xt77wm13ng0p_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Third Volume text Third Volume 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_1/Folder_4/11469.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_4 xt77wm13ng0p MIS-PAGINATION

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 _# 62;
SC 0"??? C- IRCUIT C(TJZfi-‘ifi? .' ,
VS, .
THIRD TRLAL....................;........,.........THIRD VOLUME......
T Testimony of Frank Hurohinsom. Page 5?fi.
Lives in Frankfort, did so in Jen. 1900. Remember a large body
of men come there in nthe 25th. Thinks fivehuhored or seven hudh~
dred and fifty; Says he could have laid hands on Einiey and Steve
Sharp. Appearauoe of the crowd was rough, the mountain men were
going in ew.out of the Agricultural Building, earring all sort of ass
Finley called on Jerry Mertin to speak, then called on Sharp, Sharp
spoke. Dent” how whether they were sober or not. Page 477; Says
there was one ot two shots fired;
Q. Did you see him Berry Howard with this crowd of feillows that
came down here?
A; E sew Berrw Howard come in the Senate together with ten or
fifteen men , came in the Senate were Goebel was. Objected to by
the defongent, objection overruled. Page 478. Says Howard was eeh
pionting in the direction of Senator Goebel and he would say someetg
thing to him and then h'e would steh out and mother would take his
place . Witness says onhe men came around the eereerin front of
V Goebel are Goehel tried to avoid him, hut finally spoke to him,
then took his seat and resumed his reading. Page 479. Then the man
went out; Croee Examine ion. Page 479. Witness says es soon as then
mountain men disposed of their arms they were adressed by Finley.
Fisnley called by Judge Morem? Says the crowd @ssed tm resolution
or read the resolution to tie Legsilemure with reference to the
contest. Page 481. g82. They appointed a committee directly after fie
resolution. Says there was no mis conduct a swhile hevweswnthe
resolutions were being prepared;
Q. Did not you remember when you were testifying in Frankfort that
c you said that there were people there, other Senators sitting around
Senator Goebel?
A, I do not remember making such a statement.

 . t
A. A. .
if A1 .:.AE‘ Q

' Q. Dontl you FBQSMUQT that I asked yon if yon know they were
looking at him ahd Tom Shin you could not tell?
A. ll? I iwm.e filo? ; l senhg ifisafi itnay'xra;~i poi itinsr in lfile tllrcmitlon
of Senatov Boehol.
Q. his moi you say fihere wove 0%: we in alo.e pnoximitr to Senatoy
Q. I uont’ rememben xakln; such a shategehfi. Page 485.
Says a flsfl some in one eash side of iho Chagbor ; who ?lth Ber y
hot '1" 13.-ea. 2.211;. is o FOWC‘I an ‘13:: A :11. 151.171 ”that rise in is .t’lool»: ‘ :3 J. Sh. 86:51:." it 1221i."
Go fluelanao ‘fiion.zhenflc oulz. By‘l ill in as. EU;TS a? l. lflitruesh sleysa tihenr
men loohod Zlhe the man win Chum an EHGE aim . Bout grow wheheee~ ' A
where they got the reeolfi ions.

Toetihony 0? Steele Reading. Page lSSe
Lives in Fnebkfovt a In in fhe dry 300 3 homineasano china business.
Place 0? busineos right opposite of the State House Square,
just adhooe the streofion Broadway. Was a large shown of men , Torrie
teen phhsengo? loads Rlfl the cars were pretty full. says the crowd
was & rough looking net. Had fhre arms of all kinds. Witness went
in the Senaie Chamber with Frank Hutchinson, said he nont' Know
Berry Howard, did not krmw him until thht morning when Berry
was pognhenged out to no. Witness says Berry was stanoinQat the
glass door of the Senéje Chamber , Showing thine men Senator Goehel
ad pointing in direct on of Goehol, the man would step back anfi
other nee men would step Ups Page 4989
Q. Did you see any squabble about these men to get into She Senaee
. Chamber . Question objected to, by the defenoant, objection overruled.

A, I dont’ know, Idont” recollect of any squabble. Page 488.
Cross Examination. Page 489. Witness says he meet Hutohinson
going up to the State House. says Steve Sharp spoke to the crwod
when witness ana Hutchinson got to together witness stayed about
two minutes in the crowd. Witness says he saw the Military appear
on the State grounds about fifteen minutes affior the Senator Goebel
was shot. Witness heard the resolutions read 3 but gin not hear
Finley Spock. Saw sharp with paper in his hand.Page 491/
00 WHQFG W3“G YOU When the comittee wag apointeo to go off ano draft

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.I. U. 4-11:.) 9.1 1 MO LI 1; U. L..}. _.: u‘- .L 0..-slum.“ i.) 3 LlLl\i;,' H K..}. l.» Mr../._, u .. 71:2: v ‘.‘/St! nu v. u ‘.I .. i...» 4 .- ‘1 -4 a.)

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r; '3.". m.- J.. M..- ' - w 1;». Wm ,... — ‘71-» T).«; ,- ,. f; 0;" r, _,,.._-) I ’.‘ —. .; H _g_ - J 1‘ 4 N , "f ' .
eel out" DI :té'tfttfi‘f vi agetty o .I. (..-Jr} -..» ..4 a CG.) 1 L'BU. fl 1.1.; nO'. nah AIII'ILS- lfl

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-.1. : . ~ 4.. x: 2. - -v . fl .1 ' ‘ ‘.L. -—. ., -... ..~ -. +2 ». ~.-~i 4-;
Que-£5 5.3.011 Ob:- BC '..-«'3‘; st) 0] uOll.li=.=-...‘-l.v..e LBQLJ. Lilo VJ] bruit-)1.) 53.31:; with}; Cit/.‘.; .‘.) p.201). «:1 E.

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ii. ”in. “_..-..‘) \J '~’ ..M.) 1 Lu. 1. .ila L1». .2..“... j. ..;;1L, 0
' .' , . a. ~.-. ,.,..‘t ;. ~ ., ..‘.‘. '. .. 1..? 1 r. 1 ‘. .’... - .. ......x...‘ 1,. ,_ ...,. ,....1.

Q. Bid 11‘.) u o..‘.E.‘;4 u ‘.'».Tl. ,, L» Li 1...; y‘all '.';J, ‘. . 1‘3}. Ltd”; :'.Ct .illil 0!. J U (,4 hill.) ,. .-.1}_O
..1 4 :1 Yr ' "l t 1 4w
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. 1.., - ,. :,. i. ..., .,,, ’l‘ ...‘.'“ l ,1. ...‘ ._‘ ,_. *7 1 ,., .. ,_ '«J 1 .5. " T: r. ‘ I y, , 'j ..,, 1.1. .:. n, .,,

A» The}; v.11 our/blielt up (J.....LJ. C4. 111‘») 3), bet L! l CLU».1E 4. 91.19.09.» one. L1 ‘..: 03.1"
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a 13.11») H l:.t1(‘;j/ 90.4.1: our.” ‘."4 K)!...L(_,i (J‘s.~<-~.J. ;. i;LOL) t...£j.\.l Livij “Lu? 01.,le x~v

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a} L. ... 4.. .34.; "Mg: s_.\._ LA {in :, g.$.§{:5'~g,.:i‘§*"“_:...Lx. 31:; All. L‘}:.(..3_ 13/ LA: 2341 i,, 35’ ”"’.! .1. .-" {5‘ .1; 44, t; o
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PWLJC .20..) o W; 951313533.) L0 110-“ ul; 0011-... .1.;Gv‘ :3: 2.2.43 V .231. 1:21 091.0 1'9 o
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Q" HQ '1‘ 0Y1; C731 ‘-‘ ' ”3 ...-Will. 3...; 'xi :' ALP/.13. ,5;3.:d 4.3.1: <1 22:11.2. 1. km: .I-.:V) .L I. Q Li; L‘l'c:
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"F“ -.<' -.‘ fir '. a — L .7... .‘- VH4. . -.., ’ L. V ,., r/ - (7/ :1 "
A. A “mLRQ QUth m “an“ V; d..£u;¢ pep uOb.
Qn YOU WEI: (1.13 .‘."1"«. ‘H '. V-l 293.11?
A. .,93 33JJ.
O ”v.0 J: '1'” “27‘? .:w :‘r V] {3 a :3 1M:- '; J‘ a" ”J 1’ ’I I" H "2' z. r» JP," 2"» -' L: "1 :~ V J.» 'J "' '~ 1- 2“ 5’ '2 +3; r- ‘
.hfl .’\_.H. 'V .L. .2 ‘n 0.x) P~¢\OLLL V» ‘VL'_.'..J x) (11.1. n U12. L141 (“k-L). 2/ L) U. punx} J. J l. L‘.’ I. J- L} 1,; L 3.1.1») 1;) ‘v & bu. u.~0...'.
- “.... .,i, 1.... ., w.
t (3 {Jig D LLLLTCLI» . Lt):;1e?
A. Yes 31?.
~ «r ’3, - «..- A. \. 1-4:» ~- 1 --. _ . ...—"....4 {~ v - 1-.. .. I. ,— ‘ -.'.I .. ..~ A J.
Q9 We): hr 500. 9pm.: at: .;_.§..'.‘.,J\) - - Uta-1.311411?) 0.410ng 501.“. Link": .vVIJJAVUL pail Lilg
-. . 25-: .
all-f L' .'. 1. ..L 3'1“;
v:.;..' ,. .. 'x- 1.5. - (V ., ...1, .;... .«7 ...-.1 ......" ..... ..7.‘ ~ V, -.. 4.. .L .
bfififi‘i'bstfzhg; E118,” WE’LL-,- V'MJ Lwrgéflie{fir-02053.4:1u‘t3 1,518 39.50}. V1963 LI'U.1.V*1?
'- V_ .1 . *1 . , .9. :.‘1 ~ 4.1.. .3. 'Y‘ 1”. . \ .'. ,. = .3 ; "~.. ,. J. . 1 ,.'V
A. NO (3.; I” a ZLVGLUT b 413.11; b41131, VL [LcVVU .9)... .3 ..-n: .. 1‘th ’..~_; 9
...-D T n 1...: I.. ,— .... .. . f: t ,.. . .. .:.-..-‘ :‘.-,-. 4.x. ..’ -.. .. .1 .. . “ 5
Q4! i .L :1 ‘31). ..Lx"~’-..I. LI Chill 5.)!) 8.) {iii :._-'.). a) U 8.3.1:}, ILL J. 1.44;; .5- LEV-Ii 21:211.: W \. {lib}. L701}. held.
. .1. .
l 1;?
.p a, , ,. s. , .V fl. ..., .- .... V 2. --_ : ‘.: . V ,V. ,. ..., 4-3.4 ,1. 1.1.. u .. -_ . .' .4. L. .‘
A. I. I ithINVfll QVWAeu LhLJ LGVV )3, game AVhO put v.5 not but
5. 4.2,- m , a...u , .s. ‘ r .L a s; 1,:
L; I'd. bus 1. ‘V: LU. LL 1147.1.) :3 V3.1. L: J. b oE’C-iv;}‘..(?3 UOU n
u 1.2- r: .. +. . ..3-1 , f'....'.. .-..-. 1- ~ .. -.. a , .'., ‘
Bf but: Ow L1. .0 u; Wham; "if. u. alum. V 1.1x; ‘V. J w..- ......u -0le bith‘H-m 3.11739
- .-,‘,,.:- ..- 31.3- ...-......L.
1.155....”le “$1.0 b n.5,. :..I.LG.:..;TI?
A. Of course I Tvg threaten ea.
»_ ’ -.. - .9 ~-1 “-. J. -, .— ,.,~ ,7 F:-
Te...t1.;.iony 0: B. J”) a SL1 LOF- 13.11.1111: age: a
- 1. - , ..- r . ‘ .LJ - . ' mmmw -. -.—1.- - - ,~ ,,
Lives in ErannLLn CouuLyIQOO. was 1n gne Coart kugw AAGMGOQDGL was
' .- ' .' ... .' ., J ' .- A. ,-- .,. 3-4. ,- ..: -. . . '
Q Wade did you 4.4.0 .Lm eulagelj (:11, UV» .19 .V0 met?
A. I a.¢,ueu Lo a“.e Gagu.pL. SQULJaa unu.(ml mgr LOaw- I Sunmxnzeu
[—4 5-..— Q 4. n, z a 43-3 41‘ J- “(1,... ,Jw-m WI"- " "l '1’ 1' a"? '15". r: J J’ ‘ Jr , 'J “J'a :_ 'y we 7‘ \ r t'~ ~14 w :31-
b (an, well 01 I. 1.1. baton. uxclla x j UL O wit; u “nu EWO u]. L241 tab .9 Ac; nix/ll
, .
1, .. ‘- r -_p ._ . ,, ' .j . ., +1 3 n. .... , ; ..;: .. , 1 V . .2
116.0. Cilc’ulncg€:3 (.4). 5:. man /\ Vbu t GL1 UNLLLKVM: C a uixe DU. 19.3.ng a Tflegf .8 (1-1.4.2.
. . " x .. J. ..,- ,9, 1.1. . 1.. J 3: .~ .:. ,.,.. ,J , ..J- .;
"here lb a man." Tnen I Lava pue awn DO JViianu Lu DULHGU ouL mo
~ 7. .” '. 3.1. .... ; 2 n. V V. " .1“- .. J.‘ V‘ j. r, 7- ... 22.0..» J. .: -. .. .. , .. ..j ,.. ..
D G "113.1.1a1u31“ Page JOU a T009; til: CU 3:31.;3 LOLC) 01 UlL .L 5.11.111 9 Here W). {31303)
4. : J»: - ,:. ." .: ..-. ' .- .n; .. J .- : L. ,. . r, xx..-‘ .5..~T,— . . I.. n ." ‘
tBS$¢§2wu launtLL.uu has yLSLQlS, a; e: I HUGH Wpiugnu. Do JQLi
.‘ ,—. A. q r» ' . f; ' J . . 1.,
7, 3 7» -E - ~ ... 1. ~, ...1. .... 4-1... ~~. - .,
and. lOCuSQ £1421 Lip Came Quad: , S CM out? SOlG.l€1‘S .
~ , T - 0.‘ .= ”5,4. .... L1 “A. w- «L’., ..-J j."2.,~?r.... .-.r
Q. Wnen you 1L rsc wen. up untwe ab hue Lime Haylan Whituandf J.us
.. , g. ,' .5. .t.-:. :‘ 5‘ i. .- ‘N. .. ,z. 2 . . .z " .' ... J. L V 1, n .
6.1“... m5 Luau a L- 1.116 (LOOP Oi but) E 61,31 (ILVG BLLVLlCiiJ153, 8 have Wncat you s<;;.=:.r,
: ..x , 4', ' r.va 4. '- 3'. .. .u 1,7,. V 71.. J. .: .. _: _ A J , ..
Li anyoulng , uDOUL age goo: Oi hue hAecuvae BULLHLMQ?

 . c. . .

A. I saw some six or eight men. They see so to Le in u breast a~l
lined], Some hsfi guns others hen pistols. They were right at he west
entrance of the builoih;.They some sii s rungs to he. Witness see
the wiueow of the west room of the Exocuti ve Buiidiug were up and
men were in the eruther stooped in position. Page BIO. Witness
has felt with Gen. Collier and Taylor about tsidhg the troops to
the Coust House Objeczeu to, objection overruleu.~9eesesuth
Defendaht objected te.~Wi—Ehess« «shyAweitseemoemmusseetive~—J
Witness Hgfi written oommunichtioh with Coiiier seio let commuhi~
cation speak for itself. Witness he’s ssys sheriff I think it is
necessary to habe some military assistance here, Here
witness offereu his assistance I told him I needed no assistance.

’ he ssiu have not gou got five or six deputies summoned right now? I
said "No sir, I never summoned an extra man until a fter the shooting,
on my road here I sumsonod six or eitght men. He said "My ihfcmmutioh

. is you have s thousand men suumOueu", and I suid"Thet is a mistake
’ . We stopped at that had in the afternoon about three o'clock he
i i
had places guards in the Court House . Psge 512. I ask him to
move the soldiers out that it interior red with civil authorities;
He said he placed those sol-ier the? to do eh tjou Wont do. I
~ said "What is that General?" he saiol put (them thet to heep the
legisnature from me etihg in that Court House, and he seid"You wont”
do that 1 said "No, 'I will not". "But if that is your purpose
you can pbece them at main street or on St Claire Street . He said
he woulo study over the matter. Col? Williams was present in the
office sad that night sometime they did move them.
Q. Did you at any time have a warrant for the arrest of Celeb Powers
A. Yes sir; If my memory serves me right? on tie 10th of march .
Page 512. Witness says he was informeu that Pow rs was in the Court
House and he proceeded to the Capital Building Just as I got to the
top of the steps at the west entrance to the new building , a couphe
of soldiers, one to my right and ohe to my le't aw Objected to by
uefenuent. Objection overruledo Ran forwards with their beyonets
within is-eeh feet of me . I h dont' shoot, I wait to speak to

 , , .
' i
r‘ ..
fit-70 d o
‘ l
. . .2.., ,, , T -.1, , ~ _- - .1. .». . 1, ,. " - 1 -
some one 1a sawmgnd, Loan 3 i1eabengnt was called , I told nlm

,9. '1- 1, r ., . .».. Ln. .:~. .231 . -. W 1. 1. 1 .- ' " -1, .-,

I hob atwo fidffaflhb ior hue d;?@bt oi Caleo Powozs gnu Joun DuViSo,
:.. ,. 1 . ,.‘. . .'. 2.. 1.1. ’._— °. J- ,. ,_. 1 - .-,, 1 .:." ;.
Then I nob taken 1a 10 one CmQLdln DO so and no. From oner e 10
‘ J.. ... n .
D11 2’) 1”] (LE)

.: n ‘- - .— 1; ’ -' r. .- n . .' . 1. h. J. r. - -- ..1 '.1 —
AddutanL General / boilLez Won not in Luere of Capo. Morrow. WQS taere
n, . .; .3 ' ,J.: a -‘ m J.., .. «L J 1 1. . , ' 1.. ’V , _‘ '1 _ L r .‘... ' '

Morrow Sula he how inouRdCuLOJS from too movermom not to ddm1t
’ re
. . :~ .'.1 1.». .— .I.. ': -. — . ... 54. » 1 -. a- -, ~"- '- JV- .— .. «.«-' w: 1»
anyoouy Lne1o. Pdufi alé. Town ~11nesb Layman to “go Commonwwealtn
4- 3- - 4..,, '~r. ‘1. .— . . h ,3 J. .. ' ,_4, .f ., ‘ -7, f1 . . . ' 4.: ,1 .0 . '
Auuviuuy 1 me orepgrou .Le communlc.11ou to too uovernor 1n one aLterm
. ,1, “.:‘...-
COL (3 2.1111111.
.1 -:. - . . - ,«~1,-_ . 1- ... . ...1 -~ 1.1 ,. . _- _ _._
noon 1 I as“ to~bee one JJGfAOfauu me moni tun baLQ oflcfi Li; Govorm
W ’ r 1. 7
n -» ~ - 3 ..'. . r . ... “,,I 1.. -. 1. , .- n :. 7, . . I .‘..
um? ooLuo no. see me. 111ne_o weun id has; to toe Commonwea-tn

«, , - . «1'4" ».. . '. .4. '. r11 ., . z, " .t , 1. ’ '. 5.

Attoyuogrg 0111oo . Objeobea Lo, ineu toe Wltflefio wr1tes a letoer

»- 1.1 _~, . - w . .-.’- « "1 ,- L 1" ..1 L . -~: -‘ - .2 " ..‘- 3 ~ 1.1, », -’ .
tu .uc Gove.uoflh&oie _o 11ne one OfAéihul 191 or out one 00,138

’7‘ J—'., 1 .1. J. .' r‘ I .. ‘ .. . ._ -.‘ 1... A. '. .~ J .1 1..‘: 1. ,3 1 ,._ 4. .'
o: Lao 19119r 10 1ntcooaobd. Tue Court; I suoLa1neu Lne ooJeoulon

‘1 - , .. ,1 a. , .. ., J. ‘ C. .1 4.: J. . ... . ,. m .... - m... . .
O1 o9 fdhuahuo Bec1uso 11o: 10 noon1n5 to a.on one Gove1nor
" -. - ‘. 1. 1. u. ‘ , 4..". .1 1, .1. 1, '. 1.. .:. «A .1 -' , .. 2.. J.. ,
111-213 (3V (732' KOCH—331177;? 1,113 -‘. "J '.. =1 ":1" 001.1 111.111 my 11318 ‘.'-1'1 1.1111th o DLZA 0.11 230013. the

‘ a n. .. , .»- 1‘ n a ,. “...; .‘. .' ...,. . r‘ 3.- J -5 " n -2--I- .
1 GE L '31" a PC1198 DID o Vr’OSb EX1;‘11.:1111;.1>J.0L1. Pc.,;.)e 510 a I L. La not LEG-QT o 1218
~ $.11 1 ' . .‘ 1 ,3 .' 1. . " . . '

bots unfit kllled Goeoel not “1y of tnem. Some one Informed me 1n

. ' ' m, , .. g '1, s ,1 ' 1 1 .

..,: L' 77 .1. .1. o 1- 4. -11 2401. . 771 L141 -. 1' .L
fi>e F180 1 Coult ”00m TM DA 1t 1”—s M] b1or/er tnat summons some

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