xt77sq8qd36f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qd36f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1984-09-21 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 21, 1984, no. 439 text The Green Bean, September 21, 1984, no. 439 1984 1984-09-21 2014 true xt77sq8qd36f section xt77sq8qd36f //f °°fyQ~
9-21-8M » -No. U39 ‘
_ - CALENDAR V V`>· n
- · V Sept. 23-29 American Newspaper Week
Sept. 25 Brown Bag Luncheon L
Sign-up Deadline for VU/TEXT Program, ;
, ‘ Sept. 28 ‘- Library Faculty Meeting, A I
- Gallery, 8:30 a.m. ,
- Oct. l-7 National Higher Education Weekj I
Oct. 2 _ VU/TEXT Program at Lexington
L A Herald-Leader — V
I A Oct. 5 Deadline for Registration and Payment
‘ » » ` for ACTS Luncheon
I Oct. 6 C ALA's Birthday (1876) °
C Oct. ll-l2 KLA Fall Meeting
4 ` Oct. 16 ~ A Midwest Cooperative Conservation
. I Program Workshop I
_ Oct. 17 ACTS Annual Luncheon & Business Meeting
Oct. 28-30 `Libraries & Microcomputers: A Midwest
I I ~Institute and Microcomputer Fair. -
Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, October 5, 198U,
_ Deadline for inclusion:» Tuesday, October 2, 198M .
‘ Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,
Rob Aken (Editor) I _

Paul Willis received the following letter. A l
_ Here is the occasion for me to express to you and to all of your
staff my deep gratitude for the number_of professional servicesd
provided me willingly, warmly, and patiently. _
_ RI am writing now, not because of any special event that quickly I- ·
_ brought to mind my good fortune as teacher and scholare to work
with your staff,. but because the rich accumulation of courtesies
A and information have reached the weight that‘ calls for a .*
statement of gratitude. ‘ . p 1 —
Were I to name the individuals who have so generously helped ·me
_ and who have most frequently tolerated with good humor the range
of my questions, I would provide you a general staff listing.
A All of the faculty of this university are fortunate indeedl to
find a library staff member accessible to our demands at any
moment of the day, ‘ " _ _
I know how current financial retrenchment has adversely affected V
the operation of the library and yet,e in the face· of this
_ condition,` your staff does all that is demanded of them by ‘the a
_ faculty with their usual good grace. “ ' ~
I should have written this letter many years ago. Nevertheless, _‘
this is—a good occasion, at the beginning of another academic ·
year when everyone is both inspired and harried, to express to
you and to everyone at M.I. King Library my warm appreciation.
‘ Cordially, »
Raymond F. Bettsé A-I _ V. _ . I
Professor of Historyi ‘ .
· GPD Is Grateful, I l
The staff of the Government Publications Department would like to
personally thank each of the 30+ King Library staff members who
_ volunteered to help us read our shelves. However, that is -
impossible, so we would like to do so collectively through this
brief article. We estimate that we completed almost one~fifth ef
our stacks in the basement and almost all of room 116. _
I Some of you indicated a desire to finish what you started. B3
all means, be our guest! Just let us know if you` plan tu I 4
continue so we won't assign it to someone else, and let us knew]
when you have finished. · , ,
Thanks so much for your help! (Sandee McAninch)h

Change in GPD Training Schedule 5
The October 9 (Tuesday), 8:30-10:30 GPD training session will be
held October 8 (Monday), 10:30-12:30, due to an unavoidable
conflict in schedules. (Sandee McAninch) ‘
Kentucky Newspaper Bibliographic Control Project Grant l
The National Endowment for the Humanities awarded a grant of i
$lH2,l36 to the Margaret I. King Library to conduct the Kentucky
Newspaper Bibliographic Control Project. This project will deal
with the location and identification of newspapers maintained on
a permanent basis in Kentucky. A
Under the direction of Frank R. Levstik, the three—year project
will concentrate on inventories and on-site surveys of newspapers
at repositories throughout the state including King Library,
which is the largest repository of Kentucky newspapers in the
state. The bibliographic records compiled will be entered into ·
the CONSER database and will aid in the publication of a Union
List of Kentucky Newspapers at the completion of the project.
This grant represents the second phase of the U.S. Newspaper
Program and is expected to be followed by the final phase of the -‘
program: the actual preservation and microfilming of Kentucky
For more information, contact Frank Levstik at 7»3l66.
Agriculture Library Saturday Hours
The Agriculture Library will not maintain Saturday hours until
after Thanksgiving. Saturday hours will then be l~5 p.m. until
the end of the semester. Please mark your schedule sheets
accordingly. (Toni Powell)
Staff Development Activity
The Staff Development Committee will be offering a new service »
but we need your help! The Committee will prepare, on a monthly
basis, a listing of programs and conferences that might be cf
interest to library personnel. If you know about a program List
you (feel has merit, or you can recommend a particular speaker,
please_ let us know so we can pass that informaticn on to ile J
entire staff. We will also attempt to help coordinate ear pools _
_ or rides to conferences as well. lf you have a meeting to add to
the listing or plan to attend a conference, please call 7-lQ66

I 3
and give us that information. In this way, perhaps we can help
give staff .members an opportunity to attend some excellent
programs they might otherwise miss. (Paula Pope)
Brown Bag Luncheon I
LSO presents its first brown bag luncheon of the fall from noon
to one on Tuesday, September 25 in the new third floor conference
room of King North. Fashion consultants from "The Casual Corner"
in Fayette Mall will discuss "Wardrobe Planning."
ACTS Annual Luncheon and Business Meeting
The ACTS annual luncheon and business meeting will be held
Wednesday, October l7, ll:30-1:30, in the President's Room (Rm. -
2lH) of the Student Center. Lunch will be served first, followed I
_ I by the business meeting to begin at about l2:U5. The cost for I
lunch will be $H.75 per person, or staff may attend only the I
business meeting at no cost.
The lunch will include a hot brown, salad, roll, pie, and I
beverage. The business meeting will include the presentation of I
ACTS reports, announcement of new officers, and a talk by Paul I
Willis. Please plan to attend if possible so we can count on a I
successful meeting. I
Reservations and payments must be received by October 5. For I
I reservation forms or more information, please contact:
l Patty Hornback I
Cataloging Department I
3rd Floor, King Library North I I
0039l I
(PHONE) 257-1060 I
I King Victory Report I
I Saturday, September l5, dawned bright and clear, although it was I
I somewhat windy, even chilly. Still, a good day to play ballr I
I Bill marshalled his troops, a special collection of seasoned I
players from this year's Happy Bookers and their faithfuls, I
against the State Library and Archives skeleton crew of five, at I
M in the afternoon. To round up their number to l0, five of I
Bill's troopers were mustered over to the "other" side. A fiew;p I
battle ensued between the two teams, but a clear victory went ti I
‘ the King players, a lA-9 win. I

 _ A ·
For those who participated, here are M.I. King's Appreciation
Awards: » .
For the Best Catch--Hammerin’ Hank Harken, Ref.
M.V.P.--Patty Powell, Ext. Librarian ¥
_ Best Looking Rubber Arm--Joyce Welch, Acq.
Steadiest Glove--Patty Hornback, Cat.
Best Hot Dogger-—Dan Barkley, GPD A ‘
,Most Likely To Be Distracted By His Family--Rob Aken, Ref. A
Most Fearless Ump--Charles James, LCC
Most Overrated (Overaged?) Player--Bill Marshall, SC ·
Ms. Consistent (Short Stop)-—Diane Taub, SC
Most Injured List--Sonja Riggen, Cat., & Penny McLurg, MC ;
Best Field and No Hit Player--Glen McAninch, SC `
Player with Best View of the Game--Phil Hornback, faithful. _
And special THANKS for those who served the "other" cause (and
ours!): A `
Pam Sogge, cir., John Delfino, faithful, Brad Grissom, Ref.,
Mike Michner, faithful, Hank Harken, Ref., and Betty Matu-
`lionis, SC. V ‘
But most of all we would like to thank the crowd of enthusiastic V
King fans, for without them the game would not have been watched.
The picnic that followed was enjoyed by both sides, and fans as
well--a feast of hot dogs, red beans, and rice. Indeed, it was a 4
good day to "PLAY BALL!" (Sonja Riggen, Softball Columnist)
I Naw Books »
é Croghan, Anthony. On Cataloguing: Non-book Media and Anglo
g American Cataloguing Rules. London: Coburgh, 1982.
j ZZ/695.56/.C75/1982S
% Contents: Information and Indexing, Creator Name
+ Cataloguing; Anglo American Cataloguing Rules; The
* Description of the Item; Sound and Movies;
Graphics, Three Dimensional and Geographic Media;
Mioroforms and Machine Readable Data; Accomodation
g of Change.
» Dority, G. Kim. A Guide to Reference Books for Small and_Med$gg;
7 sized Libraries 1970-1982. Littleton: Libraries Unlimit <··»
· . ed, 198H. (Ref/Z/1035.1/.D66/198M)
‘ l
Information Systems Consultants. Document Delivery in the United
States: A Report to the Council on Library Resources. 4
Washington, D.C.: ISC, 1983. ZZ/713.5/.U6/B6?/19825
Contents: Interlibrary Loan: an Overview; Major Suppliers;

Performance of the ILL System; Current Usage of
Document Delivery Options; Electronic Document
Delivery; The Next Five Years. ·
Katz, Bill and Ruth A. Fraley, eds. Ethics and Reference Ser-
vices. (The Reference Librarian, no. U). New York:
Haworth, 1982. (Z/711/.E85/1982).
Contents: Where Does It Hurt: Identifying the Real Concerns
p in the Ethics of Reference Service (Rothstein);
» Reference Ethics: A True Confession ,(Fraley);
Value Laden Barriers to Information Dissemination
(Broderick);· Reference Ethics—-Do We Need, Them?
_ (Clarke); The Ethics of Information Serving Homo
Sapiens :Vs. Homo Biblios (Davis); Toward the
Development. of an Informed Citizenry (Durrance);
- User Fees: A Survey of Public and Academic
Reference Librarians (Blazek); Ethical Aspects of
( Medical Reference (Wood & Renford); Teaching the
User: Ethical Considerations (Lubans); Ethics at
the Reference Desk: Comfortable Theories and
Tricky Practices (Swan); The Unresolved Conflict
(Watson); Some Ethical Problems of Reference
Service (O'Brien); Ethics and the Reference
Librarian (Strickland-Hodge); ` Ethical
Considerations in the Question Negotiation Cycle
(Teller); Triage (Meador & Buthod); Academic I
Libraries and Reference Ethics (Flinner);
Bibliographic Overview: The Ethics of Reference I
Services (McCoy); The Reviewing of Reference Books §
(Walford). ?
Krummes, Daniel and Michael Kleiber. Recent Transportatigg_LiE; ‘;
erature for Planning and Engineering Librarians: A Seleg; ;
tion Based Upon the Acquisitions of the Institute of Trans~ g
portation Studies Library University of California. BErke~ g
ley (Public Administration Series), August, IQBU. ‘
(REf/Z/7l6U/.A2/PSAO/P-lA78/198A) ;
McCabe, Gerard B. and Bernard Kreissman, eds. Advances in_Ll;
brary Administration and Organization, vol. 3. Greenwich, I
CT: Jai Press, IQBH. (Z/678/.A33/v.3/l98A) A
Contents: International Exchange and Chinese Library i
Development (Yu); Measuring Professional *
. Performance: A Critical Examination (Dragon); The {
Turnover Process and the Academic Library (Neal); {
. Subject Bibliographers in Academic Libraries: in §
Historical and Descriptive Review (Haskell}; I
~ University of California at MELVYL: Results of a é
Survey of Users of the University of California E
‘ Prototype Online Union Catalog (Lawrence, Graham, {
& Presley); Job Analysis: Process and Benefits H
' (Hill & Watson); College Library Users. and E

' Nonusers (Musavi & Harvey); David Milford Hume,
` M.D., 1917-1973: A Bibliography and a
. - Biographical Sketch (Thomas & Haynes); The Impact Y
of— Changes in Scholarship in the Humanities upon
Research Libraries (Cohen); ‘The ARL at Fifty
(McCarthy); ARL/LC: 1932-1982 (Welsh); The f
Influence of ARL on Academic Librarianship,
Legislation, and Library Education (Holley).
Rosenberg, James A. and Maureen Sullivan. Resource Notebook on
Staff Development. Washington, D.C.: ARL, 1983. Q
Smith, Linda C., ed. Professional Competencies--Technology and ‘
the Librarian. (Papers presented: at the 1983 Clinic cn
Library Applications of Data Processing). Urbana: univer-
ty of Illinois,.l983. (O25.078/C6163/no.20/1983)
Contents: Competency Requirements for Library and
Information Science Professionals (Griffiths); The
( New Technology and Competencies for "The Most
Typical of the Activities of Libraries": .
Technical Services (Henderson); Competencies
Required of Public Services Librarians to Use New
Technologies (Nitecki); Technology - and the
Academic Library Staff or the Resurgence of the
Luddites (Gray); Special Librarians Face the New
Technology (Griffin); Training Staff to Use
Computers (Baskin & Spencer); Education Matters
(Daniel); The Role of the Association in
Developing Professional Competence (Virgo);
Competencies for Library Networking and V
Cooperation (Segal).
White, Herbert S. Managing the Special Library: Strategig§_££;
Success Within the Larger Organization. White Plains, H.Y.:
" Knowledge Industry, 198U. (Z/675/.A2/WM5/198M)
Contents: What »Are Special Libraries and Infcrmaticn
J _ Centers?; Evolution and Development; Purposes and
I Objectives; Standards, Professionalism and
Q Salaries; Acquiring and Distributing Library
V Materials; User Expectations and Enhanced
? Services; The Impact of Technology; The Budget
y Process; Management Communication: The Key tc `
j Growth and Survival; Technical Processing and
V Services; The Library's Dependence on Support From
. Others; Professional and Clerical Staffing; `
T Technology and the Special Library of the Future.

, 7
Q ‘ SPEC Kit #106
The Kit on Electronic Mail (#106, July-August 198M) (contains
results of the January 198H SPEC survey, a list of EM services
being used by ARL libraries, ll documents illustrating ·1ibrary
uses of EM, descriptions of five EM services, two reprinted
articles, and a short list of selected references. SPEC kits are
housed in King Reference.
_ Center for Research Libraries Handbook _
; Copies of the 198M supplement to "The Handbook of the Center for
Research Libraries" are now available in King Reference. It
updates material categories from the 1981 edition.
I Both Sides of the River '
( Both Sides of the River, by Dr. Eslie Asbury (author of
Horse Sense and Humor in Kentucky), is "partially historical,
philosophical, and humorous but mostly autobiographical. The
title refers to the author's career at the Mayo Clinic and in
Cincinnati, north of the Ohio River; and his early life and later
experience in Kentucky, south of the river. The book is based on
over 200 articles and talks to historical societies,
; universities, garden clubs, Rotary Clubs, horsemen, and medical
organizations in 15 states." _
The book is available from the Thoroughbred Press - Dept. A, P.O.
Box 580, Lexington, KY MO586. Proceeds will go to the UK
Library, the University of Cincinnati Medical College, and the
Mayo Fund. ‘
·The following training programs are available to UK non·faculty V
employees. Programs are held in room 15 (basement) of Memorial
Hall (unless otherwise noted). To enroll contact Rosemary Veacn
Seminar for Secretaries Oct. M & 5, 8-noon §
and Administrative Assistants 203 Board Em., g
· Student Center Addition Q
This is a group-study audiocassette seminar. In two fourwhour §
sessions, you'll learn what makes people tick, how to help others g
understand you, how to deal with people in challenging g

 8 T
situations, how to give peak performance under pressure, how to
eliminate self-defeating attitudes, and how to grasp the
y principles of time management.
° !
CPR Classes Oct. M-& 5, 8-noon;
October 18 & 19, 8-noon
You'll learn the life-saving techniques used to help someone 8
whose breathing or circulatory system has stopped functioning due
to drowning, heart attack, choking, electrical shock, or other
accidents. Eight hours of training and successful completion of
the test are required for Red Cross certification. Please be g
advised that you should be in reasonably good physical condition
in order to take this course; it requires a good deal of physical f
activity to perform CPR correctly.
Reinforcing Good Performance Oct. ll, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Payroll Procedures Oct. 23, 9 - noon
Scott Wood of the Payroll Department will demonstrate how to fill
out PAR's to activate, terminate, or continue departmental
, payroll, maintain time sheets, etc.
Working with People Oct. 2N & 25, 8 - noon
6 In this seminar you'll learn how to establish trust and
T credibility, take immediate control of any situation, project
{ greater self-confidence, win support and cooperation of others, '
} work with difficult people, establish rapport, use persuasive
T assertiveness, and negotiate outcomes where everybody wins. This
{ is a group-study, audiocassette training program. The course
f consists of two four-hour sessions.
Q Conducting Meetings Oct. 26, 8:30 - ncsu
i 236 Service Building
¥ Team Building Oct. El, 8:30 ~ #:3G
? (Management level only)
This all day workshop will help you:
8 l) identify the phases in the life cycle of a work g cup
’ and apply the model to the development of your work

 i 9
? _ 2) understand the advantages and disadvantages of group
A cohesion and the importance of the manager's role in
leading, motivating, and organizing a cohesive work
3) establish the relationship between conformity prexures
on group members and the performance of the group as a
U) analyze whether or not your work group is organized
appropriately to foster teamwork, coordination, and)
effective decision making;
5) develop an action plan to help you and your work group
focus on appropriate goals and improved performance;
, 6) apply the knowledge and skills gained during the
session to your institutional responsibilities.
j "Sweaty Palms": How to Prepare for a Oct. l2, 8:30~¤:3G
; Transfer/Promotion Interview at UK
* Especially helpful-for the nervous applicant, this workshop will
provide you with the correct procedures to follow when seeking a
transfer/promotion within the University, and how to work best
with Personnel. You'll learn how to prepare a resume and wil; -
v actually practice your interview skills in class.
Q Purchasing Procedures Oct. 16, lU » noon
236 Service Building
Conducted by Tom Fields, Director of Purchasing, this workshop
‘ shows how to use DAV's, requisitions, purchase orders, and
receiving reports to make departmental purchases within
University guidelines.
How You Can Help Prevent Campus Crime Oct. 16, TQ ~ noon
You'll learn l0 tips to reduce theft in your office, a he ter way
to control the distribution and return of UK keys, and
recommended procedures to follow when working evening or weaken.
hours. Campus Police will show you how to spot and rcp~ Y
· suspicious characters or occurences; they will also f;Le·i;
various self-help techniques. The session ends with a ; eels;
film entitled "How to Say No to an Attacker."
Supervisory Luncheons: University Oct. 3?, ll»¤;<
Organizations/Career Development or no `·.· n ~ ~xw

   _____, V ._r .   #.7. ·~— ~ V r—rr V M l 7
W 10
David H. Clift Scholarship
. Amount: $3,000 ,
Factors considered: academic excellence, leadership qualities,
evidence of a commitment to a career in librarianship.
Eligibility: U.S. or Canadian citizens. .
Frederick W. Faxon Scholarship
Amount: $3,000 plus optional expense—paid internship of up to 10
weeks at F.W. Faxon Company, Inc., Westwood, Massachusetts. E
Factors considered: academic excellence, leadership qualities,
demonstrated ability or strong desire to conduct independent
research projects; understanding of, or desire to learn about
computer applications in the field of library and information
science; interest in serials management and control.
Eligibility: U.S. and Canadian citizens, foreign students.
l Louise Giles Minority Scholarship
A Amount: $3,000
Factors considered: academic excellence, leadership qualities,
evidence of commitment to a career in librarianship.
Eligibility: U.S. or Canadian citizens. Members of principal
minority group - American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or
Pacific Islander, Black or Hispanic.
NOTE: Applicants for above three scholarships cannot have
completed more than 12 semester hours (or its equivalent) towards
a master's degree in library science prior to June 1, 1985.
Individuals need not have been accepted into a library education
program at the time of application, but the winners must enter an
ALA-accredited master's degree program. Application deadline:
Postmarked no later than December 15, 198M. Request application
forms from: Staff Liaison, ALA Scholarship Juries, 50 E. Huron
Street, Chicago, IL 60611, 312/9AM-6780. ·
LITA/CLSI Scholarship in Library & Information Technology
Amount: $1,500
Factors considered: academic excellence, leadership, evidence of ,
_ a commitment to a career in library automation and information
technology, and prior activity and experience in those fields.
Eligibility: recipient must enter ALA-accredited master's
program of library education, with an emphasis on library
automation. Applicant cannot have completed more than 12 hours

 Q 11 _
»i towards a master’s degree in library science prior to June 1,
1985. Application deadline: Postmarked no later than December
15, 19BH. Application forms available from: Library- and
Information Technology‘ Association, ALA, 50 E. Huron St.,
Chicago, IL 60611, 312/9UN-6780.
` Drawn to Cincinnati
The Morlan Gallery in the Mitchell Fine Arts Center at
Transylvania University presents "Drawn to Cincinnati," now
through October 19. Artists whose works are on display include
Tom Bacher, Gary Gaffney, Lisa Jameson, and Dennis Puhalla.
- Gallery hours: 11:30-3:30 weekdays and by appointment (233-8210).
Central/Eastern Kentucky Online Users Group
y C/EKOUG will hold its first meeting for 198U/85 on October 2 with
-l a program featuring VU/TEXT at the Lexington Herald-Leader. Sign
up by September 25. See Hank Harken in Reference or Lillian
Mesner in Agriculture for details.
Midwest Cooperative Conservation Program:
A Workshop on Preservation and Conservation
The center for Research Libraries and the University of Chicago
will host a one day preservation workshop for librarians and
archivists on October 16 in the Joseph Regenstein Library at the
University of Chicago. Staff from the Midwest Cooperative
Conservation Program will conduct the workshop. Fee: $U5.
Deadline: October l. For more information or to register,
contact Ms. Susan Spray, CRL, 6050 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL
60637. Phone: (312) 955—M5M5.

(For more information, see the Director's Office.)
‘ Alabama '
Dean of_ Libraries, University of Alabama. Salary: not
_ 1 specified. Deadline: December l. - A
Map Library Supervisor, University of Alabama. Salary: not
specified. Deadline: September 30. I
Reference Librarian, University of Alabama. Salary: $15,000
minimum. Deadline: September 28. `
Reference Librarian, University of Alabama. Salary: $17,600
» minimum. Deadline: September 28.
Q . Arizona A
Q Middle Eastern & South Asian Language Cataloger, University of
j Arizona. Salary: $16,500 minimum. Deadline: November 30.
$ Head Science-Engineering Librarian, University of - Arizona.
1 Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline: November 15. .
i Assistant University Librarian for Systems and Planning,
Q University of Arizona. Salary: $35,000~$M5,000. Deadline:
F November 15.
E I California
  Government Document _Acquisition and Bibliographic Control
1 Librarian, Stanford University. Salary: $2¤,300·$37,200.
g Deadline: November 15.
1 Assistant Engineering Librarian, Purdue University. Salary?
A $18,000 minimum. Deadline: November 30.
Head, Rare Books & Special Collection Department, Indiana State
I University. Salary: $22,500 minimum. `Deadlinexy October 29.
A Head of Acquisitions, Indiana University-Purdue University at
, Indianapolis. Salary: $15,800 minimum. Deadline: October l.

 I 13
§ Director and Librarian, Public Library of Boston. Salary:
I $60,000. Deadline: November 1.
A New Jersey
Head of Cataloging, Rutgers University. Salary: $23,507
minimum. Deadline:· November l.
I North Carolina
( Assistant Head of Cataloging, Western Carolina University.
Salary: $16,500-$l8,300. Deadline: October 15.
l V Ohio
Head of Design, .Architecture, Art & Planning Library (One Year
I Temporary), University of Cincinnati. Salary: $18,000 minimum.
Deadline: October l.`
Washington, D.C.
A The U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Librarians' Register
will be open from September l7 to October l0, 198U. It covers
all federal library positions from GS-7 through GS»l2. (It does
not include the Library of Congress.) If you think you might be
applying for a federal librarian's position in the next few
years, take advantage of this opportunity to get your name on the
register. For further information, contact the OPM Job
Information Center: (202)737—96l6.
Supervisory Librarian, Biological Sciences (GS—l3}, Smithsonian
Institution. Salary: $36,327. Deadline: October l.
(If interested, contact Ann Howell.)
Library Technician III, grade 5, Agriculture Library.
Library Technician III, grade 5, Circulation.
Library Technician II, grade M, Newspapers/Periodicals.
(This position is a 3 year grant funded position.)

  Z.i.LT;TiZ`Z'.T'.nL,.;-1.,i;.Z;Z.,,I -,.,;. ., ";ii"iij;TT*T"iiii* rrrrrr ,i;*·;;;;; __;___,______·__;__;___ __,______,_·,,_ _ ,—_ , , , _ ,,,_
, The journals routing service is available to all staff members in King, branch,
  and associate libraries and the Medical Center Library. The only requirement for
J receiving the service is that you agree to hold issues no longer than 3 days before
* routing them to the next person on the list.
A Please make your selections from the list below. A title chosen by less than
" six people will not be routed. In anticipation of a heavy response, we ask you
A to select only those titles that are of primary interest to you. If you select more
than five (5) titles, please indicate which five are your top choices~—-just in
. case we have to establish a limit. Please remember that library faculty members
· are also eligible for the Table of Contents Service, which might suffice for
ei titles of secondary interest.
_ Return the list below marked with your selections by October 5, 1984 to
,1 Sara Farley, Central Serials Record, King Library. Call me at 257-8393 if you
M have any questions. Thanks!
  ··············‘··· I ·····*················"··············*···"··*···············*··"·"···
  NAME  ¤E1>r____________________________________,_____
§ ALA Washington Newsletter ~ · Library Journal
{ American Libraries Library Quarterly
i American Society for Information Science Bulletin Library Resources and Technical
F Services
; American Society for Information Science Journal
¤ Online
y Chronicle of Higher Education H
V Online Review
E} College and Research Libraries
Q Publishers“ Weekly
I Drexel Library Quarterly
it RQ
. Information Processing and Management
Serials Librarian
A Information Reports and Bibliographies
} Serials Review
{ Information Retrieval and Library Automation
5 Softtalk
’, Journal Of Academic Librarianship
* Southeastern Librarian
_ Journal of Library Automation
· Special Libraries
I Kentucky Libraries
§ Unabashed Librarian
L UNESCO Journal     ··e= ....·QrL ’   ve:. 3::
E Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory Librarianship, -»= Ar·..,»:
é Administration
@ Library and Information Science Research
  W5.lSOT1 Lib1<~HfQ§4’ Hill`.,-l.¥;·ir.ilZP
§ Library Hotline (formerly LJ Hotline)
· l
T ? ‘ ,

 \`* . .
( I