xt77sq8qfr23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qfr23/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2002 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 2002 Advertising Contest text 2002 Advertising Contest 2002 2002 2019 true xt77sq8qfr23 section xt77sq8qfr23 .
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 Page 2 ~ 2002 KPA Ad Contest
‘_“"“_“_"” First Place - FLEMINGSBURG fonts, short and simple. Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG
§§ GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/ Tisha Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/ Tisha
if}siigfggifi; Thomas NEWS, Teresa Revlett/John Shelton Thomas
Sharp and simple. Gets your attention. Item in color, targeting kids. Effective, Nice set up. Sigs don't detract from art-
NEWS, Teresa Revlett/John Shelton NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Iohn Shelton Mitchell / A1 Shannon
Stands out, like the dated look, shows Cute title. Graphic is funny. Simple lay- Ads in balls a good idea. Easy page to
Category 1 ' DEPARTMENT/ the longevity of company. out. look at (for no photos and graphics).
First Place ~ FLEMINGSBURG GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha Category 7 - FURNITURE Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF
GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha Thomas First Place - FLEMINGSBURG NEWSPAPER
Thomas GAZETTE, Debbie First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
Good color, different size of fonts, eye ’ rwflefiyaasmt M cC or d /Tisha Thomas NEWS, Staff
catching- . ”TE Second Place-FLEM- Only entry fitting the criteria.
Mitchell/A1 Shannon flwtiem Ea... Debbie McCord/Tisha Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT/
Like the frame border, elegant look. “er“:riw’twi‘g‘ewe Thomas DINING
Third Place — FULTON LEADER, Rita H“ «semaaaaaa Third Place - FLEM- First Place - FLEMINGSBURG
Mitchell/William Mitchell it fififlaa tjm .aigaai INGSBURG GAZETTE, GAZETTE, Tisha Thomas
Like the rings leading the eye to the I- i , , ifggggifi :gggifiiiw; Susan Allison / Tisha Cool font, nice artwork, easy to read.
message. Eye-catching. 3 7 1 Ekaterféfi 1W /r gigs Thomas Simple.
I;..,};.. ”eEiEEEeer Honorable Mention - Second Place - FULTON LEADER, Rita
Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE getfi'jfjwi We. FULTON LEADER, Rita Mitchell/A1 Shannon ,
First Place - GRAYSON JOURNAL . is%? I ”33%: Mitchell / Al Shannon Caught the eye, good use of white -
Good color, nice processed color. A lot 5% p , awe, Category 8 - REAL Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG
of info that's easy to read. Clarity of iii t ESTATE GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha
photos good! Sir? ”figs. gfifix‘g’efifj First Place — FLEMINGS— Thomas
ategory - "Z ' H "’ detggg" if“ Thomas white s ace. This is effective.
APPLIANCE STORES 3% m.%fi:% Good farm photos and P
Fir“ Place ' GRAYSON JOURNAL ”gig r' awe use of reverse to keep Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS '- -,-
ENQUIRER, Jeremy Cox g a... e reading. First Place - CAMPBELL COUNTY
Like the overlay. So much depth. Good shit: 3, £3. 7, i 1; , Second Place - FLEM— RECORDER, Staff
use Of screens for a black and white. A 7:11:71"??? m 5 ' 5% INGSBURG GAZETTE, Great idea. Cover and content eye-
bit 0f COIOI' WOUId have been 800d- geeét 5“? , Debbie McCord/ Tisha catching. Hard to put down. Articles
Second Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY Mimfi glgwrfia’vxfirmmw Thomas looked interesting. Like modular ads, ’
NEWS, Janice Miller/John Shelton Mmme' gig: W " flu.” fly Original photo, good use ads were interesting, not same font,
Good subtleties, red is eye-catching. §§1F§fiimm 35“ eggegfirgfi ft. of bold. good creativity.
Simple to read, enough info. ma... ‘ mama Third Place - FLEM— Second Place - CAMPBELL COUNTY
NEWS, Janice Miller / John Shelton {71: fivémifi‘fimri‘fimmm Tisha Thomas Layout is easy on eye, not too clut-
Kept it simple. What are you going to i” gwmfim : PM?" it? has}: Lots of info with some tered. Advertising did good job of
say about a water heater (hope you it 3MB} 2 EN %g§ “gt space. Pretty busy. making a publisher's dream come
appreciate this advertiser)! ““6
T" " ' Category 9 - CLOTH- Third Place — FULTON LEADER, Rita
Category 4 - FINANCIAL The staff of the Camplloell County Recorder won ING STORES Mitchell / Al Shannon
First Place - FLEMINGSBURG figst Phace fights/[Wee Y Class 1 mfil‘hfie d M S First Place - MCLEAN Love the cover. Good layout, simple,
- aver ser 1 aecaeo w1 sa. 0
$333, Debbie McCord / Tisha cute, so simplegit’ls) feceptiigeiythe judges said. l(éOIIJ N I Y NEWS, Teresa WI .. .. dummy?“
- - ”Diaper focal POInt we done” e" eti/Ic’h“ She-“0n i . .. . tr
Good use of color. Nice offset of Info. Simple, good black and ;. .. . SINUSmagg’X
Conveys feeling of stoicism. white. 3;. . ' MAYBEIT’SALLERGWéE‘é/f
Second Place - FULTON LEADER, Rita Like the fonts and use of white space. Second Place - FULTON LEADER, Rita ggkife
Mitchell/ A1 Shannon Third Place - TIE - FLEMINGSBURG Mitchell/A1 Shannon trig
Quick message, caught eye, don't have GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tlsha Good graphic for small ad, 25% of $3,.le
to do a lot of reading. Thomas name stands out. a, ., Jahaaag‘jaaa‘a
Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG Font large enough for everyone to Third Place - FULTON LEADER, Rita retires
GAZETTE, Debbie MCCOYd/ T151“ read, like the top a lot. Color could Mitchell / William Mitchell 3 fizbtfigé‘lmextw
Thomas have been better. l‘gwx’iflffifiirfle“
skipped from t0P to telephone number Category 6 - FOOD/DRUG/LIQUOR ADVERTISER/"SIG" PAGE ‘ _ ' “ ' ' ' '
to lose though Lots of wordS- First Place - FLEMINGSBURG First Place - CAMPBELL COUNTY The Flemfjbmg .Gazeue W0“ in“
. place With 8 a In the profeSSIonal
GAZETTE, DCbble MCCOl'd/TISha RECORDER, Staff . services catego . The Gazette took
Category 5 ' PROFESSIONAL Thomas So cute, so simple it's deceptive. Diaper first in Generalréxcellence among
SERVICES Nice color, border is perfect. Good focal point well done. Weekly Class 1 papers.

2002 KPA Ad Contest - Page 3 i
i Nice work for a funeral good background on photography. NEWS, Teresa Revlett/ Janice .3:
h mil: 2 home. Nice local remem- Miller / John Shelton ;
g brance and service to com- Category 21 - GENERAL Clean photo, good cover, layout nice ‘
t at munity. MISCELLANEOUS use of white space. Nice photos ',-
; Honorable Mention — First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY throughout. Good thinking to make 7
3. MCLEAN COUNTY N EWS/ NEWS, Janice Miller/John Shelton news photos look old. ..
“”‘mawmmiwmtflmmmmeek; Teresa Revlett / John Shelton Very cute. Creative. Good font, nice use rV
fjifig‘flflggejmwfi Graphics are nice, good of photo. Nice border, ads dominates Category 25 - BEST NEWSPAPER
K, La Wr‘feifiéfga} color. Try leaving logos the page. Very nice. PROMOTION
gwmflzz’bw it black, Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
egggigigfflttagggggiflfigfgggjihmafigz Category 16 - AGRICUL- Great graphic. Draws attention, then Clean ad, good use of white space, nice
“miacgtwmzamai/mkmméékim TURE/LAWN AND GAR- brings you 1nto copy. Good use of use of matching picture holder With J
.. z'aa DEN black border corners. _1
5?”??? 5e First Place - FLEMINGS— Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY 1 f
“My. “ck" BURG GAZETTE, Debbie GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha NEws, Staff .{
WW3»; settrma.wwymmet I. McCord/ Tisha Thomas Thomas Nice back round and 00d wa to dis- '
thithhh‘hzfltggttgwszgtgghé Great border. Good font to Good 3-sided way with graphic. Good play severil categories? . Y
gameggtémfjw if“ go with it. Background of graphic in general. Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/ 2
we”,§ color, stands out. V,
, ; Second Place - GRAYSON Category 22 - SPORTING fiifltgafgfh‘ia’:, .
' :twemwt'ewwt wwwmflgifls Right hand graphic With NEWS, Janice Miller /Iohn Shelton aiyfl/gt’gfiégay'
I [€336 . gifigfif‘tflfieiw logo simple clean message. Good border. Clever and it pulls the $.33??? 39f Zigggifé‘é‘ég‘ég‘ti‘g 2
ma Place-MCLEAN whole ad together. seata :1
S “at: Miller / John Shelton GAZETTE, Tisha Thomas DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES ;
Wt? ELL ’ the thbhht Simple clean are First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Becky I
3...;....TTTZTIIIII33,...fiiifff'7137?;i. j. “watwiamwee Category 23 - SPECIAL EVENTS Boggess/ Jennifer Wallace j
The Grayson Journal Equirier won first in the Category 17 - DISPLAY First Place - GRAYSON JOURNAL Small but very effective. Black border I.
.W Weekly Class 1 automotive category. The judges ADVERTISING ENQUIRER, Jeremy Cox sets off well. Simply effective!
§afid3thG§0d €01ng hm; Fglochtséeci C3110: A 10" 3f” Certificate of Merit - Nice orange screen down the side, Second Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa
in O a S easy 0 rea ' am y 0 p 0 OS goo ' MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS brings out the rest of the ad. Nice use Scenters 2
. of starburst. Artwork in black band effective.
yet striking. Good depth to photogra- Category 18 - SPECIAL Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Third Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Kristi
phy. Local content, nice use of space in PUBLICATIONS NEWS, Teresa Revlett/ Janice Johnson J
' pagination. Ads are different NO ENTRIES Miller / John Shelton Nice message, art and font. ;
. Clean and simple cover. Simple mes- ‘: ’
Category 14 - GROUP PROMO- Category 19 - BEST USE OF COLOR sage throughout, easy to read. Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE '
TIONS First Place - FLEMINGSBURG Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Becky ';
First Place - FULTON LEADER, Rita GAZETTE, Debbie lVlcCorcl/Tlsha . , Boggess/Jennifer Wallace 4
Mitchell / Al Shannon Thomas Easy to read. Interesting use of pastels. 1
Good use of space. One of a few times LOtS 0t different C0101? around the I Under New Second Place ' CITIZEN VOICE & I
centered copy works. Nice head. border keeps you m the ad. Management , TIMES, Karen Willis/Earline Arvm
Second Place _ FULTON LEADER, Rita Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG M 1 ‘ I - Good color registration, Showmg the :2
Mitchell / Al Shannon GAZETTE, Debbie McCord / Tisha f3 .9 V,” ’L-v-Schat‘lle 3 Place ' ' savings in red star burst iS a good ,
Like the graphic, easy to see, like the Thomas a #31. ‘_ )2; Bitlial‘ds & Gri“ 2. touch. : ’
base at bottom of ad. Good blend, clean, like the back- "t“ at“ . , . Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Kim ,-
ground. Smooth with lots of ' FGMIIY oriented Hupman 71‘
Category 15 _ HOLIDAY GREETING details. 0 . Foil Service pro Shop ,3. 2. Red really stands out. Very clean for :
ADS Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG . a“?! * Weekly Pool Tournaments fig _, car ad when lots of info is needed.
First Place — FLEMINGSBURG GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha "”313 ’ EU" 5W“ 5"" ' 1
GAZETTE, Debbie McCord/Tisha Thomas I it”? Am?” ““3.“ t“ W“ ‘ Category 3 - HARDWARE/ '
Thomas Looks like a light is on, pulls you "‘9' “m if" e e""*'°‘""”‘ . APPLIANCE STORES , .
Artist's work draws you into photo. into the ad. V l;h::;::t:wrt Sign: vows-.1578 :3 First Place - HENRY COUNTY
Nice Christmas feeling. Good use of Honorable Mention ' FLEMING‘ mum; - wags: we; go .. L} LOCAL' Tiffany Clark a:
. ring in Is a r . ,
heavy black. BURG GAZETTE, Debbie I hour 6‘ F855 pool . ‘ 5;. Clean, not crowded. Clean graphics. ,1
Second Place — GREENUP COUNTY McCord/Tisha Thomas . 2 9r. ewe-sake Second Place - CADIZ RECORD, '3
NEWS, Jeremy Cox Mixme 0f “’1‘” we” done . glindy “When/Jennifer Wallace
C OZ Winter feel. H on d a £8 e1, nice . t. V"VP“'25“‘::;’.-'¢2I-‘=~‘J-’:=:‘:‘l7é$:>:-Pit-Ii1::2-Miss-litte-Ffi'r":=:?:.=::-,'l:::vrt:‘-¢.t:-'-::=e::'r-':5:r:':.'::=:::v.l.ei‘:. 12:22-22.» 27-4. ear message. :
€010: y Category 20 - BEST AD SERIES flirt/ghtgklcoctfits}; $35,103,233 Place Third Place - CADIZ RECORD, Becky 1%
Third Place - MCLE AN COUNTY First Place — MCLEAN COUNTY Sporting goodtyathlefics category. The Boggess/ Jennifer Wallace
NEWS, Teresa Revlett/John Shelton NEWS, Janice Miller/ John Shelton paper won second in Genera Excellence. Cute graphics, nice layout, :1,
. Like background with other graphics. Nice introduction 0t employees, j

 Page 4 — 2002 KPA Ad Contest
Category 4 - FINANCIAL RECORD, Becky Boggess/ Jennifer Simple. « :..-.;.,"'.
First Place -TIE - BEREA CITIZEN, Wallace 2‘:- . >2/
Teresa Scenters Funny concept. Category 10 - MULTIPLE if: Elma? ifiifim SFQRTEEEE
Easy to understand, bold art, Offers are ADVERTISER/”SIG” PAGE @ng .Q ‘\ gag @Rggl //:¢§
« attractive. Category 6 - FOOD/DRUG/LIQUOR First Place — SPRINGFIELD 23M ,1 , 11,1, ,1, ,2 ”‘
First Place - TIE — TOMPKINSVILLE First Place — CLAY CITY TIMES, Lisa SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim I m5” ‘8‘“ 33,-” , . 1 ,
NEWS, Son'a Carrow Baber Hu man 1
Nice layout, separation very nice. Great layout! Good chOIce of type face, Great “Sig” page! Each ad {gfigegmj El
Second Place — SPENCER MAGNET, Love the advertisers logo. ensures reader participation, 5:; “ w.
Debbie Bussell Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, color ensures purchase of news- “Alumna. “9 mm tm warm
The offer made me look again, good Shorty Lassiter / Kim Hupman paper. The background color ti 5_ ““H‘ retrofits?l‘jfi‘t‘ittm’ . ' 1,1,“
ad. Dynamic use of art for the holiday. was too much!! a ”law“ » {gapiigy ”2523 9%”;
“IW aI=.‘:‘=.=si=’:~:i:s‘2‘:24:reassiiiifiz" ::.E..ai‘ .sss.E.s'--e..v":i': . 2 5" Easy to read. Second Place - CITIZEN VOICE \ wagging”? (amalgam. SW“ 1
; is: warm NEWSHERALllCarrie Arvin “truttit‘tttst
‘ “at as are Great layout for grocery ad- Love the of local kids in “t s 2 ‘ -‘ ‘ ’ ,, ‘ W”
4w“ atwins-:3?”tel???",. Clean not busy! work. e prlngflelddSun won firSt placehlnhthe d
.... 22;».w mil? Third Place — SPENCER MAG- entertammem/ mmg category W t 15 a ‘
31 figiggmg»; Wfieagfiww Category 7 - FURNITURE NET, Debbie Bussell Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS
gag m gfimmgfiyégfifit figs; First Place - BEREA CITI- Nice change for holiday wishes. Good First Place ‘ CADIZ RECORD, Staff
1: mfiafé $11,. %:~%§%&ragmirml 13% ZEN, Teresa Scenters layout. Front cover had everything for a festi-
Efifiyfifi {$13 7*“ Eggzgé” eye catching. Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF read. Good piece. Good advertlsmg
: 13,..ng gm gawgegffim RECORD, Becky First Place - TIE - CADIZ RECORD, Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN,
. {122: meta 3352; “.31 W‘ 359%??? Boggess /]ennifer Wallace Vyron Mitchell Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman
._ lggfalfirw‘c “53:33:,” 5%" ”M“ ”gigfgfikfi Gets a lot of information Just wonderful idea. Front to back cover very original. GOOd
i - A... ”W 2 mi” across. Beautiful ad, maybe First Place — TIE - SPRINGFIELD SUN, color. Young feel to section.
.:;,-,, :.;.,_ :33; '°‘ WWW Willa Third Place - CADIZ Clean simple presentation of message. a.- Staff
1:33?" “gig § . 3 RECORD, Becky Easy to read. Good service to community. Good use
. .. we? W :95; f WM Boggess/Iennifer Wallace _ Second Place — TIE - CADIZ RECORD, _ Qf‘space in pagination. Easy to keep ;
‘ ’ j, m5 f‘ir‘efi‘l‘utm .- m 3;~;- ,. Cluttered and confusing, Jennifer Wallace and endure.
m ;,,,jattrr%j A 1 .. !$ but eye-catching and a Graphic and color say it all for the
~ m f ”Mira? 2.3;.P_3,;j:;:§-:E:-;f3 ’ LAM Show stopper. Upside down message. Category 14 ' GROUP
A”... tmwmwmm
. 5.1mm 327:2: Emit? 'ta . f:,w:¢i ' .Q WTX’M' teXt made me 100k tWICE, Second Place _ TIE - HENRY COUNTY PROMOTIONS
‘ 1 . _1 x; «_...—Agog...— 11:55:: nice ad. LOCAL, Tiffany Clark First Place — LARUE COUNTY HER-
; f1 _ _ at? _ ‘“ Sgt; it Nice incentive, good ad. ALD NEWS, Melissa Nalley/ Stephanie
. ' " " ' ‘ ' , -» Category 8 - REAL ESTATE Third Place - TIE - BEREA CITIZEN, Hornback
; jj ji . ' 2 . .‘ :1, First Place - TIE — BEREA Shane Seals (300d incorporation 0f color into all
~ 1 i . ., fiflfiug CITIZEN, Shane Seals Easy and quick to understand mes- ads. Page flOWS WEH- (300d use Of
* I 5 . '1 :1 ":1 Good use of negative Space sage. black and white With blue.
\ 1 . ‘1 j $37113" g 1 $ to cut through the clutter. Third Place — TIE - CADIZ RECORD,
? 15.5.34; y First Place — TIE - CADIZ Jennifer Wallace Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREETING
‘ “j W ”x A RECORD, Cindy
. l his erltr won first lace for the staff of the - , .
_ ‘ cienr'i; Cgunty LocalFin the classified page/ section Mitchell/Jennifer Wallace Category 12 ' ENTER- , , . .. ..
hategmy among Weekly Class 2 papers. Wonderful layout, easy ad T AINMENT/ ,1 g . , .
to read. DINING WE : I ‘ .2 9 31%“ i 1 ‘ ~ , .
Second Place - TIE - HENRY COUNTY First Place - SPRING- I , . 1 ’ ‘
1 Cat egory 5 - PROFESSIONAL LOCAL, Tiffany Clark FIELD SUN, Shorty Fm -; f 37 .j 1; , , , , , _
'j SERVICES Second Place — TIE - CADIZ RECORD, Lassiter/Kim Hupman Chlll8rBeanSupper ;
, '5" rs. "lace - BEREA CITIZEN, Kristi Cindy Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace Eye—catching with T1: 2 “MM I‘m“ £101“er , . 1
. l ‘ sor Third Place — CUMBERLAND COUN— good graphics. I ' ‘3. g 3 :3irititai’.;Mar¢xl19,Ztidl . j 5.1;}:
1 a. nu i :ited. Ertectirc use of image. TY NEWS, Billy N. Guffey Second Place ~ CUM- ; l ‘ L’,‘;‘;;i§?i§l?r§r§’31?Jillianiii-a; = ~. .
1 .2 ‘ BERLAND COUNT“ i 1.7%;itiliilfiiiz. ”W ”1; N mm
; as». m ‘z’ldce — CADIZ '{j'CORD Category 9 — CLOTHING STORES NF‘I‘VS, BlllI' “w gruff 3) 52;}; - i . 3-11 Jf, ,
_‘~ S'x iltxggess,‘ lennirt‘” Wallace First Place — CITIZEN VOICE & Good concept, well 12-12;2j51{3:"‘., GROVE ; ,
do « : of art for business with great TIMES, Karen Willis/Earline Arvin executed. ,. 1. m '1
I ' 'vll’ :. Great use of color, conveys messagEI Third Place — TOMP ALB. PROCEEK’S “ENE?" , ,‘ ‘
, l :n rd Place - OWENTON NEWS HER— Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, RINS‘VILLE NF. r‘i‘s, é BEREA VOLUME“ “”5 & “35‘"! ..
-. A L.) Carrie Bennett Shorty Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Sonya Carrow l ThLS ad won first place in the Weekly Class 2 special
.: Nice touch to use person in home in Artwork makes ad. Funny. Good message : events category for the Berea Citizen. The paper 1
. ad. Third Place - CITIZEN VOICE & You. won’t forget it. finished third in General Excellence among Weekly 3
* Honorable Mention - CADIZ TIMES, Karen Willis / Earline Arvin ““1355 2 papers. , 3

 i 2002 KPA Ad Contest - Page 5 ‘
ADS Third Place - TIE - LARUE COUNTY to bring out other colors. HERALD, Carrie Bennett
First Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa HERALD NEWS, Melissa Third Place - CLAY CITY TIMES, Like the content and the graphic. Fonts
Scenters Nalley / Stephanie Hornback Alanna Aldridge / Earline Arvin led you through the ad. Top is eye- '
2 Simple, clean, striking, one color very Good use Of pumpkins, brought out Bricks are great. Good use of black catching. Pictures are self explanatory.
nice. the ad. between bricks. Good process color on Third Place - OWENTON NEWS HER— '
Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Third Place - TIE - SPRINGFIELD photos. ALD, Carrie Bennett
...,, .. . , . .. . . . SUN/ Shorty Lassiter/Kim Leaning Ph0t0 leads you to “TV -.
. wyggééi {o Hupman Category 20 - BEST AD SERIES Simple and clean, short and sweet. Is
« 2a..” ,ifgi’yaafei Category 17 - DISPLAY ads. Titles are good size. Nice space in Artwork kept us reading the ad. Lots
, /3:Z’:7t’t/’:}f ADVERTISING each. Good connection from one week of info, laid out easy to read. ,
‘j W” Good use of reverse Like Kim Hupman PROMOTION ' i
” E2?: wg/éyg elements beside copy. All ads are good. Depicts different ser- First Place - OWENTON NEWS HER- , f '
if; 3 .. tit/20:; Good margin between vices for customers. Good use of heavy ALD, Carrie Bennett , :9
5%..“ . I. wwfiwwwffiwg gym/2% columns, easy to read. black and reverse. Content against background well done. j
jigs . Ejtggfigygggifiiffififigfi Maggi Second Place - BEREA CIT- Third Place — SPENCER MAGNET, Like the graphic. Nice looking, good ,
;;t2;i,fvgg;§,ft§tg ,. IZEN, Staff Debbie Bussell use of black and white artwork. ,
“I . figgéffififif‘éfwgg’: 93;??? Really like the artwork on Star business of the month, good idea. Second Place — OWENTON NEWS
, ,2 Ifi§%‘ffiflffifévgfiyfi wit/fig top of categories. Nice dis— Nice background. Good value for HERALD, Carrie Bennett
" ”E u";j;’;‘§§,fz“,figrfigt‘tjifi ‘ / play ads. Different borders $4.20 a week. Good concept, funny, cute. Draws you ,
' . .- , the Page clean Category 21 - GENERAL Third Place - OWENTON NEWS HER— , .
l .. . w - ,p . . Third Place _ SPENCER MISCELLANEOUS ALD, Carrie Bennett g .1
.» , ‘ wwwmwg. m MAGNET, Susan Collins First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Jennifer Head fontsand dimes catch eye. Good } j.
. ,. Like column width. Easy to Wallace Use of different size of fonts. Good : .f
Goodseparationbemen head. N... too busy. Categooi-DEPARTMENT/ ‘
Mi? ' ' Shorty LESSIIEI / Klm Hupman . , ? .
1.3;. 5” PUBLICATIONS with words. .. $3.»; " .
e - RECORD, Staff Shorty Lessitei/ Kim Hupman ' g : 1'
5 E 1 “FR g d Good local content. Tight Ad sends relaxing message. Like back- H t 1;.
F3??? Boggy; writing. Like the modular ground. DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES ;
layout. Informative. Lots of First Place - CYNTHIANA DEMO- .-
e Cadiz 'Réwra' wonfirSthr’éf‘Eaeof’the info. Stories not too long. Category 22 - SPORTING . CRAT, Sabra Oller / Suzie Fryman
figggafoegkagg?gmvgiigzaf Eiiselzl gap??? hitfshdl a 55. Second Place - SPRING- GOODS/ATHLETICS Nice separation of offers, very attrac-
FIELD SUN, Shorty First Place — SPRINGFIELD SUN, tive ad.
Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman Second Place - WOODFORD SUN, _
Great color name in a simple way. The Section has a local feel. Layout is good, Funny, very clever. Photography so Margie Holbrook/Ann Routt g! f
font was great. White dove a plus. ads are not boring or run together. bad it makes you wonder what’s going Nice layout, could use some color. "5
Third Place — CUMBERLAND COUN- Money maker. Lots of info, stories and on. Gets you to the tube, kept us Offers nicely presented. Prices are
TY NEWS, Bruce Henson photos. laughing. Good luck Brady Bunch! clearly- shown, nice to have all that ‘ _. V
Good use of reverse in Shape of tree. Third Place - CRITTENDEN PRESS, Second Place - OWENTON NEWS space to use. . :
‘ Brian Hunt " HERALD, Carrie Bennett/ Lisa Hensley Third Place - CYNTHIANA DEMO— ,
Category 16 - AGRICULTURE/LAWN So many photos, not much text. Like Like wildlife photo. Reverse type well CRAT, Sabra Oller/ Suzie Fryman ' ' ,
AND GARDEN how they broke up the team info. Like done against dark photo. Eye—catching, maybe some prices on
First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Cindy the band. Third Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa color. .
Mitchell / Jennifer Wallace Scenters Honorable Mention - BENTON TRI-
Nice heads. Good background. Good Category 19 - BEST USE OF COLOR Clever idea. F