xt77sq8qfr1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qfr1h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 2000 Vol.71 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 2000 Vol.71 No.4 2000 2000 2019 true xt77sq8qfr1h section xt77sq8qfr1h F (UK) th 40:)
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Volume 71, Number 4 - April, 2000 I I ‘ IS S
0 ‘ ' 9
Interest in first 1:661ng our way
boot camp high N ewspaper pros discuss industry’s future
Several newspapers have indi- By KARLA DOOLEY l}: they all indicated that technolo- Most papers are already
cated they will send a reporter to KPA News Bureau gy will be the driving force behind attempting to keep abreast of tech~
the Kentucky Press Association’s Just give me the metro section. the newspapers large and small of nology and make themselves more
first Journalism Boot Camp. sched- the business page and a copy of the the new millennium. attractive to consumers by main-
uled for July 17 through August 4 comics-on the side. 3 And in an age where digital. taining web sites.
at Midway College. 3 3 3 A future in which readers can broadcast and print journalism “I think we need to be right
The boot camp is limited to the pick up a personalized newspaper compete for consumers‘ time. most there with the technology," said
first .20 partic1pants to be reg18- Just as eaSily as they might order a said the newspaper mdustrv will . . 3 ~ , 3 - . ,
. , 3 3 _ ~ lleboirah l)(nnlt. (ditoi and pub—
tered. Even though Its three fast food lunch is one shift that Jo- have to run fast to keep up. ., .l
, . . . . 3 3 lisher of lhe l‘almouth ()utlook.
months 33W3Y~ the registration Ann Huff Albers imagines could “I think we ve got to he Dennie said she 13330333 the
process. 15 underway. Thls early take place in this ever-moving absolutely essential to people's information J33 33 333“ (33333333333113
Signup 15 being offered _t0 Kentucky industry over the next few decades. lives every day of the week," said h' 3 3 . ff 33‘ ve n JthJJx
newspapers; 1f Its ObVIOUS that 20 But that could be the least of Tim Kelly, publisher of the (NJ deUT 9 e s e n J) 3 J
Kentucky reporters WODJt be regis- the changes. She and other media Lexington Herald-Leader. rural community her paper SOJVJJS‘
tered, then the course WI“ be professionals around the state But just how many changes Although the paper ls a small
offered to reporters 1“ adjacent offered up their ideas on what the newspapers will have to make in
See CAMP, page 5 ‘OOS could hold, and not surprising- order to do that remains to be seen. See FUTURE. page 6
symmnoom ss .. ~ ~ a , code added
KPA News Bureau 3‘ < -. 3
Glenn Gray says his jobs as a basketball coach and - 23‘ § ’J , Kentucky has its second new
referee are a good way to break from the pressures of 3 J‘tsus- 3-. j- ? area code of the past two years,
being a publisher and vice president for Nolan Group J" ,. ‘% i?! Beginning April 1. telephone users
Newspapers. 33;" _':'J3 . ‘ ~ ~ s3 calling central and northern
BUt Gray’s night JJObS aren’t JJUSt a form 0f FGIBX‘ J V? '3 . J‘ J Kentucky can start using the new
ation. He says they come with stress of their own and ' J . J‘ > .. 859 area code.
intersect with his newspaper work in some interesting 7 ' . , _3 3 From now until Oct. 1. callers
ways. ’JJ 9 J ' can use either the new area code or
Gray spends two or three nights per week calling ’J ’ J the old 606 code to make their call.
high school basketball games for the 13th Region. On . t) V 3 i __ ‘ “ ; .3 On Oct. 1. callers will have to dial
other nights, he coaches an elementary school basket- 3 J \ J 859 to successfully complete a call
ball team. . S
. ee AREA. 8 e 12
Last month, Gray took time off from work at the I I \ 53 , _ 3 3 3 3 pg 3
papers to call two games in the girls state basketball . . 33t333333333 ».
tournament, an honor he’s aspired to for some time. t . ' ”J“ " ‘J" 3 “3;
’ Only 32 referees out of 700 are chosen to work at 3 333 K 3 WSW
the two state tournaments each year. Gray, who was . J” . 3 f . , 3 KM S I
ranked number one among his district’s girls referees ' x .3 " ' I 133:! I ll 9” ’
and number two for boys games this season, says it’s J I
his dream to one day throw the ball up on the final J $3 ‘3 ' dune 15-16: Summer Convonfion,
night of the boys tournament. ‘ " ‘ 3 Executive hm, Omnsbora '
He’s been refereeing for 16 years and says it's been 1‘“ .
good for his newspaper work. . __ , Insule
3 Ithink it brings credibility, he said. I‘hey see you ~3 3 3 i“ ”2339' II P ““3 ““3"" I
calling a fair game (and) they know you re gomg to Glenn Gray, pubhsher and Vice preSident for Nolan ~ 3- 3 3 3 3 3
be fair. In the newspaper industry. now, fair goes a long Group Newspapers and a member of the KPA/KPS nemmmmm 3:3
way.” Board of Directors, was one of the handful of refer- figmmmflm 535?:
But Grav. 42 savs he never intended to make eeschosen forthe two state tournaments. (PhotobyJ. ' = ' " '
., , . ~ . ~ , m..mm:mmuzmm '3
See GRAY, page 2 Bree]: Smither, IGISAA Photographer) 3mm 3 3 3' f3

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, April 2000
K k 1 ' h w
cntuc y pCOp 6, papers 1n t C HE S
Meadows retires after 50 “,..l’ve always loved it," Meadows NEWS—Express COmpletes Journal as a staff writer in the fea-
_ said. “It was something different every _ . tures department.
years at MaySVIHC papfir day something happening all the I‘BHOVQUOU plans, hires . tBird hid been editor ot‘thelcgiggs
f gia e s or s ma razme since .. r.
. MR.” Margaret Meadows, a 10.“ g— mm General manager reporter From 1579 to 199%, he worked at The
time night editor at the Maysville ‘ . C _ ’ Vews-Fnter “w in Fliz'ibethtown
Ledger-Independent. has ended a C-J honored for genes 01’] The Appalachian NCWS'EXPWSS ;,1 f i VIP. ii six rt fwi‘it ‘r s )orts
career of over 50 years in news. She hi“ completed the hhfil phase ofa tWO- 111:“. “1" ‘1‘ (t1 1th lht (' ‘ ‘l ‘
began working at'the paper in 1946, Paducah plant prOblemS year “‘hh‘shhh process 5mg fifl'ddh? 3 t l or Am (Mb an H l or.
. - , S , .1 S n z p S - - -,, ,‘ , . ‘ Y ‘ new gener manager an s '1 wri er. ._ , ,
:iclliliicl hr w l 11 md till in lllhh The (.ounersloumal has won the The News-Express makeover was AP S Balley lTlOVES lTOIn
, , Thomas L. Stokes award for best env1- , , , , , ) - , , _
“I ve worked for newspapers ever , 1 , - - , , . . capped ”fl last month whm It riplaced L ' , 11 t Ifi b - 1
since,” Meadows said in a Ledger- ronmenta writingon (nirgy issues at its 17—year-old press With a new web OLIISV] e O X Ll] Cdu
. lndeix-ndent report on her retirement. a dad), newspaper m .1959 . b press, made b." Daulphin Graphics Steve Bailey has transferred from
The story stated, “A constant pres- Th". honors Whit are given y Machines IhC~ "f Harrisburg, Pd- ‘ the Associated Press’s Louisville
”mum the 3 p.m.to midnight shift, Mrs. th" National Iress Foundation, went . The press d“Uhh‘_-“ th“ Pill)” 5 bureau to the organization's Lexington
Meadows designed the social page. (0 reporters James Malone, James R lmhhhg capac1ty. hnhfllhg 1t t“ 33900 ot‘lices. Bailey worked as an AP editor-
wrote most of ”u, weddings. ”“1qu Carroll and Robert T. (Jarrett for their copies per hour. _ m] fig-“5mm m 1Nuigvi110 m 1991‘ then
men“ and birth imnouncenients, and coverage of the problems at the “This Will be the third press the moved 1,, Florida. There, he was a
ant-humid the mrwg (pig-k in the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant News-Express has had." said reporter for the Fort Myers News-
rryrimngg“ The paper ran more than 40 sto— Publisher Marty Backus. "h ShUWSWL‘ Press and a sportswriter and colum-
Meadows‘ retirement came as a ries in a four-month period about a 1”" 1‘ PWL’N‘SNVK torward—movmg nist for the Naples Daily News. He
result of health concerns and a desire to cover up of the dangers caused by paper. moved back to the AP’s Louisville
spend more time with her family. radioactive eriiit.:‘miiiiatioii at the plant. Andrew P r Utmk has taken the bureau 1“ 1997-
helm as general manager after leavmg
_________ __.____ a osition as editor of the Pendleton , ~ .' v
The KBHtUCky Press TifnesinFrankiinwvya. PUI‘M“ News—Journal
The Kentucky Press (ISSN-(XlB-HSZL‘I) is pub- District 13 and ling]: isngg‘g‘fiti: 2:23:13 publishing thCC WCCkly
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise T , _ , In an effort to ex and its covera 7e
Association/Kentucky Press Service, Inc. INews 1n Hopewell, Va., pUthher 0f d d ph . h i“
Periodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, _ . The Mena Star in Mena, Ark; and 3’? ”59°“ to gm“ m t F “mm“:
KY. «mom. Subscription price is $8 per year. lemd 14 managing editor of the Times-West nlty, the Somerset-Pulaski News
Postmaster: Send change of address to The David Thornberry, Commonwealth-Joumal Virginian in Fairmont, W.Va. After Johma] la‘St month began pUthhlng
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, Prutsok graduated from West Virginia tWioe weekly. The paper now goes out
Frankfort, KY.4(H)1,(502)223—8821. Distm15,A University in 1983 with a degree in on Tuesday and Friday mommgs,
Office“ an d Directors Don White, Anderson News journalism, he worked as a reporter “Our newspaper has prov1ded the
Kentucky Press Association and editor for newspapers in Georgia qughty readerShlp. expected, bgt on?
District 15-8 and his native West Virginia. thing that was. missmg was timeli-
President John Nelson, Danville Advocate-Messenger Russ Cassady, former Pikeville 119.55, Sflld PUbllSheI‘ DOD EST/0p ‘Thls
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News bureau chief for the Williamson Daily w111 help us to be onitop 0f the news
President Elect State allfirge News, has filled the staff writer’s and keep our readers mformed.’
a Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Tony Maddox, Henderson Cleaner vacancy left by Ralph DaVIS. . . _ ‘
, Howard ioms staff
Past President J ' '~ , ‘ ‘ '
Toni Caudill, Lexington Herald—Leader TLresa Mullins, Berei Citizen Blrd named GM at cats at 146$th CO News PIESS
m, Widen, Sharon rummksi, Winchester sim Pause, replaces Coomes Keith Howard has joined the staff
Dave Eldridge, Jessamine Journal Darrell Bird has been promoted to Of the Legal” County News Press as a
Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era general manager of The Cats’ Pause in sports writer. Howard, of Whltesburg,
Treasury ) Th K k ,9 d d Lexington, replacing Mark Coomes. WI“ cover local high SChOOl sports for
€353,353!” 0 mm 5 ‘ tan ar ' ASS"C‘“teS D‘V‘S‘_‘m Coomes has returned to The Courier- See PEOPLE, page 10
Armando Arrastia __ ._ _ ._ .__ ___ __.___
Districtl Kentucky DcpartmentofEducation Group chain, says he picked up
Alice Rouse, Murray Ledger & Times Gray many of his journalistic Skills on his
Advertismg DiViSi‘m own. But he says it was weekly two-
Distrith Elaine Morgan! owensm’m Continued from page 1 hour-long critiquing sessions with
led Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress Messenger-Inquirer . . - | James Nolan that really taught him
Journalism his life’s work. the trade.
District3 Journalism Education He began writing sports stories “I went probably to the best
Ed Riney,Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Buck Ryan for the Manchester Enterprise, school you could go to ,, he said.
0mm” University of Kentucky where 11:15 {1110“, the publisher, in “One on one.” ’
Charlie Portmann,Fran' klin Favorite GeneralCounsels $3112th 118 e was m“ in hlgh H Grag’s “1:03: as coach fgrhthci
- . . . However, he left that work orse ree .emen ary C 00
Biggie“ The Kentucky Standard, milsgihikseggsld Kim Greene behind when he entered college and baskfitbag team ls another endei‘v‘
Bardstown dreamed of becoming a professional or t at 9 says has helped hlm
. . baseball player. When injuries pre- become a better newsman. He says
Districté KenkaY Press “5903““ vented that from happening, he took the children haye taught‘him a lot
Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era KentuCky Press Servrce Staft . a position as an assistant basketball about communication, Since what
District 7 gmlgzajgsgxifiltme 01mm” coach at Middlesboro High School. he says 15h t always what the 11'
Kelley Wamick,GallatinCounty News L' ' . 3‘” after one season, Gray and‘lz-ylear-olds h???" .
'53 Camahan, News Bureau Director moved back to Manchester to be A blg part Of It 15 being able to
District 8-9 Reba mm'RWMCh/Mxkehhgcmrdmamr close to his father, who was ill. It communicate,” he said.
Ken Mctz, BathCounty NewsOutlook Suc Cammack, Administrative Assistant was 1984, and with little back- Gray says his sports ties have
”5”“th Bllffy‘fffsiBOORXSGEin‘S'ASS/lftaf‘t' ground in news, he switched gears also helped him connect with the
Jerry Pennington, Ashland Dailv Independent RM)“ f, cCarty, ‘VU'tlSllig ssrstant and tOOk, a JOb as editor ,Of the. community. ..
l'lOllybligC‘rS, TearsheetCoordmaior paper. He s been there ever since. It works out really well, he
[hm-1,11; Karin Martin, INAN Account Executive Gray, who is now responsible said. “It gives me a chance to lilt'ti .:
L. . ‘ .. . ‘ .. '_ .' -. s,\_.¢:~l'..’._:i.:._k‘:«:i..xl for all six ziev.'sp.,ip<,-i‘s in tin Nolan lot ”iii «.llilt‘."

 The Kentucky Press, April 2000 - Page 3
C O 0
Employees can be a compe Itive advantage or disadvantage

M k . ‘ Your employers are an integral Do; them know you appreciate their l, isi

A ar gang ‘ r‘ '- ‘ l part of the process fur ."it'lllt Vin}: your OHire capable l“ oivle with .i “can ness Send them ‘.l thank you ll‘lll'l’
' V - _ v I :7“ '§:;-' , l goals. ;\~ Karl Albrecht .iiid h. i: slit" littitiiiiir" Ask their illnli‘llr‘ 'lll l‘mw you could
i WIHMKIU5 . ‘M ‘f l Zemke state in tli» i in HF. ‘Si r\ i 'l .m id: '-ll ;L~ ail: training? so serve tlii in. exin l‘vtter. l’rmidr :‘vii-rr
l i I ‘)-- — ' 3‘ l meiiui “M'i my" . .4. ~. ‘i': .ii" i .‘w' fin». Yip. ». ik'illll'.1llil‘l\Lll