xt77wm13ng0p_38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Caleb Powers Affidavits and Motions text Caleb Powers Affidavits and Motions 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_4/Folder_4/3386.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_38 xt77wm13ng0p r /
Commonwealth of Kentuckyv Plff,3 Affiiavit of Caleb Powers in
{ Suoport of His Challenges to
2 And Motion to Quash and Discharge
vs. é the Second i-wwwrwn—ti—ééfli-fifiw
79 Special VenirejA/y/ymfi :‘77-‘1
Caleb Powers, Deft.f C%%44A;15‘:

The affiant, Caleb Powers, states that in the political oam«
paigm of 1899, in the Ftate of Kentucky, that the late William
Goebel was the Democratic candiiate f0? Governor and that W. F.
Taylor was the Republican candidate for the same office.

Affiant says that he was the Republican candiiate at saii
election for $eoretary of 9tate of Kentucky; that saii Taylor was
awardefl the certificate 0? election to the office of Governor of
Kentucky aha this affiant was awardeo the certiticate o? election

‘ , to the office of Secretary of State anfl similar certificates were
, awarded the various other candiiates on the Reoublioan ticket.

Affiant further states that sail campaign was noted for the
bitterness ani prejudice and passion arousea among the Followers
and political adherents ani supporters of said William Goebel.

He says that afiter the certificates of election were awardefl to
this aftiant anfi his associates on the Republican ticket that a
V contest was instituted by the saia William Goebel for the office
of Governor, before the Legislatuve of Kentucky, the other Demom
‘ cratic candidates for the minor State offices having also'?ilea
contests” He says that the feeling of bitterness arousefl flaring
said campaign, did not abate but was intensitiefi ani inoreasefl
during the pendency of said contests“ He says that saifl William
I Goebel was assassinated while the saii contests were oeniing, ani
that afterwarfls this affiant was indictea as an accessory before
the fact to the murder of sail Goebela He says that the murder of
said William Goebel deeply aggravated the passions and orejofliceé
of his (Goebel's? followers and ?rienis, and that this massion and
prejuaioe still pervafles the minds of the friends, followers,

 I /
adherents, supporters and admirers of said Goebel.

The affiant further states that the assassination of said Goebel
and the guilt or innocence of the parties charged with the commission
of said crime, including this affiant, have been agitated and discuss~
ed throughout the State of Kentucky in every political campaign in
said State since 1900; the year in which said tragedy occurred, down
to the present time; and that on the part of the campaign managers
of the Democratic Party and on the part of many leaders and represenw
tatives of the Democratic Barty an effort has been made throughout
the seven years which have intervened since the assassination of said
Goebel, to fix the responsibility for said crime upon this affiant
and upon the Republican Party, the Party with which this affiant has
always affiliated; and it has been currently charged throughout the
State of Kentucky and the cities and counties thereof during the
seven years last past, that this affiant and his immediate party
associates were directly responsible for the commission of said crime;
and the effort has constantly been made on the part of the Democratic

7 leaders and Democratic press of the State to make the responsibility
for said crime and the guilt or innocence of this affiant and those
charged with him with the commission of said crime a political issue
between the two leading and dominant political parties of the State,
to~wit the fiemocratic and Republican parties. In confirmation of
this statement, affiant states that in the Democratic Campaign Hand
Book issued and circulated throughout the State of Kentucky in behalf

‘ of the Democratic ticket voted for at the general state election held

in Kentucky on the fifth day of the present month, November 1907,
thirteen cages or more of said book were devoted to a review and
discussion of the assassination of Senator William Goebel and the
alleged responsibility of the Republican Party for saii crime, and

to an effort to demonstrate the guilt of affiant in connection with
the commission of said crime, and to fix the responsibility for said
crime unon him; aha aptiant refers to and makes a hart hereof a copy
of the aforesaid Democratic Campaign Hand Book for the year 1907,
heretofore filed with and made a part of his affidavit filed herein

 I ,2

on November 18th 190?, in support of his challenges to the first and
second Special Venires herein and to the seven (V) men first empan—
neled in the box who were determined to be qualified for jury service
herein out of said first Special Venire, and affiant makes pages 29 to
42, both inclusive, of said book, in particular, a cart of this affi«
davit, the same as if copied herein at length.

Affiant states that the Court on Wednesday, November 20th 1907,
over the objection of the defendant, entered an order herein direct—
ing William Warring, High Sheriff of Scott County, and Thos. K. Shuff,
Esputy Sheriff of Scott County, to summon a special Venire of one
hundred and fifty men for jury service herein, from the County of
Grant, and to cause said veniremen to aopear in this Court on Friday
November 22nd 1907; and at the same time, over affiant's objection,
the Court, by the same order, directed the said officers to summon
a further special venire of one hundred and fifty men for jury service
herein from the said County of Grant and to cause said veniremen to
appear in this Court on Monday, November 25th 1907, and upon the
entry of said order the said officers were sworn and admonished by
the Court with reference to their duties under and pursuant to said
orders; to all of which action agoresaid on the part of the Court the
affiant at the time excepted.

Affiant further states that after the Court had entered the
orders aforesaid and after said officers, namely Messrs Warring and
Shuff, had been sworn and admonished as aforesaid, the said Warring,
High Sheriff, and the said Shuff, Deputy Sheriff, on the morning of
Thursday, November 21st 190?, proceeded to Grant County in obedience
to said order directing them so to do; and that throughout said day
of Thursday, November Blst 1907, said Warring, Sheriff, and said
Shuff, Deputy Sheriff, respectively, were engaged in the work of
selecting and summoning the veniremen aforesaid, and at the chose of
said day said officers had succeeded in summoning a total of one
hundred and eighty-six meniremen, of whom one hundred and ditty were
ordered by said officers to report for duty in this Court on Friday

 f ' _ 1
November 22nd 1907, and affiant states that the one hundred and fifty
veniremen so ordered to report, or substantially that number, did
appear in this Court and report for duty on the morning of Friday,
November 22nd 1907, and said one hundred and fifga4ggg constituted
the firstWfipeoial Vamrderedmas
V aforesaid by the Court on Wednesday, November 20th 1907.

.Affiant further states that the said William Warring, High
Sheriff of Scott County, returned to Scott County and reported to
the Court on the morning of Friday, November 22nd 1907 and did not

4‘ select or summon for iury service herein any other additional
veniremen on or after Friday, November 22nd 1907, but left his said
Deputy, Thos K. Shuff, in Grant County for the purpose of complet—
ing the number necessary to be summoned under the order of Court
entered herein on Hovember 20th 1907.

Affiant further states that said Thos. K. Shuff, Deputy Sheriff
of Scott County, continued on Friday, hovember 22nd 1907, the work
of selecting and summoning additional veniremen for service herein
and at the close of said day, when said Sheriff had completed his
labors, he had selected and summoned a total of one hundred venire;
men in addition to the total of one hundred and eightywthree venire»
men selected and summoned as aforesaid on Thursday, November 21st
1907, by said Shuff and Warring together.

Affiant further states that during the day of Friday Eovember

\§' 22nd 1907, While engaged in the work of selecting and summoning
said one hundred veniremen, said Thomas K. Shuff was accompanied
and advised and assisted by one, Jack T. Chipman, a Denuty Sheriff
of Grant County, Kentucky, and a partisan Democrat and a warm

a f admirer and partisan follower of the late Senator William Goebel,

,// ,and a prospective Democratic candidate for Sheriff of Grant County;
and said Jack T. Chipman, in many instances’as affiant is advised, ‘
indicated to said Deputy Sheriff Shuff where he should go and Whom
he should summon.

Affiant further states that beginning at about the hour of

 1 l
eight o'clock in the morning on Friday, November 22nd 1907, the said
Thus. K. Shuff, in company with the said Jack T. Chipman, in the town
of Williamstown, after selecting and summoning a number of Democrats
as veniremen, deliberately passed, on Main Street near Lancaster's
Grocery in said town of Williamstown, and failed and omitted to
select or summon the following named persons:~ Joe Horner, C. H.
Simpson, Everett Salyers, Jim Collet, John Carter and James Rudesill,
all of whom were citizens and resident house—keepers of Grant County
over the age of twentymone years and competent and fully qualified
for jury service heroin, and all of Whom were and are members of the
Republican party, and affiant knows of no reason why said persons, or
any of them, should have been passed and omitted by the said Deputy
Sheriff Shuff in selecting and summoning citizens of Grant County for
jury service herein, unless it was solely because they were Republicans
Affiant further states that said Deputy Sheriff and his companion,

)Jack T. Chipman, then proceeded out the road known as the Heekin and
Cherry Grove road, and going along said road said Shuff summoned divers
persons as veniremen herein. Affiant further states that at Stewattsu
ville, where a number of veniremon were summoned by said Snuff in
company with said Chipman, that said Shuff del’blrately pas d by and

/ r . MMUKW“ é.

.~ aired to select and summon one, Reuben Berklenywno at the .1me was
sitting in the front door of his house which was located near the

.' road and was easily accessible to said Deputy Sheriffs; that said

a Reuben Berkley was and is a citizen and resident housewkeeper of
Grant County over the age of twentywone years and fully qualified
and eligible for jury service herein; The affiant says that the
said officers on said day pursued the following route:~ From Williams-
town they went to Cherry Grove, from Cherry Grover to Heekin, from
Heekin to Lawrencevlllo, from Lawrenoeville to Holbrook, from Holbrook
to Stowartsville and from Stewartsville back to Williamstown, passing
through the following precincts tonwit, East Williamstown E0. 1,
Mason, Cross Roads, Downingsville, Stewartsville and West Williams—
town. Affiant states that said precincts named and known as West
Williamstown, Stewartsville, Downingsville and Cross Roads are

 p I
strongly Democratic precincts and were so known to he by the said
Thus. K. Shuff, Deputy Sheriff cf Scott County are his companion,
the saii Jack W. Chipmen, Deputy Sheriff of Grant County.

Affiant further states that the saifl officers knowingly uni
purposely went tc these precincts in said County of Grant which
were, and were by them known to be, strongly Democratic, and that
in so doing said officers discriminated against this affiant in
as much as there were a number of ether yrecincts in said county

there was
more evenly diviied politically, in whichna large number of white
male citizens who were resident heusewheepere over the age of
twentyecne years and competent are fully qualified for jury
service herein.

Affiant states that a few of the precincts tc which said

. L officers might have gone and from which venireuen for service
herein might have heer.selectea and summonefi by them, were East
Williamstown EC. 1 and East Dry Riige era mason but that although
said officers passed near or through certain of the precincts last
nameé they summoned few, if any, citizens for jury service herein
from said precincts hgzgéa-or any of them. Affiant further states
that the result of the action of said officers, whether done
purposely and éesignefily or not, was to discriminate against this
affiaut in thegeiection of eaid veniremen so as te include upon
said verire a very large number of Democrats and a comparatively
small number of Republicans enfi ee as to excluie from said venire
a very large number of Republicens, fully qualified for jury service

Affient avers and charges that by reason of the facts herein—
before recited;ughe selection and summouing of the secohfiLééiésfifin
sg=fiuré=figéé€:&euire2¢¥gti?hggggyigézgn on Monflay, Feveuher 25th
1907, and the members of which appeared herein and renorted for
duty on said fiete, were not the acts alone of the said Thos. E.
Shuff, the Deputy Sheriff of Scott County thereunto fiuly authorizei
but were also, in part, the acts of the said Jack W. Chipmen, an
unauthorized person, and effiant avers that it was his right aha

 , . f _ r’ _
_ —7—
he was entitled to have the said Thos. K. Shuff, Deputy Sheriff
of Scott County, to select and summon the said veniremen and the
several citizenwosino +he SeGOnd
5 Special Veéfi¥%:indeéegg;§§%;nd alone and upon his own individual
reasonsibility and Without any outside interference, suggestion,
advise or assistance from any source whatsoeter. And affiant
‘/ further avers that by reason of the facts heroinbefore recited
the said Thos. K. Shuff did not perform the services and duties
“49mg 4%». Wmflflf
. Afaithfu 1y, fairly or gag%gzgally and that he has not faithfully,
fairly or impartially selected or summoned said venire, but
consciously or unnonsoiously and purposely or'unwfitingly has
performed his said duties and discharged the said services in a
‘ manner contrary to the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky and in violation of the rights secured to this affiant
as a citizen and resident of Kentucky and as a citizen of the
United States under and by virtue of the Constitution of the
United States and the law of the land, and by and with the advise,
. consent, assistanoe and proourenant of the said Jack T. Chipman,
5% Deputy Sheriff of Grant County, did select and summon the oerspfis
returned upon the Second/‘_‘_x gml V'en‘i‘rle/Z
i aforesaid” and did select and summon each and all of said venire in
« a partisan, partial and unfair manner.
Affiant further states that the said Thomas K. Shuff, Deputy
Sheriff of Scott County, is now and always has been a Democrat and
‘\ ,
partisan follower and ardent admirer and supporter of the late
k William Goebel, and is one of the Sheriffs who summoned men for
jury service on x former trials of affiant herein.
Affiant states that in the year 1900 the population of Grant
County, Kentucky, according to the 12th Census of the United
States, was 13239 and that of the said total population only 427
persons were negroes and of negro descent, and that there were no
colored persons other than persons of negro descent in said County.
Affiant states they allowing for the natural increase in population
since 190qtbe relative proportion between White and negro, or
colored, citisens residing in said Grant County, has rem%%fi%§ and

 y /
gig now the same.

Affiant further states that in said County of Grant there are

a great number of white male citizens whose political affiliation

‘ is with the Republican party and who are resident house—keepers,
property owners and tax payers over the age of twentymcne years,
and who are sober, temperate, discreet, intelligent, impartial and
of good demeanor and fully qualified an& eligible under the Kentucky
Statutes for jury service herein, and that the proportion of
Republican White male citizens to the entire number of white male
citizens of said County, competent and eligible for jury service
herein is about four to five.

Affiant further states that in said County of Grant there is
also a small number e£3together{?

Zfithite male citisene who are independent in politics and non~parti~
can with respect to the cause now pending between the Commonwealth
of Kentucky and this affiant and in which this affiant is about to
be put upon trial, which citizens possess all of the legal qualifin
cations necessary to make them competent and eligible under the
law for jury service herein.

Affiant further states that in the general state election for
Governor held in the State of Kentucky in the Month of November
1903 that there was cast and polled in said County of Grant, as
canvassed and returned by the Board of Election Commissioners of
said County, a total vote of 1676 votes for the Democratic candidate
for the office of Governor and a total of 1115 votes for the Republim
can candidate for the same office; that affiant files herewith as a
part hereof a true copy,of a certified statement of the election ’

}' returns for said election for each and all of the precincts of said
‘ County as certified by B. B. vest, Clerk of the Grant County Court
and custodian of the Record Book of the Election Commissioners for
w 4 . n w ‘ ‘ W ' ~
Mifiwwma/ ean ”M W
J Affia t fyrther states that in the general state election for
Presidential electors held in the State of Kentucky in the month of

 1. (
November 1904 that there was cast and polled in the said County of
Grant, as canvassed and returned by the Board of Election Commissioners
of said County a total of 1651 votes for the Democratic Presidential
Electors and a total of 1148 votes for the Republican Presidential
Electors. And affiant files herewith as a part of this affidavit a
true copy of a certified statement of the returns for said election
for each and all of the precincts in said County as certified by
B. B. Vest, Clerk of the Brant County Court and custodian of the
Record Book of Election Commissioners of said County, and same is /
marked "8",,4fii at;::;:é;2r€%ZdAé»fiieizw¢uif Zéfik7yi:“4;%gtb/?Déflfzgial
muffin/3J9Z/folsz a ..+ K #03; fl ; M V -
Afiiant fa nor states that in the general Stave election Ior
Governor held in the State of Kentucky on the 5th day of November
190? there was cast and polled in the said County of Grant, as
canvassed and returned by the Election Commissioners of said County,
a total of 1596 votes for S. W. Eager, the Democratic Candidate for
the office of Governor and a total of 1083 votes for a. E. Wilson,
the Republican Candidate for the same office. Affiant files herewith
as a part of this affidavit a statement of the returns for said
election for eaéh and all of the precincts in said County and makes
the same a part hereof marked "C" and he also files with the affida—
vit an original certified statement of the returns for said election
for each aniéll precincts as certified by B. B. Vest, the Clerk of
the Grant County Court and the custodian of the Record Book of the
Election Commissioners for said County.
Affiant further states that of the totahflafficitisens selected
and summoned by the aforesaid Sheriff, William Warring, and the
V?” aforesaid Dgputy SEeriff: Thos. K. Shuff, upon said5%;§§%3%pecial
..'"! I W “_mWhfi. °l — ' "‘2 7....-~=-.--——:-~ -—:-r-*-- ---~=~—~' ‘
.« mm. Mani-"an
herein on Monday November 25th 1907, that(99) ninety-ninefiWere and
‘ are Democrats and are in affiliation with the Democratic party, and
“my” a”. r . . .
cnlrmthirty—égggn were and are Republicans and in affiliation with
the Republican party.
‘Rffiant further states that of the one hundred veniremen
selected and susmoned by said Thos. K. Sheff on Friday, November 22nd

 (I 0)
fl 4
190?, and returnei herein an Monday Novggfer/EEEEM%EQ7 a3 part of
‘ fl
the Seconc‘i mMSytc/lngegr? 2295 \5 were and are
Democrafis and in affiliation with the Democratic Party and Duly
~«,fiLfl u» were and are Republicans and in affiliation with the
fiEEfibFEEEE Party. _ , _ .
”ffinnt furfihor 3% has fihft in fihr ?fith CenFus oi the
Vnifef HtiLng, aomwilcf an? “vhfiflhefi in LR? y::? 1?qfi, in
V01VKC l Sufi “rrfi l thavcof relfitin; ho ”fionulhfiinn”, 5here ap-
nebrs *?n folloxinf Sh““i?®iCS, Viz: —
lfifi? Vensve cf rniLeF 05"“??? i730,~ TY03. 1, 79ft 1,
Tag“ 21, ”21”o 4, "fiobu1r“ien n? ifi(t;s qnfi Territories
by Uonnfiies" 70.,
Cr‘nt ”ornfivq Tcn‘tckr, in 1903, Totrl Dobrl flan, 13,239.
16... is 1378. r2 2, "77017141: Max (9,1 iihv ?i';, ' "“":?:'_,":~;”‘Lu;
E; 7;.‘” “;wii ',“3» n3" Li‘T ._ "”'”
Grfinfi ffimnty, Frubucky, T0321 p03u1’ffan in 3?00, 17,379.
Dividefi among NrgistWMiul Bi?fi?f0fis as follows, fia—Wit:
”ngisherinl Fist icfi 1, inclvfling "illi=rstoun flown, 4,9W4
”"illivfl8%cwn _ 61?“
”Ragigfirrifil TisfiTiet 2, inniv31ng erinih ficv: vné hfirfi of
Joaesville %own , 4.796
Corinth fiovn, F71
CCHDFVilEO flown (bfirk of) 121
TOECI is? JonhRVilla form, in EufiPfiQTial EiFJTiUt 2, “THLf
(ownty anfi Thgjefiomial disfiiefi l, flunn ({Unfiy, 188
Hfigigf€mial fishfiici F, incln lug C?ifi€rnfian, 5,469
Crittehéemtomn , 199
Id. Page 540, Tinle 19, ”“hite, Ingro and Indian Populfticn, by
Counfiies; 1880 to 1900:"
”Gr nfi County, YrLtvoky in 1900, hmd 12,812 vhifiep 2nd 487
negrces, ("negr cs” inolufing r11 nchonS of negTo fiesoe t), Hid
no Infifins.

 f‘ l
. 02)

V Id. Page 981—982, Trhle 92, "Totel W?E€S 21 years of ego rné
over, classified by Genet-l N tiVity, COTor, Citizens?ih, ind
fiiHJTsCHr, hiriionn‘fi es : lgqfl" ——

'W’Cntvclfl7 ~~
”Grant County —w -
"Aggiegrte —~——w~——ww~--»—~»————--——~~>---—-—Z,647.
”Ertivo thifio ( 1. liter te,~~ 2,987
( C. Illitez€te— 479
( lnolr in; nrtive horn ner_ ( 1.1iteT fie 47
"Hfltive logic ( (
i sons of negro descent ( 2.Illieeiste es
( l. liteiete 54
"n tux lined (
( E. Illitfiirte 5
( l. liter-he — B
"Other Veieign Born (
i n. iiiiterrte 1
{ l. fitniete — 7
”Unknown (
t 2. IllitcTi‘e ~ 0
Affient states that but for the unlawful discrimination and
exclusion practiced by sai d officers in selecting and summoning
the menhers of said ascend WW~fipeciel Venire
§Q/n¢v» 6h/wwdhfio 1 ‘ ‘

”has complained of’ her/$111, and but for tne conduct of said ot‘hcers
in going to precincts in Grant County which were and by them were
known to be largely Democratic, and but for their conduct in select»
ing and summoning the neni romen aforesaid from suoh‘Democ‘ratic
precincts and but for their failure to visit precincts and localities
in said County where the citizens were and are more equally divided
politically, and but for their failure to select and summon from
such other precincts and localities the Veni‘r‘emen needed for jury
service herein a very large portion of said Second W
”Special Venire, tomwit, at least four ninths or one~half there-
of should have been and would have been citizens of said County
possessing all of the necessary legal qualifications for jury

 r: 4
l§£§ service, and being at the sane time members of and in affiliation
i3i; with the Republican ?arty, the political party with which affiant
(gghéhas always been and is now identified.
fi:§iég‘ Affiant files herewith and makes a cart hereof marked Exhibit
\Q§~d "D“ a complete list of the names of each and all of the ciiieens
.,§§: OomPOSlhg said Second Ei==sa£n—a£-aaa&-Eh:=&-Special VenireKand 7
\f%“i§opposite the name of each venireman respectively annears the name
{E of the precinct of his residence, his party afoiliation, and the
' (éword "Excused"where said venireman has, in fact? been excused.
,- ES;§L dftiant further files herewith as cart hereof, marked "Exhibit
§3§§T‘ E" an itemiaed list or statement showing the names of the various
§i§§§§ election precincts in said County of Grant and the total number of
'~ ‘ _itiaens selected and SUTfleiOl‘led upon said Second
' ‘ Eéizfi\?pec£%d Venirekfrom said orecincts respectively, and the number
of Democrats and Reoublicans constituting such precinct totals.
‘ Qs;fi:57fi.ffiant states that While the charge preferred against him in
:% the indictment herein is one of murder or conspiracy to murder that
notwithstanding this fact he submits to the Court that it is impos«
sible for him to secure or have that kind of an impartial trial
before an impartial jury impartially selected, that is guaranteed
to him under the constitution and laws 09 the state of Kentucky and
the constitution of the United States and the several amendments
thereof, and in particular under the 14th AmandMent of said United
States Constitution. Should the jury herein, or any part thereof,
be composed of citizens taken from the aforesaid Second Bézéséafizéf
sgfifiEEEEEfi Special Venire from the County of Grant selected and
I summoned as aforesaid by officers who selected and summoned so large
a majority for jury service herein of those persons only who have
been and are Democratsw and the political adherentsg admirers and
followers of the late William Goebel, in the murder of whom this
affiant is accused of having aided and abetted, and who failed and
omitted to select or summon a large number of white male citizens
and readily available
of said County who were and are competent and elegibleAfcr jury
service herein, but are Republicans in politics and in affiliation

 I I

with Saifi partyg and which Republicans were discriminafied against
and exclufled by the officers solely because of and on aacount 0f
their polifiics and poiitieal affiliation.

Affiant further states that he is a citizen and resiflent of
the state of Kentucky anfl a citizen of th& Unitefl Vtatagk

fl / fl ' <74 /

Subscribafl and sworn to before me by saifi Affiamt9 Caleb Powers?

this 26th day of November 1907»

 ;{ y' j '§
' ifii
Williamsfiown,”. 31 ——~~-—~ 87 -»—__—~~——~‘« 77
Williifisfiown 7. Vi m—n_—~~ V? «—-—»__-__-w« 39
”illirmstomn, “as: —~~--—~ 114 ~_—~~———_-——— £8
'rv 'ifge, fast, —~—~--——~ V8 —_m———-~———~~ 10?
Try “ifge,West, ~—~————~* 107 _—~~—~~—»-—~_ 51
Thorman ~~n~~———————————-— 103 ~——-—-—~—--—— 54
Crittonfien, —~——~~——~~~~~- 126 ~—~‘»~~~———~“ 68
Kt. Zion, ___-—-—~-«—_—--- 98 ~——~~——~~~——- 88
T15? Crook, —-~-—~~—————-— 160 ~~—~—~~¢—-——~ 54
TV017mi115svillo,, —-~-——m—--— 128 -—~~-——-—~»~- 58
Jonosvillo, ___“---___--_- 117 ~—~——-«—-—~-- 58 ,
7t¥t-3fisville, ——-~——~—~—— 84 ~~-~--~w—~~-- 7?
r son, --_--_—_“~——_~m-_~— 73 -—_—u-—__~~—— 75 ;
Yoofrr, ~~—m—~»-—-—m-~~«——— SO -~—~—"~———~m~ 2?
0730;13:70er -~—A—-—————~———-— €34— -——-—~‘—~~~—-— 5‘7 ‘
Coriflfh ——_-»—~-m~——«-~~—~ 106 -——__»—~«-~—- SO 3
5301730175.; ~--—~v--—-—»-—-»~««---~ 8E, __.._--____._..__- 162 [,3
1375 ——-—~~--———- 1115 ~
State 03'? "37223311013? ‘
C? n? Uorn%y, 13
I, 3.‘.Vest, 51*12 of the Vounfif Court fo* tho f1
Bounty mi 3% to $50T€S“id, to ccrtify that the foregoing is a fall
firue an; oomolete copy of the vote CPst in firanfi County,?y., at the ‘
State *locfiion of 1903, as 2one‘rs £70m fihe records mom on filo in f
mv office. ‘
Civon wnfor my kfinfl ha Flor? of tho Crvnf “ounty “curt
this fiko lVfih Joy of Fuly, 190V.
3.“.Vest, Flerk
, By L.”.febb, D.C.
U , .,‘“

 P i

240101“: . _n . '~_‘~.::?.r.-
Stemertshille, ——~———~~ 79 ~—~————««~——— 40
Jon svjiio, ~——-~—_-—-~ 718 -m—__-—~————u 77
it. Tion, -—~———-~———~~ 105 ~-~-»uum~~~-— 81
Tlufi Creek, »—~~~_--~wm 145 -—~»»~»-~—~~s 64
Corfiova, ——————~~——w«w— 31 —~_~~«¢~««m~_ 178
7ry fiape, ”est ~~~~w-- 102 —~~w«-~—~~—m— in
or: Tiige, Test —n——«»~ he ——~~~—_w—_«—— as
Crittonien, ~-—~————~—— 129 ~w~~-~~«~w~~— 68
‘ovningsville,—~-«--—~~ 11? ~——-~—«—~-——~ 51
?hcrm n, —~————————~—-— 100 «~~w«~-~~w«~— 61
"iiiionoiown E~£1:;~n—u 105 mw»~~~»~—_«-w so
rial: fistown ?. *2., w— 6? ~~~~—~—~»-—-- *2
Willi nstown, Weft, —-~ 128 ~—~~—~—»—»~—— £6
Cross 'or s, -———-~~«~~ ES --—~~~—_—«-—~ 55
Corinth, _~——m»~~—~——s~ in: w——-~m~_~w~—— 7r
rosoo, _—-~w~~_-w«»~_w~ CO _~~~—~~_~~——— ea
Keefer, —_~——~_——~—-m_— ao m—w—»*-~-_—~» a?
State of TontnC"Y,

Grant County,

1 , ll.7 .l’cgit, Cil“:r1' (>3 tlr? ""oiiz;tjr “'oiiil: flir‘ tire “C u; t?
and it to «Corr? if, ”c c rtiffi thvt the forfjcin” is 2 Full, true
and Oomolotc cgoy of the vets e"st in Grant tourty,*f,, at the
TrgsiTchtiil Fliction of 1904, as Rflpe rs iron the records not on

, fili in my office.
rFir/en unier my h~nd as Clerk of the flrant County Court, this
the lfith day of July, 1?07,
B. .Vest, Clerk
By I (“ebb , ' .0 .
‘.i , //

 ' I
p g 35,
% ,3 '5
£2 £9! E
, East Williamstown, No. 1 82 84 6
East Williamstonn, No. 2 46 50 2
West Williamstown, 109 89 6
East Dry Ridgs 67 86 5
West Dry Ridge 105 59
’ Sflerman. 89 55 2
Crittenden - 103 85 5
Mt. Zion 84 64 1
Flat Creek 113 51 1 '
Jonesville 84 55 3
Downingsvi‘lle 94 58 ‘ 1 -
Stewartsville 66 53 7 1
Mason 65 62
Keefer 56 10
» Cross Roads . 87 44 1
Corinth so 65 ‘
Cordova i 65 159 3 5
WW- L- “WWW __.__
W m 7? MW
Q//p V

 '1 [1‘
n , Solitical

__lafikflfilnmw gracinct , nffiliatimnin -lWMMii_§§E§EE§;WW"
Ed Collins West Uilliamstown Democrat
l. D. Kitzler Sherman Democrat Excuced
J. C. Collier Stewartville Republican Excused
J. D. Tillie Stewartville Republican
3. Renee Crittenden Democrat Excused
I. O. Webster Sherman Democrat Excused
E. 4. Valling~

ham Sherman Democrat Droneed
1; Sane Mt. Zion Democrat
J. L. Webster Mt. Zion Democrat
J. n. Chipman Sherman Republican
R. E. Alexander Sherman Democrat
R. 1. Beach Sherman Republican
Ed Beverley Sherman Reguhlican
R. l. Greenfiell Sherman Republican
3. u. Webster Sherman Re ublicen
f. g. Yillians Sherman ekflphhflfiimn‘ 3
3. U. Kuhn Sherman Republican
J. l. franks Sherman Denocrat
J. E. Franks Sherman Donocrat ‘
D. E. Darker Sherxan _ Denocrat
T. H. Pounts Sherman Democrat
DeLry Kassie Sherman Republican
U. T. Eonnts Sherman Democrat
Clarence ”cunts Sherman Democrat
Dave rounts Sherman ‘ Donoorat
E. J. Eounts Sherman Democrat
Dan founts Sherman Democrat
W. n.Vest Sherman Democrat
E. S. Rennioker 7. Dry Ridge Democrat
F. L. ” Y. Dry Ridge Democrat
J. D. " W. Dry Ridge Democrat
B. D. hogan 3. Dry Ridge Democrat
A. Y. Conrad W.Dry Eidgc Democrat
Dare Holder W. Williamstown Republican
J. T. Hall E. Williamatown Democrat
W. Riley 3. Williamstown Democrat
J. 7. Lancaster E. Tilliamstown Democrat
E. U. Dalling D. Williamstown Republican
W.S.O'flarra T. filliamstown Democrat
B. S. franks 3. fiilliamstown Democrat
W. n. Spicer Recon Republican Q 0
E. r. Barnes D. Uilliemetown #2 Democrat 93>

 l 1"
I l'
H. N. Brown7 Stowartsville Democrat
E. T. Didzeroon E. Uilliamstown #2 Democrat
G. S. Webb L. Tilliamstonn £1 nemocrat
E. 7. Ruhall Hacon Democrat
Robt. Ewing Mason Republican
J. .Hefiill T. Yilliamstown Democrat
Tony Ford W. Tillismotown Republican
f. a. fiace Ropuhlican
W. :. BeVorley Mason Democrat
Rodney Hedges Cordova Republican
7. H. Forsythe fixmmnxxx Democrat
Elza Stamper Douocrat
C. J Jump Dowmingsville Democrat
JOc Dunn hepublioan
J. L. nace Grog: Roads Republicer
Jno. :. Pace CrOSsfiRoads chulljcon
Eaml Brown Stewartsville Democrat
I. n. Eudson » Cross Roads Republican
Alonzo Mitts Stewartsville Reyublican
Frank lee Cross Roads Reyullican
Wm. B. Litts St wartsvillo Roputlicon
Luthnr Ruby Crosg Roads Regublicam
G. rrioe Test Williomotonn Democrat
G. 3. James W. Jilliamotown Democrat
Una Chipman Grog. floods Democrat
Fonry Stith Cross Roads Royuhlioan
fhillip Harrigon Reefer Democrat
lowis Harrison Keefer Democrat
C. :. Bornell Keefer Ropubiitan
C. U. S. Brumback Keefer Democrat
Geo. Baxter Cross Roads Democrat
Tom Eobortoon Cross Roads ‘
Reuben Uilhoit Cross ands Donocrct
Jas iced Dmoss Roads nenocrats
Ualter Roland CrOSS ande Uenocrat
Jag Roland Grog: ands Democrat
Hubbard Simgson Grog. Roads Republican
Eroncis ;crkina Cross ioads Regufilican
Jon Eornash Cross Roads Democrat
fleas Simason Cros: Fonds Republican
I. J. nsaco Cromo Roads Republican
Bert Eoland Grog; Loadg Lomocrnt
Chas Scroggins Cioso Toxic D¢uocrat
lasaao Iotingon Cross Roads Rognfiliccn
Yillnrd Jortncr Crogs Foods Democrat (%8_Q
Goo K. Iintérs Bros; toads DcKOCIafi

I “ y ’
u. &. cumbfi .. N11713mbuohn Rtgu;i ban
1’ .17 a ": .1-.\—rv~ i-uv- ‘Vi ‘- \ "“ — M —,~,. ~
JUQ¢03 prJmeS CiUbb goaas genociat
-: x ’1 , v, “t’ fr,» 1 MW" " 7 .Q , -,.
value S 00450;; 4.86.251 EQL'U-J—L “355*
-r . '2, .,. ",4 _, .1 fi. A » ~ M Q . - ‘ ,r
Van Jacksog bLuLb nuads Juhuulab
H ‘ a" msgw I l "1“», ‘n v, . x-” J.
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