xt77sq8qfx9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qfx9z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1945 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.16 n.1, January-February, 1945 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.16 n.1, January-February, 1945 1945 1945 2020 true xt77sq8qfx9z section xt77sq8qfx9z  

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January - February, 1945









mum Raunchy Negro Education Mama




"An Equal Hamlin-I Opportunity for Every Raunchy Child”







The Kentucky
State College



Prepare for Post-War Leadership



Arts and Sciences
Home Economics ——- Agriculture
Easiness Administration .


Standard Class A Four Year College
Accredited by the ‘
Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools


Registration Spring Quarter. March 20


B. B. ATWOOD, President



 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Ofiicial Organ of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association


Vol. XVI JanuaryJFebruary, 1945 Na. 1



Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Office at 2230 th Chestnut Street

Louisville, Kentucky

W. H. Perry, Jan, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
Mrs. Lucy Barth Smith, Lexington, President of K. N. E. A.
A. I“. Gibson, Pineville Victor K. Perry, Louisville
Mrs. Mayme R. Morris, Louisville Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge
Published bimonthly during the school year
Membership in the K. N. E. A. includes mbsnription to the Journal
Rates for advertising space mailed on request

K. N. E. A. Ofiicers ............................................. 2
Convention Cancelled .......................................... 8
Editorial Comment ............................................. 4
Tributes to Late Prof. Fonse ......



Planning for Peace, L. H. finibh
Young, Assistant State Supervisor.
New State tl-Ligh School, W. M. Young.
Kentucky ‘State'Coilege Faces 1945.



Dramatizing Vocational Education, H. c. Russell ...........

West Kentucky ecfiooi [Progresses ............................... 1:5
Gnvemm Appoints Commission ................................. 14
K. N. E. A. President Attends Boston Meet ....................... 15
Secretary-Treasurer's Financial Report ........................... 16
NEW 'Specialist in Health Education ..................... '. ....... 943

K. N. E. ‘A. Honor Roll for 1945 .................................. 24

 K. N. 2. A. OFFICES FOR 1944-45

[Lucy Earth Smith, President ..........
Robert L. Bowery, First Vice-(President.
T. J. Long, Second Vice-President...
W. H. Perry, .111, Secretary-Treasurer

L. v. Ranels, Assistant Secretmy.......


Lucy Barth Smith, President.
A. F. Gibson
Mayme R. Morris .
Victor K. Perry . ' '

Whitney M. Young .. .. .. Lincoln Ridge


Edward T. Buford, High School and. College Dept Bowling Green
Mayme R. Morris, Elementary Education Dept. . . .
‘CM. L. Copeland, Rural School Department ..
R. L. Carpenter, Music Depathnent .....
Whitney Mi Young, Vocational Education Dept
W. 0. Nnckolls, Principals’ Conference. ..
Beatrice Willis, Enmary Teachers Dept.
Anoma Beard, Youth Council. . . i .. . . .














. Gertrude Sledxl, Science Teachers’ Conference. .
Jewell R. Jackson, English Teachers‘ Conferenc
Elizabeth Mundy, Idlbrarians’ Conference.
1‘. L. Baker, Physical Education Departmen
W. H. Craig, Gfifidance Workers’ Conference
A. J Richards, Foreign Language Teachers’

William D. Johnson, Adult Education Department. Louisville

. . First District Association

l—M. O. Strauss, Paducah...
Second District Association

2—Helen Nuckolls, Providence
8—«A. L. Poole, Bowling Gteen.. Third District Association
FRusselI Stone, Bloomfield... Fulfill! District Assaciativfl
5—4Mayme R. Morris, Louisville. .Fifth. District Association
6-—-Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge. Blue Grass District Association
7#H. R. Merry, Covington ..... Northern District Association
8—:William Gilbert, Wheelnwright .lEastern District Association
9—J. A. Matthews, Bennham. [Upper Cumberland District Ass’n.


1—11. Ti Buford: High School and College Depa'rhnent, Princip
Conference, Librarians’ Confexence, Adult Educa-
.tion Department. Art Teachers’ Conference (Sec-
tion 1); Music Department, (Section 1).

z—Beatrice C. Willis: Elementary Departmen t, Primary Teachers'
Department, Art Teachers’ Conference nSection 2),
Music Department (Section 2)

8—6:. W. Jackson: Social Science Teachers’ Conlm science
Teachers’ Conference, English Teachers‘ Confer-
ence, Foreign Language Teachers’ Oonference.
Physical Education Department.

4—W. H. Craig: Guidance Workers’ Confierence, Youth Council, V0-
cational Education Department Rural School De-








At a wasting of the Directors ot‘the Kentucky Negro Education
Association. held in Louisville On: Saturday, February 3. it was agreed
by unanimous vote that the convention of the Association, scheduled
for April 13-20, 1945. be cancelled. in compliance with the request at
the Olfice of Defense Transportation that conventions not be held
during the war period.

The directors planned that a conference he held in Louisville on
Saturday, April 21, to he Ittemied by the presidents} of D'utricl Assn-
ciatinns, Chairmen of Departments, Jeannes Supervisors. and mem-
bers of the Legislative Committee.

Present at the Directors Meeting were Mrs. Lucy Harth Smith,
President: Messrs. A. F. Gibson. V. K. Perry, Whitney M. Yuung. and
Mrs. Mayne R. Morris, Directors: W. 1!. Perry, In. Secretary-Treas-
urer. Mr. J. A. Matthews, President at the Upper Cumberland Valley
District Associaiicn was also present.

The March-April issue of the K. N. E. A. Journal will give fur-

ther details at the program (or the April Conference.
The Directors urge that all members send their annual dues to the

Secretary-Treasurer mm.


Editorial Comment


The passing last June of the retired veteran educator, Professor
W. H. Blouse, took from our Association one of its most interested
and active members, No annual convention during the long period
of his membership was without his presence and his participation
in its deliberations, to which he contributed always a consistent and
constructive point of view.

He worked faithfully on committees for progressive policies and
timely legislation. Although once defeated for the presidency of the
Kl N. E. A., he was later elected, and guided the afiairs of the or-
ganization sucoessfirlly. He was highly respected in the sectional
and national educational organizations he attended ireqnently as Lhe
representative of the Association In his declining years, unable to
mm. he insisted on being brought to the annual conventions of the
K. N E. A.,' participating in its sasions, and giving the words of
counsel made possible through his long experience.

The record of Professor Fouse is one of continuous unselfish ser-
vice in the several commlmities in which he lived. ’





'ch objectives of the legislative pnogram of the K. N. E. A.
championed by recently retired president, H. E. Goodiloe, and the
Board of Directors, and promised during the last gubernatorial cam-
paign by Governor Simeon Willis and State Superintendfllt, John
Fred Williams, have been achieved. One is the appropriation, 'by
the State Lagislatul'e, of $34,000.00 for the biennium 1944-46, to pro-
vide boarding high school service for colored children whose homes
are in areas too remote for convenient transportation to a public

The other is appointment of an Assistant Supervisor and Coordi~
nator of Negro Education. Acceptance of this position by Whitney
M. Young has met with general popular approval The cooperation
of Lincoln Institute in relieving Mr. Young of his duties as Educa-
tional Director there, and placing them in. the capable hands of Mr.
Joseph A. Carroll, formerly principal of the institution’s high saliva!
department, has met the objection voiced 'by some, that duties at
Lincoln would prevent the new appointee from giving the time
necessary for the planning and development of a supervisory pro-

gram in the state. .

[By many, the appointment is regarded as “a natural.” Through
his travels in (the state in the interest of Lincoln Institute, Mr. Young
has come to know, and to be lmown, by superintendents, principals,


 and leaders in many communities. Their acquaintance, respect and
confidance, and his familiarity with the nature and problems of the
communities, provide an'emeueht background for future coopera~

Mr. Young‘s thesis, accepted recently {by the faculty of the aaduate
school of Fish University, was based on an intimate knowledge and
study of the needs of the children of Kentucky’s rural sections, and
recommended suitarhle practical programs for them. .He is thus in an
excellent position to aid Lincoln InstituteL which serves as the teach—
er training. center for Kentucky'State College, to prepare future
teachers to meet specific community needs, and later to assist the
teachers in adjusting in new positions.

He is qualified, bmh by his training and successful teaching ex-
perience in the field of engineering, to encourage the development
at trade training opportunities for pupils of colored schools. This
is an area in which, except by the discontinued National Youth Ad-
ministration, very little has teen done.

'Mr. Young has entered upon his nE'W work with his characteristic
earnestness, optimism and thoroughness, and with a consciousness
of his obligation to the citizens of the state for the successful ac-
complishment of this pioneer task. The K. N. E. A. extends to, him
every good wish for success in accomplishing the purpose which mo-
tivated the organization in urging the creation of the supervisory
position—increase and development of the educational opportunities
offered Kentucky‘s children.

Tributes To The Late Prof. W. H. Fouse

(By G. H. Brown. Principal, Dwglas School. Louisville)

Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky especially are better today because of
the life and work in them for many years of the one who is the sub-
lect of this brief sketch. In Westerville, Ohio, Where he Was born,
reared and educated in the elementary schools as Well as in Ottcnhein
University of that city, William Henry Fouse received the early
training that was necessary for his physical, mental and moral de-
velopment. These phases of his early life, first acquired in his home
town, began to show results of his learning and teaching in the little
town of Corydon, Indiana, one of the oldest county seats and first
capital of the State of Indiana.

As principal there of the first high school. leader of a band and
orchestra for colored pupils, also the only member of color in the
City concert band, and as instructor of a special art class for city
teachers and others, Professor Fouse made a very distinct contribu-
tion to that community. In the State of Kentuclw. Particularly in
Lexington and the Blue Grass section, where his labors for youth
and adults were of the longest duration, the influence of his services
long will be lelt. He contributed five hundred dollars toward the



, The Late Prof. W. H. Pause

purchase of an athletic field, now fittingly named Fouse Field, and
which adjoins Dunbar High School, Lexington, where he Ialbored as
principal and supervisor of schools for more than a qua-rte!- of a
century. _

As a pioneer and leader in penny savings'hy school children and
their relatives, this great educator won the gratitude of parents and
teachers, as Well as school ofl‘lcials. In addition to teaching ill-lift,
economy and preparation for usefulness to the pupils of the school,
this good man stressed the need of amiable relationship between the
youths of both races, as (well as among the adults, in all communi»
ties. By direct instruction and follow—up processes along this line,
several clashes between white and colored pupils in more than one
city were averted. On this account, finer relationships between white
and colored persons, young and old, were the results in all commu-
nities in which Ml'. Fouse lived and worked.

Well may it be said by all who ever knew him that places in
which he drwelt were much better because of his having lived in them.


(By Louis C. Brown. Madison Skeet Junior High School, Louisville)

A pioneer in education was removed from our ranks when Prof.
W. H. Fouse, retired principal of Dux‘lbar High School, and former
president of the Kentucky Negro Education Association, passed a
few months ago. A grand person was he, who spent his entire life
working quietly and hopefully for the development of youth. At an
age when most people are content to rest, Prof. Fouse creditsbly
qualified for and received his Master’s Degree at the University of


 Cincinnati. fills motto, “If I rest, I rust,” was ever kept befoo‘e him.
Wherever state and national associations of educators met, he was
there. At the last session of our K. N. E. A. he attended several Con-
ierences, including the Principals‘ Banquet. His familiar smile ex-
pressed mnch joy and pleasure at being associated again with peo-
ple having a common interest. One cannot think of Prof. Fouse
without the association of his fine wife, who until the end, was his
constant companion. .

A few personal expressions which characterize our firiend follow:

‘iHis name, like ours, may be forgotten, but to. live in the lives of
others is immortalityF—L. N. Taylor.

“We then shall think of his living and working in the higher realms
for the total emancipation of man.”—(Reverend Sidney R. Smith.

‘er. Fouse leaves a beautiful record of service’L—LDr. M. Fitnbutler

“You were faithful in life to each other."flMrs. Mary V. Parrish.

“Ottfl‘bein has lost a great friend and one of whom the institution
has been justly proud,“—J. Ruskin lHowe, President, Ottexfbein Col-

“He was a glorious man and I know his influence for good will
long the felt.”—L. A. Pechstein, Dean, University of Cincinnati. '

“Appreciation was expressed for the Vigorous, constructive efforts
‘Professor Fouse,‘ as he was affectionately referred to, made in be-
half of the youth of this community."—lDr. W. T. Rowland, Superin-
tendent, and Board of Education.

”It can be said of him without exaggeration, that no educator of
our day and place served his race more loyally or contributed more
readily to the good relations that mark the association of the races in
Lexington." Editorial, Lexington {Leader (‘Fred B. 'Wachs).

“The K. N‘. E. A. feels that the passing of ‘Prof. mese has removed
horn its membership one whose [work was a definite contribution to
the advancement of the organizafion.”—Mrs. Lucy Harth Smith, Pres-

ident; W. H. Perry, Jr., Secretary.

By Lucy Harsh Smith, President, K. N. E. A.

Although plans are being conducted for warfare, and we have a

wart in the planning, it is necessary that we as educators plan for
peace. Foremost among the plans we find the new Go-to‘School
Drive. Schools, communities and organizations have joined forces
10 make sure that youth receive educational preparation for the fu-
Because of increase in employment of young people during the
W period1 and the fact that one million fewer boys and girls were
emulled in 1948 than 1940, it is imperative that we encourage young
people to resume their education during this period. We should
help our boys and girls to realize that there will [be few jobs in peace
time for the boy or girl who doa not finish high school.



 Juvenile Delinquency also should claim our attention, for it is an
the increase. One of the chief antecedents of juvenile delinquency
is truancy tram school. Is it not necessary that We, as teachers unite
all of our efforts to meet the needs of the child? We should uprove
our school atmosphere, in order to :bring happiness to our students
during the process of training. School surroundings in all areas
should be kept clean and beautiful. «Appreciations of the higher
values of life cannot be properly developed in ugly surroundings,
Soap and water, a little paint, a few pounds of gmss and flower seeds,
can transform our schools into a pleasing appearance. _

The health of the child should receive primary consideration. Phy.
slcal defects that inhibit learning should be corrected. Our Parent-
Teacher Associations could be of valuable assistance, in fiormuiating
plans to secure the funds needed to correct the p‘hysiml defects of
children who are unable to secure it otherwise. Efl'iciency should be
our watchword, for pupils and teachers alike. It is said that our pupils
Lack the feeling of responsibility for their jobs. They tend to be care-
less in the performance of duty,‘and are idle, talkative, and imperti~
nent. They lack social dignity. _

Our pupils need respect for themselves, as well as for others. We
believe that literature telling of the achievements of [Names should
consistently confront the dhild in the classroom. A wealth of informa-
tion can be secured from newspapers, magazines, books and pictures.
Courses of study to include Negro History should be in our curricu-
lum. Teachers themselves should popularize the idea. This inmrms-
tion would tend to inspire the student and develop the needed self

.As your president, it is my desire that the K. N. E. A. use its full
force to assist every teacher in the State, in our great program. Our
work is of fundamental importance in our democracy, for students
are acquiring habits, training and attitudes of importance in deter-
mining their qualifications as tutu-re citizens.



they M. Young, well known and highly respected educator, is
now actively engaged m the Assistant State Supervisor and Coordi-
nator of Negro Education, and has visited several areas of the state in
order to study at close range the problems which will claim the at-
tention of his new office.

Ith Young is a native Kentuckian, having been born in Midway.
Kentucky, and having received his early education at the historic
American Missionary Association’s Chandler Normal School7 of
Lexington. His high school Work was done at Lincoln Institute, the
A E. degree was awarded him by Louisville 'Mrunicipal College, and
the M. A. by Fisk University. He has taken special courses in en-
gineering é: Harnpton Institute, Cass Technological School at Detroit
and Tuskegee Institute. He has been actively engaged in educational
work for nearly a quarter of a century, having served at Lincoln



Whitney M. Young

Institute as a tea/abet of engineering from 1920-1830; as teacher of
engineering and Dean from 193041935; as Educational Director from
1935-1944. He has served continuously as a member of the Board of
Directors of K. N. E. A. since 1936, and several terms as chairman of
the Vocational Department of the Association, president of the Blue
Grass PrinCipalls’ Cunfe'l‘ence, and President of the Blue Glass Teach—
els' Association ‘

Mr. Young and his family retain their residence on the campus of
Lincoln Institute at Lincoln Ridge, where his wife, Mrs Laura Ray
Young, is postmistrese They are justly proud of their three children,
{Ml-s, Arnita Louise Farrow, Chicago, Ill, graduate at Kentucky State
College, and wife of LieuIt. William R. Farrow, Jr., former Kentucky
State basketball luminary, now in Italy; Miss Eleanor Annice Young,
Kentucky State College graduate, and now a graduate student in
Library Science, at Atlanta University; Sgt. Whitney M. Young, Jr,
also a graduate of Kentucky State College, new stationed in England.

THE mew s-rm: HIGH SCHOOL:
by Wluluey Young
lineal; Institute is centrally located, 22 miles east of Louisville,
Kentucky; and 26 miles west of Frankfurt, Kentueky on Highway so.
The school has an excellent physiual plant, mnsisting of 13 buildings
0f Various types, 444,4 acres of productive fazm land, which provides


 ample space for expansion and the teaching of scientific agriculture
The location of the school makes it convenient to give students prac.
tical training in making repairs of all types; plumbing, electrical and
wood work. This affords excellent training for trade students.

A school garden serves as a practical demonstration of what can be
done to provide one’s food and the possibilities of truck gardening as
a means of earning a livelihood. All of the student trade courses are
subsidized lay Federal aid. The student body is small enough to per-
mit experimentation on various secondary levels. Because of this iact
the State College for Negroes at Frankfort, Kentucky, selected the
school for the training of potential teachers in Home Economics,
Science, English, Social Science, Mathematics, Physical Education,
and Commerce.

The student body is a cross section of the state in that it is made
up more than half of the counties and independent districts of the

Three large buses transport day students from adjoining counties.

The Home Economics Department and the Agriculture department
heads have developed extension projects to assist in the “Conserva‘
tion Program" and to give the Negro home owner a sense of apprecia<
tion of the value of property and the freedom which comes with the
possession of a deed.

The school has been rated “A“ by the Southern Association of Col-
leges and Secondary Schools and my the State Department of Educa-

Through a special contract, County aid may ‘be collected for Board-
ing Students firom counties that do not have a high school Religious
training is non-denominational but for the sake of moral development
in honesty, reliability, unselfishness, service to others and purposeful
living, each student is encouraged to attend regular church services
and to affiliate himself with some ethical organization.

The ea ucational phase of the school program is under the control
of t'ie State Department of Education which functions through Ken-
tucky State College. The finances of the School are under control of
a committee of business expertsand a business managerr A trust en-
dowment of more than $250,000 has been carefully invested and only
the interest may be used for the current expenses of the' Boarding
Department and the physical plant

Teaches, students and parents cooperate in building Worthwhile
projects so as to make‘the work of the class room practical and to
meet the need of existing opportunities ‘

Under the new state plan Mt, Whitney M. Young who has 'been DI-
«rector of Education, will relinquish part of his responsibilities to he-
come Assistant State Supervisor and Co-ordjnator of Negro EduCa-
tion. Mr, Joseph A‘ Carroll who has been associated with the school
for several years as Head of the Agriculture Department has been 5%
leoted to take over the position of Dean of Education. Mr. Carroll 15
a graduate of Kentucky State College and has done graduate work
at the University of Wisconsin.


 The school will serve the rural populatiun first, those communities
where no high school services are available. According to Bulletin
No. 3, Vol. XI, May, 1943, “Neg‘o Education in Kentucky” there are
now seventy sub-margmal counties with approximately 1000 students
needing such services. The need for a State High School is evident,
in that all available dormitory Space has been taken and more than
seventy students are on the waiting list.

The future of Lincoln Institute is bright. Those of our friends who
have stood by us when the going was tough and the resources limited
deserve the gratitude of all the Negro people of the state, who for
more than twenty years have fought, preached and prayed for a
square deal for the Rural Negro Child.


A large number of Freshman girls who applied for entrance, and of
advanced girls who returned to Kentucky State College caused an in—
crease over the number that enrolled last year. Also, there was little
change in the number of boys; a few veterans of World War II enroll-
ed under the program sponsored by the government in their behalf.
This number, of course, will increase as the war progresses to its end.

IHume, Hathaway, Jackson and Atwood Halls were renovated in-
side durirlg the summer months; the Library and President’s Oifices
have moved back to Hume Hall. The Farm House is under complete
reconstruction at a cost of $19,500.

There are a number of new faces on the faculty this year. Tenure
at the college has been very steady since 1929, but the war and cer-
tain other factors have brought changes.

Most of them this year have been caused by salaries at other in-
stitutions that ware more attractive than Kentuclw State College
Could pay. This was true in 'spite of the fact that salaries were sub-
stantially increased at Kentucky State College.

In several southern states the legislatures have definitely decided
to make the Negro State College the “equivalent” of the White State
University, and for this purpose have given their Negro State Colleges
sums of money larger than usual and allowed them to pay attractive
salaries hitherto impossible. Kentucky State College was able to
meet ordinary competition, but it was not prepared to meet this ex-
traordinary situation.

it will be recalled that the question of equality of higher education
was up for consideration in the last session of our legislature, on the
merits of the Anderson and Dorman Bills. The Anderson bill passed
the House, but died in the Senate. Analyzing the final net results fol‘
lowing the session of the legislature We are rbound to say that higher
education for Negroes got nothing—that is, nothing more than usual,
omitting the small increase for the ragular operation of the four-year
college. Negroes were not admitted to the University, nothing was
(lane to make Kentucky State College the “equivalent" of the Univer-
sity, nothing was done to liberalize aid for out-of—state study, which


 everybody knows is lower than must Southern States. Thus in cm»
petition with other states that are getting, spending and expanding,
Kentucky State College could not compete on an equal basis. In such
competition Kentucky State College will continue to lose its teachers
as they become good.

‘ By 'the 1946 session._let us hope that we will be more together on
what we want and let us be properly organized to get in

In spite of- these difficulties mentioned above and in spite of a gen-
eral shortage of well-trained competent teachers, Kentucky State
College ha a well-trained and adequate staff. A fine set of persons
was secured, all of Whom are maintaining the high standards of
scholarly achievements attained in the past. We are pleased to use
the columns cf the K. N. E. A. Bulletin. to introduce them:

William L. Dixon, Jr.—B. S. Morelnouse College, M. 5‘. Atlanta Uni»
Varsity, Additional Graduate Work University of Kansas. Thirteen
years experience; Atlanta University Laboratory High School, More-
house College, Mary Allen, Jr., College and Texas College. Replaces
Dr. H. B. Crouch, now head of Dept. cf Science, Tenn, A. 8; 1. State

Miss «Blanghe Hamilmn— B. S. Florida A & M. College Graduate
work Colmbia University. Twelve years experience: Public
School, Clearwater, Florida and Florida A. 8: M. College." Replaces
Miss Ludye Anderson, Instructor of Foods and Nutrition.

IlVLrs. Beatrice S. Moore—A. B. Knoxville College, A. M. University
of Illinois. One year experience: Palmer anorial Institute, Instruc-
tor of. English, a new position.

Mrs. Ethel C. Cox—B. S. Temple University, Mr A. New Yank Uni-
versity, Twelve years experience: Booker T. Washington, Nhrfolk,
Virginia, Y. W. c. A. Trade School. New York. Instructor in Business
Administration. Replaces Carl Ragin and D011 Sweeney, part-time
instructms. ,

Miss Tammie Lee Pradd—B. 6. Southern University, M. 5.
Atlanta University School of Social Work. Five years experience:
Assistant Educational Director, Phillis Wheatley Assdcialion, Cleve-
land, Ohio; Supervisor of Home Eccnomic iject with N. Y. A. in
Akron, Ohio; caseworker in Mary B. Talbert Home and Hospital:
Cleveland, Ohio and Social Worker with Juvenile Court, Cleveland,
Ohio. Replaces Miss Jean E. Fairfax, now Dean 5f Wcmen at Tuske-
gee Institute. *

.lVliss Elizabeth A. Bingham—A. B. Talladega College, Certificate
in Secretarial Science A 8: T. College, three and one—half years ex-
perience: Secretary in Agricultural Department, A. a; T. College
and Secretary to Dean, Tuskegee Institute. Replaces Miss Mae Ear-
»bee as Clerical Worker, Ofiice of Dean and Registrar.

Mrs. Pauline W. Gould—A, B. Arkansas State College, Graduate
wérk, Tennessee State College and Boston University. Six years ex-
perience: Fairview High School, Linden, Texas and Acting Cashier,
Tennessee State College. Replaces Mrs. Flora King as Secretary to
President—Contributed. >


by it C- Bussell. 'szsidenl.‘ W. K. S. V. T. 5.

six hundred people who came to the West Kentucky Vocational
Training Sdloolvto witness its last Comznennement Exercises which,
in their emulation, would consist of the usual address and the
awarding of diplomas, were thrillingly surprised when the curtain
rose to see a group of shop equipment that had been assembled from
the various trade rooms of the school and a number of students in
their made uniforms ready to put these machines in operation

The demonstration got off to a dazzling start when the current was
turned on and sparks began to fly in all directions from a welding
machine with which a young operator was cutting a piece of metal
Then followed the back firing and puffing of a run—down automobile
which the student mechanic proceeded to get into better orderr In
sucoession came the whim of a planer knocking off the rough surface
of a piece of lumber, and the chipping of a hundred week~old chickens
that were being fed by a Student attendant. Of the less noisy type
were the operators of a power machine with which a student tailor
was repairing an article of clothing.

[Not to be outdone by the male student trainees, the young women
then began to demonstrate various operations with modern appliances
rroru their departments. A girl from the sewing department showed
skillful use of an electric sewing machine by stitching a garment
that she was making; a student in cooking applied the current to an
electric mixer and produced a tempting product of her art. Then,
to show the ta/test methods in the cosmetological arts a beauty cul-
ture operator served a customer whose curls needed some retouching.

Wit-h no more than fifteen minutes having been spent in their dra-
matic performances the demonstrators gave Way to the curtain which
marked the division between this pro-commencement scene and the
delivery of an address on Vocational Education by Roscoe Conkling
Simmons whose personal anemia/ta about Booker Washington, and
Whose philosophical conclusions on vocational education furnished
a fitting climax for the occasion; Thirty-five certificates were award-
ed bu graduates representing the states of Kentmzkyr'l'ennessee, and
Alabama. '

As an after-comment, it is pleasing to report that each of these
young persons is now gainfully employed or pursuing further educa-
tional training.



Progress reports from West Kentucky State Vocational Training
Sdlool, now in its seventh year of operation, reflect the increasing in-
fluence of the school This year its enrollment has reached the all time
high of 209 students, from TI counties, Paducah, and from Illinois,
Alabama and Tennessee This is a marked increase over the 26 stu-
dents on the enrollment list when the present administration came

into office.

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