xt77wm13ng0p_40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Calendar/Daily Reminder, 1907 text Calendar/Daily Reminder, 1907 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_4/Folder_6/2442.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_40 xt77wm13ng0p ' ' ‘T ' ’ - I...;‘. “Wash I .. :.JE. '
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my. "’"" ' ' h‘vfi‘ 'Y-m‘“ fl?“ ~«1-htasi=~z~gmgmmmu ‘4- g ,..,p -
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TN ”f" ("- ,'-« .’.‘ \ 1
My yfllress is.rff'7.7.?f‘11’?...w.. , .‘.).‘(i'zkzfitfl g: Q
s r— ’ //
.»q/X/w/i/f ..;—W .1 “Z , ‘ k.
In case (If/accident or serious illness please
/, " ,.. r
. /—// Mr. )4. (‘ . , l} \ l
notify .m‘Z/‘i,’ .’. ,9. . .éKYg. . .‘ML,W7
' .l, {x' .4 .
\ .1 , / / 1
WL'4/fl/V/e/J ‘
Thenm/veufmuBicyo/eis...........,.......... D
Itsnumberls... 1
The number on the case of my Watch is 1}
The number of the [UHF/{S is. . . . .. .....,. . . . ‘
The number of my Bunkfiouk is. . .. . .. ‘
My Weiglztwus.........,.....,........,..,..... l
andnil/Height,,.........feet..,.........iuclzes l“
SizeofHut...............G/oues...........,.... l
” Hosiery...........Collar..........,..... {‘1
l‘ F
" Cuffs...”,........Shoes,....,.,... ‘ 0
“ Shirt.,......,....Drawers...,.......,., ‘1‘
\ »u z— ._ r (I ‘
My Will is .”‘-W 3:91. .7707 .%C1,Lu¢,‘ ‘
‘ [I I ‘ J L_
‘ /‘ ,0

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First class (letters, etc.) . . . per 01. 2c.
Second Class. (newspapers. perimlicrtlx) 4 “ ](
Third Class (books. circulars) i . 2 “ 1c.
Fourth class (meiclmntlixe. etc.) . 1 “ 1c.
Registration fee (extra postage) . . 86.
Special delivery ( “ ” ) . . 10c.
I‘ustal cards (reply cards file.) . . . is.
Local or drop letters (where no free delivery)
per 02. 1c.

FIRST CLASS. —- Letters and all other written
matter, sealed or unsealed. and all other matter
sealed or fastened in any manner not easily exam-
ined, 2 Cent»: fur each ounce or fraction thereof in
U. 5.. Canada or Mexico.

SECOND CLASS. —Ncwspapers and period.
icals (regular publications) can be mailed by the
public at the rate of .1 cent for each 4 ounces or
fraction. Publishers and news agents only, 1 cent
per pound.

THIRD CLASS. -— Printed matter, books, cir-
culars, photographs in unsealed wrappers only, 1
cent for each 2 ounces or fraction, fully prepaid.
Limit of weight 4 lbs., except for a single book,
wluch may weigh more.

FOURTH CLASS—All mailable matter not
included in the above, which is so prepared {or
mailing as to be easily withdrawn from the wrapper
and examine-(l, 1 cent per ounce or fraction. Limit
nf weight 4: lbs.

REFOR\VAI{DING.-— Letters forwarded upon
the written request of the person addressed without
additional charge; other mail matter not returnezl
or forwarded until stamps are furnished to pay

MONEY ORDERS. -—For orders not exceed-
ing $2.50, three cents; $250 to 55, five Cents;
$5 to $1.0, eight cents; $10 to :32“, ten cents;
$20 to $30, twelve cents; $30 to $40, fifteen
Cents“, $10 to $50, eighteen Cents; $50 to 5‘3”,
twenty cents; $150 to $75, twenty—five cents; $75
to $100, thirty cents.

FOREIGN POSTAGE—All civilized coun-
tries are included in the I’ostal Union. Letters,
per half ounce, 5 cents; Second and third class
matter, 2 ounces, 1 cent; postal cards, 2 cents
each. _

Pucrto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, Hawaii
and Cuba: Same as domestic. ‘

regular postal card rates.

 I? I
.I E
2: i
x \ ‘ 1
Ignorance of thu IZHV muiws 1mm; II
it is A {mud lu (unccuizi{1‘.mri. II
J he Liw (‘Hlllpvin nu mm: ‘m liU lll)I7U,\‘~1I)lIH1CS. I
Anagrccmwmxiiihxm: [Wilkidrliliifllli:.\'(1il1. II I.
' é
., i I i . I .(1
higiiiiiurcs inm’h; “uh mini Iiullcli iirc gumi in 1.1“". i a}
’ fi
A rccuip: {Mummy lliili IS nut IL”;.1II\'(IllilkillSchi I W
. , I
The acts (if 0111: 1\.11211L’1' hind “11 III: ulhurs. I
. I .
(mlitmcis Hindu on .\KIIHI()’C.\11HOEI7C ziihmmd, j‘
, A CUHTIKICI miuli: with ii imiwi' i< imaliitl. 1 l
;\ 0,1111";th miixlu \\Ilh ;\ hiniikiu is \oiii. III I
, k I
l mmxms for advertising in Sunday nu“ spimci's an} :
' . . I .
I im'nhd. | I
. . , . . , . i i‘
t lunch liuthuui in :i partnership 1>1’u>1)(\1151b]c for II
V the whulc animmt (If the (h-hts of thc firm I
r 1 ‘
i . i , i
t Pi'liicilmis :u'c rvspr'iiisiblc {or ‘ihc acts of their I
again.» ; 1
i I ‘
i . . . i,
I Aguils an: I'Chlfljnslbiu In thuir pi Incipals for (:'n‘OI'S. II
3' :\ now given hy :i ininnr is vnid. I
. i
[- It is not lcguily IIL‘CL‘SSJI’)’ to say on a note “for i
. ‘ , I
I value ruccu'udx’ ‘
‘ i
I] A note (huwn 0:1 Sunday is vniri. I
, ,
r: I
U A note obtained hy fraud, or from :1 pursun in :i i
1 5mm: uf I‘IHUXiCIlIIUII, (:.mnm h: cullcclcd. I
. : I
x _ , i
3; If .1 note he lost or stolen, 1t dues not ruiezise the 'I
is maker; he must pay. V
ii The indm‘scr of a nntc is exempt from liability if
' not served with notice of its dishonor within I
at .
twenty-four hours of its non-payment. , I
4 I
‘_ /

Drowning. 1. Loosen clothing, if any.
2. Empty lungs of water by layingr bndy on its
stomach and lifting it by the middle so that the
head hangs duwu. Jerk the lmtly a few times.
3. Pull tongue forward, using llalKlliL‘I‘CliiL‘l, or
pin with string, if necessary. 4. lmitnte nmtiun
of respiration by alternately cmnpressitr;r and ex—
panding the lower ribs, about twenty times a min-
ute. Alternately raising and lowering the arms
from the sides up above the head will stimulate
the actiun of the lungs. Let it be done gently but '
persistently. 5. Apply warmth and friction to ex-
tremities. 6. By holding tongue forward, closing
the nostrils and pressing the “Adam’s apple ” back
(so as to close entrance to stomach), direct inflation
may be tried. Take a deep breath and breathe it
forcibly into the month (if patient, cmnpress the
chest to expel the air, and repeat the operatinn.
7. DON’T GIVE Ul’! People have been saved
after nouns of patient, Vigorous effl'yt't. 8, When
breathing begins, get patient into a warm bed, give
“'Ami drinks, or spirits in teaspoonfuls, fresh air
and quiet.
Burns and. Scalds. Cover with Cooking
Soda and lay wet cloths over it. \Vhites of Eggs
and Olive Oil. Olive nr Linseed Oil, plain or
mixed with Chalk or \Vhiting.
Lightning. Dash cold water over a person ,-
struck. l
Sunstroke. Loosen clothing. Get patient ;
into shade, and apply ice-cold water to head. (
Mad Dog or Snake Bite. Tie cord tight , i
above wound. Suck the wound and cauterize with
caustic or white-hot iron at once, or cut out adjoin- (
iug parts with a sharp knife. (
Venomous Insects’ Stings, etc. Apply E
weak Ammonia, Oil, Salt \Vater, or Iodine. (
Fainting Place flat on back; allow fresh air - (
and sprinkle with water. (
Tests Of Death. Iluld mirmr to mouth. I,
if living, moisture will gather. Push pin intn flesh. A
If dead, the hole will remain, if alive, it will Close. 1.
Cinders in the Eye. Roll snft paper up .
like a lamp lighter and wet the tip to remove, or I\
use a medicine dropper to draw it out. Rub the
o/lzyr eye. N
Fire in one’s Clothing. 0075’! rmz— L
especially not, down stairs or out of duors. Roll on . S
eaipet, or wrap in woolen mg or blanket. Keep the T
head down, so as not to inhale flame:

 ‘l i
,J i
First. Send for a Physician. ‘!
Second. INDUCEvmu'rmc,byfickiingthrnnt i
with fuathcr or finger, drinking hot water or strung i
Mmtm‘d and \mlcr. Swaliuw Succt Oil or whims ‘
of I‘Iggs. ii
Acids are antidotes for ALKALmS, and vice [i ;
vzrm. I 4
. ”A:
Acids. MURIATIC. Ox». ch. Snap-suds, l N
ACETIC. SULPHURIC(0iin Vit- Magnum, g
riol). NITRIC (Aqua Forms). Lime-water. 3i
. . 4 .
PI’USSIC ACId. Ammonia in water. Dash \m— j‘
ter in face. ‘
Carbolic Acid. Flour and water, muciiaginmxs [ i
drinks. 1,:
- i i
Alkalles. POTASH. LYE. lVincgnr or Lcmuu 3: /
1{A1{’X‘SHORN. AMMONIA. 3 juice in watcr. ‘
Arsenic, : Milk, Raw Eggs, Sweet (>21, 1'
Rat. POISON. H' Lime-water, Flour and \\':A- 1"
Paris Green. ) tar. i,
. EugdPoison. 1'
‘ ea . . 5
. \Vhltes of Eggs or .1
Salfpetne. . Milk in largu i
Conoswe Subhmate. doses. 1
Sugar .of'Lead. ‘

- Blue Vltnol. ’l
chloroform. Dash coid water on head and :
chloral, chest. Artificial respiratinn. }.
Ether_ Piece of ice in rectum. .

. garbonate Of seda' Snap—suds and muci- '
nggfitas' laginuns drinks. ;I
Iodine. Starch and water. ASH-in. .
Antimony. gent infusions. Strung

‘ Tartar Emetic. m. E 1

‘ Mercury AND ITS SALTS. WVhitcS of Eggs. ,' 1

Milk. Mucilages. i
Nitrate of Silver } s 1 ‘ .

. ' i t. (1 ate . _

Lunar Caustic. 1 m “1 r .

1 Strychnine. } Mustard and wn- .

Tlnct. of Nux Vomica. ter, Sulphate of
Zinc. Absolute quiet. Plug the ears. L I"

l V,- - .'u :- —| -
1 U. S. DEPAETMEN: (l? [\GmlzllleBh.
.7 , ”7," E
1 n ‘ l‘ ,
EXPlRIIZLLLOH of Flag E1gna‘ls.
No. 1L, No.1, alum“, in'lim‘ws Mir \uunhcr,
Whit“ Fl"? smthm \:'_\' irinlwi'dlu‘d. 1‘
, N1). 2, alum), incllmlcs min or :‘nuw, l;
' 'i’ smlimmr)’ lumpcmhmn
l'uir \‘y'I-nthun _
No. 3, uhmo. mulluuvs luml min m'
.\u. ‘_’. 5mm, Hullmhn'y tempurlmn'e.
liluc Flng.
W211}; No.1, ‘,\iih Nu. Al nhm'c it, indlcntcs
- ‘27»11.‘ .
fbyfi’ {1111' \\ unthm', ‘,mu'nmi'.
(J '.‘;155'
“Hill urf‘wmw. Nu. I, with N0. 4 hulnw it, indicates
fair wculhcr, uuhlur.
Na 3.
WM“: and N0. 2, \\ith Nu. ll nhm'c it, indicates
’ l 4' (r .
["“‘ l 1“" mm m' snow, “Miller. 1;
a N0. 2, \\ith Nu. 4 hulmv it,imlicnfics H
1 min 01' snow, Colder.
Lin-u} Rain or
MH’W' N0, 3, with No. 4 above it,i1\dicntcs
X0. 4. local min or snow, “unmet
“luck Triuu- ‘ . . . .
gulur Flag. No. 3, mth Eu». 41mlmv1t,lmhcntes
lULfll min nr snow, coldcr.
N0. 1, with NH, 5 nhovc it, indicates
Tempomtuw fuh‘ wcnthcr, (nld wave.
X0. 5' No. 2, with Nu. 5 above it, indicates W
White Flag, wet wcnthur, wyld wave.
‘ Elm-k Context ce
Fm‘ecuxts mntlc at 10.00 A, BL, :11]
i ‘ nml displuyud hutwccn 12.00 and L1
3 1,00 l‘. 31., forecasts the weather for ‘ a}
1 Cold Wavel the following (lily until 8.00 P. M. 11'

 . _‘I I
Explanation of Storm and Hurricane l
Signals. l
~ , i
. . l
‘ S'rni<.\i51t;N;\i..—A l ‘1
l‘t‘tl ill; with a lllllt‘li l [l i,‘
lied I'mnmitl renter “HUGH-L's that a l White I’r-n- l :3
mm". stulnrol inaiLed \m- ‘ multulmve , .t
Rm] 1'1“; lcnre Is expected. ltwl Mug. 4 4:
lllzu‘lt ('Hxlt-r.‘ The Pennants dis» .ltluvlt Center. 1» g
played \\ith the flags 1 il l
indicate the direction l l
of the wind: red. cash l E .
‘ ‘ rl‘lj; tirom northeast l I vi .1
3’77 tusouth \: white, nest- '1?
l m L-rly lfrmn southwest {I ‘ .‘
l to north). The pen- 1 4| '1
. lnant ahnvc the tiag r '| j
i :2“L“£li?irilii“Whit} J r
, , p . e, , i , v . r;
“1“)" ‘ from the northerly 1 “IN“‘S' i
1 quadrants; he 1 H vs, I .l
i from the southerly . 41
‘ quadrants. ‘ i;
”V ninht a red light l 3.
Red Flag. lr 3‘, _, . ,: ,1 Red Hug. I.
llhwk Contra} ‘“Tfl‘L'Wi ““19.” ‘mur-k ('cnter, .'
uhm-o ‘ \‘H‘dby dud ll “,1“: ‘uhuve White '
Ned l’n-nnunrl lightahuvea red light, 1 l’vuuunt. ‘
‘ “esterly winds. ‘ ‘ l
..4 . l l
_e n i
‘ Two Rod l'lngzs. 1 :l
F 1 [thick Centers. [I 1 ‘
s. E. s. w. l
WINDS. l l 1 WINDS, ’,
I . .
s l '1
I'lURRICANF. SIGNAL—Two red flags with black ]
centers, displayed one above the other, indicate 1
the expected approach of tropical hurricanes, and j .
’ also of those extremely severe and dangerous ‘ ‘
Ll storms which occasionally more across the Lakes ‘
r ‘ and northern Atlantic coast. No night informa- ;
tion or hurricane signals are displayed. ‘

{ 059E530" OF THE UNITED 3
' Alabama. ‘ 15,00 TATES.
(\‘lefi‘fw?’ v..117“"“1153“,“07 1 182m
“11114,, 3. r~ 5:
(101mm, ”'.',” - - JIerffif—TQ 1', 1 2.5317,
g‘mwcncm 5::u’723E’, 173““{1‘36
flia\\uu-c..,. Hush—9 41233;;
J‘V‘Urlrld. m m.;.”n'Zéf.’ 7405;};
"Borgia. ‘ 525’4‘411 mm:
mzlflm...‘ ....3 131(3’13. ‘ 391212)};
Illumsmf“ 3131.11} 1,5:g7’-;¢§
WI. -~-4,su‘1'£45 84%?
Igwnn _ ‘ _ _ _ > ‘ ‘ - ‘ - - ~- . ‘ 2,5] “’48.; €183‘3’35L1’
Vansasmnn "-----.2,2:31’85g 1,192’404
[\ullfl}ck)v. A . . ' h ‘ " - 1,470’41); ] 75,11,399
\"”}1SIIUm, . ‘ " “--2.1~:L7’1'~'4’ 1,427,056
Game...” ->--1,38|"5é,- 1,858,633
Mffé'land . V . . ‘ ~- --.. 694"463 1:1-1333.8;
MCITEICIHBCIB- , ' ' ’ “' ' 1,1flt):050’ 6“];086
‘Mlc‘lgnn... - --‘~Wm 344- 3042 390
MRIIyes'om. . , ,_ _' - 3,420’989: 3,238,043
\13'55‘55113pi. . ._ "‘ "”1351’394 3:093358‘)
allssrmn, . . . . ' ""”-1,531,370 1,301,82E
Nontana. ..”_"‘“-~3,1()(;’(;(;r' 1’289’600
Nebragkm -' " 243730}; 21079,] 84
N‘fVada, ~r.l,m;s’5§;, 132:]59
Nuv I’Imnpsmm" ' ' ' ‘ " 42'33? 11058 91f)
NEI‘V Jersey. 411278; 45’7“]
3.7:“, “"“- --.""""lv383’mm 37%30’ ‘
North Cal-(,1i.,a_:"“" 124:3:01‘2 3,444,933 ‘
01-rth Dflkmau """1393 810 ">997 853 ‘
0"°"'---~.. 319’14'6 1"”7’945 '
pregon"-~-.:I'”"”4'157154V 182’719 ‘
Rainnsylvmlia-I-n . 4‘3753-3 3107237146 (
Some 151m1d---~‘uim2'11£ 313 707 ‘
‘go‘m‘ Caronm'“ 4-28’556 5:258’014 ‘
1‘ “th Dakota. ‘ ""1340’3] p 3457500 (
TBWBSSee , 401‘576 1,151:14(; ‘
Uixlas ”""?7020’61C 328,805; (
Val......_‘"""”-5,048,710) LII-“75”; (
\fr'fiqnt. - ~- 276741) 2335522 ‘
“VWR- 343’64‘1 207"»O'r (
Waslnngum .'- ' - -- "”1354’184 332212,; k
“rest Vn‘ginia' 51139103 “555,986 (
\V'SCOHSin ‘_ " ‘ .. 958’300 345390 '
YUming 4n...””"”2v0897042 76277;“. I
Tot] Wm 1 Usn’q' r
a , 45 5111 . :- « 772M ’ C v.80 I
TEI€R[']~( « cs... . 14,1;Julfi ’.1- «MOS 1
Alaska ”“”“ “4110,8'11 r
fiF‘mnn....': -- (:3 441 J‘,
Him? Cullunbg' ' ' '~ 1333931 133,052 g}
‘ ‘7‘ F g u. (s- 2
Ethan [Ci‘ritory 1541331; 2:“):3fig 1:1
0 -\v MCXico, '- - - - . . 35)] ‘900 89 ”()0 1')
‘ Malian“... lgs’éfi 1801;” 1‘:
‘ Tom], 7 Tel-.1; ””“flufl 1433:5393 F'
‘ '1 A , _ ( 4‘
”ms on reservaiivolfigl 89,070 Ol’(;63 F"
145.282 Fr

.. 151m , ‘ l
Alarm, (y.., ’ lb")() ,
All):1x\y,Nv\ 411'ng ,,,'_ ;
“\HL‘L’llLfln, [mm ”4,151 Ui‘l’l’l
.’\llLlI[4|\\‘H~ 1.2-4‘ l2‘.Ls$H; I; ’_“-’.I.. u
mom“, I,‘, ~ 3.141,; 49,587 3!
«\llzmnm,1;,,' ”NU-WI: .‘."’£f~’“
.\tl.’1lnic( i;\vv\'- "" 3057'." 239C?” 1‘.
‘\nl]lll'l\_ .\'.V\ .I.-..- 3133“ ’j;y“-_’:5_¢ J:
-““-‘~"l"tu, m f ' " ”(HHS .1539?“ r
I\H.LL}I»1“l"~” , .
lyruy Elly, ANAL-HIM" 21,350 n ’40“ 1 ”£1
l‘51}"“‘1!(:._\_ I 27.‘128 0:12;. 1‘
Bulghmnxnm \"'\' ‘ 312.723 “why“ 1‘
“”’Ininglmm A\l« 1:5,!“4‘7 ”‘24ng 1
’E‘Wnn, Mm; “ -38,“ 534"!“ I
II"“]14«‘W>I'L. (flu-‘3" l“"",«‘~".l2 44$ 11‘: ’
LYNN-111,“, 31:1,, " ' ’ '- Hump, 4%,:{1‘1 ‘1,
Human, N. \‘ 40,061; ”Law“ } 'j'
lgurlingtun. \v,‘ 332,337 ”#494 , 3
':Wu Mum. 38.644) ”'l'iy‘JM , 2
(:.nuhridgc’ 3111;;-' --4. J‘Ll'fl) 10,29?) l ,
(,fumlcn, N_ y " 01,330 _ ~1‘23 _, 34
‘gimum, Uflfij'm‘“ 75mm fill-5" :;
(VL‘llfll' lx‘nphh IX“ 30.007 2;?”13‘ ‘i
(jinn-hm“, .4 gm LEIGH; {0'17” "
(.h‘l‘mnw'lu, Tum-- --~ .»43’807 fly-fig .‘_
Elwin-u, MM " ‘ ‘ " ”3,490 35"""“ '
VIM-51m; 1‘4 34.072 53.100 l:
‘Ihiwn mil?” “3,088 3"?” |
L‘hxngc‘ MAN” . ”1,1;93'575 1 flair-336 [
(:lllk‘lllllilll, (I, . ”1,167 ’ '1‘18430 ‘
(ilfi‘l‘luud. ()flll " 1:35’5’03 unhl’lh'” l
Worm, gm“; ',plu .m mas 3;.‘1'9’9?’ }
(:‘llllmbus, ()_. N. H ' 31 MS?) “1’ "5‘“; '
(.‘unhcil Bluffs-41:1,." 1312,4761) gl‘LflJ [
(m'mgmn, Kv' ‘H ' ‘ " L’nfiug 1)‘ ,120
Im11ns.h\“'””” Minx» 33.444 '
Imvcnlmn. [AW-12,633 3‘5“”? l
“Hymn, Hm '““' -~ 35,234 'V'-SJQIW ‘
“““‘“; (inl..""""“ “5,333 FY'SFZ 1
[m Muhu-x, ,;,“"“" 1533,81» “ha-’9 =‘
Dctx'nib Mich, ' " (“3,139 :6")? 5|
Jlllhntum [1, ,m“"‘ 355,704. 2;)J'Ufl‘)’ -|.
”WWII, Minn 36.297 ”huff,“ “ .
lljl'mhulh‘ N-HI-W 51mm titlull il
Jyasmn. I’m...’ 52,130 gills I.
1’97“ 5L lmnishlllln 23,1338 3‘11”"; -i
’lllmmw N, \' v -. . ., 139.655 _.481 ll.
llim’ pa” l .. ::5,¢;72 36341;: :1
\ ‘:Vnnsviney ' ' 52 733 O ' ".' ' 53' ,
1‘31! River, Mil-K" 24.331; ‘1”77':" ll
EMF—“burg, Arn;g”""‘ 104,909, $958 5|
“m Wm, M ' ' "1531 $328 5
Fort \Vorth, Tux" ‘ 45,115 ”$007 15
20,688 ij"393 ‘r,
«3,070 w},


1900 1890
Gloucester, Mass.. 26,121 24,651
Grand Rapids, 1\1iCll.. .. 87,565 60,278
Harrisburg, Pa . . . . . . . 50,167 39,385
Hartford, Conn. . . . . . . . 70,850 53,230
Haverhill, Mass. . . . . . . 37,175 27,412
Hobokcn, N. J..... 59,364 43,648
Holynke, Mass......... 45,712 35,637
Houston, Tex. 442,633 27,557
Indianapolis, Ind.. . . .. . 169,164 105,436
Jackson, Mich. 25,180 20,798
Jacksonville, Fla.. . .. . 28,429 17,201
Jersey City, N. J. H .. . 206,433 163,003
Jolmslown, Pa.. . . ... . 35,936 21,805
Joliet, Ill.......... 29,353 23,264
Kansas City, Kan.. . . . . 51,418 38,316
Kansas City, Mo, . . .. 163,752 132,716
Knoxville, Tenn . . . . . . . 32,637 22,535
Ln Crossc, Wis. . . . . . . . 28,895 25,090
Lancaster, Pa.......... 41,459 32,011
Lawrence, Mass. . . . . . . 62,559 44,654
Lexington, Ky... 26,369 21,567
Lincoln, Neb....... 40,169 55,154
Little Rock, Ark . .. . . . 38,307 25,874
Los Angeles, (3.11.. . . . . . 102,479 50,395
Louisville, Ky..... 204,731 161,129
Lowell, Mass...... 94,969 77,696
Lynn, Mass,........... 68,513 55,727
Malden, Mass .,. . . . . . 33,664 23,031
Manchester, N. 11.. . . . 56,987 44,126
McKeesport, Pa. . .. . . . 34,227 20,741
Memphis, Tenn... . . . . . 102,320 64,495
Bieriden, Conn.... 24,296 21,652
Milwaukee, Wis. . . . . . . 285,315 204,468
Minneapolis, Minn .. . . 202,718 164,738
Mobile, Ala....... 38,469 31,076
Montgomery, Ala. . . . . . 30,346 21,883
Montpelier, Vt 6,266 4,160
Nashville, Tenn. . . .. . . . 80,865 76,168
Newark, N. J....... 246,070 181,830
New Bedford, Mass. . . . 62,442 40,733
New Britain, Conn..... 25,998 16,519
Newcastle, Pa...” 28,339 11,600
New Haven, Conn.. . .. 108,027 81,298
New Orleans, La. . . . .. 237,104 242,039
Newport, Ky.. 28,301 24,918
Newton, Mass...“ 33,587 24,379
New York, N. \'.......3,437,202 2,492,591
Norfolk, Va........... 46,624 34,871
North Adams, Mass. .. . 24,200 16,074
Northampton, Mass. . . . 18,643 14,990
Oakland, Cnl.. . . . . . . . . . 66,960 48,682
Omaha, Nob. . . . . . . . . . 102,655 140,452

‘ Oshkosh, \Vis...... 28,284 22,836 ‘

- Passaic, N. J....... 27,777 13,028
IEmerson, N. J.........105,171 78,347
Pawtncket, R. 1.. . . .. 39,231 27,633

1, Peoria, 111... . . . . . .. 56,100 41,024

1900 1890 ll
Philadelphia, Pa. . . . . . .1,293,697 1,046,964 ,3
Pittsburg, Pa. .. .. . . . . . 321,616 238,617 ]
l’ittsfield, Mass. .. . . . .. 21,786 17,281 ,1
Portland, l\Ic.. .. .. .. .. 50,145 36,425 ,’
Portland, Ore. .. . . . . . .. 90,426 46,385 ,1
Providence, n. 1.. . .... 175,597 132,146 l.
Pueblo, Col........... 28,157 _ 24,558 1“
Quincy, 111............ 36,262 31,404 5.-
Quincy, Mass...... 23,899 16,723 ll
Racine, w13........... 29,102 21,014 ,1 ,5
Reading, Pa........... 78,961 58,661 .' 4;
Richmond, Va. .,.. . .. 85,050 81,388 l 5,,
Rochester, N. Y.. . . . . . 162,608 133,896 ]1 '32,,
Rockford, Ill... . . . 31,051 23,584 §
Rutland, Vt........... 11,499 ....... 1]
Sacramento, Cal. . . . . . . 29,282 26,386 ,’ ~
Saginaw, Mich. . . . . . . . . 42,345 46,322 7" ,1
Saint _losepll, Mm. 102,979 52,324 ' 1]
Saint Lotus, Mo....... 575,238 451,770 ‘7. 5'
Saint Paul, Minn.. .... 163,065 133,156 ‘I 1
Salem, Mass... 35,956 30,801 :1 .(
Salt: Lake City, Utah. . . 53,531 44,843 ,‘ 1'
San Antonio, Tex. . . . .. 53,321 37,673 ‘1 ‘
San Francisco, Cal. . . .. 342,782 298,997 l,
Savannah, (1a.. . . . . . . . . 54,244 43,189 “
Schenectady, N. Y . 31,682 19,902 3,
Scranton, Pa....... 102,026 75,215 .
Seattle, Wash... . . .. . .. 80,671 42,837 i
Sioux City, Ia... . . . . . .. 33,111 37,806 ,I
Somcrville, Mas-:... 61,643 40,152 l
South Bend, Ind.. . . . . . 35,999 21,819 3
South Omaha, Kuhn" 26,001 8,062 l
Spokane, Wash. .. 36,848 19,922 ‘
Springfield, Ill........ . 34,159 24,963 ‘
Springfield, Mass....... 62,059 44,179
Springfield, 0,. .. . . . . .. 38,253 31,895 ‘,
Syracuse, N. Y. .. . .. . . 108,374 88,143 ';
Tacoma, \Vasli. . . . . . . . . 37,714 86,006 ,1
Taunton, Mass ........ 31,036 25,448 .
Terre Haute, Ind.. . . . . 36,673 30,217 f
Toledo, O............. 131,822 81,434 i
Topeka, Kan. . 33,608 31,007 :1
Trenton, N. J. . . . . . . . . 73,307 57,458 j I
Troy, N. Y.. . . . . . . . . .. 60,651 60,956 _‘ 7
Utica, N. Y... . . . . . . . . . 56,383 44,007 3 ,
\Valtliam, Mass... . . . . . 23,481 18,707 3’
\Vasliington, D. C, 278,718 230,392 "i
\Vaterbury, Conn... . . . 45,859 28,640 .'i '
\Vheeling, W. Y1. . . . . 38,878 34,522 .
VVilkelearre, Pa. . . . . . . 51,721 37,718 ; -
\Villiamsport, 1’a.. . . . . . 28,757 27,132 1 \

t \Vilmington, Del... . . . . 76,508 61,431 j
\Voonsncket, R. 1.. .... 28,204 20,830 1'
\Voroestcr, Mass. . . . . . . 118,421 84,655 I
Yonkers, N. Y......... 47,931 32,033 1‘]
York, Pa.............. 33,708 20,793 ‘,,1
Youngstown, 0. .. ..... 44,885 33,220 " ,7

In most States when the holiday falls on
Sunday the .’Hunday lollowing is observed.
Luzul lltlllll:l)\' in ':mnr Slums nrr‘ (ulnmrvml us’ such
only by wnuuun rmmntmr wlwu illl|mllllrll by the
(lovcrimr.un«1nutby ln-gl:-i.lll\‘u (nut-uncut.
ALAHAHA .Inn. 1 :uul l.‘, l‘L-b. ‘.‘L‘. Mural-Gran, (innd
lrriiluy. April '_’Ii. Junr ll. July l. lat .‘lnlului in Sept”
'l'lmnl..~11\'in;. Dec. 2.3.
.ARKANS \5—‘Jilll. 1. lab. ‘_‘;', July -l. ’l'linuksgiving,
Doc. ‘_’7.
CALH‘UliNlA—‘JHH. 1. 1141.22. May-‘lll. July -l, Labor
[)uy. Sept. 1'. 'l‘lnlnlisgiving. llcl'. 15, ,an. electinn.
COLORAlanun. l. l-cb, 1:, .\llllll' Amy, Muy 31»,
July rl, l>L Muniluy HI SupLunibvr, 'J'lnuilu-‘giving,
Dec. 2.7, :wuL-rul rlrcnun.
CUNNIIC'I'ILJIY‘F Jun 1. 1th. 12 llllll 22. May :10,
Jul\ l, l.~l. \lnn. in qul., ’l‘li:\iil:>gii'iiu:‘. Dal-.23.
I)llll.AWAlt'I Jun. 1. lL'il. 2:. \luyhll. July ‘I. “at Mon-
dm‘ in Sept” 'I'llllllkrfjlvlllfl. ll\‘(',, '.'.‘1.
DISTRICT ()1" (Klll'MlLlA Jun. 1. l «b. “_‘2. lnungnril—
tion IJuy. \lnyvlll. Jul) ll. l.~l )lumluy lu Septem-
ber. 'l‘lninksgwin: lluy, 11m. 2.7.
l‘l.()l{ll)\—.I:In.l :uul li‘, Arbm- llu)‘. lob. 22. April
'_’Il. Juno, 52. July 4. Isl Monday in Fupt.,'l'huuk>giv-
in;:. liven!» geneml ell-Minn.
(El'lOli(llA——Jun. Inml lb. l'vb. L’L'. April ‘_‘ll, June :‘.y
July -!. lst Monday in Sulnoinlmr, uny Thanksgiv-
iuv'. 1.~t Friday in “UK, 1100. 3,3.
IDAIfU Jun. |, lab. 22, Arlu-r l‘rn). July 4. Labor
Day. 'I'luxnksuivnig, lbw. 13.3. gem-ml «bi-lion,
XLLINHIS Jun, I. l"\*l). I2 und ‘.’:3, .‘lny iZU. July 9,
bit Muniluy in Si-xilcmbvr, 'l'l\uuk.\;;i\'iu'_r. III-<2 '_'5.
INDIANA Jun. 1, I’l-l). '11, public 1115:. May :;Ir,.]u]y ;
July »L 1.x: Monday in September, 'llmnkrgiving,
Dec. 27, general election.
IO\V.\-Jiui. 1, Feb. '13, .\[uy .‘lll. July 1. lst Monday 1
in Sunk, 'l‘luxuksgiviug, live. :5. grnrrul elm-lion.
KANSAS—Jun. l. l"k'||,‘_"_’. \luy ::H. publir Inst, July 4. ’
lac \Innrluyin September. ’l‘lmnksgiring. [200. :5.
gen. electiun,
KI‘INTI'CKYWJnn. 1. Feb. 9‘3. )lny f'll. July -l. public
f1L‘3LiEL Mummy in September. 'J'lninksgiving, Doc. '
2.3. :v'uuml ulcv-xinn.
LOUISI.\N\#J:m.l and >1. lab. ‘_"2. .‘lnrtli-(lrus in
New ()rlnum. (lnml l'l'ldfl)‘. April I}. June 3, July l
4, All Sniuls' Day,Thanksgivmg, Doc. ‘_‘5. general
election. ‘
MAINE—Jun. l.1“(:b.‘22. )luy :11). public furl. July 4,
1st Monthly in Sept. 'l‘hunlmziviug, lli'l'. ‘_'fr. ‘
MARYLAND Jun. 1. l’ol). ‘_';7. (ioml l'ritlu)‘. May :70,
July 4. ls: Almirlny in Foptemlwr. 'i'luuiksgiving.
Dec. '37. gonurul OiL'CfiIIn. ‘
MASSACH[TS]C’I‘TS~FML 2‘2, An-ill1‘. May 30, July
»I. lst Mnndui in Soph‘inber. ’J‘imuksgivinc. Iloc. 2.3.
MlClIlGAX—Jnu. l, l’ch, 22’, )Iny 3”. July 4. 15‘. Mon- V
(lay in Svmemhcr, Dec. ‘_'.7, I-‘nsting mid Tlumks-
giving llny.
MINNESIYI'A ier. l. Feb. 12 rind 2‘3, (land Friday, ‘
May :HI.Jnly 4. Isl, Mnndnylin September. Thnnka-
giving. Dec. 25, Arbor lmy, gi-neml election. .
. MISSISSH’I’liJun. 1, April 2“, July 4, Thanksgiving, 1
ac. 2,7.

MISSOURI Jun. 1. lab. .”2. May 1i“, July -l. list Mon. ,
day in Sept., Thanksgivmg, lice. ‘.‘5, gen. election.
MONTANA . Jun. 1, tel). 22, May filo. public first, July
i, let Monduy in September, ’l'hunksgiving. lit-c. ;
:13, _\r|ior Imy. gen. election. :‘l
NEI:I(.\SK.\——.Jnn. l. lien. 22. April 22. May (it). July "
4.1m Monday in N-ptcniber. public last. ’l‘hunks- ll‘
fllV'lllg, llec. '.‘.3. i.
NEVADA Jun. 1. l"(-l). ‘.’:3, May .‘50, July Al, Thunksgiv- 1” _.
inlr.Ilcc.2:7.gcii.¢-l(:rtioii. ‘ ‘
.\‘i~;\\' ll \ui’sn [uic 11.-b. 2:. ins: day, May :to. July 4, [.l ;
ll-t Mon. in Sch, 'lhuiiksgiring, lice. 2.'-. gen. vice. l gel
NEW .llilih‘l'IY .lun. l. l'cb. li.’ nnll 2:. May .'Itl..luly l a
»l. let Monday in Sept” ’l'liiinksgiving.r und l'nst l ’3;
Day, Dec. '.'.. every Miurdny 1'. M.. iron. election. i ”Y
NEW YORK Jim. I. 1 ch. l2 nnd 2:. May :01. Jilly »i, l
13.: Mondny in September. ’1hunksgiving,liec. 25. l
gen. election. every Saturday I'. M. 1
NORTH CAROLLNA Jund nnd 11'. Feb. 2‘2, May 10 fl ,
and :3”. Jilly 4. Labor lmy. 'l‘hnnksgiving. Dec. 25. -‘
Non'rn i>.\uo'ixxw.um 1. Feb 12. lch. 22. May :m. 3
July |. Arbor lmy. Thanksgiving, public. inst