xt77sq8qfx5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qfx5m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-01-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 2008 2008 2008-01-10 2020 true xt77sq8qfx5m section xt77sq8qfx5m WWW.KYKERNEL.COM

Tinseltown: Movies that
sparkled in 2007

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Candidate: Diversity demands commitment

9131" Lester


UK must make diversity
more than a “buzzword of lit-
tle meaning." said the first
candidate for the university‘s
top diversity position yester-

“It‘s like a marriage." said
Judy “JJ Jackson. "You
don‘t say ‘I do‘ and that's it.
You have to keep working on
it for its life."

Jackson. dean of the col-
lege at Vassar College in Pough-
keepsie. N.Y.. is the ‘first of two
candidates for the vice president for
institutional diversity position to
visit campus.

At an open forum yesterday af-
tcmoon. Jackson said if selected for


the new job. she would meet with
students. faculty and staff to deter-
mine what problems exist and how
UK could work to fix

Some of those dis-
cussions. Jackson said.
would need to be honest
dialogues like those her
mother would call
“come to Jesus“ meet-

"There will be tears.
there will be anger.
there will be moments
when a person cannot say what
they mean to say." Jackson said.

Along with gauging the campus
culture. the new vice president for
institutional diversity will be re
sponsible for advising the president
and provost on how policy deci—

sions will affect UK‘s diversity
goals. according to the position adv
vertisement released at the begin—
ning of the search in fall 2006.

Proposing specific plans for
what to change at UK would be un~
wise. Jackson said. because she has
not spent much time in Kentucky.
However. she emphasized through-
out her presentation that cohesion
among various UK groups and ac—
tive participation would be key to
any change.

“You‘ve got to believe it (diver-
sity effoi‘tsi." she said. “If you don't
own it. you‘re not going to partici—
pate in it.

“If you do it and it becomes
something students do. it’s going to
be something every generation of
students that follows you is going
to do. If you say. ‘Oh well. it's a di-

versity program the administration
has set up.' future generations of
students are going to do that too."

The next candidate. Overtoun
Jenda. associate provost for diversi—
ty and multicultural affairs at
Auburn University. will speak at an
open forum Jan. l7. The university
has not set a deadline for selecting a
candidate because it wants to focus
on finding the right selection rather
than when the position is filled, said
UK spokesman Jay Blanton.

UK has been looking at candi—
dates since January 2007 and origi—
nally wanted to have the position
filled by July 2007. Hiring was put
on further hold in October after five
of the initial candidates either
pulled out or were not selected.

See Diversity on page 8









Rick Douglas of Reliable Roofing and Gutter Service lays shingles on the roof of Cooperstown Building B yesterday afternoon. Thunderstorms and a high of

56 are expected today, according to the Nation

al Weather Service.


Making college affordable
focus of proposed bills

ELBIair Thomag

Kentucky‘s General Assembly kicked off
its 2008 session Tuesday with several bills
meant to help make college more affordable.

State Rep. Rick Nelson. D—Middlesboro.
filed an act asking for a tuition freeze at pub-
lic universities and community colleges in
the state because he thinks the cost of higher
education keeps many students in Kentucky
from graduating.

“It‘s important that we help students get
the best education available to them." Nelson
said. “And in my opinion the rising cost of
tuition is something that prevents many stu.
dents in the state frotn pursuing a college ca—

Nelson‘s legislation calls for a freeze to
keep the cost of tuition the same for the 2008-
09 academic year. After that. the bill would
cap any increase at the rate of inflation.

“Universities are not going to like having
a tuition freeze on their institutions because
that money helps make up for the money
they don‘t get from the General Assembly."
Nelson said in a Nov. 23 interview. “But I
think these colleges need to become more
budget conscious because right now they are
getting the funding that they want. but that
may change."

State Rep. Tanya Pullin. D-South Shore.
recommended similar legislation to freeze tu—
ition for the 2008-10 biennium.

Nelson also sponsored legislation asking
to increase the Kentucky Educational Excel-
lence Scholarship Program award amounts

a a

beginning in fall 2008.

“The money for the KEFS Program
comes from funds generated by the Ken-
tucky Lottery. which means there‘s money
there to help make these increases." Nelson

Rep. Carl Rollins. D-Midway. also wants
to double the annual base KEES award
amount. but over a 10-year period.

"The maximum award amount is current-
ly $2500. the same as when the program be-
gan." Rollins said. “The problem is that
when the program started. the cost of tuition
at UK was $2.500. That number has since

Rollins' bill also increases the funding
for need-based grant programs. including the
College Access Program grant and the Ken—
tucky Tuition Grant. which give money to
students at private colleges in the state.

“This legislation is an attempt to have fi-
nancial aid keep up with the rising cost of tu-
ition." Rollins said.

With Gov. Steve Beshear's recent an-
nouncement of an immediate 3 percent bud-
get cut at state agencies and public universi-
ties. along with his plans for a l2 percent re-
duction in the next academic year. Rollins
said legislation dealing with posisecondary
education institutions is likely to be affected.

“The govemor‘s budget affects every-
thing we do. this legislation included."
Rollins said. “The good thing about my bill
is that it doesn't call for an immediate double
of funds but an increase over It) years. which

See Bills on page I


hiring freeze
follows state
budget cuts

Mich Thomis


UK President Lee Todd announced in a cam-
pus-wide e-mail yesterday an immediate hiring
freeze for all university staff positions with the
exception of those at the hospital.

The freeze came in response to Gov. Steve
Beshear‘s 3 percent budget cut for state agencies
and public universities through the end of the fis-
cal year in June. The decrease will result in a cut
of about $10 million for UK.

Nothing has been decided about the 2008-09
state budget. and Todd is confident in the General
Assembly's willingness to continue to support the
Top 20 Business Plan. he said in the e—mail. But
cats have to be made to respond to the current 3
percent reduction. he said.

"We were asked in a short period of time to
figure out how to plug a hole in this fiscal year."
said UK spokesman .Iay Blanton. UK has done
that and will go to the General Assembly to
make its case to get back on the top-20 plan. he

Todd plans to fund 85 million of the reduction
from a central fund. he said in the e-mail. This
money comes from “rainy day." or reserve. funds
built up from unused administration and universi-
ty money. Blanton said.

The other $5 million will be cut from pro-
grams and areas across campus based on their
needs. Blantori said. Provost Kumble Sub—
baswaniy will work with each department to de~
terrninc where cuts can be made. he said.

This will include postponing the next reno—
vation phases of the (‘hemistryzl’hysics and the
Biological Sciences buildings. UK will contin-
uc current construction on these burldings and
honor current bids with companies. but any fur-
ther additions have been postponed. Blanton

“Even though the budget situation is chal<
lenging. I am confident in the strength of our case
for continued state support for the Top 20 Busi—
ticss Plan." Todd said in the c—mail. "And I am
confident ”I the General Assembly's willingness
to listen to us and do all they can to help us con-
tinue the momentum we have worked so hard to

The hiring free/e will not include the current
search for a vice president for institutional diver-
sit; or a new police chief. Blanton said. because
they are considered vital to the university. Excep—
tions to the hiring free/e w ill have to be approved
by the provost or the vice president for finance
and administration. Todd said in the email.

5231‘? «VRI‘TIR Al ICE, HA‘ilvrll‘NL ITON‘RlBtllil‘i ‘0 THIS REPOH

Students prepare to dance all night
to fund fight against cancer

g1 Katie .51"?


Last year more than 300 stu—
dents went 24 hours without sit-
ting or sleeping ~ just dancing.
This year. David Ritchie hopes to
get even more students involved
with DanceBlue. a yearlong
fundraising event that ends with a
24‘hour dance marathon to raise
money for the UK Pediatric On-
cology Clinic.

“We‘re hoping to make it big—
gcr and better this year." Ritchie
said. “We want to make a stronger.
impact on the clinic."

Ritchie is the chairman for
DanceBlue. which is on Feb. 22
through Feb. 23. Student organiza—
tions form teams of five or more
people to raise the money. In



Volunteers teach students a line dance as the first activrty for last year s
UdllCQBlllP in Memorial Coliseum


2006. the event’s first year. about
30 teams raised $l23.323.lo. Last
year 60 teams raised $24l .5l4.o4
for the clinic. and this year Ritchie
said about 75 teams are participat~

The amount of money the
team earns determines how many
dancers will panicipate in the
marathon. Will Faulkner. a chemi-
cal engineering senior. is leader of
the DanceBlue team for the UK
rugby team. Last year. he said his
team had only two dancers. but
this year he hopes to have about

eight to I0.

"We're in the small team cate
gory so we have to raise $150 per
person at least." Faulkner said.
“But we want to raise $200 to
$300 per dancer."

The marathon may sound ex»
hausting. Ritchie said. but it is
very high-energy. iiach hour has a
different theme. and there are also
games and instructive dance
hours. The last few hours of the
event are “family hours." Ritchie
said. when the dancers are Joined
by children from the clinic and

their families.

“There is a talent show and a
memorial hour to honor all the
children in the clinic who have
passed away." Ritchie said. "It rcr
all} makes the entire experience
worthwhile '-

Studcm (iovemment President
Nick Phelps volunteered at the
marathon last year. and said the
last few hours of the event can be
very emotional.

“The kids come in and you

See DancoBIuo on page I

Newsroom: 257-1915; Ming: 257-2872




 PAGE 2 | Thursday, January 10, 2008

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kama ‘ Ql





























a Horoscopes"

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day‘s rating: 70 is the easiest day, 0
the most chal/engi'ng.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is an 8 — A meeting held to dis-
cuss the future brings out some
good ideas You'll also hear some
crazy ones and some that just won't
work. However, miracles are defi»
nitely possible now

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 7 Continue to study a sub-
iect you find rather intimidating You
can learn this, and when you do,
you'll be so proud of yourself
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is an 8 H You can tell when it's ap
propriate to make intimate sugges~
tions. Mind your manners, of
course, but know that conditions are
in your favor. Say the perfect thing
Cancer (June 22 — July H) Today

is a 6 - Keep tabs on your spend»
ing. Be on the lookout for ways to
substitute your labor for cash. The
work won't be that hard and the
savings could be substantial.

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 2) Today is a
7 - A partner’s fanciful suggestion
has a great deal of merit You can‘t
be working all the time. Take a
break for fun. You'll return to the job

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 22) Today is
a 7 ~ You don't really have much
time to talk about anything now.
The work is coming in and it's up to
you to make sure it goes out Strive
for perfection,

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 ~ A quiet evening at home is
your best romantic option. Candler
light is not required, and meat loaf
will do quite well, in lieu of gourmet
delights Comfort food works.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 6 w You can afford to get what
you need, once you figure out what
that is If you're still having trouble
deCiding, try some wmdow shop-
ping Go back to where you've been


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 ~ Once you settle
down, you’re an excellent student.
Distractions should be minimal now
and the subject's interesting You'll
be amazed at how quickly you learn
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a 7 A You're doing well fi-
nancially now, so get yourself a few
cushions This includes a savings
account that you can rely upon,
Read the fine print carefully though,
to avoid deception

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 7 ~ — Hopes and dreams
seem possible again, and that is a
wonderful thing. You were just
about to give up on a couple of
them. Don't do that, unless it's Wise
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To—
day is a 6 — During your dreams
and meditations, visualize yourself
doing what you want to do and be-
ing what you want to be It'll seem
natural when you get there.



Today’ 5
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1119 ”SH

Friends and family
accuse Lynne of
selling out 16-year-
old Jamie Lynn

Where will you be it) years
from now‘.’ Jamie Lynn Spears
was asked that question on the
red carpet at Us's annual Hot
Hollywood part) on September
26. At the time. the teen starlet
n one of the evening‘s honorees
— had just wrapped production
on the final season of her hit
Nickelodeon show. Zoey )0).
Despite her success (and being
the younger sister of a pop—music
icon). Spears was proud of her
Kentwood. Louisiana. roots and
looking forward to another
school year. ”Wow. hopefully I
will have a big house somewhere
and be lying out by my pool."
she breezily replied. As for hav-
ing kids. she answered. “I don‘t
know. Whatever happens. hap—
pens. I guess.“

Well. it happened. all right.
011 December )8. news dropped
. courtesy of a $1 million in-
terview with OK? magazine ~—
that the studious 16-year-old
was about [2 weeks pregnant
with her first child (though sev—
eral sources say she is further
along .4 maybe as many as sev—
en months). The father‘.’
Boyfriend Casey Aldridge. 18. a
junior-college dropout turned
pipe layer from Baton Rouge.
Louisiana. Now any carefree as-
pirations she recently enter—

tained need to be pushed aside
so she can prepare for her new
life as a single teenage mom.
And. still reeling from the
revelation. friends and family
are left wondering if this un—
planned pregnancy was actually
premeditated ~— even at an un-
conscious level. “I bet. on some
level. this was her way of get-
ting out of Hollywood." a
Spears source tells Us. And her
aunt Chandra McGovern tells
Us. “She wants a little bit of
‘me‘ attention, with everything
that‘s going on with Britney."
But the brunt of the blame has
fallen onto the shoulders of fam-
ily matriarch Lynne Spears —
and with ample reason. Accord-
ing to family and business asso-
ciates. the former elementary
school teacher has long been
more interested in being a man-

ager and a friend to her daughter .

than a protective mom and care-
giver. “Jamie wanted something
different for her life, and her
mom put her in situations she
didn‘t want to be in." says
Spears' Zoey 10) costar Alexa
Nikolas. Says another family
friend. "She treats her girls like
a piggy bank."

Big Payday

Almost immediately after
Jamie Lynn broke her big news
to her parents just before
Thanksgiving. Lynne began
hatching a plan to profit off the
family‘s latest drama. Step one:
Fence her daughter to come out
on the cover of a magazine to
announce her pregnancy ( a deci-
sion unlikely to be made by an

University of Kentucky Bands

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