xt77pv6b5w7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b5w7d/data/mets.xml  France  1797-10-07 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie du Monte-de-Piété, rue Thérese  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Narrateur Universel, (No. 16) 7 October 1797 text Le Narrateur Universel, (No. 16) 7 October 1797 1797 1797-10-07 2023 true xt77pv6b5w7d section xt77pv6b5w7d     





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-—-——-‘,, Les troupes fraugaises vicnucnl de recevoir 1111s ordros, doiveut so 111ctt1'o cu 1110uV1‘111-mt 111 ’0' octobrc, pour 55.
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16 11111.11111111'1'.51111:1".111'11111..';1_")1'11. .1. 1 "-51.11-4. .1'511',1"1111
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1‘. )fl‘11111 ._.

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111131: 1:. 2111111111111. 11'11 :"1211 ”1112...: ‘ 111.11.; 111,1
.1'1111'1'11 ~-;1.'1'e11 11.' 1191:1011 5'111' 1'. 1'I."-:1ii..'11 .11~1'I'1'."1..". .11111-111111c
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" 138111 1111111- 1111111111111; 1111'11 1313111111115 .'.- 111111 1c
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—~— L13 6' 1’81'1111‘11111111'6 , 011 :1 :11"1.” ‘.'". 1'1. 1.111'3." ‘1‘-.11 1"112'1fz1'1‘ 11's
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[11111 .5.11' 1:1 11511:. 11 :1 1'11'11'11111111. 111:1':.11! 1:11.-
m111i1111'c 7 1:1:11111111111'113 1'1 1121111 1". 1.x."c111." .- 51111




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11:11'I1u11115 [1111' 1211' ' '..-.11-"111131111111:5! 5111.1{1' 5.111“ 111
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L11 (Ira/l (171' [.’./17]")19 , 1/21/1115'1” 5'11." has

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11.1113. HIM/“1111." ..'/1 5.58.1, ['.'l.'.'-.,I.'I.7/,'1".II.'1'11I1-
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[[5 (/31). ('1 [.1 (fun: 11’: '/"I.Ir '/,1/'1".'1./.«I/1"e
.1'1 ""'"""/""""”‘ ’. «fw'rgrl 111/1'.:~..5-:," I? 25.1111' £30-


(III I'wz‘g'm .s'Iu' 1:11," 1.’:.’?'.
)1‘11‘8 4.1.0131... ",1 I".
111151.1911130 1111. 1311111911 .1011: 11.1 :x‘.


('15 1.7.7 1 7111.":11'7'1'.




011 11111'1'111 1:1 111.' 5'11' 1'.- 0111131119 1..'11'1.".1q11'c~7
r.'}.;'1'..'1:1:-117 .111x511'1.. 13111 .111. .5. .11.1=.1111.111.1113.:l1an

11.: 1.... "111's 1111111211155 11:1.11.;.‘.11
.1:111111:.511 '11 1111C:


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11:31. .1111. (If-c1151:111::1-111h'; 11:5 \‘1'1;11':' 1"..1‘1'3

5111.111111'19'1111'1'1'5 1711151135. 5:1111'1'1'11111'11111111':i1:11'.;'0111L1'i1c.:-..\:
(1111 {11115113111 (1.25 11111115 5.11' 121 1111111111111.

11:1 '.1':'. 1111'. 11.3 1


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C11c.1_\ 10 111115 .11 ' . C1111 1111.11. 111'5 . 1}.)1'111s5 011114 1'1.
'..,11111'11'1.111.1 11111'1' 3.1. ‘1 .‘1! 111.1; 1'1111 1'0115111'11—
111191". 5'1" 1'11'15'11115 111-11111, 111151.15 1113.5 +£1.15 (1.:1‘111-1111t
111'111111111'1'1' 5111' 111 1 L1111~3 .1c5 \‘.'11’ 1.1': 1'11115‘111'1l1'1111
11\'I11c.11 111.311 11:111' 10151111. 11.):11' .'..111'.11'.~1, [1111151 1'1 115511—-
vaie'nt 11111.1 1:1 1:1": 111'1111111: 111.1,111'1'11'11'1'5' 1113:. (11.111 .'1 111
1131—1111011 11.15 1"111ig1'cs. 5; 1111.11 11 15.11111 11.111; 1111'1111'1111'112
511111. 111' 11111111111a:;1' (5111' 1:1 113111111111: 1111111951. :1111'11111:
1‘11'1'11 1‘16 ' 3111'. (.'1: 11151 1111:. [1211' 11'5' 1111'1111'5'. 111111117; 1111.1
1'1111'11'111132'11 1111551 1'111'111'11 11:1 1:1111'; 111:1115 1111111111'11'11111 E11
.'.-'1 1.11 11111 , 1'1111'0 \'1111111!." «1.1111‘1111111!1.'1'.'-.1.' 11.25 .11.}
11: 11.1. $1111.»; 11'. 11551. l11'.1.11.1111"1'.: 111111 11111111”;

11111 1'.\1': '311. 1.1 11:)5'51'1511111. 1.':11' 51111 (151116;.


I.:'..1.'111'11.11'.,11.1.';'..'1'!‘ '

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q'1'11 11.: 511.131 11:117..-1'.1«.'1.11 11'-
1"" .5

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11:11:05 , 111:11511'1113-6'11'1'

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‘mntu: ' '





 '(134 )‘_

vent. éti‘n 12120111111115 vaiablcs. Malés alors déclare qu'il'se
rungs fi l’aV‘is (1n rapporteur.

1‘0111'11111~Gr1111dnré (temande (1110 l’on relranchc (111 pro
jzrt1.‘ 1:11)! [':'"1/ II: MI, (‘,.11‘ (1it— 11 1'1 1'11i(1c (11: CI: 11101,
11 m: troi‘ 11111 (11. 1 .11‘1‘1111x.1.1'1r1111 1; (11:9 [111111111111\ 11111
(11“,111‘312111'. (1111 tunic; 19s Vcntcs out ct 1" 1111105 111~."'=11c—-
1119111 Cc nest pas 11‘ 59115 (10 1'111‘! 37/1 (10 111'co11st1tntion.
111‘ 1.101 1('-1‘:11(:111cnt est 11': 1111111 cxpfig 1101‘ 11:5 v1ntcs fuitcs
591111 to: 1311113 5 qu.‘ 111 1111 a voutiws , 8; 111111 5111‘ la
natnrc (is 1.1 p1>p1it"t(".

Par (-11.111011: 1111 bicn a ('31('.‘ vondn ai'11':4‘:3 e11c11crc ‘, 11
so tmch ([110 11 nation 111111 (.‘-L p.111‘mt1'1: propiictzfilo,
(11121-9011 (1113111 ‘entc 111‘.~:t pus 117.111: , para: (1119. (11:5
11111: pmt 11011115 ont rendn cc 111511 1111 premier possessenr.
( ‘1111 (1111 (1 :.-.‘111:t('1 sons 1a trimmic dc. 1.11111 , 111. pent
1‘11": respon <81)1‘J dc 1:1 Vci‘satilité (11% 1.1 1301;1'1lion.Ainei
(111 pour nu Pith 1:11.~2§L‘l‘ (1 i111:c1t1t11dc 5111‘ 1’app1icntion mot;

xmlamen.‘ , jt‘ donnimtc quit soit snpprimt‘. dc 1"11ticlc
2i quc 1.1 (Lmnmisdon vom pioposc 1111 artictc 081 121 1c—
g11it(" (1‘31 Vent: Hora 01111111111613.

Chollct c01111111t I’opinion (1c 1"(11113111- G1 '111dpre & Cite 1111
artictc (113 1a 101 (111 27 juitlt t 1793 , (1111 (111 (11111 y (1111::
J‘t"51'Li:1tim‘1 1011211111; 111 vente 11111.1 ('zté faitc a tort.

aor'C‘ (1.35 (it"biltS , 11: (201131211 rcnvoie 1(‘ tout: ('1 111 com—
mission po111 prr".§c11!er 1111c 110111 (111‘ rc'dac ‘tion.

Le ruste (111 IMOJL‘IL cst ajonrnc ('1 domain. '

Simzce ([11 15 vendémiaire.

Q11e1ql1es communes adrcsscnt an conscil dos pt’:t.itio11s
lsnr 1.1 question (1(- suvoir, 1.1 (1.1113 103 dopartemcns (111111.
191‘ (:112utio11s ont été (111111111313 , Ics otficicrs dc 1:1 gardc
nationalc doivunt ("trc (lestitut‘s.

Lo couscil 0111011110 113 rcnvoi 5. 11110 commission .s‘pé—

Quirot, (171111111;13:1(1111111ist1‘atio11dcs ilégocizitions (111 (1&-
partemcnt (11: 1.1 11111.:tc—Sm'1110. propose 1111 projct do 1‘("s‘0—
lution [11111111111111.1111 111115111 'un (111 111111111111 (11: connuurce
(11: Gray s’Ctundra 5111‘ 111 rive gauche (11: 111 3.115110.

19111111., an 110m (.1: 121 c0111111i>5ion (11:14 dé‘pt‘nsu‘s, fnit
mettrc (It-s 11111113 ('1 111 disposition (111 11111iistre (1c 1.1 ins—
ticc pour 1.:s (1.311.11105 (1c 1'in1prinn‘1‘iu do 13 rt'zpnbiiqne.

Lt: conscil (11110111113 1’insprc.s.~1011 (171111 rapport 1S; (1’1111
projct dc résotutiun 5111‘ 11: (trait (1c marque (1701‘ (5L d’ar-

111.1(1 (‘Vpose qua 111(111111111issio11 (to 121 111311111: se tronve
dssorgauist'e; il (112111111111: (pi’it (:11 soil. formé unc antre
do 114:.11'1112111111'cs , qni sum (.11'11'g1"e /' ‘. revoir 11:3 1011: snr
L1 marine rcndncs (it-111113 17.89. ——

Le rostc (11: 111 séance cs! 121119111211": :1 111 discussion (111
nouvcau pruiut 3111‘ lc$t1‘a115.11tlun..1’1111‘13111‘5artit‘les sont
mtoptés; 11:3 untrus unit-1111135 (11.1 ranvoyés £1111 commission.

-11. uptc.

1’1‘1".1‘i(1611ce (111

b' fines (111

citoycu C 11 13 '1‘ 11 T.
1'1 t’ifll(l."7.’l.l'(tI'/'c.

Pivot, .111 1111111 (1’11116 commission, 1'11it 1111 rapport snr

1113111113”. con-I-‘nbh s

rétorque [cs argtuncns dc Cholet, 8C»


1a 1‘éso111t1011 (111 17 thermidor , relative aux domaincg'
co11géab1us 8t .1111: 1‘1‘1‘11110111‘sen1e11s & consignations qni om
été fails ponr lca doinnines cougfiablos.

L1: rapporteur remontc ('1 t’origginc: (111 contrat (165 do-
' it 1:11 (1("111011trc 1’111111t1': , (it , appnyé ;
(16311011111111! . (to ptusicurs inrismnsnltcs , i1. prouvc (111’11 '
ne' tiunt :1111‘1111111111‘111. (16 121 nature (11: 1a ftifiduiiit'i. Sun
rapport (want lwuuconp 11 (.11 11(l11(,, 11 111: (11311119 lectum
qua (111111; partic, SC 11: (‘onscit arrctc (11111 continncra?
domuin. -
85111109 (in. 15 ucudénziaire.

Le 00113011, (311101111 111 suite (11.1 rapport (1e Picantt, 3111‘
1113 (1011111111115. UUHgt'Tl1P1CS. Apitas avoir prouvé 1’i11justice
(188 11111: quc Pusscnxbléo li'igislntive avoit porté 1c 25
110.11 179' la. convention nationalc 1(1 291101‘f‘a1 (1112
5111‘ 13.5 domainc‘ (51111116311105 , 11 proposo (l’uppionvcr Iii
résolntion (111i 1.1ppmto ccs 1(1ix.

L1: commit .1j111111111111 d1§C11511011 jusq11ap1‘1“s l’imprey
sion du cappmt 25: (Fun travail dc Tronchct .sur 1.). memo

Le conseil, aprtgs avoir ontendu 1111 rapport (1e Cham-
pion (1111311111) .1ppionVc 1111c 1‘t‘solution (111.7 fructidor,
(111i cause 1111 :11‘11- L1". pzu‘ lequel Couthon avoit 11111111111311
vcntc 166.110 (.111 ci dcvunt pricuré dc Sonviltangc.

]"'.1>1(11“:.: (‘11-'1 10111‘ .1ppelle1a discusdon sur 1111” rmolutlon
1‘1‘1ntivc .1 1.1 1‘.(".‘(11111.Lti(111 (11‘. p111sic111‘s (0111111111161 (111 Hunt-
[thin contrc. 11: (.cmct. (1117 111 11111.111c, an 3 qui a 5115-
pcndn l’cxt‘cution dus jugt‘mons arbitruux: relatit's £1 1’011voi
(111 1‘éi11t1'g1‘at1'on (10:) (10111111111105 (111115 121 propriétt" dcs biem

Le 0011111511 a rc‘ietté 1a 1‘ésolution , attendu qu’ellc statue
5111‘ 1111 obict soumis uu tribunal do cassution, & qu’elle
11nit aux intéréts (to 111 111111011.

Bowrae du 15 vende'miairc.

Amstc1‘(1a111.. 5.77 g, 58. 7.
[I/em. . .. ....... 5." r" , 51);-
11.11111).. . . . .195 , 193.
1\’J'.—:1«:11‘id.. .....131.
Mat‘ucfl'ectu . . . . . . . . .151.
Cadix... . .

(161115.. . . .

Livonrnc” .

Mnrseitle . . . . . . .iI/ernz .
Bordeaux. . . . .an pair.

Lausanne. ... . . . . . g b.
Loud... .261.10$., 26
Inscript.81.5 5.,81. , 71.13
10 s.
13011:} 51. 15s. ,8s. 911.,7s.§
12 s. g, 15 s.
B311 i. . . .501., 521. perte.
O1‘fi11........ ..1041.
Lingot d’arg . . 49 1.5 Is.
Piastre. .5 1. 7 s
Q11.1d111pIe."'. . . . .801. 2 s.
Ducat (1 H01. . . . .111. 12 s.
Mo11tpcilicr.. 3211011.. So'uverain. . . . . .54 1. 2 s. g.
13.11.:.......111, 2-p131 . Guinée... ..251.6 s.
Esprit ;, "'5 10 51 5'45 11v. —- Eau-dc-vie 22 deg. , 585 7214201.
—-—1'I11i1e(1’otiv<.‘, 1 1111.35,, 4 s.—Cat'¢'11\'1art1n., 21. 25.,33.
— Cat'é Saint—Hominauc, 2 11v. 1 s ,2 s. —— Sucre d’llum-
b0111‘g,2iiV.6 s. , 11 s —- Sucre d’011éans , 21. 45., 5 5.,
——Savo11 610 Murat-1110 , 169 .. .’_, .'1 9 d. -—— Coton du Levant,
11.15 5.51 21.14 3. ~— Coton des isles, 21. 1/1- 3. 2'1 31.45.
——S(;1,/1L5itlos. ‘

$31101 ®1*-"‘+"‘ ,


H- .





rue Thérese , I-1".'§5.58.