xt77sq8qfw1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qfw1q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 1996 1996 1996-11-26 2020 true xt77sq8qfw1q section xt77sq8qfw1q . .. a~ww~wa¢ n- »-

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Students injured in two-oar crash

. . -,- .4...

a.-- .


WEATHHI Mostly cloudy

today with a chance of showers,

high 40. Clear tonight, low 20.


November 26, I996


Partly sunny tomorrow, high 50.
"OMEGBM TALENT Award-winning

violinist Alyssa Park will he at the Singletary ° Cl‘m'fi’d’ 5 MM

Z Crossword 5 Sports 2
Diversions 3 Viewpoint 4




Center of the Arts Sunday. Story, page 3




Blood and outs:



By Ben Abes one of the students injured in the accident. He “None of the injuries appear to be serious," he
Stafan'ter escaped with minor injuries. said. “There were three pedestrians and one driver 8' 't I '
Silletto said Mulberry had surgery yes- that we know of that were hurt." Impson can exp aln

The other students who escaped with
minor cuts and bruises were surprised at
how fast events unfolded on the cool
November night.

terday to relieve pressure in his knees, and
will be in the hospital over Thanksgiving
break for reconstructive surgery. Mulber-
ry’s family and friends joined him at the

Sunday night was the most eventful Holmes Hall
Residence Hall Government meeting in a long time.
In fact, for RHG members, it will probably retain
the title for quite a while.

SANTA MONICA, Calif. —- Confronted with
the toughest )hysical evidence against him, 0.].
Simpson cou dn’t explain yesterday how blood


As members left BW-3s at the comer of Maxwell hospital yesterday morning. I heard a “I heard a sound, looked to my left and believed to be the “cums g0: into hls Bronco .Or
and S. Limestone Streets around 9:50 p.m., one car The driver of one of the cars was also sound, looked started running,” Silletto said. “All I was how 2e sufferled handficuts t3“ plaintiff‘s claim
broadsided another, sending the two vehicles spin- taken to the hospital, and according to to my [9 and worried about was self—preservation.” we: fngernai' gouges dmd‘f e21: Strugge-
ning toward a group of six students waiting to cross witnesses at the scene, he had just left starte "up Kurt Welsh, a resident adviser in 'lhme‘ testimondvgn e All” l eh ay’l'klmtlhsori
the street. As many as five students were injured in BW—3s and appeared to be intoxicated. nin )9 Holmes Hall, was also with the group. 233$. inever owne _ m“?993ag ‘1‘5 095 l e d 0h“
the accident, and one was taken to the hospital with Lexington-Fayette Urban County g' His reaction was much shorter. e ‘5 S own wearing m a picture _ an t e

kind that left bloody, size 12 prints near the bod—
ies of his ex—wife Nicole Brown Simpson and


a broken leg. Police are still investigating the crash, and V “We just ran,” Welsh said.

Brian Mulberry, hall director of Holmes Hall, was would not comment on the drivers blood Aaron Silletto Also involved in the accident was R ld G ld Of h . S' ‘ 'd~
taken to Central Baptist Hospital. Hospital officials alcohol level at the time of the accident. Holmes Hall RHG Diana johnson, a Transylvania University “10:13 fr (:1 ”man. t e picture, impson 53‘ -
said Mulberry was resting comfortably yesterday Major David Mattingly of the Lexing- Pm‘idtm student. Her vehicle came spinning to a [€21 a“ ' .

Showmg Simpson a close-up photograph taken



stop on the sidewalk just a few feet in

ton Fire Department said although the
front of the front entrance to the bar.

evening, but would be staying at the hospital for a three days after the slayings ofa crescent-shaped




Aaron Silletto, Holmes Hall RHG president, was

wreckage looked mangled, everyone
escaped without serious injury.


ing’sfiirecastflir the Lexington—
Fayette County area a day bZfier the
Thanksgiving weekend exodus from
the UK rampus. However, driving
conditions across the region are
expected to he drier and less haz-

ardous over the weekend.



She was not injured in the accident.

sm mvtnsncx imam/f



cut on his finger, attorney Daniel Petrocelli
charged: “It was a fingernail mark, wasn't it, sir?”
“I seriously doubt that," Simpson replied.

$37 O.U.0......COO....O..O..C...O......................0...’.............O......................OOIOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOICO ’ . . _ ~
T “It was somebody s fingernails ripping into
. w . your skin, wasn’t it?” Petrocelli asked.
Another Pally Ila! ‘5‘ fi " Simpson suggested his then—S-year—old son,
. Justin, could have cut his finger while they were
Meehanrial engineerjarrod Basher “rassling” in the days after the killings.
tt ts t st :1 d h' l l . '
” ”"1’ " “y {7 ”" 9' " ‘° "79‘ first lady proposes wellare reform
I umbrella 1” a ”an“? PmePW" GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Republicans
by on a dreary, wet day on the eon- scoffed yesterday at Hillary Rodham Clinton’s
l ' suggestion that she might take a lead role on wel-
stantly busy R0” Street/1 30 percent fare reform in her husband’s second term. The
chance ofshowers are in this morn- White House played down the idea of the first
I lady takin a strong policy role.

“If Hil ary Clinton does as well with welfare
reform as she did with health care reform, we have
no problem," House Majority Whip Tom DeLay
of Texas said with a wide grin while attending a
Republican gathering in Michigan.

It was during the election campaign that Presi-
dent Clinton first raised the prospect of his wife
getting involved in welfare policy. This week, in
an interview with Time ma azine, Mrs. Clinton
said she intended to “speal: out about welfare
reform and write about it" in the year to come.

“Iftherc’s a formal role, that would make sense
in terms of reporting to the president, kind of like
I did on the Gulf War disease. Go out, listen to
the people, maybe write him some memoranda,"
she said.

N Protest erupts analnst leader

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia ~— In the largest
protest ever against Slobodan Milosevic, more
than 100,000 people marched through the capital
yesterday, hurling eggs at government buildings
and accusing the Serbian president of stealing
municipal elections.

People cheered from balconies as protesters
coated the facades and windows of Milosevic’s
downtown office, City Hall, the state-run TV and
the Politika newspaper in yellow. Huge columns
of demonstrators stamped their feet and chanted
“we won’t give up our victory!”

In the past, Milosevic has cracked down on
such protests. As the old Yu oslav federation
descended into war in 1991, e brought tanks

- - - I
onto the streets of Belgrade to crush demonstra-
christmas m... Grant gives opportunities ..
Yesterday, at least] 0 busloads of riot policemen
VSalvationArmy: and armored vehicles were seen in streets and

900" time

Social services: 252-7706
Day care: 252-7709

to explore medical fields

parks, but the protests broke up peacefully.
Opposition leaders called for more protests

gm“ 5&0”: 225533511961 Mina 77.17.63 rural careers, “ Frazier said. .

ec'ea 0": Th d l 1 , h' h — .1

to donate . , :..:P::P3::3.:P..3: :3. sum uonsmonamnrecoru .

. VGOd'S Pant :255-6592 d d , ‘n b 'ld LOUISVILLE — Donations to the University
2592308 or Students benQfit fsgdogfsr: Sinejgéifimal Single; of Louisville amounted to more than $25 million
3’ Lindsay Hendrix mm: 252-7488 By Gary Wull programs already coordinated through during 1995-96, the largest annual total in the

Features Editor 259.1974 Associate News Editor the Outreach Center. “mm 5 hISTOI'Y- , . .

1 As part Of the rant, undergradu- The figure, which includes gifts and endow-
VGMM": ates will get the chance to Work in a ments, represents a 16 percent increase over the




....L Q.

Students who feel the need to
devote either some of their time or
some money this holiday season but

Sic-:3; 11:12)]? exactly how to go about It, giggle; ineelgmadgf:ry and skills. Aceording to the Council for Aid to Education,

The oups who are in need ofhelp high school, but with a fi . “What it means is that it more than] 13‘820 U 0f 1‘ alum? —hl9.l4.percgnt *
this ho ida season may also be in (final-paper week) and then exam new grant they plan to we can give kids the oppor— "f The to” num ’9’ _ gave '0 t e 5C 00 m 19 4‘ g,
luck, if the 6K Service-Leaming Vol- week. But most students can 511d some reach out to the Universi— l/Vh - tunity ‘0 see Whether they 95' . . . U d l . f,
unteer Program has anything to do time to help someone else. ty. . at It mean: like it,” Frazier said. Thealuinni givmg rates for K an ndiana 3
with it. “It’s not like you don’t have things The Medical Center 15 that we can Frazier said he thinks University 1“ Eh?“ year were ’64 percent and 12-3 i:

The Pro am has recently worked to do (as a student),” Camden said. announced that the Out— give kid! tbe that With the grant he had PCT-51c“? Ircspeiu‘JiCIY' h I] g H g _~
to combineirelpful service and educa- “But you do have some free time that reach Center for Science opportunity to two responsibilities. One 0 _ 4 ran. c , 107}: among a fU'Y C0 98“ 3
tion, and to increase social awareness You can volunteer.” and Health Career Oppor- 5“ 79]”th t0 Show that SCichC can be and ."n'ivjrslncs 434‘ 90 amougt 0 prj‘vatehgi f“ g
on college campuses. If you’re worried about not having tunities has received a mil- th 1.}: 't ,, fun, and the seCond m relceivgi hulringhl - ihafcor 1:“ to the C ron-I .1 ‘

“It connects the Universi with time to find the right organization to lion dollar grant from the (y I e I ' improve the Medical Cen- 'E c 0 P ' ant r”PY- ran e 65‘ and IL ,3
the communitv in these riil’ation- 511i! your needs and schedule, that’s National Institute of Gen- V ter in terms of recruiting 14th i

ships,” said Andie Camden, one of the

Donation line: 253—3514




what the Service-Learning Volunteer

For the last three years, the UK,
Chandler Medical Center has concen —
trated on creating links

hospital as well programs to build oral
and written skills as well as



eral Medical Sciences yes-

Dr. Don Frazier

learning basic computer

qualified health profession-

1994-95 total of $21 .6 million.
Over the past three years, private donations
have grown by 47 percent.

Terry Mobley, UK’s chief development officer,
said private gifts to his school came to $37 million

coordinators of the to am. “But it’s Pro am is there for. terda , Oumacb Center a|5_ . . . '
mutually beneficial.‘P gr (gntact them either by phone at Tile grant was given to Director Though Frazier did not '" 1994'” and $39 "“1"“ m 1995‘96‘
For example, if the students can be 257-3785. 01' drop by their office in increase awareness and know how many people

paired with an organization that needs
their help and is related to their major,
they can gain valuable field experience

room 206 in the Mathews Building,
which is next to the Business and Eco-
nomics Building.

They will look through their files

opportunities for students,


would be affected y the



faculty and residents who
are minorities or are from Kentucky’s

grant he hoped that it
would be “as many as humanly possi-


86" star wrltliil «can lull

by volunteering. But Camden stresses _ . Appalachian counties. . / _
that hands-on career experience is not and t to match you Wlthfi group '0 Students from the 49 Appalachian The grant Will prowde support to ARLINGTON, Va. _ Dave Thomas had no
necessarily the most im rtant thing need at “I“ ‘1" description 0‘ Whit counties were included among minori- persons interested in the biomedical choice but m write a book about his days on the

that students gain from onating their
time and energy.

“Hopefully, it goes a little deeper,”
said Camden. “If you’re volunteering
to help the homeless, ho fully it rais-
es questions about w y there are
homeless.” . .

By taking this increased social
awareness with them, students are
contributing to their community.
What better time to do such a thing
than right around the holidays -— the
giving season. Granted, it’s dead week

you want to do.

“As we ap roach a season when we
are thankful) for what we have
ma be come see if you can give a little
bitdhack to your community,” Camden
sai .

If papers and exams just have you
too bog ed down this semester, don’t
give ‘xp ope. There’s always 1997.

" e operate all the time, so even if
it’s after the holidays and they’ve
decided it’s their New Year's resolu-
tion, we'll still be here,” Camden said.



ties because, for the most part, they do
not 0 into the medical profession.
treach Center Director Dr. Don

Frazier explained that because of a
lack of role models and awareness of
scholarship opportunities, biomedical
research careers have not been suc-
cessful in attracting and retaining
under-represented racial minorities or
residents of Appalachia.

“There are funds and r0 ins
within this award that woul he p an
undergraduate try to find heal

sciences. The funds will also su on
two students seeking both the .D.
and PhD. degrees throughout gradu-
ate school.

Two current minori clinical fac-
ulty or residents will supported
through six months to one year in-
house research training in a basic sci-
ence department.

Travel funds are available for quali-
fied faculty to attend national meet-
ings to increase their research aware-




classic Canadian TV comedy series “Second City

“I had to," Thomas, now a co-star on ABC’s
“Grace Under Fire,” told USA Today. “One, I
was there when it happened, and two, I have all
the material.”

SC TV ran for eight years in Canada and
appeared in the United States in syndication and
on NBC and Cinemax.

Other alumni include John Cand , Martin
Short, Rick Moranis, Catherine O'Hara and
Harold Ramis.

Cmpld' ”Tm

_ 4....



2 Tuesday, Nm'mber 26. I996, Kmmdy Kernel


.o--‘~~<§<-uu~-.__ ...--


111118 team 8110011119 101‘ national championship

By Matt May

Contributing writer

The little-known UK rifle team
is taking aim this year at the
national championship.

The second-ranked Cats hope
to improve on their three straight
third-place finishes at the NCAA
championships by defeating
p)erennial power West Virginia on

cc. 7. With three victories thus
far over No. 6-ranked Murray
State, No. 7 Jacksonville State and
unranked Ohio State, the team is
locked and loaded for their title

To achieve their championship
goal, the Cats must maintain their
match average of nearly 6,200 on a
6,400-point scale. oints are
awarded for an air rifle competi-
tion, in which participants take 40
shots at a target 33 feet away from
a standing position, as well as a
small bore competition. The small
bore competition entails using a
.22-caliber n to take 40 shots at
a target 50 eet away from each of
three positions: lying down, stand-
in and kneeling. The team is
al owed four predetermined
shooters for the match, earning a






_. Editorialiliditot . .'
7&8th Edi oriaifEditar












. . .r. . ............ J eff Vinson

........... GaryWulf
" . . ._ ...... Lindsay Hendrix

Assistant Editorialdetor . .

tOr- 7. . . . ..... . ........... Rob Herbs!

' mosaics-ow

257-1915 .
257-2871 .

e: .

.......... Brenna Reilly


. . ........ Kathy Reding

. .‘ . . . . ....... Tiffany Gilmartin
. . . . .Chris Campbell
. . . ....... Bruce Mee
.- .. .‘ .......... Chris Easterling

. \

, .' .. .. . . . . .Dan O’Neill;
.._ .....Suzanne Raffeld
“ -.-“.» . . . . . Julie’Andetstiii
' : . ‘31,... '. Stephanie. Cordlei':
. '- -~de31me3.
.; . , . . .1. _. . .Sheri Phalsaphie
Te University of Kentucky?" " ‘
. . ” .slndependen'tsiricé 197i? T
5;, niv‘ersity ofKtmtocky ‘ ‘



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possible 1,600 points (400 for each
person) in air rifle and 4,800
(1,200 per person) in small bore.
Shooting at a target may sound
somewhat easy to many, but you
may think twice when the mark is
being shot at a diameter less than
two inches. Each of these targets
yields a possible 10 points, but to
earn the maximum number of
points, a shooter must hit a spot
about the size of the tip of a fine

point pen.
To be able to hit this minute
spot consistently, participants

must be able to concentrate and be

mentally tough. Coach Harry
Mullins insists the art of erfect
shooting is all in one’s min .

“At this level of competition,
mental stren th and toughness is
the key to all success or failure,”
Mullins said. “It takes a great deal
of mental discipline to concentrate
and block out everything else. You
have to have mental stamina.”

To help increase their mental
disci line, many of the nine team
mem ers often train themselves
physicall to improve their mental
state. ullins said he thinks a
strong physical identity means
improved personal esteem.

“Some of the team members
run four to five miles a day, then
work out. This is not only to
become stronger, but it helps you
have a more positive ima e of
yourself, which leads to a etter
mental state," Mullins said.

While most of the team’s suc-
cess is in their heads, old-fash-
ioned hard work lays a major role
as well. The N AA allows teams
to ractice only 20 hours a week
with a coach, yet many rifle team
members practice in excess of 10
more hours a week on their own.
This extra work has paid off for
many of the Cats, including

sophomore Ma Elsass, who has a
team-leading 1, 66.67 point aver-
a e out of 1,600 points through
t ree matches. Elsass set a school
record against Jacksonville State
with an 1,184 point erformance
in small bore and a 3 5-point per—
formance in air rifle.

“Of course, one goal is to win
every match and the NCAA Tour-
nament, but small goals like hav-
ing fun are just as important,"
Mullins said.

As the NCAA championships

move closer, it may be hard to .

continue to have fun when every
shot may mean moving on or
going home. Mullins knows all too
well the pressure his deadeyes
must face with each shot as the
season progresses.

Can't llll do better
than Mike Gottfried?

5 Bill Curry and his wife,
ECarolyn, drive off into the

North Carolina sunset to
enjoy the solitude and peace of
their BOO-square-foot cabin in the
mountains, antlcxpation mounts at

Who will replace Curry and his
26-52 record?

For some reason, ESPN analyst
Mike Gottfried appears to be the
favorite at this point.


Isn’t he the coach who was
passed over for the UK job in
1990 when Athletic Direc-
tor C.M. Newton brought
Curry to town? Wasn’t he
passed over for other jobs 1
since then, including the
South Carolina opening in

Correct me if I’m
wrong, but isn’t he the
coach who resigned from


might start a chain reaction and
give all the washed-up coaches-
turned-color-commentators —
Dick Vitale, Joe Gibbs, Mike
Ditka —- a chance to get back on
the sidelines.

Ponder this: If Gottfried is real-
ly the savior that UK desperately
needs, don’t you think he would
have been snatched up long before

Granted, with so man coach-
ing positions now open, UK faces
keen com etition for the top
prospects, ut surely Newton can
and a man who offers more than a
good on-air resence.

The fol owing candi-
dates are all reported to be
on the Cats’ short list, and
- they all seem more appeal-
ing, or at least more inter-
- esting, than Gottfried:

V David Cutcliffe,
offensive coordinator at

. . Jason Tennessee. UK got a first-
Eligiulfigtlgrhgzrzhfitl’; ”811110 hand look at_Tennessee_’s
on probation> Spam plptent offepsnée alttack in

. ' , ‘ . t e season 5 na game.
Gottfried? Gottfried: Coluztmrt Cutcliffe is said to have a

Is that the guy who’s
been on TV for the past seven
years critiquing coaches and teams
from the comforts of an ESPN

Hiring Gottfried is simply not
in UK’s best interest.

The man is mentioned as a can-
didate for every mediocre head
coaching post that opens, but he
ends up getting as much serious
consideration from selection com-
mittees as Ross Perot gets from
the American electorate.

He’s a fringe player, a token
candidate, not the person to inject
fresh enthusiasm into UK’s ailing
football program.

If Gottfried is hired, UK may as
well make Lee Corso an associate
coach. Heck, hiring Gottfried

close relationship with
UK’s Tim Couch, who nearly
committed to UT as a high school

VLarry Kirksey, wide receivers
coach for the San Francisco 49ers.
Kirksey could become the first
African-American coach in the
Southeastern Conference. Plus, he
has coached Jerry Rice and
watched Steve Young flourish in
San Francisco’s wide-open

V Hal Mumme, head coach at
Valdosta State. Although he
coaches in Division II, this offen-
sive genius has taught some amaz-
ing quarterbacks.

Mumme’s 1994 QB, Chris
Hatcher, is the Division II career
passing leader and this year’s sig-




nal caller, Lance Funderburke, is
approaching 4,000 yards passing
on the year.

But what makes the above can-
didates more appealing is that they
are actually employed as coaches.

Cash flow ntohlem

When asked by reporters if he
would continue living in Lexing-



Fil: photo
0" 1"") "If SUNSET Bill Curry said be will dirappeurfiir awhile now that

bis coaching tenure at UK is over.

ton, Curry responded with this
confusing statement: “We don’t
think so. Jobs in our business are
geographically spread out. Cer-
tainly I’m going to need to work."

Yeah, making $300,000 a year
doing nothing can really put a
strain on one’s pocket book.

Sport: Columnist ]ason Dattilo is a

joumalirm .rmior.


llll's Simmons
breaks right loot

UK sophomore Oliver Sim-
mons fractured a bone in his right
foot on Friday and will be out of
action for the next four weeks.

Simmons did not make the trip
to Alaska. The team departed
Sunday for the Great Alaska
Shootout, and after a stop in Seat-
tle, will play Syracuse in first-
round action on Thursday.

The 6-foot—8 forward from
Nashville, Tenn., suffered a spiral
fracture in the second metatarsal
bone during practice, according to
team trainer Eddie Jamie]. Result-
ing X-rays on Saturday showed
the fracture.

Gym K318 Sill Ill "CPI"!

UK gymnastics coach Leah
Little announced on Thursday
that the Gym Kats have signed
two of the nation’s top recruits.

Deana Martinez and Beth
Coleman will join the Kats next
season. Martinez, who trained
under US. Olympic Coach Steve
Nunno at Dynamo Gymnastics in
Edmond, Okla., was one of the
most sought-after gymnasts this
recrurtmg season.

Coleman, who is from Deer-
field, 111., trained at Gymnastics
Spot. Coleman was a 1995 and
1996 Junior Olympics qualifier
and the 1996 Illinois State Cham-

nllflllll' 0111 IS MIHIIII CIICI



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'4“st - '

Mark Duffner will not return for
the final year on his contract as
Maryland’s football coach.

Duffner met with Athletic
Director Debbie Yow yesterday,
two days after the Terrapins
closed their fourth losing season in
five years under Duffner.

After the meeting, it was deter-
mined that l)uffner Would not
return, a school source said.

It was not clear whether Duffn-
er resigned or was fired. Details
were to be released at a late-after-
noon news conference involving
both Yow and Duffner.

Duffner, 43, was 20-35 since
being hired to replace Joe Krivak
on Dec. 31, 1991. He had one year
left on a guaranteed contract that
would have earned him $132,000
in 1997.

He has been rumored to be
under consideration for the job at

Duffner came to Ma land
after oing 60-5-1 at Holy gross.
The Terrapins were 3-8 in his first
season but sunk to 2—9 the follow-
ing year. Maryland was 4-7 in

The Terrapins played their best
for Duffner last season, when they
started 4-0 with a No. 17 ranking.
But the team finished 6-5 and did
not received a bowl bid.

Maryland expected better
things this season, but went 5-6
despite playing a softened sched-
ule that included games against
Northern Illinois and Alabama-

Irma, lusts I'll players

ATLANTA —- The Atlanta
Braves, looking to lighten their
payroll after re-signing Cy Young
Award winner John Smoltz, traded
reliever Greg McMichacl to the
New York Mets yesterday for

’l ' '- ‘0‘.-.“9‘. '

pitcher Paul Byrd and a player to
be named.

McMichael, who will be 30
next week, had been with the
Braves for four seasons, compiling
an 18-14 record with a 2.89 ERA
and 44 saves. He led Atlanta with
19 saves in 1993 and 21 in ’94, but
he was used primarily in middle
relief the past two years.

The Braves are trying to reduce
their payroll after signing Smoltz
to a four-year, $31 million con-

Reportedly, they also have
talked with the Florida Marlins
about a trade for first baseman

Fred McGriff.

I'ltt's MIIIII' "Sills

Majors resigned yesterday as Pitt’s
football coach after winning only
11 games in four seasons at the
school he led to the 1976 national

Majors, 61, said his resignation
would be effective at the end of
Saturday’s season-ending game
against Rutgers. Pitt is 3-7 this
season and only 11-32 since
Majors returned to Pitt in 1993.

' Major said he would assume a
new, as-yet undetermined position
in the Pitt athletic department.

He has one year left on his five-
year coaching contract, but he said
he initiated the discussions that
led to the creation of his new posit
“The final whistle Saturday will
be my final whistle as the football
coach at the University of Pitts-
burgh,” Majors said.

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Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, November 26, 1996 8

Thompson, ‘The Artist' once again prove their excellence

Fear and Loatbin in Las Vegas
Hunter S. om son
Island Reco


By Tom Owens
Senior Stafl Critic

Fear and Loathing in Las Ve as, for those unaware,
is the detailed account of unter S. Thompson’s
journey to Las Ve as, covering a race for Rolling
Stone, traveling wi his “Samoan” attorney in a red
convertible, consuming nightmarish amounts of
drugs as they searched for the American dream.

Absurd? Robert Op enheimer once suggested
that Americans prefer a surdity over truth. As our
country gets closer to the millennium, we experience
what the Mayans referred to as “time speeding up,” a
signal that some huge cosmic shift could occur in

Almost in conjunction with this insane propulsion
toward another century, when things may or may not
change, we get closer and closer to the absurd
becoming truth. Alien abductions, trilateral commis-
sions, 5-year-olds getting sexual harassment suits
It seems more and more accounts are coming first-
or second-hand, whether it’s the evening news, your
nei hbor or even you who has just described some
dark odyssey through conceivably unreal circum-

Conceivably unreal circumstances that exist.
That’s Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in
Las Vegas. It is also why an audio update of that psy-
chotic, drug-ridden, 25-year-old text is poignant in
the modern day. Yes, Fear and Loathing is now on
CD, and it has all the intensity of the original text.

But this is not merely a book on CD, read by the
author. Hell, Thompson’s voice barely bookends the
record with about five seconds, unintelligible, ridden
with all the illicit substances mankind has created for
the alteration of perspective. No, this is a perfor-
mance, a movie for your ears.

The original text has been condensed somewhat,
but it remains intact, enhanced by sound effects that
explicitly detail the events. The project has a star-
studded cast steeped in the same atmosphere of cult
cool as Thompson. Harry Dean Stanton works as the
dry-voiced narrator. Actor Maury Chaykin is lawyer
Oscar Salazar, Raoul Duke’s “Samoan” attorney,
while filmmaker Jim Jarmusch is the Prince of
Gonzo, Hunter S. Thompson.

The album’s beginning is a little jumpy and dis-
junct, with the garbled drawl of Thompson jumping
right into the narration, and then those damned bats
However, like any other drug or virus, it comes on
just a little and gets unex ected quick, but you settle
into the mindset eventually. The narration suddenly
cutting into Jarrnusch explaining over the roar of the
road how “We’d be fools not to ride this strange tor-
pedo all the way to the end,” is no longer disturbing.

Further, the sound effects add to the psychotic




Photo furnished

CIWEIIING "If SIM" From left, Maury Chaykin, Harry Dean Stanton andjimjannusch are the main members
whp perform an audio rendition of Hunter S. Thompson ’s ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.’

effect and strange atmosphere. After chewing half of
a blotter, Hunter hallucinates, believing he’s sur-
rounded by large reptiles in a hotel lobby. We get to
hear the damned dinosaurs growling and burping.
While Thompson and Salazar are on the way to Las
Vegas they’ve only got one tape to listen to — “Sym—
pathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones -— and it’s
perfectly looped behind the entire segment.
Eventually you begin to understand there’s more
going on than just a nightmarish adventure through
the extremes of excess. When Thompson rhetorical-
ly asks, “How long could we maintain?” he isn’t talk~
ing about two people in a red convertible with drugs,
searching for the American Dream. The question
concerns 250 million people, all hunting down that
glory in a somnambulistic stupor, gripped by the

same hyperbolic paranoias and delusions as these two
in Las Vegas.
The Artist Formerly Known as Prince
NPG Records
*‘k‘k‘k 1/2

By Brett Dawson
Senior Stafl Critic

He’s a free man.

And he wants you to know it.

To serve notice of his release from his Warner
Bros. recording contract, The Artist Formerly
Known as Prince celebrates with Emancipation, a
three-disc release that would be an exercise in excess
if it weren’t so damn good.

Three hours of music is bound to have its fair
share of unnecessary tracks, but The Artist keeps
them to a minimum and scores big much of the way
through by letting himselfgo.

Not a mere title, Emancipation is a mission state-
ment. The mood throu hout all three discs — each
with 12 tracks and exacfly 60 minutes of music — is
one of cutting loose, of exhibiting ultimate freedom.

That's never more apparent than on “Courtin’
Time." Heavil influenced by bi band and ’505
swing sounds, t e track lets the ex-Igrince’s band, the
New Power Generation, strut its considerable stuff.
Far from radio—ready, “(Iourtin’ Ti