xt77sq8qcc93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qcc93/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-11-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1929 1929 1929-11-22 2012 true xt77sq8qcc93 section xt77sq8qcc93 j



6 p. m., Men's Gym


Best Copy Available





Adopts Roberts'
Speech to Show Respect
For Doctor McVey


Birthday Message to U. of K.
President Enlarges Upon
Meaning of Friendship

Practically all the material is
already ln the hands of the
printer for the special "Homecoming" edition of the Kentucky
Kernel to bo published
Wednesday of next week. Tills
issue will contain various feature
stories concerning the plans that
have been developed for the enof the returning
alumni and visitors. The paper
is to contain sixteen pages, made
up of special stories on our outstanding alumni, and editorials
designed to express the sentiment
of the University ln appropriately welcoming Its returning sons
and dnughtcrs.




22, 1929


TO Sigma Delta Chi
This edition of the Kentucky
BY SUKY CIRCLE Kernel has been published entire- IS ALMOST HERE



Coach Gamago and Wildcats
Will Be Guests of
Pep Rally



Authorities In Early Times
Had Limited Knowledge
of Government


Two Hundred Students
Present to Hear


Cup Is Offered For
Best Decorated House
on Campus

through the efforts of members of Sigma Delta Chi, International honorary Journalistic
fraternity, the following members
the staff: Jess
Laughlin, cdltor-In-chlc- f;
Clarence E. Barnes, managing editor;
J. R. Dorman, Jr., Leonard
Strannhan, O. K. Barnes, and
Warren Lindsay, associate editors; Laurence Shropshire, sports
editor; Hayes Owcas, Clay Brock,
Nell Plummcr, Al Stoffcl and
Harry Bolscr, special writers;
Morton Walker, news editor; L.
W. McMurray, John Dundon, Ed
Crady, Ed Hill, E. M. Sargent,
A. L. Plgman, Sam Allen, Percy
II. Landrum, and Bucll Gaskln,

Thanksgiving Game May Fool
Fans and Dopcsters Over
the Whole Country







Crowd Ever Here
Will See Covington
Play Last Game

circle has been active
The Su-K- y
Dr. Forrest Black of the School
President Frank L. McVey celeBy LAURENCE SHROPSHIRE
during the last few days perfecting
of Law, lectured Wednesday at
brated a birthday last week. At a
Mony, many years ago, In fact,
arrangements for the greatest homeeleven o'clock, ln the law building,
gathering of the Faculty Club, Pro
Just about the time tho Bible was
on the "Magna Charta" to a crowd
coming that the University of Kenfessor George Roberts In presenting
being prepared for publication, thcro
tucky has ever seen. If plans that
of nearly two hundred, invited under
President McVey with n "Cake of
existed a popular hero named Davthe auspices of Pan Polltkon. Doc
have been developed are carried even
Gold" enlarged upon the meaning
id. His companions in the tribe of
tor Black pointed out many of the
to partial completion, Lexington and
of friendship. As Sigma Delta Chi
Judah were proud of this plucky lli-t- le
fallacies that are current in con
the University will present a gala SOCIAL
cannot find other words to express
chap and the more bold amonp
nection with the effect
appearance to the alumni and visitIts feeling for the respect that it National
Leader early English document hasthat the
Jame3 Shropshire
them were glad to speak of him
ors when they return for the annual
had on
bears the president, it finds that It
Will Give Talks Under our own constitutional history.
familiarly as "Dave." It was all beShropshire, of Lcxlnston, Ky., homecoming game.
is entirely appropriate to print this
cause one bright day this lad had
There are at least four distinct
Auspices of University Re
First of all, the circle Is presenting
is the manager ot all student pubspeech as its own sentiments:
carefully adjusted his slingshot anil
theories about the character of inlications of the ..University. Ills a beautiful loving cup to the fraligious Groups
Anniversaries are always days of
strument that the Magna Charta
position Is a recent creation on the ternity or sorority that has the best Social
Committee Releases disposed of an undesirable giant,
interest. They arc milestones In a
purports to be. One following of
called Goliath.
campus and his duty is to supcr- - decorated house and grounds. It Is
Schedule of House Dances
Journey. On them we turn aside
Dr. Fred B. Smith, moderator of historians consider that the charter
Next Thursday afternoon when
vise the publication of student per- - I expected that many miniature loot- from our usual thoughts and in- the National Council of the Congre- Itself, resulting from the activities
For Remainder of
thousands of hungry, homecoming,
iodlcals. He was graduated from ban ticms win dc consirucieu, mux
dulge In meditations or celebrations gational Churches in the United of the great barons at Ruymede on
School Year
colors or tne two
ribbons of the
Kentucky alumni and additional
thc University in 1929.
appropriate to the particular oc- States, and chairman of the execu Juno 15, 1215, was the nature
schools should be in great abunda
thousands of students and ardent
casion. I confess that anniversaries tive committee of the World Alliance legislative enactment declaratoryof of
ance. The committee who are to FORMALS WILL PREVAIL supporters fill tho concrete stadium,
greatly fascinate me. I have a long for International Friendship, has certain desired rights.
Judge the winning house will conand overrun into temporary bleachlist of them whose recurrence I love been selected by the University Y.
sider the fact that certain natural
Still another following of com
The schedule of social events for ers at Stoll field, the University of
because they recall pleasant memor- M. C. A. to speak at the December
features may make some houses the remainder of the season has been Kentucky football team, affection- mentators are of the opinion that
ies and associations. Wo have wedconvocation, at 10 a. m., December
more easy to decortc than others. released by the social committee of ately called "Wildcats," will attempt
ding anniversaries, some of us, an- 3. Doctor Smith will deliver three the charter was a treaty effected
The cup to be given as first prize University. The approved list in to dispose of another giant. Tito
niversaries of graduation from col- other addresses during his stay in between the noble3 who were repre
'is now on display at the Tavern.
sentee of a considerable portion of
monster, impersonated by tho Unidicates the following affairs:
lege or of other great experiences Lexington.
The usual pep night ceremonies
November 28 Alumni Formal.
versity of Tennessee Volunteers, Js
that we love to recall on the red
Following Its annual custom of the more influential English people Humor Publication Has Many will be observed, except that Coach
on the one hand and King John on
November 30 Phi Sigma Kappa striding boldly forward on his que?
Disreputable Stories That Harry Gamage and his entire foot- house dance, Delta Zeta Tea Dance,
letter days of our personal calendars. dbtaining one of the country's out- tne
for the Southern Conference crovjj.
But birthdays are the common ex- standing religious leaders for one of
Should Be a Matter of
ball team will be the guests of the and Stroller Formal.
Supporting thousands of PhilisOther historians are of the belief
perience of us all, and perhaps the the University monthly convocations,
pep club at the gymnasium ln a
Common Knowledge
December 7 Sigma Alpha Epsilon, tines will accompany tho team to
AT. C. A. was successful in that the charter is of the nature of
anniversary of greatest personal in- the Y.
mammoth pep spectacle to begin at Alpha Gamma Rho and Alpha Sig Lexington to cheer their champfffn
securing for this year's program the a contract between the great nobles
terest. We do not remember the
seven o'clock on Wednesday eve- ma Phi house dances; Delta Delta as he doc3 battle with an underdog
beginnings of them, but early we man who for seventeen years serv- and King John wherein they made SALE ON THANKSGIVING
nine. Certain prominent alumni
who disputes hl3 right to tho champondered the great mystery of ed as secretary of the international certain agreements regarding the
arc to be called on to speak and
Form- - pionship. To date, the Vols, led by
we came and whither we are committee of Y. M. C. A. work. In military, financial, and Judicial well
VM' every student of the UniversUy as al.
Captain Howard Johnson and trto
going. And when youth comes Into a recent testimonial dinner, given in being of the realm ln exchange for
December 14 Phi Delta Theta, famous Hack and Mack combinaa realization that there is a life to honor of Doctor Smith by two hun certain rights secured to them in the versity are awake to the diversions XmnTwUl arrange to be there
Sigma Beta Xi, Pi Kappa Alpha and tion, are strutting through the sport
of homecoming, one of the foremost
live, a destiny to achieve or to be dred and fifty clergymen and friends Instrument.
thf? r attention
Alter tne pep meeting in, wiu Kappa Alpha house dances; and world with six conference games
fontiirns fn
thrust upon him, fraught while the Doctor's. President Hoover
be the homecoming edition of gymnasium, a bonfire will be held Chi Omega Tea Dance.
tucked safely away under their bcjtt
happiness or unhappness or, as it spoke of his, "great admiration for 'a
December 19 Stroller Tea Dance.
Kat and the freshmen will parade
the Kampus Kat. The Kampus
eye cocked confidently On
generally the case, a mixture of the Doctor's character nnH nnl
January 4 Cadet Hop in the aft- and one
ever been a humorous publica- - through the ma n streets or tne
precision of his outstanding scrv - .ment of the instrument Is that it is
tho victorious feast.
Sunrise of
both, the passing of the years of
tion. and It is hoped to make thl3 city. It is hoped that tne pep ernoon and the Kentuckian Formal Turkey Day will find countless fans
u.. u
span of life becomes an ices to thn rsl trimis Uf nf thr.
tnis brier
"V7"'5 ." u
voar's publication excel those of which is stimulated at the meeting at night.
of w
impressive fact. The birthday is to during his fn.v
ln breathless suspense over the outKappa
cue uuwh , January 11 Phi
Tau, come
current at that time. The more fnrmnr vears. All conv has been win not oe permiueo. 10
all who meditate upon the meaning activity."
of the fray. Sunset of tRc
turned in to Edwards M. Templin, until after the game Thursday after Delta Tau, Delta Chi, Kappa Sigma, same day will see either a mighty
Dates for Doctor Smith's other
of life, truly a milestone in a Jour,
and Freshman Engineering afterprfltnr. who nromlses a publication noon.
speaking engagements there will bo ney from which one not only looks
team continue its march to the s$a
noon dances.
VarlUS comAittce.s have bCCn
be fc nce the dellght and
announced later, Bart Peak, Y. M. C.
The docXn In that lteht"
DacKwara, but forward with lncreas
January 18 Triangle and Sigma of success or a glorious demonstrafimbftrrrassment of manv students pointed to cooperate with down- A. secretary, said yesterday. One of
lng Interest and expectation.
Irrespective of the nature of the on tne campUs.
town business men In decorating Nu house dances; Kappa Delta Tea tion In honor of another popular
these will probably be an address to
idol who has conquered the giant
uy some, me mnes or life are the engineering assembly.
original document, it is certain that
fitting manner for Dance.
ThQ Kampus Kat Is published sev- - their stores ln
that threatened the populace.
man fa'lacies are current now re- - eral tlmes durmg cach year, by the the welcome oi returning luumm
measured off as the miles are meas- r eoruary i uao.se iiop.
joy-rid- e:
Coach Harry Gamago Is leaving
gardlng the effect that it has had .members of Sigma Delia Chi, na- - and visitors. Mr. Ted Cassldy will
Jured In a
February 8 Delta Tail Delta, and
when the end has
co .stone, unturned In. his efforts to- on our bresent democratic oiem tional jownaliyy&;6Rtpjty.rAlt..re.pjcp5ent4he .student, hodyanii. the ,Kapna, Alpha. Jonuals. j
ipeen reached, it, has
nientr' QnTy" thtfmost limited group contains not only the arious "wise- - Su-K- y
February 15 Lambda- - Chl Alpha
circle In an endeavor to se- -)
the way of his charges for the anof rights, if ln fact any at all, that cracks" that have been collected cure the cooperation of business men and Alpha XI Delta Formals.
juumey uuuniy, aenoerateiy taking
are contained in our present Fed during the year, but also an expose in decorating of their places of busi- nual "Battle of the Beer Keg." TQc
February 21 Military Ball,
in uu m me gionous sceneries along
way, making them a permanent
eral and State constitutions can be of current campus scandal. Potential ness. A huge sign, "Welcome Home- the
Zeta Tau Alpha Formal. Wildcats, fresh from a victorious
possession, going along with some
traced to the Magna Charta. Even poets have rhymed the doings of comers" or some such emblem Is to
8 Alpha
Tau Omega charge over the V. M. I. Cadcf,
then It is quite likely that these i campus characters in a manner that hang suspended across the Main Formal.
have been hard put all week by their
intimate companions who help and Dean Funkhouser Speaks
to provisions are more correctly traced
are helped in the great adventure.
Aiarcn is Kappa Kappa Gamma mentor, who was. far from satisfle'rt
is destined
Meeting: of Professional 'to the Bill of Rights or the Petition merriment. to provoke no little street.
They pause now and then and atwith their performance against tfio
it has been necessary to ana uamma Delta Formal.
tract to them groups of travelers on
Groups on Archaeological 01 Rights because they embodied
Virginians. Although winning by a
Nu Formal
Certain prominent features are to change to be date of the dance and
the same highway who are helped to
certain rights and privileges more
given in honor of the
Gamma Rho comfortable margin, the Big BWe
Deposits of Kentucky
be Included in this edition that are foot-ba- ll
characteristic of modern times.
and appropriate
team and for visiting mem- - Formal.
was woefully slow ln starting and a
nnlnuo to the publication
beauties of the Journey.
bers, the date of which will not be
no time during the contest gave ajiy
Seventv-flv- n
mprnhnw nnri mmcte ' Doctor Black pointed out the verv Love
of an
next week. Plans are . April lpha
Sigma Phi house evidence of the spirit that has feaThough the friendly traveler may of the Business and Professional limitcd knowledge of the authorities
T n -- vno. of thP (released until
not often be met, or may never be Women's Club of the Y. W. C. A. at that particular time in matters amorous activities of the social cele- - we unfdefLway,or the entertain- - dance.
tured their previous playing. The
May 2 Gingham dance.
met again, there always remains and the Business Girls' Club heard Pertaining to government, as
with a dinner
'Cats went aimlessly about the task
brities of the campus. The illiterate ment
joyous memory of the assocla-r.?- "dance that will be one of the outthe
of winning the game but the coachW. D. Funkhouser, dean of the lustrated in the method of enforce-Gradua- te musings of one, Peter Greensleeves,
ment Some twenty five of the lead-i- n Jr., is a series of excerpts from a standing social events of the entire
ing staff realizes that such an attia frlency traveler on
School of the University,
s highway is our honored guest
tude would bo lamentable against
an address delivered at the club ing barons of the realm, all enemies confidential diary of a very ordinary season.
tonight. Each milestone in
,of the king, were to be the Judges university scribe and contains his
his dinner Tuesday, November 19.
Chi see. outfit of the calibre of TennesJourney finds him more richly enas to whether the kintr was carrvincr Impressions of various campus charn- - cwv....
i- -v
dowed with great human experiences
Shuffled lineups have been promacters.
,the agrcement- sst cfls,r ?h
Fraternity Publishes Paper inent on the Wildcat practice flel'd
V1?,1?? ln hls interest In, and in Lee county, in eastern Kentucky,
The Kampus Kat will be distri
toward his fellow travelers. that many evidences of an earlv 5r:Ldays.i ca.rr.y
since that game and it would not ho
buted Thursday morning by newsFirst Time Since Group
President McVey, we are
surprising if the Kentucky leader
people who preceded the Indians in:X: "7 !
ln.case ne. am not, boys and ln the afternoon will be
Was Organized
tonight to express our this country were
were sold by the members and pledges of
sends a greatly altered team Into thro
found. These were Cnn
friendship and good will, not. primfray on Thanksgiving. But
Delta Chi at the football
Cha,pter I slema
in a good state of preservation and .
arily to the faithful, capable
in n
Handbook Compiled by Office! This issue of The Kernel was may rest assured that all of the men
C1, who will represent Kentucky On
president of our University, showed the nature of the textiles' to enforce their decree.
In- - Publ.LsldfQbI
of Registrar Contains
used by this primitive race of ina
The entire lecture was of the nafriend on hIs sixtieth habitants.
Bags, moccasins,
formation Valuable to Stu- temlty. This is the first time that that day will be In excellent 'condibirthday. B?d
What we are doing Is other articles were uncovered by and ture of a protest against the unthe justified and perhaps
only a feeble expression of
the organzation has published the tion and "rarln" to go."
tl e
On paper, the Volunteers havo a
archaeologists, most of
Kernel, and it is the plan of the
aspect and good will we preserved in wood ashes. them well attempts on the part of a considerfoot-ba- ll
Homedecisive margin over the "Bioo
On the
able majority of the
a friend who is friendly
peoStudents desiring to obtain a copy members to make this an annual Grass" boys, if that means anything.
coming Day, our team will demonIn Logan county, in western Ken ple today to trace ourAmerican
becau.se he has caught
of the 1929 Student Directory may event.
strate to a large nudience comof life and lives it richly, meaning tucky, some 15 or 20 mounds were Hevejopment directly constitutional
The fraternity was founded at Earlier in the season, Tennesson
to the early prised of people from all parts of iln cn liv rolllnr nt. t.hi RpplRtrnr's
"a friend discovered. Some of these mounds Encllsli
eliminated what is now
may well be reckoned
hi hnmihnnir. nnmmiiv com- - DePauw University at Greencastle the strongest team in considered
the masterthis section of the country, that
the south
wcuu suuuunucu oy waits oi stone
piece of nature."
This small BI" nine feet thick at
Piled by the Office of the Registrar, Ind.. April 17, 1909. for the purpose- from tho title race, edging out 3i
the University
of cold we hrinT ,. .
raising the standards of Journalthe base, and four
a football team that embodies all contains valuable information to lsm - iouay mere are J chapters ot 7 to 0 victory over Alabama when
feet thick at the top, Dr. Funkhous
of the factors that go to make up students and members of the fac- - the fraternity ln tho i
mm, signiries.
United States the Tide was severely handicapped
ulty. In it are listed all the names
J"" said, in every case thev con-th- o
an ideal college football team.
pure now ofV,?
obtained great quantities of human
In the fall of 1920 by Injuries and was yet to reach ,tho
body, In- and Canada.
It becomes the duty of the stu-e- of the faculty and student street ad- students of journalism at tho Uni- peak of Its stride. Two weeks, ago,
bones, of persons burned or other
nTr"iatl,assesatfacrvaVue wise sacrificed. This type of mound
body td cooperate with the cluding telephone number,
versity of Kentucky petitioned a as most of the Kcntucklans rememteam in demonstrating to this dress, and additional information as charter from Sigma Delta Chi. The ber to their sorrow, the Wildcats?,
has never been found in any other
We Wish fhnf
spot irj the Mississippi valley, ac- Twenty Kentucky Cities Are same audience, at the game and to classification or position.
Because of the increased enroll- - charter was formally installed Feb. minus the services of their scoring
the social affair later, that we
cording to Dr. Funkhouser.
star, "Shipwreck" Kelly, fell prey to
Represented at First An, ment
at the University, this year's 27, 1927.
are attempting to make our
University archaeologists brought
Associate members of the frater- Wade s challenging Crimsons by a
nual Municipal Group
Ideal University. This Issue contains forty more pages than nity are John Stoll, editor of the count of two touchdowns after leadback 14 baskets of human bones,
M "'"ugh many dayT
can be accomplished largely by that of last year. It Is tho same in Lexington Leader and Dean
which will be used, along with other
Paul ing throughout the major portion of
and happiness.
size and color and contains 2900
manifestation of true hospitality,
Bard of Ayrshire we say: i thn articles discovered, as specimens ln
names of students. There are 4G7 Paul Boyd, of the college of arts and the contest. These statistics spot
and a state of irreproachable con"May
Heaven augment your blisses m, a museum which is eventually to be DOCTOR M'VEY
(Continued on Pago Eight)
SPEAKS duct on the part of every student names listed under the division debuilt at the University. In all probevery new Birthday ye
voted to administration, instruction,
ability, one of these mounds will be
Representatives of 20 Kentucky of the University.
This cake we present
to you
It Is the uuplcansant duty of experiment station, and the clerical
symbolizes the sweetness of the lives reconstructed as near like tho orig cities attended the first annual
the Men's Student Council to staff.
inal as possiuie, Dr. Funkhouser told meeting
of tho two of you.
The student whoso name heads
regulate student discipline. Wo
of tho Kentucky Municipal
club members.
League fostered by Dr. J. c. Jones, ask that you cooperate, and add the list is Henry Clay Aaron, Alexandria, registered as a freshman in
that the
of the department
of Political our duty. least that wc can do is thi) Agricultural College.
Science of the University of KenHerman Zwick, Rochester, N. Y.,
Kentucky campus we have hundreds
tucky, at the city hall In Lexington,
sopohomore engineer, plays the part
Pres., Men's Student Council.
Someone once told us
wearing the attractive olive drab o
on Wednesday afternoon, at 1:30.
of the "cow's tail" to end tho lis': lugton, Va., Is a town so that that R. O.
T. C. Corps, but
appearwith number 2900.
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of Cooper
tho inhabitants are still ignorant ance is not a signal their
The following student organizathe University, delivered a short
or tne passage of a national nrohibl rolling of eyes among for excessive
the females.
mentally draws the following men-Wh- y talk to the various representatives
tions and their officers are listed:
tlon law, and now that we've been
Of course, we'll admit that somehave examinations at all? tal picture:
Women's Self Governing Associa- there we believe It. That is, wo
of nearly twenty Kentucky cities on
Why so much "red tape" and so
Fraternity man-l- ate
tion, Women's Administrative Coun- believe the inhabitants are ignorant, times tho color of tho trousers difhours needs tho problems that confront them as
Dean Thomas P. Cooper, of tho cil, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. honorary framany cards from the deanjp office an 'A' ln the course,
fers somewhat from the coat, and
officials ln tho different cities of College of Agriculture,
or they wouldn't
when there is an easier method of , After the lecturo has been in
was elected ternities, Women's Athletic Associa- there. But then, continue to live most of tho time tho coat is too
as tho dog growled,
secretary of tho Association of tion,
'gress for a few minutes a student
Women's fratern- limiting zor nis lavorito flea, that Is largo and the trousers too smalj, or
Dr. Jones is tho secretary of the American Land
Recently a professor remarked suddenly decides that it's all a Ho Kentucky
Grant Colleges and ities, resident halls, Men's Student neuner nere nor there.
vico versa, but they're uniforms, and
Municipal League which Universities at the annual
that the classification of a student and that the instructor as well as was formed last April
Anyway, Kentucky defeated V. m besides, they look all right from a
for tho ex of the association ln Chicago last council, Kentuckian, Kentucky Ker
is, after all, "Just an application of tho textbook Is wrong. At the same press purpose
nel, Kentucky Law Journal. AgrlcuU I.
which, incidentally, Is the distance, even if it is a great disof developing a greater
common horse sense, and the re- - time he adds a few useful sug-sul- ts
tance. And just think, if wo work
are satisfactory."
That in- - gestions as to tho proper method of yuuiwnmonState. It the municipalifor two whole years
ties Of the
Was nnlnforl nut
structor stated that ho never has to conducting tho class, etc
we get a real cood looking uniform
that tho expenditures of many of tho
look at a student's "card" ln order
The catch ln it Is that it bv
Law student
is, not
to make a classification.
Iknow's ho wrong trying to convince light of experience. Justified in tho
continue, which we will do, in spite good man to keep a girl waiting two
The main ob- tions in resident teachintr. resonrrii
The method is simple. When the himself that he's right
years to bo proud of him. As'thtt
jective of the league Is to disseminwork, extension teaching and other
pror." comes into a classroom and
Another type of student (if
ate such
What we really wanted to talk father of twins wisely remarked, a
begins to take the roll call, all that term cun be used to designate that secretary information thmm?h i fields of activity.
lot can happen In two years.
Mary Griffith of Cynthlana en- an
that it will bo ablo to proT. R. Bryant, assistant
ho does Is to await the inevitable.
ignoramous) Is tho little co-e- d
. ""
Miss vn i
mere was one, however, who held
who vide a greater efficiency in govern- the extension department director of tertalned
"chap" comes never misses a day at school takes mental matters
If some sleepy-eye- d
of the Col-le..,
vol "kSwrSiJ;
his own UKainst tho tnv,w
in all tho muniof Agriculture, was elected Louisville,
into the room Just as the last name a front seat (and keep It), looks cipalities
that was our eloncatwi rimm
over the state, and president of the agricultural
trousers, and nmv nwrMat
has been called, takes a seat ln tho intelligent at times, and when asked particularly
exMiss Louisa Blckle attended tho ion the
to provide a library or tension section of tho
with a shoulder capo grey on one of the "best band in Dixie." Soine-on- o
rear of the room, and at the same , a question, replies. "I don't know
V. M. I. game at Lexington, Va., last
source of authoritative information
win, i,i
side and red on the other. Tho kind
President Frank L. McVey, Prof.
time looks at his watch as If timo
student-kno- ws that tho members may
clothes and didn't
be furnished L. J. Horlacher, Pof. Static Erlck-so- n, week.
that make tho girls heave slgs, and so
saved means money made, the pronothng likes knowledge.
ho had to wear his uniform tto
.uuuU ueua entertained
.Zl . . .""
with expert advico of current probwith' ttu.1.
Dean Cooper, and Mr. Bryant
fessor smiles, asked the name, and
(Continued on Page Eight)
who e time. Beside hun the "kay.
.1.1- lems that may arise.
Vof I,
attended tho meeting at Chicago.
TaU Delta frntprnltv lost
uuuurms nave over women? On the deta" looked like a rnnvMii
Western Union messenger boys.






A Sigma Delta Chi

ARE Kernel To Print
Special Edition MAGNA CHARTA














i nTt&? ?



Kernel Edited
Sigma Delta







7 i'






Professors Apply Old Doctrine
Of Horse Sense in Classification

"Kaydet" Uniforms; Virginia
Hospitality Warms Kentuckians

Is Honored

At Chicago Meeting








� Best Copy

Jcct "English Actors nnd
wrights" and will read n one act
English play to illustrate his topic.
Ho Is well versed in his subject, having obtained his Bachelor and Masters degrees on the subject of English stage.
The public Is cordially invited to

students and faculty of the University.
French Club meeting at 3 o'clock
in Patterson hall.
Thursday, November 28
Homecoming Day.
Final football game, Kentucky vs.
Now the fields nro brown nnd barren,
University of Tcnn. at 2:30 o'clock,
Bitter autumn blows,
on Stoll field.
And of all the stupid asters.
University Alumni formal dance at
Not one knows.
0 o clock in the Men s uym.
Sara Tcasdale.
Friday, November 2!)
SuKy Dimmer Dance nt LafayCALENDAR
ette hotel.
Saturday, November 30
Friday, November 22
Phi Sigma Kappa house dance in
Club of Woman's Club of
University meeting for initiation evening.
Delta Zcta Tea Dance nt Patterceremony at 3 p. m. in Patterson
son hall.
Stroller Formal Dance.
Saturday, November 23
Cadet Hop at the Men's gymG p. m.
Interesting Lecture to be Given
nasium from 3 to
Mr. Frank Fowler, director of the
.Sunday, November 24
Vesper Services at 4 o'clock in Guignol theater, will give a lecture
Tuesday November 2G, at the GuigMemorial hall.
nol theater at 2 o'clock.
Tuesday, November 2G
Tills lecture planned in conjuncMr. Frank Fowler lecturing at 2
o'clock at the Guignol theater on tion with the
promises to be one of the most in"English Actors and Playwrights.''
teresting programs that the club has
Wednesday, November 27
President nnd Mrs. McVcy's aft- presented this season.
ernoon at Maxwell Place for the
Mr. Fowler has chosen for his sub- WILD ASTKR8
In the spring I nskcd the daises
If his words were tnie,
And the- clever clear eyed dnlscs,
Always knew

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Shampooing, Finger Waving, Marcelling, Comb Waving,
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University Commons Thanksgiving
Day Dinner 12 to 1 o'clock. Bring
your guests to the Commons for a
turkey dinner. adv.
Interna tinnal Itclalinns Class Meet
A meeting of the International
Relations Class was held Tuesday
night, at 7:30 in McVcy hall.
Mrs. Frank L. McVcy, president.
The speaker of the evening was
Dean Anderson who spoke on the
subject "World Power."

men of today nre examples of integrity nnd honesty and that the
men who build on n dishonest principle will fall.
The business enterprises which are
patriotic arc those for the benefit of
the people, Mr. Lewis stated. Mr.
Ford, Mr. Edison and the late Judge
Onry have been great patriots be- cause of their economic principles,
according to Mr. Lewis.
"The comparison of the living
conditions of the working man nnd
jlho middle class in Europe and
America is a measure of the economic