ed by said W _ 11.1.11“- - -., -3, and. “...1-..“ - - _> ___me or one
of 1211 62111; p e. :3 seem“ -1.,M,.._...-._..-...M. -_M “_.,..-- -111...” ,-1. - _. _ 17... __M
“'.}?fiufil‘ec311131*‘3?\76“r“7“" ”""”—’""””"”’ """””"w ""”""‘W" ““"“
Republic za,1'1§/a11d all of” 11110121 '.'rer e (3 C121}; et ent and legally qual if 1 ed
juro rs ,vand e1 ea ‘5 ed and smumned only _ _,-., .__.M.-._.--...--..-,-. -.-_”. 11.,
al 1 of $111021}. :11 e Demo or at e and 1:1 art i een 9.6111, erent s and Ewan. here of" the
late 7.2’1'.llism'1 Goebel and that til e aforezw can't ioneo. Republic-€211 s and
Independent 301:1.ocrat 5.! re side on this part of caid ..._...1-” _> .: ”-_1-.._.l..__.
_..“ "U” -111-.- _, ”4'9 ikee rim 1" e “(21 e aforerrzenti once. De::*.ocrat S re s ide that
were select ed and sm'mloneo. He ism/s £11 at on the ___.t’m “_-__... pike
the said ___. ”___“ ””“ and 11.-.- _- ,- _‘ ,__ or one of th 6511, ac (1:01:13; 11:32 ed.
by :'.sai'c‘i. __ -1 -- ....- __ and. ___fi ___.,M,_1___.-___ or one of them , palesed and
purpo eely and. 11110111 ugly :f‘ 3.13 ed; to sutuz'zon ___-mm“ W __ ,7- fl _ _ --, - .‘..
-‘:. _ _ _ “._- __ _, -. ,1..- _ _ __-, who were Republicans or 111er enoent Demeorats
and. c 01:13; e 11 ant: and legally (111.211 ifi‘ erl jurors and 81311113011266; 0111;." ..“...
Demo crate and 13111131 ean adh erents and. admirers of" 1111 e let :3 ’.Yilliem
Go 6:71 el. He says th at. the a;i‘<_>re::1entioned Republicans and Indep ondgnt
5 u

 Der;10r;1‘a.ts reside on that part of said“ __IIIIIIIIIII_IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII pike Whereas»
the aforesaid Democrats reside that were selected and. stu‘baz'roneri.
He says “:21 at on the ..._.--w....-.,.._1_:.1:..n IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItulmpilces
that said, _IIIIIIII I I . . _IIIIIIIIII and I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I or one of
til em, “0 e07'1'9a311'1m51 by said: _IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII and. IIIIIII I II I _I I I I . _ I III or one
0‘3 57331337351595» ”mull.” . . . . , . . . . , . .. . ,. A . . . . - .‘V-<-M...._An-1,_v_ H.. l , .- ,. .__.
IIIII I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I, all a? '::/31015: ::er': Republicans 01" Ifld.=3::€1‘1i}:e milk :"9 the
::L:.“01":::::1<3':1t 3‘.me 301.1061" alts 1‘ :3 side '11). ::t were select-32:1 '11 am: 1221011 0:1.
320 f 1.1761121 er says t‘glfitelt ; $118.. :‘.1': .':Ui":"_r,':'r1f'.rag: 21:" 03‘s in
n: 0 ”0:21:11“: Com 93? Val‘r'igou. . .1
., 1 "t ”'3 '* #"‘v_2_/" ‘-"“ J 2110.61.10dS of/selectlvlg and. 5L122110:‘11113
only the :-L:lLe'r eat 5; 1.116. 'T‘L‘iemls sum-l ELLL‘YleT'ffl‘S of the late ’.Tilli 92:1
Goebel L: observer}. by said. ___IIII IIIIIIIIIII III and. ___IIII I . _, I - I . __ _ 01“
11., /

’ N
0113 of them, and, 151211: waid 7 _. . 3.1111 ._ . _ ..H ..7. ‘».Wild. inbr'e—
111.133 said and t 0 ("3'1 3 1’31:- :3" 31" 53 0115 o:: 11y th. at _‘
1732-,er 3633:1031" 21135; known and also to be the :;’>r_-1r"s;:i;s.:111. 32513101" vents and.
admirers of the late Willi 3:11 Go 31331 3,111}. such only 33 inh‘od.L13-3zi,,
and. to @713 1‘3 3:11:131'133 of such .7:-1311 «yon-1y were 391,111 311:}, =
/ 43.23:,» ,
/ o chiblz . -
' T313 affiant yo 1:11.31: while the 011310 31 1‘33? erred; {main st.
him in the imiictrierat 113233531 is one of 111111;;(21‘, tn: notifiiii six—main;
this 1° act, 21,3 submits to the 337.11%; that it is 3131111041 sible for 11in
to :333111‘3 or 11 ave 11:1 at kin]. of 2331 i;11;:x;2,1“ti;—1TL trial ”33:30:33 33: 321.133: i121-
;15;1"'n‘;iall.y select 36., that is g;11:3*=121‘t3:.~3c1 to him 1111331” tlm Constitution
3111'}. 131.73 of the State "of 213111311313 3,115. the Co::13tit*1ti.o:21 31’? the T121133;
MA/Q‘ Eh 3W W30 »’wamkcw'mtd; Why/f»; box/1% _ Amy/3f MW?“ Lt? 191W
Stain-2:3!x 5301.21.61 tilt? Jumsjuergin 1132;332:11103 3:1" 119: m-m‘nmzs; 03; 311.123. 3
— - .a /
417; L3 bah/WW7 17 WW WM ‘ ,_ .
‘ ’ taken, fromftne 813331.311 V311 3.1“ 3: 3323133533113. 1: 1" 3312 the County 0.1: 1.13171 5311,
W selectecl and. 3111371311341, 3: aforesaid, 73;,“ (1):??f‘i331‘5 173.10 2331 act 323-. m , :3:
and 3113131111361 wit. 111 o 33 93133212.: for 31.1w; :.zcsrvic s», 1“an 313.1%? "33311 511111,
A ’\ 1
are the political 213.2131“ 3n ts 3,111. 3.311111” 211‘s 311.3. 311137531“; of th 3 late
”(Till 131:1 Goebel, 2121 fiche *’:U.1":;".33." of 1771:1311 this. fi’infiafli‘; i 3 :133-11535; of
‘ ’ ”“”fic WW
haying 373.1136. 311; .:z“r_13'€;+ed, amx/ "4’le 6m” m #73»; / ”7pm;
,- /, ‘74: 1 3'2 ¢—— "’";EX
W @MMfl'W/W‘W” LMfifin/wif ”AVW MIN JIM {/l/i/Vm/Iz 4451/9 ’ ,
[,2 T313 217131 "mt f v. 1“?311 31" 3:311:63“ til at 213 is 3. 051461283514 35111 1‘3 311137111
: / v
of the State of lierztuclqr 2111;}. citizen of the Unit, 52251 States“:
Subscribe; 3.31:], {3270231 to 11313413313 by (.7:-11373 :iv‘lozrc-‘cs, this the
7 _ 7 day of 101701113317, 1907.
,1 \ \
37f 1 , '7 7" / ‘ ‘ / 14v 3/ 7M”) 977/04"
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n ,, ._.1,“ 1",, .,. .. .,‘ ».. ‘1‘?- 1_.." -' ~~.,«~ . .v
0011.11.13? 1,.-1:110 1:33.11. ... r: 1113111113111111113 .

 M2. fur he says that $0 Summon said jury fram tha counties of Swan,
A I" .
‘ . fil‘M/{ngV/g) 1, 7"] ‘
Scott, Harrison? anafitw, floodford, Bouyujn or Granfi or any one
of said Countias, vauld be unfair tn dafeméanfix, aa Saifi Counties
are largely Bemocratic, and $0 summon a jury from amy one of same
would not secure to him a fair and impartial jury, and woulfi nofi
give him aqua: protecticn under the law, and wwuld be a fiepwivafiion
fif hi3 rights as secured by the 14th Amendmeni.

Scott Cifcuit CQurt.
Commonwaalth 0f Kefituaky Elaiflfiiff
vs:- MOTION N00 3.
Caleb Bowerg Eefaai&nt
Comes fine fiefenfi&nfiv Caleb Powers, and cbjacts ta the

orfler 0f the Caurt direcfiing the Sheriff fie gummon the jury fram
the CWEF’ItL}? Sf _ , and. he. 3:3:rzaae-fiijh filers a muffied
copy of fihe vsta of said Coamfiy for bath fifie Republican aufi Demo—
cratia ticketSin the laafi Gubernafiorial race.

And ha alga files hagawith a like V0€3 in Raifi raca fax the
"0:32" ,- m “JV"E‘R 53‘


5 Ami mews-3:3 the: Court“ t0 AMEN-oi the She riff anfi. his: deputiea to
summon the ‘tven'ire fr 01:1 one of Ezzzid, -:;=o"::.2ir€:i<=n3, as; "2.29 gag-3 'fii"a,ar‘.r; by
reason of the poli‘aicm‘; complaxiori of Said’ (300.113.? of
same being; Largely Democrafiic, he camwt obtain tlmrefmm a fair
ail-'3. impartial jury fizz; {iffy his cage; '».rvhi'ie firm; aithar of {32:62 other
«30111111193 ragenfiioned. he would be more likely to Obfiain such jury.

 {xyxti. cizxniit;iieu3“t.
Commonwealth of ;entxchy ”iaiutiff
“3:31-— .:;3’Ii'fx,'.i:3‘i Ho. 9.
Caleb ”ouers Lefendent
Comes tnc defendrnt, Caleb fevers, swfl ohbwetg to the
order of the Gouxt directing the fineriff to summon tie jury from
the llu.7_:e’2ti'7 of ,, rand me it! files a certified
copy a? tee vote of said flounty for both the Republican sun Yeme—
cratic ticket in hue Last «uuernatorial race.
And he also Files serenith . like vote in gain race ”or the
follouin; awn counties:

 :Q 536 moveg tun Quart Eu dixect awe #595iff :55 big deyutiea to
summon the venire F on one of 5:14;: (mum; 14:34:14, Sm 532-44755 27:44: “i; by
rem-'40}: of 12:16: 13011431051 Conlpiazcion of 43:41:! 230113153;
4s; 4 e 591314;; largely .i‘emoczm‘bic, 4:43 2.5545515“; Ohm-Lira 6.41.5:reji’y‘om :: f if

: 94m": impartial jury to 133737 his 3:59, 4'11110 $2503. 4443: 71) 544.0 other
bounties mentioned. 210 wouui. be 445-156; ilk-434-737 “E10 0473:2111 553.04; 4 jury.

 . ~11; 4 4 ..--;.. _., :7
v. .:W‘.‘ ...4.
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