xt77sq8qdm3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qdm3z/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 1, January 15, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 1, January 15, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt77sq8qdm3z section xt77sq8qdm3z f ' '
0 facial News-Letter of the State Council of Defense
To Edit•rs: The
news in this Bulletin     ‘
l_ prepared for the RSITY OF KENTUCKY Enggd _$ mm,
PPCSS and is released   class matter at the
for publication on   post office at Lex-
receipt.   ington, Ky_
January 15, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol ll No 1
 -  l l I
-——— -———- OUT SOIL
ivermere nnongnout Kentucky are K¤¤t¤¤k>"¤ Pride is it White WYa¤· The Kentucky Counc'l or D i Th 1* t 1- o · _?;
notified that there will be no corn dotte hen that has laid 231 e s since . -   . Q msc ·8 Xen uc xy Ouimli of Defense Fmmers Dt I=·=¤t¤¤kr here learned
gg has ieceived the following wire from has leenen the t0ll0Wl1iE- · ·
Show Ol, tobacco Show thls ygarln com D b _ 18 _ that limestone is one of the most eg-
ecem G1 , 1917. She was among . . _, . To Count Councils f D f ·
. . , , . M1. Giosvenor B Clailson At Y O e enSe· · ·
nection with Farmers Week, which . · `· » etng ·¤ · · . . Selitlal 1‘equ1rements for i ·
, 21 bunch of pullets sold at public euc- - - . Smee the 1551181 of our bulletin mnmvlng
gllgrls _]gri_ ggih gi ilig University of _ _ _ Director, CouncilofNat1ona1Defense: lglatlvg to lllldlllg Employment tm. our soils, und the demand has increased
Kentucky. The alfalfa show, however, non tn Trigg County e year nge lest A ree eerhriee Oi th · · . . · - . . ,
pp e €D1(lBXll1C ietuining soldiers and sailors as well fill h95011d the supply One sol t'
will be held in the usual manner and filll. A poultry expert from the Ex- of mfluenm is DOW threat . as t , l _ , , ' u wu
l _ _ _ _ _ _ ened m oi men re eased from war work ot the limestone problem ‘ h -
Z1 handsome premium het has been perrment Station, University of Ken- many Darts Ot the C t Th we have received from the U s De. · · ls Omg
provided. The crop of alfalfa was ex- ‘ . ,. · mm ry- e Stn" , . ‘_ ‘ E1`1¤llie is tt hue example of a, good
G i on (lh 1 Plas m mgmt, F aces, ut t1m9' lseletlhg persons having influenza; and tnet Dehertmeht imfl be Subject to the new tnet f0¤h¤1‘i¤g for them will be
l gver (3;:12111 eg . { ey ar? free to ihgi tlig Dame of the Bureau Managers and also how to guard agalnst lt be arranged for at loca] gxpgngg Any f¤llY explailled to visitors.
Ow; G · tlnel"M**e"5eS ° eentsee of various counties as soon as they would bg of grggt vglugl and both the present employee of the Emplgymeut ———
_ very 0 G1 on ay. 2 gl-g ggiggigrl gg {hg Uyiitgd Stgtgs Em- Amgrlgan Red Cross and the Kem Service considered available by the l—lVE STOCK JUDGING CONTEST,
"_"—"— ployment Service ciesires to give them tucky Council or Defense win be ready Bord °t M¤¤¤g€m€¤t will on its re- ——·—
G0UNTIE1;S,UiglI.elIKEI1§)   W K Znrgciti; instctucticlns as to theirkdgtlcs, to cggpgygtg in Ending Such mll,SgS_ guest be assigned this wgI·k_ Wi-lgrg WAI; iutetlestitilgifeature or Farmers- C
P B I OR n een Sue nnen Ten e en` The State Board of Health iirggs `ne COHYSB is Hot possible local ar- eet e e UV€l`S’itY of Kentucky
____; velopes. the general use of the Mayo vaccine, mngements will nnve te be made to tim mst week of January Wm be a
To the County Councils of Defense: The Councils of Defense have never Which is now being distributed get the §l`0De1‘ men for Bureau Men- live Steen tludgihg 00¤teSt in which
, _ , dertaken any work oi greater im- throughout Kentucky eger eh to See that he is properl wee tn n tendehce will be allowed
This is the time to prepare for the un . . ` com g ll d ·t Y to engn e Th' ·
l g. .   f Y _k bl. . _ porltance than that of assisting the ——- D 11Stt e ,   necessary, In Some _ fg - lS contest will be corr.
];?€lltl;l1l\ll:il;t1:;;;€ §;t€l;llBd1ilIl§f>1£tg;;r Umtetl States Employment Sglvlcglm KEEP SCHOOL ATTENDANCE cases the services gf pnirllgffiggrg gg gnetelflg M1'. T. G. Paterson, Man-
_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ hurling employment for our returning UP lp Senle of tne netwhal Ofgehlzetions in- gm 0 erefetn Fel`mS at Versailles
the wer, oi winch [oi any ieeson are Qoldlars and Sailors and delay ln the T0 TH-: STANDARD tgrgetgd may be lwallable Wh Ky. (lol E H Tgvigr Jl. pmmlat 7
now in contemplation. The govern- `   .7 °. r f ' ;— ggll d ·t h ~ - ` em of Herefe · F. · ` ki I, l or ·
nicnt urges all counties and munici- Olgaglltatttlli Of liuinaus,. of llqanagei Owing te tne nttreetten of ln`eVen‘ gonipeetentsvglliidtbe possible to Sacum to Sehtl sciiiiie-oglfliiisitimdly cimsented
mllties whore it surplus of labor men Or Us WON lb Simons H Casgh illg high Wages on account of the war t H ger asslsmuits to the - e t S ng Spgcmmns of
étiptq to rtdvrmcg lm public Work in Wllgrg thglg arg Community Lllbol. which had the effect f dl _ h_· Bureau Manager, All Oppgrtlmitigs Helelfml Cattle to the Experimeiil;
einer to {ner? *111 ellirernrnity rei- em B°e"ne C°““ty C°““°nS °t netense dren or school age frgm inevlgghgeiul my emD1°ymG"i Sh°“m be "eP°"ted te em t° bc used i" this °°““e°n°“·
i ‘ ' , —~ _ _ S» th B r · . · - 
  ]`t()_     rub expecuid to trlke the lead-     Closutg ef the Ischools for tO€];)O;It?(;'];1SSglgélalgQalgvlgigzlgéailsnag;    W Y -   ‘—ri 
"`;?’·ti"‘?‘l   `K°lr`i‘* it   “"“ ri l   it . ii *°°“Odi °.* er fm   l~e¤l·¤i¤g s¤i¤ie· or Sen   released (im   et the _¤¤mm¤¤iw
wnl im usiiog. i ll y (evolves upon l_¤ARIV_[ TRACTOR IS ~_rO In lueuze, it 15 Ceftttlh that yvalr lyglqlgl- at One Central Office fmmcll Of Defense ln Calling 21 I11eet~
cinch couiuiunity to See that those who GQMING INT0 OWN imE`““"n°e In Scnmne ef tne State "The Board of Management should me Of an- °1‘gm¤t¤¤¤S which me in`
bore the brunt ol the wnr do not re- . L.-- heh mon Semnnsly nnecten lJl`lllg to the attention of exe tcmstgd m Cooperating in the nleVe'
ai 'll .. ,, . , _ Th- ` -t; · · . _ V YY DOS` ll t. · .
lh  gllggllllll that if umm is m1ypwb· lllg llll.m tmgttll. ls Commg to play Smmilrgtlggtllgngihogfs tgesllléhli hilly; sible employer ln mg gglllllllmlty that ;_d°1;WO1_S;;hiigegnllitinlenldfb? Dl`€S1el·=ite with wd neetet Within the coininunit; ;i(ii(la£i·;iOd1iS Sealer by the t‘°¤*‘0S€¤t¤¤v¤ tnereen
lilhg W0l‘l< lllillll contemplated public hug Q Conqldemble number of vario local school authorities to thglgnd that the attgntlon Of the by A g O Fl the Community Lprhgl- Bgllld, who
Q;‘l§jl‘;};l‘Qlljgtjljgf;nm °P°¤i¤g Ot the mines which w•111 be used in rienloii   °?‘;“°ntl°“e S3 ell as the at- the newspapers, enugnretc ;ilQi°u§i§ Qi;] lift “§lt"’%l’°l`“`y eh=*l*m=t¤· Iw-
· ¤ i   . Stmtlo ls dur- lm, ,W I · V 1-l Goucernc , siall be at gvglly Otll . _ · ’ _ ¤ 0 fe 0¤l`