xt77sq8qfx0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qfx0p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 2004 2004 2004-09-23 2020 true xt77sq8qfx0p section xt77sq8qfx0p Thursday

September 23, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree Subsequent issues 25 cents.




er ne

Celebrating 33 years of independence





ideaFest brings fifth Beatle
to Lexington
Page 5


08A with Kennedy's General
Manager Carol Behr
Page 6

Independent Nader
to speak on campus

By Dariush Shata
m: mmcxv mm

Presidential candidate
Ralph Nader will visit UK
today on one of two col-
lege stops in the state.

Nader, an independent
candidate from Connecti-
cut, will speak at the Stu-
dent Center’s Worsham
Theater from 1 to 3 pm.
He will also speak
at the University of
Louisville at 6:30


Student Gov-
ernment President
Rachel Watts said
SG didn’t invite
Nader's campaign,
but instead Nader’s
people contacted
$0 with the desire
to come speak to
students for free.

“It was very surpris-
ing," Watts said.

86 is sponsoring Nader
to make the event open to
the entire stu-
dent body. Un-
der university
regulations, if
a political can-
didate is invit-
ed to speak to
a student or-
only people
from that or-
g a n iz a t i o it
may attend,
Watts said.
Only SG-spon-
sored political
events are
open to the
public, she said.

“He wants any student
to be able to come," Watts
said. “The only way every
student can come is if SG
sponsors it."

Preparations are being
made to accommodate 200
to 300 students, and Watts
said she hopes many stu-
dents will hear Nader, re-


“I think people
are just really
interested in
what he has to

gardless of their political
orientation or beliefs.

“I think that if stu-
dents attend, they won't
walk away disappointed,"
she said.

Watts said she is over-
joyed at the opportunity to
have a presidential candi-
date speak at UK and,
though 80 is sponsoring
Nader’s speech, it is not

endorsing Nader.

“I think people
are just really in-
terested in what he
has to say,” she
said. “He really is
kind of a historical

Watts said she

“would love for

(Sen. John) Kerry

and (President)

Bush to come," but she

doubted they would be-

cause Kentucky is not con-

sidered a swing state in
this year‘s election.

T a b l e s
for student
0 r g a n i z a -
tions will be
set up in the
Center to-
day, and
Nader T-
shirts will
be on sale.
but Watts

Rachel Watts said she
Student Government Preside' in

d o e s n ‘ t
think major
efforts will
be made.

Nader received 2 per
cent of the vote in Ken-
tucky in the 2000 presiden-
tial election. A poll con-
ducted by The Louisville
Courier-Journal this week
shows Nader carrying 3
percent of the state this




t more than six feet tall. not only is Jere Sullivan a big man —— he has big ideas.
His contribution to Lexington‘s 2004 ideaFestival involves projecting the Beatles
film A Hard Day's Night onto a very large building. The UK architecture gradu-
ate said he hopes this will drive home his more general idea of bringing both visual me—
dia and the art world “out of the box.“
Robert Shay. dean of the College of Fine Arts. said he thinks such public displays of
art are wonderful. “I don‘t think you can display too much public art,” he said, but added
that the results can always backfire if the art is not well-received by the public.
Shay said that in Sullivan’s case, however, this wouldn’t be a problem. “My hat is off
to the ideaFestival (and to Sullivan)," he said.
A Hard Day's Night will be projected onto a downtown building Friday night. For
more information, visit www.downt0wnmovie.com.





“MPH-I I sun

Amber O’Shea (left) from Lynn, Mass, collects signatures on behalf of
presidential candidate Ralph Nader. Family consumer science senior
Jenny Smith signs the petition to allow Nader on the November ballot.
Nader will speak today at the Worsham Theater from I to 3 pm and sign
copies of his book afterward.


Controversial Cremaster comes to UK Saturday '

By Kevm Noser
mt rrutucrv mm

lt's mysterious. It's controversial. And it's
a daylong event.

it’s The (‘remaster (Ii'cle. eccentric direc-
tor Matthew Barney's film series exploring
life. death and sexual orientation. And it's
coming in its all its 7~hour glory to the
Student Center's Worsham Theater on Satur-

"Matthew Barney. whether you like his
Work or not. legitimized the field of new me-
dia in one bold show." said Doreen Maloney. a
professor of new media who helped bring the
film to UK. “(Barneyi creates his own mythol‘
ogy and characters to express his themes."

(‘remaster is a series of five films that
combine to form a lengthy viewing experi
ence. and while each part has distinctly dif-
ferent plots and motifs ranging from a
gothic Western to a reenactment of a Mason
ic myth that when viewed together. share a
unity of theme. The first part is completely
nonverbal. which might loosely reflect the


first stage of human development. The films
then stylistically progress to mirror later
stages of life.

This film series might also be allegorical
for "some sort of mega-abstract creation
metaphor." said UK alum Garrett Sparks.
now a University of Michigan medical stu‘
dent. According to Sparks. who saw the work
while it was at the Guggenheim Museum in
New York (Tity. the title has biological conno

Sparks said the ”cremaster cycle" literal-
ly refers to the muscular contractions of the
cremaster. a part of the male spermatic cord
that “raises and lowers the testicles to pre
serve the function of sperm." The cremaster
also causes the formation of sexual differen-
tiation in infants.

Maloney, the new media professor. said
the films are about the “struggle between the
sexes. sexuality and the power in relation-

And people need to see it for themselves,
she said "People need to form an opinion

about the cycle. to find out what is going on.“

Maloney said she believes the films re-
quire “going with a critical mind, and really
sitting down to find out how much (of Bar-
ney's film) is real and how much is spin."

According to Sparks, “Many people criti-
cize modern art because they aren’t able to
respond to it emotionally. i don’t think that
applies to Barney's work. Positively or nega-
tively. you'll likely respond in a way that will
be personally important."

Maloney also said the contrast between
masculinity and femininity apparent in Cre-
master is nothing new.

“(Though) the same old hierarchies ap
pear, the packaging is exquisite." she said.

This packaging includes “dazzling mo
ments of lyric images." she said, and the im-
agery is “startlingly grotesque, but also in-
credibly beautiful.”

"The colors and the cinematography are
incredible.” Sparks said.

Cremaster has been widely accepted by
the art community The work premiered.

with the help of Palm Films. as an installa—
tion at the Guggenheim.

Saturday's showing is attracting an audi-
ence from across the south and Midwest. in-
cluding a group from Virginia that hopes to
show Cremaster there.

Support for bringing the film to UK also
has come from the Lexington community -.
Jim Clark. president of the Lexington Arts
and Cultural Council. led the council to join
with the College of Fine Arts to bring Bar-
ney‘s work to campus.

The films have been known to cause quite
a stir with viewers.

“I‘ve never dropped acid," Sparks said.
“but I’m pretty sure this was n'ippier."


“The Cremaster Cycle'







:Gator back in Alabama zoo

By Michael Grunwald
- nit wxsmuctou P051

1 Chucky. the most wanted
‘_’fugitive out of Gulf Shores.
:.Ma.. proved yesterday that
v—you can go home again. At
--least you can when you're a
3:12-foot-long, 1.000-pound
::American alligator.
: After creating a national
' stir when he disappeared last
week during Hurricane lvan.
. the Alabama Gulf Coast
Zoo's star attraction was lo-
cated Tuesday night in a
drainage ditch inside the zoo.
A team of gator trackers cap-
tured him with a noose and
heavy duct tape. State troop-
ers and local police officers
helped haul him to a bear
pen. before returning him to
the shallow pond where he
has spent the last 15 years.


“He was lost and scared.
the poor guy.“ said Tim
Williams. a gator wrestler
and media spokesman for
Gatorland. an Orlando park
that sent a team of experts to
search for Chucky. “He's hap
py to be home."

Chucky is accustomed to
daily hand-fed chicken lunch-
es. He enjoyed an enormous
meal before the hurricane.
and because gators can en-
dure long periods without
food. zoo officials were less
worried that he would starve
than they were that he would
eat. Chucky has learned to
associate people with food.

"We're glad he's home.
and we're glad he's no longer
a danger.” said zoo director
Patty Hall. “Tomorrow. he‘ll
get his chicken again."

Ivan Virtually decimated

the nonprofit zoo. Hall can-
not say if the zoo will ever be
able to reopen. but she has al-
ready received donations
from people all over the
country who've heard about
(‘hucky's plight.

Yesterday. Hall returned
several large cats to their
concrete houses, but she is
still keeping 257 animals
from kangaroos to yaks in
trucks parked at her home in
nearby Elberta. No animals
have died. but the smell and
noise that they produce are
not exactly ideal for a resi-
dential neighborhood.

"We've been devastated
by this storm." she said. “But
we‘re so excited about
(‘hucky He's just basking in
his pond. It‘s good to be

Jere Sullivan, the man behind the
idea of displaying public art
through the realm of digital
media, poses in front of the
Phoenix building in downtown
Lexington. Ihe building will serve
as the cinema screen for a film
that will be shown in Phoenix
Park Friday. Sullivan, who gradu-
ated with an architecture degree
from UK in 1994, now works in
Lexington and owns his own busi-
ness. He hopes that his idea can
be expanded to other cities and
become a series in Lexington as a
forum for artists to display their
craft for large crowds of people
to see.

mm "uni sun



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MEN ’5











7:30 PM




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2:00 PM


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2:30 PM




TO THE 2004.05





‘ .

I I"! Iltf!!lfl?fli!l








Sept. 23, 2004

By Paul Attner
inf SPORlING Ntws

Michael Vick is running
it‘ll. A Rains tackler closes.
Vick takes. the tackler grabs
nothing. \'ick senses the end
zone. tries to leapfrog anoth
er defender. gets nudged at
the top of his jump and ex
plodes to the ground. back

Filth in the Georgia
home art- high li\ ing.
screaming. dancing. singing.
Amid the tumult. Rodd New-
house sits Ill thi- open press
box. head down. staring at a
computer. storwliicetl. maybe
the only one in the place
obliyious to \'icks magnet-

”I‘ve got a lonely job.” he

It's also one of the most
unusual and endangered

jobs In the NFL.

Newhouse is an advance
scout for the Cardinals; he
spends game days every sea-
son in the stadium of his
team’s next opponent.

In a sport methodically

being overrun by all kinds of

technological advances. New-
house and l‘il\ peers are a
link to the past. “hen the hu-

Leslie Wilhite
Last week: 6-1

Florida 28, UK 7
Michigan 21, Iowa 13

Josh Sullivan

Last week: 6-1

Florida 35, UK 17
Michigan 27, Iowa 24

Jeff Patterson
Last week: 5-2

Wisconsin 21, Penn St. 10
Michigan 24, Iowa 23

Sara Cunningham
Last week: 7-0

Florida 33, UK 13
Michigan 47, Iowa 21

Tim Wiseman

Last week: 6-1

Florida 28, UK 22
Michigan 21, Iowa 13

Sign up for email edition!

man element not just digi—
tal “cutups” and computer
printouts was considered
crucial to a franchise‘s game-

Yet Newhouse is not yes-
terday's scout. At 29. he truly
represents Generation X,
with his laptop. digital
recorder. cell phone and on-
going romance with the Web.

Newhouse. the son of for-
mer Cowboys fullback Robert
Newhouse. grew up in a foot-
ball atmosphere, for sure. He
also recently earned his real
estate broker's license. and
this past summer he attend
ed an NFL-sponsored execu-
tive education program run
by the Stanford School of
Business. He already has
been with the Cardinals five
years: he has no desire to be
a lifetime scout.

Newhouse attends the
Falcons-Rams game not to
uncover any incredibly re-
vealing piece of information.
Rather. he‘s there because his
coach. Dennis Green, wants
to know more about the Fal-
cons. who will host the Cardi-
nals this Sunday. than he
might learn by just reading
the voluminous printouts
he‘ll receive on Atlanta.

Tim Wiseman
Sports Editor

Phone: 257-1915 I [mart sportsblkykemelcom


ool aeipoch

“His report is part of the
puzzle," Green said. “You
don’t want something to hap-
pen in our game that we
should have known but did.
n’t because we didn‘t send an
advance scout the week be-
fore. There just is stuff you
can pick up live, I think. that
you can‘t get otherwise.“

So Newhouse spends 20
weekends throughout late
summer and fall sitting in
stadiums usually thousands
of miles from where the Car-
dinals are playing. hardly
knowing anyone in the build-
ing. trying to be the human
element that might help in-
crease the comfort level of
his coach.

Sure. he could tell Green
that. hey, you better contain
Vick. But that‘s hardly justi-
fication for this trip.

Instead, the Arizona
coaches found sitting on
their desks Monday a report
telling them every detail of
every drive and every substi—
tution. plus any sideline the-
atrics. Newhouse enters
most of the live information
into his computer as the
game progresses, using
forms he has developed.

Krystal Ball .

Staff picks for the weekend of Sept. 25, 2004

FSU 24, Clemson 21
N.C. State 24, Va. Tech 14
USC 30, Stanford 17
Boise St. 27, BYU 17
Arkansas 14, Alabama 10

FSU 42. Clemson 10
Va. Tech 35. N.C. State 31
USC 28, Stanford 21
Boise St. 17, BYU 14
Arkansas 28, Alabama 10

FSU 17, Clemson 13

Va. Tech 33, N.C. State 21
USC 51, Stanford 49
Boise St. 30, BYU 24
Arkansas 27, Alabama 13

FSU 31, Clemson 29

Va. Tech 31, N.C. State 29
USC 47, Stanford 21
Boise St. 35, BYU 27
Arkansas 29, Alabama 27

FSU 24, Clemson 21

Va. Tech 14, N.C. State 9
USC 30, Stanford 28
Boise St. 35, BYU 20
Arkansas 17, Alabama 7

_ Billet: Students.
- Faculty 8. Employees

with their till a let: I.li.'si
Call 253-4636 for details.


Last week: 5-2

Florida 52. UK 20 S
Michigan 24, Iowa 17

Steve lvey

Last week: 4-3

Florida 38, UK 17
Michigan 21, Iowa 14

Derek Poore
Last week: 4-3

Florida 38. UK I3
Michigan 40, Iowa 17

Lindsey Keith

Last week: 43

Florida 35, UK 14
Michigan 28, Iowa 25

Adam Sichko

Last week: 4-3

Florida 41, UK 21
Iowa 23. Michigan 20

On the plane ride home
that night. he transcribes the
tape and also adds observa-
tions. He starts with a quick.
objective summary, perhaps
400 words long. His goal is to
have the report finished by
the time he lands.

Green also wants New-
house to give him biographi-
cal information on each At-
lanta player.

Maybe some coach will
glean from all the compila-
tions something to give the
Cardinals an edge against At-
lanta. That‘s what this is all
about, looking for an edge.

Yet Newhouse, even after
all these years, wonders if
any of his hard work will
make a difference.

It’s a question that has
haunted advance scouts for-
ever, but particularly since
information on opponents is
now so readily available. The
report of the advance scout
was the coaches’ lone early,
up-to—date, factual synopsis of
that foe.

But now, tapes are ex-
changed the day after games
and spliced within hours.
The Denver Broncos. for ex-
ample, see no reason for hav-
ing an advance scout.

mama I:

wwzrnamm ‘
Arkansas-TEAMS ~

FSU 24, Clemson 18
Va. Tech 35, N.C. State 28
USC 31, Stanford 21
Boise St. 27, BYU 3
Arkansas 28, Alabama 10

N.C. State 2A.Va.iech 23 _
BofiseSLS‘ABth .
ArkansasIT.Alabama14 '

FSU 42, Clemson 28
Va. Tech 31, N.C. State 28
USC 51, Stanford 48
Boise St. 24, BYU 21
Arkansas 21, Alabama 18

FSU 34. Clemson t‘l. .
N.C. State 17. Va. Tech 16
USC 52. Stanford» “- ’
Boise St 27-. 8“! i6 :
Arkansas 16. Alumnus

It'ii’i'ff V

'l( t i‘HiH li’\'

Halli ’Ri'iiiiliy

\g‘ll [’III t lliht'





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met some cool people.

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Played tennis.

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lllent to the game.

went to Bella Iiotte
fora great brick-oven pizza. :-I


[P.S. fllso studledJ

Bella \rittc‘ DHIII(H\ suppo'ts Kermit ‘M t. 1min]

T] )1? t6“

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\UiN IHURS II at» in hip in IRAN ll an: in 11 pin




There 's a Lot
Riding on



Sept. 23. 2004

Crystal Little
Features Editor
Phone: 257-l9l5


Diner dishes

By Danielle Herring
" Efifi‘cmuuhnt

When you're stressing
about homework and classes.
you can get the comfort food
you need to make it through

even if you're hundreds of

miles from Mom‘s kitchen.

[f cabin fever is driving you
mad. you can find a table wait-
ing for you to spend time with
friends or to meet new

If you have more
lint in mm pocket than
money. you can still af-
ford to fill your belly
You don‘t have time for
a sit-down meal'.’ You
have a place to call
where the entire menu
is available for carryout

No matter what
your situation. Ram
sey‘s Diner has some
thing to offer:

The original Rain
sey's is a large white house on
the corner of Wixulland Av
enue and High Street. close to

The homey feeling you get
as you walk in comes from the
converted house itself and em»
anates from the ('lllle‘flHl Ram-
sey family photos on the wall
It's also the restaurant's lloor
plan. which includes fireplaces
and private dining rmms

Each table has a distinct
personality no two are the
same size or shape Sirll‘e' are
covered With tablwloths. while
others have parntml designs



Even the dishes are mis-
matched it feels like you're
visiting your eccentric grand»
mother's house for ounday din-

Eventhinc about Ramsey's
is casual from the atmosphere
to the (lt‘t‘ttl‘ Servers wear jeans
and ’l‘»shirts with decorative
neckties. Tables near the bar
are arranged for easy mnversa-
tion among different parties.
Wraprwd in paper
napkins and con
tained in a beer mug
on each table. even
the silverware exudes
a casual aura.

The menu offers
large portions of
every Southern com~
fort food imaginable.
Homestyle choices
include hot bmvms
(turkey. ham. bacon.
tomato. melted cheese
and a cream sauce
broiled to rxir'fectionl. Reuben
sandwiches. pot roast. meat
loaf. countn~ fried steak. fried
chicken. mashed potatoes with
gran. macaroni and cheese.
green beans. creamed corn.
pinto beans. coleslaw and pota-
to salad Several vegetarian
items also are offered. and
breakfast is sent-d all day.

After you place your order.
crackers and butter are
brought to the table to curb
your hunger “hilc you wait for
your meal

llwause most meals are uri-
der Slit. you also can aflord

dessert Ramsey's features


Email: clittleOtiyliernelcom



McDonald, an
undeclared junior,
places an order
for her table at
the Ramsey's at
High Street and
Woodland Avenue.
Ramsey's serves
up Southern-style
comfort food that
won't stretch a
student's wallet.




Food quality
l‘irirtl pl‘lc‘t‘s

Proximity to l K

sy‘s. conveniently located next
door. (The bakery sells pies
whole or by theslia-l

You also can enroy a drink
from the restaurant's full-serr
vice bar; which offers daily
drink specials and has a good
selection of beer on tap.

The seryice is topnotch.
the food is delicious and the at
mosphere is cozy When you
find a nistaurant as good as
this. you find yourself making
excuses to go there often.

Fortunately. you‘re never“
too far" from Ramsey‘s. It has


o/o/ //

freshly baked pics from Mis- T

Ramsey's Diner
Hours: ll a.m.»ll pm. Sun-Wed;
ll a.m.-l a.m. Thurs-Sat.


I496 E. High St., 2592703 ._
I4053 iates Creek Centre Drive, 271- r
2638 ‘
I l660 Bryan Station Rd, 2999669 1
I 3090 Helmsdale Place, 2649396

l 4391 Harrodsburq Rd., 2194626

five lexington locations to

keep stressrxl. hungry students
coming back for more.


features it kykerneiwm



drlnlts per week.



College is more

when you're not intoxicated.

The majority of UK students don't drink as
much osyou think. In fact, 68% drink 0 to S

t 4”
par y
S t






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Week of September 20 - September 26

The La'npos t’ .eei-oa' s pwdm err lty " e .rt‘w e u' ' r are” At t y ' w. \n y. n
and UK Denis rm sari" v' "“(Jll'lallt "in FREE 4'“ 'A ‘Nt Wile l‘“ ‘U' "r '.' ’.
'1 mm" s to or W e at http://www ully odu/Clmpuu Calendar is 257 8867 ‘
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'Wooloy Foundo‘llon Focus Worship, 7:30pm,

Stardom Comor, Como! Tho-tot Thurs
'Rooldom Stardom Aoooolotlon Gonorol

Aooolnbly Mootlng. S:30pm-6:30pm, WTY

lerovy Gallop-y

'Cllfm Mat Followohlp pmonto ”Synorgy", 8:00pm,
68F louder. on tho come 01‘ Woodland and Columblo

‘UK Poncho Club, IW‘lommam, Buoll Armory on
mm Dr.

'0! Droooogo Toom Mtg" 5:009m. Stardom Contor. Room 1 15

'TlllnllFoot. 7:00pm, Omoll Iollroom. Studom Contor
'Oomo Mom: Football Doubloo, 7:00pm, Student Comer,
cw- Don. FREE FOOD!


"Opon tho Onto. of Conoclouonooo: An Nouvoou Glooo and
Penny." Noon-8pm. UK Am Muooum, $8.00 Admloolon
"Con Agu- do Clollo", Monday-Felony, 1 1:009m-5:00pm.

loodoll An Gollory. Student Contor
Fri 2 4
You-old Good to Co.’ 0mm. Oollory

s.2 5
h duo “on T. Young M. Wro-
Ion mind. Coll 2'74!” ooh M Koala A. Lowlo
m m
w I m Iooloty'o Ugh! tho "I'M Fundroloor,
7m. W Form County Col-min. Hon
“0" Ito Onoo o! Conoclouonooo: M Nouvoou Glooo and

Pom.“ W UK Ans Uuooom. 00.00 Admloolon

Sun 2 6
"Opon tho Gotoo of Conoclouonooo: Art

Nouvoou Glooo Ind Potion." Noon-59m, UK Area Muooum,
$8.00 Admloolon


o"0pm! tho Gnoo of Conoclouonou: Art
Nouvoou Glooo and Pottery," Noon-5pm. UK
A". Muooum, $8.00 Admioolon

"Con Aguo do Clollo". Mondoy-Frldoy.
11:009m-5:00pm, Randall Art Gallery, Student


'Nnonno Froolon, 7:00pm. Blnqlotorv Contor
tor tho Ano






 ‘Wit' examines death w1

By Melissa Smith Mallery

The poetry of John

Donne is considered some of

the most complicated poetry
out there. and the main
character of Margaret Ed-
son's Wit has devoted her
entire life to the scholarly
study of his work.

’l‘heater veteran Jenny
(‘ox plays terminally ill l)r.
Vivian Bearing. who is in
the last stages of ovarian
cancer . in this Studio l’la_\
( is pioduction

(‘ox flawlessly delivers
the character‘s searing sar
casm nothing less could
be expected from a distin-
guished college professor

(‘ox spends the entire
play in a hospital gown yet
is nothing but dignified, ller
confidence in the role drives

as. ”Van‘g‘f 92%.. ..
.. .I . {..

the play in spite of her fore-
shadowed doom.

'|‘he opening scenes
showcase a dry humor, and
Bearing also uses humor to
cushion the weight of her
demise. As the play pro-
gresses. however. and her
cancer spreads. humor is

unable to bear the weight of

Bearing's hardships and col-
lapses under the ultimate

Nathaniel M. Barrett
shines in the role of Bear-
ing's secondary physician.
.lason Posner. He is working
on fellowship under the
main physician Dr.
Kelekian. played by Christo-
pher Rose.

l’osner is an ambitious
former student of Bearing‘s
and subsequent thorny situa
ations ensue. particularly
during a pelvic examina»


If you go
! Wit by Margaret Edson is I
i presented by the Studio Players
1 at the Carriage House Friday !

through Sunday until Oct 3.

Showtimes are 8 p. m. Friday and

Saturday, and 2 p. m. Sunday. i
Tickets are $l0 for students at all I
performances; and $14 on Friday l
and Saturday and $12 on Sunday l
for the general public. .

tion. Even when trying to be
understanding or sympa-
thetic. Barrett plays the as-
piring researcher adequate-
ly cold and distant.

in a flashback to Bear-
ing‘s days in the classroom.
Edson's depiction of the col-
lege classroom is haunting-
ly accurate.

A student trying to ex-
pound upon I)onne’s eva-

sion of his own questions is
described as selfdestruct-
ing. and this amusing char
acteristic is aptly acted by
Eric Ryan Seale.

The play concentrates on
Bearing’s dedication to
Donne' 5 poetry. and his
words are her only company
at the end

She finds safety in ana-
lyzing poetry. and the end of
the play focuses on the
analysis of one sentence:
“And death shall be no
more. death thou shalt die."

A breath separates life
from death in Donne’s Holy
Sonnet Death Be Not Proud,
as does the single breath
that punctuates the end of
Vivian‘s life.




Fifth Beatle revisits a classic

'Sqt. Pepper's' producer
will share his wisdom,
experiences Saturday

His name probably means nothing
to most few producers make a name
outside the circle of industry insiders.

But if you consider yourself even a
passiVe fan of music. then
you're familiar with his work.

In fact. even if you've been
living in a cave for the last 30
years. chances are you've heard
his Work between the times you
left the cave and picked 11p this

His name is Sir (leorge Mar»
tin. He's the producer of such
Beatles albums as Sgt. Pepper Is-
Lone/’1‘ Hearts (‘luh Band. Hard
Day's high! and The White Ale

'l'his liy‘iiig legend will be in
town Saturday. discussing Sgt.
Pepper‘s the album Rolling Stone
named the greatest of all time.

Martin also has produced albums



by Jeff Beck. America. Aerosmith and
Phil Collins.

When he isn’t running the sound-
board. he's an accomplished composer.
Martin composed the strings and
horns for several Beatles numbers. in
cluding Penny Lane. He's had 30 No. 1
singles and 16 No. 1 albums in Eng-
land. with an additional 22 No. 1 sin-
gles and 19 No. 1 albums in North
America. The Beatles 1. a collection of
Beatles songs entirely pro-
duced by Martin. sold more
than 30 million copies world-

Martin also has won six
(lrammys and the prestigious
Novello Award.

The presentation. hosted
by the ideaFestival. uses mu-
sic as a metaphor to show how
such great things can only be
done through teamwork and
integration. Martin will com-
bine music. interviews with
the Beatles and his own in-
sights to outline in detail all
the stages of Sgt. Pepper's production.
from the tuning of Paul McCartney‘s
bass to the chorus harmonies in Lucy



Martin will deliver this phenomenal presen-
tation Saturday at the Lexington Convention

Reception: 6:15 p.m.-7:45 p.m
Main event: 8 p.m.-lo pm

Closing celebration: to p.m.-midnight. Lex-
ington-based band The Johnson Brothers
will perform its rendition of the Sgt. Pep-
per’s album in its entirety.

Tickets cost $55. For more information, visit




in the Sky With Diamonds. to the air
conditioner settings in Abbey Road

It's an event that any Beatles fan ——
or any music fan. for that matter ~ is
sure to love.





Read the Kernel online.



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In the Kernel '
September 30 I



The Kernel is printed
on recycled paper.


We do our part.
Now do yours.








BOT wise to delay Boone talks i

The UK Board of Trustees made a
wise decision Monday when it decided to
postpone discussions about a renovation
to the Hilary J. Boone Faculty Center.

Board members said they were
faced with too many questions sur-
rounding the 34.38 million project.

The appearance of the renovation
on the meeting’s agenda seemed to catch
some members off guard. President Lee
Todd didn't adequately address the issue
at the board’s retreat last month.

The decision to table discussion was
prudent for several reasons.

One of Todd's main reasons for
rushing the renovations was UK's need
for a swanky hall to host fundraisers.

But outgoing board chairman Steve

Reed made a valid point to the Kernel.


that a more effective means of fundrais-
ing might be to show a strong commit-
ment to investments that more directly
benefit students. Reed also pointed out
that most of the faculty he's spoken with
didn‘t support the renovations.

Quality faculty are bolting for lxrtter
offers elsewhere. and several classrooms
are in severe disrepair. While half the
funds raised for the Boone (‘enter were
specifically for its renovations. it stems
fundraising energy might be bet