xt77sq8qdb0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qdb0s/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_593 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 593 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 593   2014 true xt77sq8qdb0s section xt77sq8qdb0s I ’_ -
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 C O N T E N T S
INTRODUCTION .....................................,.............................. 3
VALUE OF ANIMAL MANURES ........................................ 3 U
PRESERVING ANIMAL MANURES .................................. 5
Using Bedding .................................................................... 6
USING PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER .................................... 7
STORING MANURES .............................................................. 8
HANDLING ANIMAL MANURES ........................................ 9 I

r Farm Mcmures
More than 16 million tons of manures are produced annually by
livestock and poultry in Kentucky. The estimated value of these
manures based on their nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content
alone is more than $47 million.
` Table 1 shows the approximate annual production of fresh manures
for animals of given sizes and groups of birds. Figures in the right-
hand column (animal production) can be used for calculating the
amounts of manures produced on individual farms.
Table 'I.- Approximate Annual Manure Production by Animals and
Groups of Birdsl
Approximate Annual
Manure Production
Excluding Bedding,
Kinds of Animals Tons
Horses and mules .................................................................. 11.0 per 1,200-lb animal
Dairy cows and heifers ........................................................ 13.0 per 1,000-lb animal
Beef cows and heifers .......................................................... 8.5 " " " ”
» Steers .................................................................................... 7.0 ” " " "
Bulls ...................................................................................... 8.5 " " " "
. Hogs ...................................................................................... 2.0 per 200-lb animal
Sheep .................................................................................... 1.2 ” ” ” ”
Hens over 4 months ............................................................ 18.0 per 1,000 birds
Broilers up to 10 weeks ........................................................ 2.25 " ” ”
Turkey up to 26 weeks ....................................................... 22.0 " " "
‘Information taken from Ky. Coop. Ext. Circ. 468, "Productive Soil" (now out of print),
and Fceds and Feeding, 22nd edition, Frank B. Morrison, Chap. XXIV.
Farm manures have long been regarded as valuable byproducts
of livestock farming, and they are still preserved and used with dili-
gence in many parts of the world. However, today’s plentiful supply
· " of commercial fertilizers and the high cost of labor and equipment to
handle manure in this country have resulted in a reassessment of its
value by many farmers.
The value of manures depends on their plant nutrient (primary,
secondary, and trace) content and their effectiveness as soil building
and conserving agents. The nutrient content is the criterion most

 often used in evaluating manures; however, the organic matter con-
tent, because of its effect on soil micro-organisms and soil structure, i .
may have a value on some soils equivalent to the nutrients contained. ~
Soil micro-organisms are essential for good soil structure and plant ‘
growth. These organisms require organic matter as a source of energy
for their life processes. Farm manures are one of the best sources of y
food for soil organisms, especially where the use of green manure
crops may not be practical.
Plant nutrients and organic materials in manures come entirely
from the feeds consumed and the bedding used. The animals them-
selves do not create or add fertility. They merely excrete part of the
nutrients and organic matter contained in the feeds they eat. Approx-
imately one-fifth of the major nutrients in feeds is absorbed into the
animal body while three-fourths are excreted in the manure (Fig. 1). A —
Used by Animal - 25% - 20%   I5% ‘ l
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium I
(Data from Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 605)
Fig. l.—— The approximate percentages of the plant nutrients in a feed that are
absorbed into the animal body and the approximate amounts excreted in the ma-
nure—liquid and solid.
Manures from different kinds of animals vary considerably in the .
amounts of nutrients they contain. The same is true for like animals
of different ages. In general, young animals absorb and store in their
bodies a greater proportion of the nutrients in the feed than do older
animals. Thus, their excrements contain lesser amounts of these nu-
trients. Likewise, manures from milking cows contain less nutrients
than do those from cows not milking because the former not only
supplies her body needs but produces milk which is rich in these same A
Further, the excrements from an animal fed a ration composed
chiefly of leguminous plants will contain more nutrients than manures
from one fed chiefly grasses. Also, the amount of nutrients recovered -
in manures from an animal receiving a protein supplement is greater
than from one receiving a grain supplement. The amount and kind

 of bedding used will greatly influence the percentage of moisture and
[ _ pounds of nutrients per ton.
. Because of the above and other factors, manures vary widely in
composition and value. However, in spite of these variations, fairly
accurate general values were arrived at by Michigan State University
p by chemically analyzing samples from different kinds of animals
(Table 2).
Table 2.- Average Amounts and Combined Value of N, P, and K in Fresh
Manures From Different Farm Animalsl
Percent Pounds Per Ton Value
Water N P2 K2 Per Toni'
Dairy cattle ........................ 79 11.2 2.0 10.0 $2.32
Fattening cattle .................. 80 14.0 4.0 9.0 2.98
` Hogs .................................... 75 10.0 2.8 7.6 2.19
Horses and mules ................ 60 13.8 2.0 12.0 2.76
. Sheep .................................. 65 28.0 4.2 20.0 5.36
Chickens .................... , ......... 54 31.2 8.0 7.0 5.68
1See Table 1, footnote 1.
2 Phosphorus (P) can be converted to P2O; by multiplying the figures given above by 2.29,
and potassium (K) can be converted to KQO by multiplying by 1.2.
3 Calculated on the assumption that nitrogen (N) retails at 12;;, phosphorus (P) at 19¢,
and potassium (K) at 6¢ per pound in commercial fertilizers.
In round numbers, the manure produced annually by a horse,
mule, or dairy cow should be worth about $30; fattening cattle $21;
A a hog $4; a sheep $6; and by 100 chickens $10 when only the value
of the N, P, and K content is considered. In addition to N, P, and K,
animal manures contain secondary and micro-nutrients that are es-
sential to plant growth. Among these are boron, calcium, copper, iron,
magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sulfur, and zinc. Consequently,
n crops grown on soils that are deficient in any of these will benefit
from applications of manure.
Manures from different kinds of farm animals were analyzed at
Michigan State University for their secondary and micronutrient
content. The results are shown in Table 3, page 6.
Almost half of the manures produced in Kentucky accumulates in
barns, feedlots, and loafing areas. The amounts that accumulate in
these areas will vary from farm to farm depending on the type of live-
stock and method of handling. These manures must be removed
_ from time to time, and the cost of handling is unavoidable. Pre-
serving their value and using them wisely on soils and crops that
benefit from them will give a fair return on handling costs. Since the

 Table 3.— Secondary and Micronutrients in Fresh Manures from
Different Kinds of Animalsl l W
Pounds of Nutrients per Ton
Secondary Micrnnutrients
Kind of Animal Cal- Mag- Sul- Manga- Molyb-
cium nesium fur Boron Copper Iron nese denum Zinc
Dairy cattle ........ 5.6 2.2 1.0 0.03 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.002 0.03
cattle .............. 2.4 2.0 1.7 0.04 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.001 0.03
Hogs .................. 11.4 1.6 2.7 0.08 0.01 0.56 0.04 0.002 0.12
Horses and
mules .............. 15.7 2.8 1.4 0.03 0.01 0.27 0.02 0.002 0.03
Shccp .................. 11.7 3.7 1.8 0.02 0.01 0.32 0.02 0.002 0.05
Chickens ............ 74.0 5.8 6.2 0.12 0.03 0.93 0.18 0.011 0.18
' Sce Tahlu 1. footnote 1.
value of manures is in both the liquid and solid forms, it is important l
to save both (Fig. 2).
Using Bedding A
Usually the largest loss in animal manures that accumulate in
feeding and loafing areas results from loss of the liquid portion. This
liquid will, in general, contain 56 percent of the nutrients excreted
(Fig. 2). Thus, it is important that proper amounts of high quality
bedding be used to reduce liquid losses.
Solid Monure Liquid Monure '
¤;·.%‘:_@6-?:;L£4€—.1**25.`r,;s.;¤;:¢S$;:-:e»*;;¢·4%.:  §~=;z¤·g
  *.i-* 5   —.=,—   ....     y
O l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO ll l2
Pounds Per Ton
(Data from Ohio Agr. Ext. Service Bul. 262)
Fig. 2.-— Distribution of N, P, and K in the solid and liquid portions of manure
from a dairy cow when assuming that it contains 'I`l.2 pounds of N, 2.0 pounds
of P, and °|0.0 pounds of K per ton.
Bedding materials should have these characteristics:
1. Easy to obtain and inexpensive. -
2. Have high absorptive power for liquids.
3. Free of dust.

 , V Common bedding materials vary somewhat in their ability to
absorb liquid. Whole wheat straw will absorb about twice its weight
in water. Whole oat straw is somewhat better. Cut or shredded straw
and sawdust will absorb about twice as much water as uncut straw.
Whole corn stalks are poor absorbents, but work well when shredded.
Peat moss and wood shavings are good absorbents.
Table 4.·— Standard Allowances ot Uncut Straw Per Animal Per Day
Animal Daily Straw Allowance per Head
Cattle .............................................................. 9 pounds
Steers .........................,.............................. 7-10 pounds
Horses ...................................................... 10-15 pounds
‘ Hogs ............................................................ 1% pounds
Sheep ................................................................ 1 pound
Table 2 shows that manures from all farm animals are much
higher in nitrogen and potassium than they are in phosphorus. Fre-
quently farmers add phosphorus fertilizers to manures that accumu-
late in barns, feedlots and loafing areas to make them more balanced
in their nutrient content and to prevent the loss of nitrogen as gaseous
Figure 3 illustrates the effectiveness of superphosphate (18-20
percent) in reducing nitrogen losses.
_ Treatment Ammonia Lost in 4 Months
straw   19%
Superphosphate   3%
(Data from Ohio Agr. Ext. Service Bul. 262)
Fig. 3.—- Superphosphate cuts ammonia losses when added to manure as they
accumulate in barns, loafing areas, and teedlots.
A standard practice for many dairymen is to add 50-60 pounds
- of superphosphate (18-20 percent) per ton of manure. Horse and
sheep manures, being more fermentable, should get about 60-70
pounds per ton.
Daily rates of superphosphate are about as follows:

 Animal Superphasphate per day [
Cattle and Horses ........................ 1-2 pounds per head _
Hogs and sheep .......................... %-1 pound per head
Chickens .................................... 1 pound per 100 hens
Manures that accumulate in loafing barns or sheds under the
feet of animals will be kept moist and tightly packed. If enough high
quality bedding is used to absorb the liquid, little nitrogen or organic
matter will be lost from decay or fermentation according to the V
University of Illinois (U. of Ill. Agr. Ext. Circ. 595). Manures from
milking parlors or stalls may be added to that in the loafing area -
for preservation. The addition of superphosphate (18-20 percent)
will help reduce the loss of nitrogen (Fig. 3). A
The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station found that manures ·
exposed to winter rains during ]anuary, February, and March lost
more than one-third of the organic matter and nitrogen, about one-
fourth of the phosphorus, and one-half of the potassium (Fig. 4).
/,/’/I I g
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’ ` ·        . ·» ··    
Fig. 4.—· lmproperly stored manures, as those shown above, lose one-third of the
organic matter and nitrogen, about one-fourth of the phosphorus, and one-half
of the potassium.
These losses can be reduced, however, if the manure is stored in pits A
or in deep, well packed piles with straight sides. Such piles have less
air space resulting in less fermentation and will absorb more of thc
water that falls on them thus reducing the amount of leaching.

 l Tight-walled manure pits with concrete floors reduce storage
losses by preserving the liquids and by keeping the manure cool and
moist, thus slowing down oxidation and loss of nitrogen as gaseous
ammonia. The pit can be constructed of concrete blocks with one
c end open to permit loading with a manure loader. A roof is not
_ necessary if the manure is piled deep and enough high quality bed-
ding has been used to absorb all the rainfall. If the manure becomes
dry in summer, it may be well to add water occasionally.
The manure pit or pile should be located some distance from
barns for sanitary reasons but should be readily accessible when
manures are to be removed.
Research at Michigan State University indicates that the cost
of handling and hauling manures, including labor and depreciation
on loaders and spreaders, from dairy cows under loose housing was
about 87 cents per ton. The herds included in this study averaged 52
cows each. Another study by the same institution indicates that the
cost of handling manures from 200 steers fed to gain 600 pounds was
about 95 cents per ton.
Costs of handling manures will vary from farm to farm. Factors
that influence this cost include type of housing used, number of
` times the manures are handled, size and type of equipment, and the
distance to the fields where the manures are spread. The cost of
removing manures from the barn or yard just to get rid of them, plus
the cost of disposing of them, may be as great as the cost of spreading
‘ them on the field.
Greater benefits will be obtained from manures when they are
used on non-leguminous crops and on land that is tilled often. Leg-
uminous crops provide their own nitrogen if well inoculated; there-
fore, the nitrogen in the manures is not needed by them. Usually
the legume in a grass-legume mixture will supply enough nitrogen
for both species.
Organic matter is depleted more rapidly in cultivated soils than
it is in soils covered by sod. The addition of animal manures will
` replace some of this organic matter as well as supply part or all of
the plant nutrients needed for crop growth (Fig. 5), page 10.
Animal manures can be spread in the Fields any time the ground
will support spreading equipment. However, there may he some loss

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Fig. 5.- Animal manures can be spread in the fields any time the ground will
support spreading equipment.
of nutrients through water runoff if the manures are not plowed or
disked into the soil. Also some ammonia will be lost by volatilization 1
if fermented manures stay on the surface during warm, dry, windy
weather. The Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station found that
one-fourth to one—third of the total nitrogen in fermented cow manure
was lost within 12 hours to 7 days at 68°F with an 8.5 mile an hour °
wind. This loss, however, may be balanced off by getting the manure
on the fields when it is most convenient.
Rotation grazing on pasture fields can be accomplished by spread-
ing small amounts of manures evenly over fields on a rotation basis.
Only a small amount is needed to keep livestock from grazing an
area for a few days.

 / -
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: College of Agriculture
and Home Economics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, and the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, cooperating, William A. Seay. Dean and Director. Issued in further-
ance of the Acts of May B and June 30, 1914. M
10 -5-64