xt77sq8qcc8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77sq8qcc8h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-11-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 23, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 23, 1928 1928 1928-11-23 2012 true xt77sq8qcc8h section xt77sq8qcc8h lfll

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Volume xix




Kernel Editorial
Will Be Presented

"Wildcat Booster Special" Will
Carry Students to Knoxville
Thanksgiving Day


Miss School


Before and After Game
May Be Penalized

The "Wildcat Booster Special" train
the Kentucky-Tennesse- e
game at
.Knoxville on Thanksgiving Day, will
leave the Union station at midnight,
over the L. and N. railroad to Knoxville. The train will arrive in Knoxville at 7:30 o'clock Thursday morning, November 29. Sleepers will be
open for occupancy at 0:30 o'clock
Wednesday night. Round trip tickets
will be $7.97.
The special train contains six standard sleepers, two tourist cars, two
coaches and one baggage car. According to officials at the L. and N.
office at the Union station, there had,
up until Wednesday, been only 150
reservations made. This number includes 90 reservations for members
of the band.
On the return trip, the train will
leave Knoxville at 1 o'clock Friday
morning, November 30 and will arrive
in Lexington at 7 o'clock the same
morning. Sleepers will be ready for
occupancy at 9:30 o'clock Thursday
night at Knoxville.
Ladies' Car
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, official chaperone for the Kentucky coeds, said that no girls had applied to
her for reservations on the special
According to "Miss
"ladies' car."
Margie," if the girls who are going
do not soon make their reservations,
that car will be turned back to the
will be
railroad officials and no co-eallowed to go.
The Wildcats will leave for Knoxville Tuesday night at 9:30 o'clock
over the Southern road. They will
stay at the Farragut hotel which, will
be the main headquarters.
band will
Elmer Sulzer's
go to Tennessee and help the rooters
cheer the Wildcats on to victory. This
is the second time during the current
season that the band has accompanied
the Wildcats on their trips.
To Enforce Standing Rule
It has been reportedjthat the usual
rule concerning the deduction of a
tenth from a student's standing for
missing class before or after a holiday
will not bo in effect this Thanksgiving. According to Dean Melcher, this
is a University rule and a senate rule
and, as it is a senate rule, he nor anyone else has tho power to change it.
Consequently, any student who wishes
to stay in Knoxville later than 1 o'clock Friday morning will have a tenth
taken from his standing if he misses
his first class after the holiday.
Entertainments Planned
Both the city of Knoxville and the
University of Tennessee are planning
to give the visitors from the University of Kentucky a warm welcome.
Club" of the UniThe
versity of Tennessee has planned a
number of entertainments for the visitors and they are expecting a large
delegation from Kentucky.
The following letters from the
Club have been received by
the editor of The Kernel:

at Meeting

of University Council
As Petition

Some weeks ago The Kernel
published an editorial headed "We
Ask a Favor" in which It was requested that the rule concerning
the deduction of
from the
standing of any student missing
his last class before a holiday and
the first class after a holiday be
considered void at Thanksgiving in
view of the fact that many students who wish to attend the Kentucky-Tennessee
game at Knoxville
can not get back in time for their
first classes after the game. This
editorial will be presented today in
the form of a petition at the meeting of the University Council. It
is believed that the council will
grant this request of The Kernel
and of the student body.



Rehearsals for "The Cassilis En
gagement Are Held Nightly;
Second Night of Showing to
Be Set Aside for Greeks.
for the forthcoming
Guignol presentation "The Cassilis
Engagement," are being held nightly
and all indications point toward a rare
treat for students and patrons when
the curtain rings up on the evening
of December 10. Director Frank C.
Fowler has chosen the cast with pe
culiar keeness and promises an excellent portrayal of character roles. Miss
Caroline Speyer, who has a leading
part in the play, has recently be
come favorably known to Lexington
audiences through her singing at the
Strand theater and she will no doubt
attract many who know of both her
hlstronic and vocal powers as she also
is scheduled to sing in the play.
An increased stage crew is like
wise hard at work on a stage set
which will rival the setting displayed
in "Hay Fever" in elaborateness.
model set is also being made to be
displayed in the window of a down
town store along with sketches of the
set made by art students which will be
put on exhibition in the business dis


Monday night as usual will be for
mal night but a new feature will be
introduced on Tuesday night which
will be set aside as fraternity night.
On that occasion all Greeks will be
admitted for the reduced price of 76
cents, or anyone having a season ticket may bring a guest for an additional 60 cents.
The board of The Guignol is still
receiving sketches for an insignia for
the theater and all students artistic
ally inclined are urged to submit their
drawing to Mr. Fowler before the end
of next week. The prize for the best
sketch is two season tickets.

Campus Y. M. C. A. to
Conduct Campaign
December 3; Budget
Needs Told

Financial Drive

WiU Be

With a budzet outlined for the com- Inc vear to exceed anv ever before at
tempted by the Y. M. C. A. of this
cAnin-.is- .
the local organization, at a
"Dear Editor:
meeting of the cabinet Tuesday night
"Please give this letter publicity in in Buell armory, made plans ror an
your paper and extend to all
intensive finance campaign to be held
Tennessee's invitation to via-- it Mondav nieht. December 3. Present
Knoxville on Thanksgiving.
nlans are that the campaign will open
"Please notify me when the Ken- .with a dinner in the University cafe
Knoxville. teria.
tucky team will arrive in
Planninir to carry out the policies
Also when and by what railroad the
If which have placed the local Y. M. C.
Kentucky supporters will arrive.
more than one train will carry large A. amonz the leaders of the South,
delegations let me know because we the cabinet has made a place in its
intend to meet the trains with a re- budget for 1928-2- 9 for the purchasing
ception committee of Tennessee stu- and distributing to tne various ira- dents and would hate to meet the ternltles and rooming houses wortn-whi- lc
books on current problems of
wrong train as we did two years ago
when the special train arrived 45 min- interest to university students.
do this, a necessary Increase In the
utes ahead of schedule.
"Cordially yours,
amount of funds raised is important
"Bob Kennerly." and for this reason the special finance
campaign will be held.
"To the students of the University of
More than h hundred students have
volunteered their assistance in the
"On behalf of the studentsof the special drive and will solicit the other
University of Tennessee, the Univer- students at the fraternities, dormiClub is tory, and rooming houses. Bart Peak,
sity of Tennessee
extending to you this invitation to secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and Vir
visit Knoxville on Thanksgiving and gil Couch, president, have expressed
in the campaign.
renew he cordal relations which have
fxinited traditionally between our stu and urge that any students who will
dents on the occasion of our annual assist in the olicitlng report eitner to
football game.
Mr. Peak or Mr. Couch.
The funds, besides furnishing the
"A number of dances and other
entertainments have been nlanned in books for the student groups, will go
honor of the Kentucky visitors whom to pay the expenses or tne Kentucky
we are expecting, and the. city oi hnnH.hnok and to the sponsoring of
a anoplal rellffioua discussion COnVOCE-Knoxville is joining with the University in nrenaratlons to extend Ten tion which will be held later in the
to Kentuckians. year.
nessee hospitality
Entertainment features will begin
So far as the
thrnueh Saturday.
iTnivmltv is concerned visiting Ken- Copies
tuckians will have all the privileges
which go with tfte 'Key to me cuy.-"W4ition. of the
are confidently expecting a The 1926 faculty directoryUniversity
large delegation to accompany your student and may be procured has the
to make this annual 'i nanus-givin- g registrar's oflce. Dim to an at
game the same colorful event
in binding, many copies had to be re
it has mm in tM past.
turned to tho printer, but while the
"We remain cordially yours.
supply of complete copies lasts taey
"University of Teaewee
may be obtained by calling for tmm
Approximately 2,700 names art iiv
Each stu
eluded in this directory.
dent's asm is listed with his or her
Lexington address, horns address, tele
Titan Anderson is attending a meet phone number and classification in
iur of tke Association of Land Grant college. A section of the directory is
Colleges at Washington, D. C, this devoted to the faculty and employees
II will represent the Unlver- - of the iMtUutiw which number si

Registrar Receives

of Directory






and Alpha Delta Sigma
Debate Project

closed whether or not It would be advisable to promote a University comic
Though convinced that .the University was badly In need of such a publication the fraternities were seriously
considering whether the student body
would support the project. Tho more
conservative of the group pointed out
that the response so far had not been
overly enthusiastic, while the progressive element argued that the issue has
not been played up strongly enough to
the students. These members believe
that once it is decided to go ahead
with the magazine little difficulty will
be encountered in getting subscriptions.



23, 1928

Members of Sigma Delta Chi, Interfraternity for a charter.
The fraternity has eight chnrtcr national professional journalism framembers, and the nctivo members of ternity and Alpha Delta Sigma, pro
(he fraternity include Mitchell Shnpo, fessional advertising fraternity, meetNew York, president;
Ben Green, ing Jointly Thursday night, had not
Winchester, vico president; Nathan decided when The Kernel's report
Swartzman, Buffalo, secretary-trea- s
urer; Samuel Goller, Lexington; and
Morris A. Kinsberg, Lexington.
The following men have been re
cently pledged: Hyman Rosenberg,
Lexington; Lou Friedman, Winches
ter; Morris Farbcr, Newport; Hyman
Levy, Lexington; Manuel Bloch, Lexington; Nat Cohen, Nowport, and
Walter Kohn, Louisville.




No Decision Is Made
Tau Epsiloh Pi
To Petition for
Regarding Magazine
National Charter Members of Sigma Delta Chi
Tau Epsilon Pi, local Jewish fraternity, which was organized last
year, is planning to petition a national


It is n serious matter when students of the University do n grave
Injury to their University.
This was done on Friday night by a small
group who painted signs on the stadium and around about the campus.
NTho stadium was built with sacrifice on tho part of nlumni, faculty,
To mar it by painting jigns
students nnd friends of the University.
upon it is to engage in vandalism.
Whatever may bo the basis of such action certainly the merits nf
it get no where when resort Is made to that kind of thing.
I feel aggrieved and indignant nnd the effect of the whole thing was to
put all those who think about It out of sympathy with the group that
did the act.
Following the request that a dance be given after tho V. M. I.
game it mny be assumed that the reason for it was the refusal to permit the use of the gymnasium for that purpose. For many years the
University has had a regulation that no' dances should be scheduled
In some years this regulation has, on one or
before Thanksgiving.
This year the regulation is being entwo occasions, been set aside.
The students of the University have the matter practically
in their own hands and dances can be given when they are satisfactory,
and when it can be shown that that is the case the University will
undoubtedly bo more lenient than it has been thhvycnr In tho matter
Acts of vandalism merely stiffen the oppoof Unlversiy regulation.
Meantime, the
sition to any variation of University regulations.
is marred for years and the disgrace of the UniUniversity stadium
I believe that the good
versity flaunted before thousands of eyes.
sense of the great majority of students of the University would
sanction this view of the matter. It is time mob methods be given up.
(Signed) FRANK L. McVEY,
President of the University.


Victory Means Fnvh rhannion-shiof South for Winning




Fans Show Unusual Interest in
Tilt; Is On'y Game in
(By Way man Thomasson)

brisk winds from the north
nipped Coach Birkett Pribble's undefeated freshmen yesterday as tho
K. I.
"Big Green" hurtled through its bst
important workout before the gnmo
with the Tennessee Rats at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon on Stoll fi '!.
Four Members of Kernel Staff
grey clouds wih fir.
Represent U. K. Paper at
ries of snow augured n bba!: aft
when the Kittens play tomorrow for the championship of Dix'e.
The Kentucky Intercollegiate Press
Up from tho Tennessee hills where
will meet at Western
x great sophomore varsity team is
College, Bowling
State Teachers'
preparing for Kentucky, Coach Elmore is bringing h!s undefeated R 'tber 23 and 24. Representatives from
to the Bluegrass with an unbl michrd
The Kernel staff include William H.
For two seasons the
Mathematics Professor Undere
Glanz, James Shropshire, Carlos
Rats have defied every poison in tho
goes Operation for Appendici- U. K.
and Roy H. Owsley.
South, and the team which produced
tis and Dies as Result of
This morning will be given to I
Hack and Mack, Tennessee's touchComplications.
registration of the delegates and Fri
down twins, is presenting Heydrick
day afternoon to a general session. A
Organization Makes Plans to
and Disney for your approval tobanquet will be held in the evening at
Buy New Airplane in
DeWitt O. Streyfeller, 27 years old, i
Saturday they
6:30 o'clock with President H. C. one of the youngest faculty members
"The Tightwad," Robert Keith morrow. Last Wcsleyan 34 to defeatSpring
0 and
ed Tennessee
Cherry, of Western Normal, as the at the University, died at 1:45 o'clock
Production, Is Probable Choice a few weeks ago the Georgetown TiSaturday morn Wednesday "afternoon at the Good
principal speaker.
Students of the University made
for Presentation; Plan More gers limped off the field under a GO
ing will be devoted to a business ses Samaritan hospital as the result of an the most of an opportunity to expose
Try-out- s.
to 0 burden imposed on them by these
sion, and Saturday afternoon the operation for appendicitis. Mr. Strey- a flying complex before a group of
As a curtain
Tennessee Terrors.
delegates will be guests of the col- feller was reported as improving until World War aces and pledged memStrollers, student dramatic organi- raiser to the traditional Thanksgiving
lege for the Western-Cumberlan- d
the development of peritonitis which bership to the Lexington Aero Club at zation, has
ordered three new plays, day battle for the "beer keg" which
football game.
proved fatal.
its regular" weekly meeting at 7:30 "Second Childhood," by Zellah Cov- 3nds Kentucky and Tennessee into
There will be no judging of college
For the past four years Mr. Strey- o'clock, Wednesday night in the club ington and Jules Simonson; "The frenzied frights annually, this gar.'.e
convenpapers until the
feller has been connected with the rooms on North Limestone. Ground "Square Crook," by James P. Judge, tomorrow, which will be the only
tion, but officers will be elected at department
at school for these students will begin
with the "Butter and Egg sporting event in Lexington, is arous
this meeting to fill any vacancies left the University. of Mr. Streyfeller was at once and in the spring actual flying which, by
George g Kaufman( wlu be ing tremendous interest.
by students not returning to school. a graduate of Western Union College Instruction will be given at the Muni ( Man,
for production.
Green Is Best in Years
James Shropshire, business manager at LcMars, Iowa, and later received cipal air port.
Tightwad," with a cast of five women
Kentucky has the greatest freshof The Kernel, is president of the as- his degree of master of arts at the
Maj. W. M. Conant, chief test pilot and six men, is under serious considersociation.
University of Iowa. He was a mem- at Issudom Field, France, during the ation and in all probability will be the man team that has stumbled on Trainer Mann since Paul Jenkins, Gayle
ber of Phi Mu Epsilon, honorary World War, was scheduled to address play presented.
Mohney, Charles Wert, and their gang
mathematical fraternity, and an as- the meeting last night on some of his
sesThere will be another try-osociate member of Sigma Xi, honor- experiences. Major Conant is a mem- sion for all persons who were unable wore the Green back in 1924. Tho
To Be
state has contributed generously to
ary science fraternity. He was a ber of the club's board of directors.
try out at the regular time. Any- the making of this team as only one
Lieut. Jesse Creech, one of Amer- to
member of the Maxwell street PresProf. E. R. Hedrick, head of the byterian church.
ica's foremost aces during the World one interested in trying out will call foreigner will appear In the starting
Frank Davidson at C035 or 4494, or line-uand he, Kistner, of Evansvilb,
secretary-treasurmathematics department of the Uni
Last September, Mr. Streyfeller War, has been elected
Ind., is such a close neighbor that
versity of California at Los Angeles, was married to Miss Mary Graham
of the new organization, and Jap Louis McDannald at 4651.
believes he has a right to play
In the next two or three weeks Pribble
will be presented by the mathematics Williams, graduate of the University, Lee, of the Lexington Municipal air
there will be a reading of the play de- around is his backyard. Evansville is
department of this university in two and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. port, will be line instructor.
Tuesday, December 4.
of the cided upon and an explanation of the just across the river from Henderson.
Mr. Duke, who is an alumnus
Warren S. Williams, of 609 Maxwelton
All Stroller eligibles who
His first lecture, "The Function Con court. Mr. and Mrs. Streyfeller were University, and a member of the Sig- characters.
The "Big Green" catapulted into
cept in Mathematical Teaching," will living
ma Nu fraternity, said last night that intend to try out for the play must early season glamor by turning the
at 1416 Elizabeth street.
be delivered at 3 o'clock in the after-- 1
all students in the University, who come to the reading. The date and Georgetown Cubs into pale pets wiih
33 to 6 taming hung around then- noon, and the second at 8 o'clock that j Mr. Streyfeller is survived by his are interesed in aviation, are urged time of this meeting will be announced
widow, Mrs. Mary Graham Williams to aftend one of the meetings.
in The Kernel. Rehearsals for the necks.
The Georgetown band and
night. The lectures will be given in Streyfeller;
his parents, the Rev. and
the physics lecture room.
Plans are being made to purchase a play will start at the beginning of rah rah boys, he he girls and the
Streyfeller, of LeMars,
mayor rushed over from Georgetown
Dr. Hedrick has produced a great Mrs. S. H.
new plane in the spring for the use next semester.
deal of research, has written a good Iowa; three brothers, the Rev. Earl of the club. The purpose of the or
The Lexington presentation prob to plaster Pribble's pleasers with a
Streyfeller, of Minneapolis; Harlan ganization, which has been incorpor ably will be given April 4, 5 and 6 in cluster of yells but they might as
many text books, both elementary and
advanced. He has been president ot Streyfeller of Madis, S. D.; Ralph ated, is to put Lexington on the flying The Guignol theater. Strollers will well have been selling bananas. Tho
of Streyfeller, of LeMars, Iowa; and four mapr to get a reai air port, ana w go on tneir annual spring tour wun first half Bo Meyer, the Mayslick bus
the Mathematical
America and is an outstanding man sisters, Mrs. Henry Hahn, of Mcrril, bring air mail service to Lexington.
the production before presenting the man, intercepted a forward pass and
i Iowa;
Misses Myrtle, Beulah, and
capered 90 yards to a touchdown. The
in this field.
play in Lexington.
Ruth Streyfeller all of LeMars.
At a meeting of Strollers last Mon- last half turned into a track string
services will be held at the
day evening a committee was appoint- with Kiki Kelly, the Springfield
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Williams
leading by a shank as the Kit
ed by Bob Thompson, president, to se- bean,
in Maxwelton court Saturday mornlect and buy an electric sign made tens scored four touchdowns.
ing at 10 o'clock, with the Rev. HowStrong on Passes
with the word, "Strollers." This sign
ard Morgan of the Maxwell street
will be used at dances given through
Down at Nashville the Kittens laid
and the ReverPresbyterian church,
out the year by Strollers and it will down a barrage of forward passes
end Ellis of the Paris Christian church,
be taken on the trip to be used out- - under which Bo Meyer snuck across
Paris, Ky officiating.
o-,,nnnti,i i,w tha BhiHont ' sae tne uieaters in wnicn tne piay is che Vandy Ensigns' goal line for a
will be members of the mathematics
committee to see touchdown.
Kentucky completed 20
There body, work has been progressing Pfesefn ?d- . Thf composed of
(By Jess Laughlln)
department of the University.
Frank forward passes from Yates to Kel.y,
honorary pallbearers: Dr. since early fall on a section of the Davidson, sT'n
Thompson and Don and German to Yates, Meyer receiving
Now that everyone has a "trench- - will be four
Boyd, University campus which is destined
rnnt." w are iust sort of waiting Frank L. McVey, Dean Paul
one over the goal line for the only
E. Rees. Burial to be one of the most beautiful andormanaround for something new under the Prof. J. L. Davis, and
touchdown as the Kittens won 7 to 0.
interesting garden spots in Kentucky.
will be in the Lexington cemetery.
sun. Of course the "boys" would go
Then, last Friday, Coach Linden- On the south side of iatoll neld ap- - im
and give our "Old Standby" free
meyer's maiden yearlings over at
proximately seven acres are being
J Will
Well, boys will be boysl
Centre sent their picture into tno
transformed into the University of'
Be Given
Courier-JournWho the wretch could have been we
office to be run in
Kentucky Arboretum and Botanical
cannot sav. but someone seems to
aturday's paper after they had won
gardens. The work is under the su-- 1 y M flnd y
A Entertain
have started a movement to entice the
the came from the Kittens, 'lne oniy
pervision of Harry Llndberg, Univer
With Old Fashioned
bored and the weary from their usual Dr. Jesse E. Adams Compiles sity landscape gardener.
thing they ran that day was the score
Barn Dance
Educational Research for
haunt in front of tho Administration
keeper, chalking up touchdowns for
Fields and hills near Wilmore have
steps to that shining example of the
People of State
Kentucky during the last Halt, ino
been the source of rocks forming two
cemeters' irt in front oi tne sacienco'
A "Tacky Party" will be given at Centre Privates were leading 14 to 0.
niers and a network of flagstone
building. The congestion here threat- Educa- at the half way station, but a couple
"A Study in Equalization of
in different 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Men's gymwalks while nurseries
ens to make the grass in the immed tional Opportunities in Kentucky," a parts of the United States are con- - nnsium under the auspices ot the
of quarters farther down the pike
iate vicinitv look like that in the sta bulletin of importance to the people
shrubbery for re- - vcrsity Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. they were strung up on a 19 to M
trees and
dium after a game, only one could not of the state, has just been released planting. Although a quantity of A.
limb as the Kittens coasted into tha
expect to see it so artistically done. , from the press. Dr. Jesse E. Adams, stock has already been received, very
The party will be on the order of a frosh championship of Kentucky. 1 he
fraternities on professor in the College of Education, little planting will be done this fall, barn dance. A special barn dance r. trouble with Centre is that tho only
the famous havo bcon aroused from has spent a year and one half of reLlndberg said. The grounds will chestra will be present to furnish the fellow who can win for that instituup
their iegarthic states of mind and search on the work. Dr. Adams has be made ready and planting carried music and such dances as the Virginia tion is the guy who writes thtm got
from men emi- on in the spring.
. xsapoi-n- n received
square dance during the week. All they have
have proceeded to emulate
reel and
The most nent in the fleld of educational re
In his lmlmier davs.
The section of ground now being will, for one night, take the place of to do to beat Vanderbilt tomorrow is
known as tho "ocean roll" and "Versailles hop." to go to Nashville, according to that
noteworthy of their coup d'etats were search, and the results of Jthls study reclaimed was formerly
of Doctor McFarlan's garden. This space, The "Midnight
Imps," University scribe.
efforts, on the parts oi a rawer large concern the educational welfare
par- Kentuckv.
of the pro- - quartet, will sing several special num
one, to get enough men in on the
Anyway the Kitten honor role,
which takes up
The foreword of the bulletin Is by uoseH garden, will be devoted to or bers. Other features Unve been plan which includes Jack Phipps, German,
The other strategic
ticipation trophy.
move was the challenge just recently Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College ot namental and foreign trees and shrub ned and will be presented under the Yates, Meyer, Urbanlak, Winn, Mor- group Education, and he praises the exten- bery together with part of tho rock direction of William Zopff.
lunueil bv a certain
ean. Kleiser. Kistner. wrignt, An
of vocal artists who seem to want it sive research work of Dr. Adams and garden for alpine plants. The remainwill be served in drews, Gibson, Scott, Edwards, and
necemphasizes the importance of this in ing two-thirwill be utilized for na- keeping with tho spirit of tho party, KioDlinir should go down In print un
known that they can Blng, and, if
essary, want something tangible (like formation to tho neonle of Kentucky. tive trees and shrubbery. The Lex- and no admission fee is to be charged. der the name of Southern champions
f'instance) to prove that
Tho eight chapters in the bulletin ington Garden club sponsored the idea Tho faculty and student body are in tomorrow.
"Babe" Wright, Kistner,
a loving cup,
they as well as Jeritza are entitled deal with the power, efficiency, cost, of the arboretum garden and will co vited to attend the party, but are and Ken Andrews aro three of tho
tn nmnete in the tests now being and ranking of the schools of the operate with the University in us urged to comu dressed in their tack' best freshman linemen who ever ap
With Jack
conducted to tell poor tobacco from. state. Methods of supporting and the completion.
iest raiment for no one will be ad peared on Stoll field.
ability of the various counties to supworse (tobacco).
Tho white gravel want, now unaer
who is not dressed in a tacky Phipps, the Ashland strong boy, umg
year an-- 1 port the schools are presented to the construction, will be finished to Euclid mltted
That reminds us that last
Arm Yates, the Elizabethtown eel,
fraternity challeng nnhlif. The nroblem "Is It Possible avenue this fall, Mr. Llndburg said.
There will be four prizes given. A and "Kelly Springfield," the big rim
any and all fraternity rme teams for Kentucky to Offer Educational Sod will be placed along the sides of first and second prize for the two and tire man from Limestone street,
to a shooting match. If this keeps on Advantages to All Children?" is the the walk most of the way.
tackiest dressed couples and a first bolstering the varsity backhcld next
we may all become national and inter- title of the last chapter, and three
The garden Is being planned with
prize for the two tackiest season, Kentucky bells should toll
thing or concise plans for equalizing educa the idea of a beautiful landscape ef- and second
many peals of victory.
national champions of one
dressed individuals will be included.
providing nobody ttnnnl oDDortunities are outlined.
another (of course,
fect as well as for botanical
A committee from tho Y. M. C. A.
The bulletins are now on salo at
accepts our
and one from the Y. W. C. A. have Pre-Meds
the bookstore for fifty cents.
planned the party and the program
MADE BY U. K. PROFESSOIt Mildred Kldd Is chairman of the Y,
W. and Louis Markis of the Y. M
Tho first of a series of talks, spon committees.
Dr. John W. Trawic.k, eminent Louand E. A. Bureau
books, con sored by tho University, was broad
Dean Freeman
A new collection of law
isville physician, will address tho
will represent the University today at slating of all of the reports of the cast from station WLW at Cincinnati,
society at the December
the celebration of the one hundredth lower courts of New York, has been on November 3. This talk was writ
meeting to be held at 7:30 o'clock
anniversary of the founding of tho purchased and received by the Col- ten by Dean Thomas P. Cooper and
musical Thursday night, December 0, in the
Phi Beta and Phi Mu Alpha,
Ohio Mechanical Institute, located at lege of Law, and the volumes have delivered by N. K. Elliott. The sub
physics lecture room of the Civil and
Cincinnati. J. T. Fegg, president of been placed in the law library for im ject of the first talk of the series was
Dr. Trawick will
was graduated from tho mediate use. To tms valuable collec- "An Agricultural Program lor Ken- and Mrs. Carl Lampert, and in', and Physics building.
the institute,
College of Engineering of the Uni- tion, the reports of the lower courts tucky," which will be followed by Mrs. Elmer Sulzer have been invited, speak on "The Christian Ideals of
versity with the class of 1894. V. E. of Ohio have also been added, making monthly talks on the agricultural by Miss Anna Chandler Golf, concert Medicine," and this talk will be a part
Munsey was graduated in the class of the total of 800 new volumes received, work being done by tho College of manager, to come back of the stage of the vocational guidance program
and the University ex- Thursday night after the conceit at sponsored by the University Y. M. C.
1908 and is professor of machine de- which will facilitate the reference Agriculture
sign at the institute. Warner Suyers, work of the law students, as well as periment station. All of the talks are Woodland auditorium, and meet Tito A. Because of this, all
of Cincinnati, will represent the alum greatly increase the size of the pres- to be written by the faculty of the Schipa, the great lyric tenor, and Mr. students and others interested in this
fleld are requested to attend.
Frederick Longs s, pianist.
Agriculture College.
at at tM fUMtiR.
ent library oiltlwi.

At Bowling Green




Students Join
Lexington Aero





R; Hedrick
Guest of U.K.

New Arboretum
Shows Promise

Students Select

Science Building
As Leisure Mecca

Of Rare Beauty

Faculty Member Is
Author of Bulletin

"J Pnrfv'


Will Hear
Eminent Physician



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